The official wrote a common forest on the fence. He does not allow himself and others to be bullied. Criminal case about the fence of Tkachev’s dacha

  • 04.02.2024

Member of the YABLOKO party, environmentalist.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute (Komi Republic), from which he graduated in 1996 with a degree in mining engineer-geologist of oil and gas. He began his work history by working as a training foreman at the Ukhta Industrial Institute. Later he worked as a technical editor at the republican newspaper “Slovo i Delo” (Syktyvkar).

In 1997 he returned to his historical homeland - the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. He worked in the editorial offices of the regional newspapers "Sunny House" and "The Cossack's Word", also as a technical editor.

In 1999 he moved to the city of Tuapse. He worked as the head of the group for organizing active recreation at the boarding house "Geologist of Yamala".

In 2001-2005 worked in the municipal unitary enterprise "Black Sea Resorts" - first as the head of the tourism and excursions sector, then as deputy director and acting. director.

In 2005, he worked as director of the travel company "Krost".

From 2006 to 2007 worked in the Office for Urban Planning Activities in the Tuapse District of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. After the publication in the regional opposition newspaper "Alternativa" of an article about the negative consequences of the unification of the city of Tuapse and the Tuapse region and the change in the status of the city of Tuapse to an urban settlement, Evgeniy Vitishko was asked to vacate his position.

In 2007-2009 worked at FSUE "Tuapseberegozaschita" as chief geologist.

In 2009, he became a co-founder and general director of the Black Sea Department of Coastal Protection and Anti-Landslide Works LLC.

Since 2008, he has been the chairman of the Tuapse public organization of scientists "Tuapse Public University", conducting scientific and educational work in the city of Tuapse. "Tuapse Public University" is the organizer of regular international scientific conferences "Volcanism, biosphere and environmental problems."

Since 2006, Evgeny Vitishko has been the chairman of the Tuapse public organization "Tuapse Public Environmental Council".

He led the Tuapse local branch of the YABLOKO party. Member of the board of the public organization "Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus".

Social activity

With the direct participation of Vitishko, in 2005, the program “Wick” was filmed on the Rossiya TV channel, telling about the pollution of the Tuapse River by Rosneft. This story took existing environmental problems in the region to a new level. As a result, Rosneft was forced to take measures to reduce the negative environmental impact of its activities in Tuapse, allocate significant funds for the cleanup and reclamation of oil-contaminated soils and the elimination of the so-called “Tuapse oil lens.”

He is one of the leaders of the public campaign against the operation of the Tuapse Bulk Terminal (TBT), and was the organizer of several mass environmental rallies held in Tuapse to protest against the TBT.

He was repeatedly subjected to repression by the authorities for his environmental activities.

For participation in February 2011 in a picnic at the dacha of Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev in Blue Bay, Evgeny was illegally detained and arrested for 10 days on charges of disobedience to police officers.

At the XVI Congress of the YABLOKO party in September 2011. was nominated as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from this party.

On November 13, 2011, Evgeny Vitishko and activist of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus, member of the YABLOKO party Suren Ghazaryan conducted a public inspection of the forest fund adjacent to the land plot owned by Alexander Tkachev on a lease basis. For writing inscriptions on the fence around the "Tkachev's dacha" of environmentalists, he received a suspended sentence of 3 years in prison.

On December 20, 2013, the suspended sentence was replaced by three years in prison. On February 12, 2014, the Krasnodar Regional Court upheld this decision. From March 2014 to December 2015, he served a sentence in colony-settlement No. 2 in the Tambov region.

International human rights and environmental organizations (Amnesty International, International Federation for Human Rights, Bellona) have repeatedly appealed to the Russian authorities demanding the release of Yevgeny Vitishko. Amnesty International recognized him as a "prisoner of conscience". The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also expressed concern about Vitishko’s conviction and imprisonment in a colony. It noted that there is a suspicion that the prosecution of Vitishko is connected with his environmental activities, in particular with his preparation of a report on the damage caused to the natural environment of the North Caucasus by violations during the construction of sports facilities for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

On May 14, 2015, about 150 Russian and foreign non-profit environmental and human rights organizations sent an official appeal to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation demanding that measures be taken to immediately release Evgeniy Vitishko and stop putting pressure on him by prison workers.

Photo: Photo:

Did they feed voters soup?

Evgeniy Vitishko is a man of irrepressible energy who cannot imagine life without social activity. Immediately after the verdict in the “fence case”, in the fall of 2012, he ran as a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory and at the same time tried to register as a candidate for the post of mayor of the city of Krymsk , in which, several months earlier, he worked as a volunteer to help local residents affected by a catastrophic flood.

He did not get into the Legislative Assembly - one of the main points of official propaganda was that the first three party candidates included two criminals - Evgeniy Vitishko and Suren Ghazaryan. Vitishko was not allowed to participate in the elections for the head of Krymsk on the absurd charge of “bribing voters” - allegedly someone fed soup to local residents on his behalf.

Under the supervision of "stompers"

After unsuccessful election campaigns, the authorities made it clear: the “greens”, by getting involved in politics, crossed the “red line”, which would be followed by inevitable reprisals. And already on the day of elections to the Legislative Assembly, the Criminal Executive Inspectorate did not like the fact that Vitishko was in the territorial election commission for too long, and not at home. Evgeniy received a similar reprimand during his attempts to register as a candidate for the post of mayor of Krymsk.

Result: The Tuapse District Court satisfies the demands of the Federal Penitentiary Service, extending the environmentalist’s suspended sentence and obliging him not to travel outside the Tuapse District without prior notification to the executive inspectorate. The activist's apartment was under surveillance - with "stompers" at the entrance, "preventive" visits by police, and regular interviews with neighbors.

Scam on the construction of the Formula 1 track

However, even these restrictions did not help to “neutralize” the ecologist’s activity. Quite the opposite: all last year, Evgeniy was actively involved in the environmental problems of the Olympic Sochi and his Tuapse region, launching a campaign to save the Black Sea rivers from sand and gravel thieves - once he even took part in a special operation of the OBEP, whose employees caught “black” gravel workers red-handed on the river Pshish.

