November 11 Aliexpress. Where to get free coupons? Coupons and coins Aliexpress

  • 09.11.2019

With various gifts, discounts. The Chinese come up with something new every year, and this time we are also waiting for interesting mini-games, promotions, and all sorts of distributions of discount coupons.

If you have not made purchases on Aliexpress until now, then now is the best time to try, because AliExpress gives each new buyer a $5 coupon after registration.

The number of coins you earn is directly proportional to the number and value of coupons that you can purchase. And you can get coins even for daily use of the application. If you have not installed it yet, it will be extremely profitable to do it now: the store gives you a $100 coupon for the first launch of the application on your account.

Well, most in a simple way receiving coins is adding goods to the cart. For each item you will receive 5 coins. In this way, you can get 50 coins daily. Using all the methods together, you can collect a lot of coins very quickly, as well as buy coupons.

There are innovations in the current sale. For example, the organizers of the action have created special badges that you get by completing daily tasks. The more badges you manage to accumulate during the promotion, the larger the final prize (coins, coupons) will be. Collecting 7 badges will earn you 200 coins, and if you manage to accumulate 14 emblems, an additional $5 free coupon will also be yours.

In this article I will tell you what it is in general and how it can be useful to you, as well as the pros and cons of such sales. And of course - personal experience, where without him.

Sale logo "11 11". Do you see a cat here too?)

For a long time I did not write anything here, it seemed that the topic of shopping was on Aliexpress already chewed from and to, but there are still things that I have not touched on (and about which they ask). Today we will talk about sales on Aliexpress and in particular, about the largest of them - "11 11".

If we dig a little history, we will find out that in China there is a tradition, the so-called "Bachelor's Day" (November 11, or those same 11-11), in which many stores make unprecedented discounts and this day accounts for the largest number of sales. Not surprisingly, online stores have also joined this tradition and began to hold such sales. And that Aliexpress is the largest trading platform, and not only in China.

I found out about this all by accident when I discovered that the traffic to my site skyrocketed in the days before and after November 11th. Surprised, got to google. It is clear that then the sale itself (in 2014) I overslept. But already in 2015 I ordered something.

Personal shopping experience on sale 11 11 on Aliexpress

I was already waiting for the sale in 2015. How - many stores on Aliexpress announce the discount price for ten days, start up a reverse report and it is usually really lower than what you see on a normal day. But do not rush to rejoice and read to the end)

In March 2015, I got carried away with virtual reality helmets for smartphones and then bought some empty stuff, but just on 11-11-2015 I ordered an almost complete virtual reality helmet Baofeng Mojing III Plus. I bought it at Droyd Plaza (one of the many stores on Ali), for 2800. I was waiting for this day, because it cost something like 4k. (By the way, now there is its 4th version, no need to buy it)). We can say that then the sale was a success for me. Today, two years later, it's still worth about 3k...

Virtual helmet for smartphone

Year 2016. It happens that you look after Ali for some things. They are not something that you really need, but if they cost a penny, then why not order. So already in the fall, I was slowly putting into the basket what I thought to buy myself at the next 11 11 sale.

This time there were several orders and not without jambs. I'll tell you briefly what I ordered there and what came of it.

Joystick for phone and PC. I need this thing to manage games in virtual reality, as well as play racing and fighting games on a PC and on a phone, I bought it in detail for 530 rubles. At the time of writing, it costs 625 rubles. Quite a fair discount.

Joystick for phone and PC

Universal multimeter. Bought for 197 rubles. And here was the jamb: it was sent to me for a week. Although the reviews were good, and the price is reasonable. As a result, the seller did not mind, the money was returned in three days. I went to a local store and bought the same one, only with Russian instructions and a battery - for 250 rubles. Quite fit. Ali - no credit, or rather the seller, the money was returned to me)

Multimeter - from a regular store

Mini tripod for phone or camera. A very small thing cost 112 rubles, now 105, but there didn’t even seem to be a discount on it, I don’t know where it’s even cheaper. Arrived, everything is ok. performs its functions and does not even fall apart.

