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  • 02.11.2019
star watch
Gromov Alexander Nikolaevich

Alexander Gromov won the love of readers as the author of long stories and full-scale sci-fi novels. But the writer does not neglect the "medium form" either, and he does not disdain the "small" one. How strong the author of "Soft Landing" and "The Year of the Lemming" is in these genres can be determined from the novels and short stories collected under the cover of his new book.
When a new collection of one of the best post-Soviet science fiction writers, who for many years single-handedly maintained the authority of social science fiction, comes out with a circulation of two thousand copies, it’s already ...

law of change
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After a millennium of calm in the Cosmorium, where life miraculously survived in the war with the Fundamental Aggressor, a new battle begins. Players enter the arena and clear the field for the future Game. And in their plans there is no place for a dead-end branch of reason - humanity. Ten centuries ago, the fivers defended the right of people to life, but they left. Now, among their successors on Earth, one is Vlad Velich, a treasure hunter and military master, who has just come out of his apprenticeship. His choice, his fate will be the fate of the entire intergale...

Autumn visits
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The War of Light and Darkness is not only between the Watches.
One day ordinary people will be drawn into it.
It is on them that the future fate of our world depends.
But in this new war, light does not yet mean Good, and Darkness does not mean Evil.
Which side to fight on?

Stars are cold toys
Lukyanenko Sergey

Flights to the stars and meeting with other civilizations turned out to be completely different from how science fiction writers described them. Earthlings are late - the Galaxy is already divided among the Strong races, while other, younger civilizations are assigned the role of cogs in this complex and at the same time simple structure of the interstellar community - they can only do what they do better than others, and not aim for more. And people were forced to come to terms with the fate of space cabs, because their ships - accept ...

Witch Dungeon
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Everything is mixed up on this planet. Dinosaurs roam around humans. Yes, people are different. Who already knows the iron, who else is sitting in the caves. But smart heads are everywhere. And one of them captures an earthly expedition: let them clear the way to power. But the leader's daughter, Belogurochka, comes to the rescue....

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Regional accident

If this had happened a decade later, in capitalist times, hungry for "black" news, all newspapers and television channels would certainly have reported on the tragedy. But Soviet means mass media were not in the habit of upsetting citizens over trifles. In terms of the number of victims, the emergency fell into the category of "accidents of regional significance", so the Vremya program and the main press organs kept silent about it. Of the central newspapers, only the GAI weekly “For traffic safety” placed a short message on the last page, under the heading “Accident summary”.


May 10. At 2 km of the Kolinogorskoye Highway, a regular bus, not fitting into the turn, crashed into an obstacle. There are human casualties. The investigation found that the accident occurred due to a gross error of the driver who lost control.

In the regional "Lenin banner", by special decision of the bureau of the regional committee, they gave ten lines in petite. True, with a title.

More focus on training

At the meeting of the party farm activists of the Mosoblobshchavtotrans trust, the issue of the recent accident of a suburban bus route No. 685 (Zvenigorod - railway station Perkhushkovo), which led to human casualties, was considered. The communists demanded that the management of the trust take measures to improve the level of professional training of the drivers. It was decided to hold a month of traffic safety on all routes.

And only the regional "Basmanovskaya Pravda" published a more or less detailed report on what happened. It was impossible otherwise, because the whole district was talking about the incident, and even all sorts of nonsense was spun: as if the bus at full speed crashed into a column of the red banner Taman division, hurt itself on steel armor, and almost a hundred passengers died.

In order to radically stop the rumors that cast a shadow on the tank guards (who really carried out maneuvers that day, but in a completely different square), the editors made a bold decision - they allocated entire half-columns on the second page for socially sensitive material. The idea was to shift the focus from the negative to the positive, so that the article, despite the tragic content, would sound not pessimistic, but life-affirming.

And it worked out.

