Radar 36d6 in which countries delivered. Domestic weapons and military equipment. Transport base and dimensions

  • 28.06.2020

Buyer - U.S. ARMY CONTRACTING COMMAND - ORLANDO ACC-ORL (12211 Science Drive, Orlando, Fl 32826-3224). Price - 7.852 million dollars. Two more radars of other types at a price of 5.952 million dollars and 3.62 million dollars were delivered, respectively, in March and April 2017.

Radar 36D6M1-1 is a mobile three-coordinate radar station of the centimeter range, specially designed to detect, recognize and track air targets at medium and low altitudes in conditions of intensive use of active and passive interference by the enemy. It is capable of detecting targets flying at high altitude with high efficiency. It is used both autonomously and as part of automated air defense / air force control systems. The 36D6M1-1 radar set is based on two KrAZ vehicles, a semi-trailer and a trailer. The semi-trailer contains: - radar equipment, a set of spare parts and accessories, incl. instrumentation, a set of operational documentation in Russian and English. In the car there is: -containers ZIP-O; - containers with kit cable networks power plants ED80-T400-2RKM. Remote workstation set 6UF08D1MB2 INCLUDED: - containers U102A with a set of cables; - containers U103A set of stakes, etc.

The deal caused a scandal and a number of lawsuits.

Thus, the Commercial Court of the city of Kyiv ruled in case No. 910/22872/17 with a refusal to secure the claim.

Limited Liability Company "Company Innovative Technologies" applied to Court of Arbitration with a claim against the Subsidiary state company"Ukrspecexport" State enterprise"Specialized foreign trade company "Progress", in which it asks to invalidate the foreign economic contract concluded by SE SVTF "Progress" with a foreign customer (country 840 - USA) for the supply of radar 36D6M1-1, based on the commission agreement D-65-03 / 2016 / P from 02.11.2016.

By the decision of the Economic Court of the city of Kyiv dated December 22, 2017, the statement of claim was accepted for consideration, the proceedings were opened, the preparatory meeting was scheduled for February 14, 2018.

The plaintiff, together with the statement of claim, filed an application for securing the claim, in which he asks the court, in order to secure the claim, to prohibit the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, until the decision on the case comes into legal force, to carry out customs clearance of the 36D6M1-1 radar in pursuance of the conclusion concluded by the plaintiff on the basis of a commission contract D 65 -03/2016/P dated 02.11.2016, foreign economic contract with a foreign customer (country 840); seize the 36D6M1-1 and 36D6M1-2 radars owned by a third party (NPK Iskra) until the decision on the case comes into force; prohibit the defendant from selling and transferring the 36D6M1-1 radar in pursuance of the foreign economic contract with a foreign customer (country 840) concluded by the plaintiff on the basis of commission agreement D-65-03 / 2016 / P dated November 2, 2016, until the decision on the case comes into force.

Ukraine sold the US army radar station all-round visibility radar 36D6M, which can be used in conjunction with modern anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) and systems (SAM), including the modern one. This was reported by the newspaper "Kommersant-Ukraine". The station can be used in the development of reconnaissance techniques in the event that the Iranian army appears in service. This information CEO Sergei Bondarchuk left the company without comment and offered to send an official request. There is no answer yet.

It can be assumed that American experts are striving to study all issues related to counteraction, fearing its appearance in the arsenal of Iran. Earlier it was reported about possible deliveries to Iran by Russia. At the end of 2007, Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar announced that the Islamic Republic would receive these systems under an agreement previously concluded with Russia, but his statement was refuted.

Radar type ST-68 (36D6, according to NATO classification "Tin Shield"), is produced by the Zaporozhye research and production enterprise "Iskra" and is a mobile three-dimensional all-round radar used in modern automated systems air defense and anti-aircraft missile systems for detecting air targets in conditions of active, passive and combined interference. Similar stations are in service with Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece, which are members of NATO.

Radar ST-68, ST-68UM (35D6, 36D6) is a mobile three-coordinate station of the combat mode of the centimeter wave range with a partial radiation pattern. It is designed to detect, identify and track air targets, including strategic cruise missiles of the ALCM type, under the influence of organized active and passive interference, as well as reflections from the earth's surface and meteorological formations. Can be used in air defense systems and air traffic control systems.

The radar station includes radio equipment with an antenna system placed on the chassis of the MAZ-938B semi-trailer and a power supply system in the van body (KP-10) on the chassis of the MAZ-5224V trailer. In addition, depending on the configuration option, the station can be equipped with a special tower (40V6M) and a communication cabin on the chassis of a KamAZ-4310 vehicle. The tower is designed to raise the antenna to a height of 24 m, which ensures the detection of low-altitude targets and operation in wooded areas. The communication cabin is used to transmit radar information and control commands from the radar over a distance of up to 35 km.

