Gyrfalcon natural area. The bird is chirping. Protection and preservation

  • 07.11.2019

Gyrfalcon is a formidable bird that has long been used in Russia as a hunting bird. keen eye, powerful muscles and a strong key - all this makes gyrfalcons excellent predators, almost never overshooting their intended target. Gyrfalcons can be tamed, however, even living with a person, they still retain their independence, and obey only those whose superiority over themselves they voluntarily recognize.

  1. The Russian word "gyrfalcon" is mentioned in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign", that is, it has existed since the 12th century.
  2. Female gyrfalcons are almost twice the size and weight of males.
  3. Gyrfalcon is the largest falcon bird (see).
  4. The total body length of gyrfalcons reaches 60 centimeters, and the wingspan is 135 centimeters.
  5. Gyrfalcons should eat about 200 grams of food daily - most often flying birds become their prey, which they grab right in the air, diving on them from above (see).
  6. The main prey of gyrfalcons are white partridges.
  7. Gyrfalcons rarely build their own nests - they prefer to take over the dwellings of other birds, especially buzzards and ravens. The nest is about a meter in diameter.
  8. In the Middle Ages, gyrfalcons were highly valued as excellent hunting birds.
  9. In Russia, gyrfalcons are often caught by poachers in order to then sell the birds abroad for an average of 30 thousand dollars.
  10. The northernmost territories inhabited by gyrfalcons are Greenland, Franz Josef Land and Svalbard.
  11. Gyrfalcons choose a mate once and for life.
  12. Gyrfalcon chicks become completely independent from their parents at the age of 4 months.
  13. In the wild, gyrfalcons live up to two decades.
  14. Gyrfalcon is a formidable predator, he is able to protect his offspring even from a bear, if necessary.
  15. Under natural conditions, gyrfalcons almost never get sick, but in captivity they can get infections from people to which they have no immunity.
  16. A case is known when families of gyrfalcons occupied the same nest from the 17th century to the present day, gradually replacing each other.
  17. According to the Red Book of Russia, only a thousand pairs of gyrfalcons live on the vast territory of the country. However, now there is a tendency to restore the population.
  18. In the past, the gyrfalcon was considered a very valuable bird - these birds were given as gifts to the rulers of other countries, especially to foreign khans and sultans. In exchange for a gyrfalcon, a good horse could easily be given away.
  19. During the heyday of falconry, up to 200 gyrfalcons were caught annually for the needs of Moscow alone.
  20. Gyrfalcon can accelerate up to 100 meters per second while chasing its prey.
  21. Gyrfalcons take to the air vertically instead of spiraling like most other birds.
  22. Thanks to their sharp eyesight, gyrfalcons can spot potential prey from over a kilometer away.

They are predators. The largest of them is the gyrfalcon. This bird (the photo reflects all the beauty) is very original.

Gyrfalcons are very hardy. But their population has been declining in recent years. And this happens mainly due to human intervention. People destroy nests of gyrfalcons, destroy birds for fun (make stuffed animals) or material gain. Both a few centuries ago, and in our times, they are used in falconry. An excellent helper is the gyrfalcon - a bird, the description of which is read below.


Gyrfalcon is distinguished by its beautiful, variegated colors. The abdomen is whitish with a dark tint. This is an excellent disguise during the period of incubation of eggs. Gyrfalcon has large pointed wings. The bird (the photo clearly displays all its features) has a rather unusual color.

Paws are powerful, yellow. It is by color that adults can be distinguished from young animals. The former are more pronounced. The color of the bird consists of brown, gray and white shades.

Gyrfalcon is a large bird. With a body length of about 60 cm, the wingspan is up to 135 cm. This is quite impressive. Moreover, females are much larger than males. The weight adult reaches 2 kg. But this does not prevent the gyrfalcon from gaining lightning speed after 2-3 wing strokes, which is important during the hunt. Gyrfalcon is a very hardy bird. It can chase its prey for about 1 km.

Outwardly, the gyrfalcon is very similar to the peregrine falcon, but the former has a longer tail and less noticeable spots under the eyes.


Gyrfalcon is a nomadic bird. Prefers colder habitats. Most fly south in winter. But some members of this family lead

Gyrfalcons are common in Asia, Europe and North America. So, in Europe, the largest number of these birds was recorded in Iceland (about 2 hundred pairs).

In Russia, gyrfalcons are most widespread in the south of Yamal and Kamchatka.

