Arrived at the distribution point at the place of delivery. Left the sorting center. Arrived at the sorting center of the city N

  • 16.10.2023

4.1. Methodology for determining the location of a distribution warehouse using the method of the center of gravity of cargo flows

A). Initial data

The task of determining the location of a distribution center in the serviced area by finding the center of gravity of cargo flows is one of the suboptimal methods for determining the location of a distribution center. Suboptimal methods are effective for solving many practical problems. They do not provide finding the optimal solution, but they give good, close to optimal results with low computational complexity.

Let a network of consumers be given in a logistics distribution system (Figure 4.1), consisting of consumers A 1 , A 2 ,… A i , … A n(small wholesale bases, small warehouses, retail enterprises).

Rice. 4.1. Consumer network.

The locations (coordinates) of consumers are assumed to be known. (x 1 , y 1 ); (x 2 , y 2 );…(x i , y i ); … (x n , y n ) (km) in the serviced area . In addition, the volumes of cargo turnover are known G 1 , G 2 , … G i , … G n(t/unit of time) between the distribution center and each of the consumers. It is required to find the coordinates of the location of the distribution center in the serviced area.

B). Economic and mathematical model for solving the problem

If the exact coordinates of the location of consumers are unknown, the map of the consumer network (Fig. 4.1) is plotted in rectangular coordinates (Fig. 4.2), with each consumer replaced by a point in the coordinate system.

Rice. 4.2. Network of consumers in a rectangular coordinate system.

Record A i Gi means that between a consumer with a number A i and the distribution warehouse there is a cargo turnover of G i .

To minimize the costs of transporting goods to consumers, it is advisable to place the distribution center in the center of gravity of cargo flows of the figure formed by the location of consumers on the ground.

Finding the coordinates of the center of gravity of cargo flows (the location of the distribution center in the serviced area) is done in the same way as finding the center of gravity of the figure formed by the location of consumers on the ground, where the weight of the location point of each consumer corresponds to its cargo turnover per unit time. The location coordinates of the distribution center in the serviced area are found using the following formulas:

abscissa of the center of gravity of cargo flows:

, km (4.1)

ordinate of the center of gravity of cargo flows:

, km, (4.2)

- abscissa and ordinate of the location of the distribution center, respectively, km;

- respectively the abscissa and ordinate of the location of each consumer, km;

- cargo turnover of each consumer, t/month, t/year;

- total number of consumers.

IN). Solving the problem by determining the location of the distribution warehouse

Initial data

A network of consumers in the logistics distribution system is given (Figure 4.3), consisting of 10 consumers.

Rice. 4.3. Network of consumers in the distribution system.

The coordinates of consumers and their cargo turnover are given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Coordinates and cargo turnover of consumers


Coordinates, km

Freight turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

Need to find a location for a distribution center

Preparatory stage

1) Transfer table 4.1 to a Microsoft Office Excel file. At the same time, in the “Consumers” column (cells A3-A12) we place the consumer numbers, in the “Coordinates” column (cells B3-B12 and C3-C12) we place the coordinates X And at corresponding consumers, in the “Freight turnover” column (cells D3-D12) we place the cargo turnover of the corresponding consumers (Fig. 4.4).

Rice. 4.4. Table with initial data

Computational stage

1) We create additional columns to calculate the products of coordinates and cargo turnover for each consumer. To do this, in cells E3-E12 we enter the formulas =B3*D3, …, =B12*D12, and in cells F3-F12 we enter the formulas =C3*D3, …, =C12*D12 (Fig. 4.5).

2) In cell D13, enter the formula for the sum of cargo turnover =SUM(D3;D12) (Fig. 4.5)

3) By entering the following formulas =SUM(E3:E12)/D13 and =SUM(F3:F12)/D13 into cells E14 and F14, respectively, we obtain the location coordinates of the distribution center in them

4) Using known coordinates, we plot the location point of the distribution center on the coordinate plane (map of the service area), drawn on graph paper (recommended scale of 1 mm - 1 km) (Fig. 4.6)

Rice. 4.5. Calculation table

Rice. 4.6. Placing a distribution center in a coordinate system

4.2. Practical tasks for determining the location of a distribution warehouse using the method of the center of gravity of cargo flows

Determine the location of the distribution warehouse using the center of gravity method of cargo flows for 10 consumers, using the following initial data:

4.2.1. Option 1.


Coordinates, km

Freight turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

4.2.2. Option 2.


Coordinates, km

Freight turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

4.2.1. Option 3.


Coordinates, km

Freight turnover G i, t/month

x i

y i

In order not to make a mistake in the approximate delivery time of the parcel, you should know what this or that status means. On this page we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not have difficulty determining the location of the parcel.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status means that the sender has completed all the necessary forms, including Form CN22 or CN23 (customs declaration), and the package has been accepted by the postal or courier service employee. Simultaneously with receipt, the shipment is assigned an identification number, which is subsequently used for tracking.