Thanks to Vitishko, for example, a scam involving the construction of a Formula 1 race track on the territory of the Olympic Park in the Adler district of Sochi was uncovered: Evgeniy was brought in as an expert in the investigation of a criminal case involving filling the track with illegally mined gravel from the Psou River bordering Abkhazia. Vitishko brought his own drilling rig to the route, drilled holes and found out that the pebbles under the asphalt corresponded in their characteristics to those mined from Psou.

However, the most resounding success of Vitishko’s “gravel” campaign was the liquidation of quarries on the Shakhe River in the Lazarevsky district of Sochi, where sand and gravel mixtures were mined for Olympic construction projects. Large-scale extraction of inert materials from the riverbed led to a drop in the water level in the river and groundwater in populated areas densely populated by the Shapsugs, a small indigenous ethnic group on the Black Sea coast.

Evgeny Vitishko supported the Shapsugs as best he could: he spoke at gatherings, wrote statements to law enforcement agencies, and conducted public inspections of illegal quarries. In January 2014, the Central District Court of Sochi banned the extraction of inert materials in the Shakhe riverbed, putting an end to the protracted story.

Evgeniy also worked in Sochi on the problems of Olympic soil dumps and construction waste, analyzed the geological consequences of the construction of the Adler-Krasnaya Polyana road and railway, and advocated in defense of Cape Vidny, where relict vegetation was damaged by the construction of a railway line.

As a particularly dangerous criminal

On the eve of the Olympics, someone, through the hands of the criminal-executive inspection, decided to finally “neutralize” the environmentalist. On that last day of freedom - February 3, 2014 - Vitishko, as a conditionally convicted person, came to check in at the Tuapse branch of the criminal-executive inspection of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory, and at the same time submit a notice of departure to Sochi, where foreign journalists were waiting for him.

As is known, he did not reach the Olympic capital. The police were waiting for him right at the exit from the inspection. Vitishko was detained on suspicion of “obscene language” at a public transport stop. On the same day, the magistrate court sentenced the environmentalist to 15 days of arrest under the article “petty hooliganism.”

While lawyer Alexander Popkov was running wild in search of the very stop where Evgeny Vitishko allegedly committed “hooliganism,” the Krasnodar Regional Court held a hearing on the environmentalist’s complaint against the decision of the Tuapse District Court regarding changing the penalty. The environmentalist participated in the court hearing via video link from a police detention center. The expected result is refusal to satisfy the complaint.

There was little hope that after the administrative arrest, Evgeniy would be allowed to go home for a short time to pack his things and say goodbye to his family. However, the prisoner was not released even for a minute: he was secretly taken from the special detention center to the pre-trial detention center in Krasnodar, without informing his family and friends. For about a week, nothing was known about Evgeniy’s fate, until lawyers finally found out his whereabouts. It turned out that he, as a particularly dangerous criminal, was being kept in a high-security unit, where, for example, during the investigation, thugs from Sergei Tsapok’s gang were imprisoned.

On February 18, Vitishko disappeared again - again they “forgot” to notify his relatives and lawyers about his movements. For five days nothing was known about him at all, until lawyer Marina Dubrovina found out that for some reason the convict was transferred to the Tambov region. It took another two weeks to find out that the prisoner was in quarantine at correctional colony No. 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Tambov Region, from where he was transferred to colony-settlement No. 2 in the village of Sadovyi, Kirsanovsky district, Tambov region.

The environmentalist has already been visited by his common-law wife and human rights activists, including the well-known defender of the rights of convicts Olga Romanova, leader of the Sitting Rus' movement. “Zhenya asked me to tell you that he is in a good mood and in good health. He is employed as a farm worker for 3,329 rubles. per month. She educates prisoners, helps them write complaints and all sorts of killer whales, found contact with the deputy head of the command post and now they are jointly fighting a landfill nearby,” she writes on the website of Sitting Rus'.

Who is taking revenge on the environmentalist?

Helping others when you are on guard yourself, fighting environmental violations even from prison dungeons - this is all really in the character of Evgeniy Vitishko. But the main thing remains unclear: who and why needed to organize a demonstrative special operation to isolate an activist in the midst of the Olympics?

One should not think that this was done at the behest of the Kremlin, which did not at all benefit from the extra hype during the Olympics. It is unlikely that the initiator of the massacre was the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev, the owner of the illegal fence, because of which Evgeniy Vitishko was convicted. It is beneficial for Tkachev that the “fence matter” be forgotten as soon as possible.

Who then? There is a version: big business and criminals, whom the ecologist crossed the path of in recent years, are settling personal scores with Zhenya. These are the “gravel” cases in Sochi and Tuapse, and a high-profile campaign against Rosneft with its Tuapse oil refinery, and the problem of a landfill in the Tuapse region, where oily waste was illegally buried for a long time - not without the participation, again, of Rosneft... More likely In total, some kind of criminal party, taking advantage of their extensive connections in the judicial system, law enforcement agencies and the opportunity, closed the “issue with Vitishko” under the Olympic “humor.”

How long it will be “closed” is still unknown. Lawyers and human rights activists place their main hopes on parole or pardon. Noting that the first option is more likely than the second. But be that as it may, the Russian “green” community needs to prepare for a long positional struggle for the release of Yevgeny Vitishko. And the phrase “all for one” in this case should be taken not as a beautiful euphemism, but as a principle of survival. After all, tomorrow any eco-activist who crosses the path of dirty business, crime, or local presumptuous officials could find themselves in the same situation.




The consignment:

Evgeny Gennadievich Vitishko, (July 3, 1973, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory, USSR) - Russian public figure, chairman of the local branch of the YABLOKO party in the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory. , member of the Council.


