New Year in close company scenario. New Year table role-playing tales-impromptu. Santa Claus defeats the main enemy of Great Santa Claus

  • 01.04.2020

This cool, cheerful table New Year's script for an adult company, which the modern author Nikosa wrote, really liked. We hope that you will like this comic adult New Year's feast scenario for the new year. Thanks to the author!

Scenario for celebrating the new year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts)

The Snow Maiden enters after the presentation of the presenter:

We opened the doors to our beautiful hall,

And everyone saw a forest guest!

Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

She glows with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Do we all like the tree?

There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

Most the best holiday - New Year!

He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

Beauty mysterious and strict.

Fills the heart of the New Year!

With the wind, blizzard and snow, gray-haired Santa Claus rushes.

Now he is silent, then he calls, and now he is coming to us!

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Ay, ay-y! I'm coming!

Good evening ladies, gentlemen.

Did you get here well?

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

Here is the New Year, for the umpteenth time,

Comes to us from the starry distance.

And as always, he beckons us,

Hope, bright dreams,

Hope, believe and love

All three cherished words

Take it with you and go far

And be happy again.


The old year is leaving, its last page is rustling.

Let the best that was, will not go away, and the worst, will not be able to repeat!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 1: "Songs about the New Year"

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing along. Let's each try to remember a couplet, or at least the name of the songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost.

(Who last sang is the winner. The winner is awarded No. 1)

GAME #: Piggy bank

We also have a piggy bank of the evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous with his soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (both monetary and other promises) on New Year's Eve can be thrown into the piggy bank to anyone, no matter how much it is a pity.

TOAST 2: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On your doorstep all gray beard

Old Year - old, old at all,

He leaves us, he waves his hand to us

And wishes you good luck with everything!

But someone has come, someone is calling softly,

Three white horses at the door

The clock is exactly midnight, then the New Year has come.

Pour champagne into glasses!

I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,

My dears, Happy New Year!

Do good and give love,

Despite the years and the weather!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 2: "Riddles"

I have prepared many riddles for you:

It's snowing outside,

Coming soon ... (New Year)

Softly glowing needles

Coniferous spirit comes from ... (tree)

And the toys swing

Flags, stars, ... (crackers)

Clubfoot and big

Who sleeps in a den in winter? (Bear)

How many times can you celebrate the New Year in Russia?

lay, lay,

Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)

Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

In the courtyard of a mountain

And in the hut with water. (snow)

When needed, they throw it away

When not needed, they pick it up.

What it is? (anchor)

The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (pit)

GAME #: Piggy bank

In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not wish to participate in any competitions, or who prompts other participants in the competitions the correct answers, or during the evening behaves too indecently, he will be immediately punished with a fine, which will immediately go to the general piggy bank. Let's set together the amount of the fine,… what are the proposals…

TOAST 3: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the new year to throw old and unnecessary things out of the window that have become boring for a year. Of course, we are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of memory, as unnecessary trash, insults, quarrels, bad deeds ... If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year. Let's remember it like that, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 3: I propose to play the "New Year's Quiz"

In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time a New Year's card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A little hint is between 1800 and 1850. (1843) We reward the guesser

As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but here it is celebrated not for one day, like ours, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (December 6) Guessing reward

No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese clocks hit, you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. (108 strokes) Guessing reward

And tell me, please, in what year did Peter 1 issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (B1700) We reward the guesser

(winning 4 people become participants in the game and go to the hall or middle).

GAME 4: "The Enchanted Glass"

I'm going to enchant these glasses now. I can hold one or even two glasses at the same time in my hands, and as many as I like, and any of you will not be able to cope with this task, and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move away.

One two…. I'll tell you three tomorrow.

Naturally, no one will wait until tomorrow, and they will put glasses on. The host continues:

Well, if you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can drink something?

If there is a winner. He is rewarded.

TOAST 4: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

What is the glass made of? From a support and a bowl for drinks. What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses would be filled more often with fine wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

TOAST 5: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will announce to us that another year has passed and a new one has come. We do not know anything about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 5: "Dance with an inflatable Santa Claus"

An inflatable D.M is launched around the hall to the music. On whom the music ended, the loser. He is given the floor for congratulations.


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

The old year is leaving. Leaving without a return

The thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.

And what we wanted will sink into oblivion,

Who was in love and was loved.

Unexpectedly - unexpectedly, the names go away,

Moments, looks, songs.

Gone are the days where it was so wonderful!

Farewell, Old Year, farewell, no goodbye!

The New Year is coming to us and gives us a promise!

(We drink, we have a snack.)


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.

