How to get used to a new job without experiencing a lot of stress? How to get used to the conditions at a new job

  • 04.02.2021

Change is a part of life for each of us. This can be anything from moving to a new place to the most difficult event in your life (for example, the illness or death of a loved one) or problems in relationships with people. Being able to adapt to change will help you be more responsible and confident in your life.


Get used to moving

    Let yourself be sad. You won't do yourself any good if you keep all your feelings inside. You are most likely excited, anxious, nervous, sad that you need to leave your old life behind. All this is natural and good!

    • Take a breather when you feel like you've been overwhelmed. It could be something as simple as sitting for 15 minutes in a quiet room in a cozy coffee shop or on a park bench.
    • When you remember your old life don't push those feelings away. Give yourself time to think about them, even if it means crying. Working with your emotions will help you enjoy your new place of residence more.
  1. Let go of your hopes and expectations. You have ideas about how you want your life to be. But it is possible that your new life will not fit into this template. This does not mean that your new life will be bad or wrong. You need to get rid of expectations and let things happen the way they are.

    • Live in the present. Instead of planning how you can improve your future, or remembering how good it was in the past, focus on every moment that you experience in a new place. Soon it will become so familiar to you that you will stop noticing them. Enjoy seeing new places and experiencing new experiences.
    • This is a new place and life here will be different from what you had before. You cannot recreate what you had. When you catch yourself comparing a new place to an old one, stop! Remind yourself that these are different things, and different doesn't mean bad. Give the new place a chance to be good for you.
    • Remember that you probably won't get used to it right away. It will take time to find friends. It will take time to learn new terrain, new habits. It will take time to find your new favorite bakery, your new bookstore, your gym.
  2. Get to know your new place of residence better. One part of the process of adjusting to a new place is learning more about it. If you stay in your lair in a house or apartment, thinking about the past, you will never make new friends and will not find the meaning of life. Get out of your shell!

    • Join an organization you like. This could be anything from a library book club to participating in volunteer projects. Religious communities are a great place to make new friends if you're religious. Or political organizations or artistic groups(vocal mugs, knitting, quilting, collecting newspaper clippings, etc.) are great.
    • Go for walks with your colleagues. If you have had to relocate because of a new job, ask your co-workers where to go and invite them to come with you. Even if you don't develop a long-term friendship with them, you cannot know who you will meet and who you will be introduced to.
    • Talk to people. Strike up a small conversation with the clerk at the grocery store, with the person waiting for the bus at the bus stop near you, with the librarian at the counter, with the employee at the coffee shop. You will learn a little about the place where you now live, begin to meet people and feel comfortable in the new environment.
  3. Get ready for culture shock. Even if you just moved to another city, it may be different. And this is especially true when moving to another country, to another region of your country, from a city to a village and vice versa. The places are different and you have to be prepared for that.

    • Try to adjust your rhythm of life to the new environment. For example, if you have just moved from big city to the countryside, you will notice that the pace of life and the people themselves are very different from those in the city.
    • Sometimes it may even seem that people in your new place of residence speak a different language altogether (even if it's your native language!). You may need to learn new slang, acronyms, and new language features. Be prepared to make mistakes and ask for clarification.
  4. Keep in touch with your old life. Just because you have entered a new life, there is no need to burn bridges. At the very beginning, your past will create sadness, nostalgia and regret in you, but connecting with it will also support you in a new life.

    • Use technology to stay connected. You live in an era when it is much easier to keep in touch with people from distant places. Write messages, use social networks, Skype, etc. to keep in touch with old friends and family members.
    • A nice message from a friend can help reduce the feeling of loneliness you'll have after you move.
    • Don't let your old life ruin your new one, though. If you spend all your time looking back, talking only to your old friends or family members, you are missing out on opportunities to meet new friends in your new life. That's why it's so important to connect with people in a new place.
  5. Go in for sports. It's not only good way Maintaining your health and positive attitude is also a great way to get to know the city and meet new people.

    • Go for walks. Choose a new place that you want to explore so that you start to feel the feelings about your new place of residence.
    • Join a group of people involved in sports. Find someone who also runs in the morning, or join a yoga group. This is how you start meeting new people.
  6. Learn to be yourself. One of the keys to being okay with moving house is learning to be alone. No matter how friendly you are, how many circles and sections you attend, you will still be lonely sometimes. And that's okay! It won't last forever.