Tripod for phone or camera

Portable weather station. At a discount on a sale, I bought it for 800 rubles, now it costs 915. So the discount is real. The problem is different - it's already the beginning of February, and she's still skating somewhere. I would say that they deceived me, because the tracker is not tracked either on the Russian Post website or in other services. In addition to Aliexpress itself (), the seller has already extended the protection period twice, and at the post office they assure me that people receive parcels for October (today - February 1). Let's wait a little more, perhaps this will be my first package that did not come to me. If anything, you can always ask for a refund. Again, it doesn't count.

weather station

And for a snack - WiFi adapter for PC. I need it in order to get more high speed when transferring data and video over a home network from a PC to a phone. You can read more about it in the New Wi-Fi Whistle section. Bought for 1197 rubles. Now it costs 1245 rubles. It turned out to be quite a worker, although it did not really suit my needs. But I can’t say that Aliexpress or the seller is to blame for this, so everything is ok with this.

wifi whistle for pc

What is the result? Conclusions about the sale "11 11" and discounts on Aliexpress

I didn’t just describe to you several orders and the price tags for which they were bought. You can compare these prices with the current ones and you will see that they are not too different. Moreover, somewhere the discount is also ticking, without any 11-11.

It is known, and many also write about it, that there is such a practice when the seller winds up the price tag before the sale, and reduces it on the day of the sale. The same applies to these discounts.

I can't say that the 11-11 sale on Aliexpress is a complete scam. I managed to grab the first vr-helmet at a nice price and now it has grown. The same joystick - albeit at 20%, but cheaper. The shoals specifically with the products listed are not caused by the sale, they could happen any day. Multimeters could simply run out (they were snapped up like hot cakes), and the weather station could still reach me, perhaps.

For it is at this time that the mail digests the largest number of orders, so if you ordered something on sale 11-11 - be patient, it will take longer than usual. In fact, it could very well happen. The same applies to order processing by sellers - there are a lot of orders and they do not have time to send everything quickly.

But you must understand that most likely, some incredible discounts are not to be expected. If you look at some product for a long time, then it is quite possible to see how a discount appears on it, then disappears and reappears after a couple of days. So it is not always necessary to wait for November 11th if you want to buy something. The main thing is at an adequate price and a successful seller, and everything will be fine)

Like World Shopping Day. It is not yet very famous, but is gradually gaining popularity. As soon as a person learns about this pleasant event, he quickly joins the ranks of his adherents. Many are looking forward to this day. whole year! And why, the publication will tell. We will also consider when and by whom this holiday was organized, and how it should be celebrated.

The Origin of Singles Day

Why is this event here? It is directly related to World Shopping Day. But this will be discussed a little later.

So, this holiday was originally celebrated in China in the nineties of the last century. Then students from various universities in the city of Nanjing decided to come up with a Singles Day and celebrate it widely. They chose the date not by chance. The fact is that 11.11 is the date on which the holiday falls. It consists of four units. They, in turn, in China symbolize people who are not in a relationship with the opposite sex. The Celestial country is serious about the magical influence of numbers. Its residents believe that November 11 is the most suitable day for starting a love relationship and making romantic acquaintances.

After graduation, former students spread this event in the community. Today, Singles Day is a special date for all young people, just like World Shopping Day.

Singles Day Traditions

A few years later, this date began to be celebrated by young people in many countries of the world. One can single out the most traditional way to celebrate this event. On this day, it is customary to invite your best friends to your place for lunch or dinner. This is how young people who prefer to live alone express their independence and unwillingness to have a romantic relationship with anyone.

There is also an opposite way to celebrate November 11th. Those who are in search of a soul mate, on the contrary, invite a person who is attractive to them for dinner. Also on this day, blind dates are quite often organized. They may even be hosted by happy couples for single friends to say goodbye to single life.

