Download business plan for snow removal. Snow removal business. Snow removal business in winter

  • 15.03.2021

Having own business with streamlined processes, you can think about additional options receiving income. In winter, this option can be snow removal and removal. The main advantage of this type of entrepreneurship is that it does not require the acquisition of specialized competencies and skills. Setting up this business is easy enough. First of all, you need to analyze the scope of these services, identify possible competitors and consumers. After that, purchase equipment, and only after that conclude contracts. Typically, the conclusion of contracts takes place in the fall, at the beginning of the season or immediately before it. It is important to consider that the business is seasonal, so it is perfect as an addition to another type. seasonal business, for example, .

What equipment is needed for snow removal?

To open a company providing cleaning services, you need a snow blower. There are many different models on the market for each price segment. Such machines differ not only in price, but also in technical specifications. The income that is supposed to be received from this business is directly determined by how quickly the work will be done, so it must be taken into account that the power should be in the region of 10 horsepower. It is also important that the machine is equipped with an electrostat, headlights (so that cleaning can be done at night), and a de-icing device. It is best not to buy very expensive professional models and choose a car within 80 thousand rubles.

Transporting a snow blower deserves special attention. For transportation you will need a car and a trailer. Having your own transport will be a big advantage. This will bring additional profitability. When choosing a trailer, it is important to take into account its carrying capacity (after all, it will need to carry a snow blower and removed snow) and volume. Thus, the optimal load capacity is 500 kg.

When planning expenses, it is also necessary to lay down 10-12 thousand rubles for small inventory: crowbars, mittens, shovels, etc.

Where to look for clients?

The main customers of operational snow removal are store managers and office space in trade and business centers. For untimely snow removal, they receive considerable fines from the city administration, therefore, like no one else, they are interested in such services. Also potential clients can become owners of country houses. To get the location of customers, you need to create a sustainable competitive advantage compared to utilities. In fact, it is not so difficult to compete with them, this is evidenced by the neglected appearance of most city courtyards.

They should become high quality services, the ability to organize work at night to ensure the result before the offices and shops open. At the same time, it is important not only to remove the snow, but also to take it out of the territory to special landfills. You can also offer your customers additional services, such as treating the territory with reagents, cleaning ice and icicles, cleaning gutters. However, it should be noted that this will require hiring additional staff, while mechanized harvesting can be carried out by one person.


The main channel for promoting services is the Internet. Need to post advertisements on various information portals, and if possible, create your own website, where you can take orders online. In the private sector and cottage villages, posting ads works quite effectively.

A small firm can process up to 10 orders in one week. The average cost of one order is 8-10 thousand rubles. Thus, the weekly income will be 80-100 thousand rubles. If you subtract current expenses, the net profit will be 60-70 thousand rubles. In a month, net profit will be at the level of 250 thousand rubles. The period of work is usually 4 months. During this time, income can reach 900 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can get additional income from leasing equipment.

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Snow removal is a purely seasonal activity. Specially for this case, equipment is not bought. As a rule, snow removal is carried out by firms or individual entrepreneurs who rent special equipment along with drivers. The main equipment used for these purposes is front loaders and dump trucks. The former clear and immerse the snow, the latter remove it from the territory (if the customer requires it).

Competition in this market is more than significant. For every 100 thousand inhabitants, there are approximately 10 firms and 15 individuals providing such services. A lot or a little depends on weather conditions. Winters are also different. It happens that snow falls for weeks and everyone is loaded with work, even you have to refuse. And there are winters with little snow, and you have to drop prices just to take an order.

Snow removal - who are the customers?

There are plenty of customers for this service. After all, any territory that requires a vehicle access needs cleaning and snow removal. Frequent customers are the administrations of the city or district (when public utilities can not cope), private individuals for cleaning adjoining territories, the territory of shopping centers, cinemas, parking lots, the territory of enterprises, transport companies and office centers.

Choice of technique

To get started, you can buy a conventional front loader with a universal bucket. In winter, they can clean snow, in summer they can provide services for loading construction debris, leveling the ground, loading crushed stone or sand, and site planning. The approximate budget for the purchase of one new loader is 2 million rubles. This amount is enough to take a foreign loader of such models as: Bobcat S530, Norcar A62, JCB Midi CX.

