1c enterprise 8 distillery winery. Accounting for excise taxes at distilleries. The main purpose of the settlement subsystem

  • 20.10.2023

Ready-made solutions for alcohol producers.

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" is an application solution of the 1C and "Computer Technologies 2000" line of industry solutions based on "1C:Enterprise 8 Production Enterprise Management" produced under the 1C-Sovostvo brand.

The solution was created as a result of analyzing the experience of automation of enterprises involved in the production, as well as the wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic products.

"1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery" allows you to automate various areas of the enterprise's activities: from materials accounting to production planning.

The product "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" is developed on the basis of "1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" and is a comprehensive solution covering the main contours of management and accounting, allowing you to organize a unified information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise's activities:

Enterprise management (production planning, cost management and cost calculation, product data management), including accounting for the use of ethyl alcohol in the production of low-alcohol products.

Basic functionality

Excise tax accounting:

maintaining a directory of types of excisable products;

highlighting the amounts of incoming excise taxes in receipt documents;

automatic calculation of excise tax amounts when generating documents in accordance with the current settings of the regulatory and reference subsystem;

automatic offset of incoming excise taxes;

registration and tracking of excise tax amounts throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;

maintaining a list of contractors’ licenses;

maintaining a log of contracts for the supply of alcoholic beverages with counterparties;

selection of products with the ability to simultaneously select alcohol batches, special brands, bottling dates;

generation of tax returns for excise taxes.

Accounting for the turnover of alcoholic products used as raw materials:

classification of alcoholic products in the regulatory and reference subsystem in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

registration of receipt and tracking of the movement of alcoholic products throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;

formation of a declaration on the production and turnover of alcoholic products.

Management of fixed assets and planning of repairs.

Financial management, including:


cash management;

management of mutual settlements;

accounting and tax accounting;

excise tax accounting;

accounting according to IFRS;

generation of consolidated reporting.

Warehouse (inventory) management, including:

accounting of special brands, marking of goods and materials;

special characteristics of the nomenclature (properties of alcoholic products, quality, classifiers, etc.);

maintaining quantitative records in parallel in four units:

basic (custom) units of measurement (for example, bottles);

decalitres of contents;

deciliters of anhydrous alcohol content by strength;

deciliter of anhydrous alcohol content based on the alcohol actually contained;

accounting of materials in terms of properties (including grade, shelf life);

accounting of finished products in terms of properties (including type of packaging);

accounting of materials in the warehouse;

mechanism for calculating the planned quantity of materials for orders;

accounting of finished products;

ensuring a reserve of inventories (inventory and materials), orders to suppliers, requests from buyers in the context of the region of special brands;

accounting of alcoholic batches by:


type of excise tax (excise warehouse – not lined, lined, wholesale warehouse);

special federal stamp;

special regional brand;

region special regional brand;

excise stamp;

Management of excise warehouses, including:

accounting of permits for the operation of excise warehouses;

quantitative accounting of excisable products in the context of permits for opening excise warehouses;

labeling of alcoholic products with special marks;

new regulations for the operation of excise warehouses (Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated March 31, 2003 No. BG-3-07/154);

notifications about shipment/receipt of excisable products;

notification logs;

control of overdue notifications;

report on overdue notifications for excise goods (The report displays a list of overdue notifications from documents, indicating the number of overdue days).

Sales management, including:

control of balances and mutual settlements when shipping products according to orders;

expanded reporting on orders, payment for orders, shipment of orders and sales;

management of road transport.

Procurement management.

Managing relationships with customers and suppliers, including:

maintaining various contact information for the user (special characteristics: licenses, unloading points, etc.);

user calendar;

event reminder mechanism. ABC analysis;

analysis of relationship stages;

performance indicators of managers.

Accounting for control brands TTN, Mosalkogolkontrol.

Production management, including:

blend calculation assistant;

assistant for calculating the amount of anhydrous alcohol;

regulatory loss system;

alcohol accounting in accordance with the “Instructions for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol.”

Regulated reporting, including:

Declaration on the turnover of alcohol (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1999 N 564 “On approval of the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” and Temporary rules for filling out declarations on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (approved by the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation on June 24, 1999);

Formation of a declaration on alcohol turnover and its annexes in electronic form (the format is established by the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation).

Statistical reporting (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated September 3, 2002 No. 172);

Form No. 8-alk – Summary report on the volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products. Information on trade turnover;

Tax return on excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products, tobacco products and alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005);

Tax return on excise taxes on alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 3 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005).

Regional industry reporting (reporting to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Quality").

Personnel management, including payroll.

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators.

Interface with EGAIS.

data exchange with EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System, developed by STC "Atlas"), allows you to collect information on the movement of alcoholic products (receipt, release, sales);

generates regulated reporting for uploading to EGAIS;

allows you to print the necessary sets of documents.

The development took into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2006 N 253 “On the requirements for technical means of recording and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products”;

Order No. 168n dated December 30, 2005 “On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products and tobacco products, tax returns on excise taxes on petroleum products and procedures for filling them out and on amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005 No. 32N "On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes and procedures for filling them out"";

Resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service of August 5, 2005 N 59 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing statistical monitoring of domestic and foreign trade for 2006” (as amended on August 22, 2005);

FEDERAL LAW On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and on the invalidation of certain provisions of the Federal Law "On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages" and alcohol-containing products." Adopted by the State Duma on July 8, 2005, approved by the Federation Council on July 13, 2005;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 872 “On the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 864 “On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”;

ResolutionGovernment of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 No. 858 “On the submission of declarations on the volume of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”;

For enterprises of a holding structure, end-to-end management accounting is maintained for all organizations included in the holding. Management accounting is maintained according to data recorded in documents, but does not depend on the methods and the very fact of maintaining regulated accounting. The fact of transactions is entered once and is subsequently reflected in management and regulated accounting.

"1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery" can be used in a number of departments and services of manufacturing enterprises, including:

Directorate (CEO, CFO, Commercial Director, Production Director, Chief Engineer, HR Director, IT Director, Development Director);

Planning and Economic Department;

Production workshops;

Production dispatch department;

Chief Designer Department;

Chief Technologist Department;

Chief Mechanic Department;

Sales department;

Department of material and technical support (supply);

Marketing department;

Warehouses for materials and finished products, excise warehouses;


Human Resources Department;

Department of Labor and Employment Organization;

IT service;

Administrative and economic department;

Capital Construction Department;

Information and analytical department.

The implementation of "KT-2000: Alcohol. Holding 8 (UPP 8)" will have the greatest effect at enterprises with a staff of several tens to several thousand people, with tens and hundreds of automated workstations, as well as in holding and network structures.

"1 C: Distillery and Winery" industry solution based on "1 C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" Functionality, competitive advantages, support

Contents n Purpose of the product n Alcohol characteristics of organizations n Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature n Accounting for batches of alcohol n Accounting for special brands, marking of goods and materials n Reimbursement of excise duties n Accounting for control brands of TTN n Industry federal reports n Service functions

Purpose of the product The product “1 C: Distillery and Winery” is a comprehensive ERP-class information system, developed on the basis of the “1 C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration and covering the main contours of management and accounting at a production enterprise, including the industry specifics of manufacturers and distributors and alcohol retailers. The solution allows you to organize a unified information system for managing the activities of an enterprise: Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators (PM) Management: § finance (FRP, PM); § production (APS, SFC, TPS, FCRP, RCCP, MRP, MPS, SOP); § procurement (SCM, SRS, DRP); § warehouse (inventory) (ITS, WMS); § sales (SCM); § relations with buyers and suppliers (CRM); § personnel, including payroll (HCM, HRM); § fixed assets and repair planning (EAM).

Reflection of industry specifics in the configuration The “1 C: Distillery and Winery” configuration was developed taking into account the requirements of legislation and regulatory documents regulating the activities of the alcohol industry. For the development and maintenance of the configuration “1 C: Distillery and Winery 8” - the highest quality joint industry solution based on “1 C: Production Enterprise Management 8”, in 2007 the company “KT: Alcohol” received gratitude from the company “1 C” !

Scheme of interaction between types of accounting - managerial, accounting, tax The organization of management and the implementation of accounting requirements are in inextricable interaction

Integration of processes of interaction with contractors into a unified enterprise management system Centralized divisions (corporate level) Shop divisions (production level)

Compliance of the accounting methodology with Russian legislation § The capabilities of accounting and tax accounting built into the system are designed to ensure the most complete compliance with both Russian legislation and the needs of real business. The adopted methodology is a further development of accounting solutions implemented in the products of the 1 C: Enterprise system, which have become an industrial standard in the country. In the solution of the company "1 C", the automation of accounting and tax accounting is placed at a high level, thanks to - the ability to flexibly configure the chart of accounts, - setting up item accounting accounts, - setting up accounts for accounting settlements with counterparties, - specifying account correspondence in documents, - specifying closing methods in cost items, - setting up a list of direct tax accounting expenses and other possibilities.

