Exhibition of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs. Which guinea pigs can take part in the exhibition

  • 02.11.2019
  • Participation without expertise
  • Participation in Pet examination
  • Participation in Inter-expertise
  • Participation in the Russian examination (all smooth-haired breeds, selfies and non-selfies) — it is possible to participate in two show-expertises (plus a pet show)


Inter-expertise(English grading system) — Depending on the load on the expert, it is possible to replace the expert in breeds

  • Hanna Haliseva (Finland) — skinny, baldwin, English self (all colors), agouti, solid, argent, tan, fox, otter, california, himalayan, roan, dalmatian, two-color, tri-color, tortie and white, dapple.
  • Hazel Beauvale (UK) - Sheltie, Texel, Peruvian, Alpaca, Lunkaria, Coronet, Merino, Abyssinian, American Teddy, Rex, Swiss Teddy, English Crested, American Crested, Colored Crested, Satin Crested, Satin.

Russian expertise

  • Atrahimovich Diana (Moscow) - (all smooth-haired breeds, selfies and non-selfies)

pet show

  • Goryakina Olga (Moscow)
  • Sharpar Ekaterina (Moscow)

* Pet (English) /Pet/- pet, pet Any pig, even thoroughbred, can be exhibited in a pet show. Pigs at the pet show are judged not by breed qualities, but by condition and character, how well the owner takes care of the pig is assessed. Affectionate nature and calm disposition are very important for showing a guinea pig at an exhibition as a pet. Pigs of any breed, any color, any origin can be exhibited at the exhibition.

  1. Recording to the exhibition for guinea pigs only preliminary once entered in the catalogue, there will be no additional entry at the exhibition. It will be possible to replace an already declared pig with another one within the breed.
  2. A preliminary schedule will be drawn up for the examination of gilts. Exhibitors who miss their time and (or) are late will be the last to pass the examination (and will not participate in the comparison for prizes).
  3. Guinea pigs, declared for the definition of breed and PET class, will be the first to be examined, before the start of examination in the main breed rings.

Conditions and cost of participation

➡ Applications are accepted until March 23 inclusive. Registration may be terminated before this time. , which will be announced later.

Fee from the participant - 300 rubles. The participant is provided with an exhibition place (a chair and a place on the exhibition table approximately 80x80 cm), an exhibition catalog, a gift package upon registration.

Additional exhibition space - 500 rubles. (the number of extra seats is limited!) Exhibitor can rent no more than one additional exhibition space. Extra bed to be booked only after payment collection from the participant and the cost of additional. places. Applications and payment are accepted until March 23.

Cost of participation of an animal calculated as follows: basic cost of participation(for all animals) + examination cost(for animals declared for examination).

Until April 5, 2018, you need to pay the participant fee and the basic cost of the participation of animals (in case of booking an additional place - until March 23).Examination can be paid on the day of the exhibition according to the actual number of animals.

Participation form base cost Expertise cost Total for
1 animal
without expertise 150 rub. 150 rub.
pet expertise 150 rub. 150 rub. 300 rub.
grew up expertise 150 rub. 150 rub. 300 rub.
150 rub. 450 rub. 600 rub.

How to pay

Surely, you have heard that there are exhibitions of cats and dogs. We have already written about how to prepare your pet for this important event on this site. Look for relevant publications about preparing cats for a show, and about preparing dogs for a show. But what do you say about the fact that your guinea pig ... can also participate in a similar exhibition, which is specially held for guinea pigs? Surprised? Never heard anything like it? Are you dreaming about your pet or pet taking a prize? Well, then you should definitely start your path to common glory by reading this publication ...

Which guinea pigs can take part in the exhibition

When it comes to an event high level, then guinea pigs of elite breeds can participate in it (more about), which have a good pedigree and an appropriate appearance. Such pigs are purchased in specialized nurseries, they need special care, and only such a pet can cause envy and admiration from other breeders, and deserve the highest praise from the judges. But, it is quite clear that there are not so many such representatives of elite breeds of guinea pigs, there are much more ordinary rodents - similar events are also arranged for them, while the judges pay attention at such exhibitions, first of all, to the appearance of the guinea pig and its upbringing, but the presence of eminent parents is welcome, but not a prerequisite for participation in the exhibition. As a rule, there are much more participants at such exhibitions and any owner can take part in them - the main thing is that his guinea pig is healthy, looks well-groomed and happy. Everything else color, breed - receives secondary ratings ...

Groups of guinea pigs that can participate in the exhibition

All pigs participating in the exhibition are conditionally divided into groups. A group of thoroughbred animals - we are talking about representatives of elite and rare breeds of rodents, and a group of pets - pets. At the same time, a group of pedigreed pigs is divided into classes according to age and breed criteria, which in turn are divided into a class of pigs aged from 3 to 6 months and a class of adult pigs, which includes pets older than 7 months . Each class and each breed at the end of the show should get its own winner.

It is noteworthy that in Europe, at such events, there is also a class for the color of rodents, however, in Russia and other CIS countries there is no such practice yet, and pigs are evaluated regardless of their color. Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that we do not have many thoroughbred animals, therefore, sometimes only a few pets of the same beauty take part in the exhibition. It would be inappropriate to evaluate among them. Although, there are prerequisites that this trend will soon change, since several exhibitions have already been held in Russia, and the rules for holding these events were quite European, this also applies to the division of participants into colors. Such rodents were awarded the title BOC (best in their color) or CAC (candidate for champion), and this suggested the possibility of further participation in events of this class.

