Business plan for a children's playroom. Step-by-step business plan for a children's playroom for opening from scratch Equipment for a children's playroom

  • 23.10.2023

Social project “Communication Club. Game room" Author: Gleb Rubtsov Leaders: Ermakova O.V., Kosnyreva N.M. , Vlasova G.F. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: MBOU "Vylgort Secondary School No. 2 named after. V.P. Nalimova » IMPLEMENTATION DATE: September 2013- May 2013



This is how we communicate in the world of virtual reality. Hi all. *** Disconnected: Tuta (It's time, it's time...) Oops! some people hang around at concerts here, while others defend their homeland... Another lamer has come to the fore. Write, write... Paper scribbler...

Virtual communication can cause a number of problems. The problem of lying. The problem of virtual dependence. The problem of information distortion. The problem of using specific vocabulary. Taking this into account, we propose to organize a game room at school, where children could communicate over their favorite children's pastime - board games, and not at the computer.

The survey showed that schoolchildren need a “Game room”

Goal: Creation of a communicative and developmental environment (game room) in order to ensure full communication among schoolchildren. PROJECT SUBJECT: school students in grades 5-8; adults interested in implementing the project: counselor, social worker

Board games are a good way to communicate, interact with other people, because the players are actually face to face, and bring schoolchildren together. it's very interesting and fun. Not everyone can afford to invite friends over, and games are rare in the house, but in our “Game Room”, please play and chat!

Important! Organizing the work of a game room will create a creative atmosphere for communication, distract from virtual communication, create a positive attitude, and compensate for the unfavorable living conditions of schoolchildren.

The game room includes the following areas: 1. Game area. In their free time, the children like to sit in the play corner with a book, play lotto, dominoes, checkers, etc. 2. Development zone. Games that develop cognitive processes, lacing, mosaics, puzzles, games with bulk materials. 3. Recreation area. In the recreation area there is a TV, DVD player, tape recorder. Students love to watch cartoons and educational films about nature. The kids love to sing karaoke, listen and sing along to children's songs.

EXPECTED RESULT: The organization of a game room at school will allow schoolchildren, in accordance with their interests and desires, to engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: games, watching movies, communicating without a PC.

STAGES OF WORK ON THE PROJECT. Stage 1: PREPARATORY. September-October 2012 Objectives: create an initiative group to organize the “GAME ROOM” project and analyze the interests and inclinations of students. develop a project implementation plan. develop and design an information corner “GAME ROOM”

Stage 2. Main: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. November – April 2013. Objectives: implementation of the life plan of the “Game Room”; analysis of participants’ satisfaction with the activities of the initiative group.

Stage 3: Final. PRESENTATION OF EXPERIENCE. May 2013 Final school tournament in chess, checkers, naval combat as part of the “Week of Knowledge” Analysis of work on the “GAME ROOM” project at an activist meeting

Main events. Planning the project stages. Questioning.

Game room operation.


The teacher has a wonderful

opportunity: teach children

“In one moment - to see eternity,

A huge world is in a grain of sand.

In a single drop there is infinity,

And the sky in the cup of a flower"

William Blake

1. Full name of the project: “Creating a subject-development environment (playroom) for children of primary school age"Chabdick"

2. Geography of the project: RS (Y), Gorny ulus, village. Kyuerelyakh, MBOU "Kuerelyakh Secondary School named after. S.G. Kovrov.

3. Reasons for developing the project:

The beginning of a child’s education at school is associated with a change in the social situation, social status, as well as a change in leading activities.

The educational process must be organized so that, on the one hand, educational and educational tasks are successfully solved, and on the other hand, no harm is done to the health of students, the normal process of growth and development of the body is ensured, and the expansion of its adaptive capabilities is ensured.A child’s first year at school is a period of adaptation to a new team, a period of psychophysical adaptation, a period where initial spiritual and moral values ​​and national identity are formed.

