Director of a separate division job description. Regulations on the head of a structural unit on the status of the head of a structural unit

  • 09.02.2024

It is assumed that this structure is territorially separated from the main location of the company at its legal address. In such situations, the organization of the work process, as a rule, requires the construction of a certain hierarchy in the work team of such an OP. Of course, in addition to ordinary employees, a certain manager is also appointed to the structural unit. What powers does he have and what is the responsibility of the head of a separate unit? This will be discussed in our article.

Responsibilities of the head of a separate department

A separate division in any form is not an independent structure of a legal entity. Even if information about an OP is entered into the state register, as is the case with the opening of a branch or representative office, this structure is interpreted as additional to the main organization whose interests it is intended to represent.

The person who has the right to act on behalf of the company is, in most cases, its CEO. He is appointed by the owners of the organization and exercises his powers on the basis of the charter. In fact, he is the only and final subject of management in the company, all activities of which are based on his decisions. The general director has the right to delegate part of his powers to certain employees.

The position of the head of a separate division does not meet the characteristics of the position of a general director. On the contrary, the manager of the OP, in terms of receiving and exercising his powers, is the same employee as any other person on the company’s staff, in the sense that in his position, the head of a separate division acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the general director and performs the duties that he laid it on him. The power of attorney specifies exactly what functions the head of the EP can and should perform on behalf of the organization. Moreover, he acts as a representative of the LLC itself within the framework of conducting activities through a structural unit.

Power of attorney for the head of a separate division, sample:


Saint Petersburg


Alpha LLCin the faceGeneral Director Ivanov Alexander Petrovich, acting on the basisCharter, this power of attorney authorizesKuzmin Anatoly Nikolaevich(series passport12 34 567890 issuedBranch for the New Cheryomushki district of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for Moscow in the South-Western Administrative District 03/20/2012), livinghisby the address:117279, Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 116, apt. thirty, which isHead of a separate division of Alpha LLC, Moscow(hereinafter referred to as a separate division), perform on behalf ofAlpha LLCthe following actions:

– perform the duties of the head of a separate division, including concluding, amending, terminating, on behalf of Alpha LLC, contracts related to the activities of a separate division;

– sign accounting and financial documents related to the activities of a separate division;

– conclude, amend and terminate, on behalf of Alpha LLC, employment contracts with employees hired for work in a separate division;

– issue orders on hiring, transfers to another position, involvement in overtime work, work on weekends (holidays), granting vacations, sending on business trips, dismissal of employees of a separate unit and other personnel orders for employees of a separate unit;

– maintain work books, personal cards, military registration documents and other personnel documents for employees of a separate unit, including a vacation schedule, time sheets, etc.;

– represent the interests of Alpha LLC in regulatory authorities, state bodies, local governments, extra-budgetary funds, as well as in all institutions and organizations, regardless of form of ownership, within the framework of the activities of a separate division;

This power of attorney is issued for a period of three yearsfrom April 1, 2017 with the right of subrogation.

Signature example:

Head of a separate division of Alpha LLC, Moscow:

Kuzmin A.N. _______________

CEO _________________________ A.P. Ivanov

In addition to mentioning the power of attorney, it should be noted that all activities of the separate division as a whole are regulated by the OP regulations developed and approved by the company. Consequently, the very fact of the existence of a head of such a structure, and the duties that he must perform, must correspond to the data approved in this provision. The regulations on the separate division must already be approved by the time the head of the structure is hired, the guarantor of whose correct operation he is essentially.

Registration for the job of the head of the OP

The head of a separate division is hired in accordance with the general procedure established by labor legislation, that is, again, as an ordinary employee. As features of such employment, perhaps only the above-mentioned need to draw up a provision on a separate division and a power of attorney can be highlighted.

The employment contract itself with the director of the EP will contain nuances regarding the functions performed by the employee in this position. So, for example, if a representative office or branch is located in another region, then this, of course, is stated in the agreement. It can also provide a list of all those tasks for managing a structural unit that the company intends to assign to an employee with the position of “head of a separate unit.” The employment contract with the manager of the EP is signed on behalf of the organization by its general director - there is also no specificity in the execution of the agreement.

Employment contract with the head of a separate division, sample

The fact of hiring the director of the EP is recorded by an order for the organization, also signed by the general director, the employee’s personal card is drawn up, in a word, all the usual personnel documents.

