Reflections on Management Itzhak Adizes. Itzhak Adizes. New reflections on management. Quotes from the book "Reflections on Management" by Yitzhak Adizes

  • 28.10.2019

Reflections on management Itzhak Adizes

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Title: Reflections on Management

About the book "Reflections on Management" by Yitzhak Adizes

In this book, all essays are devoted to the management of the organization. They are a living response to what Yitzhak Adizes saw, heard, felt while advising hundreds of corporations and governments around the world. It can even be said that they appeared partly as a result of crowdsourcing, because in the light of feedback from readers and listeners, Adizes rethought his previous works, edited them, rewrote, updated them.

Now the best articles of management gurus are available in one book. They address key management issues:

Roles and styles of managers and leaders;

Life cycles of companies;

Team building;

Mutual trust and respect in the team;

Solution of problems;

Delegation of powers;

Change management;

Communications and integration;

Education in the field of management.

For managers and leaders of all levels.

Published in Russian for the first time.

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Quotes from the book "Reflections on Management" by Yitzhak Adizes

The result producer starts the execution process and provides the result.

The rule is: if the choices you make increase your self-respect and self-confidence, then do so. If it lowers them, look for alternatives.

The Dutch historian Johan Huizinga viewed history as a game of rules.

Role (A) examines working approaches, analyzes successes and programs their repeatability. This moves the organization up the learning curve so that it can capitalize on its collective memory and experience. To fulfill role (A), managers must be scrupulous and straight-thinking people.

What is the difference between playing poker and achieving results in a meeting? Why do so many people hate management by committee meetings?
And the difference is in the rules of conduct.

To do right choice, all four PAEI types must participate in the meeting. People with certain styles tend to gravitate towards certain organizational rules. This makes the process of making sense of the meeting like a patchwork quilt.

Thus, even before the founder transfers the right to creativity and entrepreneurship, he must stop being the main initiator, making all decisions, and become an integrator of more high level. Its role will be to unite those who will henceforth carry out integration.

If you want to rejuvenate a company, make it more responsible and influenced by its franchise - customers and customers. Integrate the organization with those it serves. Today's integration makes tomorrow's entrepreneurship possible. It is the balance between integration and entrepreneurship, synchronicity and risk taking, that is the reason for long-term growth. This allows the company to flourish.

About the book
Continuation of the collection of the best essays by Yitzhak Adizes on management.

This is a continuation of the collection best articles Itzhak Adizes dedicated to management. They are based on the extraordinary experience of Itzhak Adizes, one of the world's leading business gurus who has advised hundreds of corporations and governments.

If you are a fan of Adizes and are already familiar with his concept of the life cycle of organizations and PAEI model, you can learn about the most relevant observations of the author. If you are just getting to know the work of one of the greatest thinkers in the business world, you can still start with this book, using a brief note from the author in the introduction.

New articles by Yitzhak Adizes touch upon the following management issues:

Management training, courses and business schools;
Criticism of modern business education;
Making decisions;
Change management;
Management styles;
The life cycle of companies;

From the author
In a sense, the title of this book is both true and false. It is correct in the sense that these are my "thoughts" that came to mind directly in connection with some event, news headline or conversation on a random topic. These are actually fleeting thoughts, written down at a certain point in time and progressively developed to a logical conclusion. That's why I call them reflections.

However, I must confess that for more than forty years I have been constantly thinking about the topic of management. I have done research and written books on the subject, consulted with organizations, private and public, and solved specific, very real problems related to the concepts and problems of management. I have woken up in the middle of the night and lay awake thinking about big and small ideas and theories about running organizations.

The results can be found in many of my books and articles. So when I write eight hundred to a thousand words, addressing an unexpected idea or a random newspaper headline, I call it thinking, even though there is extensive research, hands-on consulting experience, and books I have written behind it.

Who is this book for?
For all managers and leaders.

about the author
Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes is one of the world's unsurpassed business consultants, a brilliant specialist in the field of effective business process management. Founder of the Adizes Institute, which is one of the top 10 consulting companies in the world. A branch of the Adizes Institute exists in 15 countries. Dr. Adizes is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA programs of the IBDA, an honorary doctor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Itzhak Adizes has been leading his own business for almost 40 years. professional activity. During this time, he has been a lecturer at California, Stanford and Jerusalem Universities, acted as a business consultant for several hundred leading companies, collaborated as a political consultant with the governments of the heads of Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Iceland, Mexico and Macedonia. Among the companies that Adizes has worked with are Bank of America, Coca-Cola Bottling, IBM Brazil and many more companies in 52 countries around the world.

Author of 29 books translated into 26 languages. One of the scientific theories of Adizes - the theory of company life cycles - is described in his book "Management life cycle Corporation". The essence of the theory is that any company, like any living organism, is going through different stages of development: birth, childhood, adolescence, etc. The company is going through growing pains and all the problems that any living organism faces during the period The Adizes theory is a kind of elixir of eternal youth for a corporation.

Another well-known theory of Adizes, explaining the typologies of leaders, is described in the book "How to overcome management crises". According to Dr. Adizes, ideal leader does not exist. According to his PAEI model, to achieve effectiveness, a manager needs four qualities: P - producer of results (producer), A - administrator (administrator), E - entrepreneur (entrepreneur), I - integrator (integrator). All this cannot be combined in one person, so it is necessary to have several strong managers at the helm of the corporation.