Levitation at home. Fundamentals of fine-art photography: levitation effect. How to prepare to train this superpower

  • 15.11.2020

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of learning to fly like a bird, or soar in the air above the ground, this term was called "levitation". It is believed that only selected people have this talent; in ancient times they were called saints or sorcerers. Modern researchers believe that learning this technique is real, but requires a lot of patience.

What is levitation?

scientists give exact wording What is levitation. This is the ability to stay in the air, overcoming gravity, without any devices. Several meanings of the word have been formulated, levitation is:

  1. Antigravity.
  2. The phenomenon when a body hangs in the air without support.
  3. The ability of a person to become weightless.
  4. The excess of the human energy field over the field of the planet.

Levitation - is it a myth or reality?

For more than a decade, the ability to soar above the ground was considered a quackery or trick, because people who had a true gift did not advertise themselves. The reason for this is weighty: if such an individual was not canonized, then they were declared possessed by an evil spirit. In search of an answer to the question of whether levitation is possible, modern scientists have gone experimentally. They managed to determine that the essence is in the Meissner effect, which is based on superconductivity.

The human biofield is constantly in contact with the energy fields of the Earth, and the force of attraction prevails. It has been proved by experiment that the point where the force of gravity is compared with the pushing force is located half a meter from the ground, and yogis and fakirs hang at such a distance. A person can stay in the air if:

  • redirect the energy charge of the body so as to overcome the attraction.
  • neutralizes its own weight;
  • goes into the anti-weight state.

Levitation in a dream

Each person flew in a dream, more often it happens in childhood, but when scientists began to investigate this phenomenon, very interesting facts turned out:

  1. The feeling of flying is extremely real.
  2. Pictures seen in flight are easily remembered in reality.

This gave reason to assume that the gift of flying is inherent in a person with a gene code. The skill turns on when falling asleep, during the transition the body goes into weightlessness. The levitation technique is complex, they have been trained for years, but you can make sure that the sensation of soaring is familiar to the body in a simple way:

  1. Become even, concentrate, feel the weight of the body.
  2. Try to reduce this weight mentally.
  3. When the body becomes light, imagine under your feet a layer of elastic air that lifts you up.

Yogi Levitation

The most famous masters of levitation are yogis, on the streets of India you can often see a fakir hanging in the air. Many consider it tricks, but in vain. In the ancient Indian Vedas, scientists managed to find instructions on how to learn levitation, but so far no one has been able to translate it from Sanskrit. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person who has achieved top level consciousness and became a siddha, able to levitate through "siddhu laghima" - lightness.

Levitation - how to learn?

How to learn to levitate? This question is asked by many esotericists and. Special techniques have been developed, but it takes a long time to master them. It is advised to start by bringing parts of your body into weightlessness, you need to do this exercise in turn, starting with the arms and legs:

  1. Choose a comfortable room, turn on relaxing music.
  2. Sit at the table, put your hand on the lid. Relax, don't think about anything. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  3. Concentrate on the hand. See the flow of heat that passes through it.
  4. Tighten the body and mentally feel the skin, muscles, feel how blood flows through the veins.
  5. When the arm becomes heavy, imagine that it begins to lose weight. Do this until the hand is no longer felt.
  6. Mentally put an air cushion under your arm, which will lift it up.
  7. Return to the previous state.

Levitation - exercises

The second stage of the practice was called "Road to Heaven". But main secret levitation is that faith in one's capabilities is boundless. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose an unpopulated road. Walk calmly, without rushing. Mentally step back from reality, focus only on movement.
  2. Imagine walking in an ocean of energy, it is identical to taking waist-deep steps in water.
  3. Feel the energy rising up, around and within the body.
  4. Imagine that the road goes to infinity. At the same time, it is raised by 15-20 degrees from the surface of the earth.
  5. Feel the lift as you move up this road using energy.
  6. Concentrate on the sensations, remember them.
  7. Walk in this way for at least an hour.
  8. After the walk, meditate by applying the methods mentally.

How to make light objects levitate?

