How to make money without investing money. Is it possible to make money without investing? How to make money without investing?

  • 26.10.2023

There is so much information about making money on the Internet, but even after studying useful articles, not everyone manages to become richer. Why?

Firstly, because big income requires serious effort. Secondly, many methods require starting capital. Thirdly, some people want to get rich without doing anything at all.

How to make money from nothing - we have collected the TOP 15 best ways to get rich from scratch on this page. We are sure that at least one of these options will definitely suit you.

First, we’ll look at methods of earning money that don’t require investment and allow you to quickly raise money, and then we’ll present options for the laziest.

Money from nothing is real

Many beginners believe in the common misconception that all methods of making money online require investment. This is not true, you can also start from scratch and there are many directions available.

It’s also possible to get a lot of money out of nothing, it all depends on what exactly you do and how actively you are willing to work. Among the most successful options, we highlight:

  1. Sale of intellectual property

The human brain is the best generator of smart thoughts and fresh ideas. Even they can be sold if you learn to think in the right direction.

Smart entrepreneurs and wealthy investors are ready to pay for something unique, unusual and interesting, from a business idea to a slogan for the company.

A huge number of resources have been created on the foreign Internet where people sell their intellectual property. Runet lags behind in this regard, but even here it makes sense to offer your options in order to hope for a generous reward.

You can try to find buyers through forums, but it is better to use special services:

Unfortunately, there are no sites where you pay for every thought or idea. To get money, you will have to be creative and offer a lot of options, in the hope that at least one of them will interest customers.

Services in this regard ensure honesty, since in order to add an order, you must first transfer the reward amount.

  1. Sale of goods of own production

Come up with a fresh idea to create zero-cost products. Many people managed to get rich using this scheme. Naturally, they traveled at the expense of their own creativity.

A striking example was demonstrated by the owner of a website who launched a one-page website and offered to buy each pixel for $1. His idea turned out to be successful; within a few months the project gained enormous popularity and brought the developer a million.

Some entrepreneurs make money out of thin air by selling oxygen in bags and cans.

Some people talk about its healing properties, some collect gas from the Alpine mountains, and some manage to sell air from star concerts. The idea seems absurd, but this is precisely its peculiarity.

Think about what kind of souvenirs you could create at virtually no cost. Use auctions more actively, they value exclusives more. It's funny, but even the gum that Britney Spears chewed went under the hammer for several thousand dollars.

  1. Mediation

Why search for products, create them or buy them, when you can conduct transactions between sellers and buyers, earning a commission.

Such a business has been popular at all times and remains profitable even in real life. For example, realtors take a percentage of the transaction, without personally participating in it.

It is much easier to become an intermediary via the Internet, since many affiliate programs have been launched and it is more convenient to find buyers. To receive normal royalties, you need to choose niches where large sums are circulating:

  • insurance;
  • loans;
  • financial exchanges;
  • wholesale;
  • transport services;
  • medical mediator;
  • tourism.

Decide for yourself how you will advertise. To make a normal markup, you will have to find a really profitable offer. And then make every effort to ensure that people contact you, and not directly to the manufacturer or company.

  1. Resale of any valuables

It is clear that the most popular scheme for making money out of nothing is to sell something from your property. If you have something valuable, you can start a whole business with it and receive a stable income.

What is it about? It all depends on how much starting capital you can provide yourself.

The idea is painfully simple: you need to sell something, then buy something similar at an attractive price, sell it again and continue these actions, taking part of the money for yourself. The most important thing is to always leave an amount for turnover.

This is exactly what car dealers do. They buy one car and immediately sell it for more. They take part of the money for their living, and the rest is again invested in the purchase of the next vehicle.

Choose products that you are well versed in, otherwise you will not be able to correctly assess their real value. Anything is suitable for this type of business: coins, paintings, mobile devices, laptops and even real estate.

  1. Computer online games

Millions of people spend time on this popular entertainment. Few people think about how much money can be made from such a hobby. Moreover, it is not necessary to be open to the gameplay.

On New Year's Eve 2018, a billion is being drawn in the Russian lotto. A lot of tickets have already been sold, the chances of winning are small, but if you win, you get money literally out of thin air.

Here's how to make a lot of money without doing anything. Yes, some simple steps will still need to be completed, but purchasing a lottery ticket or concluding an agreement to rent out real estate can be ignored, because the goal will still be achieved.

Hello, friends! At some point, most network users ask the question “Is it possible to make money on the Internet?” Therefore, today we will look in detail at how to make money on the Internet!😀

The main methods presented do not require financial investments, and are thus suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and social status. Perhaps even a lazy person can earn small amounts without investment.

To achieve a good income, of course, you will have to try. The size of the amount will depend only on your own efforts. If you want to earn decent money, then get ready for a difficult but interesting path.