By the way, the winners receive a diploma of participation and victory, and it can decorate the wall of the owner of such a well-groomed rodent.

As for the participation of pet class pets in exhibitions corresponding to their level, rodents take part in such events, which for one reason or another cannot be classified as participants in elite guinea pig exhibitions, but can compete for victory among themselves. These pets are divided into 3 classes of participants: the junior class - this includes animals from 2 months to 6, the adult guinea pig class - this includes rodents from 7 months to 3 years, and the veteran class - includes representatives of their species older than 4 years. At the same time, depending on who represents the guinea pig - an adult or a child - there is a division into 2 subgroups of participants.

Well, and, of course, there is a division by gender - males are compared with males, and females with females ...

Criteria for a rodent to participate in an exhibition

Well, as you can see, no matter what breed your pig is, you can take part in thematic exhibition. However, it is very important that the rodent is physically healthy and tamed. He should calmly behave while in your arms, not break out and not bite. To do this, you must periodically pick it up and tame it. Also, the guinea pig should look well-groomed - we will tell you below how to achieve this ...

The guinea pig must meet the age criteria - be no younger than 3 months and no older than 4 years (with the exception of exhibitions for "veterans").

Beforehand, you will need to register in the guinea pig club, clarify the date of the event and the features of its holding.

How are guinea pigs evaluated?

Depending on the specifics of the exhibition, there is also a scale for evaluating participants. Thus, marks can be given on a 100-point scale - in this case, the grading system is based on international standards breed and, as a result, the winner - the rodent that scored the most points, is awarded the title of winner. May also be displayed comparative evaluation- in this case, the guinea pig is not awarded points, but all the represented rodents in each class are compared with each other. The second round involves comparing the winners of the previous stage and so on until a winner appears in each specific nomination.

Generally speaking, at the first exhibitions of guinea pigs, judges evaluated such qualities in animals as, for smooth-haired breeds - shape and size, color, color distribution, degree of domestication and appearance, for representatives of wire-haired breeds, the evaluation criteria were based on the number and shape curls on the body, the presence of sideburns on the head, the distribution of color and general color, the condition of the coat, the shape and size of the rodent, its appearance and degree of domestication ...

Only a thoroughbred animal with a good pedigree can take part in an elite exhibition. If the owner plans to represent the guinea pig at various exhibitions and competitions, he should purchase the animal only in specialized nurseries. Only such a guinea pig will be able to arouse the admiration and envy of other breeders in the future, as well as earn high marks from the judges.

Now the organizers of some exhibitions allow exhibiting not only purebred animals, but also the most common guinea pigs that do not have known parents. The main evaluation criterion here is the appearance and behavior of the pig.

The victory in the exhibition depends not only on the breed and color of the guinea pig, but also on whether the owner takes care of her properly, takes care of her nutrition and the condition of the coat.

Currently, there are several systems for evaluating guinea pigs at shows:

100-point score - based on breed standards in other countries. Titles at exhibitions are awarded depending on the points scored, respectively, the more points awarded, the higher the title of the animal;

comparative assessment - the animal is not awarded points. There is a comparison of all exhibited guinea pigs in each class among themselves. In the second round, the winners of the previous stage are compared, the animals in each of the classes are again compared with each other. Moreover, each guinea pig can receive several titles at once, depending on the number of nominations.

Guinea pigs participating in exhibitions can be divided into 2 groups:

a group of thoroughbred animals;

pet group (pets).

group of thoroughbred animals

Guinea pigs belonging to this group are divided into the following classes:



In turn, age classes are divided into the following:

first class - pigs from 2 to 6 months;

the second class, or the class of adult pigs, is from 7 months and older.

V.P. Goncharov in his book on guinea pigs writes: “English breeders are striving to restore the Russian breed of guinea pigs, calling them, like Russian rabbits, Himalayan. Russian breeders should succeed in breeding Russian guinea pigs not only with black ears, but also black-nosed, and full-length black, counting from the hoof.

Guinea pigs are selected into one or another breed class, as the name implies, depending on the breed.

At the exhibition, each class and breed has its winners. At European exhibitions, animals are divided not only into breeds, but also depending on color. In Russia, at most exhibitions, guinea pigs of the same breed, regardless of color, are evaluated together. This is due to the fact that there are still few purebred animals in our country, sometimes only 1-2 guinea pigs of the same color take part in the exhibition.

Nevertheless, several exhibitions of guinea pigs were held in Russia according to European standards. According to the results of such exhibitions, the winner in each color receives the title of BOC (Best of Color - “best in color”) and the title of CAC (candidate for champions).

If a guinea pig is awarded 2 CAC titles, it receives the title of champion. This title allows you to take part in exhibitions in the future already in the champion class. Only the best guinea pig breeds with champion status are exhibited in this class.

Guinea pigs that have been awarded the title of BOC, i.e., the best in the color of this breed, continue to compete among themselves for the title of BOB (best in breed). The animal that takes second place receives the title of 2-BOB.

At the beginning of the XX century. guinea pigs were exhibited at poultry exhibitions in the rabbit breeding group.

