The scenario of the event is a journey through fairy tales for preschoolers. Scenario of a festive event in elementary school “Journey to the City of Fairy Tales. Journey through fairy tales

  • 19.04.2020

Leading. Where the sky is blue there is a city of gold

With a wonderful gate under a bright star.

Heroes of fairy tales live among rainbow colors.

And you, my friend, are you ready to visit them?

(Children's answers.)

But the way to this city

Not so simple at all.

Many fairy tales

The guest must know.

Game Yes! Not!"

By the seashore all year round

Is there a cat walking around the oak tree? (Yes!)

A casket hangs on an oak tree,

Does it have a golden crown? (Not!)

Near the river on a dry stump

Have the flowers bloomed? (Yes!)

Sitting yellow turnip

Is it very hard in the ground? (Yes!)

In the kitchen asked Koschey

Huge pot of cabbage soup? (Not!)

To take flight

Yaga bought a helicopter? (Not!)

The fox wanted to eat okroshka,

Didn't she get a crumb? (Yes!)

The door was suddenly opened by goats

And did they all disappear? (Yes!)

Not simple, golden

Ryaba laid an egg.

Sold it right away

Grandma jeweler. (Not!)

The king, undressed, light

Bathed in milk

And then in a cauldron of water...

Yes, and suddenly became young. (Not!)

But the game is over

Who answered, he - well done! (Yes!)

Leading. Children love the story very much.

There is no more wonderful thing in the world,

There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter

It's always interesting with her.

A fox and a cat are friends here,

The blind mole is ready for the wedding,

But the dawn appears -

The bride rushes across the sea.

The dog Totoshka speaks here,

A cat is sitting at the piano.

The stove goes around the village.

What fairy tales are we talking about?

(The Cat and the Fox", "Thumbelina", "The Adventures of Ellie and Her Friends", "Cat's House", "By Pike")

Quiz "Name the story"

“The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole; it was winter. Already he sat, sat, sat all night, his tail froze; I tried to get up: it was not there ”

("Fox-sister and wolf")

“The fox asked the bunny to warm up, but the bunny was kicked out”

("The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster")

· “The old woman took a wing, scratched the box, broomed the bin, and two handfuls of flour accumulated. I kneaded it with sour cream, baked it in the oven and put it on the window to chill.


“The goats let their mother in and told her how the wolf came to them and wanted to eat them”

("The Wolf and the Goat")

“Two eyes fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything, everything - like a red maiden got into one ear, got out into the other and picked up the finished canvases. Everything that I saw. Three-eyed mother told ... "


“A girl came, looking - there is no brother! She gasped, rushed back and forth - no! She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond.

("Swan geese")

“And by evening we met again in an open field. The older brother Frost - Blue Nose, chuckles and pats his mitten with a mitten, and the younger brother Frost the Red Nose, grunts and shudders "

("Two Frosts")

“The old woman brought a cauldron.

The soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the cauldron, poured water and put it on fire.

("Porridge from an ax")

“Crane knock-knock with his nose on a plate. Knocked, knocked - nothing hits!

And the fox licks herself and licks the porridge, so she ate everything herself.

("The Fox and the Crane")

“They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the hen flew up on the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove.

("Fear has big eyes")

Leading. You know a lot of stories.

There is a road ahead of us.

A ball will lead along it,

The key will open the lock.

And the lock is not simple,

Like a golden key.

Under the “Song of Pinocchio” (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by A. Rybnikov), Pinocchio runs in with a golden key. He does a free dance.

Pinocchio. Key, golden key

Open the doors for us.

Let the lights burn brighter

The story is waiting for the kids.

The fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear.

Fox Alice.

Hello, good Pinocchio.

Met you again.

What are you hiding behind your back?

Is there gold in there?

Cat Basilio.

Let's go to the tavern with us.

Pinocchio. Not on the way today with you.

I have a magic key.


I have to help the guys.

Fox Alice.

When gold sparkles

My heart just melts.

I would take the jeweler -

All would be in gold:

Bracelets, earrings and ring

And a pendant like a heart.

Cat Basilio.

Yes, and I would get a little

Provide old age.

fox alice(dreamily).

We'd be rich then

They would have gone to the Emirates.

Dear, kind Pinocchio,

If you give us the key,

We will leave quietly.

Cat Basilio.

Well, if we don't get

We, my friend, will beat you.

(Shakes fist.)

Pinocchio. Well, of course, so be it.