And at this moment mysteriously ringing

My love is the fuse of all my deeds.

For the magic of your calling eyes,

For all the moments I spent with you

For the joy of meeting that awaits us -

For the thirst that knows no quench!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

CH: (while guests drink and eat)

Straightening the wrinkles in the forehead, let's make a destiny for the holiday.

Let's forget any bad weather, maybe it's really not in vain,

Golden hope and happiness come to us at the end of December!

It all started in 2600 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiac calendar.

What is a Dog in the Chinese Zodiac?

In general, the Dog is a symbol of compassionate individuality. From the Dog you can always expect kind words, support, advice. The dog is a listener, always available to lend his sensitive ear or faithful shoulder to a friend at the right moment. Sometimes the Dog can be annoying, may seek to take control of the situation, but this is only from excessive impressionability and a desire to serve. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez were born under the sign of the Dog. Nice company, really, what cute and active dogs!

Fire Dogs (1946, 2006) - Natural leaders are popular, charismatic people, always surrounded by a group of admirers. These Dogs also have high sex appeal. They are enterprising and lively, honest and sincere.

Thus, from the year of the Fire Dog, we do not have to expect anything unpleasant. This year will be a year of mercy, compassion and support. Strong countries will help the weak, authoritative politicians will forcibly impose on citizens their projects aimed at their own good.

In the lives of ordinary people, the Fire Dog will add love and more love. To some, this love may even seem redundant.


The MOUSE will be disturbed by change and tend to keep a "round defense". If she manages to maintain her position and not quarrel with partners, then she will be able to meet the next New Year with full bins.

The VOL will be in a situation of choice that he will not like at the beginning, but will open up a world of new opportunities and will be appreciated at the end of the year. It is better for him not to give up the opportunity to take control in a difficult situation - others will tend to have high hopes for him.

The TIGER against the background of awakened ambitions will be able to turn his life around and achieve renewal, self-affirmation and recognition. He is waiting for the most unexpected turns in events, an offer and participation in interesting projects.

RABBIT more than once will find himself in circumstances where he will have to rack his brains over how to get out of them. Situations will be ambiguous, where benefits or hidden meanings are not immediately revealed. He needs to pay tribute to his intuition more often and not refuse help if it is offered sincerely.

DRAGON must be kept under control financial questions and not to break away from reality in your pursuit of impressive success. He will be visited more than once by inspiration and excitement of capturing new positions. In the summer it can turn into problems, but in the fall, everything is possible ...

SNAKE should enlist the support of benevolent partners and transfer to them a share of its responsibility. This year is more inclined towards spiritual search, travel, education and personal issues.

The HORSE is on the verge of significant change. Some of them can take you by surprise - so many things at once. But she will quickly be able to choose the most promising and will do to her advantage. The most important thing is not to look back and overcome obstacles with one jerk.

The GOAT will benefit if it takes a neutral position in all the ups and downs and situations of confrontation in which it finds itself, more militant and impatient signs are involved. This year, success can come to her without much effort - the one who knows how to wait always wins.

MONKEY is waiting for an eventful year. She will have to apply all her dexterity and ingenuity in order not only to avoid losses, but also to reach the finish line with noticeable achievements. In the professional sphere, unlimited opportunities open up for her, but in personal relationships it is better to stick to the tactics of compromise.

The COCK can be frustrated by the need to work hard without signs of recognition of his merits, increased attention and noisy events where he could dissolve his feathers. But he knows that a pearl grain can be found by working well with his paws and beak - surprises can be expected in the fall.

The DOG understands the responsibility of the moment and is ready for a good fight. This year will bring success only to those who can stand up for themselves, know well what they want, and do not back down in front of a serious opponent. A sense of reality, along with a well-developed intuition, guarantee her decent dividends, all the more so. That she realizes all her advantages this year.

BOAR will be successful in that area of ​​life where he has good control over the situation and has hidden support. stakeholders. His well-being this year can increase significantly.

Attention, Armenian Radio says: “The broadcast for the deaf has ended!” I remind you of our piggy bank, into which we throw away all the "debts" of the past year.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!

Everyone who is single - get married, everyone who is in a quarrel - face off,

Forget about insults, everyone who is sick - become healthy,

Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny - become fatter,

Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler,

Not far off - smarten up. All gray-haired - to darken,

So that the hair on the top of the head of the bald people thickens like Siberian forests!

So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let us be in trouble!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 6: Fanta

And now, dear friends, let's warm up a little. I suggest, without leaving the table, to play one old game, Fanta. Everyone will pull out a piece of paper on which it will be written what the participant needs to do.

(Sn. Carries a tray of phantoms around the hall, and D.M monitors the implementation of each phantom.)