    • Be independent of the support and praise of other people.
  7. Give yourself time. It takes time to get used to anything, including moving. At different times, you will feel depressed, lonely and lost in memories. This is completely normal. There is even a kind of timetable for getting used to a new place:

    • The very first phase of the move is commonly referred to as the “honeymoon”. At this time, everything seems so new, exciting and different (sometimes frightening). Typically, this phase lasts about three months.
    • After the honeymoon, the negotiation phase begins when you really see the difference between your new residence and your old home. This is the stage when you are filled with feelings of insecurity, loneliness and you really miss your old home. Although this phase usually follows the honeymoon, sometimes everything can start with it.
    • The next stage is the habituation phase, which begins after six to twelve months in a new place. At this time, you get used to the new routine and begin to feel at home.
    • Usually around a year people go to the last phase when you start to feel comfortable in your new home. Sometimes, however, it may take longer. Remember, all people are different.

    Deal with a major life event

    1. It happens in one moment or a day of life. No matter what it is (illness, death of a family member, job loss, or wedding cancellation), you won't be able to handle it if you take on too much. The more you look back instead of focusing on the present, the more this event will hurt you.

      • For example, if you've lost your job, don't try to fix the problem right away. You will end up confused and sad. Instead, do everything in stages. Update your resume first, then look for jobs online, on job boards, or talk to people you know about it.
      • Do not give in to regrets about the past or anxiety about the future, otherwise you may sink into depression or anxiety. If you can't live in the present, you need help. People whose lives have undergone global changes can either fall into depression, or worsen their condition even more if depression has already been.
    2. Take care of yourself. Many people forget to take care of themselves and make themselves feel safe. It should be a deep personal concern so that you can relax and wrap yourself in it like a cozy blanket.

      • You will know what is best for you, but here are some suggestions: make yourself a cup of tea and focus on how you drink it (breathe the steam from it, feel the warmth slide down your throat and sink into your stomach), wrap yourself in a warm blanket or heating pad, do yoga and focus only on your breathing and body movements.
      • If negative or sad thoughts come to your mind, breaking the rhythm of movements, recognize them in time and let them go. Tell yourself that you will think about it tomorrow, and now you need to focus on creating a comfortable environment for yourself.
    3. Allow yourself to give in to your feelings. No matter what change has occurred in your life, it will be accompanied by emotions. If you ignore these feelings and try to avoid them, you will only get stronger and more painful later on. This does not mean that you need to sink into sadness and anger, but it does mean that you must allow yourself to be angry or sad.

      • You have to go through stages of emotion such as renunciation, anger, sadness, and then acceptance. With the successful resolution of such states, each subsequent influx of emotions will pass faster.
      • Don't start using "painkillers": it's about drugs or alcohol, but it can also be about watching too much TV, overeating not because you like the taste of food, but because you want to drown out a part of yourself. Such remedies will help you drown out the pain, but not cope with your feelings.
    4. Give yourself time to reflect on change. Change means different things to different people, even to the same person at different times in his life. Reflecting on how you feel, what has changed and why, will help you deal with the emotional imbalances that come with life changes.

      • Journaling is another great way to reflect on change. This will not only allow you to draw out your feelings and describe your path through this change. When the next big life change comes, you can look back and see how you handled the last one, how you felt and how you got it all sorted out.
    5. Find someone you can talk to. Talking about problems with someone can not only calm you down well, but it will also give you a different understanding of change and yourself that you may not have had before.

      • Try to find someone who has already gone through what you are going through now. This person will be a kind of mentor to you, someone who will help you see that the way you are coping with change is normal, that your feelings are justified. He will also help you get to the bottom of the problem and support you on your path to healing.
      • support groups and religious organizations help a lot, especially for people who are struggling with illness, trying to cope with the death of loved ones and other similar life changes. This is a good place to find someone who has been through this and who can help you.
    6. Dream about the future. While you don't want to dwell on the future or spend too much time worrying about it, you still need to keep life flowing in the right direction. This means that you must decide how you want to see your future and work to create it.