To be honest, the list of earning options was not so small - but we tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the best ways: starting from simple tasks and ending creating your own business in the Internet!

Towards the end of the article we will also present to your attention TOP 10 earning sites ! We are sure that everyone will choose something for themselves!☝️

Well, make yourself comfortable, we have prepared for you the most popular types of earning money on the Internet.

Why is it possible and necessary to make money on the Internet?

Did you know that there is huge money circulating on the Internet - billions of dollars?💰 You just need to make an effort and you will reach it!

Many people (I used to be one of them🙂) simply don’t understand where that kind of money can come from on the Internet! It's really simple - you need to have some value that other people can pay you for!

For example, you can earn income on the Internet in the following main ways:

  • perform certain tasks (from simple to complex);
  • work through exchanges or directly with customers;
  • place advertisements (links) and earn money from them;
  • work with affiliate programs;
  • invest money;
  • create useful channels on YouTube, public pages, websites and services;
  • open your business on the Internet.

Many sites for making money on the Internet offer small rewards, which are enough to pay for the Internet, a mobile phone and the purchase of pleasant little things. Usually these are books, questionnaires and similar resources.

But don't limit yourself to them. Today on the Internet there are a lot of decent options for making money, which we will discuss in detail below. And you will find specific sites (services) for making money and their reviews a little further!

The main thing is to know that you can make money on the Internet - all that matters is your desire and desire!😀

Option No. 1: Earning money on Android and iOS mobile applications

One of the easiest and simplest ways to make money is to make money from applications for Android and iOS. This method is suitable for absolutely everyone who has a phone!

What do you need to make money?
To work, you just need to have a smartphone at hand, a stable Internet connection and a couple of free hours a week.

Most tasks ask the user to install certain software (applications and games) on their device, and payment is made for this. After payment, there is no need to leave the installed application on your phone - if you don’t need it, you can simply delete it.

But in addition to downloads, many people pay for reviews, app ratings, ad views and other various actions. Typically, developers are aimed at increasing the popularity of their software, so they are ready to pay rewards to those who contribute to this.

Option #2: Writing texts

This method is known to almost every freelancer, and is quite in demand. Article writing isn't for everyone, but anyone can try it.

All that is required of you is the ability to correctly express your thoughts, correctly compose sentences, and you also need a good knowledge of the Russian language. You must also have perseverance and attentiveness.

Copywriting - this is a full-time job, only remote, and therefore requires appropriate attention, but is accessible even to a beginner.

The principle of operation on exchanges:
1. You are looking in a special section for an order that suits you, apply for it and after approval, you can start writing the text. Expensive tasks are usually not immediately available to beginners, but it’s worth a try so as not to waste time on low-paying work. If you have no experience, then you can try to complete a simple order to get acquainted. Usually there are a lot of them on exchanges.

2. The text of the task provides the conditions that the result must meet. After verification by the customer, the funds are credited to your account balance. And then you can easily withdraw money to any electronic wallet or bank card.

Of course, you can not use exchanges, but look for work on the Internet, but then the risks will increase, since there are always enough scammers. But on the other hand, you can find higher paying orders!

The cost is mainly determined by the number of characters. For example, for beginners this is approximately 30 rub/1000 characters. In this case, for an article of 7000 characters you will receive 210 rubles. With long-term work and experience, the rate increases significantly and often reaches several hundred rubles.

Option number 3: Earning money on social networks

Ideal for anyone who likes to spend a lot of time on various social networks. Earning money like this doesn’t take a lot of time, and anyone can earn money absolutely easily.
  • Voting.
  • Reposts.
  • Joining communities.
  • Likes and much more.

In general, as you understand, there are no difficulties - you click on the buttons on social networks and earn money.

The number one site in RuNet for making money today is. Great site for beginners. A fairly large number of tasks are published on it every day.

☝️This is important:
The number of tasks available to you mainly depends on the “quality” of the linked accounts, for example, the more friends you have, the more tasks will be available. Also, to avoid possible blocking, it is worth creating separate accounts.

You can register on VKtarget.

It is impossible to earn large sums of money this way, but a good amount for small purchases, paying for the Internet and replenishing the balance of a mobile phone is quite possible. Here's my example:

An example of making money on social accounts using the Vktarget service

Option number 4: Earn money on simple and uncomplicated tasks

If you are looking for a simple and easy income without investment, which does not require any skills, abilities and knowledge, then this option is probably just for you!👍

Of course, Tolok has its drawbacks, for example, it would be useful to raise the payment for completing tasks. But even despite all the shortcomings, Yandex Toloka is definitely a worthwhile resource, which for many newcomers to the Internet is a good source of income!

