Who Googled in what year. Google: a success story

  • 18.10.2023

The history of the creation of Google is very instructive and interesting. Two American graduate students form a small company, which in 6 years turns into a reputable company with a public offering of shares on the stock exchange.

Today, the IT industry giant Google Inc. is an integral and main part of the huge corporation Alphabet Inc. Its founders were the same Stanford graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

The conglomerate's market capitalization exceeds $650 billion, which is the second highest in the global economy. The holding employs over 72 thousand employees.

Market capitalization is the value of an asset, which is calculated based on current stock prices.

Google Inc. called the most successful Internet company in the world. The current corporation has amazing statistics. According to the Statista portal, 90.4% of requests from personal computers come from Google. Its share in the search services market is about 60% of the global volume, and in the mobile search market – 93.8%.

Google receives over 40 billion queries every month. Since its inception, the system has indexed more than 60 trillion pages. Google has developed and supports a number of world-famous services and products, such as Search, Maps, Ads, Gmail, Android, Chrome and YouTube. The search engine has become so firmly established among users all over the world that even a special term has appeared: “Google.”

Where it all started

The history of the creation of the giant began in 1996, when Sergey Brin and Larry Page, graduate students at the prestigious Stanford University, enthusiastically worked on an Internet search project, later called “BackRub”.

Stanford University

In the process of research, they managed to develop a way to rank web pages by the number of backlinks - the PageRank algorithm. To put it briefly, it allowed all pages found by request to be arranged by the number of links to them. As a result, the most popular ones ended up at the top of the list.

The new search engine quickly gained popularity. Within two years, more than 10 thousand users accessed it daily. The service began to take almost half of the university’s entire Internet traffic, which caused dissatisfaction among the management and teaching staff. The threat of closure loomed over it.

How Google came to be

To continue the work of their brainchild, friends began searching for investors. They were helped by businessman Andy Bechtolschmain, who handed his friends a check for $100 thousand, but made out to the corporation. I had to urgently establish a company. Thus, in September 1998, the history of Google Inc., registered in the town of Menlo Park, California, officially began.

At first it employed 4 people, but the simple interface and speed of the search engine quickly began to make the company widely known. By the end of this year, the number of indexed pages was already about 60 million. The number of users of the system has increased several times. Google ended the year in PC Magazine's top 100 sites, above its competitors at the time. Almost all American news publications have written about the company and its magical product.

How Google Evolved

In the spring of 1999, the young team moved to the city of Palo Alto, where by that time many innovative startups in Silicon Valley were located. The company now has a full-fledged office with 8 employees. The number of search queries on Google servers increases to half a million per day.

Google office

Successes at the first stage of the history of the creation and development of Google contributed to the emergence of the first partner. In the summer of 1999, Page and Brin began negotiations with two large venture partners. Discussion of the terms of the contract lasted more than a year. Young Brin and Page defended their rights to the main roles in their company. A compromise solution was the introduction of a person from partners to the position of financial director into Google management. This is how Eric Schmidt appeared in the history of Google, who later became one of its leaders. Google received $25 million from new partners.

Eric Emerson Schmidt

Financial investments were used to strengthen the company with first-class specialists, increase capacity and infrastructure.


In 2000, the history of development continues. The company, contrary to the original position of its founders, began selling text advertising. Advertisements played a big role in the company's subsequent success story; they were and are to this day Google's main source of income.

Of great importance in the history of Google was the development of a network of partner sites, which, in exchange for royalties from clicks on commercial links, hosted its advertisements. Revenue from advertising on partner sites today accounts for approximately 50% of the company's sales.

Growing income allowed the company, which significantly increased its staff, to rent 4 buildings in Mountain View (California) in 2003, where its headquarters are located today. The company gradually and powerfully entered the emerging Internet market.

Google headquarters in Mountain View

Google is recognized as the brand of the year according to the British Interbrand, ahead of Coca-Cola and Apple in this ranking.


The auction was held on August 19, 2004. The initial share price was set at $85. In a matter of days it reached $136. Google managed to earn $1.67 billion, the issue is considered one of the 25 largest in American history.

The first offering in Google's history sold 20 million shares. Its founders become billionaires, and about a thousand employees of the corporation become millionaires.

Since the advent of Google Inc. shares. on the stock exchange their price is steadily growing, along with the financial performance of the corporation.