Territorial branches differ from the main office of the company only in location. Employees of both have the same rights and responsibilities, but the branch director is one or even several steps below the general director on the career ladder.

The work of the head of a territorial division is characterized by high responsibility and tension, because he is responsible for the activities of the entire company in the territory entrusted to him.

The main task

The main task of the branch director is to bear responsibility for conducting business in the entrusted territory. But it is not able to have a significant impact on most costs. In this regard, the division director must find solutions to resolve the situation and justify to management the need to change the pricing policy in the region entrusted to him, based on the demand and purchasing power of the population.

Professional quality

The branch director must:

  • know the laws and regulations, orders, regulations and instructions related to the activities of the organization.
  • have information about the specialization and profile of the company and its division;
  • present prospects for the development of the branch;
  • be able to develop a plan for the financial activities of the unit;
  • have the ability to keep records of business and financial transactions of the branch;
  • know how logistics are organized and how financial activities are carried out;
  • be able to ensure transport accessibility and service, as well as sales of products;
  • have information about loading and unloading products;
  • have information on the development of standards for the consumption and reserves of inventory items;
  • be able to conclude and fulfill the terms of business contracts.
  • know the basics of economics, production management, labor organization in production, as well as safety and fire protection requirements.


Only a very hardworking and honest person can hold the position of director of a branch, because the responsibility rests on his shoulders:

  • for the general activities of the structural unit and for the work of each of its employees;
  • for the coordinated work of all services and departments of the branch;
  • for completing all tasks assigned by senior management;
  • for the expenditure of financial and other funds of the unit;
  • for property stored in warehouses and office premises;
  • for the timely provision of reports and the reliability of the data contained therein;
  • for compliance with fire and technical safety rules;
  • for maintaining the confidentiality of information.


The responsibilities of the head of a territorial unit are very extensive. They include:

  • break-even organization of the branch's activities;
  • building a trade policy for enterprises in the region where the division entrusted to it is located;
  • rational distribution of job responsibilities among the organization’s employees in the assigned territory;
  • creating a working environment in which labor and performance discipline is observed;
  • management of the unit’s activities in warehouses and offices, in accordance with the rules adopted by the enterprise;
  • control over the company’s tangible and intangible assets, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • management of work to retain the company’s regular customers and attract new ones;
  • inspection of the implementation of the plan outlined by the general director of the organization;
  • studying the need for the company’s products at the location of the branch;
  • participation in the inventory of material assets of the unit;
  • ensuring the safety of products and other property of the organization in warehouses;
  • inspecting work on operations in the warehouse, in accordance with established reporting;
  • taking all possible measures to prevent loss of products;
  • monitoring the correct provision of services to clients, checking the correctness of execution and reliability of documents provided by clients;
  • control over the availability and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, its timely maintenance;
  • carrying out work in the interests of the organization and defending its interests in all institutions and organizations.

Responsibilities of a bank branch director

The responsibilities of a division director may vary depending on the industry of the enterprise. For example, the director of a bank branch, in addition to the standard set of responsibilities, must:

  • Analyze the specifics of the banking services market in different regions and, based on the data obtained, make proposals for improving the activities of the branch.
  • Resolve current issues, prepare certificates and draft responses to incoming applications and letters from clients.
  • Take measures to introduce effective methods and technologies of the bank into the activities of the branch.


Like any other employee, the branch director has not only responsibilities, but also rights, including:

  1. Studying the developments of the administration of the company's main office, sent to the work of the company's branches.
  2. Providing the management of the enterprise with developments to improve the efficiency of the unit for study.
  3. Personal request (or at the request of management) from structural divisions and employees of the branch for documents and information required to perform official duties.
  4. The right to endorse and sign documents within the scope of official duties.
  5. Interaction with structural departments of the company.
  6. Encouragement of distinguished employees, application of financial liability to those who violated labor and production discipline, as well as to persons responsible for losses and thefts.


The salary of a branch director depends on the region in which the organization’s division is located. For example, the director of a Moscow branch earns twice as much as his colleague from Volgograd.