Born in a shirt

The May evening was fresh and clear, a light, weightless fog drifted over the banks of the Moskva River. A fine day was coming to an end, cozy lights lit up in the windows of village houses and dachas. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

The workaholic bus was dusting along Kolina Gora towards the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. There were few people in the cabin - on Saturday, the main passenger flow, as you know, is sent from the capital to the region, and not vice versa.

The pines of the famous village of scientists and artists peacefully rustled over the deserted highway, casting drowsiness. The nature was sleeping, the pine forest was sleeping, the passengers were pecking their noses. Who knows, maybe 38-year-old Sh., the bus driver, dozed off for a moment at the wheel. One way or another, the unthinkable happened. At a sharp turn, a multi-ton mass was carried into the oncoming lane ...

Experts tried to reconstruct the picture of what happened. Judging by the braking distance, this mournful flourish left on the pavement, the car drove first to the left, then abruptly tossed to the right.

Here is a reconstruction of what happened according to the headquarters of the investigation, which included the most experienced investigators from the prosecutor's office and traffic police officers.

The tragedy occurred due to the fatal coincidence of two factors. Firstly, because of the lack of assembly of the driver, who, trying to stay on the roadbed, was forced to resort to emergency braking. Secondly, because of the log lying across the road. The blocked front wheels ran into an obstacle, which caused the bus to literally rear up, stand on its buttocks and crush itself under its own weight. True, the log was found not on the road, but fifteen meters from the scene, in a ditch, but experts believe that it was thrown there by the force of impact.

All 19 people on the wrecked bus were bound to die. But a real miracle happened! Two young passengers who occupied the back seat, a tenth-grader R. and a student of a technical school S., survived. Not just survived, but survived! Both boys, of course, are in a state of nervous shock, but the doctors of our district hospital named after Semashko have already conducted a comprehensive examination and confidently declare that there are no serious injuries. In ancient times, such lucky people would be said to be "born in a shirt." And we will say differently: “Guys, you are like being born again. You have a big one ahead of you interesting life. Live it well."

The correspondent did not lie or confuse anything - he conscientiously stated everything that he found out at the investigation headquarters. Except, perhaps, one minor circumstance, which would only confuse readers' heads. The fact is that experts had serious doubts about the notorious log. Firstly, it was intact, not a dent, and secondly, judging by the layer of dust, it had lain in the ditch for at least several hours. However, the investigation team was unable to work out any other more or less convincing version, and the authorities, as usual, hurried with the conclusion, so the blame for the "traffic accident resulting in the death of two or more persons" was placed on a mute log and on such but the unanswered driver Sh., whose mutilated remains by that time had already rested at the Basmanovsky cemetery.

So no one found out what really happened on the evening of May 10, 1980 on the second kilometer of the Kolinogorskoye Highway.

Sometimes you start to dream about having some kind of superpowers. It seems that then you could use them to improve your life. But how long will it last good time, and will there come a time when these abilities will come out sideways to you? Boris Akunin's novel "Fiction" clearly reflects the idea that the outcome of such luck can be anything, and you don't know if it was worth it. Also here you can trace some historical issues that are skillfully woven into a fantastic narrative.

The action of the novel takes place in two times, and the author is good at conveying the atmosphere of each time, with its values ​​and peculiarities of people's thinking. After all, what seems familiar now was amazing, prestigious, shocking and whatever else. This ability to convey the atmosphere and involve the reader in everything described is very popular with readers, for which they repeatedly return to the work of Boris Akunin.

In May 1980, a strange car accident happened that attracted the attention of many. In a strange way, the bus flattened itself on some unknown object. All passengers were killed, except for two people. Right before the accident, they saw that a pillar of light appeared on the road in front of the bus. Each of them received a superpower. Sergey can move faster than ordinary people, and Robert, looking into his eyes, reads minds. The guys did not know each other and before the accident, each of them was in a depressed state, but then they were able to use their abilities to take their rightful place in society. And now, 10 years later, their talents can be useful in a completely different area ...