The main habitats are river valleys, sea coasts, tundras. Gyrfalcon nests away from humans.

They migrate not only horizontally, but also vertically. So, the Central Asian gyrfalcon changes the alpine zone to the valley.

Gyrfalcon nutrition

As already noted, the gyrfalcon is a bird of prey. Small birds and animals serve as food for them: squirrels, hares, ground squirrels, ducks, owls and others. daily requirement in food is 200 g. Gyrfalcons hunt both individually and in pairs, taking turns driving prey.

They look out for their prey from above. They hunt like all falcons: they overtake with lightning speed from above and dig in with their claws. Then they kill by breaking the victim's neck with their beak.

The diet of gyrfalcons differs depending on the season. So, in the summer they hunt birds, grabbing them on the fly. In winter, such prey becomes less, so gyrfalcons begin to catch small animals. If there is not enough such food, these predators are not averse to eating fish and amphibians.

Gyrfalcons have one feature: they never hunt their little neighbors. Moreover, gyrfalcons do not allow other predators to do this, driving them out of their territory.


Sexual maturity in gyrfalcons occurs at the age of two years. They choose a couple for life. The mating season begins in winter. The breeding season lasts a week. In April, with a frequency of 3 days, the female lays one egg at a time. Nests are rarely built. They prefer to occupy strangers or nest in the rocks under a canopy. The nest is about 1 m in diameter and about 50 cm high. It consists of dried grass, moss and feathers. Gyrfalcon nests try not to change. There are known cases of nesting of these birds in one place for many decades.

Raising offspring

As a rule, the female lays 3-4 eggs. Chicks appear in about a month. Family responsibilities for gyrfalcons are strictly divided. After the appearance of offspring, the female looks after the chicks, warming them, and the male gets food. Moreover, before bringing prey, he plucks it away from the nest. More experienced females may sometimes leave nests and take part in the hunt.

The survival of the offspring of gyrfalcons directly depends on the availability of food. An important factor is that the birth of chicks should coincide with the addition of their victims (for example, whites) to the family. After all, the male is simply not able to bring large prey to the nest. And little gyrfalcons can starve to death.

Therefore, the number of offspring of these birds varies depending on the season.

At the age of 1.5 months, gyrfalcon chicks begin to fly and try to hunt themselves. But they do not fly far from the nest. The grown-up chicks begin independent life in autumn.

Gyrfalcon is a bird of the tundra. Since ancient times, gyrfalcons have been valued as a commodity. They were specially caught and resold to participate in falconry. The training of the birds took about 2 weeks. Specially trained birds could make up to 70 prey sorties per day. Gyrfalcons have been used for hunting for about 10 years. Because of their endurance, they were highly valued. They were even traded for horses. In the 17-18 centuries, these birds were specially caught in Russia for further sale to the East.

Gyrfalcon - Today, the number of gyrfalcons is rapidly declining. This is due to the reduction of natural food for these predators. Gyrfalcons also suffer from poachers. Yes, overseas approximate cost these birds is 30 thousand dollars.

In order to preserve this species birds of prey hunting for them is prohibited, especially in reserves. In addition, America, Japan and Russia have signed an agreement on the conservation of these birds.

Merlinbird, attributed by ornithologists to the falcon family, among whose members it is considered the largest. And this is true, because even males of such birds, which are usually smaller than females, are half a meter or more in length. At the same time, the size of females can in some cases reach 65 cm with a mass of 2 kg.

If we compare the described representatives of the family with fellow falcons, then their tail is noticeably longer, but the wings, on the contrary, are shorter; the brow ridges are more developed, and the plumage is softer. But the main difference between the gyrfalcon is its size, since ancient times it has been considered a great advantage over falcons in commercial hunting, for which these birds have been used by humans along with other falcons for many centuries.

Gyrfalcon bird

The gyrfalcon is also much larger than its fellow peregrine falcon - no larger than a crow. However, these representatives of the feathered kingdom are similar to each other purely outwardly. And also the gyrfalcon resembles the indicated relative in voice, but unlike it, it makes more hoarse sounds: “kyak-kyak”, and reproduces them in tone lower and rougher.

Sometimes it turns out like a drawl: “cake-cake”. But a high and quiet trill can be heard from this bird in the spring. In the air, the gyrfalcon rushes quickly and moves forward rapidly, rises high and does not soar. Such birds are rightfully ranked among the most hardy.