Federal state educational standards of the second generation say that the school must develop an educational program in such a way that conditions are created for revealing the internal potential of each child, his inclinations are taken into account so that the child can successfully adapt to today's real world: to create conditions for raising children with high moral, aesthetic and spiritual qualities; to create conditions for solving the student’s healthy lifestyle problems.

Relevance of this project is that the game room will allow teachers to solve the above problems.

This requires the teacher to reconsider some positions and choose new forms and methods of work. The school must ensure the student’s right to both education and comprehensive development. On the initiative of the Head of the ulus Alekseev P.N. in the Gorny ulus, 2012 - 2013 were declared the Year of Spirituality. To implement the tasks of spiritual and moral education of students of primary school age, spirituality lessons are conducted. A necessary condition for conducting these lessons is the creation of a subject-development environment, in the form of an office or a corner of the national culture of the peoples of Sakha.

Education in general is at a new stage of development. This is facilitated by socio-economic changes that pose educational institutions with many difficult problems: ensuring modern quality of education, increasing the responsibility of teaching staff for the full development and emotional well-being of each child.

In this regard, there was a need to develop and implement the project “Creation of a subject-development environment (playroom) for children of primary school age.”

Objective of the project:

Creation of a playroom (subject development environment) in order to ensure better psychophysical adaptation and complete, useful rest and development of national self-awareness of younger schoolchildren.

Project objectives:

1. Preserving the physical, mental and social health of children.

2. Mastering the skills of educational activities.

3. Establishing contact between the teacher and students.

4. Solving the problem of adaptation of younger schoolchildren.

5. Formation of national identity.

6. Increasing interest and motivation to study.

4. Implementation deadlines and the main activities for the creation of the game room “Chebdik” (subject development environment) in the MBOU “Kuerelyakhsky Secondary School named after. S, G, Kovrov ".

Table 1

Main stages




Preparatory stage


Painting walls and creating a material and technical base

(furniture, TV,DVD-player, tape recorder, sports equipment.

June July


School director, Academy of Arts


Design of a recreation area, sports area, play area.

August 2016

Academy of Arts, art, technology, physical education teachers, health worker.


Opening of the game room.



Teachers beginning Kl., teacher of the Chinese People's Republic of Lithuania, psychologist,

further education teachers,

class manager


Reflection of the first stage



Head teacher,

RD for water management


Educational and methodological work:


Forming groups of students to visit the game room




Cl. hands


Scheduling the game room

September October


HR specialist, psychologist,


additional education


Reflection of the second stage

January 2017

RD for water management


Introduction of the project into the educational process


Conducting classes through extracurricular hours, spirituality lessons, and CNRS.

December 2016

Teachers beginning cl., psychologist


Reflection of the third stage

January 2017

RD for water management

4 .

Creating conditions for extracurricular activities and the organization of additional education, useful recreation for students

5. Project participants: Junior schoolchildren - students in grades 1–4.

6. Total cost of the project:


(sponsorship, trusteeship)

Parental help

School budget

Inventory and types of work

Amount (rb)

Inventory and types of work

Amount (rb)

Inventory and types of work

Amount (rb)

Sports module, dry pool




Tables 3pcs


Soft sofa






Collection of board games

DVD player

3 000




Big Round Table




Rugs (olbokh)


Chairs 12 pcs.



60,000 rubles

7. Statement of the problem : Important aspects when creating the “Chebdik” playroom (subject-developmental environment) for children of primary school age at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School named after. S.G. Kovrov” village of Kyuerelyakh are:

    Federal State Educational Standards requirements of the second generation;

    Forced stay of children in the school premises throughout the day - from 8.30 to 14.30 hours;

    Architectural and planning structure of the building and premises;

    Sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements (SanPin);

The organization and use of a play area is a necessary condition for maintaining and improving the health of younger schoolchildren. Activities in the play area have a beneficial effect on the general tone of the child, help train the mobility of nervous processes, create a positive mood and relieve static, psycho-emotional tension.

