Jewelry stores with online adizes. Organizational structure of the company. Bibliography of Itzhak Adizes

  • 28.10.2019

This book owes its existence primarily to two people: Mark Ryan, my invaluable friend, who told me about the unusual therapist you are reading a book about, and Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin, the same therapist who became my second best friend. I want to say thank you, Nerissa, my love, my support and my faithful life partner. Thanks to Matt Holt and all my friends at John Wiley & Sons, Inc. I have enjoyed meeting and working with you. Thanks to Suzanne Barnes, my main assistant and proofreader of the first versions of the manuscript for this book. Among the contributors to this book, I would like to highlight Julian Coleman-Willer, Cindy Cashman, Craig Perrin, Pat O'Brien, Bill Hibler, and Nerissa Auden. The first readers of the book who helped improve it were Mark Weiser and Mark Ryan. I also want to give praise to God for guiding the creation of this book. I am very grateful for the instructions given to me.

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale

Ho'oponopono is an invaluable gift that allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds.

In fact, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeona, Ho'oponopono Supreme Master, originator of the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity, recognized as a Living Treasure of the State of Hawaii by the Hongaji Honolulu Mission and the Hawaii State Legislature in 1983


Our dear Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, the creator and first teacher of the Ho’oponopono method of self-identity, had a sign on the table that read “Peace begins with me,” which can be translated as “The world begins with me.”

I witnessed this world around us during our work and travels together from December 1982 until that fatal day in Kirchheim, Germany, in February 1992. Even as she lay on her deathbed in the midst of total chaos, she radiated a calmness beyond human comprehension.

It has been a great fortune and honor for me to have been trained by Morrna for ten years. Since then, I have been practicing the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity. I am glad that with the help of my friend, Dr. Joe Vitale, the message of this method can spread throughout the world.

The truth must reach you through me, because we are all one, and everything happens within this whole.

Peace me

Ihaliacala Hugh Lin, Ph.D.

retired chairman

The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos


Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor". This article talked about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. In doing so, he used an unusual healing method that originated in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took me two years to find this healer. As a result, I got acquainted with this method, and wrote an article that received wide acclaim.

This article has gone all over the Internet. It was published in newsgroups and forwarded to e-mail a huge number of people employed in completely different fields of activity. It was also liked by the visitors of my site and sold to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article came back from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. According to my calculations, about five million people have read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical of her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

My audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, came out with Nightingale-Conant after knocking on their doors for ten years without success.

How I went from a homeless person to a beggar without any plan, then to a poor author, a published author, and finally, one of the best-selling authors and Internet marketing gurus.

My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new marketing idea for the Internet, which one day brought me $22.5 thousand and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in the rolling Texas countryside. As a result of this desire, I created new business, who sold for 50 thousand dollars.

I lost over 40 kg since I opened new way fulfillment of your desires.

My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any requests, exhortations, persuasion or intrigues on my part.

My participation in the Larry King show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions and efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood speculators are discussing the possibility of a film adaptation of my book The Secret of Attraction: Five Steps to Financial (and More) Well-being, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful? Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I was persistent.

But aren't hundreds of other people doing the same thing and still not succeeding? What is the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that not one of them was the result of my direct efforts. In fact, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain it in a different way. In late 2006, I hosted a seminar called "Beyond Manifestation" (, which was mainly about what I understood about the enigmatic Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the application of which allows you to achieve any results in life. Among these were goal setting, goal fulfillment, intentions, body control exercises, feeling end result, script development, emotional freedom technique (EFT) and many other methods. After the group listened to all the ways they came up with, I asked if all of the ways listed worked consistently, with no exceptions.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

"So why?" I asked. Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion startled the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don’t really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away these toys and trust that place inside you that has no limits.”

Then I told the listeners that wherever you dream of being in life, this place is - outside of all these toys, outside of the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our life: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of God. In this last stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Today I was interviewing a person applying for the position of a goal achievement expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The applicant has written dozens of books that...

One of the experts in the field of improving the efficiency of business and government activities by making fundamental changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts that impede change.