For experienced fakirs, the levitation of small objects is a common thing. And it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to learn this, unless he has supernatural abilities. But there is one little trick that will surprise and entertain friends. For this you will need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

The focus is very easy to perform, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations:

  1. Dilute a very strong saline solution, pour salt until it ceases to dissolve.
  2. Cut a piece of thread up to 40 centimeters long. Soak in the solution for a day.
  3. Dry in expanded form, the thread should be perfectly even and straight.
  4. Wrap the thread around a paper clip or other light object. Holding it on weight, set fire to the thread. The bottom line is that invisible salt crystals will hold the paper clip in the air, and it will seem that it is hanging in the air. The main thing is not to pull hard on the thread after it has burned out.

In some advanced stores, you can see advertising stands that show the most interesting effects when some thing from the window or an item with the image of the brand levitates. Sometimes rotation is added. But such an installation is quite capable of being made even by a person without much experience in homemade products. To do this, you need a neodymium magnet, which can be found in spare parts from computer equipment.

The properties of a magnet are amazing. One of these properties of repulsion by the same poles is used in objects that are used as trains on a magnetic cushion, funny toys or the basis for spectacular design objects, etc. How to make a levitating object based on magnets?

Magnetic levitation on video

Top levitation over five point neodymium magnets. Magnetic Levitation, magnétismo, magnetic experiment, truco magnética, moto perpetuo, amazing game. Entertaining physics.


When the magnet rotates, there is levitation, and if the revolutions of the magnet decrease, it falls from orbit ... justify this effect. The interaction of magnetic fields between magnets is clear, but what is the role of rotation. You can also use an alternating magnetic field from the coils to keep the magnet in the air.

Please work on the topic - flywheel generator. I think it will have a useful practical application. In addition, you had it filmed in a video a very long time ago, but very little and without information.

What if:
Launch this top and some kind of cube and create a Vacuum there, according to the idea there will be no air resistance and it will spin almost endlessly! And if it’s not for him to wind up the copper correctly and remove energy?

Evgeny Petrov
I read the comments, I'm surprised, what a thread!? There everything is like a magnetic top, he was given fur. energy is the constant magnetic field of the top, during the rotation of which the magnetic field also rotates, but the main thing is how! In magnets, the domains are packed unequally distributed; this is technically not possible; therefore, the passive magnet itself cannot stay on the magnetic cushion; it will take more forte where the difference is generally negligible, so the rotation of the field does not allow this to be done.

Vyacheslav Subbotin
Another idea, but what if the laser is constantly shining from one side? Will the rotation time of the top change due to light pressure? If you take a strong laser, then it may be possible to make the top not stop at all.

Nobody Unknown
An old toy… I remember this spinning top and the plate under it on ferrite magnets, it’s already boring on neodymium, and the bottom magnet of the base was one solid plate, not five separate magnets, only it was magnetized in a tricky way…

Aligarh Leopold
Igor Beletsky, you can make a cap on which the spinning top will land, so as not to catch it. Is it possible to add a rotating magnetic field to it to keep it spinning? for example, if its magnetic table is rotated ..

Timur Aminev
And please tell us how the Earth's magnetic field slows down the top? In the sense of what moments of forces directed against rotation arise and why.

Alexander Vasilievich
If you attach a coil from above the magnet (or from below it would be even gorgeous!) And twist the top with it, then you get a kind of motor on a magnetic suspension. The thing is absolutely stupid, but beautiful. It will spin until the power supply is removed))

Ivan Petrov
Well, we've already seen this. Make the magnet levitate without spinning! (and without supports and liquid nitrogen of course).

high elf
Divorce for losers, it could be called levitation if the magnet did not have to be untwisted. The magnet itself, which is on top, will slide off if it is not given rotation.

Andrey Solomennikov
And what if you attach a fire to the platform, and propellers to the gyroscope (Yulya) that would rotate while the fire is burning below. I don’t remember the name of the engine, but its essence is the rotation, so to speak, of the rotor with the help of heat.

Igor, there is such an idea... You don’t have a uniform magnetic field on your table, but if you make a top from several magnets, and spin the table... Maybe the top will not lose momentum... What do you think? ..

Anton Simovskikh
Igor Beletsky, have you figured out the physics of the process? Why is levitation possible only in dynamics? Do the foucault currents arising in the top affect the stabilization of the top?