Technological advantages of the product for building geographically distributed systems The universal mechanism for data exchange in XML format is intended both for creating geographically distributed systems based on “1 C: Enterprise 8”, and for organizing data exchange with other information systems. In this case, several independent exchange schemes with different systems can be created in one application solution. Not only the classic structure of distributed systems (the “star” type) is supported, but also more complex multi-level structures of the “snowflake” type. The ability to build a solution for enterprises with a network or holding structure, allowing you to see the big picture.

Thin and Web client modes In version 1.3 of the 1C: Distillery and Winery software product, the main capabilities of the new platform 1C: Enterprise 8.2 are reflected. In the thin and Web client modes, alcohol regulatory information is available, as well as all standard SCP capabilities.

The result of using the solution When developing “1 C: Distillery and Winery”, the experience of the largest Russian and foreign enterprises involved in the production and sale of alcoholic beverages was and continues to be taken into account. Which, in particular, provides the following competitive advantages when introducing the product: Allows you to increase the efficiency and efficiency of the sales department (control of contracts, licenses, manager’s workplace, etc.); Provides a mechanism for storing, processing and printing the entire necessary set of accompanying documentation (reduces the costs of maintaining a staff of “certificates”, leads to a reduction in risks during the transportation of goods); It is an actual guarantee against sanctions from regulatory authorities (subject to correct record keeping, availability of support and timely updating); Reduces the risk of supporting non-replicated solutions in-house

Alcohol characteristics of organizations Directory: “Organizations” The alcohol parameters of the organization have been added to the directory, necessary for control, additional analytics and use in industry reporting and printed forms. The “Alcohol” tab contains information about: § licenses, § unloading points, § excise warehouses, § other alcohol characteristics of own organizations

Alcohol characteristics of organizations Directory: “Licenses” An organization can have an arbitrary number of licenses to carry out operations related to the circulation of alcohol and alcoholic products Each license contains information about the validity period, type of license and other details The license also contains information about issued: § accreditation certificates for the implementation supplies of alcoholic beverages, § quotas for the purchase of ethyl alcohol

Alcohol characteristics of organizations Directory: “Unloading points” The directory contains addresses and other attributes of the organization’s unloading points. The address of the unloading point is filled in using the “Regions” directory, which is part of the “KLADR” address classifier

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Nomenclature” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) The set of alcohol characteristics differs for different categories of nomenclature, which are determined by the reference book “Types of nomenclature”. Nomenclature categories are divided into alcoholic goods and other elements necessary for working with alcoholic goods, such as special grades, control grades, etc.

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Nomenclature” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) (alcoholic products) The “Alcohol” tab contains information specific to alcoholic products The “General Information” tab - indicates general information about the alcoholic product, such as capacity, strength, sign of import goods and details selected from classifiers for subsequent completion of regulated industry reporting

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Nomenclature” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) (alcoholic goods) The “Suppliers” tab indicates the manufacturer and the first buyer of the product. It is also possible to fill in the entire sequence of intermediaries when purchasing a product

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Nomenclature” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) (alcoholic goods) The “Quality” tab indicates information about the qualitative characteristics of the nomenclature to fill in the values ​​of the quality certificate The “Other” tab indicates the values ​​of the types of brands when pasting by default

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Nomenclature” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) (alcohol products) The “Ranges of special brands” tab contains ranges and other information about federal and regional special brands

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: Classifier “Types of alcoholic products” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) The Directory contains a classifier of product types for declaring the production and circulation of alcohol and alcoholic products. The classifier is filled in in accordance with the classifier of product types (Appendix 4 to the Order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation of January 12 2004 N BG-3 -13/)

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: Classifier "OKPD Codes" Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) The Directory contains a classifier of products in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity in terms of those product names used in the reports: "Statistics 1 alcohol (wholesale)", “Statistics 1 - alcohol (urgent)”, “Statistics 1 alcohol”

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: Classifier “Types of excise tax rates” The directory contains information on the types of excise tax rates. Used to determine the amount of excise tax for excisable products. By default, it is filled in with the types of rates in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 107 FZ, the values ​​of rates are established from January 1, 2006

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: Classifier “Codes in the MAK” The Directory is used to classify alcoholic products when generating reports in the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Quality” Filled out with codes for the names of alcoholic products in accordance with Appendix 1 to the “Procedure and form for reporting on the use of control marks stuck on TTN"

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Counterparties” The procedure for entering alcohol information is organized as in the directory “Organizations”, on the “Alcohol” tab. The counterparty can have an unlimited number of licenses, unloading points, permits to open excise warehouses.

Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature Directory: “Contractors' agreements” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic elements) The “Counterparties” directory is subordinate to the directory “Counterparties' agreements”, which also contains additional alcohol information: § unloading points under the agreement This information is used to control movement documents in within the framework of the agreement

Accounting for alcohol batches Directory: “Nomenclature Series” Subsystem: Alcohol (Basic Elements) The mechanism for accounting for alcoholic batches has been expanded. An additional set of details has been added to the “Nomenclature Series” directory for alcoholic products: § bottling dates § labeling § certificates § accompanying documents § quality characteristics § intermediaries parties

Accounting for batches of alcohol Directories: “Registration certificates”, “Certificates of conformity”, “Certificates of origin” For a batch of alcohol, you can additionally fill out: § production license § registration certificate, § certificate of conformity, § certificate of origin § declaration of conformity In addition to registration data in directories You can store scanned images of real documents.

Accounting for batches of alcohol Directory: “Types of accompanying documents” For each batch of alcohol, you can define a list of accompanying documentation For the same batch, an arbitrary number of scanned images of the same type can be specified Types of documents for scanning are defined in the directory “Types of accompanying documents”

Accounting for special stamps, marking of goods and materials Directories: “Ranges of special stamps” The program keeps records of 2 types of stamps: § FSM (federal special stamps) § Excise stamps (for imported goods) Stamps are accounted for by ranges In accounting, special stamps are accounted for as usual material

Accounting for special brands, marking of goods and materials Document: “Labelling of alcoholic products” The document performs two important functions: § reflects the fact of pasting (writing off special brands, indicating the pasted ranges); § changes the type of excise duty on alcoholic beverages (nomenclature characteristics)

Reimbursement of excise taxes Document: “Receipt of goods and services” Subsystem: Alcohol (Production) The subsystem “Reimbursement of excise taxes” allows you to automatically calculate the amount of excise tax required for reimbursement. When excisable raw materials are received, the document “Receipt of Goods and Services” records data on the amount of incoming excise duty subject to reimbursement.

Reimbursement of excise taxes Document: “Reimbursement of excise tax on purchased values” Subsystem: Alcohol (Production) After using the received raw materials for the production of alcoholic products, selling these products, paying the debt to the supplier and paying the debt by the buyer, the manufacturer has the right to present the amount of excise tax on the used raw materials for reimbursement. The document “Reimbursement of excise duty on purchased valuables” is intended for automatic calculation of the amount required for reimbursement.

Accounting for control marks of TTN Document: “Receipt of goods and services” Subsystem: Alcohol (Additional modules) Control marks pasted on TTN are accounted for in the system as inventory items. The receipt of stamps is documented in the document “Receipt of goods and services.” Processing serial numbers allows you to set the layout, series, starting and ending numbers and the number of stamps per roll.

Accounting for control stamps TTN Document: “Sales of goods and services” When selling alcoholic products, the document “Sales of goods and services” indicates the control stamp pasted on the TTN. When posting the document, the specified control mark is written off.

Accounting for TTN control marks Document: “Report to Mosalkogolkontrol” Allows you to generate and send a report on the use of control marks pasted on TTN when selling alcoholic products, in accordance with the procedure and form for reporting to the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Quality”. Automatically filled in according to sales documents.

