The Golos platform (GOLOS) is a blockchain-based social network. Data about GOLOS and GBG: description, rate, comparison of tokens, registration, mining, withdrawal of funds, reviews, rate forecast

  • 23.11.2019

On the chart, you can see the exchange value of the GOLOS coin against the dollar, against the euro, against the ruble and against bitcoin. With the help of settings filters, you can fix the process of growth and fall in the price of GOLOS for today, for a week, for a monthly period, for a year and for other periods of time.

Fall and rise of Golos interest in Google search engine

On this graph, you can see the decline and growth of user interest in GOLOS. This graph is made up of the sum of all queries in the Google search engine.

By receiving forecasts and signals, you can draw conclusions about buying or selling cryptocurrency.

Golos GOLOS cost

This page contains the latest information on the price of the Golos GOLOS cryptocurrency against bitcoin, against the dollar, against the euro and the ruble today, according to the information of the exchanges of the world.

The fastest way to buy crypto coins is on cryptocurrency exchanges. The exchange account can be replenished through the payment systems Advcash, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Payeer.

Where to buy GOLOS

This cryptocurrency can be purchased on one of the exchanges from the table above. The price at which you can purchase GOLOS online on exchanges or in exchangers is indicated in the table.

The price of 1 Voice in Russia and at what price it is possible to sell this coin regularly falls and rises again. Before you buy Voice, learn how to register a wallet or plastic card for Voice and withdraw money from them. You can buy cryptocurrency for rubles, dollars and euros, as well as for other top cryptocurrencies. To analyze the price, be sure to evaluate the information about the coin and the graph of the change in value, buying and selling Voice. This statistic will significantly reduce the probability of losses for your acquisitions. For a better understanding of the price on the page there is a calculator and a cost converter Golos GOLOS to other coins and fiat. In the social media tab you will find hot news and price predictions for this cryptocurrency

Golos coin calculator and converter

Rate calculation and converter allows you to find out the cost of cryptocurrency to other top currencies and coins.

Cryptocurrency pairs Voice

To exchange currencies with each other, use the exchange or online exchanger and specify the required pair of currencies: GOLOS / ETH , GOLOS / RUR , GOLOS / BCH , GOLOS / EUR , GOLOS / DOGE , GOLOS / LTC , GOLOS / WAVES , GOLOS / USD , GOLOS / USDT,

GOLOS USD exchange rate forecast in 2018-2020

They work like bank cards Visa Mastercard, and well-known payment systems. There are a huge number of similar services on the network and it is not difficult to choose the most acceptable one. In particular, you can exchange Ethereum for golos usd rate forecast in 2018-2020. PayPal and Payeer dollars and rubles; Perfect Money dollars and euros. Advantages of working with exchangers. In order to profitably purchase Ethereum in online exchangers, you need to keep track of which of them offer the most acceptable rates at the moment. www will help with this. In it, select on the left in the table the currency that you give, on the right you want to receive. The service will instantly provide a list of reliable exchangers that will quickly make the exchange.

Why do you need a coin Golos

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How to make money on GOLOS

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October 18, 2016 marks the start of the GOLOS project. This social platform Golos (GOLOS) is designed for a Russian-speaking audience and is an analogue of the Steemit project, a social media network built on the basis of the blockchain and gaining main popularity among English-speaking users.

Basic information about the GOLOS platform

So, Golos (GOLOS)- what is this? Let's just say that this project is a licensed fork of the Steem product, which is nothing more than a social network developed on the basis of the blockchain and providing the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency through user activity within the platform. That is, you register, create publications, rate and comment on the posts of other users, vote, how you contribute to the development of the platform, for which you receive a reward from the system. The project was announced by the team Cyber ​​Fund.

Golos platform (GOLOS) is social project from the category of "new generation" products. Each user who has been registered and performs actions within the resource receives a fair reward, the amount of which is determined in proportion to the significance of this activity. Rewards are paid in the equivalent of internal cryptocurrencies Golos (GOLOS). The principle of operation of the system is similar to the Steem platform, which implies an active crowdsale, that is, there is no limit on the number of owners Golos coins (GOLOS). The creation of this project has opened up new opportunities for users of the CIS countries, since Steem, although allegedly focused on the whole world, still the “lion's share” of rewards falls on English-language posts.

