Nothing in life just happens. Is it true that nothing in life happens just like that? (8 photos). What makes me feel good

  • 28.10.2019

The human mind can deal with anything but a catastrophic mess. No one can lead a completely disorganized life full of chaos. Yes, a teenager's messy room can look pretty chaotic, but the owner made the decisions about it. appearance. He simply chose chaos, and as long as there is a choice, one cannot speak of complete disorganization. But is there any disorganization at all? Is this happening by chance, or does everything have a special, higher meaning? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

In fact, life is sometimes filled with accidents, even a separate scientific field is devoted to this. And atoms collide by chance, and random modifications of animals move forward the evolution described by Darwin. A lot can happen in nature, it is filled with accidents, which is not easy for a person to realize simply because of the orderliness of his thoughts, although people are sometimes visited by sudden impulses, whims, bouts of emotions. Even a scientist who is busy studying random atoms does not think that he is doing something indefinite. It has a specific goal, a specific meaning, and it moves in its own direction, although from the outside the process may seem quite chaotic and unorganized.

The meaning of accidents

So, how do you break out of this vicious circle of orderly actions and begin to notice meaningful coincidences in randomness? Just think about the expression itself, because meaningful has a purpose, and coincidence is by definition accidental. The truth is that a sense of trust will help you find meaning in the chaotic flow of events around you. Believe that somewhere above in everything that happens there is also a meaning, purpose and direction - somewhere in the mystical sphere, which controls the events of life. This is the meaning of the expression "nothing happens for nothing": the accidents of life are predetermined. However, it is rather difficult to prove this. This idea exists as a common belief, as a postulate of faith or as a dream, and for some - as all of this at once, in various combinations.

How is it really?

Perhaps it is difficult to accept this idea because it is not quite rightly formulated. It would be much more correct to say: "Everything happens for a purpose, despite the fact that it seems otherwise." Life is not limited to these events; it can combine pronounced orderliness with chaotic accidents. Let's go back to teenagers. There is order in his daily trips to school, but there is chaos in his bedroom. pay attention to keyword"seems". Everything may seem random, but it's actually not at all. Everything can have a reason, you just don't know it. Einstein might appear to be an ordinary clerk at the Swiss patent office, but in fact he was thinking about critical issues physics. Creative people seem to be simply distracted, and at this moment they come up with a masterpiece! When a person cannot read, the letters appear to be scattered randomly across the page, while in fact they are arranged in a very specific way. As soon as you realize that at first glance it is impossible to assess the situation, new opportunities will open up for you.

Key Features

Randomness itself can be a misleading term. The great Dutch philosopher Spinoza believed that nothing is accidental in nature. Everything that seems random to us appears to be so only because we do not have enough knowledge to understand the situation. Our perception is the main difficulty on the way to understanding. We look at a chain of unpredictable events and believe that they are random, because we cannot look at what is happening from the other side. If you look at the artist's picture through a magnifying glass, it seems that his brush uses completely different colors, but if you look differently and see the whole picture as a whole, the plot that he paints becomes clear.

How to create your own story?

First of all, understand that it is illogical to expect life events to conform to clear rules, cause and effect do not work here in the usual way. What is happening can be described by mechanical laws, for example, if you kick a ball, it will fly into the air, and if you hit a person, then there will definitely be a reaction, but not so predictable for you personally. The whole point is that the processing of events in the brain does not imply a direct line of event analysis, it is not a way to connect event A with cause B.

There is a whole cloud of reasons and thoughts in the head, it is not straightforward, it is supplemented by memories, upbringing, habits, mind, emotions, relationships, genetic code and many hidden biological factors. And in this cloud, your brain is looking for a specific solution - a process much more complicated than a clear scientific explanation. So how do you control your own life story? Firstly, we make up our own stories anyway when we can’t explain what is happening, because living in complete uncertainty is uncomfortable. You can control the way you explain to yourself everything that happens around you. This will be your essence and your history.