With simultaneous exposure to passive (density of 0.3-0.5 packs per 100 m of track) and active noise (power density of 10 W / MHz) interference, a station with a tower (without a tower) provides detection of an air target, depending on the altitude of its flight, at a distance: MiG-21 type aircraft - at an altitude of 50 m - 33 (28) km, 100 m - 46 (42) km, 500-6000 m - at least 80 km; strategic cruise missile of the ALCM type - 60 m - 32 (20) km, 100-3000 m - 40 (30) km. In the absence of interference, the same indicators are characterized by the following data: for a MiG-21 aircraft - 50 m - 40 (31) km, 100 m - 51 (42) km, 500 m - 92 (82) km, 2000-18000 m - 147 (175) km; for an ALCM type cruise missile - 30 m - 27 km, 60 m - 40 (27) km, 100 m - 48 (33) km, 300-3000 m - 60 km.

Three modernized 36D6-M1 and 79K6 radars manufactured by the Zaporizhzhya NPK Iskra were handed over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces June 23rd, 2018

Original taken from a colleague diana_mihailova Three upgraded 36D6-M1 and 79K6 radars manufactured by the Zaporozhye NPK Iskra were transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

President [of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko] handed over the new radar stations to the radio engineering brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The equipment was created by employees of the Zaporizhzhya Scientific and Production Complex "Iskra"

Some products were never shown to journalists - their production is secret. But serial production is expected to start in 2019.

It’s just that three modernized radar stations left the enterprise and went to different units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The air defense troops were handed certificates for equipment by the president personally. Mobile systems are designed to detect targets at low and medium altitudes.

For the period from 2014 to 2017 the company has produced and put into operation 32 units of military equipment, which is in demand in Ukraine and abroad. As of May 2018, the number of employees of NPK Iskra is 3,253 people.

Today, the Zaporozhye enterprise, in the presence of the president, handed over radar stations to Ukrainian fighters, which are designed to control the airspace. Among the transferred radar stations is one of the latest developments of Iskra - 79K6, which is already used in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is a movable three-coordinate all-round inspection radar station, which allows you to detect air targets at a distance of up to 400 km, provide their coordinates to air defense systems for immediate reaction and destruction of the enemy.

The military also received upgraded 36D6 radars, which are designed to detect targets at low and medium altitudes under the influence of active and passive obstacles with the issuance of coordinate and route information.

In turn, the head of state presented three certificates of conformity to the 1st, 14th and 138th radio engineering brigades of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Transfer of a certificate for a mobile three-coordinate radar 36D6-M1

Also, the Iskra production complex presented new developments that should strengthen the defense capability of the Armed Forces in the future.

"Today, a lot, including at Iskra, comes from the words" for the first time ". For the first time, the Ukroboronprom concern has the opportunity due to own funds develop prototypes. For the first time, factories are working in two shifts. For the first time, the army even makes an advance payment for products delivered to mass production, and for the first time the Ukrainian defense industry is winning very tough competition," Petro Poroshenko said.

At the end of last year, the Pentagon received from Ukraine a radar station (RLS) developed back in the USSR. On December 7, the State Enterprise “Foreign Trade Firm “Progress” delivered to the U.S. Army Contracting Command (ACC) 36D6M radar for UAH 212 million. (504 million rubles). Such data is contained in the customs declaration published on the Importgenius website, which tracks export-import transactions.

The delivery included a radar station, a radar set based on two KRAZ vehicles, a semi-trailer and a trailer. Also, the cargo consisted of a set of cable networks of the power plant and a set of an external workplace.

Defense Blog reported that the Ukrainian "Company Innovative Technologies" unsuccessfully tried to block the delivery of 36D6M1-1. She sued Progress for copyright infringement and non-payment of remuneration for the technology for detecting small targets 36D6M1-1. Previously, it could only detect large objects, including aircraft.

The 36D6M radar is produced by the Iskra Research and Production Complex in Zaporozhye, which has produced more than six thousand radar stations in almost 60 years of its existence and was one of the main manufacturers of such equipment in the USSR.

Photo: iskra.zp.ua.
Photo: iskra.zp.ua.

The 36D6M radar itself is a mobile three-coordinate all-round radar for detecting and recognizing targets at low and medium altitudes under the influence of active and passive interference with the issuance of coordinates and route information. It usually works as part of modern automated air defense systems and for issuing target designations to anti-aircraft missile systems. For example, S-300.

already wrote about the supply and maintenance by Ukraine in the United States of Su-27 fighters, which are used in training battles with American combat aircraft. The delivered radar can also be used in training battles as an enemy weapon and calculate its capabilities.

military expert Yuri Lyamin believes that the purchase of a radar station in Ukraine cannot be, for example, connected with the Russian air defense grouping in Syria, since, as far as is known, the most modern systems Air defense and there is no radar of the 36D6 family. “Another thing is that the radars of the 35D6 \ 36D6 family remain quite common both in Russia and in a number of other countries, since at one time they were purchased separately or additionally attached to the S-300PS, S-300PM, S-300PMU-1 air defense systems " , says the expert.