8. Description of project activities:

Full and effective development of a child is possible only in a specially created subject-development environment. Leading activities in primary school agegaming Therefore, when organizing a playroom for children, it became necessary to create a space that would serve educational and educational purposes. When designing a room, it is necessary to take into account the age, individual characteristics and needs of children of primary school age. The space of the playroom must be organized in such a way that children can move freely in it, play, relax and participate in clubs and activities.The gaming subject-development environment includes the following zones:

1. Educational and cognitive zone.

The learning area includes a three-section magnetic board, 3 sets of “desk-chair” pairs, and a teacher’s workstation.

2. Sports and recreation area (“Chebdik”).

The idea of ​​​​creating a sports and recreation area is due to the fact that children of primary school age are very active, it is difficult for them to sit still for several lessons, they get overworked and tired of a static image. At the same time, posture is also impaired, and physical abilities such as flexibility and dexterity are not sufficiently developed.

The sports and recreation area is, first of all, a sports module. There is also a massage mat on the floor, massage balls, rubber balls of various sizes, and a dry pool are placed on the shelves. A dry pool with colored balls will be a favorite place to play for many children. The body in the pool has safe support at all times, which is especially important for children. Constant contact of the entire surface of the body with the balls filling the pool makes it possible to feel your body and creates a soft massage effect.EThe effectiveness of the sports and recreation area is very high. Any child, feeling tired during classes, can go to the sports corner and independently massage their feet on a massage mat.

3. Play area - “Obuge ugehinen”.

The play area is intended for organizing extracurricular activities, subject-based and role-playing games. In this area there is a corner of national board games. There are various board games on the shelves.

4. Recreation area.

In the recreation area there is a TV,DVD-player. While watching, children sit on a soft sofa and rugs. Students will watch cartoons and educational films about nature.

During drawing and applied arts classes, you can turn on pleasant music and perform musical physical exercises. The kids love to sing karaoke, listen and sing along to children's songs. All this can be organized in this room.

9. Expected results:

Organization of a children's playroom at schoolwill allow children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: physical education, music, drawing, experimentation. Equipping a playroom helps children independently determine the content of the activity, outline an action plan, manage their time and actively participate in the activity using various objects and toys.

The planned result is a favorable course of the period of adaptation of primary school students at school.

10. Prospects for further development of the project:

The prospect of disseminating the project will be the generalization and dissemination of the gained experience at the municipal level, through publications, speaking at seminars with the aim of creating a subject-development environment in other educational institutions of the ulus.


We tried to design the “Chebdik” playroom (subject-development environment), which includes everything that is accessible to children’s direct perception and use in practical activities.

The subject-development environment we have created allows us to ensure maximum psychological comfort for each student, create opportunities for the exercise of his right to freely choose the type of activity, the degree of participation in it, the methods of its implementation, interaction with others and the awakening of national self-awareness.

In order for the subject-development environment to be convenient for children, to be safe and at the same time develop, when organizing it we took into account the three most important areas:

    maintaining health,

    comprehensive development of children;

    spiritual and moral education taking into account the ethnocultural, national and regional characteristics of our republic;

Teacher of Russian language and literature Nikolaeva N.A.

MBOU "Kuerelyakh Secondary School named after S.G. Kovrov"

Social project:

Creation of a subject-development environment (playroom) for children of primary school age "Chabdick"


primary school teacher

Alekseeva Alberta Anatolevna,

teacher of Russian language

Nikolaeva Nyurguyana Anatolyevna

village of Kuerelakh 2015

Social project “Communication Club. Game room" Author: Gleb Rubtsov Leaders: Ermakova O.V., Kosnyreva N.M. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: o MBOU “Vylgort Secondary School 2 named after. V.P. Nalimova" COMPLETION DATE: September May 2013

Virtual communication can cause a number of problems. The problem of lying. The problem of virtual dependence. The problem of information distortion. The problem of using specific vocabulary. Taking this into account, we propose to organize a game room at school, where children could communicate over their favorite children's pastime - board games, and not at the computer.

