Purification of thought. How to quickly clear unnecessary thoughts in your head. But let's start with the physical world

  • 29.10.2019

If you are drowning in unpleasant thoughts and cannot get rid of it, you urgently need to change it. For example, here are 7 ways to get rid of unnecessary negativity from your head.

When negative thoughts start up in the head, people often try to get rid of it so as not to worry in vain. But the more you try not to think about the negative, the more you tend to it. In order to really stop focusing on the bad, it takes more than trying not to think. To your attention 7 tips on how to get out of the abyss of negativity and not bother yourself.

1. Change your body language

Pay attention to your body language. Are you sad, angry, or maybe slouching? If so, then it is more likely that your head is filled with negative thoughts.
The constrained position of the body and a frowning grimace create not very good mood. So, your first step to getting rid of negativity is to change your posture and facial expressions.
And it really helps! As soon as you notice unpleasant thoughts, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders, then try to recognize exactly where tension has accumulated in your body and relax, smile. Almost immediately you will feel that the emotional background is improving.

2. Discuss the problem

There are people who tell everyone around about their problems and seem to even enjoy it. There are others who keep everything in themselves to the last, and then get nervous breakdowns.
If you have any unpleasant emotions that do not disappear in any way, try to tell your loved ones about it.
When you turn your mood into words, emotions take shape and become visible in desired perspective. After the conversation, you yourself will be surprised how ridiculous the experiences were on this or that occasion.

3. Take One Minute to Clear Your Mind of All Thoughts

When thousands of thoughts per minute are going through your head, it is very difficult to decide or control anything. If you're obsessed with negativity, try not thinking about anything at all for just one minute.
By paying attention to what is happening in the mind, and what thoughts dominate there, you can correct the situation by adding a piece of positive.

4. Change the tone of your thoughts

It even becomes scary when you realize that from a slight change in the wording, the emotional connotation of the phrase or thought itself becomes radically different. How often do we oppress ourselves with incorrectly expressed thoughts, but it is possible to make it so that even with the same initial data, the results will be completely different.
For example, instead of thinking, "I'm going through a difficult period in my life and I have problems," you can say something like this: "I'm in a phase of change and I'm looking for the best solutions."
As you can see, the situation has not changed, just the problems were called “changes”, but who will say that this is not true? Meanwhile, the very tone of your thoughts is different, and you didn't even have to deceive yourself to cheer yourself up.

5. Get creative

When negative thoughts attack you, you can spend some time getting creative (this works just like talking). You can do anything: write prose or poetry, draw with a pencil or paint, dance in the end.
Spilling emotions into creativity is a kind of art therapy, which will not only become a relaxation, but also improve your mood. Negative thoughts will pass through you, materialize in some form, and stay there, not in your head.

6. Take a walk

It often seems as if one's own head is the only source of negativity. Usually it is, but there are exceptions. If you are surrounded by negative people, for example, in the family they constantly quarrel and blame each other, or at work everyone is very annoyed, half of the negativity can be caused by their mood.
If you are not a guru, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of negative thoughts while being in such an environment. So, if possible, move away from him to calm down. Just take a walk or go somewhere: to an exhibition, to your favorite cafe, to the cinema - this will help you find peace of mind.

7. Make a gratitude list

In order not to drown in unpleasant thoughts and emotions, you need to urgently switch - a gratitude list is perfect for this.
Swimming in the negative, we naturally forget all the good things, and it seems that there is simply no way out, because in every aspect of life a big and complete failure awaits us. So take a piece of paper and write down all the good things in your life, doing it from a position of gratitude.
This will help focus your mind on the positive wave, so that after the gratitude list, all unpleasant thoughts will seem less scary.
After all, if you have so many good things, how can this be a problem?

It is impossible to remove thoughts completely. Only a little to stop the internal dialogue is obtained in deep meditation. In other cases, even in sleep, the generation continues. Therefore, you need not to remove thoughts, but learn to control them.

Observation is the best way to clear thoughts

The thought comes to mind and then develops. You think about it, plan something, looking ahead or returning to the past. This wastes time and a lot of energy. But if you do not start the process, do not start developing the idea, then it will disappear. Usually a person fixes on 6-10 thoughts a day, and thinks them all the time. Watch what these phrases are.

Usually a few problems in the outside world are the cause of the thoughts. It is worth seeing what you are thinking about, and you won’t have to repeat the same thing in your head again. Free up a lot of time. You just need to realize what it takes, how you cling to the wording and follow its lead. If you take away, you can abandon the usual action. Just watch how the thought enters the head, arises there. And instead of continuing, let her go, refuse to think about it.