In 1996 he graduated from the Ukhta Industrial Institute (Komi Republic), specialty: mining engineer-geologist.

In 2001-2005 worked in the municipal unitary enterprise "Black Sea Resorts".

From 2006 to 2007 worked in the Office for Urban Planning Activities in the Tuapse District of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. After the publication in the regional opposition newspaper “Alternativa” of a critical article about the negative consequences of changing the status of the city of Tuapse on an urban settlement, due to the pressure put on him, he was forced to leave this job.

In 2007-2009 worked at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Tuapseberegozaschita" as a chief geologist.

In 2009, he became co-founder and general director of the Black Sea Department of Coastal Protection and Anti-Landslide Works LLC.

Social activity

Since 2005, he has been actively involved in public environmental activities.

Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the Tuapse public organization “Tuapse Public Environmental Council”.

Since 2008, he has been the chairman of the Tuapse public organization of scientists "Tuapse Public University", conducting scientific and educational work in the city of Tuapse.

Since 2009, member of the public organization Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus. Since 2010 - member of the Council of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

Carries out active work to protect the Tuapse region and the Russian Black Sea coast in general from environmentally hazardous economic activities. Opposes the industrialization of the Tuapse region to the detriment of the resort industry, at the cost of further deterioration of the environment. He considers one of the main reasons for the critical environmental situation in Tuapse to be a complex of problems generated by the activities of enterprises of the Tuapse oil complex owned by the Rosneft company.

For many years he opposed the placement, construction and operation of the Tuapse bulk terminal for transshipment of mineral fertilizers, owned by the Eurochem company. He was an organizer and participant in various protests against the activities of the Tuapse bulk terminal. A maritime protest against the launch of this terminal, which Evgeny Vitishko held on October 30, 2011, together with the leader of the Movement in Defense of the Khimki Forest, Evgenia Chirikova, received wide publicity.

It is fighting against the illegal disposal of hazardous waste and oil sludge at the Tuapse city landfill located on Cape Kadosh.

In 2012, he took part in a public investigation into the causes of the catastrophic flood in the Crimean region. Regarding the flood that occurred in August 2012 in the village of Novomikhailovsky, Vitishko expressed the opinion that it was largely caused by the fact that the old mouth of the river was filled in and a private hotel was built on this site.

Criminal case about the fence of Tkachev’s dacha

The facts of arrests and prosecution in connection with the participation of Evgeniy Vitishko in a public campaign against the seizure of forest resources and the coastal strip for the dacha of Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev in Golubaya Bay (near the village of Dzhubga) have become widely known. For participating in a picnic at Tkachev’s dacha in February 2011, Evgeniy, along with three other activists of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus, was detained and arrested for 10 days on charges of “disobedience to the legal demands of police officers.” In 2011, together with a group of civil activists, he took part in an action to paint the inscriptions “Sanya is a thief!”, “The forest is common!” etc. on the fence around Tkachev’s dacha.

After this, together with the activist of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus Suren Ghazaryan, he became one of the main defendants in the criminal case about the fence of Tkachev’s dacha. This case was initiated in December 2011, one of the accused “of causing ‘damage to the fence’ out of hooligan motives” was Evgeniy Vitishko. In May 2012, a trial began over Ghazaryan and Vitishko. As a result, they were sentenced to three years of suspended imprisonment with a two-year probation period. The Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners recognized him and Suren Ghazaryan as “persons persecuted for political reasons.”

Political activity

In 2012, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory from the YABLOKO party. He is number three on the regional list of candidates from the electoral association “YABLOKO” - United Democrats of the Krasnodar Territory.”


  1. Governing bodies and structure of local branches in the Krasnodar region // "YABLOKO Party"
  2. About the Environmental Watch // “Ecological Watch in the North Caucasus”, 2011
  3. Is Tuapse a resort? // "South of Russia. Info", 08/26/2006
  4. "Rosneft" is trying to hide the oil spill in Tuapse // "Rosbalt", 09.30.2011
  5. In Tuapse, environmentalists called for saving the city from the EuroChem terminal // Rosbalt, 01.11.2011
  6. Defender of the Khimki forest and candidate for the State Duma was detained in Tuapse // Federal Press, 10.31.2011
  7. The landfill is the main attraction // “Arguments and Facts - South”, 02.28.2012
  8. Crimea cannot be left to be flooded // “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, 08/09/2012
  9. “They forgot” to strengthen the banks // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, 08/22/2012
  10. In Tuapse, four environmentalists were sentenced to administrative arrest // “Caucasian Knot”, 02.28.2011

Sochi Olympics. On the eve of the opening of the Games, he was sentenced to three years in prison. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stated that Vitishko’s criminal prosecution was politically motivated.

Nominated for the Caucasian Knot competition "Hero of the Caucasus-2013".


After graduating from high school, he entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute (Komi Republic), from which he graduated in 1996 with a degree in mining engineer-geologist of oil and gas. He worked as a training master at the Ukhta Industrial Institute. Later - technical editor in the republican newspaper "Word and Deed" (Syktyvkar).

In 1997, he returned to Slavyansk-on-Kuban and continued to work as a technical editor in the regional newspapers "Sunny House" and "The Cossack's Word".

In 1999 he moved to the city of Tuapse. He worked as the head of the group for organizing active recreation at the boarding house "Geologist of Yamala".

From 2001 to 2005, Vitishko worked at the Black Sea Resorts Municipal Unitary Enterprise. He held the positions of head of the tourism and excursions sector, deputy director and acting. director.

In 2005, he worked as director of the travel company "Krost".

From 2006 to 2007, Vitishko worked in the department for ensuring urban planning activities in the Tuapse region of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. After the publication in the regional opposition newspaper "Alternativa" of his article about the negative consequences of the unification of Tuapse and the Tuapse region and the change in the status of the city of Tuapse to the urban settlement of Vitishko, he was asked to resign from his position.

After leaving his position in the department of architecture, Vitishko worked at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Tuapseberegozaschita" until 2009 as chief geologist.

