How to enable mobile internet. Internet connection on an Android smartphone: manually via a SIM card or a laptop. Entering manual settings

  • 02.05.2020

Every time you buy a new mobile device there are a number of problems that require knowledge and time to solve. Transfer contacts, adapt the device to your needs and requests, download familiar applications and set up the Internet on Android - all this and much more awaits the happy owner of the new gadget.

To set up and enable the Internet on Android, you can go in different ways. Settings often require not only a service from a mobile operator, but also a home Wi-Fi network. For many today, the main traffic consumption comes from home, so it is important to set up the Internet from the router.

Any type of connection can be made in different ways, which is very convenient. Everyone can choose for themselves more preferable and understandable.

Auto mode

This is the easiest and most affordable way to set up the Internet on a smartphone or tablet. After you have inserted a SIM card into the device, it immediately sends a request to the mobile operator. Within 1-5 minutes, settings come that will do everything for the user. After that, it remains only to turn on Mobile Internet on Android and surf the net calmly. Of course, subject to a positive balance and connected services.

It is possible that all necessary settings are made by the seller of the gadget. This allows you to use the network as soon as the SIM card is inserted into the appropriate slot.

If the settings did not come automatically and the seller refused to help you access the Internet from your Android device, you will have to contact the operator mobile communications. Actions can be different:

After the request is sent, you need to wait until an SMS arrives with information about automatic settings. When you receive it, the problem of how to connect the Internet on Android will be completely solved.

Manual manipulation

Not always setting up the Internet on Android is so simple and straightforward. If there is no model of a smartphone or tablet in the operator's database, the gadget will not be able to configure itself automatically, because it will not be provided with functionality. In this case, you will have to do everything manually.

Depending on the version of the operating system and the translation, the steps may vary slightly. More precisely, the differences are possible in the menu names. The rest of the manipulations, and the principle itself, will be similar.

Go to "Settings", where select "Other networks" or "More ...". Depending on the translation of the name, other options are possible, but the meaning itself is approximately the same. For example, inmenuAndroid version 6.0 will have the inscription "Mobile networks".

When the desired item is found, a window will appear with many different settings necessary in order to set up mobile Internet on Android. Among this variety, attention is paid only to APN types and authentication. In the first case, after clicking on the menu item, you must enter default, supl. The PAP value is selected for authentication, as it is most commonly used by mobile operators.

Next, the “Name” field is filled in, where you can write anything. For example, the name of a company providing communication services. Here you click on APN and enter the address of your operator. Everyone, of course, is different:

  • TELE2 - the address will look like:;
  • MegaFon - you need to enter internet;
  • MTS - meaning;
  • Beeline - has the address

It is important to know the username and password that each operator has cellular communication their:

  • TELE2 - the field remains empty;
  • MegaFon - enter gdata and gdata;
  • MTS - name and password mts and mts;
  • Beeline - has the meanings of beeline and beeline.

When all the data is entered, it remains to save the settings. If after that it was not possible to connect the Internet on an Android smartphone or there are several different networks, it is better to call technical support and follow all the steps based on the operator's prompts.

Connecting to Wi-Fi

Connect to wireless WiFi networks much easier than setting up mobile Internet on Android. There is no need for any calls or SMS. Connection procedure contains only a few items:

  1. In the gadget settings, open the Wi-Fi menu item.
  2. Use the switch or slider to enable the module wireless network.
  3. In the window that opens, a lot of access points will appear, from which you need to select your own.
  4. In the window that appears, enter the password for the Wi-Fi point and click the "Connect" button.
  5. Within 2-10 seconds, the phone will connect and authenticate the network, after which "Connected" will appear under the selected access point, indicating a successful connection.

If the whole process went well, but the Internet did not appear, obviously the problem is in the access point. This may be a negative balance, a router error, a contact violation, or something similar.

To check the performance, it is advisable to try to open not only the browser, but also other programs that require access to the Internet. If all of them give a connection error, but in the Wi-Fi settings there is a message that the phone is connected, then you need to check the router itself and access to it. A simple reboot of the device may help.

