How to get a guild quest in black desert. Guild. Guild Key Benefits

  • 12.08.2020

Unlike some MMORPGs, the guild in Black Desert– not just a group of like-minded people with a separate chat. On the one hand, it is a serious military organization that claims to own territories. On the other hand, it is a financial structure that helps all its participants to get rich.


The first step is to create a clan. To do this, you should contact the guild master, which is in any major city. The clan has some restrictions. It cannot accommodate more than 15 members, have its own emblem, the head and officers cannot take guild quests. The cost of creating a clan is 150,000 silver. The cost of converting it to a guild is 100,000 silver. If you want to get all the benefits that the guild gives, you should definitely convert the clan.

Volunteer Recruitment

A contract is concluded for each new member. The trial period is one day. After their expiration, the contract can be extended for lines of no more than one month. The contract specifies the amount of salary that the recruit receives from the guild treasury. The initial size is 30,000 silver. When the contract is extended, the amount may increase. The amount of salary depends on the activity of the player. You can renew the contract no more than once a day.

Important! Not one character joins a clan or guild, but the whole family, that is, all the characters on the account.

A player who left the guild voluntarily will be able to join a new one after a day. Also, a guild that has expelled one or more players will only be able to recruit new members in a day.

Guild leveling

For completing guild tasks, the guild receives experience and silver to the general treasury. The complexity of the task and the reward received depends on the size of the guild, that is, the number of participants. Experience points can be spent to increase the maximum number of members, protect the weakest members during guild wars (they gain full immunity so that members of a hostile guild cannot kill them even in PC mode), and activate skills.

Quests are divided into combat and general. During the combat quest, guild members are required to destroy a certain number of mobs of a certain type in a limited time. General quests - logging (logs, pine, cedar, alder, cypress or maple), (most often quests for a shallow goby or barb) or delivery of regional goods. In general tasks, quests for the guild boss are available: after destroying a small number of mobs, you will receive a summoning scroll.

The quest can be taken by the head of the guild or any of the officers, but for this 3 members of the guild must be online. Regardless of size, any guild can do no more than 5 quests per day. The quest must be completed on the channel on which it was accepted: progress is not counted on other channels. Practice shows that most combat and fishing quests, as well as all collection tasks, can be easily completed alone. At least 2 participants are required to comfortably complete a trade task (due to the fact that regional goods that one character can purchase have a quantity limit).

Guild Benefits

These include material benefits: daily salary and loot received for killing the guild boss. But the main thing is the additional buffs that all participants acquire thanks to the skills of the guild:

Furious Shout: 5 levels, increased accuracy;

Roar of battle: 5 levels, increased attack power;

Flame of life: 5 levels, increase the maximum amount of health;

Flame protection: 5 levels; damage reduction;

Expert Hand: 3 levels, Gathering skill increase;

Fisherman's Hand: 3 levels, skill increase;

Master movement: 3 levels, increase the protection of goods from damage;

Protection: 3 levels, reduced damage from siege weapons.

Bonuses from multiple levels do not stack. Therefore, in order to get the maximum advantage, the skill must be pumped to the maximum. Several skills, which can only be used by the guild leader, provide short-term bonuses in the form of increased luck, combat or crafting experience gained, and skill points.

wall to wall

A guild can declare war on any other guild (but no more than 6 wars at a time). Members of warring guilds for killing an enemy are not penalized in the form of a decrease in karma. You can fight anywhere except the safe zone - all major cities and some small settlements.

The guild that owns the node or castle receives additional income to the treasury - the “fatter” the knot or lock, the more. Sieges are held on channels marked War at a strictly allotted time for each territory. To take part in the siege, you will need a powerful computer: in a 50x50 battle, the lags are simply terrible.

The disadvantages of the guild include the fact that completing guild quests requires time that you could spend on pumping your own character. But, in general, even a small pumped guild has more advantages than obvious disadvantages.

Captain Jack Sparrow or an assassin can take the castle alone. Neither one was put into the game, so you will need an army. The easiest way to collect it is to create a guild in Black Desert.

General fee

You can open your clan already at the first level, but in order to convert it into a guild, you will have to pay 100,000 silver coins. Get to the city of Heidelberg and talk to the NPC "Lord Crucio Domongart" - it is he who is in charge of all clan affairs.

At the first stage, 20 people can be invited to the guild. After completing a dozen quests, you will increase the number of guild members to 80.

The main goal of any gang is to grab more land for themselves. To do this, you will have to fight with other applicants, and. The reward for all this fuss is the ability to levy a tax (from 1% to 10%) on any trades in the occupied zone.

But all this happens at a later stage. First you have to work. It's hard to work.

Guild Quests

The head of the guild has access to guild quests. He can buy them for money and give them to his wards for execution. The reward for such quests is points spent on clan development: increasing the number of players, buying skills for guild members, building towers and tents for wars.

Every guild has karma. It directly affects the reputation of all members of the group.

If one member of the guild kills ordinary players, then his karma, the karma of the guild and the karma of all its members fall.