Option #5: Earn money on YouTube and your videos

This method is ideal for those who are interested in videography. Video hosting provides an opportunity to make good money for all users. Posted videos can generate significant income for authors, but this first requires work.

It’s not worth rushing to shoot a video and hoping to immediately earn fabulous amounts of money. First you need to study all the subtleties on which income depends. The topic of the video can be anything, the main thing is that the target audience is interested.

Here is an example of a popular YouTube channel " Amazing facts", who in a short time managed to gain more than 2 million subscribers:

Channel “Amazing Facts” with more than 2 million subscribers

An important point is channel promotion, since even a very interesting video can go unnoticed. The number of videos also affects the amount of earnings. The more interesting they are, the better the quality of the channel.

You can monetize your channel in different ways. The most popular is Google Adsense. Profit directly depends on the number of views.

You’ve also probably noticed that even before the start of a video on YouTube, the owner of the channel inserts a small affiliate video, in which they offer to follow a link in the description to a website and buy something. This is also advertising that can bring good income !

Option #6: How to make money on the Internet with surveys

This is another fairly popular online way of making money on the Internet with withdrawal of money - these are surveys! To earn money from questionnaires, just register, after which you will be sent invitations to fill out thematic questionnaires by email.

Option #7: Earning money from reviews and comments

Making money by writing comments and reviews is available to absolutely everyone, even schoolchildren. This type of earnings will be especially interesting for those who like to share their impressions about goods, services and much more.

Most webmasters pay for a user to leave a good review about a site or store, especially on a third-party resource. It turns out that you can make money on expressing your opinion , the main thing is to learn how to formulate it correctly.

For example, the site and will help you with this (we also reviewed it in this article)!

Earning money on a women's website with 7,000 visitors

How can you monetize your own website? There are several options:

  • Publication of advertising articles— in this case, you don’t have to search for content, just post it on your resource.
  • contextual advertising- even sites with low traffic today can use this method. It is the most popular and is able to generate stable income. You simply insert a special code into the website page and advertising is automatically selected depending on the target audience.
  • Selling links- in this case you will have to place links to other sites on the resource. There are special exchanges for selling and buying that make it easier for webmasters to find such offers - for example,
  • Partnership programs- profitable and simple. Your partner will transfer funds for advertising his site on yours, including a percentage of sales, if any.

Option #10: Trade goods from China

Recently, this type of income has begun to gain popularity. Everything happens remotely; it is only important to organize the process correctly and constantly monitor it. The income is decent, and such a business is always profitable.

The earning scheme is simple - buy cheap, sell for much more. To order goods from China, you can use such online platforms as Aliexpress , Alibaba , Taobao and others!

But before you start working, it’s worth considering some points, namely what products you will sell and develop a sales strategy.

At one time, for example, flying toys were popular - fairies, Angry Birds, etc. Such toys cost about 250-350 rubles to purchase in China (a little more expensive in Russia), and they are sold for 1290-1490 rubles.

Option number 16: Earning money from a group on social networks

One of the popular communities on VKontakte “Laugh until you cry” - more than 10 million subscribers

First you need to create a thematic community and start filling it with interesting content that does not contradict the rules. It is worth thinking carefully about what you will publish. If the group is uninteresting, then it is unlikely to be of much use.

It is advisable to choose a topic that you are well versed in. Then you should start promoting. Many people hire moderators for this purpose, who guarantee successful promotion.

About promotion!
You can promote a group for free or for a fee - 2 excellent promotion services will help you with this: and .

After the group gains a sufficient number of subscribers and there is good activity, advertisers may be interested in it. This is where your first earnings begin.

You can also use special services with native advertising that provide pay-per-view videos, or various affiliate programs. In the second case, income depends on the number of sales/registrations/downloads...

The main factor influencing the amount of earnings is the number of subscribers, topic and activity.

Create really interesting and high-quality communities and you will always have many subscribers, and as a result, good income.

💡An example from personal experience!
So two guys from a small town have already created about 3 communities on VKontakte, each of which has about 1 million subscribers. They have long understood how profitable this niche is and, accordingly, have not needed money for a long time!💰

Option #17: Earn money by blogging

Absolutely anyone, both schoolchildren and retirees, can now create their own blog without much difficulty or difficulty!

You can write articles on almost any topic - and still preferably choose those that you like best!

Well, of course, you can post on the site affiliate links for useful projects, online stores and other online services! Income from affiliate programs can sometimes even exceed total advertising income!

The advantages of contextual advertising are that it is possible to customize advertising to match the design of the site, so it does not spoil the overall appearance. Search engines treat this method well, since in most cases they are fully consistent with the theme of the site

To achieve a decent income, you need to make your own blog as interesting as possible for the target audience, since they visit such resources mainly for reading.