Unusual Conclusion

After all the previous reflections, one can come to an intriguing conclusion. The history of each person is made up of a combination of accidents and chaos, so maybe reality is always ordered and meaningful, and we determine the volume of ordered events ourselves? Each person decides for himself how to perceive the flow of life events. Everything happens for a reason, if you believe in it, if you find hidden meaning in it. You clear your existence of chaos if you simply believe in order. However, trust is not enough. This is just one necessary part. In addition to trust, you will need the ability to build partnerships between yourself and higher powers. This is not about something mystical, but about aspects of your own consciousness. About invisible forces that include creativity, intuition, intentions. Find a balance between yourself and nature, draw on age-old wisdom, and notice that there really is order in everything that surrounds you. Do not put off the search for meaning for a long time - learn to notice a special order in the things around you right now.

Just for a moment. Take a deep breath. Feel your belly rise and fall filled with life and oxygen. Feel the sweet and subtle reset on the exhale.

Whatever is happening in your life, stop. Just for a moment. Take a deep breath. Feel your belly rise and fall filled with life and oxygen.

Feel the sweet and subtle reset on the exhale.

Feel your feet on the ground, aliveness throughout your body. The sounds you hear inside and outside.

What are you feeling now? Is there tension in the head, jaw, throat, shoulders, chest, abdomen, buttocks? How is the body positioned? Are there areas of compression, tightness, tightness, pain? Are there parts that feel heat, light, tingle? Even if the mind is desperately trying to go "forward", can you be there?

Can you respect the current scene in the movie of your life?

Let the present moment be exciting.

Be attentive to what is happening here and now; become aware of what is really happening in the place when you are.

Drop your conclusions about life, your dreams about the past and the future.

Get out of your notions of "what was" and "what could be" and begin to notice the sensations, feelings, thoughts, urges that are present, right here and right now.

Let your real experience - sounds and smells - become the most interesting dance in the whole universe.

Let awareness be saturated with the present moment, and the moment with awareness.

This will be of interest to you:

You observe, you look, you taste, you touch the world, like for the first time. This is your Garden of Eden, your chaotic, intense, joyous, heartbreaking Garden of Eden. And you wake up to this: for a day, for an hour, for a moment - you wake up at last.

Nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual!

Nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual!

We often feel that something is happening unfairly. But this is only a view from one life and it only seems so, because we do not take into account all aspects, nuances and opinions of the parties.
Long-term observation of one's thoughts, actions, states, the experience of carrying out regressions in past lives puts everything in its place. At the moment, it is an absolute axiom for me that everything in life is ABSOLUTELY FAIR, nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual!

So, the code of laws:

Law of reflection

As inside, so outside, as above, so below.

A very important law that shows that the world around you is a reflection of our own ideas about it.

Consequence 1: to change the world you need to change your ideas about it.

Corollary 2: To change views, you need to know about them.

Naturally, we do not like what does not meet our expectations. They, in turn, are shaped by beliefs about how things should be. Such discrepancies make us angry or anxious. Therefore, you can learn about limiting ideas and beliefs by observing your states.

The first desire that arises in a moment of anger or anxiety is to blame the other. But remember, pointing at him with one finger, with three we point at ourselves, which means that we ourselves created this situation!

Analyze what you don't like about other people? Write it down. Look for these qualities in yourself, you may not find them right away, then watch your behavior in all states - both when you are happy and when you are angry. Having found this quality in yourself, accept it, say: “Now I understand, I also do this, but I will try not to do it anymore”, and try ... Then people with such qualities will not come into your life anymore, because they have nothing to do will get hooked.

Annoying is always what is in ourselves. These are the hooks with which we cling to each other, it is not by chance that a glance clings, a person clings, clings.

Law #2

What you radiate is what you receive.

At every moment of time we are in the process of energy exchange with the environment, people, all living things around. Radiation and reception have a common root - a ray. Indeed, every person at any moment of his life radiates either positive, or negative, or neutral energy. This is already fixed by modern instruments and recognized by scientists.