Kiss the neighbor (neighbor)

Apologize to a neighbor (neighbor) and get his (her) forgiveness

Sing very militantly the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Confess your love for inspection with gestures

Explain to the “blind” neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry with gestures

Depict with a neighbor (neighbor) Othello

Depict a Chapaev (Petka or Anka)

Have a drink on brotherhood with a neighbor (neighbor)

Depict the flight of an eagle

Crow three times

Give (if you can) your neighbors a penny (cent)

Picture a child lost at the train station

Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car

Compliment those in attendance

Say solemnly the phrase "I sit for the fourth day at the table and drink"

Picture the dawn in the village, after the hayloft

Make a scary face

Picture how you eat last year's cracker

Depict the President of Russia, or at least the head of the Buro RTI

Explain with your eyes or facial expressions in love to a neighbor (neighbor)

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 7: "Three phrases"

Invites those who want to participate.

If you can repeat three phrases after me, any, word for word, you will win a prize! Ready? We started.

1) "What a beautiful evening tonight!" The player must repeat word for word.

2) “You are simply beautiful!” At the same time, D.M does not behave confidently, and after the participant repeats the phrase, he happily spreads his arms and says:

3) "So you lost!". Usually players make mistakes and ask “Why?”.

Whoever repeated wins and is awarded.

If there are winners, they are awarded.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On a snowy winter road

The old year is swept away.

May everything you wish come true.

New Year's moonlit night.

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 8: "Fortune-telling under a glass"

I invite everyone to make a cherished wish for this year and choose a glass, under which there will be an answer. One condition to read, you need to drink a glass, under the cat. there is a leaf with a prophecy.

1- Act today boldly, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It can come true, but for this you have to fight.

2- Desire to be fulfilled. It will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.

3- Definitely NO. This is advice to abandon decisive action, not to try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.

4- Now for our plan or aspiration, the time has not yet passed. You have to wait, things may change.

5- There is every chance to get what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the intended.

7- Luck smiles at you. But don't take this as an exact YES to your question. He suggests that for the fulfillment of desire will be provided wide range extremely favorable opportunities. You will take full advantage of them if you show will and moderate your conceit.

8- What you think can come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When you achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will give the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to what was conceived.

9- This is YES, and the wished to be fulfilled without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no barriers to your plan.

10- Luck is your middle name. Intuition will lead you to the right way to achieve your desire. Do not think, do not apply logic, but just trust yourself and enjoy life.

11- All roads lead to Rome. And there are many paths to your desire, but which one you choose will affect the circle of events associated with your personal life. In order not to make a mistake and choose the right path, look back, and have you already walked it once?

12- The wish will come true, but do not forget that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. You have to pay for everything. But with what “coin” you pay, it’s up to you. But just remember that everything has its price.

13- Desire to be fulfilled only on condition that it is your true desire. Well, don’t be upset if you don’t fulfill it, but rather look into the innermost corners of your soul to understand what you really want.

14- Be fulfilled, but only if your desire is very important and significant for you. You will have to make a little effort to achieve what you want, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

15- YES, YES, and YES again! Hasn't it been fulfilled yet?

16- A wish can come true, but with the help of your loved ones and loved ones who will offer it to you sincerely. Do not reject help, because this is the way to fulfill your desire.

17- Your wish will come true, don't worry about it. Calm down and be prepared to wait patiently. You will need composure and endurance now. Remember. What wins the one who knows how to wait.

GAME***: Sirtaki

Hear the music again sounded:

Everywhere fun and joy sparkle

In the waltz, let each of you spin!

The floor is given to our "Disc jockey".

(we dance SIRTAKI).

Hurry in a round dance, let everyone sing,

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for everyone.

The more people, the more guests,

That will be even more fun.

And now let's play and dance to a Russian gypsy girl.

GAME ***: "Gypsy Girl"

5-6 players are called and the same number of chairs are placed. The music is put on, the participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops - the participants take off one thing from themselves. So several times. After that, different music plays, and the participants begin to dress in the same way. Where the participant stopped, he dresses there.

The New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it's time to start preparing with him. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. New funny script new year 2017 rooster for cheerful company will help you with this. In the script interesting ideas, contests and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before starting the holiday, it is necessary to say an introductory word. For example, like this:

Game - spend the year of the monkey.
The year of the monkey is coming to an end, and it must be celebrated. We spend it with memories of all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or theirs this year 2016. Who could not remember, he is out of the game. And the last one left wins. We give him a calendar for 2016 in a beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of the happiest year of his life.