Arrival at MMPO.

MMPO is a place of international postal exchange. At this stage, the parcel undergoes customs control and registration. After this, service employees prepare a grouped international shipment.


One of the longest periods in the delivery of postal items. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded plane is unprofitable, so you have to wait until there is a sufficient number of parcels heading to one country.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, shipments can be delivered in transit through other countries, and this also delays delivery time.

It is impossible to name the exact duration of the parcel's stay in export. But on average it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may further increase. But if more than two months have passed since receiving the “Export” status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service performing the delivery with a request to search for the shipment.


This status is assigned to the shipment at the Russian AOPP (aviation mail department), where it arrives from an airplane. Here, according to the service regulations, the parcels are weighed, the integrity of the packaging is checked, the barcode is scanned to find out the place of departure, the flight number is recorded, and it is determined to which MMPO the parcel should be sent. The length of time an international shipment stays at AOPC depends on the workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

Handed over to customs.

After sorting, the parcels are sent for customs inspection, where they go through an X-ray scanner. If customs officers suspect the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the shipment is opened and inspected in the presence of an inspector and the responsible operator. After this (if the fact of transportation of prohibited goods has not been confirmed), the parcel is packed again, an inspection report is attached and sent along the route.

Detained by customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to a shipment only in cases where customs officers identify a weight that exceeds the permissible limit, a cost of more than 1,000 euros, and other violations. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional fees. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel will bypass this status.

Customs clearance has been completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff. In some cases, this status may be replaced by “left MMPO”.

Arrived at the sorting center.

From MMPO the shipment arrives for sorting. There are postal sorting centers in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the center closest to the MMPO, where logistics service employees develop the optimal delivery route to the point of issue.

Left the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel has been sent along the delivery route. The time it takes for it to arrive at the recipient depends on several factors, including traffic congestion, remoteness of the region, etc.

There are Russian Post sorting centers in all major cities.

Arrived at the sorting center of the city N.

Upon arrival in the recipient's city, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the goods are distributed to post offices or other order delivery points. Delivery speed is affected by: traffic congestion, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery within the city takes no more than 1-2 days, but within the region it can take about a week.

Came to the place of delivery.

After the shipment arrives at the nearest post office, it is assigned this status. Next, postal employees are required to issue a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be slightly delayed, so it is better to use the “My Parcel” tracking service. As soon as you see the status “arrived at the place of delivery”, you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for notification, since postal employees are required to issue the item using the identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, you must have your passport with you.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after it is received by the addressee and means the end of the journey.

Domestic Russian shipments are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those related to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, the information will also be useful to those who make purchases in Russian online stores or are expecting a package from loved ones living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also approximately calculate the delivery time.

A distribution center is a warehouse that receives goods from manufacturing companies or from wholesale suppliers through any distribution network. Then from here the goods go to other warehouses of companies.

The distribution center performs the following functions: repackaging, packaging, sticking, customs clearance, cargo certification.

Location of distribution centers

There are three main strategies for locating distribution facilities:

  • near the sales market;
  • close to production;
  • intermediate location between the market and the enterprise.

The structure of these warehouses and their location significantly influence the costs that arise during the delivery of goods to the customer, and, accordingly, the final price of the product sold.

When choosing the location of distribution centers, you need to pay attention to such important factors as:

  • transportation cost;
  • price of warehouse cargo processing;
  • their content;
  • placing orders and creating a management system;
  • level of customer service.

The best distribution centers are those that will provide high-quality services to consumers at the lowest possible cost.

Sometimes retail chains or some large chain stores do without distribution centers, relying on supplies directly from distributors.

But in case of interruptions in the supply of products, the normal functioning of the enterprise is jeopardized. However, with such systems in place, supplier control occurs more effectively, and the correct supply of goods to store shelves is also ensured.