(turns the key)

Try to catch me.

Basilio the cat and Alice the fox try to catch Pinocchio, but they fail. Their foreheads clash at the moment when Pinocchio slips between them. Forgetting about the key, they start a fight among themselves, then leave.

Pinocchio. Key, golden key

Open the doors for us.

Let the colors shine brighter

And the children are greeted with fairy tales.

The staging of the fairy tale "The Hare and the Hedgehog"

Boastful and arrogant,

And towards him the Hedgehog,

It looks like a spiny ball.

On the one hand, a Bunny appears, on the other, a Hedgehog.

Hedgehog. Hello, Zainka-friend.

Where are you jumping?

Hare. To the meadow

I want to take a little walk

Have fun, play.

Hedgehog. And take me with you.

Hare. What am I to do with you?

You can't run fast.

Hedgehog. You won't follow me!

I immediately doubted.

Hare. Well well! That's so laughter!

I'm the fastest in the forest!

Hedgehog. How else to say it!

Hare. I can prove right now.

Let's run with you soon

Let's take care of all the animals.

Hedgehog. No, Bunny, not now.

We'll put it all away for an hour.

I'll come straight to the lawn.

Hare. I'm waiting for you there, my friend.

They diverge in different directions.

And the thick grass disappeared.

Ran home, puffing,

From the door immediately shouts:

Hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog. Hey Hedgehog, help me out

Hedgehog enters, holding a cup in his hand.

Put the tea aside.

Hedgehog. What happened, dear husband?

Then eat ripe pears.

Lunch is waiting for you.

Hedgehog. Oh thanks, but no.

We don't have much time.

Meeting with the Hare in an hour -

Competition is coming

You have a task from me.

The hedgehog whispers something into the hedgehog's ear.

Turned around and ran away.

The hedgehog runs away, then the Hedgehog leaves.

The Hare comes out, the Hedgehog appears on the other side. To the sound of music, the Hedgehog does a warm-up.

He loosened up a little

Became together:

Hare and Hedgehog get together.

Hare and Hedgehog. One two Three!

Hedgehog quietly side

Do not forward - to your home.

The hare is running, the Hedgehog is slowly leaving.

The hare flies through the meadow

The wind just whistles in my ears.

And he runs without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

Here is the finish line. Hedgehog is waiting

Looks like a spiny ball

And laughs:

Hedgehog. Lost.

Zainka muttered under his breath:

Hare. Oh, it's embarrassing to the point of tears.

He didn't notice the change.

They bow, they leave.

Child. All children love fairy tales

After all, the fairy tale is good

What is in it a happy ending

The soul already feels.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

In impatient anticipation

Happy end.

V. Berestov. "Story".

Leading. Children love the story very much.

There is none more beautiful in the world

And, of course, there is no sweeter -

It's always interesting with her.

In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. In this struggle, magical things sometimes help good characters.

Competition "Magic things".

Two compete. They take turns naming magical items. The one who fails to name the magical item once again loses.

Leading. Along with positive characters, there are also negative characters in the fairy tale. Hear riddles about them.

On the edge of the forest

She lives in a hut.

Hut on legs

Walks along the paths. (Baba Yaga)

View an excerpt from the fairy tale "Morozko".

There was a sudden attack -

fire-breathing mouth,

The tail is huge on the ground ...

What kind of animal? Tell me. (Zmey Gorynych)

Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynich"

Shining river under the moon

Looks at the sky ... (Water).

Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

The skinniest of people

Who, tell us? .. (Koschei)

View an excerpt from the fairy tale "Koschei the Immortal".

Competition "Negative hero".

tea + e + genus (sorcerer)

harrier + poison + ko (sorceress)

Leading. The sorcerer harasses people

A witch on a broom flies...

Whatever the evil

Goodness wins in the end.

The song " Good tales childhood ”(lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by E. Martynov.)

Leading. Now the time has come

On our way back, kids.

The colors faded immediately

Farewell, fairy tales.

Title: Scenario of a festive event in primary school"Journey to the City of Fairy Tales"

Position: daycare teacher
Place of employment: Municipal state educational institution "Belovskaya secondary school"
Location: sl. Belaya, Belovsky district, Kursk region

Quiz script

for parents and children senior group

"Journey through fairy tales"

Goals : to activate children's knowledge of fairy tales and expand their horizons; encourage the cognitive activity of the family; help strengthen parent-child ties

Tasks : develop imaginative thinking and speechchildren; educate the need for reading books, love for oral folk art; analyze interactionparents and childrenin the process of solving common problems.

preliminary work : reading,retellings, viewingillustrations for fairy tales; didactic games"Guessfairy tale» , “Make a portrait fairy tale hero"," Tales are mixed up "; puzzle games.