It should be noted that last year's delivery of radars from Ukraine to the United States is not the only one. Ten years ago, the Ukrainian media wrote that the 36D6 radar was sold to the US Army. This information is confirmed customs declaration from Importgenius, dated June last year. Then the Ukrainian state-owned enterprise Progress supplied Air Force Materiel Command (FMASO) with spare parts for the 36D6 radar in the amount of UAH 525,000. (1.25 million rubles).

Photo: geniusimport.com.

Back in 2008, it was assumed that the Americans could use the radar in the development of reconnaissance techniques in the event that the S-300 air defense system appears in the arsenal of the Iranian army and counters them. As you know, in 2007 Russia signed a contract with Iran for the supply of missile systems S-300, however, was forced to stop it due to sanctions. After the signing of the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions from Iran, the contract was completed in 2016 and the commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya air defense base in Iran Amir Farzad Ismaily announced in March 2017 about the successful exercises using the S-300. "The S-300 is lethal to the enemy, because even small aircraft, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles can't get past it," he told Tasnim in an interview about the test.

What the United States can prepare for by purchasing a radar station in Ukraine is for active operations in Syria. After the United States struck Syria, Moscow said that Moscow no longer has any moral obligation not to supply S-300s to Syria. “We had moral obligations, we promised not to do this about 10 years ago, in my opinion, at the request of our well-known partners,” the Russian Foreign Minister said in April Sergei Lavrov. - We took into account their argument that this could lead to destabilization of the situation, although the means is purely defensive. But now we have no such moral obligation.” Prior to this, the Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General Sergey Rudskoy announced the measures being considered by Moscow to strengthen the Syrian air defense system through the transfer of S-300 systems.

Moreover, the 36D6 radar is already operating in Syria and helping the government army to shoot down missiles during Israeli air strikes. Damascus managed to purchase several radar stations even before 2011, when a full-scale war broke out in the country.

Yesterday it became known about the delivery by Ukraine to the United States of America of a radar station (RLS) 36D6M, which is designed, in particular, to detect low-flying air targets. Experts believe that the United States needed the Ukrainian radar system in connection with the possible appearance of a similar complex in service in Iran.

A source close to the state company Ukrspetsexport told Kommersant that Ukraine has delivered one 36D6M radar station, manufactured by the Iskra Research and Production Complex (Zaporozhye), to the United States. Ukrspetsexport failed to confirm or deny this information yesterday - the company's general director Serhiy Bondarchuk declined to comment, offering to send an official request. At the time the issue went to print, Kommersant had not received a response to it.

Radar 36D6M(according to NATO specifications - "Tin Shield") - a mobile three-coordinate airspace surveillance radar used in modern automated air defense control systems (ADCS) and anti-aircraft missile systems (ADMS) to detect, including low-flying air targets, covered by active , passive and combined interference. The radar station performs an initial review, determines nationality, automatically tracks targets, issues target designation to the ADMC air defense command post, and, if necessary, operates in the mode of an autonomous control point. The instrumental range of the complex is 360 km.

Now such stations are in service with Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece - all these states are members of NATO. It should be noted that the 36D6M radar station is a domestic modification of the serial surveillance radar, which is part of the S-300 air defense system, previously supplied by the USSR under the Warsaw Pact. Now the S-300 is being sold, in particular, by Russia.

Arms expert Alexander Tabunets told Kommersant that the United States traditionally collects weapons samples. former USSR to develop systems to counter them. “As you know, the elements of the 300th complex (SAM S-300.-Kommersant) were once sold to the United States on the personal order of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, later part of the system was delivered to the States from Belarus,” Mr. Tabunets said. The current supply, according to the expert, may complete the collection constituent parts S-300 air defense system. American specialists are eager to study the S-300, and this is explained by the fact that the United States fears the appearance of the S-300 system in service with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It is noteworthy that information about possible deliveries has repeatedly appeared earlier. Russian Federation similar complexes to Iran. At the end of 2007, Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar announced that within the framework of an agreement concluded earlier with Russia, the Islamic Republic would receive these systems. In mid-September of this year, Anatoly Isaikin, director general of the Russian state intermediary for the export and import of weapons - Rosoboronexport - said that Russia was discussing with Iran the supply of defense systems, in particular air defense systems. Mr. Isaikin also recalled that there are no bans on the supply of defense systems to Iran, including air defense systems and others. missile systems air defense.

Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense Anatoly Kinakh (Party of Regions) does not see crime in the possible supply of domestic US radar. "As long as it (the delivery. - Kommersant) complies with national legislation and international standards," Mr. Kinakh told Kommersant. "If so, then our defense industry is still at its best, and Ukraine rightfully occupies a high position in the arms market ".

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