The game is fortune telling for the new year with the help of salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on New Year's table. After everyone has called, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
And here is a list of predictions for the new year for salads:

The game is one on one!
This game is played by two people. They sit down opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill, I’ll fix the sack
Here the task is not just to pronounce this tongue twister and look into the opponent's eyes, but also not to laugh! Whoever laughs is out. Although, everyone will laugh, because it is simply not possible to say such a thing, especially drunk and looking into the eyes of another !!!

Perestroika for the new year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If they are few, then so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives plates with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE COCK.
The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their letter plates, that is. Compose words.

Video contest.
In this competition we show video. There will be one song in the video - somewhere in the world ... and the frames will be from different films. The task of the guests is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names more wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guesses, he performs it. But not just performs, but crows! That is, after karaoke turns on, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!

New Year's feast is always very generous and cheerful. And wonderfully cheer up at the beginning of the holiday various table games: horoscopes, toasts, guessing games and which help to "get involved" in entertainment program and get to know each other a little or, if you know each other, then relax and feel comfortable, as happens among close people.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's table role-playing tales - impromptu, which will embarrass the program of any new year holiday. For such a table entertainment, you only need cards with words for the characters, a text for the host and, if desired, a small prop for the participants.

New Year table role-playing fairy tale "Hi, New Year!"

Before the start of the replica, you can rehearse, explaining to all participants that they should be pronounced when the congratulations are about their hero, and when exactly, it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the host will give (you can even agree on signs). Although, if you read expressively, then everyone understands when to enter.

Characters, replicas:


Toastmaster- "There is still an hour before the New Year!"

Precinct- "So, maybe today you will pour me one too?"

Father Frost- "And I brought you gifts!"

Guests- "Hi, New Year!"

Neighbours- "Congratulations to all of you!"

The choice of "artists" who will pronounce certain replicas is carried out by the presenter in a playful way:

Artists Choice

Leading: To play a scene for us
Roles should be handed out!
(Some of the guests) You, I see, do not be silent
And talk all the time.
We need a speaker now
You fit just right! (Hands over a sheet with a phrase for the role of Announcer.)
(to another guest) And toast to you -
Master of ceremonies you, therefore! (Gives the words for the role of Toastmaster)
(To another guest) Man is not new to everyone -
Everyone knows the District Officer! (Hands over the words for the role of the Precinct)
(to a male guest) Replace Santa Claus
He's late for something! (Gives words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) Ask to be neighbors
You are always very welcome! (Hands words for Neighbors)
(to another group of guests) Be our guests
And play with us! (Hands the words for the Guests)

Further, the Host reads the text, and the guests, after his corresponding words, pronounce their lines.
Fairy tale text
People are going to celebrate
And, as expected, celebrate the New Year.
Glasses filled to the brim
And Guests screaming... (Hello New Year!)
But in the telly Speaker not in a hurry at all
Rustling different papers for a long time
And it kind of informs us...

Stands up Toastmaster at the table in full growth
And makes a very fresh toast,
Quite swinging with a glass in hand ...
And the music is loud on the telly
And the Basque performs its famous hit.
And the glasses are filled again to the brim.
All Guests screaming... (Hello New Year!)

Here Father Frost latecomer knocks.
Seeing painfully familiar faces,
Rubbing his red nose in embarrassment
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
BUT Guests decided to raise Tamada.
He can't get up on his own!
And he makes a toast, as in a dream ... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
BUT Speaker repeats especially for us ... (It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Probably afraid that we will "pick up"
And we can't wait for the New Year!
The doorbell rang. tumbled in Neighbours,
They brought wine and all sorts of food.
They scream from the threshold ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Slightly making room, they sat down at the table.
Quite out of place Precinct came in
Seeing our company in the window... (So, can you pour me a drink today?)
Neighbours screaming... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(It's still a whole hour before the New Year!)
Here he takes out his bag Father Frost
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
How wonderful to celebrate the New Year together!
And barely breathing Toastmaster ours rises... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
He can't wait for gifts.
Glasses are poured for the main toast,
All rose in unison Guests,
They chant together... (Hello New Year!)
And the hands of the clock are rushing forward!
Our Toastmaster sobered up in an instant
And again he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (So let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
Well, well, pour it and raise a glass to the New Year everyone!

New Year's table tale for a close company "Well, you give!"
(Idea Arapova I.Yu.)

This table entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played according to the same rules, but with more fun text, designed for adult company. This one will especially benefit if, in addition to cards with words, the characters are given small props: funny hats, noses, headbands, which will emphasize the comicality of the image.

Actors and lines :

New Year- "Well, you give!"

Father Frost “Are you drinking without me?”