      • Dreams are a great tool for working out scenarios for what you would do. Let go of your mind to see how you might experience this major change in your life.
      • Collect ideas that appeal to you from the Internet or magazines. You can look for interesting solutions for home improvement, new job and consider how you can incorporate this into your life.
    7. Make small improvements. It's best to work on yourself in small steps. If you take on too much, it can completely drown you. What you need to do while you're trying to adjust to change is to improve your life a little, make it a little easier.

      • Small adjustments can be: eat better (especially if you are dealing with an illness), exercise to raise your happiness hormones and get healthier, use your time more efficiently (plan and follow your plan, trying to get the most out of your day).
    8. Incorporate relaxation techniques into your life. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, even just taking long walks can help reduce your stress and make it easier to adjust to life's changes.

      • Meditation - a good choice for relaxation, as it will help you calm your thoughts and can be used almost anywhere. If you're just starting out, find a quiet place, set a timer for 15 minutes (or just count your breaths if you don't want to bother with a clock) and sit comfortably. Breathe deeply. Focus on your breath, inhale and exhale. If any thoughts begin to distract you, become aware of them, put them aside, and return to focusing on your breath.
      • Yoga is another great relaxation technique. It includes not only meditation (focusing on the breath), but also excellent physical exercises, body movements and work on all joints and muscles.
    9. Be aware that there will always be changes. All life is one big change. No matter how ready you are for change, there will always be changes that will shock you. If you cling to the routine of your current life, it will be difficult for you to adjust to changing conditions in the long run.

      • Again, this doesn't mean you have to deny your feelings about change, because change can be intimidating and disarming, but it does mean you have to accept these feelings as part of life change.

    build relationships

    1. Get used to new relationships. The beginning of a new relationship can be filled with reckless excitement. However, it is important to control yourself if you want the relationship to continue.

      • Do not hurry. You should not immediately start living together and plan your common future if you have recently started dating. If you find yourself recklessly choosing names for your future children a few months after starting a relationship, take a step back, remind yourself to live in the present, and not get too far ahead.
      • Don't be intrusive. It's natural that you want to spend all your time with this new loved one, but that's not healthy. No need to constantly call, write messages and walk with this person. This will not only overload your relationship, but you will quickly tire of each other.
      • Maintain your personal life as well. Meet your friends, work and maintain your habits. Of course, you have a lot to do together, but find time for a separate life. That way you'll still have plenty to talk about and don't overwhelm each other.
    2. Cope with relationship changes. That relations will change is inevitable. You can't do anything about it, but you can adapt to change. It can be anything: your partner suddenly became sloppy when he was always clean, or your spouse decided that he did not want children, although he always wanted to.

      • Voice problems as soon as possible, especially if they are small and can grow into something bigger later. For example, if your partner has become sloppy and doesn't clean up after himself, talk to him using "I-statements". Say, "I feel like I'm washing all the dishes even though I haven't used any of them," or "It really frustrates me when I have to fold your clothes."
      • The key to getting used to change is to reach a compromise in accepting differences. This means that you can follow your partner's lead in this matter, but do everything your way in the next question, or always look for a middle ground.
      • Talk about how change affects your relationship and determine how important the subject of change is to the relationship. If you want children and your partner doesn't, you must decide if not having children is right for you, or if you think the relationship should end and you should separate.
    3. Maintain long distance relationships. It can be extremely difficult, but it's easier now than it used to be. It takes time and effort to get used to long distance relationships and you have to be willing to invest in it.

      • Communicate with each other. This is the most a big problem that occurs in long distance relationships. Talk about what's important to you, talk about problems in your relationship and in your life, and voice what's important to you.
      • Fight doubts. You will be afraid if your partner is right for you, sometimes you will not trust him, sometimes you will doubt him. The best thing you can do when you have doubts that something fishy is going on is to talk about your despair over the distance, or complain to a friend about your doubts. This will help open up feelings before they start poisoning you.
      • Spend time together. Make sure you make time for each other. Send friend a friend funny postcards and letters. talk on the phone and communicate via the Internet. Set special dates for yourself and try to see each other in person on these days.
    4. Getting used to the fact that you began to live together. This can be a big change in a relationship and needs to be taken seriously. You will feel comfortable very quickly, despite the inevitable difficulties. Also remember that you will change your mind about moving in together, usually a few days after you move in, as change is scary.