Since 2009, Vitishko has been working at the Black Sea Department of Coastal Protection and Landslide Prevention LLC and is its co-founder.

Work in public organizations

Since 2008, Evgeny Vitishko has been the chairman of the Tuapse scientific and educational public organization of scientists "Tuapse Public University".

Since 2006 - Chairman of the Tuapse public organization "Tuapse Public Environmental Council".

In 2005, with the participation of Evgeny Vitishko, the program “Wick” was filmed on the Rossiya TV channel, telling about the pollution of the Tuapse River by Rosneft. As a result of the release of the story, the company was forced to take measures to reduce the negative environmental impact of its activities.

Also, Evgeny Vitishko, one of the leaders of the public campaign against the operation of the Tuapse Bulk Terminal (TBT), was the organizer of several mass environmental rallies held in Tuapse to protest against the TBT.

In 2013-2014, Evgeniy Vitishko participated in the work on a report on the environmental consequences of the Sochi Olympics.

Promotions at Tkachev's dacha

In February 2011, after a “picnic” rally near the village of Dzhubga on the territory of a land plot that was leased in the possession of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev (the so-called “Tkachev’s dacha”), Evgeny Vitishko and three other participants in the action were detained.

On February 28, the Tuapse Magistrate Court issued a guilty verdict against members of the “Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus”, according to which Evgeniy Vitishko was sentenced to arrest for 10 days under Art. 19.3 Code of Administrative Offenses “Disobedience to the demands of police officers.” The remaining three detainees received seven days of arrest each and served their sentences in a special detention center of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tuapse district and the city of Tuapse. On the same day, according to the EchoWatch release, Yevgeny Vitishko and three other arrested people went on a hunger strike “against police and judicial arbitrariness.”

On March 2, a trial was held to consider the cassation appeal of the lawyer of the detained environmentalists. The court upheld the decision of the court of first instance - the detention of four activists for a period of seven to 10 days.


On May 5, 2012, the Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners recognized Suren Ghazaryan and Yevgeny Vitishko as “persons persecuted for political reasons.”

On November 5, 2012, the leaders of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin and Andrei Rudomakha, issued a statement in which they called the verdict against Vitishko and Gazaryan unjust and the charges fabricated. It was also announced that E. Vitishko was being monitored in order to accuse him of violating the regime established by the court verdict in order to sentence him to a real prison term. It was also reported that “two fabricated warnings had already been issued in connection with his alleged violations of the restrictions.”

On December 7, 2012, the Tuapse City Court, at the request of the Criminal Investigation Inspectorate, extended E. Vitishko’s probation for two months, and also ordered the convicted environmentalist to appear at the criminal-executive inspection twice a month for control without the right to travel outside the Tuapse district without prior notification to the Criminal Investigation Inspectorate.

On November 4, 2013, police stopped E. Vitishko’s car twice to check it, and after the second stop they took him to the police station in Tuapse. There, the environmentalist's fingerprints were taken, after which he was released.

Also in November 2013, the Tuapse branch of the penal inspection of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory filed a petition with the court to change the sentence for Evgeny Vitishko from a suspended sentence to a real one.

On December 18, 2013, the Presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court rejected the complaint against the verdict of Gazaryan and Vitishko, in which the defense demanded that the verdict be overturned and the defendants acquitted.

The court's decision in the Vitishko case caused protests from representatives of political parties, as well as public and environmental organizations. In a number of Russian cities, including Novosibirsk, Moscow, Sochi, Voronezh, rallies were held on December 25 in support of Evgeniy Vitishko.

On December 26, Human Rights Watch called on the Russian authorities to end the persecution of environmental activists Suren Ghazaryan and Yevgeny Vitishko. The statement reads, in part: "In addition to the trumped-up criminal cases against Vitishko and Ghazaryan, environmental and other activists working in Sochi and the surrounding area have become the targets of various intimidation tactics. In the final weeks before the Olympic Games, Russia must end the repression of critics. Otherwise, these repressions could cast a shadow over the Olympic holiday." .

On February 3, 2014, Evgeniy Vitishko was detained while leaving the building of the criminal-executive inspection. According to the police, he used obscene language at a public transport stop. By a court decision, he was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.

On February 12, the Krasnodar Regional Court rejected Vitishko’s appeal to change the sentence in the case of damaging the fence of Tkachev’s dacha from a suspended sentence to a real one.

On February 13, 2014, the IOC sent a letter to the organizers of the Sochi Olympics asking them to clarify Vitishko's sentence. Concern about the situation with Vitishko.

Russian authorities, in response to a request from the International Olympic Committee, stated that the criminal prosecution of Vitishko was not related to his criticism of the organization of the Olympics, and the IOC accepted this response.

On February 24, 2014, Evgeny Vitishko from pre-trial detention center No. 1 of Krasnodar was transferred outside the Krasnodar region, to colony-settlement No. 2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Tambov Region.

On February 28, a series of single pickets were held in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square in support of environmentalist Evgeniy Vitishko.

The human rights organization Amnesty International recognized Yevgeny Vitishko as a “prisoner of conscience.” In addition, the activist was included in the list of human rights defenders whose rights are grossly violated, compiled by the international organization Front Line Defenders.

On May 22, 2014, an entry appeared on Vitishko’s blog on LiveJournal, which tells about the search that took place in the colony , during which FSIN employees beat prisoners using special means, and then sent them to a punishment cell. In this regard, E. Vitishko wrote a complaint to the prosecutor’s office against the actions of the FSIN employees.

On June 29, 2014, Evgeny Vitishko filed a statement with the prosecutor's office of the Tambov region, in which he pointed out massive violations of the rights of convicts. In particular, it was stated that convicts in KP-2 were involved in agricultural work, while the colony staff did not ensure compliance with the daily routine; the work was carried out without the supply of water, without means of protection and respect for the rights of convicts provided for by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation. It was also stated that No action was taken by law enforcement officers regarding the incident that occurred on May 20 in the colony.