Let go of old thoughts

An abundance of thoughts is characteristic of those who have to do many projects at once. It is important to remember some things, to implement some things and at the same time plan the next day, or even a month. And the more events, the more difficult. You can get rid of this. The easiest way is to start a diary. Let things be not in your head, but in a notebook. Take it as a rule. open it in the morning and every time you plan something. There will be no need to remember everything, which means the state will be much more pleasant.

You can let go of thoughts and summing up. For example, each week record what you did in 7 days. And forget the done things. Everything, the period is over, things are completed. There is no need to think that it was possible to do something differently. Time has passed, which means it's time to free the brain. Such reports can be done every evening or once a month, each person will choose his own regularity.

Right Action

If you do things on time, there will be fewer thoughts. And there will be no remorse, which is present when something is not in time. Make it a rule to do what you have planned immediately, and not after a while.

Plan your life. When there are clearly set goals, unnecessary thoughts simply do not arise. Goals should be long-term and short-term. When you understand. What you do, why and what result you expect, everything becomes easier. At the same time, it is easy to separate those thoughts that are useful for the realization of ideas, and those that simply clog the brain. With this approach, it is easy not to think about what is not useful.

How to clear your mind of negativity in the easiest way?

I think you understand why you need to cleanse your mind of negativity. How, I'll tell you now.

Your subconscious knows everything about you. Everything. You can only talk to your subconscious in a trance state.

Each person experiences this condition differently.

A person in this state is several times a day. When he wakes up, falls asleep, listens to pleasant music, thinks, and even when he is praised, or when he is very upset.

There is something in all of us that hinders us. This can manifest itself in our bad luck, in actions, words, or some kind of force that prevents us from living and fulfilling our desires. Perhaps you have decided to end a bad habit, laziness, or some other negativity.

So this article is for you, and you will understand its importance. Clearing your mind is not for everyone. Only for those who are ready
trust yourself completely.

It is one thing to harmonize yourself with the space, to become more sincere, self-confident. And the second thing is to be yourself and allow yourself to release all the negativity that sits very deep in you.

Don't block your emotions, give free rein and let them out.

It can be painful, unpleasant and strange.

During such a cleansing of consciousness, you will be in a kind of trance state. Each person expresses this condition differently. Strange phenomena can happen to you, and this is natural.

If you are ready and see for yourself the value and importance of cleansing your consciousness, only then can you start this procedure.

Go to the forest or park, find a calm and safe place for your strange manifestations. Seclude yourself so that no one can disturb you.

Choose the most powerful, healthy and beautiful tree, any breed. Lean against him, hug him, and ask for help from the Higher Mind, from the Forces of Nature through a physical object - a powerful tree.

In this case, a powerful tree is the conductor of the Universe - the Higher Mind.

Ask to clear your mind of negativity and put your mind in order.

Loudly, say the phrase three times - “I let go of everything that hinders me.” Open your palms, point them at the tree and wait for the answer. The answer comes immediately. Listen to yourself. Strange things will start happening to you. So the purge has begun.

You may begin to shake, or you may want to shout out loud, laugh or cry. Maybe you just want to lie down on the ground, or you suddenly want to sleep.

You shouldn't hold back on anything. Go deeper into the cleansing process. Don't interfere
release your emotions. Release all negativity from your body and subconscious.

Give yourself completely to this process. This is a very deep process that has a beginning and no end. Stay in this process for as long as you need.

This is the essence of cleansing your consciousness. The Universe helps you - the Higher mind through this physical object - a powerful tree.

After such a cleansing of consciousness, even some chronic diseases can gradually disappear from you. You can suddenly become an incredibly bright and happy person.

It is advisable to carry out such cleaning weekly. You will change gradually. Clean up for health. I wish you success.

Nadezhda Panasenko was with you -

coach on happiness and work with bad habits of a person.

Negative thoughts can ruin the life of any person. Everyone has periods when obsessive fears climb into the head. You need to be ready for this state in order to immediately repel the blow and return the joy of being. There are many ways to deal with negativity, but first of all, you need to find out the cause of this condition.

Bad thoughts are depressive fantasies that don't go away. These can be real events that have occurred recently or unfounded groundless fears that do not allow you to calm down and torment your soul. Negative thoughts have one distinguishing feature- they are intrusive. A person tries in vain to stop thinking about the bad.