This is a very real and accessible way for everyone to make money online!👍

Option #18: Earning money from affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a tool for earning money that generally involves sales.

The bottom line is that you must interest potential customers so that they follow an affiliate link (posted on your resource or on other sites on the Internet) and order a product, register, download something, or perform another specific action.

Transcribing audio into text - examples from the freelance exchange

Now, regarding payment. Everything here is not so simple, it all depends on the customer, the duration and quality of the recording, etc.

But basically the price of one minute of translation fluctuatesfrom 5 to 15 rubles(average price - approx.7-10 rub..). So, for example, for transcribing a half-hour recording you can usually earn about 200-300 rubles.

As a result, transcription can be a good temporary alternative for beginners (schoolchildren, students) who do not yet have any specialized skills (for example, website creation, design development...), but want to start making money on freelance exchanges!🙂

Option number 22: Earning money by writing coursework

This is a type of income close to copywriting; in this case, you can also use special exchanges (for example

Customers are usually students, so the demand for coursework, essays and dissertations is more seasonal. To work you need to be a prepared person, with good thinking and a high level of literacy.

Cost of work

The cost depends mainly on the complexity of the task - it may fluctuate from 300 to 20,000 rubles. Some work requires laboratory tests, and accordingly, their price will be much higher.

You can also place advertisements on various resources. Over time, with a large flow of orders, many create entire teams.

Option #23: Working as a designer

Designers are now especially in demand all over the world. If you already have experience as a designer, then you should not discard this option, since you can work remotely, at a time convenient for you, and get decent money.

To get started, all you need is creative streak , Internet access , laptop or computer And special software , which you will need to create projects (it can be downloaded for free).

Designer services are in demand in many areas - from creating website projects to various fashion accessories.

The average salary of a qualified specialist is estimated at $1000 per month, but this is not the limit.

Option number 24: Earning money by creating websites

Literally anyone can create websites! In fact, you can learn to create simple websites with minimal training in just 2-3 days!

Option No. 26: Trading through an online store or one-page websites

To make money from your online store, you first need to create it. You can try to do this yourself if you have certain website building skills, but the fastest option is to order it from specialists.

It is also possible to create an online store using the designer yourself in 30 minutes. For example, I can recommend one of the best designers for online stores -

If you want to create a one-page website for free, then the website is suitable for these purposes - Store advertising is necessary, so in some cases small investments will be required, which will later compensate for sales. Income can reach large sums, it all depends on your approach to business.

Option #27: Mobile application development

If you have developer skills and want to earn a decent amount, then this method is for you.

But it is worth considering that you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it. The prospect of a serious and constant income compensates for the costs.

If an application becomes popular, it is easy to monetize it - for example, using the same advertising, offering a full version or additional paid services.

About app promotion!
To increase your rating, you will have to do your own promotion. Special services for promoting applications to the TOP for queries in Google Market and App Store can also help with this (for example, one of the market leaders is

Sites for making money on the Internet - list of the 10 best sites

So, we looked at ways to make money. It's time to get acquainted with those sites that have long established themselves as bona fide platforms for freelancers. We present to your attention a list of the ten best resources for making money.

Service 1: VkTarget

Provides an opportunity to earn money for everyone who is registered on social networks, such as: VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

From my own experience, I can say that this is one of the best online sites for beginners to make money! Vktarget has a lot of advantages compared to similar sites for making money!

About tasks and their costs!
The tasks are simple and take little time to complete. They are completed in a matter of seconds! The cost of one varies approximately from 0.20 to 1.5 rubles.

This type of earnings can be compared to axle boxes, only the rewards here are much higher.

The tasks are different, basically you need to post a post on your page, leave a comment, join a group or like it.

The earnings are small, but it’s enough to pay for the Internet and top up your mobile balance.

Those who want to earn more actively use the affiliate program and invite referrals. From their earnings is calculated 15% Mostly here you can find works on writing texts, but there are also orders under the terms of which you should leave a review,

For quick and profitable income, you don’t always need to invest money. Today, making money on the Internet with and without investments are quite profitable areas.

By investing in an online resource, you can get twice the initial amount. Therefore, many try to devote more time to the Internet and the earnings that are available there. Such earnings do not require much knowledge; it all depends on the amount invested by the user. But, as a rule, you need experience using the Internet, you also need to be careful, this will help everyone find a method that suits them.

To begin with, it is better to start with small investments; you do not need to invest a lot of money right away, as there is a risk of losing everything. This requires caution and thought over every decision. It is not recommended to practice in several ways at once. You need to choose a business you like: it will be much easier to earn money. There are quite a few ways to make money with investments, and everyone can choose a topic that interests them.

There are many types of earning money online without investment:

  • Opening a personal website or blog;
  • Trading;
  • Advertising on social networks;
  • Referral or affiliate programs;
  • Copywriting.