Appearance Golos (GOLOS) allowed a wide audience of the Eastern European group of nations, whose main language is their state, to also have the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency through user activity on the social network. As representatives of the development team noted when answering the question, what is the Golos project (GOLOS), the main goal when creating this platform was to enable active Russian-speaking users to post publications without the possibility of blocking and strict censorship regarding the language filter.

GOLOS Feature is that this is a blockchain platform, which means that all information posted on its open spaces will be stored for as long as the project exists - no one can delete your publication under any pretext. What Golos (GOLOS) is a decentralized platform management system, which is carried out by the users themselves and excludes the intervention of any third-party structures. This means that even a court order or a decree of the president of any country cannot interfere with the work of the project.

Now about the internal currency. Benefits of Golos (GOLOS) The fact that the platform has its own cryptocurrency, or rather its three varieties:

  • Voice;
  • The Power of the Voice;
  • Gold.

Token Power of the Voice is a unit of account calculated from the total number of GEST coins relative to the current rate. The Power of the Voice is a digital and non-transferable token. The more tokens you have, the more you can influence the value of the post reward. Your balance of tokens also gives you the right to place any data within the blockchain, that is, you gain a higher throughput. The Power of the Voice is translated into the Voice in equal installments over 104 weeks.

Golos Gold (GBG) coins, or Golden, not without reason named after one of the most sought-after precious metals in the world. Currency value Golos Gold and is indeed tied to the price of a milligram of gold. Usage Golos Gold (GBG) in such a concept, it is argued that, despite the commitment of users to the ruble, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • regular growth of inflation indicators of the Russian ruble against other currencies and gold;
  • the irrationality of using the ruble for Russian-speaking residents of other CIS countries.

Coins Golos Gold (GBG), pegged in their value to gold, become an effective tool for conducting international transactions without reference to any of the currencies. Gold will never depreciate, on the basis of this metal the national budgets of countries around the world are formed, which eliminates the impact of inflation on the value of the coin. What is 1 Golos Gold (GBG)? At the time of publication of this article, namely on October 10, 2017, one Golos token is equal to $0.087388, which in bitcoin equivalent is 0.00001816 BTC.

Advantages of the Golos platform (GOLOS)

Outlook Golos (GOLOS) are that this is a long-term project that has every chance of reaching the cutting-edge project. The platform has a lot of advantages that allow users to conduct their usual public activities on the network and receive a well-deserved reward for this without the likelihood of being deceived:

  • the ability to store information published within the platform, forever;
  • decentralized system management represents a progressive alternative economy of the future;
  • sum crowdfunding has become record For Russia;
  • equalization of the value of the activities of all users allows you to receive a fair reward;
  • reward for contribution to work platforms in terms of money stimulates the rapid growth of the user audience;
  • you can receive 10 percent per annum for holding Gold tokens and the ability to conduct transactions without commission;
  • platform focused on benefit of all participants– moderators, users, delegates, curators;
  • the board of delegates is elected by a fair user vote;
  • possibility creating your own client to work within the platform.

From disadvantages of Golos (GOLOS) we can note the beta version of the project, which is being finalized and making changes “on the go”. However, the scale and wide possibilities of the project make us ignore such a small minus against the backdrop of a huge number of advantages.

Golos Platform Sources (GOLOS)

Here you carry out the main activities: posting, commenting and evaluating user publications, voting, participating in the election of delegates, for which you receive a reward.

The platform source code is available at

Website for developers - . Also at your disposal is:

  1. platform menu;
  1. the ability to install a notification plugin for your devices

Creating a Profile on the Golos Platform (GOLOS)

To obtain Golos Gold (GBG), you need to go through a simple registration procedure on the site. Registration for Golos (GOLOS) consists in filling in the fields proposed by the system and confirming by clicking on the link that will be sent to the specified e-mail address.