      • Important point a normal life together is that you don't have to hide your non-sexuality and personal items like tampons and pads, or that really awful pair of underpants that you have. Your significant other will find these things anyway, and the less you worry about it, the more comfortable you both will be.
      • Your routine will change. You just have to be ready for it. You must discuss who will perform what duties around the house, where each of you will have things, and so on. It will be a lot of talk and change.
      • Give each other space. This is one of the key points - to give each other a place where you can be alone with your emotions and feelings rising in you because of this change.
    5. Learn to deal with breakups. For starters, you need time to mourn the end of the relationship, even if you were the one who initiated the breakup. The gap is difficult for both partners, and it takes time to get over it. Here are a few highlights to keep in mind if you're trying to get used to your new status as a bachelor:

    • A key aspect of any type of addiction is that you need time for it to happen. It doesn't happen right away and you can't speed up the process. Give yourself time to get used to the new state of affairs in your life.


    • You cannot avoid change, no matter how hard you strive for it. It is better to be ready for them and not resist when they come.

The current life puts forward conditions for a person under which he needs to adapt and adapt. However, it happens that it is not quite possible to start living in a new way. Psychologists in this case say that you need to work well with yourself. Experts assure that the key to success is to work on your psychological state. How to adapt to life?

Psychologists are sure that in order for a person to live fully, he needs to take the position of a chameleon - depending on the situation, be able to change color and live with it. But, this is not so easy to do, especially since there are quite a lot of such situations when you have to adapt to new living conditions.

For example, a woman has to adapt to new circumstances when a child is born. The stress at the same time from change can be so strong that a woman can experience a nervous breakdown. Psychologists recommend preparing for such changes in advance - allocate responsibilities in the family, come up with a schedule, who will look after the child when and for how long, involve relatives, etc.

Of course, it is impossible to think everything through in advance and for sure something will go wrong. But still, having a certain plan will make it much easier to adapt to the changes that have occurred in life.

Also, you have to adapt to new circumstances in life in case of a change of residence or moving to another city or country. In such situations, patterns break when a person parted with the established and familiar world, friends, relatives. It is easier for a person who has a light character and consciously took this step to accept such a situation and temporary loneliness than for someone who has difficulty communicating with strangers.

However, you need to work with yourself and at least force yourself to appear in public. For example, you need to make a plan of interesting places in the city that you can visit and start your walks. In addition to the fact that you can have an interesting time and learn more about the place where you moved, you can find new acquaintances according to your interests.

Adaptation to life

Changing jobs can also be stressful for a person. After all, you have to adapt again to a new team, other habits, customs and foundations. In order to establish contacts and better adapt to new conditions, it is recommended to attend all events at work - corporate parties, bowling trips with colleagues, nature, etc. All this will help you quickly join the team.

How to adapt to life? There are general recommendations to help a person get settled in life much easier. For example, when you find yourself in a new and unfamiliar situation, it is better to switch to a slow life mode - start doing everything sequentially, with arrangement and not grab everything in a row, stability and order will appear in life.

In addition, the systematization and slowness of their life process helps to save the energy that will be needed in the future for great achievements. But, you must be ready under certain circumstances to use all your accumulated energy and do it most vividly and violently.

If you rationally distribute your forces, then you can quickly and painlessly survive the changes and merge with your own. new life— and this is what we should strive for.

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To fully adapt to a new workplace, a specialist needs from one and a half months to a year (for those for whom this is the first job, the period can last from a year to a year and a half).

Of course, if you went to work in a large corporation where a competent personnel service and a mentoring system is used, the adaptation period will take less time. Unfortunately, not all companies can boast such ideal conditions for new employees, so be prepared for anything.

There are two types of adaptation ahead of you: professional and socio-psychological.

Both the one and the other have their own stages through which a specialist goes through, getting used to a new team for him.

First- introduction. A person receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior.

Second- adaptation. At this stage, the worker is reoriented, recognizing the main elements new system values, but still retains many of its attitudes.

Third stage is assimilation. The time when complete adaptation to environment, you begin to identify with the new group.

Final stage- identification when your personal goals are identified with the goals of the enterprise.

The fact that you are successfully undergoing professional adaptation is indicated by the following:

  • The work you do does not cause you a feeling of tension, fear, insecurity, if it has become habitual.
  • You have mastered the necessary amount of knowledge and skills required for work, and use them.
  • What you are doing suits your immediate supervisors.
  • You have a desire to improve in the profession, you associate your future with this work.