Salary of a branch director in various regions



Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod





Unspoken truths

The specifics of the work of a branch director are specified in the relevant job description, however, in order to occupy the position of branch director, it is not enough to meet the requirements specified in it. To cope with the job responsibilities of a department head, you must also have:

  • Presentable appearance (after all, the branch director is the “face of the company” in the region).
  • Experience in a non-managerial position in the organization’s field of activity (to better understand the specifics of the company’s functioning).
  • A car (it will provide high mobility when solving many problems “on the spot”).
  • High communication skills (after all, you will need to establish relationships with numerous subordinates).
  • The desire for self-development and self-improvement.
  • Broad outlook in management, sales, planning and analysis.

Important nuances

In addition to the above data on the activities of the branch manager, it would be useful to pay attention to the following information:

  • The general director of a company can simultaneously head its branch; this is not prohibited by law.
  • Also, the head of a branch can hold leadership positions in other organizations. For example, vice-president - director of the Rostelecom branch, Alexander Afanasyev. In 2010, he was appointed deputy deputy of Southern Telecommunications Company OJSC on a part-time basis.
  • The branch director is considered a mid-level manager. He is appointed and dismissed by the General Director. The exception is the director of an LLC branch. He is appointed by the company and works by proxy on its behalf.
  • A person with at least two years of managerial experience may be appointed to the position of general director of a branch. Higher education required.
  • During the absence of the head of the division (during his vacation, illness, etc.), another employee is appointed to the position of deputy director of the branch. He has the necessary competencies.
  • During meetings of the organization’s management with branch directors, reports on the work done are collected and new goals and objectives are introduced.

What conclusions can be drawn? The work of a branch director involves great responsibility and heavy workload. He must be able to lead and obey, carry out tasks and give instructions, carry out current work, analyze the past and make plans for the future.

An effective department head is one who fulfills the tasks assigned to the department. This is someone who is ready to take responsibility.

To be an effective leader, a person must have a number of characteristics:

  • Competence is the strength, ability, ability to do something.
  • Management is influencing someone to achieve the desired result.
  • Managerial competence is the ability to influence subordinates to achieve the desired results.
  • Competence is a basic characteristic of an individual associated with the criteria for effective and/or successful action in professional or life situations.

The ratio of professional (related to the specialty area in which a person works) and managerial skills (the ability to lead) among managers.

If we go from the very bottom, starting with a senior employee in the company, 90% of your success depends on professional skills. And further up the career ladder, management skills are increasingly valued.

It is enough for a manager to understand the subject industry at the level of an average employee, understanding the structure and how it works. And when we reach top management, the director should not be the best specialist, but should be a “manager”. His task is to find specialists: the best chief accountant, the best financier, the best salesperson. And set them a competent task and motivate them to achieve.

Takeaway: The higher you climb the career ladder, the more management skills you need.

Managerial skills

Let's look at the necessary skills that you need, even if you have 1 employee under you.

  • Basic management skills:
    • time management (time management). This is the first skill to start with. When you have several people subordinate to you, and everyone has an 8-hour working day, you must effectively organize everyone's entire work process. For example, 5 subordinates - organize work for 40 hours, 20 subordinates - 160 hours;
    • delegation of responsibility. Many bosses make the mistake of delegating authority without delegating responsibility. If a particular employee does something, he is responsible for it;
    • interpersonal effectiveness. This is the ability to communicate;
    • operational leadership - the ability to infect other employees with enthusiasm, the belief that we can exceed the plan, for example.
  • Operational management skills(more than 7 subordinates):
    • search and selection of personnel (interviews are the task of the personnel department) - drawing up job descriptions, who you need;
    • training and supervision - the manager must understand how to “grow” his staff, how to monitor employees based on the results of training;
    • control and evaluation of performance - control in order to give a “reverse move” in time if an employee does something wrong;
    • meeting management - develops the interpersonal effectiveness of the leader. If at the basic level we assigned tasks individually to employees and monitored execution, now you have many subordinates, and it is unrealistic to control each of them. Proper holding of meetings will allow you to assign tasks to all employees in a short time and receive feedback from everyone;
    • project management is the achievement of a previously known result, which has the following characteristics: timing, volume, quality, budget allocated for it.

