The most idiotic ad ever. Most Stupid TV Commercials Most Stupid Ads Ever

  • 17.10.2020

Good day to all! As I promised earlier, if my post about is a success with you, then I will certainly post more than one such collection. And just today I wanted to do it, but I myself am unpredictable, therefore, I decided to go from the opposite - to post the most idiotic ad!

Business owners and marketers go to great lengths to attract the attention of the buyer. And often their attempts to stand out go beyond the limits of reason (and sometimes unreasonable too). That is why I climbed through my bins and found for you the masterpieces of creative advertising created by the gods in marketing. And so, meet: The most idiotic advertising.

Creative from Burger King. Everything is good, spicy, with spices ... And especially the slogan "Look, don't get aggravated!"

Taking into account the fact that CA ( the target audience) product - generation up to 40, usually with a low level of education (the presence of a university diploma, not an indicator of education), despite its idiocy, advertising shot right on target.

The next masterpiece is an advertising banner from the Far East holding V-Laser. Comrades from this company pay great attention to their advertising, and, for sure, that is why they decided to give everyone a live Christmas tree for the New Year

Another amazing banner below the belt (we just forgot how to joke differently) from the Krasnoyarsk teleoperator Telecoma. In my opinion, comments are unnecessary here.

Then another representative from the Far East, the Vladivostok Regional Center for Periodontology, takes over. In general, I don’t know how anyone, but if I were the inhabitants of Vladivostok, I wouldn’t go there. I don't trust this kind of advertising.

Well, then we have Pyaterochka kicking in the balls. The advertisement is rather ambiguous, but if you look at the year (it is in the lower right corner of the banner), you can remember that at that time there was a rather big scandal associated with this hypermarket chain. If you remember, it was all over the channels that guards in Pyaterochka were beating up visitors. Therefore, I think that advertising is really idiotic.

Well, and closes the procession of idiocy, unfortunately, unknown to me advertising about discounts up to 50%. If someone recognizes the city or company that posted this ad, please write in the comments. With your help, advertising will get its name 🙂 .

Well, that's probably all. I'll be sure to post a few more soon. I don't know if this will be a really good and interesting advertisement or the height of absurdity and nonsense that I posted today.

I'm still grateful to those who press the buttons social network at the bottom of the article (if you are on a computer) or at the bottom of the screen (if you are reading from a phone). And every night I add bonuses to their karma in my notebook of good deeds. Do you want a bonus? Click on the XD button.

When there's no point
For example, in February of this year, an advertisement for the Sochi football club Zhemchuzhina-Sochi was placed in Moscow with the image of David Beckham (David Backham) and the slogan "We abandoned him." It is completely unclear what results from this advertising campaign waiting for the Russian football club from the city of Sochi. Muscovites and residents of other cities, who discussed the senselessness of such PR on the Internet, did not understand the idea and, in general, the purpose of these billboards.

Russian Railways has been campaigning against vandalism against the new Sapsan high-speed trains running on the Moscow-Vladimir-Nizhny Novgorod route. Trying to convince the dissatisfied residents of the city not to damage the railway property and not interfere with the new mode of transport, the advertiser posted mockups with the slogan "Throw a stone at the train - hit a man!".

Instead of improving the message infrastructure different kind transport, money is spent on meaningless social campaigns that cause the population to have the opposite effect from the planned one. This whole story with the cartoon series about Sapsanchik - an unfortunate cute little engine that everyone undeservedly offends - is an example of a campaign that is completely meaningless from an image point of view, the quality of which is only ridiculed.
Fish trading company "Kamcha" posted a billboard with the cryptic phrase "A girl's best friend is a fish."

This call is more like a “voice crying in the wilderness” than a beer brand advertising message.

When you can't see at all
These posters of the Federal Agency for Fisheries were placed on billboards along highways. Appetizing sprats with onion on black bread should have immediately attracted attention and made you want to keep your eyes on the billboard, trying to understand what it is being advertised. But it was very difficult to do this due to the too small font and the high speed of movement. Everything that manages to catch keen eye- this is what “The fish is waiting for!”, And where, when and for whom, remained a mystery to many residents of the city.