Sales in stores for the Singles Day

Many stores in China have sales on November 11th, coinciding with the Singles Day. It would seem, how is it connected with shopping? There is a perfectly logical and rather simple explanation for this. It can even be considered that this was the beginning of World Shopping Day on November 11th.

As you know, the strong half of humanity does not have a love for shopping. Therefore, the sellers decided to try to attract more men by promising them big discounts. It is even possible that one of them will meet the woman of their dreams in the store and decide to say goodbye to the bachelor life. After all, representatives of the fair sex usually look at sales.

From the very beginning, Shopping Day was conceived as an event that could make shopping dreams come true. Thousands of products were offered, even for sophisticated tastes, from underwear to innovative electronics. Moreover, they could be purchased in any quantity with breathtaking discounts of up to 75 percent.

November 11 - Black Friday?

In fact, Shopping Day is an analogue of the famous "Black Friday", which was invented by the Americans. It is considered to be a holiday rational people who can count money. Global sales are timed to coincide with it, in which almost all stores and outlets peace. The history of Black Friday dates back to the days of the Great Depression, and this is the main difference. World Shopping Day does without fights for goods, bruises, stress and many hours of standing in lines.

Online shopping day

There are many fans of active online shopping among men and women. For them, the search for the most interesting and profitable offers has long become a routine habit. For such and other people in 2009, the largest Internet platform from the Middle Kingdom, Alibaba Group, made marketing ploy. She named it Shopping Day, coinciding with Singles Day. The owner of the company held on his resources, in particular in the online store "Aliexpress", the largest sale, where half-price discounts have long been the norm. It is generally accepted that this is how the history of the holiday officially began - world day shopping.

The idea was quickly picked up by other online platforms, they also began to hold grandiose online sales. They typically lasted only 24 hours and offered discounts of up to fifty percent on a million items. The main idea was to hold a promotion during the off-season, when sales are usually not held. In this way, the organizers decided to express gratitude to regular customers.

Shopping Day Success

The organizers of the event planned that it would become an annual event. Users were offered a significant discount, which is simply impossible to refuse. This helped turn potential buyer in real. The company was not mistaken, because the success was overwhelming.

In 2013, participation in promotions on the World Shopping Day of a million people per day brought almost six billion dollars to the Chinese site Alibaba Group. So the holiday turned into the world's largest online sale, which left behind "Black Friday", "Cyber ​​Monday" and other analogues.

The development of the holiday in Russia

In 2014, representatives of the Alibaba Group announced that the owners of stores that are represented on the international Internet platform Aliexpress will also actively participate in the online sale. Thanks to this, since November of the same year, the Russians have had the opportunity to “celebrate” this grandiose event. Every year more and more people shop for Shopping Day, as the statistics show.

Sale records

The November sale on Aliexpress has long been a big event for people from many countries. So, in 2014, the Russians were in third place in terms of the volume of purchases, because they ordered the largest number of goods on the site. Every year the number of purchases only grows. People know what the World Day of Shopping on Aliexpress means, and they are preparing for this event in advance.

The results of the 2015 sale are simply stunning! At the same time, almost fifty million buyers made orders from 212 countries. The Visa and MasterCard systems simply could not withstand the load. Users could not pay for their purchases for almost an hour until the failure was fixed. The first billion was earned in record time - just eight minutes. As a result, more than thirty million parcels were sent.

In 2016, Russian buyers alone (and there were more than six million of them) spent nearly $18 billion. As a result, about thirty-five million orders were paid for with an average check of seven hundred rubles.


Based on the results of last year's sales, experts suggest that the number of orders in China's online stores could grow 20 times compared to normal days. The number of buyers will also increase, and their average check will be more than seven hundred rubles. People are expected to buy smartphones, tablets, portable chargers, clothes and New Year's souvenirs.

As you can see, the holiday is becoming more and more popular. Be sure to try to snatch big discounts on World Shopping Day. Enjoy the shopping!

The sooner you create an account on this marketplace, the sooner you can start preparing for the mega sale.