Energy, going out into space, attracts its own kind - and returns along the beam. These laws have long been known to us from sayings: "What you sow, you will reap", as well as "Like attracts like". Indeed, by sowing one seed, we get a whole ear, by sowing negative energy around us, it is precisely this that we will receive back, but in greater quantities.

Likewise, Ecclesiastes said: “It is time to scatter stones and time to collect stones.” physical world, but in the energy sector, this is exactly what happens. At the same time, the words chance, chance do not mean something unexpected, not expected, but just the opposite, an absolute regularity. In chance, rays of the same quality merge and project them into a certain event. So we come to understand that everything in the world is ABSOLUTELY REGULAR.

Every time you encounter an unpleasant event, remember that it came to you for a reason. Try, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, to radiate more positive energy - gratitude, recognition, love.

The technique of transferring negative mental energy into positive physical energy will also help. To do this, you need to do active work and say: “I wash (wash, clean) all the negativity from my life, all the dirt from my soul.” “I smooth our relationships - they become even, smooth”, etc.
Watch your words and actions carefully, as this is your sowing for the future.

Nothing in my life just happens. I constantly think about how I, a person from the Soviet system, an adherent of everything material, practical and realistic, was able to start doing what I do now - I conduct training on the topic of spiritual growth.

And this morning, while exercising on the simulator, and, I don’t remember why, I remembered myself at 9 years old. At that time we lived in a small village, there was no hospital there. I fell ill, and they took me half-dead to a neighboring village. I have never been in a hospital before, so this fact has become for me severe stress. And during the treatment, I encountered 2 things that were new to me. First, I read the poem by G. Longfellow “The Song of Hiawatha” there. I have always loved to read, and even more so in the hospital, it is boring, dreary, and it was the only book that came from no one knows where. Now, from the height of my age, I don’t understand at all how I managed to do it. It is difficult for an adult to read it, let alone a child ... But I remember that I was fascinated by the atmosphere that the author conveyed and some unusual style. Distant, alien, unfamiliar and very mysterious. And there was magic, and magic moccasins .... It seems that my soul began to give me hints even then. "Well, believe in magic!"

And the second thing that happened to me in the same place in the hospital: sometimes an incomprehensible state came over me, as if my whole body was growing, I felt like some kind of elephant, I had a feeling that I had huge arms, legs, head and that at the same time everything slows down, speech, time. This state began to come often. I could not explain to anyone what was happening and learned to get out of it myself. I just thought mentally: "One, two, three ..." and somewhere at "ten" everything fell into place.

Now, remembering this, I think to call it an "expanded state of consciousness." Why it came to the child also I can not explain. But now, when I have learned to do it consciously, the sensations are the same, familiar to me. If you have just embarked on the path of self-improvement, notice the signs that your Soul gives or gave you.. To comprehend yourself, your Universe - what could be more interesting. Listen to your subconscious, receive its messages .... Even if you do not have such childhood memories, start observing your feelings, thoughts, emotions, listen to your desires and dreams right now. It doesn't matter if you're 17 or 71.

Now I am a trainer of Spiritual integration studies, the author's methodology of Konstantin Dovlatov. The main thing in this technique is to keep a certain state of "500+" - the state of Unconditional love. The author of this term (score 500) David Hawkins, in his book From Despair to Enlightenment, writes that there are very few people on the planet who have the ability to enter this state. Konstantin Dovlatov decided to refute this - and taught to enter this state consciously - just climb the frequency of vibrations. And it turned out that this is possible. To do this, you need to have - very important quality- awareness. And when I wrote above that you need to watch your emotions, etc., you can only do this in a conscious state. Be Here and Now.

It’s not easy for one to do this ... And if you are in a circle of like-minded people, in a “brine jar”, ​​this is a completely different matter))) I invite you to my Club “CLEARLY SEE! I CLEARLY KNOW!". We meet on Skype once or twice a week, chat, meditate, do various exercises, in general, we have a cool time. Registration and payment via the link: