Who signs the letter of guarantee? Sample letter of guarantee for payment of goods: writing algorithm. Form and examples

  • 07.01.2024

It is no secret that in the era of commodity-money relations, a guarantee was required, and is still required today, that each party will fulfill its obligations under the transaction. One of the documents with which you can guarantee something (essentially, promise) is a letter of guarantee.

A little history

In one form or another, letters of guarantee have almost always existed. As an example, promissory notes, known since ancient times, reflected the intention of one party to pay a debt by a certain date, and the right of the other party to collect this debt after the specified period.

In ancient Rome, debt obligations were displayed in an analogue of the modern income and expense book by special people. There were receipts in Ancient Greece.

In medieval Italy, another type of letter of guarantee arose - a bill of exchange. An example that has survived to this day is an interest receipt from 1339:

« Bartalus and Co. In Pisa

In the name of the Lord Amen. Bartalus and Co. sends his regards to Barna from

Luhi and Co. Avignon.

Co. From Luja 312 ¾ gold guilders, which we received today from

Takredo Banachmunti & Co., charging 4 ½% in their favor and credit the amount

Source: Edronova V.N., Mizikovsky E.A. “Regulation and accounting of transactions with bills of exchange.” M., Finance and Statistics, 1996. –128

The essence of the letter of guarantee

As the name implies, a letter of guarantee is intended to guarantee one party to the other party to perform certain actions within a certain period. Accordingly, any letter of guarantee must contain the following details:

  • letterhead (not necessary, but it’s more respectable);
  • parties - guarantor and beneficiary (for example, debtor and creditor);
  • in the body of the letter - a promise by one party to perform certain actions, as well as the timing of their implementation;
  • according to the rules of office work - the outgoing number of the letter;
  • date of the letter, signature of the official, his full name, position;
  • organization seal;
  • if the signatory is by power of attorney, then information about this power of attorney and its copy are in the attachment. In this case, no stamp is placed.

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Also, it is necessary to indicate the contacts, details and address of the guarantor.

Sample letters of guarantee

Here we provide different samples of letters of guarantee for your reference. In general, the essence here is the same everywhere - one party guarantees something, the second is simply the recipient of this guarantee.

Letter of guarantee to the legal address

For the initial state registration of a company, or during the “relocation” of an existing one, among the set of documents submitted to the registrar, there must be a letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address. A sample of this letter would look something like this:

LLC "Romashka"

Letter of guarantee

Romashka LLC, represented by Director Mikhail Mikhailovich Sergeev, hereby guarantees to provide non-residential premises at the address:

Moscow, Proektiruemy proezd 5678, building 56, building 5, office 67.

as the address of the location and location of the sole executive body, for the purposes of state registration of the limited liability company "Vulcan".

Accordingly, this expresses the guarantee of the owner of the premises to provide this premises as a legal address for the future company.

Letter of guarantee for delivery of goods

Alternatively, the letter of guarantee may express a guarantee for the fulfillment of contractual obligations. As an example, here is a sample letter of guarantee for the supply of goods:

LLC "Romashka"

OGRN _____________INN/KPP_______________ Address: Moscow, st. Elektrozavodskaya, 45, bldg. 2, office 15/5

Letter of guarantee

Romashka LLC, represented by Director Mikhail Mikhailovich Sergeev, hereby guarantees Lyutik LLC (OGRN_____, INN_____) to supply goods under contract No.___ dated __.__.20__. in accordance with the specification sent dated __.__.20__, until 08/01/2019.

General Director of Romashka LLC ____________/M.M. Sergeev/

Here, as we see, the supplier’s guarantee to ship the goods within a certain period of time is expressed.

Letter of guarantee for payment

A fairly common option for using a letter of guarantee is debt collection. Here is a sample letter of guarantee for payment.

One of the integral components of business relationships is business correspondence. One of the types of which, in turn, is a letter of guarantee. In it, the sender expresses promises/guarantees to carry out any actions regarding the addressee that are directly related to the interests of the addressee. This letter is not a formal commitment, but a confirmation of the obligations assumed by the sender. Each letter of guarantee must be signed by the head of the organization, has the appropriate seals and is registered through the company office.

How to draw up a letter of guarantee - the nuances of drawing up a letter of guarantee

Letters of guarantee are quite common in business these days. They are most often used in the following cases:

  1. Confirmation of payment for something (work, services, goods, etc.).
  2. Deferred payment guarantee.
  3. Intentions of the legal entity regarding potential cooperation.
  4. Providing information to third parties.

Features of drawing up a letter of guarantee:

  1. Purely business language, no long and vague phrases.
  2. Clarity of wording.
  3. An indication of the type of circumstances or a statement of the entire procedure for fulfilling obligations.
  4. Drawing up this document on the sender’s letterhead.
  5. Affixing the document with the seal of the sending company.
  6. Signature of management and chief accountant.
  7. Stylistic, and especially spelling/punctuation errors in the letter are unacceptable.
  8. A letter not written according to the rules may be considered invalid.

Most of these documents begin with the phrases “We assure (guarantee) with this letter...” or “In view of the agreement signed between our companies and the prepayment made...”, etc. Provided that the letter is about guarantees of payment, it is mandatory to indicate bank details. Also, copies of certain documents are often attached to the letter, if necessary.

What should be in the letter?

  1. Name of the sending company + standard set of organization details.
  2. Serial number of the letter + date of registration of this document as outgoing.
  3. Addressee details (full name or company name).
  4. The essence of the appeal is in the content of the letter.
  5. Signature of the addressee (manager).
  6. Official seal of the organization (readable imprint).

Main types of letters of guarantee - characteristics and features of filling out letters of guarantee for individuals and legal entities

An organization can provide a letter of guarantee to both individuals and legal entities, depending on the circumstances. Moreover, the word “guarantee” itself may not even be mentioned in the text. The main thing is that the content of the letter contains confirmation of the organization’s intentions. The types of letters of guarantee are as follows:

  1. Letter of guarantee for payment of debt or payment for purchased goods. This document is most often used in relations between firms and companies. With such a letter, the company confirms its obligations to make timely payment for services/goods that were lent.
  2. Letter of guarantee for the work. In such a document, in addition to the number/date of the “outgoing” and the addressee, the obligations themselves (to be fulfilled), their volume and deadlines are usually indicated. Wording - “We guarantee...”, “We hereby guarantee...”, etc. As well as details, signature with decoding and seal.
  3. A letter of guarantee for the provision of a legal address or a letter of guarantee from a potential landlord. This document is needed to register a legal entity that does not have its own premises and rents space. At the request of the tenant, the owner of the premises draws up a similar document (that is, confirmation of the company’s legal address), which essentially is a guarantee that the organization will be provided with the premises specified in the registration documents for rent. It is worth noting that the absence of this letter cannot become a reason for subsequent refusal of registration.
  4. Letter of guarantee for the delivery of goods. This document usually writes about the supplier’s obligations regarding the timing and quantity of goods/services. The letter must correspond as clearly as possible to the agreement you previously signed.
  5. Employment guarantee letter. This document is created on the letterhead of the addressee company. The text of the letter indicates to whom, from whom and for what specialty, employment guarantees are provided.
  6. Letter of guarantee for employment. This document confirms the signing of an agreement based on labor relations between the employer and the employee himself. Such a letter is often required to be provided to the FMS when, for example, an employee is sent to another country. The letter is also used as a legal document in traditional employment and regulation of employee/employer relations.
  7. Letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner. It is constituted by a legal entity, at the invitation of which a foreign citizen arrives in the country to work. The letter indicates that the organization undertakes to provide such an employee with housing, registration, medical and other assistance for the entire period of his stay in the Russian Federation. The organization also undertakes to bear all income from the deportation of an employee.

Letter of guarantee from the legal side - does a letter of guarantee have legal force?

In fact, a letter of guarantee is not a type of official confirmation of obligations. Such a concept is simply absent in the Code of the Russian Federation. But judicial practice using letters of guarantee already exists, and the legal force of this document will depend on its design and text content.

A letter of guarantee is a document that contains a guarantee of the fulfillment of the assumed obligations of one party in relation to the other. This document gives the addressee written confirmation that promises and conditions, one way or another related to the interests of the addressee, will be fulfilled by the sender. Such obligations and conditions may be: provision of any services, performance of various types of work, payment of debt, and so on.

Document meaning

A letter of guarantee for the completion of work assures that a certain work (service) will be completed by the sender of the document in full by a certain date. If the implementation process includes several stages, then it is possible to indicate several deadlines. With the help of such a document, the recipient can control not only the timing of tasks, but also their quality.

This document is also an argument in proceedings if any problems arose in the process of fulfilling obligations or they were not fully fulfilled.

When is it necessary?

Most often, the preparation of a written warranty notice is required in cases where one of the parties is not sure that the agreements will be fulfilled on time or in full (in such a situation, the entire scope of obligations should be stated in the main part of the document), or when the deadlines specified in the contract already violated.


A letter of guarantee for the completion of work is provided by the performer of this work. It is signed by the head of the legal entity and the employee dealing with financial issues in this executing organization.

Important! Such a document can be used not only to settle relationships between legal entities, it can also be used in relationships between individuals.


The attributes of the letter of guarantee include:

Letters of guarantee must be written in a formal style– the use of conversational style is not allowed. They are drawn up on an A4 sheet, the content should not exceed one page.

If a document is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity, then it must be issued on the organization’s letterhead indicating all the details. From an individual it can be drawn up in any written form.

How to write correctly?

Features of drawing up a letter of guarantee:

Who is responsible for fulfilling obligations under the contract?

The sender of the letter is responsible for fulfilling the guarantees, that is, the performer, who undertakes to fulfill his part of the agreement efficiently and within the time limits specified in the document.

A letter of guarantee with specified fulfillment of obligations does not replace the contract. However, if drafted correctly, it can help resolve disputes when they arise.

Shipping methods

There are several options for transferring this type of document:

  1. One of the official options is to send the documentation by registered mail with a list of the contents and a return receipt form.
  2. Submit the document to the recipient through the secretary or office. In this case, you should prepare two copies, on one of which an employee of the recipient’s organization will put a stamp on acceptance of the document.
  3. In practice, another method is used (time costs are minimal) - sending by fax or e-mail with subsequent transfer of the original using the above-mentioned options.


The letter of guarantee does not replace the conclusion of an agreement between the customer and the performer of the work or service.. But this document can help in resolving disputes between the parties. Its timely conclusion and fulfillment of the obligations specified in the document allows us to avoid litigation in the event of unforeseen circumstances in the contractor-customer relationship.

There are many types of letters of guarantee; they differ in purpose and function. Each of them is formed in accordance with the rules and regulations of business correspondence. A correctly executed letter of guarantee speaks of the sender’s integrity and his high level of professionalism.

Letter of guarantee– this is a regulatory document that guarantees the fulfillment of obligations between companies, for example, about payment of an invoice or delivery of goods, as well as the timing of the order. Such a document is a formal tool for business communication.

The letter of guarantee must be written on an A4 sheet. When writing such a document, you should use an official, business style.

The components of the letter of guarantee are as follows:

  1. Document header

In the upper right corner of the document the recipient and sender are indicated, both the name of the organization and the full name of the director, and the outgoing number is in the left.

  1. The main part of the document. Here the applicant must specify what the guarantee consists of.
  2. Final part. At the end of the document, the applicant must sign and stamp.

Payment guarantee letter

The payment guarantee letter states that the sender undertakes to make payment on time. Here you need to indicate exact payment amount, and necessarily both in capital form and in digital form. It is also necessary to include all company and bank details in the document. In some cases, the sender indicates responsibility for late or imperfect payment.

At the end of the document, the signature is placed not only of the applicant, but also of the company’s financial director or accountant.

A letter of guarantee for payment is formed to an already concluded agreement and is a kind of addition and obligation.

Letter of guarantee for work completion

A letter of guarantee for work is intended to confirm the completion of a certain number of works. Such a letter is provided by the contractor before concluding the contract. Here you need to register a specific list of work indicating the deadlines for completing each stage of work.

Note – The letter of guarantee for the work may contain a note about the quality of the work performed. Such a mark demonstrates the conscientiousness of the performer. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, quality is declared by several rules at once, depending on the type of product or service, for example, GOST or SNiP.

Letters of guarantee

Sample filling and form of guarantee or letter of guarantee from a potential landlord

LLC "Retrans"


Taxpayer Identification Number________KPP_______






To the director

LLC "New World"

Vasiliev O.Yu.

Letter of guarantee

Subject to the conclusion of a lease agreement, I authorize, when registering Novy Mir LLC, to use the non-residential premises that belonged to me as the location: Lermontov 128.


Certificate of registration of ownership

Director of Retrans LLC ________________________________________ Karnaushenko V.S.

Letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Most often, large companies, due to their long presence on the market, have formed their own clearly defined requirements for filling out an application of this type. However, there are also standard forms for filling out the form.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate not only the name of the product, but also its article number.

Letter of guarantee of employment or from employer

A letter of employment guarantee is a kind of obligation from the employer to hire a candidate for a certain position. The candidate's details, full job title and salary are indicated here.

Such a letter is most often required for persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.

Letter of guarantee for employment

This document, despite its general similarity with the previous one, has a number of differences, primarily in that it has clear wording When a candidate is hired, he is ordered to join the staff.

Letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Such a letter is necessary to assure the foreign person that the applicant is willing to bear all expenses related to his arrival, departure to the country, accommodation, and also ready to hire him.

Letter of guarantee for practice and training

Such a letter is usually provided to educational institutions by the enterprise as a guarantee that the student will be admitted to practice or study at the company. Such a letter is written to the rector.

Letter of guarantee to the bank

A letter of guarantee is written using the same model for legal entities, the fact is that there are no other options for writing a letter of guarantee to a bank. Such a document is filled out depending on its function and occupies an important place in the activity any companies.

Letter of guarantee to the tax office

A letter of guarantee to the tax office is written on behalf of the owner and is confirmation of the presence of a legal address. Such confirmation is necessary primarily for tax service when registering an LLC.

Letter of guarantee for repairs

This letter is used in cases where the contractor undertakes to complete repair work on time. It may also be an obligation of the administration to allocate funds for repair work of a municipal facility.

Letter of guarantee for equipment

A letter of guarantee for equipment is intended as an obligation for the executor of the contract to maintain the equipment in working order and in proper condition for a certain period of time. An example of such an obligation would be:

Thus, we can highlight a number of features of the formation of a letter of guarantee:

  1. First of all, it is important to remember that this document is a guarantee, and therefore must contain relevant data and notes.
  2. Each letter of guarantee has its own structure, namely the header, main and final parts of the document.
  3. There are many options and purposes for a letter of guarantee; the writing form is the same for each type; only the main text will change.
  4. A letter of guarantee can be drawn up both before and after the conclusion, it all depends on its type.
  5. In addition to the director’s signature, the payment guarantee letter must contain the signature of an accountant or financial director.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestselling book "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". Owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former owner of a franchise and online store.