In addition, a big advantage of distribution centers is that contracts for the supply of products can be concluded directly with the manufacturer, without the participation of intermediaries. This will allow you to avoid markups, overpayments, and will also provide the opportunity to receive large wholesale discounts.

The role of distribution centers

As it turned out, about 30% of all agricultural products produced in the Russian Federation spoil before they reach the buyer. The main reason for this is that the existing vegetable stores and warehouses have long been outdated. The creation of new premises for storing products will help solve this situation.

Modern logistics distribution centers provide a guarantee of proper storage of goods due to the availability of relevant regulatory documents.

These warehouses collect various products. And when suppliers experience disruptions in supplying goods, the distribution center is a so-called buffer that insures the volume of production inventory, increasing its supply.

A variety of technological activities and processes take place at these complexes:

  • acceptance of goods into the warehouse;
  • placement and replenishment of selection zones;
  • order fulfillment for retail chains;
  • their shipment.

Secondary processes include warehouse inventory, work with defects and defects, returns and other services.

Not only large manufacturers, but also start-up companies benefit from distribution centers. Such complexes consist of many structural parts: areas of international certification and laboratory control, storage rooms, including freezers.

On the territory of the centers there are also transport companies involved in the transportation of goods, customs, free trade zones, consulting and review departments, banks and the like. Due to the availability of such large storage areas, significant food losses can be avoided.

Examples of distribution centers in the world and Russia

Thanks to their unique properties and functions, wholesale distribution centers are very popular in many countries around the world.

The most famous of them:

  • Kverneland Group;
  • "Mercasa"
  • "Wall-Mart";
  • "ALDI";
  • "X5 Retail Group".

There are also quite a lot of such complexes in the Russian Federation. For example, “Dixie”, “Ermak”, “Four Seasons” and so on.

Famous Moscow distribution centers:“Magnit”, “OKEY”, “Pyaterochka”, “X5”. Basically, these are warehouse premises of large stores and hypermarkets.

In addition, large interregional distribution centers, which, according to experts, should number approximately 10-15 by 2020. Construction of warehouse premises will begin in the near future in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Rostov, Moscow region and Crimea.

Distribution centers work and cooperate with network operators, farmers, restaurateurs and end consumers. They are a trading platform, a commodity exchange, which generates the average cost of products. Such warehouse facilities will improve the competitiveness of products not only in the domestic but also in the world market. As a result, manufacturers receive decent payment for their goods, and the final price of the product remains affordable.

Distribution centers in Russia today perform the following tasks:

  • storage of inventory;

  • preserving their quality;

  • improving production functionality;

  • increasing the competent use of the premises;

  • reduction in transportation costs;

  • creation of new jobs;

  • effective sales organization;

  • timely and regular delivery of goods to the consumer.

Representatives of distribution centers at the exhibition

"Prodexpo" is an international exhibition of food products, which takes place annually on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds. This exposition is an important event in the food and beverage industry. For more than 20 years, the event has determined the vector of development of the domestic food industry and economy.

"Prodexpo" promotes quality products to the national market, thereby contributing to the implementation of government projects that are aimed at improving the quality of life of Russian consumers.

An exhibition is, in fact, a distribution center where various products are provided in bulk. Here you can purchase goods for offices, shops or other businesses.

The Expocentre Fairgrounds pavilion is divided into many salons:

  • meat and meat products;
  • dairy products and cheeses;
  • groceries, spices and pasta;
  • vegetable fats;
  • semi-finished and frozen foods;
  • confectionery, nuts and dried fruits;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • canned food and sauces;
  • gastronomy and products for restaurants;
  • trading houses;
  • wholesale distribution centers;
  • alcohol;
  • glass containers;
  • beverage production;
  • packaging solutions;
  • equipment and services;
  • expositions of Russian regions;
  • foreign national exhibitions;
  • delicacies;
  • EcoBioSalon;
  • honey and bee products;
  • food for pets.

Distribution centers presented on "Prodexpo", offer to purchase products in bulk directly from the manufacturer. Every year the exhibition is attended by not only domestic suppliers, but also manufacturing companies from other countries of the world.

Every year an even larger contingent of participants is expected. Countries such as France, Spain, Austria, Italy and so on will present a large number of products. However, the most extensive is the Russian exposition. Leading companies will demonstrate the results of the domestic food industry.

During the exhibition "Prodexpo" Participants and visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with new samples of products from famous brands, as well as learn more about newcomers to the international food market.