Event progress :

caregiver :

Today we will make an interesting, exciting journey infairy tale. Let our meeting be interesting and exciting. We beginquiz"Dreamland".

First task for teams :

We choose the captain and name the team!

Teams choose captains and come up with the name of their team.

caregiver :

The second task "Warm-up" (for children)

Guess the heroesfairy talesI give you allhintsto make it easier to answer, we will rhyme the lines. Who answers faster - gets a point for it(1 chip)

He is sweet, loves honey, goes to visit all year round. And he sings songs aloud. Bear cub…(Winnie the Pooh)

She is familiar to all children, but she lives in the forest with the gnomes, but her name is not at all a sweet tooth ...(Snow White)

He played different games and his city from above, our friend examined from the roofs(Baby)

He is a funny boy, but not a bully at all. The key was pulled out of the mud wooden(Pinocchio)

He looks so much like a ball, but he could not save himself. He has a ruddy side - it's delicious(Kolobok)

He has for the kids Balloons. It has a tail like a hook. Piglet…(Piglet)

He is crooked and lame, the commander of all washcloths. Of course, he will wash everyone, washbasin(Moidodyr)

Warm-up for parents.

1. The owners entered the house - they found a mess there. (Three Bears)2. The mouse came to their aid, pulled out a vegetable together. (Turnip)3. Treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)

4. The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us ... (Geese-swans)

5. We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (Three pigs)

6. I will sit on a stump, eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

7. And they fled from dirty stockings and shoes. (Moidodyr)

caregiver : "Were not neededhintsyou guessed it allfairy tales. The wise men created, and you all together:(well done).

caregiver : Third task for kids "Put all the pieces together!"

Children collect a picture from puzzles and name fairy tale and fairy tale hero (teams get 2 chips for a correctly completed task)

Task three for parents (guess names fairy-tale heroes and name the author of the fairy tale) :

1 TEAM :

    th, m, o, k, a, h, u, o, D, c. 2) n o b and t a

"Thumbelina" Hans Chrestian Andersen "Pinocchio" Alexei Tolstoy

2 TEAM :

1) s, p, K, a, n, a, i, o, k, h, a, W, p, a. 2) dmyr y o d o

"Little Red Riding Hood" Charles Perrault "Moydodyr" Korney Chukovsky


    s a b e n o c l e 2) b i t a y l o

"Snow White" Brothers Grimm "Aibolit" Korney Chukovsky

caregiver : The fourth task Relay “Young Artist”

We made sure that you know fairy tales. Do you know how to draw the characters of your favorite fairy tales? Who will you draw, learn from the riddle:

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled…….. (kolobok)

That's right, you will draw Kolobok. But you will draw with the whole team. Hear how. Teams are built in 3 columns. The first participant runs and draws a head, participant 2 - one leg, participant 3 - another leg, participant 4 - one handle, participant 5 - another handle, participant 6 - eyes, participant 7 - mouth, participant 8 - the path along which the bun runs .

(The drawing sheets are attached to the board, and the first team members receive a felt-tip pen.)

And now the jury will tell us whose Kolobok turned out more beautiful.

caregiver : Fifth task Relay “Kolobok”

See what winding paths we got in the drawings? From whom did Kolobok have to run away in a fairy tale? Let's help our Kolobok avoid trouble. And we will have a stuffed ball as a kolobok.The guys circle the chips on the floor, rolling the ball along the serpentine with one hand on the floor.

caregiver : Sixth task : guys, we need to quickly realize and return things to the heroes as soon as possible!

The envelopes contain a portrait of a fairy-tale hero and cards depicting various things. It is necessary to name a fairy tale and select the things that are found in it.

Puss in Boots : hat with a feather, boots, sword, mouse.

Dr. Aibolit : suitcase, phonendoscope, syringe, iodine.

Cinderella : glass slipper, clock, pumpkin carriage, broom.

Educator: Seventh task Musical

Each team sings a fairy tale hero song

caregiver : Eighth task for parents Blitz tournamentfor the captains Quick question, quick answer.)

Residence of Baba Yaga.

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of Ivan Tsarevich?