Industry federal reports Report: “Declaration of production and Subsystem: Alcohol (Production) of AP turnover” When creating the report, the following attachments (production part) are generated: § Appendix No. 1 (production and turnover of ethyl alcohol); § Appendix No. 2 (use of ethyl alcohol); § Appendix No. 3 (production and turnover)

Industry federal reports Report: “Declaration of production and Subsystem: Alcohol (Trade) AP turnover” When creating the report, the following attachments (trade part) are generated: § Appendix No. 5 (turnovers); § Appendix No. 6 (scope of delivery); § Appendix No. 7 (purchase volumes)

Industry federal reports Report: “Statistics Form 1 – alcohol Subsystem: Alcohol (Trade) (wholesale)” Information on statistical observation of the sale of alcoholic products

Industry federal reports Report: “Statistics Form 1 – alcohol Subsystem: Alcohol (Production) (urgent)” Information on the production and shipment of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products

Industry federal reports Report: “Technological analysis Subsystem: movements of alcoholic products for Alcohol (Production) regulated reports” Allows you to check the correctness of data entry into the information base

Service functions Report: “Agreement control” Subsystem: Alcohol (Trade) The report displays a list of counterparties and their agreements, indicating the expiration date of the agreement and the number of days overdue

The product “1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery” is a comprehensive solution covering the main management and accounting contours of a production enterprise engaged in the production, wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic products. The configuration can be recommended for work at enterprises of a holding structure that include organizations involved in the production and trade of alcoholic beverages.

Basic Configuration Functionality

The configuration was created on the basis of the standard configuration “1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management” and includes all the accounting schemes included in the basic configuration, allowing you to organize a unified information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise’s activities.

The configuration “1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery” includes all subsystems of the basic configuration. In addition, the following subsystems were developed: production management, purchasing management, sales management, regulated reporting; basic alcohol elements and subsystems “Accounting for excise taxes” and “Blending acts” were introduced, and service configuration capabilities were expanded.

Basic alcohol elements
  • Alcohol characteristics of organizations and contractors (licenses, unloading points).
  • Alcohol characteristics of the nomenclature (strength, capacity, EGAIS codes, type of alcoholic products, quality).
Manufacturing control

The “Blending Production” subsystem provides:

  • Convenient input of blend analysis indicator values ​​(including the possibility of automated calculation);
  • Calculation of standardized blending indicators based on the values ​​of indicators for analyzing the composition of the blend;
  • Storing the values ​​of blend analysis indicators for each batch of the blend and its constituent components;
  • Storing information about the composition of the blend (materials and semi-finished products);
  • Possibility of receiving operational reports in the context of alcohol batches according to standardized indicators.
  • Storage and control of quality characteristics of alcoholic nomenclature for the formation of quality certificates.
Sales management
  • Operational control of trade operations (availability of valid licenses, a set of accompanying documents, permitted types of activities).
  • Selection of products with the possibility of simultaneous selection of alcoholic batches, special brands, bottling dates.
  • Accounting for TTN control marks, report to the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Quality” (upload in electronic form).
Inventory Management
  • Accounting for alcohol batches:
    • accounting sections: bottling dates, EGAIS batch codes, ranges of special and excise stamps, arbitrarily specified properties;
    • accounting indicators: packaging, deciliters, deciliters of B/S according to the calculated strength, according to standardized indicators (alcohol, sugar, etc.);
  • Accounting for finished products.
  • Providing a reserve of inventories (inventory and materials), orders to suppliers, requests from buyers by region for special brands.
  • Accounting for materials in terms of alcohol properties.
  • Quantitative accounting of items in parallel in four units:
    • basic (custom) units of measurement (for example, bottles);
    • decalitres of contents;
    • deciliters of anhydrous alcohol content by strength;
    • deciliter of anhydrous alcohol content based on the alcohol actually contained.
Accounting for accrued excise taxes
  • Automated calculation of accrued excise taxes:
    • in documents reflecting transactions subject to excise taxes, the amount of excise tax is calculated according to the rate of the directory “Types of excise taxation transactions” indicated in the tabular part of the document;
    • the rate value is determined automatically according to the configured auto-selection rules (the rules may be different for different organizations, types of products, types of documents, shipping options);
    • auto-completion rules are set in the information register “Taxation by excise taxes of organizations”.
  • Reflection of accrued excise tax in accounting.
  • Setting up accounting entries when recording transactions in accounting:
    • the posting template is specified in the reference book “Types of excise tax transactions”;
    • the user can control the use of templates in documents.
  • The ability to adjust the amounts of accrued excise taxes using standard accounting documents “Accounting Certificate” or a specialized document with an auto-fill function.
  • Possibility of batch execution of operations with accrued excise tax.
  • The ability to manage the reflection of transactions with accrued excise duty in various sections of the Excise Tax Declaration:
    • configured in the directory “Types of excise taxation transactions”;
    • the user can manage the values ​​of codes and sections of the Declaration by selecting different types of excise tax transactions.
  • Attribution of excise tax on imported goods and materials to the cost price.
  • Reflection of accrued excise taxes in regulated accounting for the following operations:
    • accrual of excise tax on sales on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • accrual of excise tax on export sales (without bank guarantees);
    • accrual of excise tax on export sales (with bank guarantees).
  • Possibility of reflecting the following transactions with accrued excise taxes:
    • documentary evidence of export operations without bank guarantees (export confirmed);
    • documentary evidence of export operations without bank guarantees (export is not confirmed);
    • documentary evidence of export transactions with bank guarantees (export confirmed);
    • documentary evidence of export operations with bank guarantees (export is not confirmed).
  • Clarification of accrued excise tax (corrective entries).
  • Restoration of excise duty on returns from customers.
  • Registration and tracking of excise tax amounts throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise.
  • Formation of tax returns for excise taxes.
Reimbursement of excise duty on purchased valuables
  • Identification of incoming excise tax amounts in receipt documents.
  • Automated calculation of the amount of excise duty on purchased valuables to be submitted for reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement of excise duty on incoming MC:
    • accounting for excise tax amounts in documents for the purchase of excisable materials;
    • automated calculation of amounts to be reimbursed;
    • accounting of excisable materials in warehouses, in semi-finished products (in warehouses and in work in progress), in final products, in sold products.
Accounting for special and excise stamps, marking of goods and materials
  • Maintaining separate directories Brand ranges for different types of brands (type of inventory item):
  • Receipt of brands at the enterprise (introduction of a new range of brands through a series of special brand nomenclature).
  • Pasting with stamps, document “Labelling of alcoholic products”.
Service capabilities
  • Operational control of production operations:
    • Controlling the presence of alcohol in non-alcoholic products;
    • Monitoring compliance of quality certificate indicators with standard values.
  • Reports for control:
    • Control of counterparty agreements;
    • License control;
  • Printing a set of industry-specific accompanying documents (certificates A and B, quality certificates, etc.).
  • Specifying a custom list of scanned images (eg certificates, licenses, driving directions, etc.) with the ability to control the availability of scanned images.
  • Fast printing mechanism with the ability to set fast printing profiles.
  • Built-in specialized mechanism for connecting external reports.
  • Uploading to EGAIS.
Regulated and additional reporting
  • Technological analysis of the movements of alcoholic products for regulated reports.
  • Declaration of production and turnover of alcohol and alcoholic products (Appendices 1-7).
  • Industry alcohol report “Logbook of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.”
  • Tax Declaration on excise duties on excisable goods.
  • Statistical industry reporting:
    • Form No. 1-alcohol (wholesale);
    • Form No. 1-alcohol (monthly);
    • Form No. 1-alcohol (urgent).
  • Uploading regulated reporting in electronic form (the format is established by the Ministry of Taxes of Russia).
Integration with UTM for EGAIS
  • Workplace of the EGAIS operator.
  • Integration with ASIiU
  • Integration with UTM
  • Integration with filling/finishing lines
    • K-service
    • EGAIS-service
  • Integration with TSD and scanners
    • Online workplace for TSD
    • Interface for interaction with offline TSD (Cleverence, CT marking)
    • Support for 2D scanners from EGAIS documents
  • Printing labels for packaging
    • Label designer
    • Group printing with several codes and pictures
    • Re-printing in stock

When developing configurations for “1C:Enterprise 8.0. Distillery and Winery" and "1C:Enterprise 8.0 Manufacturing Enterprise Management" took into account both modern international enterprise management techniques (MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, ERP II, etc.), and the experience of successful automation of production enterprises accumulated by the company " 1C" and the partner community, including the KT:Alcohol Company, when implementing prototypes of the "1C:Enterprise 8.0. Distillery and Wine Factory" at Ishimsky Wine and Vodka Factory LLC, Vinella CJSC, Soyuzpromimpeks CJSC.

Software products that include the “Distillery and Winery” configuration have been thoroughly tested by 1C for correct operation and ease of use and have a “Compatible!” Certificate. Software system 1C:Enterprise"

Products that include the Distillery and Winery configuration are protected and have portions that cannot be modified by the user.