Possible problems

If you correctly set up data transfer on Android, then there should be no problems with Internet access. Although there are times when, after performing the necessary operations, it still reports that the connection is impossible. But this is often not connected with the connection itself. but it happens for a number of other reasons.

It's the browser's fault

If the user, when launching his favorite browser, sees the message “No Internet connection”, then you should not rush to look for a connection problem. It is likely that either the browser itself or the page offered for loading is to blame. It's pretty easy to determine this.

It is necessary to enter any site or search engine in the address bar of the browser. If the page loads normally, then you just need to delete or change the address of the home page in the browser settings.

Such a reaction is also possible when using third party programs to surf the internet. It is recommended to try to access the network using a standard browser. If you're lucky, you can reinstall the error-producing program or just use the standard Android browser.

If you set up the Internet on your Android smartphone without any problems, but browsers give an error, you can try running other programs. For example, YouTube, social network or Play Market. If at least one of them starts, then it's not the phone. Perhaps the problem is a weak signal.

flight mode

Another reason for the lack of Internet on a smartphone with Android can be the included “Airplane Mode”. When it is activated, almost all functions of the device, including communication and the Internet, will become unavailable. When this mode is disabled, the connection will reappear. Before you panic about a phone malfunction, it's worth checking this option.

Other possible difficulties

It is not uncommon to customize mobile phone succeeds quickly, but the Internet disappears somewhere during operation. In this case, it is recommended to check if data transfer is enabled. After all, you can turn it off completely by accident, without even paying attention to it.

To check the connection, just move your finger from the bottom up to activate the shutter, on which, among other functions, you can see the Wi-Fi and “Data transfer” icons. Depending on which type of connection is used, that icon should be active. To activate it, you need to press it with your finger. You can also enable data transfer through the "Settings" menu.

Another possible problem could be traffic restriction. This feature allows you to configure your phone so that the user is notified when approaching the limit threshold for the tariff. When the limit is reached, the gadget can block the mobile Internet to avoid overspending. To check this function and your limit, you need to go to the "Data usage" item in the settings, study all the settings available there, as well as the traffic status.

The question of how to set up the Internet on Android often arises after buying a new device or mobile operator card. Now access to the network can be obtained from any mobile device using a card mobile operator. But for a successful connection, you must enter the correct parameters. Let's talk about how to set up mobile Internet on Android?

Get automatic settings

To be able to use the mobile Internet, you need to place a SIM card with the appropriate capability in the smartphone tray. After placing a new card, the device will send a request to receive automatic settings. They will come in the form of SMS notifications. You just need to save and use them. When deciding how to set up the Internet on Android MTS, it remains to turn on the Internet and check its performance. If the parameters are correct and the card balance is positive, then you can start surfing the Internet. Many gadgets have preset settings, so the Internet works immediately after placing the SIM card in the tray.

If the connection does not work with automatic settings, you can submit a request to receive parameters from your mobile operator. Thus, it is very easy to solve the question of how to set up the Internet on an Android phone? To do this, we do the following:

  • MTS. We send an empty SMS to 1234 or call the call service 0876. You can also go to the site and indicate your number there;
  • MegaFon - send number 1 to 5049;
  • Beeline - call 06503;
  • Tele2 - call 679.

The question of how to set up 3g Internet on Android has already been practically resolved, you just have to wait for the network settings, save and use them. After making changes, it is better to restart the device. This is not necessary, but sometimes the Internet does not appear without it.

Manual Internet setup on Android

Now let's look at how to set up the Internet manually on Android? Everything is simpler and at the same time more difficult. Usually, the mobile operator sends a file that automatically specifies all the necessary parameters. But it may happen that a specific model is not in the operator base. In this case, the question arises, how to set up the Internet on an Android smartphone manually?