Guinea pigs with the status of the Great Patriotic War go to the final, where they also compete for the title of the best animal at this exhibition (BIS - Best in Show).

All of the above titles are awarded to guinea pigs both in the junior class and in the adult class. The winners are given documents in which the titles received by the pigs are indicated. In the junior class, all titles are awarded with the mark "junior".

The best long-haired, short-haired and smooth-haired guinea pig can also be selected at the show. These titles are also indicated in the documents.

The organizers of some exhibitions invite experts from other countries to be members of the jury. In this case, we are talking about interexpertiza. At such exhibitions, the winner can be awarded the title CACIB (candidate for international champions).

In exhibitions in which purebred animals take part, only guinea pigs of the open class (open class), that is, those that fully comply with the breed standard, can participate.

Pet-class (pet class)

Pet-class guinea pigs are pets that, for one reason or another, do not fall into open class. This class includes animals with various disqualifying faults. Such pigs cannot participate in elite exhibitions, but they may well compete with each other. They also put on various shows. Participants of these exhibitions are judged primarily on their appearance, character and behavior.

Guinea pigs of the following age categories participate in pet-group exhibitions:

first class, or junior class - animals from 2 to 6 months;

the second class, or adult guinea pigs, - animals from 7 months to 3 years;

the third class, or veteran class, is for animals 4 years of age and older.

It is also important who exactly represents the animal at the exhibition. There are 2 subgroups:

guinea pigs represented by an adult (Adult owned pet sow and Adult owned pet boar);

the guinea pigs that the child represents (Juvenile owned pet sow and Juvenile owned pet boar).

Since most often guinea pigs, obtained by crossing animals of different breeds, take part in exhibitions, they amaze with a variety of colors and their appearance. Guinea pigs are judged according to color, in this category they receive the title of CAC. Just like in the pedigree group, having two CAC titles allows the animal to get the title of champion and move to a class where only champions are exhibited.

At the first exhibitions of guinea pigs, experts evaluated the following qualities in animals:

in smooth-haired breeds - general shape and size (weight), color and color distribution, appearance and degree of domestication;

in rough-haired breeds - the number and shape of curls (rosettes) on the body, the presence of a characteristic dress on the head (tanks), color and distribution of color, condition of wool, general shape and size, appearance and degree of domestication.

During the competition, guinea pigs are divided into groups of 3-4 animals each, regardless of color or coat length. The winner in the group is not given any title, but he gets the opportunity to move on to the second round of selection, where all the winners of the previous competition are judged.

At the end of the show, animals are awarded the title of the best pet of this show, as well as in the junior class - the best pet-junior, in the veteran class - the best pet-veteran.

Animals that have won prizes or simply participating in the exhibition are given evaluation sheets, which contain detailed description mumps, all its advantages and disadvantages are listed.

Evaluation sheets are issued in 2 copies. The first remains with the organizers of the exhibition, and the second is issued to the owner of the guinea pig. Thanks to this document, it becomes possible to significantly simplify the selection work.

Preparing for the exhibition

Before a guinea pig can be registered for an exhibition, it must be prepared. The preparation includes caring for the coat, eyes, ears and claws of the animal, drawing up the right diet, cutting and styling wool, selecting accessories and much more.

First exhibition

Experienced breeders who exhibit their pets at competitions more than once know how to properly prepare a pig for an exhibition. Novice owners can hardly imagine what exactly needs to be done in order for the animal to win a prize and be liked by both other participants and the jury members.

Guinea pigs were also exhibited at the exhibitions of poultry farmers held in 1999 and 2000. The animals were a great success, and individual exhibitions began to be held.

Only a well-tamed animal can participate in the exhibition. If a guinea pig is fearful of its owner, fidgets, thrashes, or bites, it is likely to be excluded from the competition or disqualified from the evaluation process. Therefore, before taking the animal to the exhibition, it is necessary to tame it well.

A guinea pig should not only behave calmly in the presence of other people, but also not be afraid when someone comes very close to her or picks her up. At the exhibition, experts will examine the animal, a restless or aggressive pig may be disqualified.

It is necessary to find out about all upcoming guinea pig shows and register there in advance. If this is not done, the pig at the last moment may not be allowed to compete. Having learned about the date of the upcoming exhibition, you can ask the managers about the requirements for animals. The conditions for holding exhibitions and the requirements for the appearance and condition of guinea pigs can vary significantly.

It is necessary to decide in advance who will represent the guinea pig at the exhibition - an adult or a child. Depending on this, the animal should be registered in one or another subgroup. Also, attention should be paid to the age of the pig. If during the competition it turns out that the animal is registered in the wrong subgroup, it will immediately be removed from the competition.

Too small animals (up to 2 months) cannot take part in exhibitions. But usually the age limits are set by each club individually.

Hair and claw care

As already mentioned, the appearance of a guinea pig is important. Regardless of what breed it is, the pig must be healthy, clean and well-groomed.

Some breeders prefer to wash their guinea pig's coat with regular baby shampoo.

Approximately 1 week before the start of the exhibition, it is necessary to arrange a bath day for the guinea pig. Many novice breeders make one common mistake - they bathe the animal on the eve of an important day. As a result, the coat of the pig cannot be beautifully laid, it is fluffy and looks disheveled.