Business expansion

Google executives initially recognized that their advantage in powerful computing power and new search technology could quickly be lost if the company did not stay ahead of the competition. Along with the improvement of search technology, active development of services and applications for the search system and the acquisition of promising start-up innovative companies begin.

In the summer of 2001, an image search service appeared, which was preceded by a huge amount of work on indexing an array of images. Further releases include Google News, Google Alerts, Google Desktop Search, Gmail mail service, translator, built-in calculator, explanatory dictionary and much more.

In the fall of 2006, Google Inc. acquires the company JotSpot, which develops wiki technologies, and in November conducts the largest deal to purchase video hosting YouTube, which cost the company $1.65 billion.

Convenient and practical online services are being developed. The most popular among them are Google Maps, Docs, Earth and others.

The Chrome browser was released in September 2008. 5 years later it became the most used browser in the world.

In 2011, Google specialists developed the Chrome OS operating system.

A breakthrough in the mobile device market was the provision of the free Android platform, which has now become popular and in demand around the world. A browser version was specially created for it.

Google has achieved remarkable success in a short period of time. By the end of 2014, the corporation had its representative offices in 41 countries. Its market value was more than 400 billion dollars.

Following the developed tactics of diversifying their business, Page and Brin in 2015 created the Alphabet Inc. holding company, the main asset of which is Google.

Where did the name come from

A name was needed for the new search engine. His friends chose the number Googol for him, which in writing has one and one hundred zeros after it, which, in their opinion, symbolized the vast information sea on the World Wide Web.

The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony. In the fall of 1997, the google.com domain was registered.

There is also a version that the name change happened by accident when their first investor mistakenly indicated the non-existent Google Incorporated on the check. The friends had to register their company under this name.

History of the logo

The first logo was created by Sergey Brin using a regular graphics program. In his opinion, the logo should have displayed a distorted word Googol, which would characterize the endless possibilities of the created search system. It existed in various variations from 1997 to May 30, 1999.

Logo evolution

When the company gained popularity, it was decided to update its branding. Ruth Kedar, a design teacher from Stanford, took up this task at Sergei’s request. It was necessary to create a logo that would attract attention and distinguish the new search engine from a number of competitors.

The version of the Google logo created by the designer was approved and began to be used on May 31, 1999. The logo turned out to be colorful, successfully combining clean geometric shapes with simple, childish letters from a school ABC book. It was he who soon became recognizable throughout the world.

The next 3 versions of the logo are based on the design of Ruth Kedar.

In 2011, the logo was patented by Google.

The current Google logo has been in use since September 1, 2015. It was changed due to the reorganization of the company. At the same time, the previous logo continues to be a trademark of the company.

Like the previous ones, the modern logo is made in beautiful bright colors. What's new is the rotated "e", signifying that Google will always be unusual. There are points for interactive and transitional moments.

During major events like the Olympic Games, Google uses doodles instead of a logo - drawings, animations on the theme of current events.

A look into the future

Today Google is a transnational corporation, part of the international conglomerate Alphabet Inc. since October 2015. The company invests billions of dollars in various projects in the field of IT and communications, but, as before, its main focus is improving search and advertising on the Internet.

Google office from the inside

Work will continue to increase the capabilities of the Google Assistant voice assistant. It will receive support for new languages, including Russian.

The main focus is now not on mobile technologies, but on developments related to artificial intelligence. Part of this work has already included the introduction of “smart” replies in Gmail.

Work on speech recognition and computer vision will continue. Google Assistant will include a service for recognizing various objects using the camera.

Android will have support for the Kotlin programming language, developed with the participation of JetBrains from Russia.

The “light” version of the system, Android Go, will be introduced. It will improve performance on inexpensive smartphones and reduce traffic consumption.

The translator's capabilities are expanding. It is currently available in 116 languages, with plans to expand this list.

Financial stability

Alphabet's financial indicators are now consistently showing dynamic growth. Thus, the company’s revenue in the third quarter of 2014 increased by 24%, net profit by 33%.

At the same time, the revenue of Google's subsidiary increased by 23.4% to $27.5 billion. All experts express positive forecasts for both Alphabet and Google. The company's shares are steadily rising in price, and experts value their growth potential very highly.