Yitzhak Adizes was born on October 22, 1937 to a Sephardi family. His family were descendants of Jews expelled from Spain by the Inquisition in 1492 for refusing to convert to Christianity. From Spain, his ancestors moved to Verona, Italy, where they took a surname from the name of the local river Adige. And at the beginning of the 16th century, his ancestors settled in Macedonia. In March 1943, more than seven thousand Macedonian Jews, including the Adizes family, were sent to a concentration camp, and then the concentration camp prisoners, almost all of them, were sent to Treblinka. The Adizes family was among twelve other families that were saved. The Spanish consul found out at the beginning of the century that members of the Jewish community of Macedonia speak Ladino, the ancient language of the Jews of Spain. He convinced the Spanish authorities that they were the descendants of Spanish citizens, and helped in obtaining Spanish citizenship. The head of the family, Solomon (Moni) Adizes, took citizenship. When the family was in a concentration camp, since Spain was an ally of Germany, the prisoners who had Spanish citizenship were released.

Over the past 35 years Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes worked with many commercial organizations world, was a political consultant to the government of the heads of many states. Adizes is the founder and CEO The Adizes Institute, a change management organization with affiliates in the US and 14 other countries.

For thirty years he has been a tenured faculty member at the Andersen School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles, and has been a visiting faculty member at Stanford and Columbia Universities, as well as at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University. Dr. Adizes holds a Ph.D and MBA from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He currently holds the post of director of the Adizes Institute. He is also noted among famous authors and lectures in more than 40 countries. Adizes' work has been featured in magazines such as Fortune, New York Times, London Financial Times, maintains close ties with investors Daily Nationís Business and World Digest.

He is the author of seven books translated into 22 languages. His book Corporate Processes: How Organizations Grow and Die, and What to Do About It? Considered a classic textbook in management theory, it was chosen as one of the top 10 business books in the Library Journal. Adizes is ranked 28th in Executive Excellence's 2008-2009 "Top 100 Leadership Consultants" ranking.

Adizes is known for his theory of company life cycles, as well as his approach to the typology of leaders. In his opinion, ideal leader- a super-boss who can do anything simply does not exist. This is impossible because such an “ideal” person must combine incongruous, according to Adizes, qualities.

Adizes lists four such qualities that are needed to achieve short-term and long-term effectiveness and efficiency: results producer (P, producer), administrator (A, administrator), entrepreneur (E, entrepreneur) and integrator (I, Integrator). Based on the initial letters of these four English words, the model of types of leaders forms the abbreviation PAEI. These qualities contradict each other, since, for example, a good producer of results will be intolerant of excessive order, which the administrator is prone to, and the entrepreneur will always come up with something new, which can interfere with both the producer of results and the integrator, aimed at harmonizing relations in the team. Thus, at the head of the company should not be a super-boss, but a group of super-bosses, each of which perfectly fulfills one of the four roles and has a normal understanding of the others.

The Adizes method is used around the world in companies with sales from $2 million to $2 billion (Coca-Cola, Bank of America, Volvo, Visa Group, etc.).

Since 2010, the Adizes Institute has an official partner in Moscow. They became the company "BEST-Training" (director - M. E. Kukushkin)

Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes is one of the world's unsurpassed business consultants, a brilliant specialist in the field of effective business process management. Founder of the Adizes Institute, which is one of the top 10 consulting companies in the world. A branch of the Adizes Institute exists in 15 countries. Dr. Adizes is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA IBDA programs, an honorary doctor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Itzhak Adizes has been leading his own business for almost 40 years. professional activity. During this time, he has been a lecturer at California, Stanford and Jerusalem Universities, acted as a business consultant for several hundred leading companies, collaborated as a political consultant with the governments of the heads of Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Iceland, Mexico and Macedonia. Among the companies that Adizes has worked with are Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM Brazil and many more companies in 52 countries around the world.

Author of 29 books translated into 26 languages. One of the scientific theories of Adizes - the theory of company life cycles - is described in his book " Corporation Life Cycle Management". The essence of the theory is that any company, like any living organism, goes through different stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc. The company goes through growing pains and all the problems that any living organism faces during its life. The Adizes theory is a kind of elixir of eternal youth for a corporation.

Another well-known Adizes theory explaining the typologies of leaders is described in the book How to overcome management crises. According to Dr. Adizes, the ideal leader does not exist. According to his PAEI model, to achieve effectiveness, a leader needs four qualities: P - producer of results (producer), A - administrator (administrator), E - entrepreneur (entrepreneur), I - integrator (integrator). All this cannot be combined in one person, so it is necessary to have several strong managers at the helm of the corporation.

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Ichak Kalderon Adizes is one of the world's leading experts in improving the efficiency of business and government by making fundamental changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts that impede change.

Over the past 35 years, Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes has worked with many of the world's leading commercial organizations, and has been a political consultant to the governments of the heads of many states.

Dr. Adizes is the founder and CEO of the Adizes Institute Adizes ® Academy of Management, a change management organization with affiliates in the US and 14 other countries. He currently holds the post of Director of the Adizes Institute. He is also noted among famous authors and lectures in more than 40 countries.