The following accessories are required for hair care:

special shampoo for the exhibition;

special conditioner after wool washing;


cotton swab;


tweezers for claws;



Water procedures

Everything you need should be prepared in advance and put next to the bath. Many guinea pigs do not like to swim and may begin to bite and thrash. Therefore, all accessories should be at hand.

Water in the bath should be poured in such a way that the head of the guinea pig is always above the surface of the water. It is not recommended to pour too hot or cold water. It should be slightly above room temperature.

The pig must be carefully placed in the bath and gently wet the coat with a cotton swab. The animal's head must not be washed. When the wool becomes wet, you need to drop a little shampoo on it and carefully distribute it throughout the fur coat. In this case, you need to ensure that the shampoo does not get into the eye, nose and ears of the animal.

Do not use the same shampoo that you use to wash your pet every day. Now in any specialized store you can buy special exhibition shampoos. They not only perfectly clean the coat of the guinea pig, but also make it soft, silky and shiny.

The condition of the coat of a guinea pig is affected not only by regular care, but also by a properly composed diet.

It is necessary to choose shampoos with herbs, without dyes and flavors. They do not cause allergies and perfectly clean the coat. Shampoo must be selected individually for each guinea pig. For some animals, the shampoo used by other breeders is not always suitable.

Exhibition shampoos can be cheap and expensive, imported and domestic. It cannot be said that some of them are better or worse. It is necessary to select a shampoo, observing the reaction of the pig and based on the condition of its coat.

When bathing a long-haired guinea pig, do not rub the shampoo too hard into the coat. Acting in this way, you can only make things worse, the long hair of the animal will get tangled, and tangles may even form. A long-haired guinea pig can be washed with a comb or an old toothbrush, distributing the shampoo throughout the fur coat, while combing it thoroughly.

You need to wash your guinea pig with shampoo no more than 1-2 times (2 times, provided that the animal's hair is very dirty).

It is necessary to ensure that the room is warm and there are no drafts, otherwise the pig may catch a cold.

After washing, thoroughly rinse the shampoo from the coat of the pig. Rinse the animal thoroughly several times. If even a little shampoo remains on the coat, it can cause severe allergies.

According to Euromonitor, the total sales of accessories and pet food in the world will increase by 3% annually.

After that, you need to thoroughly wash the paws of the pig. To do this, an old toothbrush is useful, with which you can clean the paw pads and claws well.

Combing wool

After bathing, the guinea pig must be dried immediately with a towel, otherwise it may catch a cold. The animal must be wrapped in a towel and dried with a hair dryer (direct air to the pig wrapped in towels until completely dry). But first it must be carefully combed.

After the guinea pig's hair is dry, it needs to be combed again. It is important to remove all tangles, if any. Tangled areas of wool should be carefully untangled with your hands, and not attempted to be combed with a brush.

There are the following special tools for grooming guinea pig hair:

double-sided comb;

comb with teeth of different lengths;

comb with frequent teeth;



Smooth-haired guinea pigs are best brushed with a massage brush with cleaning bristles, while long-haired guinea pigs are best brushed with a slicker brush and flat combs.

First, the coat should be combed with a comb with rare teeth. When there are no tangles left on the wool (if it cannot be untangled, they should be carefully cut off), it is necessary to comb the wool again with a comb with widely spaced teeth, and then go through the brush several times.

Thanks to brushing, the animal's coat will be smoother and shinier.

Guinea pig care tools

Nail clipping

Then the pig needs to cut its claws. If possible, it is better to seek help from a professional or at least consult with experienced breeders. The nails of light-coated guinea pigs are slightly easier to cut than dark-colored guinea pigs. On light nails, the border is clearly visible, to which you can cut. In any case, you need to cut off the very tip, otherwise you can hurt the animal. The cutting edge of the tweezers should be across the claw. Otherwise, the claw may crack.

Nail trimmers usually use special tweezers, small scissors and a regular nail file. After the nails are cut, they need to be filed with a file.

An interesting novelty has appeared on the pet supplies market - a liquid shampoo that does not require rinsing is called "Liquid Self-Rinse Shampoo".

Experienced breeders not only bathe their animals and comb their hair before the show, but also make various styling. In any case, it is better to practice in advance, but you can do without it, especially at the first exhibition.


It is best to come to the exhibition in advance. The animal must get used to environment feel calm and comfortable. When transporting, you can use the transport cage. Many exhibitions last quite a long time, so you need to take some hay, vegetables and water with you so that the pig does not get hungry.

As a rule, the show manager must indicate to each participant the number of the cage or box where the animal will be kept. The owner of the pig is engaged in the design of the cage. Many breeders prepare special coasters in advance.

Exhibition stand

You can buy a ready-made exhibition stand in a specialized store or make it yourself.

Take an ordinary plastic pallet (for example, from a flower pot) with a diameter of at least 34 cm. Color does not matter.

Attach 4 small furniture handles, preferably round, to the bottom of the pallet. These will be the legs of the stand.

Cut a piece of foam rubber with dimensions (diameter and height) equal to the dimensions of the pallet, put it inside the pallet.

Insert rubber band.

To make the stand beautiful, you can decorate it with a cover. Monochromatic material (plush, velvet, satin) is best suited. It is necessary to cut a circle of material with a diameter larger than the upper edge of the pallet by about 7 cm (so that it is enough to tuck it). Bend the edge of the material - there will be an elastic band.