Snow removal - how much can you earn?

The average cost of snow removal by region is 800 rubles per hour. Front loader with a bucket capacity of 0.4 cu. m. per hour will clean about 2-3 acres. As a rule, equipment is ordered for large areas for at least three hours. Accordingly, we take 2400 rubles from one client. It is clear that there will be no orders every day, everything depends entirely on weather conditions. During snowfall, the loader can work around the clock, and in sunny weather it can stand idle. If you count at a minimum, there can be from 30 orders per month. Such a volume can be completed in 4-5 days. That is how many days in a month there is heavy snow.

From here you can count on revenue of 72,000 per month. Winter in central Russia lasts three months and the revenue for the winter season will be about 216,000 rubles. Subtract from this amount

  • driver's salary - 60 thousand rubles;
  • fuel and lubricants - 30 thousand rubles;
  • depreciation - 10 thousand rubles.

From here you can count on a net profit of 116,000 rubles.

This business is quite simple and does not require much preparation and organization. It is especially relevant in regions with heavy snowfalls. The most important - give good publicity and provide services of higher quality and faster than competitors. With the correct organization of the business, it will be possible to return the initial investment in the first season of work.

  • Determining the scope of work
  • How to start a snow removal company. Registration procedure
  • Selection of premises and purchase of equipment
  • Hiring employees
  • Financial plan
  • Advertising

Determining the scope of work

Before starting this business, you need to decide to whom you will provide your services:

  1. To private persons.
  2. Organizations.
  3. Both those and others.

This is very important point because it depends necessary equipment and inventory, as well as the quantity employees. All this, ultimately, will affect the revenue and profitability of the enterprise. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in addition to snow cleaning, other cleaning work Therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities.

How to start a snow removal company. Registration procedure

This business does not require any licenses or permits. It is enough to register as Self employed. According to OKVED, this activity will have the following name: "Cleaning the territory and similar activities." In addition to snow removal, this OKVED also makes it possible to provide services for cleaning and removing garbage, clearing sidewalks of ice, and watering roads.

Selection of premises and purchase of equipment

To set up a business you will need warehouse space for supplies and equipment. If you have your own, that's even better. Maybe even a large garage. It is not necessary to open an office.

If you provide services only to the population, then you will only need manual equipment: shovels, crowbars, ladders, which will be needed to remove icicles from the roofs.

Be sure to provide employees with safety equipment, as well as protective tapes and signs.

For the organization of cleaning on a large scale, you can not do without a snow blower. When choosing, you need to carefully read the parameters of the machine and choose the one that can cope with the required volumes. There are professional and semi-professional. The price of equipment depends on this (from several hundred dollars to several thousand). When choosing a machine, you need to consider the following indicators:

  • Large angle of rotation;
  • Ability to work in the dark;
  • The presence of nozzles for cleaning ice;
  • Optimal power.

It is also necessary to provide employees with winter work uniforms with reflective tapes.

And you will also need a car to transport equipment and remove snow.

If a start-up capital is very limited, you can do without buying cars, and rent them for the first time, and then buy your own.

Hiring employees

At the initial stage, it is enough to hire a few people. Additional hiring is possible as the scope of work increases. Hired workers must be physically healthy and hardy, not have bad habits. On such types of work, payment is made by the hour, so you need to reduce downtime as much as possible.

Safety is an important point. Before leaving for work, it is necessary to conduct a briefing and be sure to keep a journal in which everyone must sign. This will remove the responsibility from the manager in case of an accident that occurred through the fault of the worker. But do not forget the security measures that must be foreseen in advance.

Financial plan

Here is an approximate calculation of the costs and income for snow removal. The calculation is made on the condition that snowplows are rented.

The cost of the service consists of the cost of renting snowplows and wages to workers. Let's make a calculation for an object with an area of ​​2000 sq.m., roof - 1500. On such an area, the volume of snow will be approximately 400 m³, plus from the roof - 300 m³. Average tariffs: 400 rubles per cubic meter, 250 rubles per "square" - a separate fee for work on the roof.

The income will be: 700 x 400 + 300 x 250 = 355 thousand rubles.

Roof cleaning cost: 100 x 1500 + 1000 = 150 thousand rubles.