The company continues its history, guided by its declared mission: to improve the world information system, make it more accessible and useful for all people.

Every day, people from all over the globe receive a colossal flow of information via the Internet. Most often, for such a service as searching for information, we resort to the help of Google, because it meets all the requirements of a modern person, namely, the activity is carried out quickly and efficiently. Google's audience is growing every day. So what happens on the other side of the screen? How does it operate? Where is Google's headquarters, where miracles happen? Now we will tell you about it.

Who is the founder of Google?

The idea of ​​​​creating Google appeared within the walls of the usual research work of L. Page and S. Brin.

At that time, all existing search engines searched for information by mentioning entered terms on websites. The authors of Google decided to improve this system, which independently analyzed the relationship between sites, which gave a better result. This technology is called PageRank. In it, the importance and number of pages linking to the site plays an important role in finding the necessary information.

The name of the company itself was suggested by science. Googol means a number that contains one and one hundred zeros. A little later in the advertising campaign, the name played its role, prompting the consumer that this search engine would be able to provide people with a lot of information.

Therefore, to the question of who is the founder of Google, the following answer can be given: science and consumer requirements.

Activity of the company

First of all, Google is a search engine. The interface is very easy to use, as it helps to narrow down as much as possible the amount of information found at the user's request.

Services such as Gmail and GoogleMap have also come into widespread use. Having a Google mail is very convenient if your activities are related to international relations, because upon registration you receive a *.com domain.

As for Google maps, they are very convenient to use from the point of view that they will literally show you the selected place. This will help you quickly navigate the area.

Where is Google's head office located?

Google's headquarters is not a secret place. She is located in California. The exact address of the main office is Mountain View, Amphitheater Parkway, CA 94043. The central office is a complex of buildings designed for the work of employees.

Also, when discussing the question of where Google's head office is located, it is worth emphasizing that all buildings are located on the territory of Silicon Valley. And this is the territory for high-tech representatives of the industrial industry. The Google campus is called Googleplex.

This year it became known about the construction of a new central office of the corporation in the North Bayshore area of ​​Mountain View. We will monitor the development of this topic, because all Google offices have their own specific features.

Features of the Google office

After considering the question of where Google's headquarters is located, its characteristic features should be highlighted.

The issue of creating a Google workspace was approached in a very creative, unusual and stylish way.

It is important for the company that its employees give their best at their jobs, so management is ready to do everything for this. Employees have a huge number of privileges that no other company can boast of, namely: massage services if necessary, the opportunity to go to various parties, a wide selection of delicacies for every taste.

Each room is designed for a specific type of activity, from a meeting room to a dining room. If an employee wants to take a nap, there are special capsules for him that limit the sleeper from light and noise. There is also a sandy court for playing volleyball and a swimming pool on the territory.

Corporate culture

Google pays special attention to company culture. This is because it must have complete control over what is happening.

When selecting employees, in addition to the usual live selection, when a commission of Google representatives reviews submitted applications, there is also computer control. This means that the computer first reviews candidates' resumes and automatically identifies who could potentially be a good fit for the company.

A new employee must be prepared for the fact that there will be a rapid change of people around him and a flat organizational structure. To succeed and get into the ranks of Google employees, you need to have a passion for your own work, creativity, be open and ethical, and be able to impress others without a strict office suit.

In addition to monitoring ordinary employees, managers are also monitored at Google offices. Thus, thanks to the research, the structure and model of a good leader was identified, and his qualities were determined.

Google's subsidiaries

Google itself is part of Google Inc., as well as the map database GoogleMap and 50 other projects that have facilitated the activities of a huge number of people around the world. In addition to the advertising service, web service, directories, software developers, Google Inc. also has a charitable foundation, the Google Foundation. Google has also introduced its own development of a system of alternative DNS addresses. If you look closely, you can understand that Google surrounds us everywhere.

To expand its target audience every day, Google Inc. has subsidiaries of Google. This list includes: On2 Technologies, Google Foundation, Zagat Survey, FeedBurner, DoubleClick, AdMob, Aardvark, Google Voice, Youtube. Judging by this list, we can conclude that Google is striving to win over people around the globe by offering various types of services on its platform.