On March 31, 2015, the Kirsanovsky District Court of the Tambov Region began consideration of an application for parole Vitishko. A representative of the colony said that the ecologist committed eight violations and seven disciplinary sanctions were imposed on him. Lawyers for Evgeniy Vitishko expressed the view that, Most likely, the court will deny Vitishko parole due to penalties from the colony administration.

On April 15, 2015, the human rights organization Amnesty International issued a statement calling for the immediate release of Evgeniy Vitishko: “It is impossible to believe that the Russian authorities are using such ordinary actions as an excuse not to release the honest and straightforward environmental activist Evgeniy Vitishko. Punish a prisoner for that he shared clothes or for the supposed quality of weeding tomatoes is a farce and a complete discrepancy with international standards for the treatment of prisoners. The administration of the colony must stop this harassment. Evgeniy Vitishko must be immediately and unconditionally released," said Denis Krivosheev, deputy director of the program for Europe and Central Asia .

On the same day, the Kirsanovsky District Court decided to leave Vitishko in colony-settlement No. 2 in the Tambov region and did not satisfy the application for parole, citing the fact that the environmentalist “did not repent of the crime he committed and did not reform during the year in the colony.”

On April 23, a complaint was filed with the court asking for a review of the decision to deny Evgeniy Vitishko parole.

On June 11, Evgeniy Vitishko reported to the Northern Caucasus Environmental Watch that on June 25, the Tambov Regional Court would consider an appeal against the refusal to satisfy his application for parole. This is confirmed by information that appeared on the website of the Tambov Regional Court.

June 25, 2015 The Tambov Regional Court considered the appeals of Vitishko and his lawyer against the decision of the Kirsanovsky District Court, according to which the environmentalist was denied parole. The appellate instance recognized the district court's decision as legal.

July 10 Kirsanovsky District Court of the Tambov Region granted the petition to appoint environmental activist from Tuapse Elena Shmakova as public defender of Evgeniy Vitishko. The consideration of lawyer Sergei Loktev’s petition to commute the environmentalist’s sentence was scheduled for July 31.

On July 31, 2015, a visiting hearing of the Kirsanovsky District Court of the Tambov Region took place in colony No. 2. The court decided to refuse the petition to commute Vitishko's sentence.

On October 1, 2015, the situation with Vitishko was reported to the President of Russia during a meeting with representatives of the Human Rights Council. Human rights activist Andrei Babushkin asked the president to instruct the Federal Penitentiary Service to analyze the disciplinary practices in the prison where Vitishko is serving his sentence. Vladimir Putin assured that the inspection will be carried out under the control of the Prosecutor General's Office. “If there are violations, we will do everything to ensure that they are eliminated,” the president said.

On October 8, the Tambov Regional Court upheld the complaint of Vitishko’s defense against the refusal to replace the remaining sentence in the colony with restriction of freedom. The court ruled that the issue of commutation of punishment and parole should be considered anew by the trial court. The court also overturned the decision of the trial court to deny amnesty to Vitishko.

The decision of the appeal court in the “Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus” was called a “half measure” and expressed fears that the issue of release from the colony for Vitishko could again drag on.

In December 2012, Evgeny Vitishko was nominated as a candidate from the Yabloko party in the elections of the head of the Krymsky district of the Krasnodar region, but court decision was withdrawn from the election race.

At the beginning of 2013, Evgeny Vitishko announced his resignation from the Yabloko party, of which he had been a member for two years and served as chairman of the Tuapse district branch. Vitishko explained his decision as follows: “firstly, I decided that as a public activist I would be more useful to the population than as a member of a political party. This was clearly shown by the elections of the head in the Crimean region. If I had gone as a public figure, but "not as a member of Yabloko, the result could have been different. Secondly, I had significant disagreements with the regional leadership of the party during the elections to the ZSK."

In 2013, Vitishko was registered as a candidate from the Yabloko party for the post of mayor of Tuapse, but was removed from the elections by a decision of the city court.


  1. Evgeny Vitishko: “The task before the Olympics for builders-destroyers is to lay tiles and hang them with banners” // RBC daily, 11/28/2013.
  2. Official website of the Yabloko party.
  3. Official website of the Yabloko party.
  4. IA "Rosbalt", 05/05/2012.
  5. The IOC asked Russia for clarification after the decision to send an environmentalist who criticized the Olympics to prison // PRIME, 02/13/2014.
  6. Russian ecologist Evgeny Vitishko should be released // Amnesty International, 04/15/2015.
  7. Judicial proceedings and judicial acts. CASE No. 22-785/2015 // Website of the Tambov Regional Court, 06/11/2015.
  8. "On the federal list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, nominated by the political party "Russian United Democratic Party "YABLOKO" // Central Election Commission of Russia, 09.19.2011.
  9. In the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, "YABLOKO" is marching under the flag of the united democratic opposition" // Official website of the Yabloko party, 08/14/2012.
  10. Vitishko left Yabloko because of his friendship with Rudomakha” // FederalPress, 01/18/2013.
  11. Vitishko left Yabloko // Novaya Gazeta Kuban, 01/18/2013.
  12. The candidate from YABLOKO was withdrawn from the elections for the head of Tuapse // Official website of the YABLOKO party, 08/14/2013.

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Evgeniy Gennadievich Vitishko
Date of birth: July 3, 1973
Place of birth: Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar region, USSR
Citizenship: Russia
Occupation: ecologist

Evgeniy Gennadievich Vitishko, (July 3, 1973, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory, USSR) - Russian public and political figure, member of the Council of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, political prisoner. He became widely known in connection with the so-called “case of damage to the fence” at the dacha of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev in Golubaya Bay, in which in June 2012 Evgeniy Vitishko was sentenced to three years probation. In December 2013, the suspended sentence was replaced by three years in prison.