  • Organization management skills(department, directorate level):
    • planning - what the department will do next year, six months, quarter;
    • organization of execution. It is necessary to ensure interaction between divisions and departments, to see what material resources are needed;
    • control - control of results;
    • development. The head of the department does not know what his department will do next year - this is decided by the director of the area. It is the head of the department (director) who knows what awaits us in the next 3 years, determines what additional skills and knowledge are needed, i.e. in what direction to develop the department.
  • Organizational Development Skills(General Director level):
    • strategic planning - planning the company’s activities for 5-7 years in advance;
    • organizational planning - what additional departments, divisions, workshops are needed, or which ones need to be reduced;
    • strategic leadership - the ability to create a vision for workers of what the company will achieve in a year, two, three;
    • management of organizational culture.
  • Organizational Change Skills(level of company owners). These are mergers and acquisitions of organizations.

Goal setting according to S.M.A.R.T.

The first tool a leader will need is the ability to set the right goal, so that we can correctly formulate thoughts, set goals for subordinates (when we delegate tasks), for ourselves, when we determine the scope of work, for managers, when we want to ask for something.

And one of the most effective goal-setting tools is goal setting according to S.M.A.R.T.

  • Specific- specific. The goal/task must be unambiguous and unambiguous, i.e. formulated in such a way that the employee understands what exactly we want to do.
  • Measure– a measurable goal (accessible). There must be a clear criterion that will allow you to understand whether you have achieved or not achieved your goal. Parameters can be quantitative (interest, money, pieces) and qualitative (better service, more positive reviews, business reputation and popularity on the Internet, uninterrupted operation of equipment).
  • Achievable- a feasible, realistic goal. An overestimated goal is demotivating: if an employee considers the goal impossible, then most likely he will not make sufficient efforts to achieve it.
  • Result Oriented- result-oriented goal. An employee must understand what result he must achieve, and not what activity to engage in.
  • Time Bounded- a goal limited in time, i.e. having a deadline.

If the task that you formulate as a leader has these 5 components, then it is impossible to understand it otherwise.

When a customer gives you a task that you cannot complete, do not tell him “impossible.” The main thing is the question of price.

SWOT analysis

The first step is to evaluate existing assets. This is all that you have, both tangible and intangible resources. And which ones are “strong” for you and which ones will lead to possible risks.

Yours strengths that exist now (and in the case of the head of a department, this could be modern software, qualified personnel, the latest technologies, unique intangible assets - inventions, brands), they give you opportunities.

For example, having qualified personnel allows you to take on complex tasks, difficult contracts and gives you the opportunity to complete them in a timely and efficient manner, receiving satisfied customers and additional orders.

And vice versa, weak sides(low-skilled personnel, unmotivated workers, poor technical support) - this entails risks and threats.

For example, low-skilled workers are always a threat to missed deadlines or loss of product quality, which can lead to conflict with the customer and complete loss of the contract.

A competent SWOT analysis will help strengthen the work of a manager.

This analysis can be used to assess the strengths/weaknesses of an entire department, an individual employee or a team. And then draw conclusions to minimize threats and make the most of opportunities.

Stages of SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is carried out in 2 stages. It starts with an audit of the external environment, and then an audit of the internal environment.

Stage 1 - external environment audit:

  • Market trends. This is the market in which we are present. Each company produces a certain product/commodity. And we look at what the market trends are: demand for a certain segment is growing/decreasing, the number of competitors is decreasing/growing, a fashion for a product has appeared, etc.
  • Buyer behavior. How does he make a purchasing decision, what criteria are most significant for him. There is a time when a buyer prefers a business-class product, placing higher demands on it (this often happens when the buyer’s income increases). Conversely, the product is cheaper and of lower quality when incomes fall.
  • Sales structure. How goods are sold in the regions, how the company’s sales services work.
  • Competitive environment. Impact on the market of consumers and suppliers, threat of substitute products, various barriers to entry into the market.

All these 4 points are required when conducting a SWOT analysis, the following points are optional and depend on the type of activity of the unit.

  • Legislation and political environment. The activities of some departments are strictly regulated (for example, the introduction of a sanctions list of products for import into Russia).
  • Economic situation of the country, region. Major changes in the country's economy (increasing VAT to 20%, raising the retirement age), which may directly or indirectly affect the company's activities.
  • Socio-demographic factors. Growth or reduction of personnel in the company.
  • Changing technologies. New technologies can turn your product into useless junk. Training employees on new technologies.
  • International environment.
  • Ecological environment.