Board games are a good way to communicate, interact with other people, because the players are actually face to face, and bring schoolchildren together. it's very interesting and fun. Not everyone can afford to invite friends over, and games are rare in the house, but in our “Game Room”, please play and chat!

The game room includes the following areas: 1. Game area. In their free time, the children like to sit in the play corner with a book, play lotto, dominoes, checkers, etc. 2. Development zone. Games that develop cognitive processes, lacing, mosaics, puzzles, games with bulk materials. 3. Recreation area. In the recreation area there is a TV, DVD player, and tape recorder. Students love to watch cartoons and educational films about nature. The kids love to sing karaoke, listen and sing along to children's songs.

EXPECTED RESULT: The organization of a game room at school will allow schoolchildren, in accordance with their interests and desires, to engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: games, watching movies, communicating without a PC.

STAGES OF WORK ON THE PROJECT. Stage 1: PREPARATORY. September-October 2012 Objectives: create an initiative group to organize the “GAME ROOM” project and analyze the interests and inclinations of students. develop a project implementation plan. develop and design an information corner “GAME ROOM”

Slide 2


Young mothers, both full-time and part-time, often have to face the problem of who to leave their child with. The site of our building can help solve this problem, since student psychologists and student teachers will cope well with the tasks of an educator.

Slide 3


Building of Kurgan State University No. 2.

Slide 4


Clothes hangers and shoe racks; Toys and shelves or baskets for them; Dry pool; Tables and chairs; Plasticine; Books; Stationery; Floor covering;

Slide 5

Description of activity

Age category of children: 3-6 years. Approximate opening hours: from 7.50 to 18.30 hours. The children's room can also be open on Saturday. Payment: hourly, approximately 70 rubles per hour. Children's activities. Most of the time is spent in the form of play, since the child can be brought and taken away at any time. A specific weekly schedule of training sessions is possible, primarily aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Sample activities could be: modeling; finger games; applique; reading a book aloud.

Slide 7


The initial amount of invested funds is 200,000 – 300,000 rubles; Required room area - 30 sq.m; The largest load in terms of the number of children is 20 children; Entrance fee for visitors - 70 rubles per hour; Monthly expenses - 50,000 rubles; Monthly income - 100,000 rubles; Monthly profit - 50,000 rubles.

Slide 8

Positive sides

Additional income for the university; Additional income for students; Additional practice for students; Help for young mothers; Self-development and self-improvement of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities; Children's development and expansion of social circles; Lots of positive emotions; An opportunity for parents to do their own thing on their days off.

View all slides

The policy of our state in recent years has been aimed at supporting young families and stimulating the birth rate. Thanks to this, the number of children increases every year. Thus, opening a children's playroom is a promising direction.

Young mothers often think about this business line, as they are especially acutely aware of the lack of play areas and have a deeper understanding of the needs of children and their parents.

This niche is very attractive from a business point of view. This is a fairly stable direction, since demand drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

This business plan takes into account important aspects that are worth paying attention to in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

The main advantages of this idea:

  • High demand. Childcare services are very relevant and in demand in the modern world. Parents often have no one to leave their child with, so a children's playroom is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to a private nanny.
  • Fast payback. This type of business requires relatively small financial investments and is quickly repaid. This significant plus makes this field of activity quite in demand and competitive.
  • Small financial costs. Naturally, you won’t be able to open a game room from scratch; start-up capital is required, but still these costs are not so high compared to other areas.
  • It is easier to implement the idea of ​​opening a children's playroom than a child development center or a private kindergarten. For example, such activities do not require a license to conduct educational work or highly qualified specialists.

The initial investment amount is 542 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached on the fifth month of work.

The payback period is from 13 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A playroom for children is a specially equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a certain time under adult supervision.

It is advisable to open a children's room in a shopping center. This is due to the large flow of people. Parents can leave their children and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they can lower rental rates.