So, how do you prepare for a sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019? Here link to information page which will be useful to you. Also read tips:

The fun starts October 28th. From now until October 30, you will be able to play games. But these games are needed not for the sake of entertainment, but for earning coins, which are then exchanged for discount coupons. Make a wish list and share it with other buyers. If you get the most likes and your list is liked by a large number of buyers Aliexpress, then you are provided with a gift in the form of $ 50. This nice addition to shopping will be given to three people, whose wish list will be in the TOP.

Sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019: Wishlists in the TOP
Sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019: Wishlist in the first place

This girl entered the TOP with her wish list and she has a chance to win $50.

Sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019: preparation from October 31 to November 3

Continuation of the holiday - from October 31 to November 3. Play the game packer» - put coins in your wallet, collect them and then exchange them for coupons. These days there are a lot of announcements with bestsellers. Therefore, on the phone, so as not to miss the bestsellers for super low prices.

Sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019: preparation from November 4 to 7

Fun at the top public holidays from 4 to 7 November. Get coins, add items to your cart through the app, and get huge discounts. Special thematic pages that will be created by specialists will help you find the right product Aliexpress.

Sale on Aliexpress November 11, 2019: preparation from November 8 to 9

If you follow all the above tips, you can prepare for a huge sale on Aliexpress.

  • You will have coins that can be exchanged for discount coupons, which means you can buy goods at incredibly low prices.
  • You will also know what product you need and where to find it thanks to thematic pages. Your shopping cart will contain the items you really need.
  • So you will not buy anything superfluous, but you can purchase the necessary and important things, equipment, shoes, accessories and more at affordable prices.

On the Aliexpress many brands whose products are particularly popular in many chain stores different countries peace.

  • TMALL is a store on the trading platform that offers delivery of goods in Russia within 2-3 days. In addition, in TMALL only quality products are sold with a guarantee, and if something is wrong with the product, you can return it within the legal period.
  • Brand territory is a theme page. Appears on it every day new brand, which offers goods at unrealistic prices with discounts.

What will these discounts be and on what days will the sale be on Brand Territories and in TMALL? Here is the information:

Sale on the Territory of Brands and TMALL: days, discounts

From October 28 to October 30, watch the announcements. On November 11, 20 brands will immediately offer you goods at low prices. Follow the active link, which is indicated by the arrow in the picture, and every day put the goods in the basket from the brands you like. You will find interesting announcements on other days. Links to them are on the right, you just need to click on " Watch announcement».

You will find announcements from TMALL on the main page of Aliexpress. Scroll the slider a little lower and you will see offers from the largest store of this trading platform.

So, from October 28 you will see news from Aliexpress at home e-mail. Every day you can receive coins and coupons, exchanging them for discounts.

How to manage to order on Aliexpress on the day of the sale: instructions, tips

Of course, one day is not enough to choose and buy goods at unrealistically low prices. After all, each buyer has grandiose plans for the acquisition of everything necessary. But how can I order Aliexpress on sale day? Instruction:

  • Start preparing for the sale in advance - October 28th. Choose a product, write to the sellers. Ask them: when they can ship the goods, if you order on November 11th, if your sizes are available and so on. If some seller does not respond, then he is fake or a scammer. Immediately remove his product from the list.
  • Visit Aliexpress every day for updates and important news regarding prices and assortment.
  • Install mobile app Aliexpress so that you can enter the trading platform at any time and see interesting announcements.
  • A few days before the start of the sale, put the necessary goods in the Cart. Then you only need to make registration and payment.
  • On the day of the sale, watch the time, and already at exactly 11-00 start placing orders, otherwise the goods will be dismantled and you will not have time to buy it. It is better to keep track of time with a timer.

Advice: Participate in sweepstakes and games. Collect coins and exchange them for coupons in advance. On November 11, you only have to tick the existing coupon.

Advice: If at the sale you want to choose gifts for friends and relatives on the eve of the upcoming holidays, then do it in advance as well.

The onset of a grand day - November 11, all buyers are looking forward to the whole year. On this day, the site may be overloaded with requests. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Happy shopping!