At the same time, you pay a registration fee of about 1.5 US dollars, which is equal to the cost of 30 milligrams of gold - this is a fixed figure determined by the delegates. Your subsequent earnings on Golos (GOLOS) are entirely dependent on your user activity on the platform.

When registering and after receiving your first rewards, you must store them somewhere. For this, the Golos wallet (GOLOS) is designed, which is also created within the platform and is used to conduct purchase and sale transactions and withdraw funds from Golos (GOLOS). At the same time, do not forget about using the Golos (GOLOS) address, which you always indicate when applying for funds.

Cryptocurrency transactions on the Golos platform (GOLOS)

As mentioned above, Golos coins are not mined. That is, you can buy Golos Gold (GBG), and sell tokens, but there is no production as such. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to earn Golos Gold (GBG) is still user activity - no options.

way, how to earn votes, there may also be activity on the internal exchange of the platform - change Gold to votes and vice versa. You can also go beyond the platform to make exchange transactions on exchanges such as Bittrex, Livecoin, Liqui and Kuna.

Speaking about the standard receipt and sending of cryptocurrency, we will not delve into the description of the process and note that there are no frills here - the “receive” and “send” options are in place.

Conclusions about the Golos platform (GOLOS)

In conclusion, we can sum up and say that the social platform Golos (GOLOS), which is younger sister The Steem project is a promising and growing resource. Finally, the Russian-speaking population also had the opportunity to show their talents in the publication of posts and other media activities on the blockchain network. Analog Steemit clear, easy to use, opens wide horizons for earnings. Promising, modern, in demand.

Founders Russian company cyber Fund live in the future: their business is completely built on cryptocurrencies and blockchain, they also receive salaries not in fiat money

“This story hooked me in 2013. I was in Singapore, and there it was already easy to pay with bitcoins for a cup of coffee in a coffee shop, ”recalls Marina Guryeva, CEO cyber Fund company. That is, the blockchain was already then not just a technology that can be used for cryptocurrency mining, but something that is used in real world she explains. But it soon became clear that the payments were just the tip of the iceberg, Gurieva adds.

In 2014, the launch of Ethereum was being prepared, a platform for smart contracts - protocols that, based on algorithms, independently conduct transactions in the blockchain environment (vending machines that dispense food or drinks in exchange for a certain amount of money are often cited as an example of a smart contract prototype) . “At the team's pitch in Hong Kong, it became clear that a solution would soon appear on the market that could optimize business processes, including those in conventional, traditional businesses,” she recalls. “Smart contracts” allow all commodity-money relations to be translated into code language. Why is it important? Because we will soon be living in a world of complete automation, where robots will become full-fledged economic entities.”

In the same 2014, Gurieva, together with colleagues at work in the Department of Science, industrial policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow with Dmitry Starodubtsev and Vitaly Lvov, as well as with Konstantin Lomashuk, founded the cyber Fund company, which now unites one of the strongest Russian-speaking teams of blockchain developers.

The company was registered in an offshore zone - in Belize. Registering such a business in Russia is risky, Marina explains, and it’s not even the lack of a detailed legislative framework, but that there is no unequivocal green light from the authorities for such startups: “In the same Singapore, the legislation in the field of blockchain is incomplete, but there is a clear message that such a business is approved. The situation is the same in Switzerland, where banks are allowed to transfer money to cryptocurrency exchanges and pay with tokens. There is no such understanding in Russia now.”

Today, cyber Fund is more of a group of companies, if we draw analogies with traditional business: in parallel, several independent projects are developing here, united by the topic of blockchain, says Guryeva. The history of the company began with analytics: the founders collected a database of all blockchain projects that existed at that time and evaluated them from an economic point of view in order to understand what the industry is like and where it is worth investing money.