And now directly advice from a business coach for a speedy adaptation:

  • Before starting work, ask your colleagues and the manager about whether there was someone in this position before you, how long he worked, why he left, what he did not like, what the manager and colleagues liked in the former employee.
  • Look at the documentation that the previous employee kept, try to understand its logic. When the records stopped, how regularly the reporting was done, whether it is convenient for the company, whether the documentation is related to the documents of other departments. If you're willing to make reporting easier, invite your manager to discuss it.
  • If, when trying to find out the features of your work from colleagues, you are faced with an unwillingness to help you, contact your supervisor. Perhaps this is a feature of the local corporate culture - the authorities do not transfer any authority to subordinates.

Reduce the impact of stress

Adaptation stress can play a cruel joke on a person. In this state, you begin to behave differently than usual. You seem to regress into childish behavior: joke inappropriately or not quite appropriately, hesitate to ask a question, use inappropriate facial expressions and gestures, become silent when there is a general conversation. You can try to reduce the impact of stress in the following ways:

  • Arrange your workplace in such a way that it is convenient for you to work (and does not contradict the requirements of the company). Throw away unnecessary things left over from a previous employee. Bring from home a mug for coffee breaks, a favorite souvenir, a picture, a family photo.
  • Choose clothes that are similar to those worn by others, but comfortable for you.
  • Bringing snacks from home and inviting not only those who are nice to you, but also other colleagues to coffee breaks - expand your social circle.
  • Be interested in hobbies that others are interested in, talk about your interests.
  • Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Sometimes the manager forgets that you are a beginner and just getting comfortable, and may accidentally make claims. Listen carefully. Say that you are sorry that this happened - an error in the report, deadlines were not met, the plan was not fulfilled. Ask how to avoid it next time. And politely remind you that the onboarding you are currently going through is a process that requires some time and the help of more experienced colleagues.
  • After work, find an opportunity to tell someone who is ready to listen to you and whose opinion you consider, what worries you, annoys you, makes you laugh at work. If this is not possible, then start a diary: write down something similar to short office stories.
  • Be sure to pamper yourself in your free time - "drive" to the cinema, go to a cafe, to the park. Get plenty of rest, eat tasty treats, and even play dumb games or hang out on social networks.
  • Be sure to let yourself sleep.
"- St. Petersburg: "Peter", 2014

If you want to manage others, learn to manage yourself.

This edition includes the leading ideas of Stephen Covey, Daniel Goleman, Edgar Schein, Kenneth Blanchard - those who have become recognized and undisputed leaders in matters of personal and professional growth. Their best techniques and technologies are now brought together.

Find clues and tips that will lead you to the goal in the shortest possible way and will allow you to bypass the traps that lie in wait for even experienced managers.

The book is intended for managers, entrepreneurs, managers.

Beginner: join the team and get down to business

To join the team means to learn how to behave correctly, in accordance with the corporate standards of the company, to find your place, to receive recognition and respect from colleagues. It also means building personal connections and relationships, adapting to the cultural and working environment of the organization.

Getting things done means doing your job effectively, meeting requirements, and making a positive contribution to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

The first weeks and months play a key role in laying the foundation for personal achievement in a new organization. But the beginning of work is also a time of various challenges. You have to meet people, gain new knowledge and work on new tasks. As you solve problems and explore opportunities, your professional talents and skills will grow. The proposed checklist lists the actions that will help new managers develop a strategy for success and prevent potential problems. It summarizes how to get comfortable in a new place, build relationships, and prove that you are able to cope with the tasks.

Check list

1. Determine a reasonable approach

At a new job, it is important to strike a balance between confidence in one's competence and the need for knowledge. Excessive self-confidence can look like arrogance and cause a deterioration in relations with colleagues.

Excessive modesty, on the other hand, will allow people to doubt your abilities. Set a reasonable balance: demonstrate faith in your abilities and at the same time a willingness to listen and learn.

2. Start getting into a worker role

First, you must understand the work that you have been assigned and understand what is expected of you.

  • Make sure you are clear about your responsibilities, reporting lines and authority levels.
  • Learn about current systems, structures, processes and procedures.
  • Discuss with the line manager and, if necessary, revise work goals and objectives.
  • Make the most of the induction program designed for you.
  • Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification or get something Additional information.
  • Start getting familiar with the day-to-day activities of the team (department).