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Fiction Boris Akunin

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Title: fantasy

About the book "Fantasy" Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin is known throughout the post-Soviet space as a writer, translator and orientalist. His real name is Grigory Chkhartishvili. Born in Georgia, but soon moved with his family to Moscow. There, after school, he studied oriental studies, becoming a Japanese historian. This education of his is reflected in the writer's books filled with reliable historical data. Fluent in English and Japanese, Boris Akunin also became a translator. It is known that the author publishes criticism or documentary manuscripts under his own name, and under a pseudonym, as he himself says, fiction. His most famous works are the series of books "New Detective", "Provincial Detective", "Adventures of the Master" and "Genres".

It is to the cycle "Genres", in which the author experiments with various types of prose, that the book "Fiction" belongs. According to the plot, the action of the novel begins with a terrible accident: a passenger bus crashes into an unknown object, as a result of which everyone but two guys die. Sergey Dronov and Robert Darnovsky miraculously survive, and at the accident site they see a mysterious column of bright light of unknown origin. After these events, the main characters have incredible abilities: Sergei can read minds if he looks a person in the eye, and Robert acquires super speed. But the main events unfold already ten years after the disaster, during which the guys have adapted well to their capabilities.

Sergei and Robert fall in love with the same girl, who, as it turns out, was also at the scene of the accident ten years ago. Marianne is speechless, but is able to see people's thoughts and feelings. The fight for the girl suddenly stops when she is kidnapped by unknown people, and the guys must stop the feud in order to save Marianne. The chase leads them to a mysterious laboratory of secret agents, however, acting as saviors, Sergei and Robert themselves fall into a trap. Further, readers will find even more intricacies of the plot, which are interesting to read about.

"Fiction", like the rest of the author's works, draws you in literally from the first pages. Boris Akunin tried himself in a new genre and created something both similar to his style and different from it. The main characters are conveyed realistic and alive, which is why we seem to feel their feelings and sincerely empathize. The plot is fascinating, but not too dynamic and oversaturated, so the work is easy to read. Even the most demanding and detail-loving readers will not find any flaws in the author. The denouement is in perfect harmony with the plot, everything is logically explained and combined, and in combination with a fascinating idea, it will literally conquer all fantasy lovers.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Fiction" by Boris Akunin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Quotes from the book "Fantasy" Boris Akunin

Let there be a woman in the world, the most important of all, who will remain a mystery to him. After all, unraveling the mystery means killing it.

In general, Akunin writes well, I always liked to read his things, not particularly burdened with semantic weights, quite digestible. But there is one work that I read a few years ago, listed in the category of "crap". This is a fantasy novel.

In theory, it is a typical example of the genre. In theory. But what do we see? Not science fiction, not fantasy, not mysticism, but something completely incomprehensible, not even pulling on the average. At the center of the conflict are some alien Migrants who want to take over our planet, and the Club that is fighting it. This is where the element of normal fiction ends, and it is given very vaguely, with contours, and these contours are brought to the point of absurdity (cryptohistorical frills beloved by Akunin - Gorachev is an intruder of aliens, the opposition is also the same ... uhm ... and the valiant GKChP - defenders of the motherland from alien threat).

Well, God bless him, with a fantastic element. Most of the time is devoted to two antipodes endowed with the Gift. Robert Darnovsky can read minds, and Sergey Dronov can read people's minds. By themselves, these guys seem to have come out well with Akunin, but he doesn’t even try to cram them into a logical and well-considered plot - he is replete with terrible punctures and blunders, without actually moving further than the plot. And the ending will make any person just spit - it simply does not exist as a class. Perhaps this is a batch for a sequel, but God save us from such pleasure ...