You need to remember that there are a lot of scammers in this area. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between a real site and a fraudulent one. Some scammers make very “magical” sites where you can earn 100 rubles in 5 minutes. Gullible people who have no experience on the Internet get hooked.

  1. Partnership.
    The most effective ways to earn money are affiliate programs, which have been surprising newcomers with their profitability for the past five years. Many people earn from 150,000 rubles a month, and this is not the limit. Therefore, you need to develop your skills, the main thing is not to forget that earnings directly depend on the amount invested.
    Partnership implies a form of cooperation between the seller and partners for the rapid promotion of goods and services.
  2. Trading.
    Quite a profitable and popular income, which often requires minimal costs if you know how to trade currencies. It is with this method that you can earn good money. It is necessary to choose the right exchange and currency with which you will have to work in the future. It is recommended to choose the most popular and profitable currency. Beginners in this business are advised to carefully analyze and think about their every action; they should not just waste money. Even experienced traders make mistakes; this is normal and there is nothing strange about it. By learning this business you can achieve great results. The main thing is to never give up.
  3. Copywriting.
    If you know how to write and express your thoughts competently, make money by writing articles. Register on popular exchanges (,,, etc.), select orders and write. Newcomers with low ratings are rarely assigned expensive projects, so you need to start with cheap orders.
  4. Opening a personal website or blog.
    Website and blog owners make money by advertising. Income directly depends on content views: the more users visit the page, the higher the earnings. To expand your audience, it is important to promote and optimize your website and fill it with interesting content.
  5. Advertising on social networks.
    Owners of groups on social networks make money by placing advertisements on the group page. They come in different themes: humor, sports, gardening, cooking, etc. The audience is constantly expanding by attracting new users with competitions, interesting content, and discounts.

It’s not easy to start making money on the Internet with or without investments, because you need initial investments and hard work. Soon the resources spent will pay off, and income will increase every day. There may be unsuccessful attempts at first. There is no need to give up, it is better to try again than to look for another way.

Creating your own website, traffic arbitrage, playing Forex and investing - all such methods of generating income require significant investments. Moreover, even quite common ways of earning money require investment. So, a video blogger must spend some money on a microphone and a video camera, and the owner of an online store must allocate tens of thousands on goods and advertising. Due to these circumstances, a beginner has the opinion that it is impossible to make money on the Internet without investments, but this is not so.

This article will help you find the answer. However, let’s say right away that yes, it’s possible, you just need to find a method that’s right for you. With our article, you can easily find a suitable option for generating income on the Internet that does not require investing money.

Why you can and should make money on the Internet

Nowadays, huge amounts of money are circulating on the Internet - billions of dollars, and budgets are only growing every year. You just need to know how to pinch off a small piece of this “pie”, which is what we will learn to do today.

Many people do not understand where money comes from on the Internet and what ordinary people who have learned to work there receive it for. In a nutshell, they pay for creating information, that is, as a result of your work, some additional value should appear, for which customers are happy to pay you!

If you look at examples, you can earn income on the Internet in the following ways:

  • writing texts and articles to order (a very popular activity);
  • placing advertisements (links) and earning money from them;
  • performing simple tasks (clicks, reposts, paid comments, etc.);
  • creation of a YouTube channel, VKontakte public page, personal blog;
  • attracting users to various projects;
  • performing various freelance tasks.

Using similar methods, it is quite possible to earn 50 thousand rubles a month and more. Even if you don’t have any special skills, start with simple orders, such as registering on a website or adding likes. As a result, you will still find that path in the world of online earnings that will save you from having to go to work and listen to the demands of your superiors.

However, let's go in order and carefully study each of the presented methods. We assure you that there is work for each of us on the Internet.

Earn money on the Internet without investments from your phone

There are quite a lot of options for working here: completing tasks, downloading applications for a smartphone, viewing ads, working with captcha - you do all this through your mobile device. Of course, you won’t find much money here, but you will be able to pay for your mobile communications expenses. If you like the topic, you can use all services at once and earn a nominal 500 rubles per day. The most important thing is that the method does not require investment; you only need a smartphone and good internet.

You can earn money by downloading mobile applications here:


Earning money without investment from clicks

Earning money from clicks is a general concept, the essence of which boils down to completing simple tasks. We'll talk about real earnings from clicks (viewing ads) a little later. Here your task can be anything:

  • registration on websites;
  • writing articles, comments and reviews;

We must perform all these tasks on axle boxes. Bux is an ideal start for a beginner. If you don’t yet know your strengths, for example, in writing texts or comments, complete a couple of tasks here. Another plus is that you will understand a simple axiom: it is really possible to make money on the Internet without investment. Complete a few simple, 30-second tasks, get your 15-20 rubles and withdraw them to your e-wallet. Working on axleboxes, you gain invaluable experience; For many, axle boxes have become the starting point into the world of highly paid work on the Internet.

