Presentation on vegetables. Presentation for a lesson on the world around on the topic: vegetables (presentation). Approximate set of exercises

  • 14.05.2020

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VEGETABLES Vegetables is a culinary term for the edible part (for example, fruit or tuber) of a plant, as well as any solid plant food. The culinary term "vegetable" can be applied to edible fruits, which botanically are berries and fruits. According to V. I. Dahl, vegetables are “a vegetable garden, edible tops and roots: onions, cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets with tops, etc., also garden fruits, like cucumbers, watermelons, and old, and tree, garden fruits , also boiled and sugared: spicy and compound vegetables ". The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron meant by vegetables " all garden plants in general that are used as human food". According to T. F. Efremova, these are " garden fruits and greens used for food". Vegetables are an important part of the human diet. Growing vegetables is engaged in vegetable growing ] .

Cabbage young Leaves curls. It will become, like a ball, round, Great, like a head Cabbage "kaput" - head

Many dishes can be prepared from potatoes Both simple and complex: They boil it, fry it, rub it, Bake it at the stake. Potato "tartuffoli" - "truffle" - mushroom

Maybe you've heard from adults, It's tasty and healthy, You could read about it, It contains sugar and iron, If you want to get taller, - It contains carotene, Drink carrot juice in the morning! The kids need it! Carrot

Beetroot Aunt Fyokla, Red beetroot! You decorate salads, vinaigrettes with scarlet color. There is nothing tastier And more rich borscht!

Turnip In the garden, a turnip Sits firmly in the garden, Beckons the children: Whoever pulls the tail - Pulls out the turnip, Yellow, smooth, Tasty, sweet!

Here is a bunch of radishes - Bright red barrel. I'll bring it home, And suddenly it will smell like spring, Freshness, coolness, Aroma of the garden. Radish

Onion Golden onion Round, cast. She has one secret - She will save us from troubles: Can cure the disease Delicious and fragrant onions!

Garlic Garlic fragrant clove You and I will put in soup. He will give the soup a flavor, The soup will become tastier a hundred times!

Tomato "pomio doro" - "golden apple" From South America, as they say, a large bright scarlet tomato came to us. First, he decorated the flower beds in the gardens, And then he got into borscht and salads. It is fresh, pleasant and juicy in appearance, He will treat you with tomato juice!

Eggplant A delicious eggplant vegetable came to us from hot countries. Tomato brother native, But with purple peel. You saw him, Vanyusha! It looks like a pear in shape, Dense, smooth, all shiny, As if it is covered with varnish!

Pepper Pepper is a southern plant, It is thick, does not like shade, It grows in the sun, Light radiant pepper drinks. He loves moisture and watering, Red, yellow, he is beautiful! Whoever puts it in his mouth will immediately burn his lips! Tears will run from the eyes, Burning, bitter, like mustard, Useful for seasoning!

Cucumber A cucumber hid among the emerald leaves. It is not difficult to find him - Here he is, my dear! It is shiny and prickly, It is crispy and odorous. I'll put it in a salad, That will be the aroma!

Pumpkin The golden pumpkin is used to the sun. She drinks hot light, pours, grows. Long-bodied and tasty, Seeds ripen in a pumpkin.

Zucchini Zucchini, zucchini, To take a nap lay down on the barrel. You look like a pig: Tail with a thin curl, But where is the piglet?

In my speech therapy work I use various forms of organization of correctional and developmental activities. One of the forms of classes is a quiz. To increase the motivation and interest of children-logopaths, I use various multimedia presentations. One of these: a quiz lesson on the topic "Vegetables".

Purpose of the presentation: consolidation of knowledge on the lexical topic "Vegetables".


Correctional and educational: expand, clarify, enrich the vocabulary on the lexical topic "Vegetables" (garden, vegetables, carrots, beets, radishes, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, grow, harvest, pull, cut, pluck, dig, make beds, sow, water, loosen, cook, cook, chop, tasty, healthy, fragrant).

Correction-developing: develop coherent speech; develop visual attention and perception; develop logical thinking; develop creative imagination; develop coordination of speech with movement;

Correctional and educational: educate strong-willed qualities, the ability to apply knowledge in an unusual environment.

Equipment: PowerPoint quiz on the topic “vegetables”, projector, laptop, speakers, dummies of vegetables, 2 pots, 2 ladles, aprons and caps by the number of children (10 each), emblems (5 yellow leaves, 5 red leaves).

Lesson - a quiz on the lexical topic "Vegetables".

Lesson progress:

The teacher plays the role of a leader and explains the conditions of the competition to the children: Guys, today we will play a game called a quiz. There are many tasks in the quiz that you will solve.

Children are divided into two teams: You must be divided into two teams. Look closely at your emblems. Children with yellow leaves sit at the table, which is to your right; and children with red leaves sit at the table, which is to your left.