Snow Maiden- "Both on!"

Old women (Baba-Yaga) - "Well, never mind, yourself!"

Goblin- "Well, good luck!"

Waitress“Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people)- "Happy New Year!"

Leading- reads text

Fairy tale text

On New Year's Eve
People have a tradition of celebrating
To the people to the bulb crisis, adversity
Satisfied shout loudly ... ("Happy New Year!")

And here in front of us sits New Year,
He seems to have just been born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
And wondering out loud... ("Well, you give!")

BUT Guests cheerful, fashionably dressed
In joy, they shout loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Congratulate rushed (everywhere sticks his nose)
Who is tired of matinees? Father Frost!
He says barely coherently: ... (“Without me, are you drinking?”)
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

And what's outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
But Guests still screaming... ("Happy New Year!")

Here I got up Snow Maiden theatrically,
And she looks very sexy.
It seems that she will not go home alone,
And mysteriously said... ("Both on!")

Father Frost sighed: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
BUT Guests again, without delay and immediately,
Louder and louder shouting: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Maiden full of forebodings
Tastes, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing everything groans: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Two frisky grannies, two Baba Yaga,
As if you got up on the right foot
Cooing under a glass of yagush fate,
And out loud they are indignant: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)

Snow Maiden full of passion, desire,
With temptation and languidly repeats: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing or yells: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
And after New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Everything goes its own way, goes its own way,
And Guests shouting again... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but bright and brief
Made a contribution Waitress.
She threw the arrows on the table,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguski, accustomed, as if in a hut,
They shouted to her in chorus: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)
Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughing, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

BUT Grandfather, already screaming: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And Guests feeling the freedom of thought
They chant together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Goblin, with joy, almost crying,
Stands up with the words: ... ("Well, good luck!")
BUT Waitress, having sipped the burners,
She asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

grandmothers, one more zakolbasiv
They shout for a couple: ... (“Well, never mind, yourself!”)
Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed aloud: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Father Frost slyly whispering, (“Are you drinking without me?”)

And drinks New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... ("Well, good luck!")

And glasses, as if filled with honey,
At guests that they drink and shout in unison: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year's table impromptu "Forest Tale"

Actors and lines:

Hare- "Hares have a hard time"

Elk- "Everything broke in me!"

Cat- "I need a little champagne"

Piggy- "I'm beautiful as a snowflake!"

Hedgehog- "Without a head and legs"

Fairy tale text

In the New Year, everyone, without a doubt,
Believe in fairy tales, gentlemen!
In our hall of transformation

And brilliant acting!

Fairy tale text
In the forest, under the old tree
lives Hare timid.
He always says the same thing: (Hares have a hard time)
One day, on New Year's Eve,
The people of the forest have gathered.
Go on a visit to the oblique,
Drink and eat there.
Old uncle came Elk (everything broke in me)
The girl came with him Cat (Give me some champagne)
Aunt came running Piggy (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)
He appeared, shivering all over from the cold.
Hare repeats to everyone: (Hares have a hard time)
Here said uncle Elk:(everything broke in me)
“To live easily in the morning,

Helps 100 grams of cognac.
But my aunt intervened. Cat: (Give me some champagne)
“It will become easier for someone to live,

If he learns to be cunning."
“No, let me,” he says Piggy, - (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To make life easier

We need to marry him!”
Joined the conversation here Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)

"To make it easy to live in the world,
You need to have courage."

Hare know, he says one thing: (Hares have a hard time)
Nothing, told everyone Elk:(everything broke in me)
"The New Year is coming,
So we're all lucky."
The girl says Cat: (Give me some champagne)
“And so that success overtakes us,
I invite everyone to drink"
"That's a thought," she exclaimed. Piggy(I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Drink happy and wise Hedgehog(I'm without a head and legs)
The animals began to pour
And congratulate each other.
To make life easy for everyone
And everyone was always lucky in everything!

New Year's role-playing fairy tale"Japanese belief about the symbols of the year"

The participants of this are given words and 12 animal masks.
The facilitator reads the text. The one he calls says his phrase.

Actors and lines:

Mouse - "Don't mess with me!"
Bull- "I warn you, I'm a jock!"
Tiger"No more games!"
Rabbit"I'm not an alcoholic!"
The Dragon“My word is law!”
Snake“Well, of course it’s me!”
Horse- "The fight will be hot"
Goat- "All, of course," for "!"
A monkey- "I'm sure, without a flaw!"
Rooster- "Uh!" I scream at the top of my lungs!
Dog“There will be a fight here soon!”
Pig- "Just a little - I immediately!"
People(Spectators) shout in chorus - "Congratulations!".