Here are examples of such axle boxes:


Video: How to earn money by completing tasks in SOCPUBLIC

Earnings from likes and reposts

Making money on social networks is another simple form of networking. The bottom line is that you need to register on the site to make money, add a social network account there (VK, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, etc.) and click on the button that will take us to the advertiser’s page. Here we like or class, after which we receive money into our account. You can earn money in this way by:

  • joining groups + repost;
  • writing reviews;
  • commenting on posts;
  • posting photos;
  • creating accounts;
  • voting on the site, etc.

By completing such tasks, we can increase our income many times over, working with the same social networks.

To earn this type of income, go to:


How to make money online with surveys

Earning money from surveys means completing marketing research. A certain company wants to find out certain preferences among its target audience - this is why such a survey is created. You register on the survey site, receive a link to complete the survey by email several times a month, and earn from 30 to 150 rubles and more from one completion. However, it is worth saying that this type of income is not very stable: you may receive 50 surveys per month, or you may receive nothing at all. No investment is required: if you are asked to deposit some money, then you have fallen into another “scam”. In normal survey services, they pay you money.

To increase your earnings, register on each of these sites and try not to miss offers:


Earnings from games

The essence of earning money is as follows:

  1. You buy a tree for 100 rubles.
  2. The tree brings apples, which you sell for 2-3 rubles a day.
  3. Having accumulated enough money, you can buy another tree and increase the amount of earnings or withdraw money to an electronic wallet.

Yes, yes, we understand perfectly well that this contains methods that do not require investing anything, so we will offer you another option. The fact is that you can earn money from referrals - people who buy a tree by visiting the site using your link. Many manage to earn thousands of rubles a day. Register on the site, copy the link and invite your friends to the project.

We make money on games using these sites:


Earning money by viewing advertisements

Now let’s move on to those “earnings from clicks”. Earning money from viewing advertisements can be active or passive:

  • active means surfing sites (the same clicks), reading small advertising notes, taking tests, etc.
  • passive is the installation of a program or extension into a browser that automatically displays an advertising banner.


Selling your own services on the Internet

This option is suitable for more experienced users who know how to do something at a good level. Actually, there are a lot of options for such work. The simplest of them are voice-over of text or translation of audio into text. In the first case, you only need a microphone, and in the second, you don’t need anything at all. In this way, you can earn much more than in books, but still not as much as in freelancing (we’ll talk about that later).

The service sales scheme is quite simple:

  1. We find what we do best (for example, video editing);
  2. We publish our announcements in communities and forums (in the appropriate sections);
  3. Upload examples of work;
  4. We are waiting for customers and doing the work.

The topic of making money like this works especially well on specialized forums - go there and look for offers for completing your first order.

Earning money on file hosting services

Making money on file hosting services requires having some kind of resource: a blog, a video blog, a music site, a well-established social network account, etc. In this case, the money is paid to us by the file hosting service itself. Users download (via your link) a file, watch ads, install an additional program, and you get paid for it.

By the way, they pay very well: for 1000 downloads you can get from 3 to 8 thousand rubles.


The scheme is simple:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. We receive a link.
  3. We are distributing the link.
  4. We get 1000 downloads and our 5000 rubles.

You can work on file hosting services here:


Earning money from photo stocks and photo banks

A good way to make money for photographers and videographers. Your task here is to take a good shot (or a 20-30 second video), post it on photo stocks or photo banks and wait for it to be bought. It is very important that the pictures are clear and of high quality. However, modern smartphones are quite capable of creating such images.

The cost of a photo can vary: from 50 to 500 rubles and more. The more interesting and high-quality the image, the higher the payment amount. However, keep in mind that access to selling photos is provided after passing the exam: you take 10 photos, 7 of them are approved, after which you can sell your work.

You can sell your photos here:


Earnings from referrals

We partially touched on this topic when we talked about making money from games. Earning money from referrals is no different. The work flow is as follows:

  1. We are looking for a project that has a referral system (most of the above and subsequent systems have it; for example, the same SEOsprint).
  2. After registration, we receive a link through which the referral should come.
  3. We are distributing our link with an explanation of what you can earn here.
  4. Attracted users are assigned to you and you receive a permanent reward for them.

As the referral works (works on the exchange), you will receive a percentage of the system commission for payments to this user.

Earning money by running a personal blog

If creating your own website requires investing money in paying for a domain and hosting, then using blogging services is completely free. The fact is that you can also earn income here. As a rule, individual customers buy advertising from bloggers and video bloggers. Those. you need:

  1. Start your own blog.
  2. Publish it on a service (for example,
  3. Promote it and gain readers.
  4. Receive an order from a client.
  5. Place an advertisement in the next post.

