The standard of working capital for work in progress is calculated. Calculation of norms of working capital on examples. Indicators of the use of working capital

  • 18.07.2021

Working capital ratio in inventories - 2200 thousand rubles,

normative expenses for future periods - 500 thousand rubles,

product release plan 6000 pcs.,

duration of the production cycle - 30 days;

the production cost of one product is 36 thousand rubles;

cost increase factor - 0.85;

stock rate finished products in stock - 26 days.


1. working capital ratio in work in progress;

2. the standard of working capital in finished products;

3. general standard of working capital of the enterprise.


1. The standard of working capital in work in progress is determined by the formula:

B - the volume of output in physical terms;

C - the cost of one product;

T pc - the duration of the production cycle;

K n - coefficient of increase in production;

D - the duration of the planning period.

2. The standard of working capital in finished products:

N gp \u003d R × D nz,

P - one-day output at production cost,

D nz - the rate of stock of finished products in days.

Let's find the one-day output of products at the production cost:

N gp \u003d 600 * 26 \u003d 15,600 thousand rubles.

3. The general standard of working capital of an enterprise is the sum of:

Nose. \u003d N pr.z + N np + N gp + N r.b.p.

N pr.z - the standard of inventories,

N np - the standard of work in progress,

N gp - standard stocks of finished products,

N r.b.p. - normative expenses of future periods.

Nose. \u003d 2200 + 15,300 + 15,600 + 500 \u003d 33,600 thousand rubles.

Topic 4. Working capital of the enterprise

Purpose of the lesson : get acquainted with the essence of the working capital of the enterprise, their structure, sources of formation and determination of the need for working capital.

The structure of circulating assets of the enterprise illustrates fig. 2.

Productive reserves - these are objects of labor prepared for launch in manufacturing process; they consist of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components, containers and packaging materials, spare parts for current repair fixed assets.

Work in progress and semi-finished products of own production- these are objects of labor that have entered the production process: materials, parts, components and products that are in the process of processing or assembly, as well as semi-finished products of their own manufacture, not finished by production and subject to further processing.

Rice. 2. The composition of the working capital of the enterprise

Future expenses- these are intangible elements of working capital, including the costs of preparing and developing new products, which are produced in a given period (quarter, year), but are attributed to products of the future period (for example, the costs of designing and developing technology for new types of products, for rearranging equipment, etc.).

To ensure the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, individual elements of working capital are normalized, that is, limits are set on them.

Rationing of working capital is the process of establishing reasonable standards and standards related to the use of enterprise resources. Consumption rate of material resources- the maximum amount of raw materials, fuel, etc. per unit of production.

qn= qh + qotkh+ qP, (4.1)

where qn calculation and technical rate of consumption of materials per part, kg;

qh net weight of the part, kg;

qotkh- waste associated with the manufacturing technology of the part, kg;

qP losses associated with cutting, oversized blanks, etc., kg.

qh + qotkh+ qP qn the rate of consumption of materials per part;

To determine the level of use of materials, a planned ( kpl) and actual ( kfact) material utilization factors." width="119" height="61 src=">, (4.2)

where qh actual consumption of materials, kg.

Working Capital Ratio (NOS) establishes the minimum estimated amount of working capital, constantly necessary for the enterprise for work.

Duration of one turnover in days in the base and compared periods, days.

Typical problems with solutions

Task 1.

Determine the standard of working capital of the enterprise, based on the following data:


Product A

Product B

Release program per year, pcs.

The cost of raw materials and materials for 1 product, rub.

The cost of components for 1 product, rub.

The cost of the product, rub.

Production cycle time in days

Finished goods stock rate, days

Interval between deliveries of raw materials and supplies, days

Interval between deliveries of components, days

Safety stock - 35% of the current stock. A preparatory (technological) stock is required only for raw materials and is 2 days. Working capital ratio in deferred expenses - 1350 thousand rubles.


1. Calculate the standard of inventories:

Raw materials


Current stock rate

Safety stock rate

Norm of a preparatory stock

stock rate

Average daily consumption of raw materials and supplies (36000*1200+2100*24600)/360=263500 rub.

Average daily consumption of components (36000*400+2100*6600)/360=78500 rub.

The standard of production stocks for raw materials and materials 8.75 * 263500 = 2305625 rubles.

The standard of inventories for components is 16.2 * 78500 = 1271700 rubles.

Total standard of production stocks NOSP= 2305625+1271700=3577325 rub.

2. Calculate the standard of work in progress:

Product A

Product B

The share of initial costs in the cost



Cost escalation factor


Work in progress standard for product A 36000 * 5000 * 5 * 0.66 / 360 \u003d 1650000 rubles.

Work in progress standard for product B 2100 * 75000 * 30 * 0.708 / 360 = 9292500 rubles.

Total work in progress standard NOWZP= 1650000+9292500= RUB

3. Deferred expense standard NOSRBP= 1350000 rub.

4. Calculate the standard stock of finished products:

Standard stocks of finished products for product A 36000 * 5000 * 2/360 = 1000000 rubles.