Fairy tale text

There is a Japanese belief
The story, to put it simply:
Animals once gathered
Choose your king
Mouse came running... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Dragon has arrived... ( "My word is law!")
The goat also appeared... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
The dog rushed ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
The snake crawled ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
Rooster came running ... (
The Pig has arrived... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The horse galloped ... ( "The fight will be hot")
The Tiger jumped ... ( "No more games!")
Bull has tangled up... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Rabbit jumped ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey has come... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
Gathered for the New Year
They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and cries until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to be king.
Mouse said... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
Rabbit shouted hysterically ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey was outraged ... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
The snake claimed ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
The dog warned everyone ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
Bull is furious... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The dragon yelled to everyone ... ( "My word is law!")
Rooster crowed ... ( “Wow! I scream at the top of my lungs!)
Goat bent her horns... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
The Tiger growled menacingly ... ( "No more games!")
The Pig got scared... ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The horse bucked ... ( "The fight will be hot")
In general, they fought on New Year's Eve,
When the people chanted joyfully…. ("Congratulations!")

And from heaven to it strictly
looked japanese god
And he said: "It's time, by God,
Stop the commotion!
Get up in a friendly round dance,
May each one rule for one year!”
Goat jumped... (“All, of course, “for”!”)
Dragon approved... ( "My word is law!")
The Pig suggested ... ( "Just a little - I immediately!")
The Tiger also confirmed ... ( "No more games!")
The Rooster was delighted ... ( “Wow! I scream at the top of my lungs!)
Bullock warned everyone ... ("I warn you, I'm a jock!")
The Mouse said languidly... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Snake boasted to everyone ... ( "Well, of course it's me!")
Monkey answered her ... ( (I'm definitely flawless!)
Dog sniffed ... ( (There will be a fight here soon!)
The Horse frowned ... ( "The fight will be hot")
Only the Rabbit squealed ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
It was on New Year's Eve
When people chant joyfully…. ("Congratulations!")

Collection posted for review

This scenario is designed for big company in 20-50 people. It can also be used for corporate party, or for a closer circle with friends and family.
The room where the holiday will be celebrated can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, Christmas decorations, balloons and posters. Because the decorated hall will give guests a sense of celebration.

The New Year's table is, of course, very important, but after all, the guests are not going to spend the whole festive night without leaving it. If the feast and dance diversify with a win-win lottery, games, fun, the guests will certainly not get bored at your party.

Let each guest receive a new "name" at the entrance: attach a sign with a nickname on his back - "wolf", "telephone", "car", "bun". Anyone can read the name of another, but not know what his "name" is. The main thing is to find out your "name" from the others during the party. All questions can be answered only "yes" - "no". The winner is the one who first recognizes his New Year's "nickname".

Prepare the jelly. The task of the players is to eat their portion as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks.
Invite guests to tear the newspaper into small pieces with either arm extended forward. The winner is the one who breaks as small as possible. You can't help with another free hand!
Divide into two teams and, without the help of hands, pass the fake thermometer at speed so that it is always under the left armpit.
In a word, have fun. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a belief: how you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it. May fun and well-being not leave your house on this day and this year, and the best decoration will be a joyful gleam in your eyes and a smile.
First, as is customary, they sum up and see off the old outgoing year.
Then, in order to take a break before the onset of the New Year itself, you can hold a small competition for eloquence among those present at the table.

I wish you...
The host announces a competition for the most best wish. It is desirable that all those present take part in this competition, and say two or three words, starting with the words: “I wish you (you) in the New Year ...”. A wish can be addressed to everyone or to someone separately. Or you can make wishes to the neighbor sitting on the right, and so on in a circle until the turn comes to the first speaker.
With the chiming clock, a toast is raised to the fulfillment of all desires.
So that the New Year's Eve does not turn into an ordinary gathering, with excessively eaten and drunk, I propose to hold fun and exciting games and contests throughout New Year's Eve that will amuse the guests, cheer up and leave a memory for many years.

Snow show or Santa Claus choice
Only men participate in the snow show. The entire competition is divided into three stages.
All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who make the best snowflakes receive prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.
Snowball game
The game is continued by the winners of the first stage. Each participant is given five sheets of A4 format. Opposite each participant, about 2 meters from him, put a hat on the floor. At the command of the facilitator, participants should take sheets of paper with their left hand, crumple them into “snowballs” and throw them into a hat. The right hand does not help. Those who turn out to be the fastest and most accurate receive prizes and move on to the next stage.
Ice breath
For this contest, you will need snowflakes that were cut out in the first stage. Participants place snowflakes on the floor in front of them. Their task is to, at the command of the leader, blow off the snowflake to the specified place.
The winner is the participant whose snowflake hit the destination last. This is due to the fact that this participant turned out to have the most “icy breath”. The winner is awarded a prize and he is awarded the honorary title of Santa Claus for this season. As a title, he can be put on a cap on his head.
Required props for the competition: scissors, paper, cap, prizes.