This method does not require investment, but you need to spend time for promotion. So we put creativity first: we choose a favorite topic and write a blog, and only after we gather an audience do we start selling advertising.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Formally, referral systems and affiliate programs work according to an identical scheme. Only in the case of affiliate programs you are paid % for selling goods and services.

Something like this happens:

  1. You select an offer (a certain product in the store).
  2. You receive advertising material (here you will find links, landing pages, and banners - insert whatever you want).
  3. Distribute the link in every possible way;
  4. A person followed your link and bought a product.
  5. The store gives you a percentage of the transaction.

You should study this entire topic in CPA networks. Here are examples of such sites:

  • and others.

The more traffic you can handle, the higher your sales will be. However, you can start from scratch, for example, create a thematic channel on YouTube and work with affiliate programs through it - it’s free.

Earning money by writing coursework

Coursework, quizzes, exams, online help, assignments, diplomas - in general, all the ins and outs of a student. It is worth saying that you can make money here both as a specialist and as a beginner.

For example, as a specialist, you can take on expensive and complex tasks or diplomas and receive a lot of money per order.

If you are not particularly versed in higher mathematics or physics, then you can work on coursework. Earnings look like this:

  1. The student downloads the finished coursework.
  2. He also places an order for execution (the key goal is to increase the uniqueness of the work).
  3. You take the order and rewrite individual fragments of the text in your own words.
  4. Check everything through and submit your work.

From one order you can get 1500-5000 rubles. However, it all depends on the complexity.

We write student papers on:


Freelancing without investment

But we have a small problem with this. Let's start with freelancing.

Classic freelancing is fulfilling orders in any direction: from posting to programming. You register on the site, respond to an employer’s advertisement, receive an order, complete it, and the Nth amount of money is credited to your account.

The problem is that all freelancing sites introduce a paid subscription: to add your offer, you must pay a conditional 1,500 rubles per month, after which you can respond to new advertisements. Some services offer trial access for a month, but this is not enough. Examples of such freelance services:


But there is a more pleasant option. Freelancing without investment looks like this: we publish our ad (from the series: “I’ll draw a picture for 800 rubles”), attach examples of work and wait for a response from visitors. In this case, we will be helped by:


Earning money by creating websites

Don’t rush to dismiss this method if you don’t know anything about creating websites. Today, websites can be created using website builders or CMS systems. You just need to spend a couple of weeks, after which you can make your first resource. Just try: if you have a talent for web design, you can go further - learn HTML + CSS, design your first websites, write plugins in PHP, etc. As a result, you will get a job for 50-100 thousand a month or you will receive the same money as a freelancer.

Prices for creating custom websites

And yes, this method also does not require financial investment on your part. All courses (free too) on creating a website can be found on YouTube or on thematic sites. Your only investment is time, but in the end you will be able to earn much more than on axleboxes or on social networks.

To earn income this way, you can:

  • create websites for friends (if there are such people);
  • look for orders on forums or freelance sites;
  • sell websites through special platforms - or telderi.

TOP 10 popular sites for making money - Exchange of comments and social promotion

Previously mentioned in the paragraph about making money from comments. A simple interface, a huge number of tasks, payment starting from 5 rubles for a small amount of text – this is quite a suitable option for starting. Please note that you will need to take an exam upon registration, so be prepared.

Vktarget - earnings in social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube

More suitable for the “Earning money from likes” option. Very simple tasks from the series are posted here: add as a friend, repost, like, etc. The work is quite comfortable, you can connect different social networks, the rate is quite high for simple work, plus there is an affiliate program. - review site

If there is anywhere to start making money from reviews, then definitely on this site. A clear rating system, high pay per view, you can earn tens of thousands of rubles a month, minimum restrictions, a large selection when writing material - be sure to register. - online experience exchange service

If for some reason Otzovik is not suitable for you, register on this portal. Here they pay a fixed rate: 5 kopecks per 1 view. For a thousand views we will receive 50 rubles. If you can write a lot of reviews about everything in the world, you will provide yourself with a good passive income. - IT freelance exchange

A huge number of IT projects related to information security, programming, web design and other areas. There is also work for copywriters, artists, and announcers. There is an internal forum, high-quality technical support, and a user-friendly interface. The only negative is the high cost of subscription. - remote work exchange

100 rubles. For the money you might have spent on coffee, you can gain access to a huge database of orders. And if in the previous version, mostly experienced specialists work, then on Work-zilla you will find simple tasks: searching for information, creating presentations, dubbing videos, etc. Here you can get a conditional 1000-2000 rubles in half a day of work. - content for websites