What does a gyrfalcon look like? This massively built bird stands out for its unusual, variegated and beautiful colors, intricate pattern consisting of combinations of white, gray, brown and other color areas, but its abdomen is usually lighter than the main background of the feather.

The wings of these creatures are pointed, large; a protrusion stands out on the beak; paws of a yellow shade, powerful; the tail is long. In the color of various varieties of such birds, white, brown, black and silvery areas may predominate, and the pattern of their feather cover also differs.

Gyrfalcon in winter

But the best way to understand the features of the appearance of these birds is by stroking in the photo of a gyrfalcon. Similar ones are found mostly in the northern regions of Eurasia and America, they live in subarctic and even more severe - arctic zones, but are also widespread much further south.


The question of the number of subspecies and species of these birds causes a lot of controversy among ornithologists. Including the question of how many forms of these representatives of the winged fauna are specifically found in our country is considered controversial. For example, at first it was assumed that the Norwegian, Icelandic and polar gyrfalcons belonged to three different types.

Now it is generally accepted that all northern varieties are one species, divided into a number of subspecies and geographical races. There are just as many difficulties with the classification of other forms of these birds. But let's describe each of them in more detail.

1. norwegian gyrfalcon. These are found on the shores of the White Sea, in Lapland and Scandinavia. Generally merlinmigrant , but only partly. Depending on the habitat, it can be sedentary. But settlers in the northern regions, such as representatives of the Norwegian variety, usually tend to move south with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, in winter they can be observed in various regions of Central Europe, sometimes even in the more southern areas of this continent.

norwegian gyrfalcon

The described species resemble falcons in their coloration. They have a brown-grayish color of the top of the plumage, which is decorated with bluish-smoky stripes and spots. Their head is dark, the tail is bluish-grayish in color. The lower part of their plumage is light. There is a sharp tooth on the upper jaw of the beak. A bright yellow ring stands out around the eyes of such birds. The wing length of members of this species averages about 37 cm.

2. Ural Gyrfalcon, which is larger than the previous one, is mainly distributed in Western Siberia. However, at certain times of the year, such birds are able to migrate to other areas. For example, such gyrfalcons were seen in the Baikal region, in the south of Altai, even in the Baltic states. These birds differ from the Norwegian variety in a lighter color with a wide regular transverse pattern.

Ural Gyrfalcon

The feathers of their heads are of a light ocher hue and dotted with longitudinal lines. Sometimes completely white specimens are found among birds of this type. More recently, they were considered to be completely separate species, but now the views of ornithologists have changed.

3.white gyrfalcon in the Middle Ages, that is, during the period of popularity of falconry, it was considered the most valuable and preferred by others for its beauty, although such birds then, as now, were very rare.

white gyrfalcon

These birds in ancient times were a worthy gift and were presented to prominent military leaders and rulers during a period of political disagreement in order to achieve an agreement, peace and stability. For the most part, such beautiful winged creatures with snow-white feathers are found in the northern regions, in the coldest latitudes.

4. gray gyrfalcon. Such birds are found, as a rule, in the east of Siberia. And they differ from the Ural variety only in minor details of appearance. In particular, they have fewer variegated body markings. But even in size, the representatives of these two forms are the same.

Gray gyrfalcon with prey in flight

5. Altai gyrfalcon- mountain subspecies, which is considered rare. It is usually found further south than relatives. In addition to Altai, such birds are common in the Tien Shan, Sayan Mountains, Tarbagatai. There are cases of their migrations to Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Siberian lands. The coloration of these birds is considered more uniform than that of relatives, and there are two types: light (more rare) and dark.

Altai gyrfalcon

In conclusion, the description of subspecies (today they are most often referred to as one species: “gyrfalcon”) should once again be clarified that all of them are still insufficiently studied, and their classification is blurred. For example, most ornithologists believe that only one form of these birds is common throughout Arctic America and Greenland, and their gray and white colors should be considered only individual changes inherent in certain individuals. However, not all zoologists agree with this point of view.

Lifestyle and habitat

The way of life of these birds is also insufficiently studied. It is known that those forms of gyrfalcons that live in the northern regions usually spread along the Polar Sea during nesting periods and settle on rocky shores. Gyrfalcons are also found in the forest zone, in particular, they inhabit these areas in Siberia, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and also in the north of the American continent.