Video: The whole truth about the 11.11 sale on Aliexpress | How to save maximum and wisely | NikiMoran

10/27/2017 21:16 , updated 11/08/2017 01:18

You didn't just land on this page, right? Obviously, you are well acquainted with the Chinese marketplace AliExpress and know that every year on November 11, it (and not only) hosts the largest sale of the year. Let's find out what the AliExpress team has prepared for us this time.

The promotion has ended. The text of this note may be useful in preparing for future sales.

Do you know that… …do you have a chance to play AliExpress Guess the Card game without spending coins?

Category "Economical trips" 2100 ₽ - this is how much the Airbnb booking service credits to the bonus account when registering via the link. For those who are not yet familiar with it, we refer to our Airbnb review (carefully, many letters).

Category "Economical shopping" You can return part of the money from purchases in many online stores using cashback sites, simply by going from them to store sites before placing orders. For example, for purchases on AliExpress, the following cashback rates apply:
ePN CashBack - from 2% to 7.5% for promotional codes;
ALME - from 2.15% to 7.8% (for new users - up to 15%);
LetyShops - from 1.5% to 7.5% for lety codes.

General information about the sale

Sale 11.11 , also known as "Bachelor's Day", is held, as you might guess, on November 11, and is the largest sale in China - a kind of analogue of the American " black friday". On this day, stores in the Middle Kingdom (primarily those selling electronics) are more generous than ever, offering to buy goods for almost nothing (sarcasm!). In fact, it used to be like this, but now sellers go to all sorts of tricks, throwing dust in their eyes, luring big discounts, having previously installed even larger cheats. True, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to save money on the 11.11 sale - you can, and how!

The previous big sale on AliExpress took place six months ago and was dedicated to the seventh anniversary of the marketplace, well, six months before that - who could have guessed? - with a lot of competitions and discounts (genuine and fake), last year's "Bachelor's Day" passed away. And so from year to year for five long years.

There won't be any big changes. So, this year, for Russian buyers, AliExpress will stick out TMall in every possible way - a special section with premium goods of famous brands delivered from Russia.

Even if you have already experienced sales on AliExpress, it may be useful for you to familiarize yourself with a selection of answers to typical questions.

How to save on sales?

AliExpress coupons

Full-fledged coupons received for coins are back, albeit for a short time. On the once orphaned second-to-first exchange page, where only not very liquid special coupons were available for almost a year, on Friday, October 27, a pair of red rectangles suddenly appeared, which turned out to be not so easy to get.

However, we succeeded, albeit not on the first try. To do this, it was only necessary to get ahead of the rest of the planet's population at the boundary of the hour. Any hour. Just press the button a few moments before its onset to compensate for delays in the communication channel: 59 minutes, 59 seconds and a little more.

These two handsome men will allow about 650 rubles to remain in your wallet.

As many as five $3 discount coupons from $15, however, only for products marked “Sends by AliExpress” (Handled by AliExpress), can be obtained by clicking on the corresponding banner (the last one in the carousel in the mobile application).

Exchange for coins - no the only way provide yourself with full coupons. They can also be won in the game "Scream Coupons" and ... it seems that's it. Other ways of editing MFN are not yet known, but we will definitely describe them here if we find them.

AliExpress coupons are the most valuable: with their help, you can get a discount on any product of any seller, if total amount purchase equals or exceeds the minimum for a particular coupon.

Sellers Coupons

Seller coupons, unlike AliExpress coupons, are valid only within one store. On sale 11.11, they can be won in games and simply received in the store.

There is no particular point in chasing them: as a rule, sellers' coupons give a small discount as a percentage of the cost of the purchased goods. So if you get a seller's coupon for a large amount, do not rejoice prematurely - most likely, the minimum purchase amount will be three or four figures in dollars.

The exception is seller coupons with no minimum purchase amount, which can be won in the "Scream coupons" game (if you're lucky). True, when they are purchased, the system can automatically reject the order if the cost of the goods is more than the face value of the coupon by only a few cents (there were precedents).