Outcome: poor stamping. At one time, I stopped reading Akunin because of this crap, now, slowly, in the last year, I am renewing my acquaintance. But I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

Score: 4

The book left me genuinely confused. Why did Akunin need to write it??? To prove that he can write a fantasy novel? Who would argue! After all, no one doubts that Boris Shalvovich, an excellent stylist, can write everything - from a production novel about the everyday life of the BAM builders to a pseudo-Chinese treatise on love disguised as a pseudo-Chinese treatise on war. Even though the book is well written - lifelike characters, clear motivation, action in the end - it is terribly secondary. Like a five-story Khrushchev building, Fantastica is assembled from clearly distinguishable blocks: this is from Shefner, this is from Lukyanenko, and so on. What about the plot? It's a shame: aliens destroyed the Scoop! "Orientalists are joking"? :confused: The only thing that this book has of value is the name of the author, because she herself is no different from that mountain of mediocre fiction that is being written now in Russia. Alas, this seems to be the weakest book of a writer I respect very much.:frown:

Score: 6

The start is good. The images of the heroes are given, they are brought to the moment of the alien impact, revealing the problems and features of the era. There is a spirit of the times.

The middle is average. Heroes find themselves with limited imagination and weak use of their superpowers. Reminds all the joke "here's a blaster, weed the garden."

The ending is clean-cut. The author simply does not know what to do with the characters - it seems that the "X-Files" were taken as the basis - the feeling of a riddle turned out, but with a clue, a complete zero :frown:. The image of an agent-wife, whose thoughts the “character-mind” has not read during the entire marriage, is the removal of the brain beyond the ring: haha:

Score: 3

It's not even a peculiar style that mixes pseudo-"fenya" and seemingly normal language. Not in the number of cliches and the lack of semantic load, not in the dubious moral side of the characters. Too much attention is paid to the intimate side. No, of course, the relationship between the sexes is an interesting thing, but as with the reception - here the author went a little too far with this. However, Chkhartishvili's prose is generally characterized by the power of passion over the mind and a blind readiness to give one's life for the opportunity to rummage under a skirt. I'm exaggerating ... but still, I expect something completely different from science fiction. Sex, in general, no matter how strange it may sound, is not the main thing in life. Like this. Even repeat. Sex is not the point. There are things above. Maybe. Must be. It's silly, of course, to compare this book with serious science fiction, but you know, even in modern science fiction, I have not seen such an overdoing with this technique. In general, I did not like it sharply, I will not read more of the author for anything. At first, the book even caused some rejection, and what difference does it make that it was written in three nights.

Rating: 1

Of the pluses - it is easy to read, what you cannot take away from Akunin is the ability to write. But that's not enough for a good book.

From the rest .... The plot is as simple as hello, the intrigue is calculated before it really begins, and - DAMN! - The KGB is not just around every corner, but at every step. Somehow it's overkill. Again, the fantastic component is very modest, not to say miserable.

Outcome; even as an experiment, this book failed. There were kilograms of similar books in those same years on the trays.

Score: 7

Idiot work.

For a long time I did not dare to enter this river of the super-mainstream and start reading such a hyped Akunin.

The volume of his series was also frightening. Fandorin is already so monumental that you don't know how to tackle him. And I decided to get on the side. Try his spin-off series Genres.

In addition, here you can choose something close to yourself and just feel the style.

Well, the way I felt it - does not cause a single gram of desire to read something else. The author is simply joking, mocking the reader, the buyer of his work, his client.

Apparently, Akunin, having conceived a more or less normal book about science fiction, drew up an action plan in his head and began to describe the events, then he reached a certain point and suddenly saw that the number of pages was already enough for a small edition. In addition, it was getting dark and I wanted to go to dinner - well, why not stop and send the manuscript to the publisher already. Do not work on it, in fact, also tomorrow, the second day in a row ...

Rating: no

Having blinded a ball of social drama, political intrigue, a love line and adding “Luke, I am your father”, the author got something unintelligible, primitive and with an open ending.

Either Akunin so viciously parodied science fiction writers (it seems that especially Golovachev), or openly mocked readers, showing that science fiction lovers eat anything, and you can do it without bread.