Standard stocks of finished products for product B 2100 * 75000 * 7/360 = 3062500 rubles.

Total finished goods inventory ratio NOSGP= 1000000+3062500=4062500 rub.

5. The general norm of working capital of the enterprise NOS = 3577325 ++ 1350000 + 4062500 = rub.

Task 2.

The proceeds from the sale of products in the reporting year amounted to 105 million rubles, and in the next (planned) year, the proceeds should amount to 132 million rubles. The average balance of working capital in the reporting year is 20 million rubles, in the planning year - 24 million rubles.

Determine: 1) the reporting and planned number of turnovers of working capital; 2) reporting and planned duration of one turnover; 3) the magnitude of the absolute and relative release (involvement) of working capital as a result of a change in turnover.



Reporting period

Planned period

1) the number of turnovers of working capital

2) duration of one revolution, days

3) absolute release (involvement) of working capital:

Since , then there was an absolute involvement of working capital.

4) relative release of working capital: million rubles.

Since , then there was a relative release of working capital

1. Rationing of working capital

Task 1.

The consumption of materials at the enterprise for the quarter is 360 thousand rubles. The material stock norm is 25 days. Determine the standard stock of materials for the quarter.


Thousand rub.

Task 2.

Determine the norm of working capital for inventory and tools in operation, if the norm of working capital per person is 200 rubles, the number of workers at the enterprise is 700 people. Writing off working capital for expenses is made in the amount of 50% when the funds are put into operation and 50% after the end of their service life. Service life take 2 years.


thousand roubles.


2000 0.27 \u003d 540 thousand rubles.

Task 4

To ensure the production and sale of products, a certain amount of working capital is required. The production program is 700 items per year. The cost of one product is 1500 rubles. The coefficient of increase in costs in work in progress is 0.66. The consumption of materials for one product is 1000 rubles. with a stock rate of 40 days. Finished product inventory is 5 days. The duration of the production cycle is 25 days. Determine the standard of working capital by elements: inventories of materials, work in progress and finished products, the total amount of normalized working capital.


1. Standard stock of materials:

thousand roubles.

2. Standard of work in progress:

thousand roubles.

3. Finished product standard:

thousand roubles.

4. The total amount of normalized working capital:

Thousand rub.

Task 5

Determine the standard of working capital in work in progress. Output per year - 10,000 items. The cost of the product is 800 rubles. The coefficient of increase in costs in work in progress is 0.5. the duration of the production cycle is 5 days.


thousand roubles.

Tasks for independent solution

Task 6

Calculate the value of the production stock of materials to ensure the production program of the enterprise in the amount of 4000 products per year. Supplies of materials are made once a quarter, the consumption rate of materials is 90 kg.

Task 7

To ensure the rhythmic release and sale of products, a certain amount of working capital is needed in the production stocks of material resources. The production program of the product "a" - 500 pieces, "B" - 300 pieces. Data on the consumption of materials are given in the table.

The working capital ratio is an indicator that determines the minimum amount of the amount of which is sufficient to ensure the normal flow technological process. This value for this business entity does not have a constant value. The working capital ratio is directly dependent on the volume of products produced, as well as on the work of the supply and sales service, assortment list goods and forms of payment with buyers. AT financial sector activity of the enterprise, this indicator is the most variable.

At the second stage of calculating the indicator, the amount of working resources is determined, the volume of which is necessary in order to create the amount of stock necessary for the continuity of the production cycle for each element included in the technological process. Thus, there is a definition of private standards. Each element is calculated by a formula. It expresses the product of the norm of the stock of funds in circulation for a single element by the quotient obtained from dividing the expense of this component for the planned period by the value of this period.

The standard of working capital, calculated for the enterprise, consists of a value that is determined by summing up private indicators of stocks of production resources. Its size expresses the minimum volumes of goods and material assets that will ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise.

The working capital ratio is the amount:

Stock standard industrial purpose;

Work in progress standard;

The standard of released finished goods;

The rate of expenses related to the upcoming periods.

The value of the indicator for reserves related to the production of products delimits resources by their individual types or homogeneous groups of materials. The size of this standard directly depends on the time the values ​​are in the preparation stage, as well as in the period of the technological process. Insurance stocks are also taken into account.

The working capital ratio in work in progress is directly dependent on four main factors. These include:

The volume and composition of products;

Time indicator of the technological cycle;

The nature of the increase in costs during the process of releasing goods.

If there is an amount of resources in the enterprise that is not enough to bring it to normative value, there are processes that contribute to:

Reducing the release of goods;

Interruptions in production, as well as sales and, as a result, non-fulfillment of planned indicators;

Violations of the schedules of deliveries of goods to customers.

In modern market conditions, the importance of calculating the norms of working capital is increasing. Their correct application in practice leads to strengthening financial condition business entity and its solvency.