Study, work, business Evgeniya Vitishko
I spent my childhood in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban in the Krasnodar region. He studied at secondary school No. 3 of Slavyansk-on-Kuban. After graduating from high school, he entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute (Ukhta, Komi Republic), from which he graduated in 1996 with a degree in mining engineer-geologist.
In 1997 he returned to Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Have worked Evgeniy Vitishko in the editorial offices of the regional newspapers “Sunny House” and “The Word of the Cossack”.
In 1999 Evgeniy Vitishko moved to the city of Tuapse (Krasnodar region). He worked as the head of the group for organizing active recreation at the Geologist of Yamala boarding house.
In 2001-2005 Evgeniy Vitishko worked in the municipal unitary enterprise "Black Sea Resorts", first as the head of the tourism and excursions sector, then as deputy director and acting. director.
In 2005, he worked as director of the travel company Krost.

In 2006-2007 Evgeniy Vitishko worked in the Office for Urban Planning Activities in the Tuapse District of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. After the publication in the regional opposition newspaper “Alternativa” of a critical article about the negative consequences of changing the status of the city of Tuapse on an urban settlement, due to the pressure put on him, he was forced to leave this job.
In 2007-2009 Evgeniy Vitishko worked at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Tuapseberegozaschita" as a chief geologist.

In 2009 Evgeniy Vitishko becomes co-founder and general director of Black Sea Department of Coastal Protection and Anti-Landslide Works LLC. Since 2011 he has been working at this enterprise as chief geologist.

Social activity
Since 2005 Evgeniy Vitishko takes an active part in public environmental and scientific activities.
Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the Tuapse public organization “Tuapse Public Environmental Council”.
Since 2008 Evgeniy Vitishko is the chairman of the Tuapse public organization of scientists "Tuapse Public University", conducting scientific and educational work in the city of Tuapse. As part of the activities of this public organization, it is one of the organizers of regularly held international scientific conferences “Volcanism, biosphere and environmental problems.”
Since 2009 Evgeniy Vitishko member of the public organization Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus. Since 2010 - member of the Council of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus

Carries out active work to protect the Tuapse region and the Russian Black Sea coast in general from the negative consequences of environmentally hazardous economic activities. Opposes the placement and expansion of dangerous industrial enterprises and transport facilities in the city of Tuapse to the detriment of the resort industry, at the cost of further deterioration of the already catastrophic state of the city’s environment. He considers one of the main reasons for the critical environmental situation in Tuapse to be a complex of problems generated by the activities of enterprises of the Tuapse oil complex owned by the Rosneft company. In 2005, he was one of the initiators of filming a story for the satirical film magazine “Fitil”, dedicated to the problem of a large-scale “oil lens” formed near the city of Tuapse as a result of oil leaks during the activities of oil complex facilities.

As a result of the release of the story in “Wick,” Rosneft was forced to take measures to eliminate the “oil lens.” Regularly reveals facts of various environmental violations on the part of Rosneft subsidiaries in Tuapse. Actively opposes the expansion of the Tuapse oil refinery, located in the very center of the resort town next to a residential area Vitishko actively opposes the plans of the Rosneft campaign to begin oil production on the Black Sea shelf at the Tuapse Trough and Shatsky Shaft structures. It is fighting against the illegal disposal of hazardous waste and oil-contaminated soil at the Tuapse city landfill located on Cape Kadosh. Together with law enforcement agencies, he participates in the fight against theft of sand and gravel sediments on the rivers of the Tuapse region - Tuapse, Shepsi, Tu, Kabak. In 2013, he took part in a campaign to stop large-scale illegal gravel mining in the Przysz River.

For many years, he opposed the placement, construction and operation of the Tuapse bulk terminal for transshipment of mineral fertilizers, owned by the Eurochem company, in the center of Tuapse. He was one of the organizers of the protest campaign against the launch of the Tuapse bulk terminal, which was expressed in a series of mass public actions in Tuapse. The maritime protest against the launch of this terminal, which Evgeny Vitishko held on October 30, 2011, together with the leader of the “Movement in Defense of Khimki”, received wide publicity. forests" by Evgenia Chirikova.

In 2012, he took an active part in eliminating the consequences and public investigation into the causes of the catastrophic flood in the Crimean region. He was also involved in identifying the causes of the catastrophic flood in the village of Novomikhailovsky in August 2012. Vitishko expressed the opinion that the flood was largely caused by the fact that the old mouth of the Nechepsukho River was filled in and a private hotel was built on this site.
In 2013, as part of public control over preparations for the 2014 Olympic Games, he actively participated in resolving various acute environmental problems in the resort city of Sochi. Helped residents of the Lazarevsky district to launch a public campaign against the mining of gravel by the ZhD Stroy Servis company in the lower part of the Shakhe River valley. As a result of this public campaign, large-scale gravel mining in Shah was stopped. Participated in the public's fight against numerous illegal waste dumps on the territory of the Olympic Sochi. Takes an active part in the fight against the attempt to abolish a large number of natural monuments in Sochi by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory. Together with other activists of the Environmental Watch in the North Caucasus, he exercised public control over the construction of the road to the Lunnaya Polyana resort in the Shakhe River valley. He sharply criticizes the project to hold the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

Since 2012, Vitishko has been a member of the Public Council under the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) for the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea.
Political activity

In 2010, he joined the YABLOKO party and was elected chairman of the local branch of this party in the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2011, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the YABLOKO party.

In 2012, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory from the YABLOKO party. He was number three on the regional list of candidates from the electoral association “YABLOKO” - United Democrats of the Krasnodar Territory.” Since YABLOKO - United Democrats of the Krasnodar Territory were unable to overcome the seven percent barrier in the elections, he was not elected as a deputy.

In the fall of 2012, he was nominated as a candidate from the Krasnodar regional branch of the YABLOKO party in the election of the head of the Krymsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. He was not allowed to participate in the elections and was removed from the elections by the decision of the Krymsky District Court.

In December 2012, he left the YABLOKO party.