Score: 4

Frankly, it was not possible to finish reading this particular novel “on paper” due to lack of time. I came across an audiobook performed by Sergei Chonishvili. In this regard, I can only say one thing: Sergei Chonishvili reads this book much better than Akunin wrote it ;-)

When I got to the denouement, I got the impression that the author had run out of letters, words and ideas, and therefore it was necessary to fold in a hurry. So he turned to a sort of banal banality.

Score: 5

Having already read the first ten pages of this novel, you understand that the author sat down to write it not at all with the aim of creating an independent work that should say something to the reader and teach him something. “Fiction” is a kind of “genius joke”, idle entertainment, stylization bordering on parody. It is also easy to guess what served as the object of this semi-parody (“semi” - because the typical elements of the genre are not ridiculed here, but simply copied, recreated). This is the "official" Soviet and Russian science fiction of the 80s and early 90s. Fiction is completely toothless, non-committal, full of "water" in the form of unnecessary descriptions, along with digging into the souls of the characters. By and large - "like a fantasy", since the main goal of its authors was to fill the pages with as many characters as possible, and not to use their imagination to the fullest and create a truly interesting fantastic work. Dozens of such books were published in the Soviet Union - and to some extent they formed the general face of Soviet science fiction literature, and were an independent phenomenon within it. Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to get acquainted with other works of the Genres project, but judging by its concept (where each book is called exactly the same as the genre to which it belongs), it can be assumed that the author set as his goal to create an absolutely average text - like a tube of "space food", which says "Chicken" or "Bread". The text is not so boring as to throw the book in the trash - but also far from so interesting that, with bated breath, frantically turning the pages. And from this point of view, Akunin's plan was a success and justified itself. And to evaluate his "Fiction" in any other way means to fight with windmills and get lost in the labyrinth of false meanings.

Score: 5

Almost best book Akunina read by me. Of course, a couple of “Fandorin's” novels are certainly good, “Aristonomy” is of high quality, albeit with a reservation. The rest is on the same, solidly good level. But "Fantasy" hooked! I swallowed it in a day, and even though the text is a little parodic (although I think Akunin is parodying here not Soviet science fiction, as mentioned below, but domestic politics), perhaps a little damp, and the plot is rounded off by the most the easy way. Nevertheless, as an entertaining read, Fantastic succeeded as well as it could be.

Score: 8

I finished reading the rum and realized that I wanted to discuss with someone my impression of the finale and the conclusions made by the author.

In general, I began to read, knowing that Akunin was at least exciting and interesting to read. So it was from the very beginning of the novel about two people with superpowers. Then it was interesting to read a romance novel to me as a woman. All the time I wanted to know - what did Marianne take? Is it silence? Although she communicated with Darnovsky, albeit mentally ... Perhaps it seemed to him, Darnovsky? The author of the detective genre, the exposer of inexplicable situations, ready to retort any skeptic, it is quite common to give free rein to various interpretations of events, including explicable ones. What is fantastic here? Was there a pillar, or maybe it was the accident that activated the internal abilities inherent in the heroes, or maybe this is the supreme intervention? The author even hints at this at the end of the book through Darnovsky's thoughts.

The ending of the book upset me so much that I really began to fantasize about a favorable ending. And here's what I came up with.

1. Robert didn't die. He didn't die on the bus, did he? And then Anna said that alien migrants would take care of him.

2. Marianna, who knows what will happen, deliberately started an affair with Dronov so that Darnovsky would not accept the offer of the “club” to work for the state. The club has shown very concretely their intentions. They wanted to use love as a “carrot”.

3. And why did Anna need all this? Is she a migrant herself? Maybe. Then the main thing is that Robert refuses to work for the club, and she herself could leave. After all, they were not kept there by force? Or maybe after another collision with a pillar, Darnovsky was supposed to meet another, true love? Or maybe love is not the main thing? .. How often do we give up something important and significant for us for the sake of love.

4. The traitorous role of Marianne touched me extremely and how important this role was. All her presence in Darnovsky's life, her absence and the choice that a man had to make in order to really become a real man. The choice is to go your own way through life, serving higher goals and ideals.