Here you can also find a supplier or customer, conclude successful contracts, begin fruitful cooperation, obtain comprehensive information about different manufacturing companies, and also learn a lot of new information about the latest technologies and inventions.

The business program of the exhibition includes a wide variety of useful discussions, seminars, presentations and conferences. There will also be master classes, round tables, study tours, competitions, and so on.

The products presented at this food exhibition have all quality certificates, and the excellent characteristics of the products are proven by laboratory analysis.

"Prodexpo" is a warehouse complex where first-class food and beverages are presented in bulk from manufacturing companies from all over the world. Here everyone has the opportunity to purchase products directly from the supplier and be confident in their high quality.

Read our other articles:

SF-Express is a large Chinese postal company in Shenzhen, ranked second after China Post in terms of shipment volume. SF-Express was established in 1993 in Shunde, China. SF Express operates a fleet of 31 cargo aircraft, of which 13 are owned by subsidiary SF Airlines. In addition, the company has 10,500 branches in China alone and more than 260 representative offices around the world.

With the help of SF Express AM, parcels are most often sent from Joom, Pandao, AliExpress. Chinese sellers use the SF Express delivery service to deliver light-weight goods to Russia and specified countries, which are sent in small packages (weighing up to 2 kg). There can be both registered (with a track number) and unregistered.

The SF Express service area includes such countries as: Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, as well as Sweden, Finland and Norway.

SFE Express AM Tracking is the name of SF-Express's Air Mail shipping method. SF-Express AM Joom is the most popular delivery service from the Chinese Joom store.

SF-Express shipments have a track number of 12 digits; also recently, shipments with numbers like UL070350581EE, PBAE590221844, RA423372156FI, RS024263390EE have been tracked through SF-Express

Tracking SF eParcel Registered in Russia and Belarus

A registered SF eParcel Registered shipment can be tracked all the way, from a warehouse in China to your post office.

SF Express tracking in Russia works on our service, where the names of all statuses and destinations are presented in Russian. You can also find out estimated delivery dates to your branch based on statistics of previously delivered SF Express packages.

Tracking numbers are always 12 digits long and look like this: 030002979411, 460462684604, 959634273304, 994566062183 .

Until December 2017, the website from SF-Express was working, where a new track code was shown for registered shipments in the international format RA482790357FI or UK007210499EE. Since December 2017, the site has stopped working and now it is impossible to find out the tracking number that will work in Russia or Belarus. All that remains is to wait for notification from the mail.

Tracking of registered SF-Express parcels will also work in the destination country, but you will not be able to receive the parcel at the branch using the SF-Express track code.

SF Express tracking in Ukraine

After arriving on the territory of Ukraine, the parcels are transferred to the NovaPoshta company. You can track the further movement of the parcel both on our service and on the official NovaPoshta website.

Tracking SF eParcel Non Registered

Unregistered small package SF eParcel is the most economical delivery method, including partial tracking of the parcel's movement, only within China. The final tracking point is the Russian sorting center (the latest tracking status indicates that the parcel has arrived in Moscow).

Next, the shipment is transferred for delivery to Russian Post without further tracking. After arriving at the post office, the recipient will be notified of the need to receive a small package.

Remember that Russian Post employees will not be able to find or issue your shipment using the SF-Express tracking number. The shipment number by which the parcel can be found will be known only after a postal notice is issued and delivered to you.

SF Economic Air Mail tracking

Faced with SF Economic Air Mail delivery, you probably had a question, what kind of delivery is it on Aliexpress? How to track a SF Economic Air Mail parcel from Aliexpress using the track number?

SF Economic Air Mail is a popular delivery method for orders from the AliExpress marketplace, used by sellers to deliver low-cost goods. Logistics and delivery are handled by the largest international transport company SF Express.

Data on the movement of mail can be obtained using our mail tracker, which collects information from the official SF-Express website and from the Russian Post website.

Delivery of postal items to the destination country most often occurs without delays. In Russia, parcels S.F. Express are delivered by Russian Post, in Ukraine - by UkrPoshta, in Belarus - by BelPochta.

Where to receive SF Express parcels

Let's figure out where to receive SF Express. Registered and non-registered SF Express items are delivered to your Russian Post office. After the parcel arrives at the Post Office, you will receive a notification in your mailbox where you can receive the parcel.

If several weeks or even months have passed after receiving the status of the parcel’s arrival in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the parcel has not been received, you must contact the seller at the store where you purchased the product for a refund.