This is perhaps one of the prettiest examples of illegible Russian outdoors from the point of view of the picture. Advertisers' passion for placing price lists on billboards is well known.
Throughout the day, the meatpacking stall on wheels parks in this place, completely blocking two advertising posters. Time and money "drip" and no one sees the ads.

Social advertisement
A vivid example of meaningless social advertising: the phone number to call in case of a collision with corruption, the advertisers, apparently, decided not to indicate.

This is how the bribe appeared before the Kazan officials.

Here is such a beautiful in its categorical social advertisement was found in the city of Biysk. Brains flushed down the toilet and terribly useful, but inaccessible information, typed in small yellow letters, are accompanied by the statement “Are you in a junkyard? Lol!

It is difficult to think of anything more senseless than calling on women to give birth to children out of a sense of patriotism, for the sake of records for their country.

Social advertising of the Ministry of Emergency Situations urges the population not to play chess with fire.

Senseless and merciless advertising traffic police.

In March 2010, advertising posters with quotes from the Bible appeared on the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow. The advertising structures belong to the Anko agency, which refused to name the customer, but specified that it was not the Russian Orthodox Church.

I am the Lord thy God, and thou shalt have no other gods but me.


Bad placement

The front and back covers of the September 2008 issue of the American journal Nature are a perfect example of bad advertising. Although without such a mysterious coincidence, Sigma would hardly have secured such attention.

First, let's talk about terms. Officially, there is no such profession in the "table of ranks" - an advertising writer. There are managers, art directors, designers, marketers, copywriters, but there is no one who generates ideas. We will conditionally call such a person an advertiser, although the advertiser is actually the one who “advertises advertising”, that is, he sells the advertising services of HIS company to customers. So, below we will say a few “kind” words about these people, writers of advertising, and their professional level.
By tradition, we will list the videos in ascending order of the level of stupidity.

— It’s a pity that he’s not a barista (that is, not coffee?!)

— I found a Barista.

- Where is he?

- Where do we start?

The director (also a lady) replies:

— With coffee!

That's right, you need to start the day with a cup of coffee, and do not care about the fact that hundreds of men (extras) are soaring in the sun in the iron armor of the Roman period.

- You're a great cook.

Yes, frying is mine.

This double “A” is a direct reference to the “below the belt” joke. Who knows, he will understand, who does not know - and it is not necessary to know.

Felix, you're not helping at all!

The next moment, Felix, who had the tape on his right ear, turns into a cat with a tape on his left ear, and only a blind man will not notice this. And the advertisers themselves saw it, and the customer saw it, and no one cares.

Sixth place. A whole group of commercials for medicines - Strepsis-plus, Lyzobakt, Immudon and many others, as well as detergents (such as Domestos) where the heroes of the commercials are "blue freaks", personifying harmful bacteria or viruses, and, of course, they are easily destroyed advertised products.

And how does this symbol of mercantilism fit in with universal human values? Or is it a hint that you will have to pay a tidy sum for the treatment with the advertised product? In any case, here the sound series is clearly at odds with the pictorial one.

It can be assumed that this is either Parkinson's disease, or new genre self-expression - dancing sitting.

Yes, it is not easy for him to walk with a bunk on his back!!!

- Mr. Proctor since childhood dreamed of inventing a detergent that does not leave stains on the floor. And he created such a tool (here the picture of a boy is replaced by a picture of an elderly man with pumped up muscles).

Yes, it’s necessary, 50 years of work on detergent and finally create it! Too bad my grandmother didn't live to see it.

And finally stupidity first place. Advertising tablet Megaphone 4G. A “white-white steamer” is sailing along a wide river, He and She are on the upper deck. He rested on the tablet, at this time the cry "Man overboard!" Without taking his eyes off the screen, he throws a life buoy overboard, and to her question, how can you behave this way, he explains: “All corporate events are the same in their own way, and we will never know how the series will end” and sticks her in ear earpiece.

Alexander Albov (St. Petersburg)