The cost of cleaning the territory: 12,000 rubles (snow removal equipment) + 700 cubic meters of snow x 100 (dump trucks) + 5,000 (workers) = 87 thousand rubles.

Profit: 355 - 150 - 87 = 118 thousand rubles. And this is only from one object.


You need to start advertising your business in advance, even in the summer. When the snow falls, all the contracts will be signed. most effective advertising will be a personal visit to each organization. If you are ready to cooperate, you must conclude an agreement. At the same time, in addition to snow cleaning, other services can be offered, for example, garbage collection, sprinkling of sidewalks with sand or salt. Also, the client must choose what time is most convenient for him to do the cleaning. If it is night, then you need to do it in the dark.

It is very important to keep a customer log. The contract is for one season, so next year you need to remind yourself. Having done all these actions at the beginning of the activity, you will be able to conclude a sufficient number of contracts, which will make it possible to recoup the costs in 2-3 months of work.

Attachments: up to 200,000 rubles

Payback: from 7 days

Ah, snow, snowball, business in a blizzard ... In snowy winters, someone plays snowballs, builds snowmen, and someone can build a new business without wasting time. The snow removal business is seasonal, but it is no secret that it is seasonal types of work that can bring quick and solid profits. Is it so? Let's figure it out step by step.

business concept

Types of services that are included in the business of cleaning and removing snow:

  • clearing of territories;
  • ice cleaning;
  • snow removal and cleaning.

Clearing territories from snow drifts is especially in demand in cottage settlements, in areas of private farms. Winter is the time to get an order for snow removal and earn money using simple but reliable equipment.

A safe winter means timely removal of snow and ice from walkways, cleaning the roofs of buildings and structures, removing icicles, and clearing drains from ice.

These types of work may require manual labor, so you have to stock up on durable shovels, hammers, crowbars. When working on the roof, do not forget about safety.

What is required for implementation?

Snow collected in snowdrifts or rolls must be removed from the cleaning area. You will need a truck for rent or your own transport, a trailer will also come in handy. In addition, from the tools you should not forget about shovels, crowbars, hammers and so on. When there are many orders, you can hire several workers.

Take care of choosing the equipment necessary for snow removal in advance. When choosing, be guided by user reviews, because the effectiveness of your product will depend on the price-quality ratio. entrepreneurial activity.

Step by step start instructions

First you need to do the following:

  • IP registration;
  • obtaining a patent.

Registration. Before you start snow removal work, you must register as a individual entrepreneur(IP). For this you will need:

  1. Download the registration form online and fill it out. Put down the service code according to OKVED, snow removal is regulated by code 81.29 of the classifier of activities.
  2. Certify your signature on the application with a notary.
  3. Pay 800 rubles of state duty.
  4. Make a copy of the passport, SNILS, make copies of all prepared documents and take them to tax office at the place of residence, hand over for registration.
  5. After 7 days, receive a certificate of an individual entrepreneur.
  6. Register with the Pension Fund.

To get rid of the monthly tax reporting procedure, you can immediately purchase a patent. Working on a patent, the entrepreneur does not submit reports. The tax rate on SIT is 6%.

An entrepreneur can purchase a patent for 6 months, this is important when the business is seasonal or at the beginning of a small business.

To obtain a patent, you must submit an application to the tax office in person, through a representative, or by mail.

The next step is to pay the cost of the patent. To calculate the price, use the calculator of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Financial calculations

The average number of employees of an entrepreneur should not exceed 15 people. The total amount of income from types of entrepreneurial activities, including work on a patent, should not exceed 60 million rubles.

Income from business on a patent for the year cannot exceed 1 million rubles, and a conversion factor is applied to this amount: for 2018 it will be 1.481. In this way, total amount revenue from the snow removal business should not exceed 1,481,000 rubles.

Also, depending on the region, prices for cleaning and snow removal services can vary from 60 rubles. up to 1500 rub. per hour of work. The calculation technologies are simple: the lower the costs, the greater the income in the balance.

Include in the cost estimate the payment of hired workers, on average it is 100-130 rubles. per m³, and the customer will pay you 150-180 rubles per 1 m³ of manually removed snow.

Thus, having considered all the necessary special equipment and tools, we get the minimum investment amount of about 200,000 rubles.