Warm up(slide number 2).

The teacher makes a riddle.

The fields are empty, the earth is wet,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen? (in autumn)

Task: No. 1.

Each team is asked the following questions:

  • What happens in nature in autumn? (slides #3-6)
  • List the signs of autumn.
  • What do people collect in the fall in the garden? (slides #7-8)

3. Task number 2. Riddles.

  • Seventy clothes and all without fasteners? (cabbage).
  • I grow in the ground in the garden, Red long, sweet? (carrots) (slide number 9).
  • Pink cheeks, white nose, I sit in the dark all day, and the shirt is green, all visible in the sun? (radish).
  • Green branches grow in the garden, and red children are on them? (tomatoes) (slide number 10).
  • Little bitter onion brother? (garlic)
  • Our piglets, grown up in the garden, sideways to the sun, crochet tails, these piglets, play hide and seek with us? (cucumbers) (slide number 11).

4. Task number 3. "We're harvesting."

  • What vegetables do we pull? (carrots, beets, radishes) (slide number 12).
  • What vegetables do we pick? (cucumbers, peas, tomatoes) (sweet No. 13).
  • What vegetables do we cut? (pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini) (slide number 14).

Pictures are shown and the children make up a phrase. For example: carrots are pulled, tomatoes are plucked.

5 . Task number 4.

Look at the pictures and make up a story on how to care for vegetables so that they grow in the garden (slide number 15).

6. Task number 5. "The game" 4-odd ".

  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, bananas(slide number 16).
  • Cauliflower, oranges, eggplant, zucchini (slide number 17).

Each team names an extra picture and explains why it does not fit. After the commands answer, we check with PowerPoint(wrong picture disappears).

7. Task number 6.

What other vegetables do you know? (slide number 18). Each team takes turns naming vegetables.

8. Task number 7. Didactic game"Let's make soup."

Children are offered models of vegetables, aprons and chef's hats.

Each team selects vegetables to prepare their soup. It is necessary to say the name of the soup, from which vegetables and how it was prepared.

9. Summing up.

They name the best answers, the best players. Prizes are awarded to all participants of the quiz.

Presentation for the Lesson - a quiz on the topic "Vegetables"

"Vegetables" AUTHORS: CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE Geography of vegetables. Many vegetables were brought to us from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (cabbage, parsley, celery); cucumber and beets from India; from America - tomato, zucchini, sweet pepper and bitter; from Asia - turnips, carrots, onions, black pepper. Why are they called that. The name "cabbage" comes from the ancient Roman word "kaput", which means "head". The word "potato" comes from the Italian "tartuffoli", it means "truffel". Truffles are mushrooms that grow underground. Cucumber comes from the Greek word "augurus", which means "unripe" "unripe". The word tomato comes from the Italian "pomio doro", which means "golden apple". Medicinal properties Heals wounds, maintains vigor and cheerful mood In Russia, carrot juice was used to treat diseases of the heart, liver and nasopharynx. Vitamin A is the growth vitamin. Tinctures and ointments are made from bitter pepper. It contains more vitamin C, treats scurvy, stomach diseases, and is used instead of mustard plasters for colds. Many vitamins that help the heart work Gives energy and protects against diseases What are vitamins? These are the substances necessary for maintaining the health of our body. There are many of these substances in vegetables. Which ones exactly? Let's get acquainted with some of them. Onions and garlic have been known to people for over 6,000 years. These vegetables are rich in vitamin C. The first mention of carrots was made more than 3,000 years ago. Carrots are not only a piggy bank of vitamin A. It contains almost the entire vitamin alphabet. Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetables. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin B. Tomato, or tomato, came to us from South America. Tomatoes contain vitamins C and B. In everyday life, we often call radishes radishes. The radish contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin B. Riddles about vegetables This is a vegetable, not a bush. There is a juicy taste in this word. If you really like cabbage soup, look for this vegetable in them. (Cabbage). It is suitable for mashed potatoes, it is hardly put into tea. Until spring, it is stored in the cellar or in the basement. You think a little oh, yes, this is ... (potato) Admire what a fairy tale! A pointer was hidden in the garden. Bright red bastard! And her name is ... (carrot) You can’t cook vinaigrette for lunch. If you don’t have such a vegetable in your garden. (Beets.) It looks like a red, yellow or green traffic light. Everyone has known for a long time stuffed, salty. You put it in a salad and add it to seasonings. You do not sit idle, call this vegetable. (Pepper.) This vegetable is sweet and sour, round, juicy, soft, smooth. He rubbed his cheeks red-hot, and is called ... (tomato). Under the leaf lies on the bed. It is pimply, not smooth. And finally green. And it's called ... (cucumber). Here are some useful vegetables!