Contacting SF Express will not help in any way, since parcel delivery across Russia is carried out by Russian Post, which in turn will not be able to help with the search for an unregistered item.

SF Express has not been tracked for a long time

Tracking most of the SF-Express parcels after arriving in Russia is stuck with the status "Arrived at the destination country" or "Arrived at the destination country". Let's figure out what this status means and how the parcel is delivered further, to your post office.

SF-Express delivers the package from China to a distribution center in Finland, Latvia or Estonia where it transfers the package to Finland Post, Latvia Post or Estonian Post respectively. At the same time, the parcel’s track number changes to a new one, in the international format R..FI, R..EE, but the new number cannot be found out in any way.

These postal services deliver the package to Russia, where the package is transferred to Russian Post, goes through the import procedure, customs and is sent to your post office.

Tracking for unregistered SF-Express parcels does not work, and therefore the last status of the parcel remains "Arrived at destination country". You need to be patient, monitor the order protection time and wait for notification from the mail.

Do not waste your time trying to find a parcel at the post office using the 12-digit SF Express AM track number; Russian Post can only find the parcel using the international parcel number, which is not known until notification is received. By last name, among hundreds of parcels, no one at the Post Office will search and is not obliged to.

SF E-Parcel+ shipments

Along with full tracking of packages from seller to buyer, SF eParcel+ provides SMS delivery notification and delivery time changes upon request from buyers or sellers

What kind of city is Shilin Meng, Xilingol Meng?

Often when tracking SF-Express with Joom, Pandao, and Ali, you can see the status “Parcel arrived at Shilin Meng distribution center,” also known as Xilingol Meng. This is the name of the sorting center in the SF-Express logistics network, located in Shilin Gol, Inner Mongolia, China.

What does it mean The package has arrived at the Shilin Meng distribution center?

This means your shipment is in a sorting center, where it is scanned and placed in a queue for dispatch along with other parcels heading to your country. This status can most often be seen when tracking an order in Joom or Pandao.

Contacts SF Express in Russia

If you have any questions regarding tracking of SF-Express registered mail, please call the hotline: +8(800)505-63-18. Additional information can be found on the official website

history of the company

Wang, the son of a Russian translator for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, saw an opportunity early in trade across China's border with Hong Kong, shortly after former top leader Deng Xiaoping made his famous visit to Shenzhen and set the country on a path of economic reform. Although Wang's family immigrated to Hong Kong when he was a child, he later returned to China to set up a business, first in a small city in Guangdong province and then in Shenzhen.

“When S.F. began delivering packages in the 1990s, it was an illegal business called "black shipping," Wang said in a 2011 official interview with People's Daily, the only interview he is known to have provided. "In According to the rules, we would be fined if postal officers found out about our operations, so we had to handle the shipments secretly.”

SF Express was founded in 1993, providing services between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province.

In January 2010, SF Airlines began scheduled cargo service with 41 aircraft to provide services such as same-day and next-morning delivery.

SF Express has opened at least 500 Heike (Chinese: 嘿客) stores in all Chinese provinces - except Tibet and Qinghai. In 2014, the company planned to open 4,000 Heike stores nationwide.

How to turn a warehouse into a trading process control center

The beginning of this year was marked by the intensive development of online retail and an almost frenzied demand for appropriate automation systems, recorded by many development companies. Russian trading companies have seriously begun to build networks, especially since they no longer need to travel abroad for examples - foreign network giants have now appeared here too. Whether this is good or bad and what it threatens is a separate question, but the fact that their opening forces domestic retailers to catch up is beyond doubt.

In the shipping control area, the collected order is checked again

One of the important elements of the trading network, as is known, is the central warehouse, or, more correctly, the distribution center (DC), which supplies stores with goods. It is also known that as the network grows, its role increases. The functioning of a DC is impossible without high technologies, automation systems and other elements related to the IT field. What principles underlie the correct organization of such a structure? What tasks does the RC face and by what means and methods can they be solved?

What is it: a central warehouse or a distribution center?

This is, of course, not the same thing. Yes, in a distribution center, like in a warehouse, goods are stored, but its functions are much broader, and its role is much more active than that of a conventional warehouse. In relation to stores, the DC performs the functions of a manager: it fills them with goods in accordance with the policy adopted in this retail chain.