To ensure the uninterrupted production and sale of products, as well as for the effective use of working capital at enterprises, their rationing is carried out. With its help, the total need of the enterprise for working capital is determined.

Consumption rates are considered to be the maximum allowable absolute values ​​of the consumption of raw materials and materials, fuel and electrical energy for the production of a unit of output.

Consumption rationing certain types material resources provides for the observance of certain scientific principles. The main ones should be: progressiveness, technological and economic feasibility, dynamism and ensuring the reduction of standards.

When planning the need for working capital, three methods are used:

1. Analytical- involves determining the need for working capital in the amount of their average actual balances, taking into account the growth in production volume. This method is used in those enterprises where funds invested in material values ​​and costs have a greater specific gravity in total amount working capital.

2. Ratio- consists in clarifying the current standards of own working capital in accordance with changes in production indicators. Inventories and costs are divided into those that depend directly on changes in production volumes (raw materials, materials, costs of work in progress, finished products in stock) and those that do not depend on it (spare parts, deferred expenses, low-value items).

For the first group, the need for working capital is determined based on their size in the base year and the growth rate of production in the next year. For the second group, the demand is planned at the level of their average actual balances over a number of years.

3. Method of direct counting- scientifically substantiated calculation of standards for each element of normalized working capital, taking into account changes in the level of organizational and technical development of the enterprise, transportation of goods and materials, and the practice of settlements with counterparties.

Rationing begins with determining the average daily consumption of raw materials, basic materials and semi-finished products (R days) in the planning period:

where P is the volume of material consumption for the period, rub.;

T is the period of time.

Working capital ratio (Na.obs) - the value corresponding to the minimum, economically justified volume of reserves. It is usually set in days.

OBS standard (N obs) - the minimum required amount of funds to ensure the continuity of the enterprise. Determined by the formula:

H obs =R day * N a.obs.

The OS stock rate (Na.os) for each type or homogeneous group of materials takes into account the time spent in the current (3 tech), insurance (3 lines), transport (3 countries), technological (3 tech) stocks, as well as the time required for unloading, delivery, acceptance and storage of materials, i.e. preparatory stock (P r):

N a.os \u003d Z tech + Z str + Z tran + Z tech + P r.

current stock is designed to provide production with material resources between two successive deliveries. This is the main type of stock, the most significant value in the OBS norm. The current stock in days is determined by the formula:

where C p - the cost of delivery;

And - the interval between deliveries.

The current stock ratio is calculated by the formula:

Z tech \u003d R day * And,

Safety stock arises as a result of a violation of the delivery time. In days, it is determined by the formula:

Safety stock standard:

Z str \u003d R day * (I f - I pl) * 0.5 or Z str \u003d R day * Z str. days * 0.5,

where (I f - I pl ) - a gap in the supply interval.

Transport stock is created at enterprises for those deliveries for which there is a gap between the timing of receipt of payment documents and materials. It is defined as the excess of the terms of cargo turnover (the time of delivery of goods from the supplier to the buyer) over the terms of the document flow.

The standard of the transport stock is calculated by the formula:

Z tr \u003d R day * (I f - I pl) * 0.5 or Z str \u003d R day * Z tr.dn * 0.5,

where 3 tr.dn - the norm of the transport stock, days.

Technological reserve - the time required to prepare materials for production. The technology reserve standard is determined by the formula:

Z those \u003d (Z tech + Z str + Z tr) * To those

where K tech is the coefficient of technological reserve, %. It is established by a commission of representatives of the supplier and the consumer.

Preparatory Stock is established on the basis of technological calculations or by means of timing.

Working capital ratio in inventories is defined as the sum of the OBS standards in the current, technological and preparatory reserves.

OBS standard in work in progress (N np) is determined by the formula:

H np \u003d VP sr.d. * T c * To nar.z,

where VP av.d is the average daily output of products at the production cost;

T c - the duration of the production cycle;

K nar.z - the coefficient of increase in costs, which, with a uniform increase in costs, is determined by the formula:

where Ф e - one-time costs;

F n - increasing costs;

C - cost.

With an uneven increase in costs

To Nar.z \u003d C cf / P

where C cf - the average cost of a product in work in progress;

P - the production cost of the product.

Working capital ratio in deferred expenses (Nbp) is determined by the formula:

N b.p. \u003d RBP start + RBP pre - RBP s,

where RBP nach - the carry-over amount of deferred expenses at the beginning of the planned year;

RBP pre - deferred expenses in the coming year, provided for by the estimates;

RBP s - deferred expenses to be written off to the cost of production of the coming year.

The standard of working capital in the balance of finished products defined:

N g.p \u003d VGP days. * N z.skl. ,

where GWP days. - the cost of one-day production of finished products;

N z.skl - the rate of their stock in the warehouse in days.

The total working capital ratio is the sum of the working capital ratios calculated for individual elements. When establishing norms and standards for the planned year, it is recommended to use the experimental-statistical and calculation-analytical method.