Making a display stand for a guinea pig

The cover can be decorated with a beautiful ruffle. For this, a material of the same or a contrasting color is suitable, from which a strip 7 cm wide and about 1.5 m long should be cut. Hem one edge of the ruffle, and carefully gather and sew the edges on the other. On the front side of the cover, mark the circle, spread the ruffle over it and sew.

The resulting elegant cover, put on a stand.

Preparing short haired gilts

The preparation of guinea pigs for a show differs depending on whether they are shorthaired or longhaired.

Short-haired guinea pigs are suitable for exhibition with the following parameters: absence of birth defects and diseases, good physique, correct head shape, round eyes, correct ear position, short and shiny coat. Having chosen an animal suitable for the exhibition, one must carefully look for any incorrectly colored individual hairs: if there are many of them, then it can be said with confidence that the pig will not pass the preliminary selection and will be excluded from participation in the main show.

If the animal meets the requirements, it is necessary to start training it in advance: put the pig on a smooth surface several times a day (this is exactly what the expert will do when assessing at the exhibition), making sure that her shoulders are set high and her head is raised. Moreover, the pet must learn to sit in this position absolutely calmly.

About a week before the show, you can start trimming - removing dead hairs. This procedure must be carried out very carefully: grabbing the hair of the animal between the thumb and the surface of the comb, you must carefully guide the comb in the direction from the head to the back of the pig's body.

When trimming, it is important not to overdo it. Lack of thick coat will not make the best impression on the judges, and the animal will not receive high scores. In addition, insufficiently saturated color of the undercoat (which in this case will show through) can change the depth of the main color.

After trimming, the animal must be bathed.

It is best to wash a short-haired pet with a special shampoo in warm water. The owner should thoroughly rinse the fur of the animal, and then, gently blotting it with a soft cloth, dry it with a hair dryer. Immediately before the show, you can treat the pig's fur with special cosmetics for animals sold in pet stores. This procedure will add extra shine to the guinea pig's coat.

On the day of the exhibition, be sure to check the claws of the animal and, if necessary, trim them. The show animal must be in good physical condition, i.e. be sufficiently well-fed, but not overfed. Naturally, the pig should not have any physical anomalies. In addition, pregnant guinea pigs may not be exhibited. The eyes of the animal must be clean, in no case watery.

We must not forget about the exhibition cage, which must be brought into proper shape before the pig is planted in it.

Preparing long haired gilts

Preparing long-haired guinea pigs for a show is a bit more difficult than short-haired guinea pigs.

Some breeders brush their guinea pigs against the coat on the eve of the show. This creates the necessary volume and looks very attractive.

Long-haired guinea pigs have the following parameters suitable for exhibition: absence of congenital defects and diseases, good physique, correct head shape, round eyes, correct ear position. The coat of the exhibited guinea pig must be undamaged, combed and trimmed.

Unlike most other breeds of guinea pigs, long-haired guinea pigs require extensive training. Having decided to take part in the exhibition, the owner must check the pet's coat daily for the presence of tangles (tangled areas). Moreover, it is desirable to eliminate such defects manually, since tangled areas of wool in pigs should be cut very carefully and it is not easy for an inexperienced owner to do this.

More experienced breeders prefer to use a mat cutter, which is a comb with sharpened blades.

Like shorthaired gilts, longhaired gilts need to be taught to sit quietly on a smooth surface for a few minutes.

The hair of adult long-haired pigs must be removed in hairpins.

Before the exhibition it is necessary to cut the claws of the guinea pig and clean the paw pads.

In addition to the general procedures for preparing for the exhibition for all long-haired pigs, there are also special ones, with the help of which the animal is prepared for the show, depending on its breed.

All long-haired guinea pigs are born with short hair, and then it grows at a rate of 1 inch per month.

So, Peruvian guinea pigs, as well as animals of the coronet and texel breeds, are exhibited with a parting in the middle of the body. In Sheltie pigs, the hair is combed back.


Many experienced breeders, who exhibit their animals at various exhibitions more than once, make them different styles. Most often, the hair of guinea pigs is laid with the help of curlers.

Papilotki - pieces of rubber or cork paper or strips of an ordinary waffle towel, into which strands of wool are placed and secured with an elastic band.

Divide the wool into small strands, wind them on curlers and secure with an elastic band.


Young pigs are usually laid like this on a train. For this, only one papillot is needed. Older guinea pigs are also laid wool on the sides.

unfolded papillotte

In order for the animal to get used to the papillots, it is necessary to accustom him to them in advance, and not on the eve of the exhibition. Most pigs have nothing against such experiments with wool and behave quite calmly.

Styling with papillots

How to twist a papillot correctly

An example of laying wool with papillots

Papillots can be made independently:

Cut several small strips of fabric (paper) about 6 cm wide. In this case, the length of the strip should match the length of the wool in the area where the papillot will be located.

On each strip, on one side of the fabric, sew (glue) Velcro along its width.

Bend the fabric as shown in the picture. The result should be 2 folds and 3 faces (each 3 cm wide).

Fold the fabric, resulting in 1 long edge, then squeeze along the entire length with an accordion.

If the fabric is unfolded, it will have several folds.

Guinea pigs have hair that grows throughout their lives.