A full description of “1C:LVZ 8” can be obtained on the 1C company website: link

In addition, “1C:LVZ 8” has all the functional features of the basic software product “1C: Enterprise 8 Manufacturing Enterprise Management” (includes the subsystems “Fixed asset management and repair planning”, “Enterprise management”, “Warehouse (inventory) management”, “ Sales Management”, “Sales Planning”, “Purchasing Management”, “Management of Relationships with Customers and Suppliers”, “Accounting”, “Tax Accounting”, etc.)

From the moment of release to the present day, 1C:LVZ 8 has been supported by the developer in connection with changes in industry legislation (regarding the declared properties), and the release of new releases of the basic software product of the 1C company.

Delivery features

The main delivery of the software product - "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" includes the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform, the "Distillery and Winery" configuration, a complete set of documentation, protection keys for the platform and configuration, licenses for using the "1C" system :Enterprise 8" and the "Distillery and Winery" configuration in one workplace.

As a rule, to automate management and accounting at a production enterprise, more than one workplace is organized, and, over time, the number of such workplaces can increase. Expanding the use of the main (single-user) delivery of this product to a multi-user one is carried out by purchasing additional licenses for the “1C: Production” configuration and turnover of alcoholic products" and additional licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for the required number of jobs. The number of purchased licenses to use the 1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery configuration and the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is determined based on needs for the maximum number of concurrent users with the configuration “1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery” on the “1C:Enterprise 8” platform.

To work in the “client-server” version, you must also purchase a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

Purchase procedure

You can purchase “1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery” from partners of the 1C company who have the relevant competencies. To purchase the main supply, the user must fill out and send to the partner a sample application established by 1C for the purchase of a software product. Based on the user data received, the partner forms an electronic application on the 1C website and receives either permission to purchase software products for the user, or a motivated refusal. If the decision is positive, the declared software products can be shipped to the partner no earlier than two business days.

To switch to "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery", users of economic software products produced by 1C - "1C: Accounting" of all versions, "1C: Enterprise versions 7.7 and 7.5" - can purchase software products that include the configuration “Manufacturing enterprise management”, on an upgrade basis (including the full or partial cost of the delivered software products).

Service maintenance

Maintenance of software products "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery" and user support in terms of working with the platform "1C:Enterprise 8" is carried out through the Information Technology Support of the 1C:Enterprise system (ITS) + ITS Industry 4 categories .

The basic package includes an ITS disk and a coupon for a free subscription to ITS for a period of 3 months. The cost of service for the first 3 months is included in the delivery price. That is, within 3 months after registering the kit, the user has the right to receive consultations through ITS and the developer, as well as program and configuration updates at no additional charge, and after this period, configuration maintenance is paid.

To receive services, the user must register the purchased software product with 1C and sign up for a free three-month subscription to ITS using the coupon included with the software product.

ITS service includes:

  • Consultation line services by phone and email;
  • Obtaining new program releases and configurations;
  • Obtaining new reporting forms;
  • Monthly receipt of an ITS disk containing methodological materials on setting up and operating the system, various consultations and reference books on accounting and taxation, the legal database “Garant” and much more.

At the end of the free service period, in order to continue receiving the listed services, you must subscribe to a paid subscription to the ITS.

You can get more detailed information from our managers.

Industry Opportunities
  • Enterprise management (production planning, cost management and cost calculation, product data management), including accounting for the use of ethyl alcohol in the production of low-alcohol products.
  • Excise tax accounting :
    • maintaining a directory of types of excisable products;
    • highlighting the amounts of incoming excise taxes in receipt documents;
    • automatic calculation of excise tax amounts when generating documents in accordance with the current settings of the regulatory and reference subsystem;
    • automatic offset of incoming excise taxes;
    • registration and tracking of excise tax amounts throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;
    • maintaining a list of contractors’ licenses;
    • maintaining a log of contracts for the supply of alcoholic beverages with counterparties;
    • selection of products with the ability to simultaneously select alcohol batches, special brands, bottling dates;
    • generation of tax returns for excise taxes.
  • Accounting for the turnover of alcoholic products used as raw materials :
    • classification of alcoholic products in the regulatory and reference subsystem in accordance with current legislation;
    • registration of receipt and tracking of the movement of alcoholic products throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;
    • formation of a declaration on the production and turnover of alcoholic products.
  • , including:
    • accounting of special brands, marking of goods and materials;
    • special characteristics of the nomenclature (properties of alcoholic products, quality, classifiers, etc.);
    • maintaining quantitative records in parallel in four units:
      • basic (custom) units of measurement (for example bottles);
      • decalitres of contents;
      • deciliters of anhydrous alcohol content by strength;
      • deciliter of anhydrous alcohol content based on the alcohol actually contained;
    • accounting of materials in terms of properties (including grade, shelf life);
    • accounting of finished products in terms of properties (including type of packaging);
    • accounting of materials in the warehouse;
    • mechanism for calculating the planned quantity of materials for orders;
    • accounting of finished products;
    • ensuring a reserve of inventories (inventory and materials), orders to suppliers, requests from buyers in the context of the region of special brands;
    • accounting of alcoholic batches by:
      • storage;
      • type of excise tax (excise warehouse - not lined, lined, wholesale warehouse);
      • special federal stamp;
      • special regional brand;
      • region special regional brand;
      • excise stamp;
  • Excise warehouse management, including:
    • accounting of permits for the operation of excise warehouses;
    • quantitative accounting of excisable products in the context of permits for opening excise warehouses;
    • labeling of alcoholic products with special marks;
    • new regulations for the operation of excise warehouses (Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated March 31, 2003 N BG-3-07/154);
    • notifications about shipment/receipt of excisable products;
    • notification logs;
    • control of overdue notifications;
    • report on overdue notifications for excise goods (The report displays a list of overdue notifications from documents, indicating the number of overdue days).
  • Sales management, including:
    • control of balances and mutual settlements when shipping products according to orders;
    • expanded reporting on orders, payment for orders, shipment of orders and sales;
    • management of road transport.
  • Accounting for control brands TTN, Mosalkogolkontrol .
  • Manufacturing control, including:
    • blend calculation assistant;
    • assistant for calculating the amount of anhydrous alcohol;
    • regulatory loss system;
    • alcohol accounting in accordance with the “Instructions for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol.”
  • Regulated reporting, including:
    • Declaration on the turnover of alcohol (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1999 N 564 “On approval of the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” and Temporary rules for filling out declarations on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products ( approved by the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation on June 24, 1999);
    • Formation of a declaration on alcohol turnover and its annexes in electronic form (the format is established by the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation);
    • Statistical reporting (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated September 3, 2002 N172);
    • Form N 8-alk - Summary report on the volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products. Information on trade turnover;
    • Tax return on excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products, tobacco products and alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005);
    • Tax return on excise taxes on alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 3 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005).
  • Regional industry reporting (reporting to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Quality") .
  • Interface with the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS, developer - STC "Atlas"):
    • data exchange with EGAIS allows you to collect information on the movement of alcoholic products (receipt, release, sales);
    • generates regulated reporting for uploading to EGAIS;
    • allows you to print the necessary sets of documents.

The development took into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents :

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2006 N 253 "On the requirements for technical means of recording and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products"
  • Order dated December 30, 2005 N 168n “On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products and tobacco products, tax returns on excise taxes on petroleum products and procedures for filling them out and on amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005 of the year N 32N "On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes and procedures for filling them out""
  • Resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service of August 5, 2005 N 59 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing statistical monitoring of domestic and foreign trade for 2006” (as amended on August 22, 2005)
  • FEDERAL LAW On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and on the invalidation of certain provisions of the Federal Law "On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages" and alcohol-containing products." Adopted by the State Duma on July 8, 2005, approved by the Federation Council on July 13, 2005
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 872 “On the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 864 “On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 858 "On the submission of declarations on the volume of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"

Taking into account the successful practice of using the product "1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" at enterprises involved in the production of alcoholic beverages, it is expected that the greatest effect of implementing "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Wine Factory" can be achieved in enterprises with a staff of 50 or more up to 2000 people, with automation from 5 to 150 or more user workplaces, as well as in holding and network structures.

Software products, including the “Distillery and Winery” configuration, have undergone thorough testing in 1C for correct operation, ease of use and have a Certificate “Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system” (see information letter N 5459 dated 06/01/2006) .

Products that include the Distillery and Winery configuration are protected and have portions that cannot be changed by the user.


Manufacturing control

One of the most effective ways to reduce production costs is building and optimizing a product production plan. This allows the enterprise to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists, reduce the lead time of orders, avoid disruptions to the sales plan due to overload of production resources, optimize the movement of materials and warehouse balances, and make the production process transparent and manageable.