This site can be recommended to the sharks of the pen: a lot of orders, high cost of work, a store of articles (without strict moderation) - all this will appeal to the copywriter. For beginners, there is work related to social networks, registrations and other simple tasks. - copywriting exchange

But this option can be safely recommended to beginners. The fact is that the creators of the service have developed a “Copywriting School: go through it to understand the essence of this activity. There are also enough orders, the commission is small, money is withdrawn three times a week - an ideal option for starting. - service for making money on social networks

Similar to Vktarget, but here they pay much more. If in 1 project you receive 0.50 kopecks, then similar work here is paid three times higher. The problem is that there aren't many orders here. However, it is still worth registering. - writing texts, reviews, paid tasks on forums and social media. networks

Another good option for new copywriters. You can try your hand at writing articles, comments or reviews. The site has many tools for checking text, there are quite enough tasks, and the site itself allows you to work with content, social networks, and forums. In general, a kind of “fusion” in the world of money making.

Video: Remote work on the Internet at home without investment or deception

Let's sum it up

You have learned many options for earning money without investments. Of course, not every one of them is suitable for you, but nevertheless, you can already get started. Beginners are advised to pay attention to:

  • axle boxes
  • sites for making money on social networks;
  • paid surveys;
  • mobile applications;
  • games;
  • viewing advertisements for money.

Blog or website owners need to learn:

  • partnership programs;
  • file sharing services;
  • earnings from referrals;
  • selling your own services online (info business).

Suitable for professionals:

  • freelancing;
  • making money by creating websites;
  • copywriting.

For everyone else:

  • photo stocks;
  • free advertisements;

The most common way to earn money is through the Internet. But how to make money without investing money? After all, many sites require a down payment. Below are different methods of earning money that do not require investing money.

Typing numbers or entering from pictures.

The meaning of this work is that your attention is presented with an image in the form of numbers or letters, and you need to enter them in the appropriate field. For each picture you will be awarded a certain amount of money. The more pictures you print, the more you will earn.

Communication in forums.

Nowadays there are many different forums on the Internet. You will be paid for messages. You will just need to communicate culturally on various fascinating topics. Earnings will depend on the number of messages written.

Types of earning money on the Internet.

Another common way to make money without investing money is to make money by downloading files. You will need to add interesting files to file sharing portals. You will receive money when others download your file. The more this file is downloaded, the more you can earn.

You can also earn money by browsing websites. The point of this type of earnings is that you need to view a specific site for a certain period of time. And then get paid for it. You can also read various promotional letters and complete various tasks.

If you have a passion for writing, you can try writing articles. To begin with, you can start with rewriting, retelling other people’s articles in your own words. And when you have experience, you can try to write your own original articles. These articles need to be posted on different exchanges for free sale, or you need to find a regular customer and work directly with him.

You can also earn money from surveys. This is a very accessible and understandable type of income. You are not required to have any knowledge, and you will not depend on other people. You can earn money both at home and while in the office. The main thing is to have access to the Internet. If you have the desire and free time, you can earn money by simply filling out questionnaires. Immediately after activation, you will receive one or several jobs at the company. You will have access to the so-called back office. Questionnaires will appear on your page every day that you will have to fill out. One questionnaire costs from 1 SWB to 50 SWB. At the end of the month, the SWB you earn will be transferred to hryvnias and credited to your bank account.

There are also sites that provide the opportunity to make money from online consultations. People of almost any profession can realize themselves here. But still, lawyers, doctors and psychologists manage to earn the most money. People with professions related to economics and finance are also in great demand. Your job is to advise people by answering their questions. The cost of a consultation is set by an expert, but on average it ranges from 55 hryvnia to 500 hryvnia per consultation. The site administration takes only a commission of 20%, the rest of the amount is credited to you. The first few consultations are free of charge, in order to attract as many clients as possible. In order to start making money from consultations, you just need to register on the site and fill out a form. And within 15-20 minutes you can start consulting and answering questions.

In order to make money online, you need to work hard, just like in any other job.

The desire to get good money has always been and will always be. Therefore, if you want to work for yourself and really earn money for a living, then you need to take this seriously. Further success in this matter will depend only on your desire and perseverance. It is absolutely possible to make work on the Internet your main or additional income.

To earn real money, you only need knowledge and investments, but investments are not always material. After all, there are, as mentioned above, many different ways to earn money without investing money. Investments from you will only be needed in the form of effort and time.

There are a huge number of ways to make money online. You just need to choose the method of earning money that will be truly interesting to you. Only then can you truly make money.

There are many different advertisements on websites with advertisements for jobs on the Internet. But, in no case do not rush for the first advertisement that comes your way, as it is very difficult to find a job for which you will be paid well. It is best to look in special places, for example on the so-called exchanges. People who need someone's help to solve certain problems go there.