The founders invested 50 of their own bitcoins in starting the business, and in 2016 they raised another 400 bitcoins (about $200,000) from an unnamed business angel from Kaliningrad. “We published the results of the research at the beginning of 2015 in what is actually the world's first report on cybereconomics. All the most actual information on the subject of blockchain,” Guryeva continues. information collected the cyber Fund team posted on their website: both then and now all analytics are published there for free.

“This is not charity: it is difficult to monetize research, you need to spend money on marketing, and we don’t need it. In addition, we use all the accumulated information ourselves - to manage our blockchain fund Satoshi Fund, ”explains Guryeva. Everything that the company earns today is the results of investments in this fund, she says.

Satoshi Pie

In 2015, the fund contained only the company's money, personal savings of the founders and their close friends. The fund showed very good returns, and in May 2016, the team decided to release an investment tool for everyone called Satoshi Pie (a reference to the legendary creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto). A year later, by May 2017, total return Satoshi Pie in USD terms was 1000% (and the total return of the original Satoshi Fund in USD terms was over 4000%).

The main feature of the fund on the blockchain is complete transparency and “audience”, explains the co-founder of cyber Fund and Satoshi Fund Konstantin Lomashuk: any action management company easy to verify because every transaction is recorded on the blockchain. Any investor can figure out what exactly the fund did with its assets by looking at the history of transactions in a cryptocurrency wallet.

Satoshi Pie is the world's first blockchain fund to focus on ordinary people who want to invest in new economy, says Gurieva. From May 2016 to July 2017, the fund raised funds from approximately 3,000 investors, including those who invested the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars and those who invested $10 or $20 worth of cryptocurrencies. Now the volume of the portfolio under the management of the fund is approximately $ 30 million - during the operation of the fund it has grown 150 times, according to the fund's blog on the platform. True, now the fund's management team has suspended the receipt of funds: it is impossible to become a new investor in the fund.

Photo: Arseniy Neskhodimov for RBC

This happened due to theft: in the summer of 2017, 32% of Satoshi Pie's assets were stolen from the fund's accounts on the Parity Ethereum wallet, Gurieva explains. And although the hack was organized by the so-called white hackers, who thus demonstrated the vulnerability of the wallet code, and the money was returned almost immediately, many investors were not ready for such a turn of events. “Blockchain is a young technology, and it is clear that investing in it is associated with high risks. At the same time, unlike traditional investment instruments, there are still no ways to hedge risks, that is, to insure against losses, ”adds Marina.

According to her, the founders of Satoshi Pie warned all investors about this and asked in no case to invest the last money or funds in the fund, the loss of which could become a problem for them, but communication with users after the hack showed that many of the small holders did not accept these words are serious. “We were lucky, we returned the money, but we cannot guarantee that another wallet will not be hacked tomorrow. Since the market is not ready for this yet, we decided not to risk other people's money anymore, ”Gurieva sums up. In her opinion, decentralized funds may appear in the near future, in which the funds of depositors are managed by a special team, but the funds themselves are stored on the wallets of investors - the development of such platforms is already underway.

One of the most "busy" blockchains in the world - leaders in the number of daily transactions - appeared in March 2016. This is a Steem project - social network and a blogging platform all rolled into one. Each user here can earn money by writing posts, leaving comments and even just liking.

“Corporations like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter make money from the fact that users create content on their platforms, while the authors themselves receive absolutely nothing for their work. Steem developers initially decided to make a social network owned not by companies, but by the users themselves, ”explains the philosophy of the project, one of the participants in, head of the Golos Fund Sergey Simanovsky. Quite quickly, a Russian-speaking community of blockchain enthusiasts appeared on Steem. But it soon became obvious to them that there was a bias in the system: the algorithm of the social network that distributes rewards is designed in such a way that the authors of the posts are not on English language receive smaller rewards due to the unfair distribution of tokens.

“We decided to make a project for a Russian-speaking audience. For this, a "fork" was made - a copy of the platform for subsequent modification. Usually this happens due to a conflict with the developers of the main project, but everything was official with us, we bought a license from Steem to launch our project:, ”says Simanovsky.