  1. Go to "Settings" and select "Other networks". The name will be approximately the same, but may vary depending on the translation;

  2. When planning Android 6.0 to set up the Internet, you need to click on “Mobile networks”;

  3. Now it all depends on the features of the shell of your smartphone. You need to find and select "APN". In some models, you will immediately be transferred to this item;

  4. When deciding how to set up 4g Internet on Android, you will have to manually add your operator's access point. To do this, press the appropriate key and see a large number of fields in front of us. We immediately pay attention to the item “Authentication Type” and “APN Type”;

  5. In the first case, we select “PAP”, because this is the most popular authentication method for modern mobile operators;

  6. Trying to set up the Internet on Android 6 in the second field, specify “default, supl” - enter as in the screenshot, after which we confirm the action;

  7. Fill in the top item “Name”. Here you can set any name of the access point, for example, MTS or Beeline;

  8. The question of how to set up the Internet on Android 4.2 is practically resolved, we move on to the most important. We click on the “APN” item, where you need to enter the address of the mobile operator:


MegaFon - internet

Beeline -


  1. When deciding how to set up Beeline mobile Internet on Android or any other operator, you need to set the correct username and password:

MTS - mts and mts

MegaFon - gdata and gdata

Beeline - beeline and beeline

TELE2 - leave the fields empty

If you are connected to the services of several mobile operators at once, then you can find out the settings on the official page on the Internet or by calling the subscriber support number, where you will be given all the necessary data. On this question, how to set up Megafon mobile Internet on Android is resolved.

Today, in the century information technologies, the Internet on the phone will not surprise anyone. A modern means of communication is used as a pocket computer, through which you can connect with world wide web in seconds, check your mail, look in, read the news, etc. But for this, of course, you need to know how to turn on the Internet on your phone. By and large, this is very easy to do, but for a beginner, such a task can be difficult. Our article will help you understand the nuances of setting up the Internet on a mobile phone or smartphone.

Internet setup on different models phones may vary. For example, you can turn on the Internet on a lenovo phone in the same way as on other phones running on the Android platform - only the settings interface of your phone will differ. The Internet turns on a little differently on iOS and Windows phone 8.

How to turn on and configure the Internet on an Android phone?

by the most in a simple way How to turn on the Internet on your phone is to use wi-fi. If your phone runs on the Android platform and you have a hotspot, then connecting to the Internet is not difficult. Such an Internet will work faster and, moreover, money will not be withdrawn from the account for using it. So what to do:

  1. Turn on wi-fi in the network connection settings or using the button on the main screen.
  2. Choose one of the available networks.
  3. Enter the password for a secure connection (you can get it from your network administrator). If the connection is successful, your phone will remember this network, and will automatically connect to it in the future.
  4. Sometimes, in addition to the password, you also need to specify other settings (access port or proxy server).
If you do not have a wi-fi point, but you need access to the Internet, you can use WAP, GPRS or 3G. You may not have to configure anything, since mobile operators automatically send their settings to the switched on phone - they must be accepted and saved once. This is especially true for devices like the iPhone, which already have all the settings for working on the Internet. If this did not happen (and this happens, for example, in phones brought from abroad), connection settings can be ordered by calling the number contact center your mobile operator. The message with the settings that you will receive also just needs to be saved. You can also configure the connection yourself, manually. To do this, as a rule, in the corresponding menu item (let it be traditional GPRS), you need to fill in the empty fields “login”, “password” and “APN access point”. The latter will need to be created independently by entering the appropriate characters in the field. As for the login and password, these fields either remain empty or match the name of the operator (mts, beeline, etc.).

Information about APN protocols is different for each operator, it can be found on their official websites. And the access points of the most popular operators in Russia and Ukraine look like this:

If you have done everything you need to do, but the Internet does not connect, try turning your phone off and on again. Perhaps the system just needs a reboot for the new settings to become active. Also keep in mind that when connecting via 3G, you must have funds on your account.

Almost all Android devices can connect to the mobile Internet using the resources of mobile operators. But in order for the connection to be successful, you must enter the correct settings. How to set up the Internet on Android and successfully go online? Our detailed review will tell about this - in it we will consider the procedure for obtaining automatic settings and tell you about manually entering settings.