But even in this case, they tend to settle not far from the seas, large rivers and other significant water spaces. And this is understandable, because the northern regions, where this type of birds usually settle, for the most part are rich in life near the waters.

Gyrfalcon on the hunt caught prey

As already mentioned, some of the gyrfalcons, depending on the place of distribution, may be sedentary, others of them winter periods wander, moving to more favorable forest and forest-tundra belts. Other forms of migration are also known. In particular, some mountain subspecies, for example, the Central Asian, moved from the highlands to the valleys. Gyrfalcons also make other movements.

Gyrfalcon in the red book or not? Undoubtedly, this is a rare representative of the feathered fauna, as a result of which it was included in the book. And its numbers are constantly decreasing. The reason for this is the expansion of the living space of human civilization, while many individuals die as a result of the activities of poachers, falling into their traps.

The capture of gyrfalcons is also popular in Russia, because these birds can be sold abroad for very decent money. Since ancient times, they have been valued as birds of prey for hunting. And many lovers still appreciate these birds. In nature, gyrfalcons are able to attack even a bear if it poses a danger to their chicks. But only the most courageous and formidable of birds decide to attack the gyrfalcons themselves. Basically, only golden eagles pose a danger to them.

Gyrfalcons have enviable health and very strong immunity, and therefore diseases among these representatives of the feathered tribe spread little and are rare. However, living in captivity, such birds are at great risk of infection, because they do not have immunity against microbes that live in the human body. That is why the captured gyrfalcons die very often.


Merlinpredatory bird and unusually formidable. Such hunters like to settle in the immediate vicinity of the habitats of gulls, guillemots, as well as other representatives of the auk family, near the so-called bazaars or bird mountains. At the same time, they attack the members of these colonies and feed on them.

The food for gyrfalcons is mainly medium-sized birds, and sometimes even mammals. The daily rate of meat consumed for the described representatives of the winged fauna is approximately 200 g. Gyrfalcons usually carry out their meals not far from the place of winter camps or nests. Here you can easily find in a multitude of lying remains of bones and half-eaten food, plucked wool and feathers of the victims of such predators.

Gyrfalcon eats prey

The attack of the gyrfalcon resembles the way the falcons attack. In the process of hunting, they are able to climb great height, from where they fall, folding their wings, at great speed, attacking prey. The impact of their beak is able to immediately deprive the object of attack of life. They can break his neck or bite through the back of his head. In some cases, they carry the victim with them, grabbing it with their claws. Gyrfalcons are able to attack birds right in the air.

Merlin tends to hunt alone. This also applies to the periods of rearing offspring, but only at this time pairs usually look for prey in the aisles of one chosen and conquered forage area. For young chicks, the father catches and brings the prey. The mother cuts it for the cubs: it tears off the limbs and head, and also plucks it. All these preparations are made outside the nest so that there is no dirt and rotten body parts of the caught living beings.

Reproduction and lifespan

In relations with the opposite sex, these representatives of the feathered tribe have strict monogamy, that is, the resulting pairs remain with each other for the rest of their lives. As a rule, gyrfalcons nest in the rocks, choosing comfortable bare niches or crevices as a habitat for future chicks, most often covered from above by a canopy or ledge.

Nest of gyrfalcons on a tree

Their nests are rather unpretentious constructions, and for the device their females simply lay out feathers, moss and dry grass in rocky ledges. In some cases, parents act even easier if they manage to find suitable abandoned nests of other birds, most often golden eagles, buzzards, ravens, they occupy them.

But, having found a convenient place, these birds tend to return there again and again every year. They constantly equip it, using it for decades, in some cases for centuries, passing it on to future generations. That is why such nests eventually become more and more comfortable and grow, sometimes reaching a meter diameter and a height of up to one and a half meters.

Gyrfalcons also make nests in the rocks.

Eggs are usually laid by such birds up to five pieces at a time. But more often, after all, there are fewer of them in the masonry. The size of the eggs, which are brown, are even smaller than chicken ones, and they usually have a mass of no more than 60 grams. Incubation lasts a little over a month. Growing and feeding the chicks lasts about eight weeks.

And somewhere in the second half of summer, the new generation becomes old enough and strong enough to leave the nesting place. But parents continue to take care of their cubs for up to four months, and until about September, the broods tend to stay together. At the age of one year, young birds mature enough to have their own offspring. BUT general term The life of a gyrfalcon in its natural environment can be about 20 years.