And it would not be so terrible if these negative thoughts did not affect our physical condition, did not affect our affairs, did not result in rash words, would not interfere with our productivity. But we have to pay for everything, including the negative thoughts in our head.

And these thoughts are like a virus - they tend to be fruitful and multiply. And they do it pretty quickly. Before you can blink an eye, the world, which was quite normal a minute ago, has turned into a dull and terrible place.

You need to clear your head of unnecessary, unnecessary and harmful thoughts for health and well-being, but in no case should you fight them.

The more you blow on the fire, the stronger it flares up.

If you do not pull yourself together, you can provoke a serious illness, and we are talking not only about depression. How does emotional slag accumulate in the human body? How can you clear your thoughts of everything unhealthy, toxic and unnecessary?

Scientists have proven that thoughts are material. What a person focuses his attention on, he attracts into life. it main reason on which it is worth fighting the negative.

Most events and unpleasant situations can be avoided by focusing on positive moments. It's hard at first, but with practice positive thinking constantly, then it will become a habit and life will change dramatically. Being in a state of depression, a person deprives himself of a better future. He creates in his head a scenario of events that will come true. The constant "scrolling" of unsuccessful situations makes him insecure and suspicious. Fear and stress prevent you from developing and achieving your goals.

Negative thoughts have a detrimental effect not only on the mental state, they affect health. Nervous tension affects the general condition of the body. Over time, negative thinking turns a person into a nervous, irritable and depressed person. And this cannot pass without consequences. Sooner or later, this condition will turn into pathology, and it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem. Constant worries can provoke headaches, cause a hypertensive crisis or stomach ulcers.

Scientists have found that prevailing negative thoughts are a trigger for the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, they must be thrown out of the head as soon as possible.

Reasons for bad thoughts

The fight against negative thoughts can only begin after a thorough analysis of the situation and identifying the causes of their occurrence. Some process always contributes to the appearance of gloomy thoughts.

Obsessive ideas contribute to the emergence of negative emotions, and a person's life turns into a nightmare.

The most common causes of negative thoughts are:

  1. Character features. For some people, negative thinking prevails from childhood, it becomes their habit in adulthood. A person in this case sees the world in a dark color and cannot do otherwise. Sensitive individuals take everything to heart because of their temperament. They replay the events that have happened in their minds.
  2. Low self-esteem. Flaws in appearance, physical abnormalities or psychological reasons, in most cases, provoke the appearance of self-doubt. Many people tend to focus on defects, and it seems to them that everyone around them notices their shortcomings. Relax in such a situation is not possible. Low self-esteem can also be found in outwardly attractive people. The factors of its development are reproaches from others and condemnation, which lingered in the memory for a long time.
  3. Negative experience. A series of unpleasant situations could have a significant impact on the psyche and way of thinking. The person remained afraid that in the future a negative event could happen again. This often happens to victims of violence.
  4. Suspiciousness. This character trait is expressed in constant fear and alertness. The reason for this behavior can even be a read book or a story from the news. In people prone to suspiciousness, persecution mania is often observed.
  5. Inability to make a decision. Some individuals cannot identify own desires, they constantly doubt their choice, even if it concerns small things.
  6. Environment. Society often inspires people that everything is bad and there is nothing positive in life. Such individuals actively impose their opinions on others and try to criticize everyone around, developing in others complexes and fear of the future.
  7. Loneliness. Some people are lonely, they need attention, care and love. Most often, women are in this situation. In the absence of a strong shoulder nearby, fragile ladies take on masculine obligations, it seems to them that there is nowhere to wait for help and support.
  8. Difficult situation. The impetus for the predominance of negative thoughts can be some event: a major quarrel, divorce, an accident with someone close to you, and much more. In such cases, it is important not to withdraw into yourself, plunging into depression.

How can you clear your thoughts of everything unhealthy, toxic and unnecessary?

It is necessary to get rid of the destructive form of thinking. This applies to any bad thoughts that come into your head, whether it is worries about problems at work, fear for the child, or the inability to focus on something else. A person should take a sober look at things and understand: trouble can actually happen or this overactive imagination draws gloomy pictures.

Recommendation #1. Each quarrel, each insult is deposited in a black clot on the energy walls of a person. Disappointments, human meanness will lie side by side with strokes, gradually absorbing light energy and attracting diseases. Learn to forgive offenders, they will be rewarded anyway, without your intervention. Learn to forgive yourself, no one is perfect, people make mistakes. Perceive failures not as a collapse of hopes and aspirations, but as next stage way to something very important.