As far as payback is concerned, it may take a long time. So, for more proven firms, just a couple of Christmas holidays will suffice.

Risks and business features

Offering your services for snow removal of the territory, conclude an agreement indicating the cost of cleaning a cubic meter of snow, agree on the cost of processing the tracks special formulations and mixtures against glaciation. And most importantly - agree on the deadlines, correctly calculating your strengths in order to avoid emergency work or blockages and customer dissatisfaction.

Also remember that it is not always large shopping center or the business center will be able to conclude a contract for snow removal, since, according to the rules accounting, in management company The center does not always have the opportunity to write off the cost of cleaning the territory for reporting and tax reduction.

Therefore, your most important and reliable customer is an individual or owners of cottages, district administrations and street committees of cottage settlements. Try to get in touch with them first.

Track the weather forecast, the elements should not take you by surprise. There should always be brigades in reserve - assistants for manual cleaning (after all, it is not at all necessary to hire permanent workers).

Also, if there is a shortage or breakdown of your own equipment, you can prudently establish business contacts and save the phones of companies that rent out such equipment. You should be aware of all the changes and novelties in the snowplow market.


Whether it is worth opening a snow removal business is up to you, and the decision directly depends on which region of the country you live in. Snowy winters or not is not up to you, but in regions with consistently heavy rainfall, blizzard February with the formation of snow drifts, this type of business will play into the hands of your entrepreneurial success.

Calculate the cost of reagents, find wholesale suppliers who work with individuals. Feel free to ask for bonuses and discounts. Observe the agreed deadlines for cleaning the territory, take care of your image.

If the revenue for the season completely suits you, then think about how to expand the business. It may be worth buying more versatile equipment, thereby reducing costs.

Weigh the pros and cons, roll up your sleeves and get down to business, good luck with your development profitable areas small business!

In winter, you can make good money on snow removal.

The advantage of such an undertaking is the minimum amount of required investment.

In fact, a businessman will only need to purchase cleaning equipment (shovels, scrapers), safety equipment and a folding ladder (if work is carried out on the roofs of buildings).

The minimum initial investment will be about 50 thousand rubles, and the snow removal business idea at least deserves the attention of novice entrepreneurs.

Snow removal business in winter

Of course, with large volumes of work, an entrepreneur cannot do without snowplows..

With its help, it will be possible to remove snow at production facilities. The cost of a non-professional snowplow, as a rule, does not exceed 20 thousand rubles.

As a rule, such equipment can be stored in your own apartment without renting a separate room. It is advisable to purchase a snowplow with headlight illumination (in case the work will be carried out at night).

If the entrepreneur's investment is impressive, he can invest in the purchase of a unit equipped with a special device for removing ice. In this case, it will be possible to fulfill complex orders with minimal time costs.

How to start a snow removal business

Who can use the snow removal service:

ZhEKs, various educational institutions, manufacturing enterprises etc. The first orders can be easily found in the private sector.

Many homeowners have no time to deal with snow removal, and they will gladly agree to use such a service. FROM large organizations it is necessary to sign contracts in which the terms of performance of work and the amount of remuneration will be determined.

There is no need to rent a separate office for business placement. Negotiations with clients can be conducted by phone or via the Internet.

It is impossible to carry out large volumes of work without hiring employees. At the initial stage, a businessman needs to employ at least 2 assistants.

In the future, when the load increases, it will be possible to think about expanding the staff. Only hardy men, without bad habits, should be hired. Best Employees bonuses should be paid.

It is desirable to start a snow removal business in the northern regions, where snow begins to fall in early November and does not melt until the end of March. In this case, you can count on a high load and profit, reaching 50-60 thousand rubles a month.

With a successful scenario, investments in the purchase of equipment can be recouped in 1-2 months.

AT summer period the entrepreneur will need to think about expanding the specialization of the business.

For example, you can open a cleaning service and start cleaning apartments or private houses.

Help for a budding business

Any business requires official registration, in a small business it is best to register an individual entrepreneur ( Individual entrepreneurship): REGISTER FOR FREE SP WITHOUT LEAVING HOME.

You can download the finished business plan by clicking on the link: DOWNLOAD BUSINESS PLAN

The business idea for the provision of snow removal services updated: November 12, 2016 by: Alexey