3. Use the new role for change

Thanks to new role you have the opportunity to introduce changes and improvements - within reasonable limits, of course. Don't rush to study the situation properly.

However, try to define from the very beginning the vision of your role, goals for yourself and for the team. Once you've prioritized your planned changes, decide who you need to consult with. And before moving forward, discuss your ideas with these people.

4. Build relationships

Your success depends in no small part on building relationships within the organization. There is a balance to be struck between receiving additional assignments and good relations with colleagues. Preoccupation with personal affairs should not lead to indifference and disregard for the interests of employees.

The main focus should be, of course, interaction with the team and immediate supervisor, but do not ignore contacts and connections at other levels of the organization. Remember, relationships require patience and time. Do not refuse to participate in social events. This will allow you to get to know the people in the organization better, and your colleagues to understand you.

5. Reach out to key contacts

First of all, identify key people, that is, those who need to be influenced to solve their problems and extract the maximum benefit for themselves and the organization. One-on-one meetings with such people are extremely beneficial. You will begin to understand their role and priorities, which means it will be easier to get support for your initiatives and planned changes.

Consider finding the right mentor within the organization. Such help is never superfluous, especially for a novice manager. Thanks to a mentor, you will be able to learn about the real principles of the functioning of the company - management style, internal culture and relationships.

6. Study the organizational culture

The functioning of each organization has its own characteristics. If you continue to act in your usual manner, there will be a risk of not getting along with colleagues, which may result in confrontation. Keep this in mind and carefully observe "how everything works here." It is important to understand that the principles and values ​​declared by the organization do not always coincide with the real ones. If you have any doubts, seek advice from colleagues.

Be flexible, think about how to adapt your personal or work style to new conditions. As a result, you will be able to achieve recognition and become a full member of the team. But this does not mean that you have to break your character. The main thing is to find the right balance to be yourself and at the same time adapt to the new environment.

7. Learn Informal Organization Structures

Every organization has informal power structures that operate independently of formal structures and channels of communication. Carefully monitor the functioning of formal and informal structures in a new company for you. Networking and networking will give you a better understanding of how and when to use formal or informal channels most effectively.

8. Think about principles

If you accepted the job offer, you must share the goals and objectives of the organization. But it will be useful to assess how your personal position coincides with them. The real and declared values ​​of companies often diverge.

Careful observation of people's behavior reveals the extent of this discrepancy. Determine for yourself to what extent you are ready to accept the real principles of the functioning of the organization, without sacrificing your own. Build your position and relationships with colleagues according to this decision.

9. Suggest Design Changes

The ability to build relationships with colleagues is very important. However, they took you to a new job not for this, but for the skill, knowledge and experience that you offered. Therefore, do not think that you should become in the organization "like everyone else", another "clone". You are able to see the picture with fresh eyes and make a significant contribution to the matter. The main thing is to act correctly.

But first you need to understand why before you the work was carried out in this way and not otherwise. There are always reasons for this - legal or technical.

On the other hand, there are usually more effective ways solving the same problems. Start with questions that interest you. Don't just deny or criticize, but try to keep your approach constructive.

10. Show off your abilities

Do not immediately try to convince the employer that he did not make a mistake by hiring you. Map out a simple task or small improvement that, over the next few weeks, will be a relatively easy win and success. This will give colleagues confidence in your abilities, and you will build confidence in yourself. In addition, you will gain additional time to solve more complex problems and tasks.

11. Negotiate Feedback and Review Success

Feedback can be received through analytical reports of the organization or through the system management activities. But the real help in adapting to the new situation will be frequent and regular Feedback with immediate supervisor and colleagues.

Ask them about their impressions of your work, try to arrange periodic meetings to discuss your progress. Take time to evaluate your achievements and set priorities. Don't torture yourself with guilt about mistakes, consider them a natural part of the learning process. Do everything right as possible, learn from experience and move on. But keep in mind: over time, you will no longer forgive mistakes. You are expected to quickly get used to and begin to effectively perform your duties.

12. Make the Most of Your Learning and Development Programs

After you adapt to your new role, you need to assess your strengths and weaknesses and consider what can be improved. Find out how the organization conducts training and development. Is there an annual company needs assessment process? Are trainings and/or curatorial programs available?