The production management subsystem is designed to plan production processes and material flows in production, reflect the processes of the enterprise's production activities and build a normative production management system.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by employees of the planning and economic department, production shops, production dispatch department and other production departments.

Implemented in the subsystem "Production Management" "production planning mechanisms provide:

  • Scenario planning to develop various options for production strategy or take into account possible changes in the operating conditions of the enterprise;
  • Rolling planning, expanding the planning horizon as the next planning periods approach;
  • Project planning of production;
  • Fixation of planned data from changes (according to scenarios and periods);
  • Integration with the budgeting subsystem.

Production planning

The subsystem is designed for medium- and long-term production planning and resource requirements, as well as for conducting plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans. When planning production, it is possible to take into account many parameters, control feasibility and track the implementation of the plan at various stages in several sections simultaneously:

  • By departments and managers;
  • By projects and subprojects;
  • By key resources;
  • By item groups and individual item units.

Formation of an enlarged production plan

  • Based on the sales plans generated in the “Sales Management” subsystem, estimated production volumes are generated by product groups (and, if necessary, individual product items);
  • Differences between enlarged and updated plans, a package of planned shift-daily tasks, and actual production data are identified;
  • Production assignments are generated, their execution is monitored, and production backlogs are assessed.

Resource planning

  • It is possible to generate tables of consumption and availability of main (key) types of resources in the production of item groups and individual types of items;
  • The integrated production plan is monitored for compliance with limiting factors, for example, the consolidated availability of main (key) types of resources;
  • Records are kept of the availability of key resources.

Shift production planning

The subsystem is intended for planning production in the short term in the context of individual product items, as well as for conducting a plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans by the production dispatch department. In this subsystem, a detailed shift schedule of production and consumption is formed, and its feasibility is assessed taking into account the planned resource load.

Among the shift planning capabilities provided by "Manufacturing Enterprise Management":

  • Planning taking into account the availability of capacity in planning sub-periods and changes in the summary duration of operations along the technological tree. In case of insufficient capacity in subperiods, planned operations are transferred to subperiods with available free capacity;
  • Formation of a detailed production and operations schedule;
  • Planning "on top" of existing production and operations plans or complete re-planning;
  • Ability to plan operations for geographically remote units;
  • Planning taking into account transportation time between warehouses and departments.

Formation of a shift production plan

  • Formation of a production plan, refined to individual product items with the calculation of exact production times;
  • Determination of break points of explosion procedures in the production technological tree for all products planned in the “assembly to order” mode;
  • Formation of a schedule for loading production capacity and production needs for raw materials and components;
  • Formation of a final assembly schedule with clarification of production dates.

Determining available resource capacity

  • Maintaining a list of work centers and technological operations;
  • Support for availability calendars of individual work centers and input of resource availability according to these calendars;
  • Combining work centers into groups with setting priorities for planning;
  • Calculation of work center loads during the determination of the material requirements schedule.

Execution control

  • Formation of a schedule of production needs;
  • Formation of production assignments, shift-daily assignments;
  • Plan-actual analysis of production progress, control and analysis of deviations.

Cost management and costing

One of the most important factors in competition is reduction of production costs, cost management. The presence of a management accounting system that reflects real production costs allows the enterprise to develop effective measures to reduce production costs and product costs, and increase business profitability.

The cost management subsystem is designed to account for the actual costs of the enterprise and calculate the cost products based on management accounting data.

Main functions of the subsystem:

  • Accounting for actual costs of the reporting period in the required sections in value and physical terms;
  • Operational quantitative accounting of materials in work in progress (WIP);
  • Accounting for actual balances of work in progress at the end of the reporting period in the required sections;
  • Accounting for defects in production and warehouses;
  • Calculation of the actual cost of production for the period of main and by-products (semi-finished products, defects) - incomplete and full production costs and the actual full cost of sales of products, incl. calculation of the cost of production from processors;
  • Calculation of the cost of production during the month according to release documents - according to direct costs or according to the planned cost;
  • Accounting for processing of customer-supplied raw materials;
  • Calculation of the actual value of work in progress balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • Providing data (reports) on the procedure for generating cost;
  • Generating a shift report on production output and services in production;
  • Providing data on the production cost structure to assess deviations from specified standards.

Product data management

An important tool for production management is the management of data on the composition of products and semi-finished products, routes for the passage of products through production departments and warehouses.

Standardization of product composition allows you to control the write-off of materials into production (limit cards), plan production costs, analyze discrepancies between planned and actual costs and identify their causes.

Setting a route (technological) map allows plan the production chain of multi-use products, at each stage assessing its feasibility taking into account the equipment load and the availability of resources necessary for production.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by the chief engineer and employees working in the departments of the chief designer and chief technologist.

As part of production management, the function of accounting for standard costs of materials during production and analysis of deviations from standards has been implemented. Material consumption standards are laid down in product manufacturing specifications.

The standard composition of products is used:

  • when analyzing deviations from standards to control product quality;
  • for calculating costs - as a basis for the distribution of indirect costs.

For the purposes of shift planning, the entire technological process can be represented as a set of sequences of operations. This set sets the route map for the production of products. Each operation can be characterized by its own set of material needs at the input and a set of products at the output.

Management of fixed assets and repairs

Fulfillment of the production program on time and optimal use of resources is possible with high-quality planning of maintenance and repair of fixed assets (fixed assets) of the enterprise. Using the capabilities of the repair management subsystem, enterprises can carry out planning and accounting of equipment maintenance and repair activities:

  • Maintain a regulatory framework for OS maintenance;
  • Plan OS maintenance and resources for its implementation;
  • Take into account the results of the OS maintenance performed;
  • Analyze deviations in the timing and scope of OS maintenance.

The subsystem allows you to automate all typical operations of accounting for fixed assets:

  • acceptance for accounting;
  • change of state;
  • depreciation calculation;
  • changing the parameters and methods of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for actual production of fixed assets;
  • completion and disassembly, relocation, modernization, decommissioning and sale of OS.

Wide supported range of methods for calculating depreciation:

  • linear method;
  • proportional to the volume of production;
  • according to uniform depreciation rates;
  • reducing balance method;
  • by the sum of the numbers of years of useful life;
  • according to an individual depreciation schedule.

When calculating depreciation, you can specify not only the calculation method, but also the need to use a distribution schedule for the amount of annual depreciation by month.

The subsystem allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of fixed assets, analyze the degree of their wear and monitor the implementation of equipment maintenance work.

Financial management

Organizing effective financial management is one of the highest priority tasks of any enterprise. Availability of a financial management system focused on comprehensive solution to problems of accounting, control and planning of income and costs, allows the enterprise to effectively use its own funds and attracted investments, improve the overall manageability of the business, its profitability and competitiveness.

The use of a financial management subsystem in conjunction with mechanisms for supporting geographically distributed information databases makes it possible to establish effective financial management of holdings and corporations, increasing transparency of their activities and investment attractiveness.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by the financial director, employees of the accounting and economic planning department, as well as other financial services of the enterprise.


The subsystem implements the functions necessary to build a financial planning system at an enterprise:

  • planning the movement of enterprise funds for any period in terms of time intervals, financial responsibility centers (FRC), projects, residual and current indicators, additional analytics (items, counterparties...);
  • monitoring the actual activities of the enterprise in the same areas in which planning was carried out;
  • preparation of summary reports based on monitoring results;
  • monitoring compliance of requests for spending funds with the work plan for the period;
  • the financial analysis;
  • analysis of cash availability;
  • analysis of deviations of planned and actual data.

Cash management

The cash management subsystem (treasury) performs the following functions necessary for effective cash flow management in the enterprise, control over payments made:

  • multi-currency accounting of cash flows and balances;
  • registration of planned receipts and expenditures of funds;
  • reserving funds for upcoming payments in current accounts and cash registers;
  • placement of funds in expected incoming payments;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • registration of all necessary primary documents;
  • integration with bank client systems;
  • the ability to post (manually or automatically) the amount of a payment document across several agreements and transactions.

Settlement management

An important element when working with counterparties is the settlement management function. A flexible credit policy implemented using the mutual settlements management subsystem makes it possible to increase the attractiveness of the enterprise for clients and its competitiveness in the market.

The settlement management subsystem can be used in the financial, supply and sales structures of an enterprise, allowing you to optimize financial and material flows.

Using the subsystem allows analyze changes in debt in time and operates with two types of debt - actual and projected (deferred). The actual debt is associated with settlement operations and moments of transfer of ownership rights. Deferred debt arises when events such as a purchase order or transfer of inventory items for commission, an application for receiving funds, and other similar ones are reflected in the system.