In order for an Android device to be able to go online, you need to install a SIM card with a suitable tariff or a suitable option in it. After turning on and booting up, the device will automatically send a request to the cellular network to receive automatic settings. They will come in the form of messages - they need to be saved and applied. Next, turn on the data transfer and try to go online. If the settings are correct, and there is money on the balance of the number, we will be able to connect to the Internet and use its resources.

Many smartphones and tablet PCs already contain all the settings and apply them automatically as soon as they detect a SIM card from a particular mobile operator.

If a automatic settings for some reason did not come, but default settings there was no software on board, you need to try to order automatic settings from the operator. Here are the main ways to order:

  • MTS operator - indicate your number in a special form on the MTS website;
  • MegaFon operator - ordering automatic settings is disabled;
  • Beeline operator - call 06503;
  • Tele2 operator - call 679.

You just have to wait for the settings to be accepted, save them and apply. After that, it is recommended to restart the device. But practice shows that a reboot is not mandatory.

Entering manual settings

Now we will move on to manual settings, as automatic settings may not be accepted and applied. The most reliable way is to create an access point yourself, specify the necessary settings, save the point, restart your smartphone / tablet and try to go online. This technique works in 99% of cases. Points are created in the menu "Settings - Other networks - Mobile networks - Access points". Here we create a point and enter the settings for our operator.

How to set up the Internet on Android with Tele2? To do this, you need to create an access point, register its name and specify the APN - Next, save the settings, activate the data transfer and try to go online. In older smartphones, with Android 2.3 and below, the following parameters are additionally indicated: APN type - default, MCC - 250, MNC - 20.

In order to set up the Internet on Android via MTS, you must specify the APN in the access point -, login and password - mts, do not touch the rest of the fields. If MCC and MNC are not filled in, set the following parameters: MCC - 250, MNC - 01. Also, in some smartphones, you need to specify the Authentication type parameter - select "Not installed". Next, turn on the data transfer and try to go online.

Need to set up mobile Internet on Android via Beeline? We go to the mobile network settings menu, create an access point and specify the following parameters: APN -, login and password - beeline, MCC - 250, MNC - 03. After that, we save and try to go online. On some Beeline SIM cards, you need to make sure that the "Pack of three services" is connected - call the operator or look in the "Personal Account".

In order to set up mobile Internet on Android via MegaFon, you need to create an access point and enter the following data in it: APN - internet, login and password - do not specify, MCC - 250, MNC - 02. After saving the settings, try to go online. If something does not work out, we check the correctness of the settings entered, reboot and try again.

Please note that in some smartphones, the path to the hotspot settings may differ - this depends on the version of Android and on changes made to the menu by the device developer.

The Internet is an integral part of modern life. We go to work - we look at the phone, we sit at the computer in the office, and even at home with a glass of beer we watch TV - more and more often also via the Internet, and not the central antenna. But we’ll talk about TV and strong drinks another time, but today I would like to focus specifically on mobility - how to connect the Internet via a phone, because almost no one can do without it today. In fact, connecting a modern phone, smartphone or tablet to the Internet is not so difficult. There are even several ways that we have already talked about in some articles, and today we will put them all together in order to get a complete picture.

How to connect mobile Internet to your phone?

The easiest and most affordable way to connect the Internet to a mobile phone is the so-called "mobile Internet" service, which is provided by absolutely all mobile operators. In all modern tariffs, it is already tied to the number by default, but it is worth considering that an additional fee is charged for accessing the Internet from the subscriber - each operator has its own.

It should be noted that in recent years, all leading operators have tariffs with an included package of mobile Internet traffic, which is very convenient and profitable. For example, I use Tele2, which has a cool option - exchanging minutes for gigabytes, addressed specifically to those who don’t speak much, but surf the Internet a lot via phone - I wrote a separate article about it, read it!

To activate the mobile Internet, you will have to do a few simple steps on your phone. On a standard "naked" Android, you need to enter the section "Settings\u003e Advanced settings\u003e Mobile networks" and activate the "Mobile data" mode.