The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies.

What did Cinderella lose?

What flowers did the Stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

Cheerful man-onion.

The hero of a fairy tale traveling on a stove.

Who made Pinocchio?

Who is the ugly duckling?

A postman from the village of Prostokvashino.

Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka.

The turtle that gave Pinocchio the Golden Key.

How did the Wolf catch fish from the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"?

In which fairy tale cannibal turns into a mouse, and the cat eats it?

Whom did the old man and the old woman sculpt from the snow?

caregiver : Ninth task: "Salad from fairy tales"

The host reads fictional fairy tales, where there are characters from different Russians folk tales, and players need to guess what fairy tales these characters are from.

1. “... The Wolf sits at the hole and says: “At the command of the pike, at my will, catch, fish, big and small.” The tail became heavier, the Wolf began to pull it, it couldn’t pull it out. The Wolf called the grandmother, the grandmother called her granddaughter, the granddaughter called Zhuchka ... ”.(“The fox is a sister and Gray wolf”, “By pike”, “Turnip”)
2. “... Ivanushka drank some water from a hoof and turned into a kid, Alyonushka saw this and began to cry. And Ivanushka says: “Don’t cry, Alyonushka, but help me better get into my left ear, and get out of my right one and I will become a brother again ...”.
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Tiny - havroshechka”)

3. “... Gingerbread Man rolled along the path and sees: there is a hut on chicken legs in front of him. And Ivanushka is sitting in front of the hut, playing with golden apples. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock! Who lives in the terem? "I am a mouse - norushka, I am a frog - a frog ...".(“Gingerbread Man”, “Geese - Swans”, “Teremok”).

Under the singing of a song « Dreamland » results of competitions are counted and medals are awarded "Connoisseurs fairy tales » .

Scenario game program for preschool children

Author: Boldareva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, practical psychologist, educator-methodologist, Preschool educational institution combined type No. 9 "Sunrise", Shakhtersk.
Methodical development will be useful to educators, psychologists. The lesson contains a variety of methods and techniques of work for the formation of preschoolers' love for a fairy tale, the development of cognitive skills, mental processes, creativity in preschool children.
Subject. "Journey Through Favorite Tales"
- to instill love for a fairy tale, a desire to reproduce the plot;
- repeat favorite fairy tales of children, consolidate knowledge about animals;
- develop fine motor skills, acting skills, improve dialogic speech;
- to teach children to guess riddles, to love and cherish books, to properly care for them;
- cultivate interest in favorite fairy tales.

Material: a book of fairy tales, geometric shapes, heroes of fairy tales: a mouse, a goat, Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf (the roles are played by children preparatory group), geometric sticks, torn book, glue, scissors, geometric shapes in the shape of a key, the game "feed the animals", clothespins.
Lesson progress
Game Hello!
Hello palms!
(Stretch your arms, turn your palms up and down)
(3 hand claps)
Hello legs! (" spring»)
Top, top, top! ( stomp their feet)
Hello cheeks! ( stroking cheeks)
Plop, plop, plop! ( Lightly pat on the cheeks 3 times)
Chubby cheeks! ( Circular movements with fists on the cheeks)
Plop, plop, plop! ( Lightly hit the cheeks with fists three times)
Hello sponges! ( Shaking head left and right)
Peck, peck, peck! ( lip smack 3 times)
Hello teeth! ( Shaking head left and right)
Click, click, click! ( click teeth 3 times)

Hello my nose! ( Stroking the nose with the palm of your hand)
Beep, beep, beep! ( 3 times press the nose with the index finger)
Hello this day! ( Waving hands in greeting)
We are not too lazy to play!
- I invite you, children, to a magical journey.
- Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not shirts, but sewn,
Not a person, but talking! ( book)
- Do you like reading books? I have a magical book of fairy tales. Do you want to be in a fairy tale? Well, then go ahead! Let's all say the magic words together: "Book - open, fairy tale - begin!"
- Oh, something does not open the book, and the fairy tale does not begin. What's the matter? Probably, in order to open a book, a few magic words must also be found. (Geometric figures)
- Well done, they picked up the key, and now we need to say the magic words: “Book - open, our Fairy Tale, begin!”
- Who came to us? ( mouse)
- What is the mouse?
- The mouse wants to play with you.
I'm gray, small,
I want to play with you steps in place)
Jump, dance. ( 3 jumps, circled)
Quietly, quietly you step ( walk on toes)
Back - straighten ( straighten your shoulders)
- Let's remember in which fairy tale the mouse lives? ( Children tell a story and show on a magnetic board)

mouse: Well done, children, you know my fairy tale. But something I'm hungry - feed me, please.
Game "Feed the animals"