Recommendation #2. Perceive reality through sensations. In other words, make a subtle leap from thinking to feeling. Feel what you think. This simple technique, when performed correctly, can work wonders. Our mind rules over thoughts, but feelings are no longer its diocese, this is already the level of the unconscious. And moving to the level of feeling the situation (or problem), you get on the path to resolving it at the deepest level.

Recommendation number 3. Let go of the evil thought. Imagine that you are sitting at a bus stop, you see a bus that is passing by, and suddenly jumping up, run after it, catch up and cling to the bumper. The bus does not stop, it continues to drag you along. You drag along the asphalt, it hurts, you scream about your suffering, but for some reason you continue to cling to the bus. Can you finally release the bumper? Believe me, this will make you much, much easier.

Recommendation number 4. Get rid of the habit of reading the news. In fact, there is no practical value in the news that is posted on the Internet or reported on TV, there is none. It simply exploits the ancient (“cave”) human habit of keeping abreast of the news of their community - to find out the news, gossip and rumors in order to know what will help them survive. If the current news is related to survival, then it is exclusively in a negative way - those who read and listen to them have less chance of surviving. Therefore, "hammer" the news.

Recommendation number 5.Solve the problem of. If a person is constantly focused on bad thoughts and experiences negative emotions, then it is recommended to do so that the source of worries disappears. Problem solving is the most effective way helping to quickly get rid of experiences. If a person hates his workplace and on this basis he experiences constant stress, the best thing he can do is quit. The same applies to relationships, if the union does not bring joy, you need to leave. Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary, but necessary.

Recommendation number 6. Do only one task at a time. The habit of "chasing 2 hares" (or even 3-4), despite the well-known proverb, continues to live indestructibly in the minds of our people. In addition to a sharp decrease in productivity, this habit also generates a stream of not the best thoughts that multiply, swarm, confuse and confuse the further - the more. Try to train yourself to focus on one task at a time in your life. And deal with it faster. And awareness will grow.

Recommendation number 7. Replace. If unpleasant thoughts began to stir in your head, caused by one reason or another, put something directly opposite in their place. It is known from the school physics course that 2 objects cannot occupy the same place in space. This is true for the mind as well. You cannot think 2 thoughts at the same time. Therefore, if you start thinking about something pleasant or interesting for you, then clear your thoughts of the bad.

Recommendation number 8. Thought observation. In fact, we are talking here about a simple meditative practice - to start looking at your thoughts from the outside. Or, in other words, just listen to the voice that is mumbling something in your head. This voice is your limited selfish mind. Listen to him impartially and without judgment, do not argue with him and do not judge. By using this practice regularly, you will learn to enter into a state of presence in the present moment.

Recommendation number 9. Observation of the gap between thoughts. This practice is somewhat similar to the previous one. The difference lies in the fact that you begin to follow not your thoughts, but the silence that separates or surrounds them. It's like if you look at the track along which an endless stream of cars rushes, but you are not watching the oversized transport quickly replacing each other, but you are looking at the road itself, which is unchanged and constant like the ocean. This is the Real. When you feel it, you will feel deep joy in your soul.

Recommendation number 10. Change your attitude towards the mind. Think of your mind and everything that goes on in it as a radio or TV that constantly mutters something while you are doing some business or enjoying the current moment. If you still can't turn off this TV, then just ignore it. Think about what you are doing at the moment, or enjoy a state of peace, or enjoy what you are doing (eating fruit, reading a book, admiring the sea, etc.). And let your mind growl.

Recommendation number 11. Stop internal dialogue. Usually, different subpersonalities conduct an internal dialogue with each other, but most often the Overseer communicates with you - a special social program that makes sure that you remain an obedient slave of society and do not twitch where you shouldn’t (“an overseer” is a structure that develops in the psyche in the process of human socialization).

Recommendation #12. Write down the flow of thoughts on paper - the method is simple, ancient and reliable, like a Siberian felt boot. Such a kind of independent psychoanalysis. All you need is a pen, a few sheets of paper, and at least 30 minutes of solitary time. During this time, write down everything that excites you the most at the moment. At the same time, your task is to write in one sitting, without interrupting and without thinking about what you are writing, just a pure and uncluttered “stream of consciousness”.