In the summer of 2013, he was registered as a candidate from the YABLOKO party for the post of head of the city of Tuapse. By decision of the Tuapse City Court he was removed from the elections.
Criminal case of “damage to the fence” at Tkachev’s “dacha”, suspended sentence, repression, replacement of the suspended sentence with a real one
Main article: Tkachev's Dacha

The facts of arrests and prosecution in connection with the participation of Evgeniy Vitishko in a public campaign against the seizure of forest resources and the coastal strip for the summer residence of Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev in Blue Bay, located in the Tuapse region on the Black Sea coast near the village of Dzhubga, have become widely known. For participating in a picnic at Tkachev’s dacha in February 2011, Evgeniy, along with three other activists of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus, was detained and arrested for 10 days on charges of “disobeying the legal demands of police officers.”

In 2011, together with a group of civil activists, he took part in an action to paint the inscriptions “Sanya is a thief!”, “The forest is common!” etc. on the fence around Tkachev’s dacha.” After that, together with the activist of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus Suren Ghazaryan, he became one of the defendants in the criminal case of “damage to the fence” at Tkachev’s “dacha.” This case was initiated in December 2011, one of the accused “of causing “damage to the fence” out of hooligan motives” was Evgeniy Vitishko. In May 2012, a trial began over Ghazaryan and Vitishko. As a result, they were sentenced to three years of suspended imprisonment with a two-year probation period. At the same time, the verdict imposed a regime of restrictions on them, obliging them to spend the night at their place of residence. The Union of Solidarity with Political Prisoners recognized Vitishko and Ghazaryan as “persons persecuted for political reasons.”

The regime of restrictions imposed on Vitishko by the verdict became the basis for creating obstacles for him to carry out his social and political activities. In December 2012, the regime was tightened by a court decision; Vitishko was prohibited from traveling outside the Tuapse region without notifying the Criminal Executive Inspectorate. After this, several more warnings were made to Vitishko about violating the “regime of restrictions.” He was under constant surveillance, his phones were tapped by intelligence agencies. In this regard, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch came out in defense of Vitishko.

In November 2013, the Criminal Execution Inspectorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory issued another warning to Evgeniy Vitishko, which resulted in the Tuapse branch of this inspection sending a motion to the court demanding that Evgeniy Vitishko’s suspended sentence be replaced with a real one. The trial was scheduled for November 28, 2013, but was postponed to December 19, 2013. Due to the fact that the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided to reconsider the case and return the case of “damage to the fence” to the presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court, there was a chance that the verdict against Gazaryan and Vitishko would be overturned. However, this did not happen. The court, chaired by the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Alexander Chernov, refused to reconsider the case. On December 19-20, 2013, Vitishko’s trial took place in Tuapse. As a result of the consideration of the case, the judge of the Tuapse City Court Igor Milinchuk made a decision to replace Vitishko’s suspended sentence with three years of imprisonment in a penal colony for “systematic violation of the regime of restrictions.”

Today Russia has once again proven to the whole world that it is the most prosperous and developed country where the rule of law and respect for people reign.
No, I’m not talking about pardoning Khodorkovsky now. On the same day, in the Krasnodar Territory, there was a trial of Evgeniy Vitishko, an ecologist, participant in the “Ecological Watch in the North Caucasus.” Vitishko’s colleague at the Ecological Watch, Suren Ghazaryan, was forced to leave Russia due to criminal prosecution.
Vitishko did not have time to leave and receive asylum, and received three years in prison.
(note: as a colleague pointed out in the comments, Vitishko had the opportunity to leave, but did not use it)
For what?
For damaging property for hooligan reasons, allegedly. The hooliganism consisted of the fact that environmentalists were conducting an inspection in the forest of the Krasnodar Territory - and came across a fence made of corrugated sheets.

It turned out that there was someone's dacha here. And not just “someone’s”, but the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev - as environmentalists found out. Now even Wikipedia knows this.

As decent people, environmentalists complained to the Prosecutor's Office. The prosecutor's office conducted an on-site inspection and found that there was no fence.

At this time, behind the fence (which is not there), the Pitsunda pine, listed in the Red Book, was being cut down.
Moreover, the work was guarded not only by the private security company, but also by the local police.

In general, “elite dachas” on the Black Sea coast in relict protected forests are a widespread disaster.
The five most famous sites of illegal (and, as it turns out, non-existent) construction in the forests of the Krasnodar Territory are:
"Putin's Dacha"

The court for (possibly someone else's) writing on the fence gave Evgeniy Vitishko 3 years of probation, and today he replaced them with three years in prison.

That is, in the opinion of our courts, not informing the population about a flood, as a result of which many people died, is a less serious crime than writing on a fence with paint.

In March 2011, in Kopeisk, two local police officers killed a pensioner who did not want to come out of his bathhouse to them.
"... one of the local police officers found a saucepan at the station, climbed onto the roof, and put it on the pipe, tucking it with rags. Ryzhov was in the bathhouse for about 20 minutes without air. After that, the police broke the door. The pensioner, who lost consciousness, was dragged out into the street, he began to have convulsions. Eyewitnesses called an ambulance, but doctors were unable to save the pensioner who was poisoned by carbon monoxide."
Received 2.5 years probation.

That is, according to the court, killing a pensioner while being a policeman is not such a terrible crime as writing on the Black Sea fence with paint.

A Magadan court commuted the sentence of an official who spent one and a half million budget money on clearing snow to a suspended sentence (three years) to a store run by his wife.
“As a result, for this money, by order of the head of the district, another route was cleared of snow - between Evensk and the Koargychan transshipment base, from where goods were delivered for shops owned by the United Russia member’s wife. At the same time, residents of Gizhiga, due to snow blockages on the road, were unable to could get out of the village within three months."

In other words, writing “Sanya is a thief” in black paint on a fence is much worse than, as an official, stealing 1.5 million and leaving people isolated from the world for three months.