Gyrfalcon or white falcon, in Latin Falco rusticolus, is a bird from the falcon family, the falconiformes order. A rather large bird, reminiscent of a peregrine falcon, but larger (a male weighs about 1 kg, a female weighs about 2 kg), with a color from white to gray, with a characteristic tooth on the beak.

Picture. Falcons.

The gyrfalcon is a fast-winged bird, which, thanks to the special structure and shape of its wings, picks up speed after just a few strokes, and, pursuing prey, can reach speeds of up to one hundred meters per second. Gyrfalcon rises not in a spiral, like most birds, but vertically. Sufficiently sharp vision allows him to see prey even at a distance of more than a kilometer.

A photo. Merlin.

The white falcon lives in the subarctic and arctic zones of Asia, Europe and North America. Some species live in Altai and Tien Shan. On the territory of Russia, this bird is the largest of the falcons; hunters love it very much because of the high cost when sold abroad. The price of one bird is approximately 30 thousand USD. The gyrfalcon is also valuable for hunters as an assistant, thanks to its unique ability to take off rapidly and suddenly attack prey, falling like a stone on it.

A photo. White falcon.

It is impossible to say what kind of lifestyle the white falcon leads. Some representatives wander, others settle in the forest. The gyrfalcon feeds on mammals and smaller relatives. Unlike the black kite, which is content with carrion, it attacks flying birds, grabbing prey with its paws and breaking its neck, biting through the back of the head.

They do not build nests themselves, they use the nests of buzzards or ravens already built on the rocks.

If you want to see the chicks of the white falcon and how the gyrfalcon attacks its prey as it falls like a stone, watch the film:

In this video, the white gyrfalcon tundra bird went hunting and in flight leaves no chance for the life of its victim.

The largest of the Russian falcons. Its weight reaches two kilograms, and its wingspan is 135 centimeters. Long sharp wings allow the bird to make strong, sharp strokes in flight, and it rushes forward without stopping for a second, and sharp eyesight helps to see prey at a distance of a kilometer. The flight of the gyrfalcon is a continuous dynamics, movement, speed. The ability to instantly soar up and suddenly attack the victim among falconers in ancient times was called "bets". Attacking the victim, the bird dives sharply, developing tremendous speed - 100 meters per second. The paws are pressed to the body. Only long sharp claws of the hind fingers are exposed forward. A strong and slightly oblique blow cuts the feather and skin of the victim like sharpened knives. The gyrfalcon menu includes various small birds and animals.

Gyrfalcon is widely distributed in the northern regions of the country from the coast of the Murman Peninsula to Kamchatka. In the south - in the regions of Gorny Altai, Sayan, Mongolia. Likes open spaces. Like a commander, the gyrfalcon must choose a point from which everything and everyone can be seen around, where everything depends on your decision. Each pair of falcons settles no closer than 25 kilometers from the other. Gyrfalcons do not build their nests, they occupy the nests of buzzards or other large birds. The nest is selected at a height of up to 9 meters. There is an unwritten law of nature: a predator does not attack birds in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis home and does not allow other brethren to do so. The nearest neighbors know one more rule: the hunting area and the nesting place for each pair of gyrfalcons are preserved from year to year and are reliably protected from uninvited rival aliens.

After repairing the nest, the female incubates her offspring, while the male hunts at this time to feed himself and his wife, and carries out sentinel service. After 28 days, the offspring appears. The parents feed their chicks regularly - twice a day. For three months, the chicks are in the nest.

Gyrfalcon is an ancient bird. Its history can be envied by the most ancient princely family. Already in the 11th century, the Kiev prince Oleg built a falcon yard in his courtyard. Gyrfalcons are mentioned in the Tale of Igor's Campaign and in the first set of Russian laws - Russkaya Pravda.

During the years of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, as one of the most valuable things, falcons, mainly gyrfalcons, were included in tribute.

Currently, hunting for gyrfalcons is prohibited. Protected nests in nature reserves. On the shore of Issyk-Kul is the only nursery of rare birds of prey. Gyrfalcon, like most predators, is a nurse in the forest and steppe. And, probably, he is the object of aesthetic, emotional admiration.

And falconry! It is unlikely that any modern sport can compete with it with its passion, dexterity, and physical preparation of its participants. This is truly a breathtaking sight when the bird, freed by the owner, breaks off the hand and inexorably overtakes its prey. Gyrfalcon is still considered the best of the best in such hunting.