Stage 2 - audit of the internal environment:

  • Personnel assessment: qualifications, motivation, future potential of the employee, loyalty to the company’s activities.
  • Assessing your sales system. Is anyone else ready to promote our services besides our company?
  • Product portfolio. This is the range of products or services that a company offers. For example, if a company sells only 1 product, demand has decreased - the company goes bankrupt. And if there are many products, then changes in demand in one segment can be replaced by another.
  • Main competitors. We are looking for our competitive advantages, why our company is better than theirs. We find the weaknesses of competitors.
  • Analysis of pricing policy. Even if our product has a lot of advantages, but it costs 2-3 times higher than that of competitors, we will always lose. It is necessary to compare prices with competitors; prices must be competitive and not inflated.

Technological map method

This tool allows you to develop projects, create job descriptions, properly prepare a motivation system, and develop the organizational structure of a department.

We use the method of technological multiples for descriptions of business processes. The main difference between the method and many others is accessibility. All other methods require either a clear knowledge of methodologies or knowledge of software products.

The method of technological maps is needed in order to ensure unambiguous understanding. Therefore, when you are planning to work with another department and you need to clearly understand who is doing what, to whom it is passing it on, in what time frame, what methods are critical - this method will come to your rescue.

When you distribute functionality within a department, when you coordinate your actions with management, when you manage a project or some unique (non-serial) product. In this case, you need a technological map.

High practicality method. It can be used to solve any problems in the company.

Availability. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper; you don’t need any special knowledge or skills.

Notation system

  • Circle(oval). Any process/function, because something that answers the question “What are we doing?” or “What are we going to do?”
  • Rectangle denotes a product. The result of our actions, what we managed to do.
  • Arrows- cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Rhombus— necessary resources. To perform the action you need additional. resources (other people's assets - legal services, telephone communications, Internet). Resources precede the next action on the process map.
  • Closed line(red on our map) of any form, combining several processes, is an area of ​​responsibility. The area of ​​responsibility always begins with the product and ends with the product. Which employee is responsible for what?

Thanks to the use of these designations, the manager develops a “product” mindset. He begins to think not in terms of processes (what a particular employee did today), but in “results” (what results the employee achieved today - concluded several contracts, sent 40 commercial proposals, sold 50 products). Those. understanding comes that if there are no results, you need to change something in your activities.

Organizational structure of the enterprise

Linear structure divisions. Those. there is a manager and specialists. The head of the sector (senior employee) appears when the number of your specialists is more than 7.

All employees are in the same position and work according to the same job description. This is where the main advantage of this system comes from: specialists are easily interchangeable. If one goes on vacation or gets sick, then we can easily assign his responsibilities to another employee, since he himself knows this work well and does similar work himself.

The main disadvantage. All issues that need to be agreed upon or clarified are addressed to the head of the department. And we often see a situation where without a manager the work “stands still”, only he personally decides all the main issues of the company. Therefore, the manager needs to pay attention to “cultivating” a full-fledged replacement.

When you have products with double subordination, there will be functional structure.

We have functional, highly qualified employees (strictly for a separate function): marketing specialist, specialist. for service, special Development, lawyer. And there are employees who are directly involved in the operational process.

And all employees in the company can receive advice (or coordinate their actions) from highly specialized workers, improving the quality of their work.

In the absence of a manager, he can be replaced by a specialist. employees - an accountant resolves all issues regarding payments and documents, a lawyer resolves disputes with customers and suppliers, a serviceman repairs equipment.

The main disadvantage: situations are possible when specialists simultaneously receive several different tasks, one from each service (in the diagram above there are 3 different tasks).

Linear-functional organizational structure of the enterprise. Within the company, routine and project work and solving complex problems can occur in parallel. There are different processes, and their execution requires different functionality.

Each department head has his own team: the head of the testing sector has his own specialists, the head of the production sector has his own, etc. Each specialist is responsible for his own initial/final product.

From the point of view of work productivity, this scheme is effective, because specialists have a narrow specialization, they can only do their own thing, and due to this, their qualifications grow faster.

The head of the enterprise/department may be absent from the site, because Sector heads are each responsible for their own work.