Sometimes, when talking about a distribution center, it is implied that this is necessarily a so-called “cellular warehouse” (another name is “warehouse at storage locations”). The latter is a form of storage organization in which each product is “assigned” to a specific place (cell) and during any operations (reception, issue, internal movements), the sequence of actions with goods provided for by internal instructions should be taken into account (in accordance with the deadlines for the implementation of each goods, etc.). Caging often helps to better control this process.

“Often, a distribution center is mistakenly called a distribution center (or simply a central warehouse,” notes Viktor Chernykh, senior product manager for back-office solutions at Service Plus. “Indeed, they have common features: they are both goods are stored intended for transfer to retail outlets. However, in this pair, the DC is distinguished by its active role - after all, resellers (stores, dealers, etc.) can pick up goods from the distribution center when they need it (in parts, irregularly, etc. . etc.) and in the quantities they need, the RC is called upon to regulate these processes “from above”, organizing the implementation of its main task - to deliver goods to stores in the right quantity and at the right time.”

The RC should work like a Swiss watch

So, what problems should the RC solve? Let us list the most important of them.

Management of assortment and quantity of goods. Initially, the responsibilities of the distribution center include, as already mentioned, the supply of goods to stores in the required quantity with the required regularity. This is determined by the turnover of each store - one located in a busy place can sell twice as much as another located in a residential area on the edge of the city; In accordance with these features, the DC must organize the supply of goods to them. Orders to product suppliers are compiled in accordance with the needs of the network. If for some reason it turns out that some product today is not enough to supply all the stores, then the DC must move from the supply function to the distribution function: knowing the capabilities and needs of each store in the network, distribute one type of product little by little to everyone, and another give it to those stores where it is more in demand and sells out faster. “It happens that demand changes situationally in one of the chain’s stores,” comments Viktor Chernykh. “In this case, a prompt decision to increase the supply of the required items must be made by the distribution center specialists, of course, based on a signal from the store or based on sales data received to the central office."

Supplier relationship management. The management of a network trading enterprise, when concluding contracts with suppliers, usually stipulates in them the volumes, terms and schedules of deliveries, as well as the procedure for changing conditions (for example, prices). However, in our reality, not all suppliers accurately fulfill contractual obligations, and situations of over- and under-deliveries, mis-grading and arbitrary price changes occur quite often. Monitoring all violations in a timely manner and solving emerging problems is also part of the functions of the DC, and this must be done at the moment the goods arrive. Therefore, the DC must have the necessary resources (from information support to personnel with appropriate qualifications) - after all, the center’s employees bear full responsibility for the received goods and at the same time have the authority to make decisions in accordance with their job descriptions (for example, return the delivery in whole or in part , accept on certain conditions, etc.).

Preparation of goods is also one of the important tasks of the distribution center. This includes, first of all, relabeling, which is often necessary not only due to missing or poor-quality barcodes (Barcodes), but also due to company policies. For example, in some companies, for unification, all boxes of products are relabeled and only their own codes are used for accounting. This helps to insure against poorly readable or incorrect codes, against changes in product codes, and also allows you to control expiration dates and keep batch records.

Finally, there are such specific products as alcohol, for which the pre-sale preparation cycle is very complex and lengthy. Thus, when a new batch arrives at the warehouse, it is necessary to check the authenticity of the excise stamp, certificates, customs documents, etc. Of course, the qualifications of the specialist performing these functions must be high (as, indeed, his remuneration), and it is much more cost-effective to have such an employee precisely in the RC, where he will be provided with a sufficient scope of work.

DC is impossible without automation

Such a large and complex mechanism as the DC cannot exist without a modern IS. However, the first step in organizing a distribution center is the choice of a general operating technology: how goods will be stored (in one or several floors), what kind of loading and unloading equipment will be used, and finally, what will be the sequence of actions to ensure the operation of the distribution center - from concluding contracts with suppliers to acceptance of goods and their shipment to stores.

Only after building a general technology can you begin to select an IS - after all, it (the choice) directly depends on the characteristics of the future DC. For example, if the idea of ​​a “cellular warehouse” is the basis, then the automation system must have the corresponding functions. Additional requirements for the capabilities of the system are also imposed by the “zone” structure of the warehouse (the presence of zones for long-term storage, picking, etc.). Of course, the compliance of the set goals with the functionality of the IS will never be 100%: one system will be better at solving some problems, another - others; when choosing, it is important to set priorities, as well as evaluate how flexible this or that system can be.

When the choice is made, a new stage begins - the mutual adaptation of the constructed technology and the IP. Thus, almost all projects are accompanied by the development of new reporting forms (after all, each organization usually has its own specific reports); sometimes special subsystems or algorithms are added to the IS. The final stage is the implementation of the system.