War with other groups

Leveling a guild is a long process. If you're itching to go to war, team up with a small clan to deal with a bunch of offenders who have seized the desired territory. But remember that the enemy of my enemy is my friend as long as main enemy alive. By the way, a declaration of war costs 150,000 pieces of silver.

In many multiplayer games, there are various player alliances. Most often, the guild is a small group of like-minded people who communicate with each other and sometimes perform some tasks together. Korean developers have gone much further. In the game Black Desert Online the guild is a full-fledged organization that carries out military expansion and financial activity for the enrichment of all its participants. So that players can understand all the nuances of this structure, we decided to create this review. It is completely dedicated to all aspects of the creation and functioning of a guild that claims to own territories and resources in the Black Desert Online game space. We hope this information is useful to all players who want to learn how to create a clan or how to disband guild members if they do not cope with the task.

Clan creation process

First you need to create a clan, which can include a maximum of fifteen players. To do this, you need to contact the Guildmaster, who can be found in almost any city, from Olbia to Calpheon. In the dialogue with this character, you need to click on the "Clan / Guild" tab, and then click on the "Confirm" button. After that, you need to enter the name of your clan. The name of the clan in the future will be indicated immediately above the name of the game character. Please note that the maximum number of characters is 16 characters. In this case, you cannot use a space, but you can change the keyboard layout if necessary. When the name is selected, you need to click the "Apply" button. Now the player has his own clan, so you can move on to inviting other game participants to join it. To invite another player, you need to approach him and press the Ctrl button, and then the "Invite to clan" button or the F2 key. If the player has decided to disband the clan, he needs to select the appropriate button in the clan menu, which appears after pressing the G key on the keyboard.

Distinctive features of the clan:

  • the clan does not have its own coat of arms,
  • the clan cannot capture territories,
  • the clan cannot declare war.

Despite these limitations, clans play an important role in Black Desert Online. Do not forget that all the most powerful guilds started their journey with a small clan. Therefore, carefully select the players who should become your faithful allies.

Converting a clan to a guild

To convert a clan into a guild, you must again seek help from the Guildmaster. As in the case of creating a clan, for this you need to click on the "Clan / Guild" tab and then click on the "Confirm" button. This procedure will cost 100,000 in-game silver. 80% of this amount will go to the general treasury, where the guild's income will gradually flow. At the same time, the new formation will retain the former name of the clan, as well as the composition of the participants, who will automatically transfer to the guild. The first difference is that now you will need to create a unique coat of arms. To do this, you need to transfer a 60x60 pixel image to a folder located on the player's computer at Users//Documents/Black Desert. The image format must first be converted to .png, and its name must be changed to Gmark. Having done this simple operation, the player will receive a unique coat of arms that will distinguish his guild from other military organizations.

The second feature is the presence of a special settlement system with players who are part of the guild. If the guild needs new members, then each of them will need to conclude a monthly contract with probationary period for one day. Under the terms of the contract, recruits will receive an official salary, which has an initial amount of 30,000 in-game silver. If a new member If the guild is doing a great job, then the contract can be extended, and the salary will increase in full accordance with the level of activity of the player. To conclude this contract, you need to approach the recruit and press the Ctrl key, and then select the "Invite to Guild" button. After that, you can choose a specific duration of the contract and specify the exact amount of the fee, as well as the main conditions for the player's participation in the guild.

Successful development of the guild

Game silver and guild points go to the general treasury for completing certain tasks. The complexity of these tasks and the amount of reward directly depend on the number of players in the guild. In the future, these points and silver can be spent on increasing the maximum number of participants, supporting the weakest players, or activating special skills. All tasks can be divided into two categories:

  • combat missions involve the destruction of some monsters or monsters for a certain period of time;
  • common tasks require harvesting valuable timber, catching fish, or delivering goods to remote regions.

It is worth noting that the destruction of the guild boss is a common task. To do this, the head of the guild or any of the officers is given a special call scroll. At the same time, at least three guild members must be in the game.

The guild can buy a large house where all its members can comfortably accommodate. In this house, it will be possible to create goods for imperial trade, as well as raise an adult elephant from a baby elephant. In addition, it is in this house that the guild's spacious warehouse will be located, in which each member of the guild can put valuable items needed to create imperial goods. If necessary, any member of the guild can pick up these items from the warehouse.

Guild Key Benefits

The main advantage of participating in a guild is material gain. In addition, each participant receives additional skills. The disadvantages of the guild include the time it takes to complete daily tasks. But in general, even a small guild has much more objective advantages than obvious disadvantages.

Guild addition.
So, with the January 2 patch, the ability to create a guild became available. Let me remind you that in Black Desert the concept of clan and guild have different meanings. Clan - a small formation of players with a maximum number of 15 people (similar to families in ArcheAge). A clan can be transformed into a guild, and it is the guild that makes it possible to participate in sieges, declare war on other guilds, conduct politics in the game, and much more.

Window with a menu for converting a clan into a guild

In order to convert a clan to a guild, you must find the NPC with whom you registered the clan (usually these NPCs are in starting cities, make no mistake), talk to him and then click on the right icon with the shield.