Often this enterprise scheme operates in two cases:

  1. At the stage of market growth. The workload of the enterprise is constantly growing, and all employees are constantly overloaded with work. Therefore, the costs of additional personnel are justified.
  2. Highly profitable business.
  3. In government agencies, when expenses for “idle” workers are not considered. The main task is not to make a profit, but to perform other functions.

The main disadvantage: the scheme is the most expensive in terms of personnel costs. This reduces the motivation of employees and, as a rule, the person's output rate decreases. For example, a specialist is “idle” in the summer, and during the season, when there is a lot of work, he demands additional payment for overtime.

Divisional organizational structure. The same parallel processes, but they differ in product and application.

A division for product “A” and a division for product “B”, and then there are specialists, they have the same functions, but different knowledge.

This could be a division by region, its own division in each region of the country (for example, the sale of agricultural machinery: the “West” and “East” divisions. And a specialist who works in a given region must understand what kind of agricultural equipment is needed, how it is equipped, who are the main consumers).

Pros and cons of this structure, as in the linear-functional one. Those. our specialists are professionals in their field, the manager can entrust his management function to the heads of departments/divisions.

The main disadvantage: personnel costs. You need to hire all the specialists, sometimes they are not always 100% loaded with work.

As the business grows, in order to organize employees, the company comes to the conclusion that it needs division by function and control over products. Those. in fact, there is a layering of a linear-functional scheme onto a divisional one.


The head of the department has divisional subordinates (pharmaceutical products and security services). And then functional managers appear (head of the training department and head of the sales sector).

Within a department, a matrix structure makes sense if the number of employees is more than 20; within the company - when there are more than 300 employees.

Main advantages: savings on personnel, easier recruitment.

Main disadvantages: large document flow, because Both vertical and horizontal obligations of each link are clearly stated. This scheme does not accept a personal approach.

Employee motivation

Let's consider a multifactorial model of motivating your employees.

  • The need to form long-term relationships. The fewer employees in a company, the closer the relationship.
  • The need to gain recognition from people. It is important for them to be recognized for their achievements. If testing reveals such people among your employees, the ideal option for the company is to hold competitions among departments with summing up the results, certificates of honor, a challenge cup for the best department, plaques of honor, and the title of “employee of the month.”
  • The need to set very difficult goals for yourself. Their interest in work is determined by the complexity of the problem being solved. Such employees are the best candidates for complex, non-standard tasks.
  • The need for influence and power. If an employee is highly professional, he is a mentor of the work group. If personal qualities are developed, such an employee can be entrusted with social work. If he has the beginnings of despotism, then power cannot be given to him or he can be isolated from the team (offered solo work).
  • Need for variety. Such people find it difficult to focus on only one work process. These are prime candidates for multitasking.
  • The need to make decisions independently: “I decide how to do it.” It is important for such employees to set a goal, and the employee decides for himself how to achieve this goal.
  • Need for improvement. There are employees who want to grow professionally, personally, and career.
  • A number of employees have a need for interesting, socially useful work. It is important for the worker to understand that what he is doing is significant, that this is not a meaningless job. He wants to understand how it benefits (the business, the company, the society). The manager needs to carry out explanatory work on why this is important. That you don’t just rearrange pieces of paper, but create a catalog, thanks to which our employees can quickly find the information they need. You don't just wash the floors, you create comfort for our employees.

Also call a branch a division in the banking sector for territorial distribution. 3 Call a division structured along industry and functional lines a “department.” The department, like the management, is responsible for certain areas of the organization’s activities. Create a department in representative offices of foreign companies and in enterprises with a Western management model. 4 Call a unit a “department” if it will be responsible for organizational and technical support for specific areas of the enterprise’s activities. 5 Call a unit a “service” if it includes structural units that are united by their functions and have similar goals and objectives. Please note that the service is managed centrally by one person. Also name the department responsible for enterprise safety or the labor protection department as a service.

Procedures for staff reduction and renaming of departments

An exception to this rule is the positions of “chief engineer” and “chief accountant”: the first is the deputy head of the organization, and the second can be called the chief, without having employees or a structural unit under his command. Clause 6 of the General Provisions of the ECSD also establishes that the position of “manager” belongs to the category of managers and, if necessary, may provide for the presence of subordinate employees.


This position, as a rule, is introduced if there is no need to create a separate structural unit. Stop making people laugh and calling every salesperson or consultant a manager.