The simplest installation with a levitating object on a magnet

To do this, you will need: a box of CDs, one or two disks, a lot of ring magnets and super glue. You can buy any magnet in the Chinese online store.

When your friends come to visit you, they will be surprised by the spectacular design that you created yourself.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to fly? Soar in the air without worrying about gravity?) Photography and basic knowledge of Photoshop allow you to turn dreams into reality!

What do we need?

  1. Nice and beautiful place, preferably even and spacious.
  2. Beautiful model with long hair to further enhance the effect. Light dresses and skirts are welcome - everything that is good inflates the wind)
  3. Assistant, preferably male.
  4. an aburet that would serve as a support.
  5. Camera and tripod.
  6. Basic knowledge of Photoshop.

Where to look for inspiration and ideas?

Most of the presented works are the work of photographer Ravshania, she shoots for magazines and works with many celebrities.

Okay, there is the first point.

How to choose a place?

Depends on your idea. I wanted something unusual, magical + model Ilnara had a stunning turquoise dress - a good combination would be with green, so we chose the forest. We traveled, asked questions, looked - and stopped at a small clearing in the forest. Many want to show the usual, homely atmosphere - the choice is obvious - or at home with natural light from the window (only so that the sun does not shine through the window), or an interior studio.

How to choose a model?

I was lucky with this - my friend is a model) But in general, for the first time, I would recommend trying to implement this idea with a person with whom you know and have a good relationship - it will be more comfortable for everyone, and even if it doesn’t work out, there will definitely not be a scandal :) If if there are no such acquaintances, then you can search in the VK group - Models and Photographers of Tatarstan, there is an album with novice models who may agree to DFT.

Why do you need an assistant?

If you want to do something more complicated than “model standing on a chair”, then you need it - it will, if possible, support the model’s arms, legs, or a stool, in general, for stability and diversity of poses)

After we have arrived at the place and are ready to work, we choose a place and an angle. Mount the camera on a tripod and set it to manual focus. It is important!

  1. Focusing on the model
  2. The model leaves
  3. Photographing the background

This is done so that we have a photo of the background where we will then paste the model, and it is very important that the place where the model will subsequently levitate is in focus.

As you can see, the trees in the background are a little blurry, as they should be.

My camera settings:

  1. Aperture f/4.5
  2. Shutter speed 1 ⁄ 200
  3. ISO 250
  4. Focal length - 35mm (fixed)

Now the hardest part- setting up the model. In this case, it was possible to maintain balance on two stools:

Make sure that clothes fall freely, so that stools do not show through them, so that all parts of the body are visible - for this it is best to take several shots, changing the location of supporting objects. My mistake was that a stool is clearly visible through the dress, and even in Photoshop I could not completely remove it (

Treatment. Everything here is quite simple - collage. We open our background in Photoshop, insert a photo with the model there and erase (with an eraser or using masks) the stools and everything that is superfluous that the model supports. We wipe all the oversights where the joints are visible, do not forget about the shadow - it should be as if the model was in weightlessness. That's all) Here's what I got:

And here are some experiments and backstages) Thanks to Ilnara for stamina, mosquito resistance and understanding, Albert for support in every sense of the word and Vera for an awesome make-up!)

People have long been interested in the topic of levitation. It is thanks to the desire to fly that we were so surprised and delighted by tricks where the illusionist makes the assistant soar above the ground. But as we know, any amazing phenomenon is often explained very easily, including the secret of the trick with levitation. Is it really just that? Let's take a closer look at what levitation is, and reveal some of its secrets.

  • Levitation as a trick. As we have already said, the sleight of hand of the illusionist works wonders, and we see what we are told. Although no professional is in a hurry to reveal the secret, levitation is carried out with the help of a support invisible to the viewer. Many have seen a photo of a faucet floating in the air, from which water flows. Everyone guesses what the secret is, but this does not make the spectacle any less vivid;
  • Photomontage. It is also a kind of illusion of levitation. It makes no sense to talk a lot about him, because an ordinary jump in a photo can also be passed off as levitation;
  • Yoga and levitation. Everything is much more complicated here, because there is a video of how brahmins and yogis soar in the lotus position above the ground. Video is often just another illusion. However, in Eastern literature this phenomenon is described as an acquired ability of a person. Everyone can learn levitation. You just need to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and develop skills.

