Beautiful letters for the corner of our creativity. Do-it-yourself group and reception room decoration in kindergarten. How to choose the right material

  • 14.04.2020

Educator MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, this is the design of the group and the reception.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of creativity of educators.

This is my second year with my group. The group got unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoyed every day they lived in our group.

Form "Our group". The squirrel and the umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception there was a stand for children and parents “You can’t bring it to kindergarten” (as practice shows, very useful information).

To congratulate children on their birthday, I made a cake with corrugated paper candles.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This design is "Funny Pencils" for the art corner.

I do a lot of benefits from waste material. Pencil in the corner of ISO (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games “Shop”, “Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The design of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for the study and consolidation of traffic rules.

Corner "We are on duty" and "Learning to set the table."

Corner "Ryazhenye" ​​and "Barbershop".

This is our hospital.

Decoration of the corner of "Nature".

Cognitive zone and mini-museum "Burenushka".

Formation of the center of knowledge.

AzbukaDekor company offers to buy a stand for drawings in kindergarten. These are bright and beautiful boards for placing pictures, crafts created by the hands of children. Our products, which comply with current requirements, are equipped with a convenient fastening system. With the help of multi-colored or monophonic magnets, the teacher will be able to put the drawings of children on display for parents. Such designs are needed in every group. After all creative pursuits in kindergarten are held almost weekly.

DIY stands

A separate group of products that our company manufactures are stands for crafts for kindergarten. Special boards are convenient to use, as they are equipped with pockets and shelves for placing the work of boys and girls. When choosing an option for kindergarten, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • design dimensions;
  • materials;
  • external design;
  • additional items.

The stand for children's work in kindergarten should be safe, functional, original and beautiful. All the marked characteristics correspond to the products manufactured by our company.

Modeling stands

Modeling stands are demonstration structures for kindergarten, which serve for the exhibition of works from plasticine, dough, clay. With a wide selection finished products you can place an order for any option you like. If necessary, our designers will develop an individual solution. Children will be happy to study, and parents will rejoice at their success.

Benefits of ordering stands for children's creativity in AzbukaDekor

Here you can buy inexpensive stands "Our Creativity" in kindergarten. Own production, extensive experience and professional equipment are the advantages that make us stand out from the competition. Contact us! You will not find such an extensive selection of quality products anywhere else.

For a quick overview of the range of stands for preschool educational institutions, watch our video

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Children are indefatigable dreamers, and their activities can endlessly touch and delight adults. When the results of creativity are in a clearly visible specially designated place, young fidgets are delighted.

Exhibition board equipment is not always associated with large cash outlays. Any interested parent is able to make children's stands with their own hands.

How to choose the right material

Among the large assortment of modern stands, more and more consumers opt for cork boards. They are easy to use, reliable, durable, affordable.

Natural material - cork oak bark - satisfies general requirements safety for children's products and has a number of positive qualities:

  • ecologicaly clean;
  • easy to clean, does not attract dust;
  • moisture resistant;
  • refractory;
  • chemical resistant;
  • not damaged by fungus, insects;
  • not electrified;
  • shockproof;
  • wear-resistant.

Cork stands will be a win-win option for both home and kindergarten.

How to make a stand

You do not need to have special craft skills and knowledge to please yourself and your children with a functional novelty in the house.

Think in advance how to harmoniously fit the new stand into the interior.

You can experiment both with the color of the board itself - paint it or upholster it with a fabric of the desired color, and with the frame, choosing the best combination.

The frame is usually made of wood, plastic, metal profile. It is also advised to use cable channels, the width of which is slightly greater than the thickness of the board.

Choose the type of wall mount for the stand: non-removable version with glue or free hanging on hinges.

The minimum set of blanks and tools used, 30 minutes of work - and the result will be on the wall.

Determine the desired dimensions of the stand, prepare a cork sheet to fit.

Choose the material for the back wall - plywood, fiberboard.

Glue both sheets. Glue - liquid nails, you can use another. Degrease the surface first, after applying the glue, press the parts tightly against each other. If desired, cover the working surface of the stand with a cloth.

Attach the previously prepared frame to the base. If desired, attach loops for fastening on the reverse side.

Fix the stand to the wall with glue or double-sided tape for a non-removable option. For alternative way- hang on loops.

How to rationally use the stand

After you have made a stand with your own hands, you can begin to actively exploit it.


There are two main formatting methods. You can fix pockets on the surface of the board. These can be files for papers, or transparent pieces of thin plexiglass, fixed on double-sided tape.

This type of design is used for information stands.

Sheets of paper are placed in the pockets with important information that parents should know about the working hours, routine, rules of behavior for children in kindergarten.

The information can be updated daily (food menu) or as needed.

Stands are actively used by people of different ages both at work and at home. Reminders of important events, planning for the near future, pleasant memories captured in photographs, visualization of your desires, a convenient organizer - everyone will independently add the most relevant for themselves to the list of useful functions.

On display stands made of cork, the necessary items - photographs, pictures, paper notes, small souvenirs are fastened with buttons, pins, tailor's needles.


The surface of the board does not suffer from this, there are no holes visible to the eye. When designing a stand for children, you need to make sure that sharp objects cannot harm the kids.

The stand, on which educators attach the results of children's work for the day, is always popular with caring parents. And the children are happy to present new crafts and arrange mini-exhibitions already in the apartment.

Take a photo of the filled stand as a souvenir, and let it be constantly updated - the world of children's imagination is inexhaustible.

DIY booth photo


Children love to draw, sculpt and cut out applications from paper. It is important to organize workplace baby, so that he was comfortable to engage in the creative process. This will help to avoid unwanted drawings on the walls and damage to furniture with felt-tip pens or plasticine.

Where to place a corner of children's creativity

The most successful place for the location of the art corner is by the window or in the most illuminated part of the room. The height of the table and chairs should be comfortable for the baby so that he does not lean over his work too low or, on the contrary, does not make an effort to reach the high tabletop.

If the child has his own room, then it is better to organize a workplace there. Otherwise, you can take a little space for a creative corner in the living room or even in the kitchen, so it will always be convenient for mom to follow the actions of the baby.

Slate boards and paper sheets

Creativity knows no boundaries, which is why children's drawings from albums often go to the walls of the apartment. To prevent this, the child needs to take a separate piece of the wall. It can be pasted over with special wallpaper-coloring books or painted with slate paint, on which you can draw with chalk. If this is not possible, then chalk boards and paper sheets mounted directly on the wall will be a real salvation. They allow the child to draw both standing and sitting.

little helpers

Properly organized storage systems are a guarantee of order, the lack of which is acutely felt in creative corners. Here, plastic and metal containers will come to the rescue, where it is convenient to put coloring books and albums. It is convenient to put pencils and pens in metal cans, decorative buckets. It is also convenient to fix art supplies on a pegboard, roof rails and magnetic boards.