Since I am currently using Xiaomi smartphone, which works on the proprietary MIUI shell, I can show you how to turn on the Internet on Xiaomi. You need to go to "Settings" and open the section "SIM cards and mobile networks", where to activate the "Mobile Internet" toggle switch.

By the way, there is also a traffic setting right there - if you know that the limit free internet is limited, then by entering the value of the volume provided to you according to the terms of the tariff, the phone will track its overrun and report it using notifications.

In order to turn off the mobile Internet, respectively, you need to turn off the "Mobile data" mode.

What to do if the Internet on the phone does not work?

There may be several reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone. Most often, for some reason, Megafon subscribers ask about this, but this also happens with Beeline, MTS and Tele2. I would recommend checking your mobile hotspot settings. It happens that the settings of cellular operators go astray - for example, if you bought your device over the hill and it defaults to configurations for another provider, or you often change SIM cards and the phone does not have time to adapt to them.

To fix the error, you will have to manually enter the parameters for the correct connection of the phone to the Internet. This is done in the same section "Settings - SIM cards and mobile networks", where you need to click on the name of your phone's SIM card

On this page, you can change the settings for connecting your phone to the Internet one by one.

Below is the input data for each mobile operator:

Internet settings for MTS:

  • APN:
  • Login: mts
  • Password: mts

For Megafon:

  • API: internet
  • Login: gdata
  • Password: gdata

For Beeline:

  • APN:
  • Login: beeline
  • Password: beeline

Internet on phone via WiFi

Another easy way to access the Internet from your smartphone is perfect if you are at home, in the subway or cafes - this is WiFi. There are two options to configure the distribution of the wireless signal.

  1. If you have already read the articles on this blog, then you probably know how the phone connects to the Internet via wifi router. Not? Then it will help you - scroll it to the end to the subsection about accessing the network from a mobile.
  2. The second one is not too difficult either. If you do not have a router, then we can use a personal computer or laptop as an access point. In order to do this, read about how to share a computer connection and allow other devices to go through it.

Speaking of these two methods, we mean connecting the phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi. To turn it on on your phone Android versions above 4.0, just go to "Settings" and move the slider to the active state.

After that, you will see a list with networks available for connection. You choose either a network with a password you know or a public network that is open to access.

The same thing happens with the iPhone - the "Settings" section, the Wi-Fi slider to the active position.

Internet connection via Bluetooth

Finally, the last option for connecting the Internet to the phone is via Bluetooth, connecting it and a computer that has Internet. The method is a little specific, since it will require additional software, a lot of settings and super-user rights (root access) on the mobile - it’s easier to do it with one of the above. However, for those who wish, it will be discussed in a separate post. Wait!

Data for connecting the phone to the Internet of other operators

Login: mts
Password: mts

API: internet
Login: gdata or Login: megafon
Password: gdata or Password: megafon

Login: motiv
Password: motiv
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" or

Login: beeline
Key: beeline

Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-

Login: beeline
Password: beeline
for numbers from beeline that go
along with the modem.

Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-

Login: smarts
Password: smarts

UTEL Ukraine
Login: gdata
Password: gdata
Access number *99#
Initialization string

Kyivstar Ukraine
Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-
Access number *99***1#
Initialization string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""

Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-
Access number *99#

Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-
Access number *99#

Beeline GPRS Ukraine
Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-
Access number *99#
Initialization string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""

UCell Uzbekistan
API: internet
Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-
Access number *99#
Initialization string

Beeline static
Login: beeline
Password: beeline Kcell-Activ
API: internet
Login: (empty)
Password: (blank)
Initialization string

Tele2 (TELE2 KZ)
API: internet
Login: (empty)
Password: (blank)
Initialization string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"

Beeline (Beeline KZ)
Login: beeline
Password: beeline
Initialization string

Username: not needed
password: not needed
Access number: *99# MTS-Belarus
APN: mts
Username: mts

Beeline Ukraine
User: don't
Password: do not U-Tel (Rostelecom)
Access point:
Username: empty
Password: blank
Call number: *99***1#

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