Levitation: fiction or reality

Previously, scientists at the mention of such soaring in the air, only smiled skeptically. However, after the maglev railway line went into operation, skepticism began to evaporate. Said train can reach more speed than the traditional one due to the lack of friction. Physical levitation using the Archimedes force or powerful sound (for light objects) is a science. That is, from the point of view of science, levitation is possible. This has been proven in experiments with frogs, drops, tennis balls, etc. But what about the practice of yogis? How to learn levitation without a scientific approach?

Soaring in the air

In fact, in meditative practices, levitation is called only the result of spiritual growth. You could say it's a side effect. Without personal development, such a practice is simply impossible. Another condition is self-confidence. You must be sure that you can overcome the force of gravity of the earth as easily as you once learned to ride a bicycle. So did Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a physicist who in the twentieth century developed a whole theory of how to make levitation.

There are a lot of people who sincerely believe that they can overcome the force of gravity. One of them is Helen Musdell. She ran a personality development center and spent many years trying to master the science of flight. Mainly by ski jumping into the water. Helen Masdell argued that during the jump you need to focus and keep the body in the air for as long as possible. She herself is known to have achieved dubious results. Maybe it's all about the original purpose. After the development center mentioned above, many schools were opened, where the main goal was levitation, the training of which was carried out through practices and meditations. But whether any of their students could take off is not known for certain.

Levitation in antiquity

Of course, there are many skeptics who consider levitation a fiction, but few today can explain how the ancient Egyptians moved blocks of stone to build the pyramids. One of the theories is levitation. One Arab historian described the process as follows: papyrus was placed under the stone, and then it was touched with a metal rod, after which the stone moved 50 meters. Perhaps all this is the fruit of the rich imagination of the historian, or perhaps the Egyptians for many centuries, from generation to generation, passed on the secret of such levitation.

But the European, Professor Jarl, in his book described the construction of the wall by Tibetan monks with sound. According to him, with the help of six pipes and twelve drums, an unbearably piercing sound was created, thanks to which huge blocks rose into the air. To believe or not to believe in such phenomena is a personal matter for everyone. However, there are as many skeptics as there are those who sincerely believe that there is a levitation spell (as in the Harry Potter movie), by saying which we can move objects. Now you know a lot of information on this topic. We hope it helped you.

Levitation of objects is one of the most exciting and interesting views tricks. Nowadays, many illusionists can demonstrate such tricks to the public.

The principle of levitation of objects is to find or move them in the air without visible support. This is an optical illusion that viewers experience.

How to learn the levitation of objects - the main secret

Before showing such tricks, they should be carefully rehearsed. It is recommended to do this in front of a mirror or shoot everything on video in order to see what is happening from the side and correct the shortcomings.

Spectators must watch the process, being a few meters from the stage.

Do not start your program with too complex numbers. The audience should be allowed to feel the spirit of magic and sorcery. Success largely depends on how beautiful and mysterious the actions will look.

How to levitate small objects?

Consider, for example, the paper clip levitation trick. For this you need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

First you need to dilute the saline solution in a glass in a ratio of two to one. Then you need to take an ordinary thread about 40 cm long and leave it in this solution for a day.

After the thread has been sufficiently soaked, it must be hung by the tip so that it hangs in a level position. After waiting for complete drying, you can begin to demonstrate the wonders of levitation.

To do this, you need to tie one end of the thread to a paper clip, and the other to your finger. Instead of a paper clip, you can take another non-combustible object, but the main thing is to calculate its weight. Show the audience that you are using regular thread and a paperclip. After the thread has stopped swinging, you need to set it on fire. After combustion, invisible salt crystals remain, which help to keep the object in weight.

In order to understand how to learn the levitation of objects, it is not necessary have some supernatural powers. It is enough to have desire, patience and willpower.

Levitation in a dream

Each of us has experienced a wonderful feeling when he levitates in a dream - a feeling of lightness, hovering above the ground or taking off after a run. To see such dreams is a great joy. After all, after them, a person easily awakens, feels inspired and upbeat.

The main interpretation of levitation in a dream is that the person who sees this dream is growing. This means not only physical growth, but also spiritual growth.