Elections of the Snow Maiden
After choosing Santa Claus, a competition for the best Snow Maiden of this season is announced. The competition is held in three stages.
golden pens
The host announces that Santa Claus gives gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most expensive thing, that is, a man. For each participant, assistants are invited - men who will play the role of "gifts", and rolls of toilet paper are handed over, which will be the packaging material. At the command of the leading participant of the competition, they begin to “pack gifts” with toilet paper at their discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the whole action, after which the best “packages” are selected by general voting. The winners receive prizes and go to new stage competition.

Dance while you're young...
Participants, at the command of the leader, must dance three dances to the soundtrack: lambada, rock and roll and Russian dance. The phonogram is prepared in advance and all the contestants dance at the same time. The best dancers are awarded prizes and move on to the next stage.

Affectionate granddaughter
The named Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Each compliment must contain “winter” words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on. The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and the honorary title of the Snow Maiden.
Necessary props: rolls of toilet paper, phonogram of melodies and prizes.
Now, as it should be, according to tradition, at the holiday there is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. So that they do not get bored on New Year's Eve, they can be instructed to distribute gifts and souvenirs to guests and participants in competitions.

After a break for a feast or dancing, the host offers to play the following game:
A recap about winter.
Everyone who wants to take turns remembering and humming at least one line from the songs in which there is a mention of winter and everything connected with it. Songs can be children's, adult, Russian folk or modern. The participant who sings the most songs wins a prize.
Again a break, after which it was time to identify acting talents among those present. To do this, all guests are convened for a New Year's performance.

New Year's performance.
Participants are invited, each of which is given a role. It is best for this performance to prepare in advance tablets with the names of the roles and hang them around the neck of the artists, since the performance is played without costumes.
Actors: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Robber, Bear, Sparrow, Cuckoo, Mouse, Horse, Oak, Throne, Sun, Window, Curtain.
If there are a lot of people present, then you can add additional roles: Bees, Breeze, Trouble, Horizon, Barrel of Honey, Rays.
After the distribution of roles, the facilitator explains the conditions for the presentation and participation. Actors should play their roles, focusing on what the host will read. The most interesting thing is that the artists will not know the content of the production in advance, and all their actions will be complete improvisation at their discretion. The task of the leader is to enable the artists to take certain poses, depicting the actions that the leader calls. In the text, such necessary pauses will be indicated by three dots.

So, we begin our presentation, consisting of five actions.
Act one
THE CURTAIN opens... A sprawling OAK stands on the stage... A light BREED blows over its foliage... Little birds - a SPARROW and a CUCKOO - flutter around the tree..., the birds chirp... occasionally they sit on the branches to clean their feathers ... A BEAR waddled past... He dragged a BARREL WITH HONEY and brushed aside the BEES... A gray field mouse was digging a mink under an OAK... different sides... THE CURTAIN closes...

Action two
THE CURTAIN opens... A THRONE stands on the stage... The KING enters... The KING stretches... goes to the WINDOW. Having opened the WINDOW wide, he looks around... He wipes the traces left by the birds from the WINDOW... He sits down on the THRONE in thought... The PRINCESS appears with the gait of a light doe... She throws herself on the KING's neck... kisses him... ... and together they salute the THRONE... And at this time, under the WINDOW, a ROBERT is prowling... He is considering a plan to capture the PRINCESS... THE PRINCESS sits at the WINDOW... THE ROBBER grabs her and takes her away... THE CURTAIN closes...

Act Three
THE CURTAIN opens... THERE IS A COMMENT ON THE STAGE... THE QUEEN sheds tears on the KING'S shoulder... THE KING wipes a miserly tear... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage... The PRINCE appears... THE KING and QUEEN describe the kidnapping of the princess in colors ... They stamp their feet... THE QUEEN falls at the feet of the PRINCE and begs to save her daughter... THE PRINCE vows to find his beloved... He whistles to his faithful HORSE... jumps on him... and flies away... THE CURTAIN closes ...

act four
THE CURTAIN opens... A sprawling OAK stands on the stage... A light BREED blows over its foliage... Little birds - a SPARROW and a CUCKOO - sleep on a branch... Under the OAK, lounging, lies a BEAR... A BEAR sucks its paw... From time to time he dips it into a BARREL OF HONEY... A hind paw... But then a terrible noise disturbs the peace and quiet. This is the ROBBER dragging the PRINCESS... The animals scatter in horror... THE ROBERT ties the PRINCESS to the OAK... SHE cries and begs for mercy... But then the PRINCE appears on his dashing HORSE... A fight breaks out between the PRINCE and the ROBERT.. With one short blow, the PRINCE defeats the ROBERT... THE ROBERT under the OAK yields the oak... THE PRINCE unties his beloved from the OAK... Putting the PRINCESS on the HORSE... he jumps himself... And they rush to the palace... THE CURTAIN closes. ..