Google today is not only the most popular, but also the most powerful search engine. And not only the search engine - it has a lot of other services, not so popular, of course, but still quite in demand by millions of people. For example, Google Map - maps of the Earth, are very often used. Or their free personal blogging service Blogspot is one of the most popular and convenient platforms for a personal page. And they have a dime a dozen such services, and many of them are absolutely free. But where did all this splendor begin? How and when did Google start?

It all started back in 1996, when two Stanford University students began working on a search engine algorithm. Their names were Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They succeeded, and in 1998 they created the google.com page on the Internet. On September 2, 1998, a new empire in the world of search engines was founded, and on the 7th the first office was opened. The company celebrates its birthday on September 7th.

The name "Google" was suggested by Sergey Brin. In fact, this is a distorted word “googol”, which means a huge number - ten to the hundredth degree. This name was registered as the name of the young company.

At first, the new search service served only about 10 thousand requests per day. But this is only the beginning... A year later, this number increased to half a million per day. This was not only luck, but also the result of an efficient algorithm. Since then, the popularity of the new search engine has only grown.

In 2000, Google became the leader among search engines. Versions of the system also appeared in other languages, including Russian. New services were constantly being developed and added - Gmail, Google AdWords and others. The project developed successfully and became more convenient and powerful.

One of the company's latest and most successful developments is the Google Chrome browser, which works faster and more efficiently than many others. In addition, you can easily expand its capabilities using additional modules, of which there are a huge number. In general, the browser instantly became popular...

Of course, the development was not without incidents and litigation, as is usually the case with the formation of all large companies. For example, the New York Times newspaper filed a lawsuit alleging that when indexing their site, the search engine creates copies of the site in a special cache, and this, they say, is a violation of copyright. To this, the court rightly responded that Google strictly complies with the standards and the ability to create copies can easily be disabled on a site and indexing prohibited.

When viewing a website, Google uses a special program - a robot. Of course, there are several of them for different purposes, but the main one is called GoggleBot. Unlike other search engines, this robot visits sites very quickly. As soon as any news appears on the Internet, Google already has all the necessary links to the necessary materials. This distinguishes the search engine very favorably from others, which may not visit sites for weeks. Therefore, if you need to read something fresh published on the Internet today, the best search engine is Google. He is beyond competition, at least for today...

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website

Hello friends. This is our everything - search engines. Just twenty years ago, the phrases “Google”, “Google can help you” or “search in Yandex” could puzzle any person, but now even small children understand them. Here is the story of the creation of Yandex and Google, the most popular search engines that make our lives easier every day and bring billions to their creators.

The history of Google

Google first appeared in America, namely on the territory of Stanford University, where its founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page met. Their meeting was completely accidental. Larry, along with other students, simply came on an excursion to Stanford University, and his guide turned out to be Sergey Brin. They both had Jewish roots, but unlike Larry, who was Native American, Sergei was from Russia. He moved to America when he was still a schoolboy. Later, a chance meeting and the ensuing conversation grew into a strong friendship.

The idea of ​​creating a good search system came to the guys about a year after they met, when two young graduate students decided to surprise their teachers. They created a search engine called "PageRank". People quickly fell in love with it, surprising them with its quality of information search. It became much easier to find it; in other search engines, the first links to appear were those that contained more keywords, that is, the search for information was carried out by the number of similar words in the text, but the meaning was very poor. When creating his search engine, Larry took the works of scientists as a model. The scheme was as follows - the better the robot was, the more people referred to this scientist. The search engine worked the same way: the better the information, the higher it rose among the links.

Why is Google Google?

In order for the system to work, all that remains is to choose a name. It had to be short and interesting. The creators considered more than fifty names, but after careful selection, Brin and Page finally settled on the term “googol,” which means one to the hundredth power. Thus, already in 1997, students and teachers at Stanford University were able to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the new creation.


Many users fell in love with the search engine precisely because of the simplicity of its design. As it turned out, colored letters on a white background were not the original idea of ​​brilliant programmers. That was all Larry and Sergey had enough money for, let alone hiring designers. They, as they say, did everything “simple and tastefully.”


1998 was a turning point in the development of Google. It was then that Google Inc was registered, the first office was rented (in fact, it was an ordinary garage), the first employees were hired and the first check was received from investor - millionaire Andy Bechtolstein for 100 thousand dollars. And then Google moves from office to office, signs a contract with another major American corporation, conquers Sydney and South America and acquires the Blogger publishing service in the USA. The second most important year was 2004, when the stock market saw shares of a successful company for the first time, and its founders became billionaires.