He is the author of seven books translated into 22 languages. His book Corporate Processes: How Organizations Grow and Die and What to Do About It? Considered a classic textbook in management theory, it was chosen as one of the top 10 business books in the Library Journal. According to the results of the ranking of "100 Best Consultants in the Field of Leadership" by Executive Excellence (2005), one of the most prestigious business magazines in the USA, Dr. Adizes ranked 29th.

The Adizes method is used worldwide in companies with sales from $2 million to $2 billion (Coca-Cola, Bank of America, Volvo, Visa Group, etc.).

Books (7)

Collection of books

The essence of the theory is that any company, like any living organism, goes through different stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc. The company goes through growing pains and all the problems that any living organism faces during its life. The Adizes theory is a kind of elixir of eternal youth for a corporation.

Integration. Survive and become stronger in times of crisis

If nothing changes, mediocrity triumphs. It is changes and crises that reveal true leaders and professionals.

Most of the problems of modern companies are caused not so much by external causes as by internal disintegration. The chance to overcome the crisis lies in the integration of all subsystems of the company: personnel, finance, production, marketing - and the ability to predict and solve problems before they grow into uncontrollable ones.

The ability to mobilize a company and make it work as a single mechanism is a key leadership skill.

The Adizes book is an indispensable assistant to the manager and entrepreneur during the period of turbulence in the markets.

Ideal Leader

Why they can not become and what follows from this.

According to Dr. Adizes, the management of any organization must perform four functions: production of results, administration, entrepreneurship and integration. In order to implement them simultaneously, the leader must possess numerous, sometimes mutually exclusive, qualities. Adizes concludes: management is too difficult process so that one person can handle it. Ideal Manager simply does not exist in nature.

How to be? For a company to be effective in the short and long term, it must be led by a management team of people with complementary management styles. What is the principle of selecting employees for such a team? How can they properly build communication so that even inevitable conflicts can be used to make quality decisions?

These and many other questions are answered by management guru Yitzhak Calderon Adizes.

Leader Development

How to understand your management style and communicate effectively with people of other styles.

Each leader has a personal management style, which is determined by the dominant features of his character: one is scrupulous and pedantic, another is resourceful and inventive, the third is businesslike and practical, the fourth is evasive and courteous. Accordingly, the methods of managing people should also be individual - what is well perceived by one employee may be completely incomprehensible to another.

This book talks about how to understand your management style so that it can be improved and found. mutual language with those who are not like us. The material is presented in the form practical advice, which are systematized on the basis of the original typology of management functions, developed by modern management guru Dr. Itzhak Adizes, author of the bestseller "The Ideal Manager".

Management styles. Effective and ineffective

Management guru Yitzhak Adizes believes that one person is not capable of fulfilling all four roles necessary for effective leadership organization: to be both a producer of results, and an administrator, and an entrepreneur, and an integrator.

The place of the non-existent "ideal leader" should be taken by a complementary team of managers, each member of which is able to perform one of the roles to perfection, and the rest he owns at an acceptable level. At the same time, it is important that the team does not have leaders who concentrate on only one role, completely forgetting about the rest. Such distortions make management ineffective and jeopardize the fate of the organization.

Corporate Lifecycle Management

For many years, Yitzhak Adizes has been a recognized guru in the field of management. He is known as the author of a unique and effective methodology that is used to optimize and improve the performance of organizations. This book is devoted to the description of this technique.

All organizations, like living organisms, have life cycle, the stages of which manifest as they grow and age in predictable and repetitive patterns of behavior. At each stage of development, an organization faces a unique set of challenges.

And the success of the organization depends on how successfully management implements the changes necessary for a healthy transition from one stage to another.

The book has been translated into 14 languages; published in Russian for the first time. It is recommended for managers of all levels, businessmen, practitioners and teachers of management, as well as anyone whose interests are related to managing change and improving the efficiency of organizations.

Managing change

How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life.

The book is about the processes of acceptance management decisions in the face of constant change, both inside and outside the organization. The problems that arise as a result of change, according to Adizes, are not only predictable, but also solvable. The author clearly shows how you can create and maintain the integrity of the organization if you know the art of high-quality adoption and implementation of management decisions.

From this book you will learn: why conflicts are inevitable and even necessary; how to make conflict constructive; how to communicate with other people whose management styles are different from yours; how to recognize bad management; how to make quality decisions; how to predict whether a solution will be implemented; how to organize team work; how to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; CAPI: the key to change management.