Take advantage of formal and non-formal learning opportunities - it doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive.

Look at your work from an organizational point of view and assess how closely the tasks of your department or project relate to general plans and goals.

Chat with colleagues to keep up to date with what and how they are doing. Study the environment in which the company operates, especially if you work in an industry that is unfamiliar to you.

Who is most interested in the company's activities? Customers or, for example, suppliers? Who is the main competitor? What local, national and international factors influence the organization? Do your best to learn more: talk to knowledgeable people both inside and outside the firm, read departmental newspapers, visit industry-specific web portals, subscribe to relevant online news, join relevant online communities.

14. Take care of yourself

Starting a new job is stressful. Adapting to strangers, unfamiliar surroundings is very tiring. Until you are fully in the work role, be sure to set aside time in your schedule for physical and mental health activities. The urge to work hard and impress is understandable, but don't let yourself be pushed around the clock. Where feats are not expected of you, act in the usual rhythm. Eat well, find time to rest and relax.

As a manager, try to avoid:

  • Grossly violate established procedures and norms of behavior;
  • Compare new organization with the previous place of work;
  • Making statements like: “When I worked at X, we did it this way and that way”;
  • Build a know-it-all out of yourself;
  • Act like the majority, contrary to their principles;
  • Get bogged down in daily routine;
  • Paying too much attention to the perks provided by the organization, such as a company car, mobile connection or health insurance;
  • Focus on the little things;
  • Forget to learn from mistakes.

Becoming financially independent means, more often than not, finding a job. But this is only half the battle on the way to gaining a foothold in your workplace and start climbing career ladder. Would need probation, the period of adaptation to the new conditions.

The arrival or transition to a new job is always a stressful and difficult process. This is especially true for the first working day. In other words, "as you harness, so you will go." Most middle managers involved in the selection of personnel in companies believe that the main factor in the successful adaptation of a new employee in a team is the level of accessibility of the "newcomer" to information related to work in a particular workplace. For this, special programs are even being created that will help a new person protect themselves from stressful situations and fully demonstrate their performance.

First day of work

On the first day of work new person really needs the support of an employee of the personnel department or, as it is commonly called today, the HR department. The new colleague is given attention in order to create in his mind positive attitude on the further work, to minimize his psycho-emotional load. After all, the goal of the HR department is to retain staff.

On the other hand, without the efforts of a newcomer in the same direction, an HR employee is unlikely to be able to achieve this.

Note! A “newcomer” is simply obliged not only to show interest, activity (willingly gets acquainted with colleagues, with the generally accepted rules of this team, with the nature and volume of his work), but also independently set himself up mentally for a positive result.

You need to concentrate your efforts due to the fact that the first working day is full of events and a lot of information, the need to understand the structure of the company, the features of the business process, and the style of work of the immediate supervisor.

The result of such bilateral work largely depends on the scale of the organization, the volume and complexity of the tasks that it faces. In a small business company, any nearest employee can familiarize a new colleague with the rules. AT large organization will probably need the help of a specialist with a broader profile in order to new employee was not limited only by his duties, he was able to clarify for himself the main goal that the corporation sets for itself. This will help him evaluate the role of his work, his duties in common cause. Not to mention the fact that a beginner needs to be shown and told where everything is, how to find the necessary departments, who to contact on certain issues. In turn, the colleagues of the department supplement the general information with details.

For the period of adaptation to a beginner, it is useful to attach a personal mentor, who, if necessary, can be contacted for useful advice who will answer any question at any time. After all, questions begin to arise only in the process of work. At first, a newcomer can often be embarrassed in front of management or afraid to distract colleagues from work. But a wrong decision or a wrong act out of ignorance can cause much more harm not only to a beginner, but also to the common cause.

Tactics of behavior

In the environment familiar to us, we know exactly what to do to solve the problems that we face. In a new team, in order to feel like a “fish in the water”, it is important to know how to behave in order for the adaptation to be successful, to know what is more important - maintaining your own work style, own rules and habits or the application of a generally accepted style of work in a given team.

Note! HR specialists believe that it is very important to adhere to the “golden” mean, which involves the manifestation of individuality.