To wind the wool on the papilot, it is necessary to roll it first along, as if to slam the long shutters, and then, in order to make it convenient to put on the elastic, roll it in width along the folds.

Tie the resulting kind of pocket with an elastic band so that the papillot cannot slip off. Each curler should fit snugly against the body of the pig, and you need to start winding the wool from the very root of the hair. As a result, the curl will be tight, and the hair will not break out or get tangled. If the papilot is put on correctly, the animal will behave calmly and will not try to rip it off. Otherwise, the hairs will be pulled too tight and the pig will be hurt.

Papillot making

Some breeders use sheets of special curl paper instead of cloth. It is very soft, but at the same time quite durable paper that can be used repeatedly. Instead of rubber bands, many use a regular cut into strips. Balloon. Depending on the length of the animal's hair, you can change the size of the sheet used and the paper folding pattern.

The length of the papillotte must match the length of the coat

You can take a few spare papilots to the exhibition. It may happen that they need to be replaced.

Features of the assessment of some breeds of pigs

Preparation for the exhibition of some breeds of guinea pigs differs significantly from the usual exhibition preparation.

Of great importance in the exhibition evaluation of selfies is the correct position of the animal. It is important that the hind legs of the pig are located strictly under the body, the front legs support the shoulders as much as possible, emphasizing their size and smooth bend. The head should be a smooth extension of the body; a high head is considered a fault. At the same time, a small hump should be visible in the neck area (from the back).

Curved ear tips and uncolored rims are very often hereditary and are considered a fault in the assessment. Preference is given to animals with large, strongly lowered ears, located strictly on the same level.

An animal with a thick body, shaped like a pear, will never receive a high rating. Pigs with a brick-shaped body are highly valued.

Among selfie champions there are a lot of animals with a solid solid color of the whole body. There should be no spots or "feathers" different in color from the main coat, including the color of the undercoat. It is absolutely unacceptable to weaken the color on the front legs and around the eyes.

Excessive grooming breaks the color shade and is a fault. Also a minus is disheveled wool or even its slight waviness.

All of the above is evaluated visually by the judges. Next comes the second stage of inspection of the exhibition animal. Experts take the pig in their arms. Thus, you can get an idea about its condition and the quality of the coat. The body of the pig should be strong, firm and resilient. A soft and loose body is a significant disadvantage. Self coat should be velvety and soft.

At the final stage of evaluation, the judge examines the belly and undercoat of the pig. Many animals have unusual or strangely colored hair (especially on the abdomen and around the anus). Some experts do not consider this a disadvantage. The downside is the poor color of the undercoat on the sides and shoulders, which gives an untidy appearance to the entire coat. Separately, the length of the wool is estimated. Red, brown, beige and lilac selfies usually have slightly longer coats.

It is necessary to clean the ears and sebaceous glands of pigs on the eve of the exhibition.

There is the following system for evaluating selfies.


Glossy, saturated, without extraneous spots and "feathers".

The color of the undercoat should be as intense as possible to the very roots.

The color of the paws must match the main color.

The maximum number of points is 30.

breed type

Short stocky body with very wide set deep shoulders, wide nose ("Roman"), widely spaced nostrils.


Shiny, velvety, short.

Large, wide, lowered down.


Large and bulging.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Condition, cleanliness, readiness.

The maximum number of points is 10.

Himalayan guinea pig

Among the Himalayan guinea pigs, pure white animals with black or milk chocolate markings are most valued. It is considered a plus for black Himalayans to have pure black paws, for brown ones - from pink to milky brown. The disadvantage is very dark markings.

Low scores are given to pigs with insufficiently intense or spotty color of dark markings and off-white color of the whole body, as well as with a light border on the ears (ears are the main parameter in the standard).

A smooth coat is highly valued, disheveled is a fault. Changes in the direction of hair growth (including areas around the eyes, on the sides and on the stomach) are also considered a minus.

Animals with the following characteristics are disqualified:

white toes or paw pads on hind legs;

white paws or claws below or above;

unpainted pads;

coarse hair on the muzzle;

damage to the coat;

droopy eyelids;


physical anomalies;

pregnant pigs.

There is the following rating system for Himalayan pigs.

Wool and color

Smooth coat, uniform color without spots.

breed type

A small tightly knitted body, a wide head, which resembles the shape of the head of a selfie.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Ideally - pear-shaped, symmetrically located between the eyes.

The maximum number of points is 25.


The maximum number of points is 20.

Large, rose-petal-shaped, set wide apart, drooping down, fully colored, rich in color.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Large, wide set, bright red.

The maximum number of points is 5.


The maximum number of points is 10.

The total maximum score is 100 points.

This breed of guinea pigs has recently become one of the most common. At exhibitions, Shelties are very strong competitors to other, older and more common breeds.

Pigs with obvious genetic qualities - long hair and the absence of rosettes - get high marks at exhibitions. Also considered a plus is a large wide head with hanging ears and large bulging eyes.

Pigs with the following faults are disqualified:

small or insufficient distance between the eyes;

long elongated muzzle;

small erect ears.

Pigs with short or sparse hair receive the lowest marks at exhibitions. Animals with dense, soft and long hair, silky on the shoulders, which smoothly turns into a train, are highly valued.

Female Shelties tend to have a better head type than males.