Act Five
THE CURTAIN opens... On the stage, the KING and QUEEN are waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOW... THE SUN has already set beyond the HORIZON... And then the PARENTS see in the WINDOW the familiar silhouettes of the PRINCE and PRINCESS on a HORSE... THE PARENTS jump out into the yard... CHILDREN fall at the feet of their PARENTS... and ask for blessings... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding... THE CURTAIN closes...
All artists are invited to bow.

Next, I will give a few more contests that your guests will definitely like. You can also add something of your own. As prizes, you can use various sweets, soft toys, lottery tickets, New Year's attributes, etc.
Ball by candlelight
When guests and family are already tired of New Year's impressions and want to relax, it's time to light candles and turn on slow, calm music. Let the soft, oscillating flame of a candle replace the bright light of a chandelier and plunge you into the poetry of twilight and the mystery of New Year's Eve. It's time to dream, make a cherished wish, tell fortunes ... Let everyone choose their own, cherished candle - elegant white, red, pink ... And all the guests will plunge into the festive and uniquely romantic atmosphere of dancing by candlelight!

Help the owners
The hosts, on whose territory the New Year is celebrated, scatter pieces of newspaper and paper on the floor with a broad gesture of their hands. Participants are invited to help the owners collect all the garbage. But it is necessary to collect it not just like that, but in the container proposed by the host, for example, in a bottle of champagne. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.
Required props: paper or newspaper, champagne bottles.

Thinking out loud
Everyone is welcome. Participants should take turns trying to reach their heels without bending their knees. At the same time, the leader writes down on a piece of paper everything that each of the participants says, trying to reach the heel. If the participant is silent during the task, then the facilitator can ask leading questions, for example, “how do you feel now?”, “how do you feel?” etc.
After everyone has tried to reach the heel, the host makes an announcement: “Dear friends, and now we will find out what our respected (name) said during (event or action).” Any event is chosen, for example, the wedding night, the birth, the first conversation with the mother-in-law, the morning after a hangover, etc. And the participants are listed and which of them said what during the task.

Ear, nose and two hands
This competition can be held sitting at the table. Everyone is invited to take hold of the tip of the nose with their left hand, and the lobe of the left ear with the right hand. According to the leader’s clap, it is necessary to change the position of the hands, that is, with the left hand, take hold of the lobe of the right ear, and with the right hand, the nose. At first, the intervals between claps are long, and then the leader increases the pace of the game, and the intervals between claps become smaller and smaller. The winner is the one who lasted the longest and did not get tangled in his hands, noses and ears.

Creative duo
Several couples are invited. A sheet of whatman paper is spread out in front of each pair, and felt-tip pens are given out. One of the participants in the pair is blindfolded, and the second participant in the pair will have to guide the hand of the person who draws when he draws the picture. You can create any picture new year theme, for example, a Christmas tree, a snowman, Santa Claus and a Snow Maiden, etc.
At the command of the facilitator, all couples begin to draw at the same time. The couple with the best and funniest picture wins.
Required props: paper sheets, felt-tip pens, blindfolds.

At least everyone present can take part in this competition. Everyone is given balloons and invited to "discover" a new planet, that is, inflate the balloon as quickly as possible. Further, it is proposed to “populate” the planet as soon as possible, that is, to draw little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. The one who has the most "inhabitants" on the "planet" wins.
Necessary props: balloons, felt-tip pens.

dress up the Christmas tree
All those wishing to participate in the competition are divided into two teams. They are given two sheets of drawing paper with Christmas trees painted on them. “Decorations” are laid out on the table: drawings cut out of paper along the contour of objects with glued pieces of adhesive tape, so that it would be convenient to stick on the Christmas tree. As drawings, you can do as Christmas decorations, and any other items: dishes, clothes and shoes, etc. Blindfolded players select decorations by touch and "hang" them on the Christmas tree. The team that is the first to hang more “correct” decorations on the Christmas tree wins.
Required props: Whatman sheets, jewelry, blindfolds.