In Golos, as in Steem, authors are rewarded if other network members put “upvotes” under their posts - local likes. At the same time, the remuneration is divided between the author and the one who put the "upvote" (they are called curators here). Half of the remuneration is accrued in Voice tokens, the official currency of the platform, which is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, half in the internal currency Power of Voice, which determines the social “weight” of a person and which cannot be sold or exchanged outside the project. Users with great “voice power” are called “whales”, it is their ratings of posts that bring authors the most tokens.​​

In total, 80 thousand users are registered in Golos, of which about 2.5 thousand are active per day, who make about 75 thousand transactions - posts, comments and upvotes. In one day, about 1 million rubles are distributed among users on the platform, if you look at the current token exchange rate, says Simanovsky.

The most “expensive” post collected the equivalent of about 70 thousand rubles, a regular high-quality publication can collect about 2-3 thousand rubles, he continues: “This is not so much, but if we are talking about our audience - regional journalists, developers or scientists, then an increase of even 10 thousand rubles. a month is quite serious. According to him, here are published interesting stories about how people spend the money they earn on social networks. The last time - the user went on a trip around the world, for which he collects money with daily video reports.

To raise funds for the development of Golos, the cyber Fund team held an ICO in the fall of 2016: investments were collected only in the Russian segment of the Internet and attracted 600 bitcoins, about 30 million rubles. at the rate of December last year. With the money raised, the company founded the Golos Fund, a venture fund for investing in blockchain projects. At the same time, all startups in which the company invests make projects based on its own Golos blockchain, a platform originally borrowed from Steem, but heavily modified to fit the needs of the new project, he says.

“The average speed of one transaction in Steem can reach three seconds, but we remove this speed limit, we make it so that the developer is limited only by his physical ability to write data. In addition, we will have the first platform where companies can issue their tokens without transaction fees,” Simanovsky explains.

“We undertook to make The Voice precisely because we wanted to learn how to work with one of the promising blockchain systems on which Steem is based - Graphene II. It technically allows you to process a very large number of transactions - 50-100 thousand per second, and it has high performance, it can be loaded with a large amount of data. And the future belongs to high-speed systems,” Gurieva adds.

Business beyond borders

In the “orbit”, the company already has several projects built on the Golos blockchain by third-party developers – for example, Steepshot (similar to Instagram) or the MapalaNet travel community. As a result, there will be much more of them, according to the cyber Fund, whose founders hope to build a whole ecosystem of interconnected projects. “Voices blockchain is well suited for sharing projects like Airbnb: inside them it will be possible to pay with tokens earned in social networks. In addition, the reputation gained in Golos will help people insure risks: it will be possible to feel calmer when interacting with someone, a trusted community,” the head of cyber Fund is sure. Other cyber Fund projects include a decentralized blockchain search engine that already allows you to search for information on the bitcoin and ethereum blockchains, a project to prepare blockchain startups for an ICO.

Today, the cyber Fund and related projects employ about 30 people. The company does not have an office or hometown: all employees work remotely from different parts of the world. “Our entire economy is built on cryptocurrencies: everything from the money raised from the first investor to all our income and expenses goes in tokens,” Guryeva explains. The whole history of cyber Fund is the history of a company that develops through cryptocurrencies and is directly tied to them, she adds: “The crypto-economy is growing - the assets that lie in our funds are growing, our income is growing.”

The company does not yet bring profit: all earned money goes to the development of new projects. According to Marina, the example of Golos showed quite clearly that the blockchain is a story not only about databases and cryptocurrencies, but also about the self-realization of people. “A person for the first time had a chance to monetize own development, and this shift has huge potential. Almost everyone who is now developing blockchain platforms is trying to change our world with you, to make it a little more fair for everyone who lives in it, and that’s cool,” says cyber Fund CEO.

The review is devoted to three cryptocurrencies at once, which ensure the operation of the Golos Platform. These are GOLOS, the Power of the Voice and Golden (GBG). We will reveal all the methods for obtaining each of these cryptocurrencies, analyze the essence of the platform, suggest the most convenient and profitable services where you can sell or buy Voice tokens, and provide our forecasts and possible prospects for Voice.