Every year, Google is actively developing and coming up with new services and developments. So, the most popular today are Google+ is a social network that was created not so long ago in 2011 so that people could communicate via the Internet.

  • Google Docs is a service in which you can store text documents, various presentations and tables.
  • Google Drive is a service for storing private information. Each person can store up to 15GB of information and access it from anywhere in the world.
  • Gmail – email.
  • Maps – geographical maps. They are convenient because you can calculate the route based on mileage and time.
  • Play is a gaming application store.
  • Picasa is a service for working with applications.
  • News – a collection of news from around the world. They are formed from publication titles and are displayed depending on the user's preferences.
  • Google also created its personal browser, Google Chrome, which today is one of the most convenient and frequently used browsers in the world.

History of the creation of Yandex

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Arkady Volozh - founder of Yandex

Yandex appeared in Russia on September 23, 1997. One of its founders was Russian programmer Arkady Volozh. He wanted to create a system that would be able to find information in large volumes, and, importantly, would take into account the morphology of the language. But this was still a long way off, and Volozh, together with his English teacher, in 1989 created the company CompTek, which sold computers. In the same year, Arkady persistently continued to achieve his goal, therefore, together with another friend Arkady Borkovsky, he created the Arcadia company for the development of search and information systems. In 1993 the two companies merged. At the same time, a program was created to search on a computer’s hard drive.

The mystery of the name

The program needed to be called something, but a suitable name could not be found. We also considered the option of the name “Search”, but since we wanted to show that the system was developed in Russia, it was necessary to introduce an element of the Russian language, and the word search was not understandable to Russian people. The word “Yandex” was suggested by Volozh’s school friend Ilya Segalovich, who later became director of technology. He thought that the word “index” was more in harmony with the Russian language, but since the system was not the first in Russia, the phrase “yet another index” (another indexer) came to his mind. As a result, “Yandex” appeared, and it was decided to replace the first “Ya” with the Russian “Ya”.


In the same year, 1993, the first search dictionary was created, which, as Volozh wanted, took into account the morphology of the Russian language. And the very next year the “Bible Computer Reference Book” was created.

In 1995, they decided to launch the search system on the Internet, but initially it worked only with selected resources, and later with all Russian-speaking ones. The turning point and official birthday of Yandex is considered to be September 23, 1997, when the search engine was first exhibited at the Softool exhibition.

At the time when Yandex appeared on the Internet, it was not the only search engine. Many preferred the same Rambler or Altavista, which was the most popular search engine in Russia at that time. But Yandex was rapidly gaining momentum, and by mid-1999, Yandex brought the owners about 72 thousand dollars. In 2000, the RuNetHolding company invested good money in Yandex, but still had to sell some of the shares. It was then that Yandex became a separate company, with its own structure, budget and management. Arkady Volozh became the CEO of Yandex.

In the same year, Yandex expanded its capabilities: Yandex bookmarks, Yandex.mail, and Postcards appeared. The company's staff has also increased. Another significant advance was the emergence of Yandex Bar - specialized software.

All this influenced the fact that already next year Yandex became number one in terms of traffic on the Runet. Yandex continued to develop. Yandex Pictures and Yandex Money appeared. With each subsequent year, Yandex only actively developed and expanded its staff.


Initially, Yandex's design was as simple as Google's. On the main page the name of the search engine was written, as well as examples of queries and a couple of hot news. The design was finalized in several stages. So the second stage was in 1999. Then the design of the Yandex home page had already become close and even similar to the real thing. The categories were improved, and windows with mail, advertising, forums, etc. appeared. In 2001, the Yandex main page was improved and was already approaching today's version. The final version of the changes to the main page was the 2003 version, after which the design did not change radically, but was only refined in places.

Thus, Google and Yandex have gone through a short, but very actively developing path of formation. None of the search engines today stands still and every day they develop more and more new services to make life easier. These are the world's leading search engines, processing millions of queries every day. Many people can no longer imagine their lives without these lifesavers - they have become such commonplace things.

Which search engine do you prefer? What do you usually do - Google or type into Yandex? Pavel Yamb was with you, see you soon