After you finish writing down all the exciting and disturbing thoughts, it is useful to analyze and rationalize them - you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself and your life.

Recommendation 13: Ignore. The source of negative reasoning can be rhetorical or philosophical questions. Some people are disturbed by thoughts of death, they do not go out of their heads, preventing them from enjoying life and enjoying today. In this case, you need to learn to concentrate on what is happening and be present "here and now." Light thoughts will help to defeat black thoughts. If an obsessive fear of death overcomes, then you need to try to ignore it and pay attention to the real state of affairs.

Recommendation 14. "Live" a negative thought. The constant replaying of an unpleasant situation in the head indicates that the brain is looking for ways to solve it. To stop thinking in a negative way, you can consider each negative emotion separately. This practice helps reduce fear of the future and restore a positive mood. For example, women during pregnancy are overwhelmed with anxieties. To solve the problem, the girl is advised to sit down and think: what are the possible outcomes of her current state and how she will act in a certain situation. After all the negative scenarios have been experienced, you need to focus on the positive aspects.

Recommendation 15. Read books. Quality works - effective method in the fight against bad thoughts. Psychologists recommend paying special attention to publications devoted to personal growth. Such literature can have a positive impact on all aspects of life.

Recommendation 16Throw out negative emotions from yourself. Another effective method is to destroy bad thoughts. To do this, you need to write out all the fears and negativity on paper, burn the sheet, and scatter the ashes in the wind. There is another way - to put the message in Balloon and release it into the sky. Exercise will help you get rid of unnecessary experiences from your head.

Recommendation 17: Focus on the present moment. People tend to mentally return to past events or rush far ahead. It is important to learn to live for today, then the number of negative thoughts will be reduced to a minimum.

Recommendation 18. Rest. Constant tension and stress can unsettle even the most optimistic and cheerful person. In such a situation, you need to relax. If possible, it is recommended to get out to the country for the weekend and spend time in a relaxed atmosphere, turning off the phone and the Internet.

Recommendation 19. Put things in order in the apartment.Cleaning is relaxing. If negative thoughts do not go out of your head, then you can arrange a general cleaning in your home and get rid of unnecessary things. This method is very effective despite its simplicity.

Recommendation 20. Get a shot of adrenaline.An extraordinary act, for example, a parachute jump, will help to cope with negative thinking. New emotions will affect the state of mind and allow you to overcome bad thoughts.

Effective ways to deal with negative thoughts are:

  • setting a global goal;
  • helping others;
  • listening to music;
  • walks in the open air;
  • chat with friends;
  • animal care;
  • gratitude for life.

Of course, the best (of all possible) ways to clear your mind of all unnecessary thoughts is the ability to take an external position in relation to your limited mind. Be the master, not the slave of your mind.

For many people, the question of how to clear the mind is relevant. And everyone really should know the answer to it. The brain of each person daily generates from 60,000 to 100,000 different thoughts. And unfortunately, not all of them are positive.

Bad, unnecessary thoughts not only do not justify themselves, but also greatly poison life. In addition, they have the ability to reproduce. Therefore, they must be disposed of immediately after the occurrence. How? This is what will be discussed now.

Instant help

If you study the tips designed to answer the question of how to clear your mind, you will notice that all the recommendations are designed for the long term. That is, it tells about what needs to be done so that bad thoughts do not appear.

But is it possible to immediately do something with negative thoughts? Yes. Need to relax! Immediately switch to another activity. Go somewhere else, go somewhere crowded or picturesque. Listen to music, preferably positive, but since in a bad mood it only depresses, then at least neutral. And it is better to include a movie, TV series or a positive cartoon.

All this will contribute to a change in the real and emotional background, help to distract. Unnecessary thoughts will disappear at least for a while. And then they will either lose their significance (the person will simply return to studying them with a fresh look), or they will seem less tragic. Or even a solution to the problem.

Analysis of the situation

Thinking is in psychology a generalized and indirect way of reflecting reality. Therefore, when bad thoughts arise, it is worth considering: are they really bad and unnecessary? Maybe there is a real problem behind them?

If yes, then you need to solve it. Running away from a problem is not an option - it will constantly remind you of yourself. And the concentration on bad thoughts will grow stronger every day. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible, if only the source of worries disappears.

Psychologists also recommend "living" your negative thought. If an unpleasant situation constantly scrolls in the brain, then you need to find ways to solve it. Thinking is in psychology cognitive activity. Therefore, it is recommended to think about each negative emotion separately.