- Oh, thank you, you not only fed me, but also all my friends. Now you can continue on the road, goodbye, children!
- The second page opens and new fairy tale starts.
The goat comes in.
- I am a peaceful Goat, you can say peaceful.
How the animals kicked me out of the house
She asked her grandfather and grandmother again.
Made peace with all the animals.
- Children, from what fairy tale the goat guessed? And also a goat, in what fairy tale does it live?
Goat: I have goats, help me find and count them.
(hold the ball along the path to the kids)
Goat: Thank you kids for helping. I have to go get milk for the kids. Goodbye!
- So the third page opens, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" begins. Little Red Riding Hood and a gray wolf run out.

Wolf: Good afternoon, girl! What is your name?
Red Riding Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: And where are you going?
Red Riding Hood: To Grandma.
Wolf: Where does your grandmother live?
teacher: Stop, girl, didn't they tell you that talking to strangers in the forest is dangerous. ( The wolf runs away)
red Riding Hood: Oh, yes, I know this rule, but I need to go to my grandmother, and I got lost, help me find the way. Children lay out a path from geometric sticks.

Thank you, you children, helped me, now I know the roads. Goodbye.. ( leaving)
- And who is this sad one?
torn book
Drip-drip-drip - the book sobs,
Drip-drip-drip - the boy broke.
I didn't look like myself at all.
Who will help me, children?
- Let's help to repair the book. ( Gluing books)

- So our journey to the land of fairy tales ended. What did you like the most? What was difficult to do? See you again.

Storyteller 1.
Storyteller 2.
Guard 1.
Guard 2.

(The characters enter the hall. The children are divided into two teams. The storytellers represent the members of the jury.)

Storyteller 1. Far, far away is the beautiful Land of fairy tales, miracles and magic. The trees there are bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are painted, the monsters are terrible.

Storyteller 2. We invite you now to go on a journey - to see the white light, to see people and show yourself. But do not forget to pack a knapsack for the road.

Storyteller 1. Here is the tablecloth. On her. fabulous items - you will need them on your journey. We suggest remembering in which fairy tale this or that magical little thing is found.

(The following things are laid out on the table: a comb, a towel, a vessel with water, a ring, an apple, a ball, a mirror, a tablecloth. Each team takes turns choosing an object, naming a fairy tale corresponding to it. The jury takes into account the answers and counts the points.)

Storyteller 1. We've packed our bags, and now we're on our way!

(The “Song of the Guards” from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians” sounds. The guards enter the stage.)

Guard 1. And who is this? (Points to the guys.) What are you doing here? Only those who love fairy tales, who know fairy tales will get into our fairy tale.

Guard 2. We will now arrange a test. Here, answer all the questions, then you will find yourself in a fairy-tale land, but if you cannot, then you will have to return.

Guard 1. Let them guess the crossword puzzle.

(Guard 1 hangs a piece of paper with two crosswords drawn. As they guess, the words fit into empty cells. When both crosswords are completed, the password can be read in the highlighted cells: “Fairy tale, come!” Questions are asked to teams in turn. If the participants of one of the teams find it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to competitors.)

Guard 2. In the first crossword puzzle, under the number 1, you must enter an adjective, which is a characteristic of the fairy-tale heroine Vasilisa. (Wise)

Guard 1. And under the number 2 is the name of the king who sent Ivan Tsarevich to look for the firebird. (Berendey)

Guard 2. Number 3. Apples that give youth. (rejuvenating)

Guard 1. Number 4 is the name of the tree, which is most often found in fairy tales. (Oak)

Guard 2. Fifth question. Name the weapons used by the warriors. (Mace)

Guard 1. And now we will write letters from the selected cells, and we will get the first word of our password. Name it.
(Children say in chorus: “Come.”)

Guard 1. And now we guess the second crossword puzzle.

Guard 2. First point. Name the river near which Ivan, the peasant son, fought. (Currant)

Guard 1. Remember the nickname of the strong man Nikita, who saved Kyiv from the Serpent Gorynych. (Kozhemyaka) In the crossword puzzle, this is the second question.
Guard 2. And who is jumping along the spruce tree and along the birch tree. Jumping from tree to tree and clicking? (Morozko) Let's write the name of this fairy-tale character in our crossword puzzle under the number 3.