What does this look like in practice?

As an example, consider the well-known Moscow supermarket chain "Petrovsky" (before the beginning of 2003 - the BIN chain) ZAO PFK BIN. From the very beginning of this project, it was based on the principle of a centralized architecture with a distribution warehouse. In those years, there were practically no systems for automation of DC on the domestic market, and BIN’s IT specialists, in addition to setting the task, had to take part in the creation of such an IS together with the main developer, the Service Plus company. The resulting product - the Supermag 2000 system - today represents one of the few ICs for DC automation on our market.

Distribution center of the Petrovsky supermarket chain

“At first, about 90% of the entire range of goods passed through the distribution center,” said Igor Ivanov, head of the IT department of the Petrovsky network. “This was due to personnel problems, and to the debugging of technology, and to the need for pre-sale preparation of goods - at the same time time, the goods were marked almost entirely in the distribution center. All complex accounting procedures were carried out here - acceptance, registration of a product card, supply control, etc. Interaction with suppliers was worked out. For example, we agreed on the supply of goods palletized in a special way convenient for our warehouse; reduced to minimum supply of goods that do not have a code, as well as with randomly changing or unreadable code, etc."

In addition, in many stores the warehouse space did not allow for large stocks of goods, including popular items. And here the DC took on the functions of storing an average weekly supply of products with a high turnover (beer and soft drinks, shelf-stable dairy products, etc.). This was also beneficial because it made it possible to purchase and deliver large quantities of such goods (2-3 trucks) to the distribution center, while receiving good wholesale discounts, and then regularly supply the stores in accordance with their daily needs. Thanks to the IS, sales statistics were quickly accumulated and it became possible to switch to automatic generation of orders for stores: the system generates it daily according to a certain algorithm, and only an employee who has access rights to this procedure can correct it.

“At first, all decisions about the assortment, schedule and volume of deliveries were made only at the central office,” Igor Ivanov continued the story, “however, with the growth of stores and an increase in the assortment to 15,000 items (on average), the number of errors increased, and management decided to give some part of the assortment management was carried out locally - in stores, i.e. it partially decentralized the process of ordering goods, but retained control over the quality of the procedure and technology for ordering goods. In addition, the high degree of centralization made our stores "industrial enterprises", and the adopted In our opinion, the concept of "a store close to home" presupposed some individuality, originality, "homeliness" of each of them. Since 1999, the share of direct deliveries of products to stores from suppliers began to increase. By this time, relations with partners were already well established and it became possible to register the contracts contain not only general volumes and prices, but also the delivery schedule and even (in some cases) the type of packaging of goods."

Today, about 20-30% of products (by number of items) go to stores through distribution centers, but these are mostly items that are important in value and volume, the turnover of which accounts for more than half of the stores’ profits. Stores are given control over the assortment of dairy and other perishable goods, as well as those that help emphasize the originality of the store, making it cozy and original. This approach also made it possible to significantly reduce warehouse space in the stores themselves - they today account for less than 30% of the sales floor area.

The organization of the work of the RC itself has also improved over time. Today, the working day of the DC looks like this: at night, a so-called warehouse requirement is generated automatically in the IS - a detailed order by store on the volume of shipment of goods from the DC (an order for the delivery of goods to all stores). In the morning, warehouse workers use mobile terminals to scan the security codes of goods in their area of ​​responsibility and transmit this information to the system. In response, the system issues to each employee a task regarding how much of each of these scanned items (according to warehouse requirements) needs to be collected and moved to the data entry and goods shipment control area. When this operation is completed, the formed product packages are transported to the expedition area. The entire volume of daily supplies to stores is concentrated there. Next, in accordance with the marking on the purpose of shipment of the packages, the loaders place them in the cars.

“We were convinced that the organization of the work of personnel (loaders, storekeepers) is of great importance,” emphasized Igor Ivanov. “When we organized, with the help of IS, the completion of daily store orders through warehouse requirements, we managed to achieve a 70% saving in working time. If Add to this a set of organizational measures (in particular, a daily plan for loaders, the implementation of which directly affects wages), then problems with smoking breaks, labor discipline and overtime in the evening disappeared by themselves, and the number of employees was reduced by 50% Staff turnover in the warehouse has practically disappeared, people understand what they are doing and how much they will get for it, corporate solidarity has appeared.