By the age of 2-3 months, the Sheltie's coat has already reached a sufficient length so that it can be removed in hairpins. At this age, pigs are already becoming owners of a beautiful fur coat and a long train.

At 4–5 months, the Sheltie guinea pig is already sufficiently formed and can take part in exhibitions and various competitions. At this age, wool must be wound on hairpins, otherwise it will get tangled and tangles will occur.

The Sheltie breeder should be especially careful when using curlers: on the sides, parting may not be formed correctly, which should be clearly in the middle of the back. Some pig lovers constantly change the parting line, twisting the papillottes in different ways. For example, they make one on the shoulders, between the two side ones, taking the wool from the middle of the shoulders and back there. As a result, the parting may not appear at all.

Shelties of absolutely any color are allowed to the exhibition. This feature in the breed is not the main one. Much more important is the texture of the coat. Recently, quite beautiful animals of this breed have appeared: two- and even three-colored.

There is the following Sheltie scoring system.


Smooth, thick, soft.

The maximum number of points is 25.

breed type

A small, strongly built body, a wide head, which resembles the shape of the head of a selfie.

The maximum number of points is 15.


The color must match the main color of the body.

The maximum number of points is 20.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Large, set wide apart.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Well-groomed, pure and moderately well-fed.

The maximum number of points is 20.

The total maximum score is 100 points.

This breed is considered the most interesting to breed and the most competitive.

At exhibitions, you can often find these large and affectionate animals taking prizes. Despite the fact that Rexes are not a very old breed, pigs have recently become very popular.

The variety of colors of Rex is endless, and this adds interest to the process of breeding them. Animals of any color are allowed on exhibitions.

One of the main parameters when breeding rexes is the quality of the coat, and it is precisely this that should be paid attention to when breeding. most attention. As already mentioned, these are rather large animals and at the age of 4-5 months they can look like adult pigs of other breeds.

Wool is not formed so quickly and becomes the most beautiful and thick by 9-10 months. One of the features of this breed of guinea pigs is curly hair, for which the animal receives the highest marks at exhibitions. However, until 6 months of age, the coat should be thick, short and velvety.

The coat of females looks very impressive, but it is not as hard as that of males.

Also, the main advantages of this breed are considered to be a wide head, round eyes and a good shape of the ears.

Rexes go through several stages in their development. This should be taken into account before exhibiting an animal in various competitions.

Birth to 12 weeks

Pigs are covered with slightly wavy baby fur. Many at this age look like perfect adults, but the quality of the coat may subsequently deteriorate.

12–20 weeks

The first true hair begins to appear primarily on the shoulders. In many animals, at first it does not differ in beauty, it lies, it completely lacks volume. As a rule, the most promising pigs at this age look much worse than the rest.

5–7 months

Wool completely loses its appearance, volume and elasticity are lost. This is a temporary phenomenon. After a while, it, starting from the lower back, rises again.

8–10 months

The coat on the shoulders improves markedly, but on the sides it still remains lying. At this age, it is already possible to judge the future texture and thickness of the coat.

10–15 months

Gradually, the hair rises all over the body. This is especially noticeable on the sides and sacrum.

1–3 years

At this age, Rex coats look their best. They have clearly visible hard guard hairs, for which judges at exhibitions lower marks for other breeds of pigs. In these animals, this is the main advantage.

Despite the efforts of breeders and frequent training, even some purebred guinea pigs are not at all suitable for exhibitions. This applies primarily to restless animals that cannot stay in one place even for a few minutes.

Some Rexes, such as agoutis, have very greasy coats, so they need to be bathed more often than other gilts. It is better to do this 4-5 days before the exhibition. Many breeders advise using an insecticidal shampoo to wash Rex. Before bathing, the animal must be thoroughly combed with an ordinary comb or slicker with iron teeth. This is necessary in order to clean such thick wool from dead hairs, sawdust and hay. After bathing, the pig should be wrapped in a towel and dried with a hairdryer. It is not recommended to wait until the pig dries on its own - thick wool dries for a long time and the animal may catch a cold.

Trimming should be done 4 days before the show. To facilitate the process, it is best to use the wiping method with your thumb and forefinger, wetting them from time to time with a damp towel.

To give the coat extra volume, you need to comb it first in one direction and then in the other. This will cause the hair to rise. Then every day (immediately before the show, too), you should clean the wool from hay and seeds.

Some Rex have thicker coats than others. In this case, the density of the coat can be the same. Light coats are usually longer and softer than dark coats. This is especially noticeable in two-color pigs.

The main disadvantage of Rex is the irregular coat on the belly, as a result of which it looks smooth. Adult gilts with this trait may be disqualified.

The judges also punish very severely for the following shortcoming - on the sides just below the elbows there are areas where the hair forms a light wave.

The Rex breeder should pay special attention to the behavior of the pig. Since animal hair is very hard and thick, it becomes dry and dandruff appears in it. In addition, the gilt often itches or gnaws at the coat, which creates obvious, easily visible imperfections in the coat.

There is the following system for evaluating rexes.


The hard, thick and springy coat should stand completely on the entire surface of the body, and be curly on the stomach and hind legs. The presence of guard hairs.

The maximum number of points is 25.

breed type

Large tightly knitted body, wide head, which resembles the shape of the head of selfies.

The maximum number of points is 15.


Strong and regular, should be located exactly under the body.

The maximum number of points is 20.