The main purpose of the mutual settlements subsystem:

  • recording the debt of the counterparty to the company and the company to the counterparty;
  • accounting for the causes of debt;
  • support for various methods of debt accounting (under contracts, transactions, and individual business transactions);
  • analysis of the current state of debt and the history of its changes.


The accounting capabilities implemented in the system are designed to ensure full compliance with both Russian legislation and the needs of real business. The adopted methodology is a further development of accounting solutions implemented in the products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, which have become an industrial standard in the Russian Federation.

Accounting subsystem ensures record keeping in accordance with Russian legislation in all areas of accounting, including:

  • Bank and cash desk operations;
  • Fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • Accounting for materials, goods, products;
  • Cost accounting and cost calculation;
  • Currency operations;
  • Settlements with organizations;
  • Calculations with accountable persons;
  • Payments to personnel regarding wages;
  • Calculations with the budget.

The organization of the accounting subsystem provides a high degree of automation in the formation of financial statements.

Supports accounting for several legal entities in a single information database. This organization of accounting allows you to automate enterprises with a fairly complex organizational structure.

Tax accounting

Tax accounting for income tax in configuration maintained independently of accounting. Business transactions are reflected in parallel in accounting and tax accounting. The documents registering business transactions in accounting and tax accounting provide that for tax accounting purposes, data can be entered and reflected in accounting later.

To be able to compare accounting and tax accounting data, accounting methods and information storage mechanisms are as close to each other as possible. The basis of the accounting and tax accounting systems in the configuration are charts of accounts, separate for each type of accounting. At the same time, the coding of tax plan accounts is done in such a way as to ensure comparability of the data summarized on them with accounting data. This approach significantly facilitates compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.”

The organization of batch accounting ensures the independence of methods for assessing inventories when written off for accounting and tax purposes.

To summarize tax accounting data, the configuration includes specialized reports - analytical tax accounting registers that comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation.

Tax accounting for value added tax is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, including under the conditions of applying a 0% VAT rate.

Accounting according to international standards

The accounting subsystem according to international standards, developed by 1C with the consulting support of PricewaterhouseCoopers, provides the financial services of an enterprise with a ready-made methodological basis for accounting in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and can be adapted to the specifics of the application of standards at a particular enterprise.

The subsystem includes separate chart of accounts in accordance with IFRS, which can be customized by the user, and provides:

  • maintaining financial records and preparing both individual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS;
  • translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (entries) from the accounting subsystem (RAS) according to rules that can be flexibly configured by the user;
  • parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards in those areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant (for example, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets);
  • Carrying out your own regulatory documents (for example, accrual of expenses, accounting for reserves, accounting for asset impairment and a number of others), as well as making adjusting entries in a “manual” mode.

The capabilities of the subsystem allow:

  • minimize the labor intensity of accounting according to IFRS through the use of Russian accounting data;
  • compare data from Russian accounting and accounting under IFRS, thereby facilitating data reconciliation before preparing financial statements under IFRS;
  • Consolidate the reporting of a group of enterprises.

The subsystem can also be configured for accounting and financial reporting in accordance with other foreign standards, including US GAAP.

Personnel management and payroll

Today, more and more enterprises are realizing the importance of building effective personnel management systems, since qualified, proactive and loyal employees can significantly increase the efficiency of an enterprise. Managing data on hundreds and thousands of employees, carrying out activities for the selection and training of personnel, assessing the qualifications of production and management personnel, requires the use of software products that allow you to effectively plan and implement the personnel policy of the enterprise.

Employees of the HR department, labor organization and employment department and accounting department can use the personnel management subsystem in a single information space for daily work.

The subsystem is designed to provide information support for the company's personnel policy and automate settlements with personnel. Among the capabilities of the subsystem:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • planning employment and vacation schedules for employees;
  • solving problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and assessment;
  • personnel records and personnel analysis;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining regulated document flow;
  • calculation of wages for company employees;
  • automatic calculation of charges, deductions and taxes regulated by law;
  • automatic calculation of unified social tax and insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance.


The business HR subsystem is designed to document and automate the process of selecting and evaluating candidates carried out by the HR department. Within this subsystem the following functions are provided:

  • storage of personal data about candidates as individuals;
  • storage of materials that appear in the process of working with a candidate, from resumes to survey results;
  • planning meetings with candidates and recording decisions made until hiring.

Personnel records and personnel analysis

The company's personnel accounting subsystem provides storage of various information about employees:

  • personal data about employees as individuals;
  • information about the department and position of the employee, the number of positions occupied;
  • office phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information.

Based on the accumulated data about employees, you can build a variety of reports: these are lists of employees, analysis of personnel; vacation reports (vacation schedules, use of vacations and execution of the vacation schedule).

Maintaining regulated personnel document flow

The regulated document flow subsystem allows you to automate personnel operations in accordance with current regulatory documents:

  • concluding and maintaining employment contracts with each employee of the organization;
  • formation of approved labor forms;
  • personalized accounting for the Pension Fund;
  • maintaining military records.

Salary calculation

At a manufacturing enterprise, an important aspect of business management is the construction of a system of motivation for workers, focused on increasing the volume of products produced with the appropriate level of quality, providing for the interest of personnel in advanced training. To implement staff motivation strategies, tariff and piece-rate wage systems are often used; a payroll calculation subsystem is designed to accurately calculate accruals in accordance with accepted rules.

The subsystem allows automate the entire complex of settlements with personnel, starting from entering documents on actual production, payment of sick leave and vacations, up to the generation of documents for payment of wages and reporting to government supervisory authorities.

The results of payroll calculations are reflected in management, accounting, and tax accounting with the required degree of detail:

  • Reflection of the results of calculating managerial salaries in management accounting;
  • Reflection of the results of calculating regulated wages in accounting;
  • Reflection of the results of calculating regulated wages as expenses taken into account for the purposes of calculating income tax (single tax). Reflection of the results of calculating the regulated salary for the purposes of calculating the unified social tax.

Sales management

In the context of expanding sales markets and the range of products, an important aspect of the enterprise’s activities is management of customer orders and product sales: planning and analysis of actual indicators in various analytical aspects.

The use of the subsystem by the commercial director, sales department employees and warehouse workers will improve the efficiency of their activities.

The sales management subsystem provides end-to-end automation of the product sales process and goods in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes tools for planning and controlling sales and allows you to solve problems of managing customer orders. Various schemes for the sale of products and goods are supported - from a warehouse and to order, sale on credit or by prepayment, sale of goods accepted on commission, transfer for sale to a commission agent, etc.

Sales planning

The subsystem is designed for planning:

  • sales volumes in physical and value terms, including based on sales data for previous periods, information on current warehouse balances and customer orders received for the planning period;
  • selling prices, including based on information about the current prices of the company and competitors;
  • cost of sales, taking into account information on supplier prices, planned or actual cost of production for a certain period.

Sales planning can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole and for divisions or groups of divisions, for individual goods and product groups, for certain categories of buyers (by region, by type of activity, etc.). The subsystem ensures the consolidation of individual plans into a consolidated sales plan for the enterprise.

To monitor the implementation of developed plans, the system provides developed tools for comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales.

Planning can be carried out with time detail from a day to a year, What allow:

  • move from strategic plans to operational ones, while maintaining information about the indicators established at each stage of planning;
  • carry out planning both taking into account and without taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand.

Customer order management

Fulfilling orders on time and being transparent about the progress of each order is gradually becoming an increasingly important aspect of the activities of many manufacturing enterprises.

The order management functionality implemented in the system allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the production program in accordance with the company's order fulfillment strategy and work patterns (work from warehouse, to order).

All stages of the order and its adjustments are recorded in the system with relevant documents. The manager can at any time:

  • receive complete information about the progress of the order;
  • track the history of relationships with clients and suppliers;
  • evaluate the efficiency and reliability of working with counterparties.

Using analytical reports built into the program, the manager can receive information about the payment of customer orders, the placement of orders in production and the progress of their implementation, and the distribution of orders to suppliers to ensure customer orders.


The pricing subsystem allows the commercial director and head of the sales department to determine and implement the pricing policy of the enterprise in accordance with available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

Basic functionality of the subsystem:

  • construction of various pricing and discount schemes;
  • formation of selling prices taking into account the planned cost of production and profit margins;
  • monitoring compliance by company employees with the established pricing policy;
  • storing information about competitors' prices;
  • storage of information about suppliers' prices, automatic updating of purchase prices;
  • comparison of the enterprise's selling prices with the prices of suppliers and competitors.