Guard 1. Number 4 is the name of a girl who had a younger brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)

Guard 2. To enter the last word in the crossword puzzle under the number 5, name the animal into which the beautiful girl was bewitched by Koshchei the Immortal. (Frog)

Guard 1. We write out the selected letters, and the second word of the password is obtained.
(Children read: "Fairy Tale".)

Guard 2. Now, guys, let's pronounce the cherished password together and get into the magical world.

Together. Story come!

Guard 1. Aye well done! You know fairy tales.

Guard 2. You passed the test
Have suffered a little loss
But now I will give you a wonderful Map.

Storyteller 1. And on the map of that wonderful Stop we will find.
Let's visit a fairy tale - So let's go without fear.

Storyteller 2. Who is the first on the way Waiting to meet you?
You expect a lot of questions:
The path is marked with prizes.
(The storytellers take out a drawn map on which the following stops are indicated: “Kolobok”, “Finist - a clear falcon”, “Morozko”, “Seven kids”, etc.)

Storyteller 1. So, what fairy tale will we get into at the first stop?

Storyteller 2. Now we'll find out. The guys will show their theatrical talents, and we, the audience, will try to guess which fairy tale the teams prepared the scenes for.
(Team members take turns showing excerpts from the proposed fairy tales. Viewers are invited to recall the names.)

Storyteller 2. And now let's play the game "Cross the swamp."
(There is an impromptu "swamp" on the floor, consisting of drawn circles - "bumps".)

Storyteller 1. Look what a wide marsh has spread out here! Only here and there bumps are visible. In order to move on further, you need to cross the swamp over bumps, and, stepping on each bump, the participant must remember and pronounce the magic words from any fairy tale. Only in this case the team gets a point.
(Children from the teams stand one after another and take turns crossing the “swamp”. The jury counts the points.)

Storyteller 1. How clever and quick-witted you are, well done! However, we have another fabulous task ahead of us.
nie. Lost in the local forests of Kikimora. They called the detective, as expected. Only now the detective turned out to be overseas - he doesn’t know anything about our Kikimora: neither how he looks, nor what habits he has.

Storyteller 2. All some kind of identikit requires. You guys help, draw a portrait of Kikimora Bolotnaya, maybe he will pass for this identikit.
But since we are dealing with a fabulous creature, then you will draw not in the usual way, but with your eyes closed.
(The storytellers put blindfolds on the eyes of the participants. The children stand up to the paper attached to the wall, and, on a signal, begin to draw a portrait of Kikimora with a marker.)

Storyteller 2. We're heading to the finish line. The last stage is called the Fairy Marathon.

Storyteller 1. Which one of you is the smartest? Now let's check. Listen carefully. I will ask questions. Whoever raises their hand first is the one who answers.

* Name the fabulous owner of the first aircraft.
(Baba Yaga)
* A fabulous creature that lives in the forest.
* The most lonely representative of evil spirits.
* What is the name of the sister of Baba Yaga, the mistress of the swamp?
* What carpentry tool can be used to prepare delicious traditional Russian food?
(From an ax to cook porridge)
* In what fairy tale did the hare, out of his naivety, lose his roof over his head? ("Hare hut")
* In what fairy tale did Ivan Tsarevich travel on a predatory mammal of the canine family?
("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
* Which fairy tale character out of your skin?
* Who has come a long way as a bakery?
* What is the most reliable fairy tale tool to help you navigate the terrain?
* In what detail of a woman's dress can rivers, lakes and even swans fit?
(In the sleeve)
* Who in the fairy tale burst with laughter when he saw a poorly built bridge?
* In which sewing accessories lies a mortal danger?
* What is the highest achievement of magical catering?
(Self-assembly tablecloth)
* What is the name of a high-ranking person whose smile was fabulously expensive? (Princess Nesmeyana)
* What reward do kings usually promise to victorious heroes in fairy tales?
(A daughter for a wife and half a kingdom to boot)

Storyteller 1. Well done! You all did a great job today!
And which team becomes the winner will be decided by our esteemed jury. They have a word.
(The jury sums up. Awarding the winners.)

Storyteller 1. This is where our journey ended. You learned a lot, showed your talents, and probably understood how interesting fairy tales are. And now let's say goodbye.
Storyteller 2. See you in the Land of Fairy Tales!