Remember: a manager is a leader! Specialists According to paragraph.

We combine departments: how to register

The structural divisions of an organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They must be as relevant as possible to the activities being carried out and be most effective in fulfilling their direct responsibilities.
General information In small organizations, a common situation is when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As it grows, several employees are already doing the same thing.

At this stage of development, there is a need to unite these individuals into certain units called departments, groups, sections, sections, units, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling.


The functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural divisions of the organization are formed.

What is the name of the position of the person responsible for the structural unit of the school?

The following types exist. Administrative, financial, accounting and support services The work of the foundations and balancing of the organization’s work depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office management service.
  4. Occupational Safety and Health Department.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Labor Organization Department.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
  11. Warehouses of finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computer center.
  18. VOKhR - paramilitary security.

You can also often find structural divisions of an educational organization.

How to correctly name a structural unit

In this case, it is very important to ensure a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise, you can expect internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be used.


And then it doesn’t matter what is the object of influence - structural divisions of a credit institution, bank, IT company, factory or agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at its best. Types of divisions The classification was taken as a basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished.

They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of the duties they perform. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different appearance, but this does not change the essence.

The internal situation will help you to familiarize yourself with this in more detail. The structural divisions of an educational organization and a commercial enterprise differ due to different goals.

Structural subdivision

As practice shows, not all employers understand the meaning of the above requirements of the Labor Code, and many do not even imagine the consequences that violations of this norm can lead to. And the consequences can be tangible for both the employer and the employee. And, it should be assumed, it is precisely in order to protect the rights of the employee that the state considers it necessary to strictly regulate these issues. After all, such a seemingly harmless thing as an incorrect job title can, for example, violate the employee’s right to fair remuneration for his work, not to mention the fact that the employee in the future may have problems with calculating length of service - as a general ( upon retirement) and in a certain specialty (profession).
For the employer, the consequences of violating the norm of clause 3, part 2, art. 19TC can result in large fines.

What would you call the position...

The title of the manager's position depends on the level of management, organizational structure, nature of authority, responsibility and other factors (head of the organization, head of a separate unit, head of a structural unit, other managers, their deputies). In this regard, it should be borne in mind that, for example, a position such as general director is established for heads of organizations that have subsidiaries and separate divisions (branches, representative offices) in their structure, and without them the position will simply be called director.
Therefore, if your boss, wanting to elevate his status, called himself inappropriately, try to somehow tell him about it. We often come across the question: how many deputies can a manager have? The legislation does not establish clear requirements in this regard.

Structural divisions of the organization: types

Secondary school Located 3 km away. The head was laid off. The director of the secondary school has been in office for 3 months. Who will be responsible for the WORK - methodological, for the work of the staff and so on, .... (no staffing - the payment budget is empty) Has anyone thought about this in the country?? ????If they leave, who will be the manager??? Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

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  • Number of groups for the music director of a compensatory kindergarten (speech therapy), now one of the structural divisions of the Moscow Education Center

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The last month of the year in all organizations, as a rule, passes not only under the auspices of preparation for a corporate New Year's event. Almost all services and structural divisions are in one way or another involved in the development of one of the most important local regulations of any enterprise - the staffing table. The secretary also gets it. In general, the staffing table is a document that mostly relates to the accounting and personnel departments. But if the organization is small and does not have its own lawyer, in such cases it is most often the secretary who manages personnel issues. And there’s no way to get out of this, you have to bear this burden together with the chief accountant, and it’s good if together, on an equal basis. In the course of the activities of any enterprise, questions constantly arise with the names of positions, the construction of an organizational structure and the correct configuration of the relevant structural units.
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What is the abbreviated name of the director's structural unit?

The legislation does not provide for special sanctions for incorrect job titles. However, paragraph 4 of Art. 9.19 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Offenses Code) establishes the employer’s liability for other violations of labor legislation, except for the violations provided for in Art. 9.16–9.18 and parts 1–3 art. 9.19 of the Code of Administrative Offences, causing harm to an employee - imposition of a fine in the amount of 4 to 20 basic units. Thus, it can be assumed that if, as a result of an incorrect job title, the employee suffers any harm, as discussed above, there are grounds for applying the specified sanction to the employer.