Procurement management

To ensure the quality of manufactured products, ensure a continuous supply of production materials and fulfill orders in accordance with planned deadlines without exceeding the planned cost, an important task is effective management of procurement of goods and materials.

The subsystem provides managers responsible for supply with the information necessary for timely decision-making on replenishment of inventories, to reduce procurement costs and clearly organize interaction with suppliers.

Among the capabilities that the subsystem provides:

  • operational planning of purchases based on sales plans, production plans and unfulfilled customer orders;
  • placing orders with suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • registration and analysis of the fulfillment of additional conditions under contracts with fixed product items, volumes and delivery times;
  • support for various schemes for receiving goods from suppliers, including acceptance for sale and receipt of customer-supplied raw materials and supplies;
  • registration of uninvoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
  • analysis of warehouse and production needs for goods, finished products and materials;
  • end-to-end analysis and establishment of relationships between customer orders and orders to suppliers;
  • analysis of the consequences that may result from failure to fulfill orders by suppliers (which customer order may be disrupted by short delivery of goods or materials);
  • procurement planning taking into account the predicted level of warehouse stocks and reserved inventory items in warehouses;
  • selection of optimal suppliers of goods based on their reliability, delivery history, criteria for urgency of order execution, proposed delivery conditions, territorial or other arbitrary characteristics and automatic generation of orders for them;
  • drawing up delivery schedules and payment schedules.

Warehouse (inventory) management

Using the warehouse (inventory) management subsystem allows effectively organize warehouse management and increase worker productivity warehouse, employees of supply and sales structures, and also provides prompt and detailed information to the commercial director of the enterprise.

The system implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses, and ensures full control of inventories of goods and materials at the enterprise. All warehouse operations are recorded using appropriate documents. The subsystem allows:

  • manage inventory balances in various units of measurement in multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records of your own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, and returnable packaging;
  • monitor and record serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correct write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary batch characteristics (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records by warehouse;
  • take into account the customs declaration and country of origin;
  • complete and disassemble inventory items;
  • carry out the functions of order accounting and inventory reservation.

Information is available on the state of warehouse stocks in any analytical sections with high detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), or to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain cost estimates of warehouse stocks at cost and potential sales volumes at selling prices.

Statistical inventory control tools make it possible to evaluate the “attractiveness” of each product based on its share in the turnover or profit of the enterprise ( ABC analysis), sales stability ( XYZ analysis), identify poorly selling products based on criteria such as average shelf life, consumption over the period and turnover ratio.

Retail management and connection of retail equipment

For manufacturing businesses that have their own stores and retail outlets, the configuration includes retail management capabilities. Retail trade can be carried out from any of the warehouses - wholesale, retail or manual outlet. Goods in non-automated retail outlets are accounted for at fixed retail prices. Implemented Possibility of connecting commercial equipment: scanners, data collection terminals, buyer displays, electronic scales, cash register machines in “fiscal registrar”, “off-line” and “on-line” modes. The system allows you to evaluate the cost of inventories at retail prices, compare volumes and profitability of sales in different stores (outlets), and monitor the correctness of revenue from stores and outlets.

Customer and Supplier Relationship Management

Focusing on customer needs and meeting them halfway, enterprises need flexible customer relationship management system, which allows you to store and analyze various information about the client, track all stages of the relationship with the client, analyze profitability and profitability for each client, region, market and product group. To ensure uninterrupted supply and rhythm of production, an equally important aspect of activity is building long-term stable relationships with suppliers of raw materials.

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to manage relationships with buyers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other counterparties. These opportunities may be in demand by the commercial director, marketing director, employees of marketing, sales and supply departments.

The subsystem "Management of relationships with customers and suppliers" allows the enterprise:

Customer segmentation using integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis allows you to automatically separate customers:

  • into classes depending on the client’s share in the company’s revenue or profit: important (A-class), medium importance (B-class), low importance (C-class);
  • by status: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
  • according to the regularity of purchases: stable (X-class), irregular (Y-class), occasional (Z-class).

The results of such analysis help to optimally distribute efforts and organize the work of employees responsible for sales and customer service.

Monitoring and evaluating the work of managers

The "Production Enterprise Management" configuration allows management (commercial director, head of sales department, head of marketing department) evaluate and compare the work of managers responsible for sales and customer service, according to a number of indicators:

  • in terms of sales volumes and profits generated.
  • by customer retention rate;
  • by the number of completed orders;
  • by the number of contacts with customers;
  • by completely filling out the database with contact information.

These assessments can be used to build an objective system of personnel motivation, reflecting the specifics of the tasks solved by various categories of managers.

Integrated email tools

Tools for working with e-mail, built into the solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, can significantly increase the efficiency of the work of many services and specialists of the enterprise - primarily the departments responsible for working with clients and suppliers, sales, purchasing and marketing. It is important that these funds integrated into a single information space of the system. As a result, the processing of electronic correspondence is carried out in close connection with other business processes of the enterprise. Key email capabilities provided by the Plant Management configuration include:

  • registration of correspondence, appointment of executors and control of execution; maintaining correspondence history for each counterparty;
  • creating both individual and “public” (group) email addresses and limiting access to them for different groups of users;
  • import contact information from common email clients;
  • automatic sending of letters upon the occurrence of planned events (for example, payment reminders);
  • organization of email distribution - groups of addresses for distribution can be formed either manually or automatically according to user-specified criteria (for example, by region, type of activity of counterparties, positions of contact persons, etc.).

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise activities

The effectiveness of management, efficiency and quality of decisions made by enterprise managers largely depends on how effectively they can use data on various aspects of the enterprise’s activities accumulated in information systems.

The Manufacturing Plant Management configuration includes powerful and flexible reporting system, which allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor almost all aspects of the production and trading activities of an enterprise. Among the main features of the system:

  • Intelligent tools for automatically generating reports that do not require programming
  • Spreadsheet style design
  • Pivot tables
  • Linear, hierarchical and cross reports
  • Grouping support
  • Deciphering individual report elements (drill-down)
  • Wide range of business graphics options

Information can be obtained in any sections with the required detail. The user can independently set (customize) the level of detail, grouping parameters and criteria for selecting data in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (in fact, custom reports created by the user) can be saved for future use.

Modern business methods, convenient and visual information analysis tools implemented in the system make the program an effective tool for solving pressing management issues.

Report to the manager

“Report to the manager” is a fundamentally new mechanism for the products of the 1C:Enterprise system, which allows you to organize the regular generation and delivery of information to the management team about the current state of affairs at the enterprise. It is important that for this the manager does not need to make requests himself or even just launch 1C:Enterprise." Once configured, the "Report to the Manager" mechanism can, in accordance with the given regulations - for example, every day at 19:30 or every 15 minutes for day - automatically publish on the intranet or send to specified email addresses a report in which diverse information about the activities of the enterprise is concentrated in a convenient and visual form for the manager. operational analysis of data on various indicators of enterprise activity: on the implementation of production plans, on sales volume, on accounts receivable and payable, on cash flows by items, etc. The list of indicators can be customized individually for each of the heads of various departments of the company.

For ease of analysis, the report provides graphical representation of data: graphs comparing actual performance with planned or with the same performance for previous periods.

Technological advantages

Using a modern three-tier platform with a comprehensive enterprise-scale application allows the IT director and IT specialists of the enterprise department to be confident in the reliability of data storage, performance and scalability of the system. IT specialists receive a convenient tool for implementing the tasks required by the enterprise and maintaining the system created during implementation.

Scalability and performance

Use as a system platform "1C:Enterprise 8" provides efficient operation and reliable storage of information when working with tens and hundreds of users. Modern three-level system architecture ensures preservation high performance with a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data, and also allows you to increase throughput by increasing the power of the equipment used, without the costs associated with modifying or replacing the application solution used.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build solutions based on the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration for enterprises of a network or holding structure, allowing you to effectively manage your business and see the “big picture” with the efficiency necessary for decision-making.

Integration with other systems

The "Manufacturing Plant Management" configuration is designed for wide integration with almost any external programs(for example, technological preparation of production, the client-bank system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.


Retail price

1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery

1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery for 10 users + client-server

1C: Distillery and winery. Add. license for 1 r.m.

1C: Distillery and winery. Add. license for 5 rubles

1C: Distillery and winery. Add. license for 10 r.m.

1C: Distillery and winery. Add. license for 20 rub.m.

The product "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" is developed on the basis of "1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" and is a comprehensive solution covering the main contours of management and accounting, which allows you to organize a unified information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise's activities:

    Enterprise management (production planning, cost management and cost calculation, product data management), including accounting for the use of ethyl alcohol in the production of low-alcohol products.