(The song "There are many fairy tales in the world" sounds.)

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1 child.

Everyone, everyone, everyone

We welcome you in a good hour!

Welcome to our kindergarten

Everything is ready for fun

Dance, sing, have fun

And let laughter reign everywhere!


Get everyone in a circle

Let's play together

One, two, three, four, five

Let's meet game.


Look at the hut

An old lady lives there

Can be old and evil

Maybe a good young man.

That scares everyone and gets angry,

It weakens and frolics.

Our grandmother is Yozhka.

Bone leg.

Game "Saw"

(if they agree, they say - they saw it, if not - they clap)

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar

How to control a helicopter with a broom

A black cat lives in my grandmother's house

The black cat sleeps without worries and troubles.

Baba Yaga will meet the traveler

In the bath, he will wash, feed, wash, greet.


Let's invite Grandma Yozhka to our holiday.


You turn around the hut

Turn to us with a porch.

Come to us Baba Yozhka

We'll play a little.

Baba Yaga.

What's that noise? What's the hum?

And the general ramble.

For me, an old woman is quiet, meek

Timid, weak and peaceful

Again, they do not give rest

Ile found a shelter

Songs, dances are just horror

Now I will catch you

I will punish and scare

Everyone should laugh


Don't catch granny

Game "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

Disgrace, what kind of holiday is this fun! Why aren't you afraid of me? That's right, whoever has fun is not afraid.


Yagusya, look how many children are here, and how beautiful, let's listen to a fairy tale that the children will show.

The Tale of the Kolobok


All a moment's attention

I want to start a story

How about a fairy tale name

I ask you to guess

Everyone is ready to listen

There will be a fairy tale, give it time

The old man says to the old woman

Bake me a bun

Grandfather and grandmother come out

I wanted a kolobok

There is butter and flour

Would you knead the dough

Treated everyone today


I'll gladly get down to business

Although the task is not easy

To make the dough fluffy, white

I need not only flour

Attention and skill

Don't forget about salt and sugar

What better way to make a meal

I'll start kneading the dough


I will run away from the tub

I don't want to be a bun

I feel bad here, I'm stuffy here

Over the edge, and running

Very sweet dough

I can't sit here

There is not enough space for me in the basin

Closely - closely - at - be - gu!

Grandma, the dough ran away


Hey, hey, hey, where, where!

How did I sleep

Here is the misfortune, here is the trouble!

Dough, dough, where are you going?

In a fairy tale, you are a bun

You have a rosy side!

Wait a minute

Stay at least at the threshold

A knock is heard, but who is it

A hare runs in

Sweet bunny, is that you?


Kolobok must meet

Where is he - one flour

Dough - the dough ran away

It did not become a kolobok

Began to think, grieve

Kolobok - where can we get it?


Oh, I'm upset grandfather

I'll run until noon

I will tell all the animals in the forest

I won't bring a bun


A knock is heard, but who is it?

A bear runs in


Kolobok I was waiting in the forest

Met a red fox

She was looking for a bun

Loudly, so loudly sobbed


Dough, dough ran away

It did not become a kolobok

Began to think to grieve

Kolobok - where can we get


Punishment, here is longing

Let's get lost without a bun

We will be sad in the forest

I don't know what to do?

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The fox runs in

A fox.

Well you guys are stuck

Did you meet Kolobok?

I want to eat so much

Well, I can't listen to you


Dough, dough ran away

It did not become a kolobok

Began to think to grieve

Kolobok - where can we get

A fox.

Here is the insult, here is the trouble

Why did we come here

We'll be lost without a bun

And we won't get home

Do not be sad animals, be quiet

And we are not afraid that famously

Let's run and frolic

Songs to sing and have fun


Children, where is our Yagusya?

Where did she go, let's call her.


You turn around the hut

Turn to us with a porch.

Stop bored grandma

Come visit us for a walk

Baba Yaga.

Here is a nasty hut

Torturing the poor old woman

Everything is spinning like a spinning top

Here's a habit - I took it

Baba Yaga.

Now I'm young children

But I'm insidious and harmful

And I can kill everyone

You will have to forget about the holiday


What would grandmother Yaga become kinder

I didn’t get angry and I didn’t scare the kids

We must call her affectionately

And her heart will be kind

(choice of affectionate words for Baba Yozhka)

Baba Yaga.

Was an old hag

Evil Baba-Hedgehog

Becoming beautiful, young

I'll dance a little.

All dance together