A deputy of the Asbestov Municipal Duma from the United Russia party took bribes and stole 100,000 from the budget.
The result is a suspended sentence. at three years old.

Of course, writing with paint on a profiled sheet is no less malicious than fraud and theft of budget funds.

But the currently popular pedophile theme. A regular at Seliger, one of the leaders of the OUR movement, Nikolai Doroshkevich dabbled in child porn - videos with participants under 14 years of age, which he regularly posted on the Internet.
“The defendant fully admitted his guilt - the criminal case was considered in a special manner. As a result, the youth activist was given a suspended sentence."

That is, writing on a fence with paint is a much more terrible evil than child porn. Russian courts guarantee!

Well-known story: the Minister of Health of Karelia purchased tomographs. Everything would be fine, but their price “suddenly” increased by 73 million rubles due to the fact that the purchase was made through an intermediary company, in which, according to the investigation, the convict’s acquaintances work - and Valery Boinich himself got hold of three apartments in Petrozavodsk.
Result: 1 year suspended sentence.

Stealing 73 million budget money is nothing, an everyday matter, our courts hint. But writing with paint on a non-existent fence...

Evgeny Vitishko received three years in prison (although at first there was a suspended sentence) - and the head of the administration of the Vsevolzhsky district of the Leningrad region, Alexander Sabalenko, received another three years of probation. The reason for the criminal prosecution was that in his own office he beat three people who came to see him. Because of the case, the official was forced to resign from the United Russia party.

The court makes it clear: writing on a fence with paint is much worse than, being the head of the administration, beating three people in his office during a reception.

And the highlight of the program:

“On June 5, 2013, the Lyubertsy City Court expressed extraordinary loyalty to the former deputy of the United Russia faction, ex-deputy chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Vasily Dupak.

As the investigation found, in 1990, Dupak, while working as chairman of the board of directors of the Petrovskoye breeding plant, stole the rights to land plots located in the Lyubertsy and Mozhaisk districts of the Moscow region from members of the labor collective. Their area is more than 2.2 thousand hectares. The plots belonged to the breeding farm, were privatized and divided among its employees. But in 1994, Dupak forged the minutes of the general meeting of members of the partnership and appropriated the land for himself. And he even managed to sell more than 127 hectares. At that time, 561 people were recognized as victims.

In total, the ex-official was found guilty of theft of land worth 15 billion rubles.

Sentence: 6 years probation plus a fine of 1 million rubles. At the moment, this is an absolute record for our justice for 2013."

"June 19, 2013 of the year The court of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Yekaterinburg recognized ex-head of the Oboronservis structure Vitaly Kondrenko in embezzlement of money from the Ministry of Defense.

It was established that in 2010, the former general director of OJSC “5th Central Automobile Repair Plant” Kondrenko entered into a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the repair of the roofs of buildings. He provided the customer with fake documents about the work performed, for which he received 2.6 million rubles. The second episode was the illegal sale of 6 army KamAZ vehicles to one of the commercial organizations. The damage to the budget amounted to more than 3.5 million rubles.

Sentence: 4 years imprisonment conditionally.

July 8, 2013 The Butyrsky Court of Moscow made a decision regarding former deputy Prefect of North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow Joseph Reikhanov.

According to the materials of the criminal case, Reykhanov, as well as his accomplices, the director of the state institution "Engineering Service in the North-East Administrative District" Sergei Baklenev, the director of LLC "Ellada" Valery Konosov and the lawyer of LLC "Management Company "Taloka" Yuri Shamanov, were part of an organized criminal group in the period from 19 From December 2007 to May 27, 2008, they tried to fraudulently obtain a 51 percent stake in Troitskoye LLC and the Lianozovo motor vehicle fleet.

The size of the theft amounted to 376 million rubles. According to the judge, “the guilt of the defendants has been fully proven, but their correction is possible without isolation from society”.

Sentence: Iosif Reikhanov received 5 years conditionally, his accomplices - 4 years probation with a probationary period of 4 years without a fine.

August 1, 2013 Oktyabrsky District Court of Krasnodar found guilty former head of the transport department of the Krasnodar region Dmitry Pugachev, accused of abuse of power.

In 2007, Pugachev was simultaneously the chairman of the board of directors of Belorechensk Motor Transport Enterprise OJSC, 100% of the shares of which belonged to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the RAPSI website, he used his powers to prepare falsified minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the OJSC, on the basis of which the property of the regional enterprise was sold without the consent of the owner of the shares at a reduced price. Damage to the state amounted to more than 27 million rubles.

Sentence: 2 years imprisonment conditionally.

August 17, 2013 Another discouraging judicial story from the series of “fight against corruption” in the Russian Federation appeared on the pages of the press. Former Chairman of the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the Novokuznetsk Administration Ivan Makovkin was convicted of abuse of power with grave damage.

The investigation established, NSI-inform writes, that Makovkin organized the illegal alienation of property at a deliberately reduced price, and also falsified documentation when assessing the privatized JSC NEK. And then, at a reduced price, he sold 100% of the shares of this enterprise 000 “Trading House “NEK”, the founder of which was the son of the former head of Novokuznetsk.

As a result, the budget of Novokuznetsk suffered damage more than 980 million rubles.

Sentence: an official who robbed the state of almost a billion rubles received 5 years conditionally."

To sum it up.

A man takes a can of spray paint and paints letters on the fence. Three years. Colonies.
The metal corrugated sheet with barbed wire has lost its aesthetic qualities irrevocably.

And behind that same fence, the reserve is being destroyed.
They are cutting and sawing the natural wealth of our country, which, unlike corrugated tin sheets, cannot be bought on the construction market.
Ecology in general is of particular importance in all self-respecting countries - since the destruction of natural objects, and even relict and Red Book species, is almost always a “one way ticket”.
But in Russia, the prosecutor's office and the court are doing their best to protect the fence protecting the destruction of national property from the most dangerous environmentalists with spray paint.