Special coupons

Special coupons are not accepted in all stores and not for all products. Actually, there are a minority of such shops and goods. This is the most useless type of coupons and therefore the most popular prize in games.

In addition to games, special coupons can be obtained for free on various sale pages a pack at a time, as well as exchanged for coins on the coin exchange page (but you won’t do this, right?).

Crazy Coupons

Crazy Coupons are coupons that are only 1 cent below the minimum purchase amount (for example, $5 over $5.01). Getting these coupons is not so easy: you need to manage to be among the 50 or 100 fastest button presses on the planet, but if you succeed, you can get goods for next to nothing.

The situation with crazy coupons in the 11.11 sale is no different from the one described earlier for the March sale, except that this time a much larger number of stores agreed to distribute such coupons.

The advice is simple: grab what you can, then figure it out. When making purchases using crazy coupons (especially if the purchase amount slightly exceeds the coupon face value), refrain from using cashback services: AliExpress's paranoid anti-fraud system may suspect something is wrong and block the purchase, while the money will be returned, but the coupon will not.

This is how you don't have to save

On the "Countries of Games" page, among the tips, AliExpress gives bad advice: "Add items to your shopping cart and get discounts." Of course, you should not do this: the goods for upcoming purchases should be added to the wish list, and not to the basket. The fact is that the presence of goods in the basket will not allow you to get cashback from the purchase, and cashback is a pleasant and effective thing, even taking into account the catastrophic reduction in its rates initiated by AliExpress.

Well, as for the discount with the seller, you can pre-negotiate without placing the goods in the basket. These two actions have nothing to do with each other. Just send a message to the seller from the product page, indicating for what good reason you want to receive a discount (found cheaper, regular customer, etc.).

However, there will also be benefits from adding items to the cart: from November 3 to November 10, 5 coins will be credited for adding any item to the cart (after that, the item can be removed from the cart). It will be possible to receive no more than 50 coins per day in this way (25 on the website and 25 in the mobile application).

Game country

Game Country is one of the main sale pages. It contains "avatars" of stores (their images depend on the main category of goods sold in them), as well as shortcuts to the task of the day, the status of coupons and coins.

Game "Scream Coupons"

This game, available only to users of the mobile application, is the debutant of the 2017 sale. The player is given an unlimited number of attempts to throw the airplane as high as possible with his cry, stopping at each of the three levels once a day.

Possible prizes depend on the final height:

  • regular coupon: $2 special coupon;
  • big coupon: two special coupons or seller's coupon for a small discount, but no limit on the minimum purchase amount or$3 AliExpress coupon;
  • huge coupon: five special coupons or seller's coupon good discount no minimum purchase limit or$8 AliExpress coupon.

Playing "Scream Coupons" is not difficult at all: just press the "Yell out loud" button and yell heart-rendingly into the microphone for 10 seconds without reducing the volume of the sound emitted. The result will not keep you waiting.

The game will be available until November 10th. The number of raffled AliExpress coupons is limited (after some time they will simply stop falling out); other prizes can be won on any day.

If in the game "Scream Coupons" after the attempt a message appears "Sorry! Here's the problem! You already have a gift voucher. Play again to get more gifts (coupons can only be won 3 times a day), this does not mean at all that there is nothing more to win on this day. Try to shout louder or, conversely, harder to finish the attempt at another level. The fact is that, according to the rules of the game, you can win only once at each of the three levels in one day, but winning at one level does not cancel the opportunity to additionally take prizes on the other two.

Game "Shoot discounts"

This time the game "Shoot the discounts", well known for last year's sales, is available only on the site. Its launch banner can be found on the pages of participating stores, except for TMall.

Each attempt will cost the player 2 coins (oh, but once they didn’t take anything for participation). In one store, you can play no more than three games per day, two shots in each (no more than 30 games per day in total). If a message is displayed when clicking on a banner "No more games left for today", which means that the player has already played all 30 attempts that day.