Large, rose petal-shaped, set wide apart, hanging down.

The maximum number of points is 15.


Large, set wide apart.

The maximum number of points is 10.


Well-groomed, pure and moderately well-fed.

The maximum number of points is 15.

The total maximum score is 100 points.

In order for a rex to be highly appreciated at the exhibition, there should not be pigs of other breeds among its ancestors.

Feeding pigs before the show

The diet of guinea pigs should always be well balanced and contain all the vitamins and minerals they need.

1-2 weeks before the exhibition, the pig must receive a grain mixture, vegetables and hay.

The morning portion should consist of grain and hay. In turn, the grain mixture should contain: oat granules - 50%, barley, peas, wheat - 50%. It is very useful to give animals juice from beet pulp mixed with bran and grains.

The evening portion should consist of vegetables and herbs (parsley, dill). It is better not to give hay in the evening. Pigs must have fresh water. It can only be replaced by moisture-containing puree mixtures and a large number of vegetables - cauliflower, cucumbers, carrots, apples, beets, etc.

Guinea pigs should be given soluble vitamin C daily.

If a guinea pig does not eat this way for at least a few days, this will greatly affect the condition of her coat.

It will become sticky and ugly.


Dear friends, this long-awaited moment has finally come!

WORLD OF GUINE PIGS (MMS) and KZJ "Arkaim" invite owners and breeders to take part in International exhibition guinea pigs and other small pets "SvinExpo".

Date: September 15, 2018 Place: Moscow, st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15 Timiryazev Biological Museum.

Registration for the exhibition will open on August 10, 2018 at exactly 19.00 Moscow time and will last until 23.59 Moscow time on September 1, 2018. The number of participants is limited. Registration may be closed early. Payment before September 1, 2018. Intra-breed and inter-breed replacement of animals is possible until September 13, 2018. There will be no replacement on the day of the show.



SWINEXPO I. SHOW class examination (English standards) Interexpert – Annette Creutzberg Mikkelsen (Denmark)

SVINEXPO II. SHOW class examination (English standards) Interexpert – Nete Dietrikh (Denmark)

At exhibitions according to English standards, a comparative assessment will be made without points. All pigs receive appraisers with a description and diplomas

ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF CONFORMITY - pigs rated excellent by the decision of the expert. Interexpert certificates are recognized by Russian clubs for the titles of Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Russia, etc.


Judge – Veronika Uzhakova (Tula, Russia) Everyone participates! Breed or its absence does not matter! Both adults and children can be owners! The best pigs are awarded pet-certificates, 3 pet-certificates make it possible to claim the titles of Junior Pet-Champion of Russia and Pet-Champion of Russia.

Important! The decision is made by the expert, his decision is not contested. For discussing the actions of the expert before, during or after the exhibition, suspension from participation in the events of the IMC and the KZJ "Arkaim" for a period of 1 year.

  • Toddlers (from 2 to 4 months inclusive)
  • Juniors (from 5 to 7 months inclusive)
  • Adults (from 8 months to 3 years)
  • Veterans (3 years and older).


  • The hungriest, the heaviest, the lightest pig, the golden mean
  • Competitions of costumes, drawings, crafts
  • Competitions for the best pairs, triplets, collections


African hedgehogs, decorative rabbits, gerbils, spiders, eublefaras, ants, Madagascar and Argentine cockroaches

FOOD TASTING FROM SPONSORS SALE of guinea pigs, African hedgehogs, ornamental rabbits, gerbils, spiders, eublefars, ants, Madagascar and Argentine cockroaches. SALES of souvenirs, crafts and handmade from the participants CONSULTATIONS on content from experienced breeders


PARTICIPATION COST AND PAYMENT Payment must be made before September 1, 2018. Applications without payment will not be considered accepted.

DOUBLE INTEREXPERTISE: 200 rub. registration fee from the owner + 1200 rubles. for 1 animal for 2 examinations

PET-SHOW from SVINEXPO: For participants of the double inter-examination 200 rubles per 1 animal For all others: 200 rubles. registration fee from the owner + 200 rubles. for 1 animal.

Sale of animals without participation is not provided. Additional table 80x80 - 300 rubles. Payment is made to a Sberbank card, the number of which will be sent in a reply letter to the application.


Registration for the exhibition will open on August 10, 2018 at exactly 19.00 Moscow time and will last until 23.59 Moscow time on September 1, 2018. The number of participants is limited. Registration may be closed early.

Applications for pigs are accepted by mail: [email protected]

The application must contain the following data: Information about the owner:

  1. full name of the owner
  2. Current city
  3. telephone
  4. Email

Information about the guinea pig:

  1. nickname (in full, with a kennel prefix)
  2. age at the time of the exhibition (number of years / months, for example 1 year 5 months write as 1/5)
  3. breed
  4. color / color and pattern
  5. breeder
  6. Double inter-examination / pet examination.

VETCONTROL. Guinea pigs are allowed to participate if they have F1 certificates for non-residents and F4 certificates for residents of the city of Moscow. Vet control is free.


  • Check-in at 7.30-8.30
  • Vet control 8.00-9.00
  • Examination 9.00-18.00
  • End of the exhibition 19.00
  • Gala dinner 19.00-22.00

Watch for announcements. If you have any questions, you can contact the organizers of the exhibition directly by mail. [email protected]