    Excise tax accounting:

    • maintaining a directory of types of excisable products;

      highlighting the amounts of incoming excise taxes in receipt documents;

      automatic calculation of excise tax amounts when generating documents in accordance with the current settings of the regulatory and reference subsystem;

      automatic offset of incoming excise taxes;

      registration and tracking of excise tax amounts throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;

      maintaining a list of contractors’ licenses;

      maintaining a log of contracts for the supply of alcoholic beverages with counterparties;

      selection of products with the ability to simultaneously select alcohol batches, special brands, bottling dates;

      generation of tax returns for excise taxes.

    Accounting for the turnover of alcoholic products used as raw materials:

    • classification of alcoholic products in the regulatory and reference subsystem in accordance with current legislation;

      registration of receipt and tracking of the movement of alcoholic products throughout the entire production cycle of the enterprise;

      formation of a declaration on the production and turnover of alcoholic products.

    Management of fixed assets and planning of repairs.

    Financial management, including:

    • budgeting;

      cash management;

      management of mutual settlements;

      accounting and tax accounting;

      excise tax accounting;

      accounting according to IFRS;

      generation of consolidated reporting.

    Warehouse (inventory) management, including:

    • accounting of special brands, marking of goods and materials;

      special characteristics of the nomenclature (properties of alcoholic products, quality, classifiers, etc.);

      maintaining quantitative records in parallel in four units:

      • basic (custom) units of measurement (for example bottles);

        decalitres of contents;

        deciliters of anhydrous alcohol content by strength;

        deciliter of anhydrous alcohol content based on the alcohol actually contained;

    • accounting of materials in terms of properties (including grade, shelf life);

      accounting of finished products in terms of properties (including type of packaging);

      accounting of materials in the warehouse;

      mechanism for calculating the planned quantity of materials for orders;

      accounting of finished products;

      ensuring a reserve of inventories (inventory and materials), orders to suppliers, requests from buyers in the context of the region of special brands;

      accounting of alcoholic batches by:

      • storage;

        type of excise tax (excise warehouse - not lined, lined, wholesale warehouse);

        special federal stamp;

        special regional brand;

        region special regional brand;

        excise stamp;

    Management of excise warehouses, including:

    • accounting of permits for the operation of excise warehouses;

      quantitative accounting of excisable products in the context of permits for opening excise warehouses;

      labeling of alcoholic products with special marks;

      new regulations for the operation of excise warehouses (Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated March 31, 2003 N BG-3-07/154);

      notifications about shipment/receipt of excisable products;

      notification logs;

      control of overdue notifications;

      report on overdue notifications for excise goods (The report displays a list of overdue notifications from documents, indicating the number of overdue days).

    Sales management, including:

    • control of balances and mutual settlements when shipping products according to orders;

      expanded reporting on orders, payment for orders, shipment of orders and sales;

      management of road transport.

    Procurement management.

    Managing relationships with customers and suppliers:

    • maintaining various contact information for the user (special characteristics: licenses, unloading points, etc.);

      user calendar;

      event reminder mechanism. ABC analysis;

      analysis of relationship stages;

      performance indicators of managers.

    Accounting for control brands TTN, Mosalkogolkontrol.

    Production management, including:

    • blend calculation assistant;

      assistant for calculating the amount of anhydrous alcohol;

      regulatory loss system;

      alcohol accounting in accordance with the “Instructions for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol.”

    Regulated reporting, including:

    • Declaration on the turnover of alcohol (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 1999 N 564 “On approval of the Regulations on the declaration of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” and Temporary rules for filling out declarations on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products ( approved by the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation on June 24, 1999);

      Formation of a declaration on alcohol turnover and its annexes in electronic form (the format is established by the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation);

      Statistical reporting (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated September 3, 2002 N172);

      Form N 8-alk - Summary report on the volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products. Information on trade turnover;

      Tax return on excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products, tobacco products and alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005);

      Tax return on excise taxes on alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 3 to Order No. 32n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005).

    Regional industry reporting (reporting to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Quality").

    Interface with the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS, developer - STC "Atlas"):

    • data exchange with EGAIS allows you to collect information on the movement of alcoholic products (receipt, release, sales);

      generates regulated reporting for uploading to EGAIS;

      allows you to print the necessary sets of documents.

    Personnel management, including payroll.

    Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators.

The development took into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2006 N 253 "On the requirements for technical means of recording and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products"

    Order dated December 30, 2005 N 168n “On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products and tobacco products, tax returns on excise taxes on petroleum products and procedures for filling them out and on amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005 of the year N 32N "On approval of tax return forms for excise taxes and procedures for filling them out""

    Resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service of August 5, 2005 N 59 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing statistical monitoring of domestic and foreign trade for 2006” (as amended on August 22, 2005)

    FEDERAL LAW On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and on the invalidation of certain provisions of the Federal Law "On amendments to the Federal Law "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages" and alcohol-containing products." Adopted by the State Duma on July 8, 2005, approved by the Federation Council on July 13, 2005

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 872 “On the certificate attached to the cargo customs declaration”

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 864 “On a certificate for the consignment note for ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 858 "On the submission of declarations on the volume of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"

For enterprises of a holding structure, end-to-end management accounting is maintained for all organizations included in the holding. Management accounting is maintained according to data recorded in documents, but does not depend on the methods and the very fact of maintaining regulated accounting. The fact of transactions is entered once and is subsequently reflected in management and regulated accounting.

A detailed description of the functionality of the product "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" is given in the file UPP_LVZ.zip, located on the 1C company website at http://www.1c.ru/news/files/UPP_LVZ.ZIP

"1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and winery" can be used in a number of departments and services of manufacturing enterprises, including:

    Directorate (CEO, CFO, Commercial Director, Production Director, Chief Engineer, HR Director, IT Director, Development Director);

    Planning and Economic Department;

    Production workshops;

    Production dispatch department;

    Chief Designer Department;

    Chief Technologist Department;

    Chief Mechanic Department;

    Sales department;

    Department of material and technical support (supply);

    Marketing department;

    Warehouses for materials and finished products, excise warehouses;


    Human Resources Department;

    Department of Labor and Employment Organization;

    IT service;

    Administrative and economic department;

    Capital Construction Department;

    Information and analytical department;

    Strategic Development Department.

Taking into account the successful practice of using the product "1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management" at enterprises involved in the production of alcoholic beverages, it is expected that the greatest effect of implementing "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Wine Factory" can be achieved in enterprises with a staff of 50 or more up to 2000 people, with automation from 5 to 150 or more user workplaces, as well as in holding and network structures.

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery" provides:

    for the management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development - ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of the company's resources to increase its competitiveness;

    heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, sales, supply and other activities to support the production process - tools to increase the efficiency of daily work in their areas;

    employees of the enterprise's accounting services - tools for automated accounting in full compliance with legal requirements and corporate standards of the enterprise.

When developing the configurations “1C:Enterprise 8. Distillery and Winery” and “1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, both modern international enterprise management techniques (MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, ERP II, etc.) and and the experience of successful automation of production enterprises accumulated by 1C and the partner community, including Ishimsky Wine and Vodka Plant LLC, Vinella CJSC, Soyuzpromimpeks CJSC.

Software products, including the "Distillery and Winery" configuration, have undergone thorough testing in 1C for correct operation, ease of use and have a Certificate "Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system" (see information letter N 5459 dated 06/01/2006) .

Products that include the Distillery and Winery configuration are protected and have portions that cannot be changed by the user.

Sending reports via the Internet

This application has built-in functionality for working with the 1C-Reporting service, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie via the Internet directly from 1C:Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and filling out forms again .

In addition to submitting electronic reporting, the service "1C-Reporting" supports:

  • Unformalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Rosstat;
  • Reconciliations with the tax office (requests ION);
  • Reconciliations with the Pension Fund of Russia (IOS requests);
  • Sending registers of sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund;
  • Receive requests and notices;
  • Sending electronic documents in response to Federal Tax Service requirements;
  • Receiving extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Possibility of generating packages with reporting format for banks and other recipients;
  • Retroconversion (the process of converting the Pension Fund of Russia paper archive into electronic form);
  • Sending notifications about controlled transactions;
  • Online verification of regulated reports.

To use 1C-Reporting, users of all versions except the basic ones must have a valid 1C:ITS agreement.

No extra charge Users who have entered into a 1C:ITS PROF level agreement can connect the service for one legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (partner of the 1C company).

Simply about complex things - Business, taxes, accounting

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