Possible prizes include:

  • coins: from 2 to 200;
  • sellers' coupons (various denominations);
  • special coupons (as usual, with a face value of $2);
  • $2 AliExpress coupons (the rarest prize);
  • thank you (well, that is, cookie-and-butter) - this also falls out.

It is possible and necessary to play "Shoot the discounts", the coins, as you can see, pay off quite well.

And here is the proof that AliExpress coupons can still be won in this game. Not photoshop.

Game "Scan the logo, get a coupon"

Strictly speaking, this is not quite a game (well, or not a game at all), but rather an opportunity to get a couple more special coupons by testing the innovative AliExpress logo recognition algorithm.

The game, available only in the mobile application, is launched by clicking the "Scan the logo, get coupons" banner located on the brand pages in the "Brand Focus" section. To receive a special coupon, you need to scan the logo of one of the brands: Colorful, KERUI, Bluedio, Xiaomi, LEMPO, Ugreen, YI, Shin, Jewelry Palace, Toyouth, MARK RYDEN, DEKO, Livolo, ILIFE, Carter’s, Durex and Li-Ning.

To complete the task, the easiest way is to use a computer, tablet or other smartphone, on which you can search Google Images for a query, for example, "xiaomi logo" and then point the smartphone's camera at its screen.

Each participant can receive no more than two special coupons: one from October 27 to November 3, the other - from November 4 to 11.

Game "Giftfall"

The game "Giftfall" (in the English version - Coupon Rain, i.e. coupon rain) will be available in the mobile application from November 8 to 12. To launch it, you need to launch a mobile application and just wait for the next round of the game.

  • 15:05–15:10;
  • 21:20–21:25;
  • 03:10–03:15;
  • 09:30–09:35.
  • 15:20–15:30;
  • 17:10–17:20;
  • 19:05–19:15;
  • 21:20–21:30;
  • 22:05–22:15.
  • 00:20–00:30;
  • 01:30–01:40;
  • 02:05–02:15;
  • 03:25–03:35;
  • 04:15–04:25;
  • 05:00–05:10.

The gameplay is simple and suspiciously similar to the scenario of the game "Catch Coupons" of the previous sale. The player must click on the falling red-yellow box as quickly as possible (others do not count). If successful, the prize will be a $5 coupon or a special coupon. The game ends immediately after winning the coupon or 30 seconds after the start.

Tasks of the day

If in previous AliExpress sales the tasks of the day were ... tasks of the day, i.e. each of the days preceding the sale had its own unique task, but this year the organizers' imagination has obviously run out, and the user has access to four typical tasks, each of which can be completed daily, collecting several coins.

Shout coupons

Just play the "Scream Coupons" game and get 4 coins for it (in addition to the actual game prizes).

Leave a comment in the shop club

Go to the "Run" button in the shop club and leave any comment under any collection. For this you will receive 4 coins, regardless of the meaning of the comment.

Subscribe to a user in the shopaholic club

Go to the "Run" button in the club of shopaholics and subscribe to any author, while receiving 2 coins. You can immediately unsubscribe - the coins will not be taken away.

Exchange coins for a seller's coupon

For the exchange of coins for a seller's coupon (you will have to exchange at least 50 coins - for a one-dollar coupon), 6 coins are due. The benefit of this action is questionable.

Dreaming of Disneyland?

It's nice that in 2017, at the 11.11 sale, AliExpress will not limit itself to boring games with a symbolic win. The buyer with the most advanced luck skill will spend two unforgettable days in Shanghai (or Florida, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong - whichever is closer) Disneyland with a friend or girlfriend.

All you have to do to win a trip to Shanghai Disneyland is buy any item worth $100 or more at the sale on November 11th. After placing and paying for such an order, the buyer will be offered to play the Guess the Card game, in which the prize will be determined. How many orders that satisfy the condition will be made by the buyer - so many times you can try your luck in the Guess the Card game (more purchases - more chances to win).

Tags: AliExpress, AliExpress, sale, 2017, 11.11, singles day, discounts, coupons, games.