It can be very useful for improving the style of work of the team of the department and the company as a whole. From the very beginning, this fact can significantly “work” in favor of a beginner, raise his rating, if, of course, there is a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. This will facilitate communication with colleagues, superiors. You can not ignore their proposals to take part in a joint dinner or conversation on abstract topics, for example, in a smoking room. Overcoming stiffness in the process of such contacts contributes to the speedy getting used to the new environment.

Secrets of successful adaptation

The secrets of successful adaptation are to, without showing much zeal, to fulfill their duties diligently, responsibly. The desire to please you immediately, from the first days, will do more harm than bring you closer to success in the team. It has long been known that not a single team accepts "upstarts" who "stick out with their own opinion." It is useful to wait until colleagues endowed with experience speak out, and then (better at their request) join the discussion.

And what you should not do at all is to delve into the process of gossip and, moreover, take sides in squabbles on topics that arose on the basis of events occurring before the newcomer appeared in this team.

Only the desire to learn, the ability to painlessly accept criticism, patience, a friendly attitude towards everyone without exception, a moderate sense of humor will help you quickly become your own person in a new team.

It's no secret that the appearance of a new colleague arouses special interest in him of the entire team, which consists of very different people, including very cocky ones. They will definitely try to test you "for strength", exacerbating the discomfort that you experience. For old-timers, a newcomer to the team is a fresh opportunity to add adrenaline, an opportunity to stand out, increase their self-esteem, and feel like an experienced mentor.

This is especially true for large companies that have already become conservative, with a well-established composition of colleagues who have managed to overcome many professional barriers, who have managed to get used to each other, and possibly get tired of each other.

Note! Under such conditions, it is important not only to fulfill one's duties with high quality, but also to acquire a “strong back”, find like-minded people and, with their help, create a solid professional ground.


The rejection of a new employee has acquired a modern name - mobbing. This phenomenon can be assessed as office hazing, persecution or persecution of the unsettled. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed not only on the part of ordinary employees, but also on the part of managers. The manifestation of such an unhealthy atmosphere in the team forced, for example, Sweden to develop a special anti-mobbing law.

The consequence of mobbing, generated by fear and internal tension in the team, according to research by European specialists from HR departments, can be stressful conditions, headaches, insomnia, nightmares, detachment, doubts, guilt, shame, and even paranoia and suicide (in 10% of cases ). What is the way out?

First of all, you should:

  • analyze your behavior
  • improve your professionalism;
  • observe what is happening in the group.

Research has identified the harmfulness of some habits that are good to know about: empty talk with colleagues and a tendency to gossip; frequent smoking; obsessive, tactless and irresponsible behavior; being late; loud speech, especially on the phone on a personal topic; meal in working time; laziness; carelessness with negligence and such vices as arrogance, lies, stupidity, denunciations and rudeness.

Forbidden tactics of behavior in a team

There is no doubt that the art of entering into a group requires effort. It can always be reduced. It is very easy to turn colleagues against yourself, because those who want to use the “who is new” tactic are found very quickly. To do this, let's start from the opposite and list the tricks that should become taboo for a beginner.

  • When going to work, stock up on “equipment” in the form of a block of chewing gum, a bag of seeds, perfume with a pungent smell, bright nail polish, which ladies will use without hesitation and only during working hours. Use this "arsenal" purely individually, without sharing with anyone.
  • Frankly demonstrate that you have a "fancy" mobile phone with loud speakers that can break through any walls and partitions in the office with their decibels. Receiving and sending calls should occur hourly and exclusively without tactfully leaving the office.

  • Demonstrate your "unstoppable" performance by the end of the day with a delay in the office after working hours. This will allow all colleagues to finally “realize” what kind of loafers they are.
  • Other people's lighters, office paper, pens, rulers, erasers ... that you grab when you go home will always come in handy for your home life.
  • Choose the warmest and most comfortable for you workplace not forgetting to open the window in the office often.

Well, and something else in a similar manner ... At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing particularly serious in the actions mentioned above, let alone criminal. But life, as we know, is made up of little things, and hostility, as a rule, is gradually born from them. Your colleagues will not even be able to formulate an answer to the question why they dislike you so steadily.

Note! An important task facing a new employee in a new team for him is to learn to analyze his actions and highlight those that cause a negative reaction from colleagues.

Comprehending the art of communication, it is quite possible to acquire the skills to overcome obstacles in solving the sometimes difficult problem - how to adapt to a new team.