Organizational aspects:

  • The opening hours of children's playrooms, as a rule, depend on the opening hours of the shopping center (10:00-22:00). On weekdays, for one hour of using the services of a children's room (in the case of 1 child), parents pay 150 rubles, and on weekends and holidays - 200 rubles.
  • The maximum duration of stay for 1 child is 4 hours. It is necessary to post rules regarding the schedule for visiting the institution and requirements for picking up children.
  • An employee of a children's playroom should accept a child only if the parent has a passport, which he must present. Information about what time the child was admitted is recorded in the visit log or in a regular notebook.
  • Children's playroom workers should not accept sick children, as they can make other children sick. In this regard, everything must be strict.
  • On weekdays, children's playroom services are in greatest demand from 16:00 to 21:00, as this is when parents go shopping. To increase traffic in the first half of the day, you can resort to such tricks as offering discounts. It is also rational to offer discounts to regular visitors.
  • Remember seasonality. The greatest demand for children's playroom services is typical for the period October-April. This is due to the fact that weather conditions do not allow children to be on outdoor playgrounds. Expect a decrease in demand in the summer.
  • In order to further develop and increase income, it will be necessary to organize festive events. For this purpose, various competitions and creative clubs will also be useful. You can set up a children's cafeteria, provide photo services, organize the sale of balloons and other holiday paraphernalia.

3. Description of the sales market

The main target audience of children's playrooms are families with children aged 2 to 6 years. As a rule, the parents of such children live at a high pace and it is important for them to make purchases as quickly as possible. The presence of children's rooms greatly simplifies this task.

The relevance of this business idea today is higher than ever: the birth rate is growing every year. This is due to both political support and the economic situation. This is also facilitated by strengthening family values ​​and increasing the level of general awareness in society.

The table shows the birth rate for 2013-2016. Over the past 4 years, this figure has been growing steadily.

Whole population

Urban population

Rural population

According to Rosstat, during this period (2013-2016), the country’s population increased by 3.2 million people, which is significant progress. And according to forecasts, this trend will only increase. The graph below shows the projected total fertility rate for the next 13 years.


(number of children per woman)

These data indicate a favorable demographic situation in the country and the prospects for population growth, which will have a positive impact on business niches related to children.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Let us outline the main stages of launching a children's playroom.

Registration with government agencies and obtaining a license

  • For this business, we recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur to receive some tax benefits.
  • A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.
  • Determination of OKVED codes - activities for organizing recreation and entertainment - 92.7.
  • Registration with a pension fund.
  • Obtaining permits for activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • It is planned to use UTII as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a gaming room, when the amount of tax does not depend on business income. With UTII, the tax is paid in the form of a fixed amount once a quarter.

Search for premises and repairs

  • Room area - 25 - 30 m2;
  • The room must be ventilated;
  • The room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • The room itself should be spacious, bright, well decorated;
  • Restrooms must be located in close proximity to the rented premises.

Interior decoration of a game room

  • The interior of the children's playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We recommend using bright colors. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.
  • The game room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.
  • The room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material.

Game room and its equipment

Equipment for children must first and foremost be safe. You should purchase only certified toys that do not cause allergic reactions in children.

Equipment for children's playroom,rub.



Price for 1 piece.

total amount


Inflatable trampolines

Board games, drawing sets



6. Organizational structure

To operate the room effectively, two employees are required to work in shifts.

Employee responsibilities include:

  • look after the children;
  • ensure the safety of children;
  • keep the room clean;
  • monitor the operation of equipment;
  • communicate with children, teach them games and entertainment.

Employees who will look after children must be educated and decent. It is desirable that the nanny has a medical or pedagogical education. In addition, it is very important to find a common language with young visitors. Just listen to children and love to play with them, and they will return the favor. Children's playroom workers must have a medical certificate and undergo regular medical examinations. Remember that the safety of children depends on the attentiveness of the employee, so it is important to carefully select employees.