Conditions for converting a clan into a guild:

  • Character level 50
  • 300,000 silver coins (200,000 silver coins go to the guild bank).
To be in the guild, each player must conclude labor contract. When invited to the guild, the following window will appear (see screenshot), in which you need to enter the last name (or account name) of the character and also the terms of the employment contract are indicated in this window.

Labor contract

The employment contract has fixed term- 0 days (?), 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days. Why is a contract needed? With it, you can receive wages, as well as various fines, for example, for leaving the guild before the end of the actual term of the contract. After leaving the guild, you will be able to join a new one only after 24 hours. In addition, judging by the translation, if the head of the clan excludes someone from the guild, then he (the head) must pay a bonus that is three times the current wages.

It is also said that if the term of the employment contract is 0 days, then there will be no wage payments and fines.

Contract duration

  • 0 days
    Penalty: 0 / RFP: 0
  • 1 day
    Penalty: 500 silver / CP: 1,000 silver
  • Day 7
    Penalty: 3,500 silver / CP: 7,000 silver
  • day 14
    Penalty: 7,000 silver / CP: 14,000 silver
  • Day 30
    Penalty: 15,000 silver / CP: 30,000 silver
Wages can be increased depending on the character's activity on guild missions. The maximum increase is 100%. For every 10 points of activity, HP increases by 1% (approximate translation).

After the expiration of the current one, you can draw up an employment contract for a period of 0 days.​

It is worth noting that the guild leader must re-register employment contracts when their current term expires.

As can be understood from the translation, there is a guild leader and commanders in the guild. Everyone has an equal set of rights, but the commander cannot dissolve the guild. In addition, only the guild leader can use the registration scroll (more on that below).

The leader and commander have access to the guild store, where you can buy a registration scroll, siege tents, traps, and more.

The registration scroll allows you to register a guild, its cost is 100,000 silver coins, in addition, when it is activated, your Black Desert folder (drive_letter:\My Documents\Black Desert) should contain a 60x60 Gmark.png file (guild logo).

As far as the translation can tell, guilds have to pay taxes. The amount of taxes depends on the size of the guild:

  • less than 30 people - no taxes
  • up to 50 people - 100,000 silver coins
  • up to 75 people - 250,000 silver coins
  • up to 100 people - 500,000 silver coins
Taxes are paid automatically every week on Monday at midnight. If the guild does not have the necessary funds in the account to pay, then the tax is transferred to the next week, but you will have to pay it in double the amount (unpaid tax and current tax). If the guild cannot pay taxes, then some functions will not be available to it. At a minimum, you will not be able to participate in the seizure of territories.

As you know, guilds must complete guild missions. Each guild mission can only be completed by one guild at a time. In addition, the guild must pay a certain tax for completing the mission, which is indicated in the quest window. Missions are divided into several types - combat, world and trade.

All guild members receive additional abilities. In order to be able to use guild abilities, the guild leader must purchase a special jar called "Blood Oath" from the guild store. Its cost is 3,000 silver coins. Abilities are pumped by guild points.

A guild can only declare war on 4 other guilds at the same time, regardless of their level. Confirmation of the war by other guilds is not required. It is difficult to translate more about what is currently available in PvP, so let's wait for experiments with real guilds.

So, with the new patch it became guild creation available. In the understanding of the Koreans, this is a slightly different type of relationship than clans. Which now rather resemble hobby groups where there are only 15 people, because only the guild makes it possible to take part in sieges, participate in political life servers and declare war ( max 4 opponents, confirmation from their side is not required). Everything is different there - you get a job.

The guild is transformed from a clan, by talking to the same NPC with which you registered it. This requires Level 50 and 200,000 silver.

Then comes the real "contract" relationship. In order to join the guild - each user is required to conclude an employment contract for a fixed amount of time - 1, 7, 14, 30 days. A treasured virtual piece of paper allows you to receive a salary, regulates penalties in both directions - leaving the guild, exclusion from the composition before the time expires, possibly taxes. In addition, you can join a new guild only 24 hours after you leave the previous one.

What silversmiths will you work for?

  • 1 day (fine: 500, CP: 1000)
  • 7 days (fine: 3,500, RFP: 7,000)
  • 14 days (fine: 7,000, RFP: 14,000)
  • 30 days (fine: 15,000, RFP: 30,000)
Depending on the character's activity, the amounts change - maximum twice. After the expiration of time, the guild leader re-registers the relationship.

In addition to the leader, there are a number of commanders who have practically the same set of rights, except for the dissolution of the guild and the installation of the emblem. Access to siege items remains in the store.

What else awaits future leaders? - tax. It is formed depending on the number of members:

  • up to 30 people - no taxes
  • up to 50 people - 100,000 silver coins
  • up to 75 people - 250,000 silver coins
  • up to 100 people - 500,000 silver coins
The amount is deducted from the treasury automatically, and if it is not collected, then it goes to the next week, but already double, while penalties are imposed - such as participation in sieges.

There are also bonuses, in creating a guild - these are special quests ( military, trading, worldwide), although for the activation of which you have to pay. All participants receive certain skills - it is activated by a certain jar and pumped by guild points.