The Golos platform is a licensed fork of the Steemit blockchain, target audience which is Russian-speaking population. Unfortunately, the Russian-speaking community is poorly represented on Stimite itself, and working in Russian is unprofitable, and not everyone knows English.

Like Steemit, the Voice blockchain serves as a secure repository for content. Here, absolutely every registered user can also earn money with his mind: write articles or comments, vote for the posts he likes. The voice is also quite attractive for investors holding cryptocurrencies, because, in addition to the potential growth of the exchange rate with the development of the system, the investors of the Voice have a number of tools that give a stable profit.

  • instant transfer of funds from one account to another;
  • there is no commission for transactions in the network;
  • availability of tokens: no need for expensive mining equipment, any user can get a crypt for what he used to do in other social networks and forums for free;
  • the presence of exchanges that directly exchange GOLOS and GBG tokens for fiat, such as rubles or hryvnia, with a quick withdrawal to bank cards.

Cryptocurrency rate GOLOS and GBG

The current rate of both traded cryptocurrencies can be seen below on convenient charts. By analyzing the graphs, it is possible to make predictions about where will he go GOLOS and GBG course in the near future. Conclusions about the long-term prospects of both cryptocurrencies will be made in a special section of the article.

A) The GOLOS cryptocurrency exchange rate against the dollar and bitcoin (totally depends on the market)

B) Gold (GBG) cryptocurrency exchange rate (the price is equal to 1 mg of gold)

Information about GOLOS and GBG

Official website of the project:

Alternative entry points:

Commission in the system for the transfer: none

Transaction speed: up to 3 seconds inclusive

A new block is formed every 3 seconds

Token distribution system: Proof-of-Brain (proof of mind)

Annual issue of tokens: 9.5% of the current number.

Project launch: October 2016.

Free registration

Topic on bitcointalk:

As of November 21, 2017, the cost of one GOLOS coin is 0.00001301 BTC or $0.107480, capitalization is $13,383,290 (224th place in terms of capitalization). The cost of 1 GBG coin on the same date is 0.00001174 BTC or $0.097566. Despite the low level of capitalization compared to the top crypto, the coin and the system itself are popular in the entire Russian-speaking community.

Comparison of tokens VOICE, Power of Voice and Golden. Wallet review on Golos

In your wallet you will find three different cryptocurrencies at once: VOICE, Power of Voice and Gold. Let us consider in more detail what functions each of the crypto coins carries and what is the difference between them.

At any time, you can go to the wallet of any user and see his balance, all transfers, understand how this user earns and which exchange he withdraws profits to. Of course, you can see everything, but you won’t be able to make a transfer from someone else’s wallet.

VOICE and Gold tokens can be sent to each other on the balance, withdrawn to the exchange without any hold. Transactions of both tokens occur almost instantly and without commission. Here are the main differences between them:

– The cost of Gold or GBG is equated to 1 mg. gold;

There are many more differences between these two tokens and the Power of the Voice. SG can be compared industrial equipment at the factory. It is your Power of Voice that determines how much you will earn on the platform, for example, by voting for articles. Interest is charged on SGs, which makes them a profitable investment tool. Unlike other tokens of the project, SG cannot be immediately listed on the exchange and sold. If you decide to cash out part of your SG, then you need to click on the triangle next to the amount on the balance sheet and select "Decrease Voting Power". After that, your SG will begin to transform into VOICE for 13 weeks in equal parts once a week. This process can be stopped at any time. Changes are now being planned and it is possible that the SG withdrawal period will be extended to 20 weeks.

SAFE is used to block money in the account if there is a suspicion of hacking. The money put in the safe can be withdrawn only after 3 days from the date of withdrawal.

Registration on Golos

You can register both on the main site and through any other alternative client described in the information section. At the same time, for registration you will need to send sms at the rates of your operator. Few people know, but you can register on the Voice without sms. To do this, register on the site Mapala uses one blockchain with Voice, so by registering for free and without SMS on Mapala, you will receive account on the Voice.