Living through all the negative scenarios helps bring back the good mood and minimize the fear of the future.


How to clear the mind? First of all, you need to convince yourself that scrolling the same thoughts in your head will not lead to anything good. It's pointless. All obsessive images are deception or exaggeration, only more confusing consciousness.

It is best to “program” yourself for this at the moment of the best morale. In the morning, for example, after the gym, or after meditation.

Also, if you want to clear your mind of negativity, you need to understand the following three rules:

  • The solution to the problem will not come if you constantly think about it.
  • Obsessive thoughts have no rational basis.
  • This “mental chewing gum” cannot be eliminated with the help of even more in-depth reflection and logic.

It is very important to move the negative and “upload” the awareness of all of the above in its place.

Awareness of the absurd

This is where logic can help. How to clear the mind? You need to understand that there is no sense in obsessive thoughts. No need to replay the same situation in your head a thousand times. This will only lead to nervous exhaustion.

The argument that a person directs against his thoughts should be concise and intelligible. The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise this often leads to an argument with oneself. In addition, in such situations, as a rule, fears and emotions take precedence over the mind and logic.

No matter how it sounds, but you need to think less. The endless scrolling of bad thoughts in the head only leads to their amplification, scaling and globalization. In other words, a person himself makes an elephant out of a fly.

Ignoring as a solution

They say: "Do not take evil in your head." And that's really great advice. Many psychologists recommend telling yourself to ignore intrusive thoughts, to stop thinking about what brings pain. And why, when it does not bring sense?

After all, in fact, obsessive thoughts are the repetition of the same thing in a variety of ways. new information the person will not receive. No decision will be made.

So what is the point of getting carried away with empty, fruitless reflections? Therefore, after this realization, it is important to draw an invisible line. And after it, never again pay attention to thoughts trying to penetrate the brain.

Of course, they will return the first time. But what's the difference? After all, a person has already realized that they are deceptive and have nothing to do with real problems. And do not be upset that thoughts again overcome consciousness. You just need to treat them with indifference.

Life change

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of bad thoughts coming through all channels of information perception. They seem to become part of the human soul. In this case, there is only one thing left - to change the old way of life. It's difficult, but effective. Until a person gets rid of the old, he will not receive a new one.

Changing your lifestyle and hobbies can turn your thoughts in a completely different direction. In addition, it energizes and fills the mind with positive emotions. There is less time for negative ones, and desires too. After all, when a person is happy, he does not want to waste time on negativity.

Naturally, you need to play sports. Physical exercise is what contributes to the production of endorphins, better known as happiness hormones.


Many psychologists who give advice on how to clear the mind of garbage recommend bringing affirmations into your life. These are short phrases containing such formulas that, with constant repetition, fix the necessary attitude or image in the subconscious. For example:

  • "All bad things come to an end sooner or later. And bad thoughts also pass."
  • "I can choose what I want to think about."
  • "I am responsible for my life and my thoughts."
  • "I choose positive thinking."
  • "I can handle it."
  • "I am strong, resourceful and smart. I can solve any problem."
  • "I can handle anything that gets in my way."
  • "Negative thoughts are a test. They open doors to possibilities."
  • "I have a clear mind and he can focus on decisions."
  • "I will be calm and happy."

There are people who take affirmations lightly, considering it a stupid thing to do. But in fact, their acceptance is often the first step towards inner transformation.

What won't help

Above it was a little told about how to clear the mind of garbage. Finally, it is worth talking about something that will never save a person from bad thoughts.

Here the main enemies are:

  • Strict attitude towards yourself and pity. Feeling himself poor and unhappy or completely insignificant, a person finally unsticks. If there is a problem that poisons life, it is necessary to fight it. And groundless thoughts - to eradicate. In any case, you will need strength and energy, which will not be there if you constantly feel sorry for yourself or reproach yourself.
  • Fantasies with negative endings. A person has already decided to do something, but suddenly his mind begins to overflow with various options for the development of events, and those that will not end in the best way.
  • Postponing for later. Unfortunately, the longer a person stays in the described state, the more he will move away from what he wants.

But in general, psychologists say that it will be possible to cope with this problem if a person really wants it badly, and also believes in himself. There has never been a time when daily work did not help to improve life. But you really have to try. It is a mistake to believe that negative thoughts exist only in the head. They are also reflected in actions and appearance.

And after a person changes himself, his life will change. We must learn: only he decides what his story will be. The life of any person is his own choice.