On Mapala, click "Login" in the upper right corner, then switch to registration. We answer “No” to the question “Do you have an account on Golos” and fill out the form shown in the screenshot below:

How to earn Voice and GBG.

Investors can earn not only on the possible growth of the price of tokens. First, the Power of the Voice earns interest on a regular basis. Secondly, by liking articles, you also earn SG tokens (and the greater your strength, the more such a like will give you). At the same time, the investor does not even have to spend his time and effort: this work can be safely entrusted to one of the bots. We buy VOICE tokens on the Exchange, convert them into VOICE POWER, receive interest and income from the bot.

Anyone can earn money simply by publishing articles on any topic that interests him, even just posting his own photos. You can even make money on comments if people like your comment. Those who read articles and vote also receive 25% of what the article collects, and how much of this amount you get depends on your Voice Power.

Voice compares favorably with the English-speaking Steam in the presence of beginner support programs that allow new members of the community to pump faster. If you know how to express your thoughts correctly and write interesting texts, you can join one of the communities. Then your profit will increase many times in comparison with the lonely posting of articles.

When posting articles, you will receive a fee in all three tokens of the system at once. In the case of a simple vote for other people's posts, you will receive an award in the SG.

How to withdraw money from Voice

Now both withdrawable tokens and VOICE and GBG can be sold through large exchanges such as Bittrex and Livecoin. To do this, they will first have to be exchanged for bitcoin. If you use the services of local money changers or sell your tokens through a small exchange, you can get paid immediately on a bank card, without unnecessary transactions. For example, Ukrainian users can immediately withdraw their earnings to a PrivatBank card using the exchange.

In order to withdraw tokens to the exchange, you need to register on the exchange receiving the Voice, then in the list of wallets, click add Voice or GBG. Now we are given the nickname of the user on the Voice, to which we must replenish the account and the code that we must insert in the comment to the payment.

We go to our Wallet on the Voice. Click the triangle next to the balance of the selected token and select "Transfer". In the menu that opens, fill in the fields to whom we are transferring (nickname of the user indicated on the exchange), the amount of the transfer and the memo that we were given on the exchange.

In just a few minutes, the money will appear on your wallet on the exchange and can be exchanged for bitcoin or fiat (depending on the exchange).

How to publish an article on Voice

Let's show how to make a publication on the official client at Publishing on the alternative Goldweiss client looks different. To publish an article, click the "Add Post" button next to your avatar in the upper right corner. This form opens:

The form is very simple and even a novice user can handle it. Fill in the fields with the name and the main text. Below we add five tags of small letters and numbers separated by spaces. Leave 50%/50% in the Rewards field. This means that part of the award will go to the readers.

There are now two payout windows for each article on the portal. You receive the first payment in a day or two after publication. It is this payout that is shared with readers at a ratio of 75/25. You will receive the next payment in 30 days. The second payout is made up of the money that the article earned after the first payout. Since all 100% of the money earned in the second payout window goes to you as the author, there are much fewer votes for the article during this period. After the second payment, the article will no longer bring you money. Perhaps in the next update there will be a single 7-day payout window like on Steam.

Try to publish interesting material written by you. Copy-paste is not welcome here.

GOLOS and GBG exchange rate forecast.

The focus is now on the upcoming system update (fork). The next course of tokens depends on how it will pass and how the company's programmers will be able to solve the questions that have accumulated among users. While there is a temporary drop in the rate, although pumps sometimes occur. But if we take a long-term perspective, then the GOLOS rate should grow.

Steam (on the engine of which the Voice is made) also for a long time the exchange rate was about 14 cents, but now it is almost a dollar. New users of the system are constantly appearing, not many people know about the Voice yet, because it is only a little over one year old. It is assumed that over time this social network will attract a good part of the audience of non-paying users of social networks such as Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki.

I described the earning opportunities for investors above and they are also better than many cryptocurrencies. In addition to the course, you can earn on curation and annual interest.