Give 5 years spying on stepfather. Erotic stories - loss of virginity. The Secret Life of the Rhine

  • 28.10.2019


Evgenia Sergeeva

Administrator , Moscow

Vika0703, good afternoon. Please write how old are you. Is there an option to rent a separate apartment or room?

I am 23 and I work and study. We live together. It will be very difficult to withdraw something because I pay for tuition and I don’t earn much. And if I say that I'm moving out there will be questions.


Hello! I can imagine how unpleasant it was for you, just disgusting to find out that your stepfather is spying on you. Insanely embarrassing for yourself... You felt scared... You felt unprotected... And now you are at a loss, you don't know what to do. What an unpleasant disappointment you had to endure ...

Of course, it’s embarrassing to talk to one of your friends ... I’m ashamed of my stepfather ... And it’s unpleasant to talk about it myself. But you are great for sharing your problem here.

Tell me, maybe you should talk about this with your stepfather himself? To express that this incident was unpleasant for you and that he did not dare to do this again? Or are you afraid of his reaction?

I don't even want to talk to him. I believe that a person who considers me a daughter and has been living with us for more than 15 years should not be in his thoughts. In the morning, even with hysteria, I took the phone from my mother, she did not understand what could have happened in the morning. I said I can't say anything and left.


What other solution do you see? After all, he will think that you are not aware, and continue to engage in these abominations.

I understand that it hurts you, that you are angry... But people will not be able to understand what is happening, only by your actions... They will simply think that you woke up in a bad mood. Do you want to talk to your mom about this? She can support and protect you...

I'm ashamed to say this. And we always thought it was perfect. It’s scary to ruin my mother’s life because I think she will be shocked when she finds out. I don’t want to talk to him, but I would tell my mother, but I don’t know how and what she would understand. She often feels bad and I don't want her to feel bad. I want to write to her now, but I don’t know how to start and how to say what then? We always meet him from work at the door and how will she meet him and what will happen next?!
I have no idea how to solve this, I am always silent about problems and I can only continue to be silent, but this will continue and I will continue to freak out. I don’t understand why and for what he does this, I always said that he is a father, a real father and treats like a daughter if my friends and acquaintances find out what happened ... No words
Sometimes I want to believe that this is not really everything but an illusion and close my eyes to live on, but as before now I can’t even come up, I don’t want disappointment ...

An Australian Coast Guard officer decided to check if his 15-year-old stepdaughter was drinking alcohol and installed a video camera in her room. The records got to a colleague of the officer, and he contacted the police. Still would! In the video, the girl was undressing, etc. A fighter against teenage alcoholism was charged with the production and possession of child pornography.

In recent times, almost everyone has access to such "spy" technologies as hidden cameras and other tracking devices. Manufacturers and sellers vying to praise their product. There are devices for every taste and budget: black and white and color, just small and very tiny, wired and wireless ... The main motive that makes people buy and install hidden cameras is the desire to ensure their own safety. But sometimes it turns out that out of good intentions, "spies" harm themselves.

This is exactly what happened to an Australian Coast Guard officer who used a hidden camera to monitor his stepdaughter. Two years ago, he set up a small device in his 15-year-old adopted daughter's room to keep abreast of everything that was going on there. As the man now claims, he pursued only one goal, an exclusively good one - he wanted to make sure that the teenage girl did not secretly use alcohol and drugs.

“I had strong suspicions about her, primarily due to her strange behavior,” says the 39-year-old officer. “I thought that she brings alcohol home, hides in her bedroom and drinks alone. Everyone understands where this can turn on. And I decided to stop it. But first I had to catch my daughter red-handed. "

And they caught him red-handed. The officer's home computer was part of a special departmental network that allowed each user to store files on a remote server. And somehow it so happened that the recordings made by a hidden camera fell into the field of view of an employee technical service, who was engaged in the removal of obsolete data. This vigilant system administrator carefully reviewed the video, although it was voluminous. As a result, he decided to go to the police.

The fact is that the camera recorded what was happening in the girl's room continuously. The video inevitably captured some moments of the life of the young hostess, which, from an outsider's point of view, can only be interpreted as intimate. The officer's stepdaughter walked around in her underwear, undressed before going to the shower and returned wrapped in a towel barely hanging on her hips. In a word, pornography, and even with a minor.

The fact that each "intimate" episode took several seconds, and it was simply impossible to consider some juicy details in all the nuances due to the low quality of the shooting, did not bother the investigators. And a fighter against teenage alcoholism was charged with two articles - the production and possession of child pornography.

At the trial, the man admitted that he had indeed placed a 1×4 cm video camera at his stepdaughter's dressing table. And he even said that he had previously shared this plan with his own sister, and she tried to dissuade him, calling such a step an invasion of privacy. “I understood all this, but it was much more important for me to save my daughter from the bottle. And I didn’t think of other ways, except to follow her with the help of a camera,” the defendant claims.

He also stated that he immediately deleted the filmed video, but some part of it was preserved due to an oversight. “And I was going to remove the camera, but I forgot,” the officer finished. In court, they believed him and considered that the shooting was really not carried out for the purpose of sexual satisfaction. But the case has sparked a flurry of debate in the Australian press about whether surveillance of children is acceptable at all, even if it is done for security reasons.

In reality, there are many more situations when the offender is on the other side of the hidden camera - that is, captured on film. For example, 41-year-old Gabriel Paul Cabral Edgewater was recently convicted in the same Australia, found guilty of sexual harassment of a practically paralyzed elderly patient at the Brighton Gardens Nursing Home.

The woman's daughter feared that the staff would treat her mother rudely, so she installed a tiny secret filming device in her room. And I saw how one of the orderlies, dressing the old woman, committed sexual acts with her. Now this man will spend a year in prison, and then he will be included in a special list of criminals convicted of sexual crimes.

But in most cases, hidden cameras are used to monitor women hired to care for a child. It is no coincidence that these devices are called "nannies". And the video they make is often used as evidence in child abuse trials. Just one such process ended the other day in the Australian city of Joliet.

Local resident Paul Carlos, like many other parents, was worried about how the babysitter was treating his two-year-old son. He bought a used one on eBay. hidden camera and installed in the nursery. The very first viewing of the filmed video plunged the father into shock. “It was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life,” he says. “I experienced real horror.”

Now the 52-year-old woman who worked as a baby-sitter for the Carlos is behind bars. When Paul went to the police to bring her to justice, it turned out that this woman should not have been allowed close to a small child at all. It turns out that she had previously been convicted several times for prostitution, in 1998 she was brought to trial for ill-treatment with own child, served time for theft and attempted robbery, and in 2008 went to prison for the manufacture and distribution of drugs.

With the son of Paul Carlos, she behaved like a small criminal. She tied the boy by the leg to the radiator, constantly weighed cuffs on the back of the head ... And once she could not find the TV remote control in the room and, accusing her ward of hiding it, she began to pull his hands as if she wanted to tear him to pieces. “I didn’t even think she was such a fury,” says the shocked father who found this miracle babysitter in the newspaper free ads. “A very respectable woman in appearance.”

Loss of virginity
I imagine that this happened in the spring: at the end of March or at the beginning of April. The apricots had just faded, the barely hatched leaves covered the whimsically spreading branches of the trees outside the window with a light waxy gleaming coating. The morning sun filled the small kitchen with cheerful cheerful light. There was morning tea. Sunday. "Morning Post" on TV sounded cheerful rhythms and crumbled on the screen with colored champagne.

It seemed to Pete that everything was wonderfully harmonious and joyful. The spring smell spread through the window in a moving muslin. The tone was raised by the singing of pichugs and the bustle of light. The sound of water in the bathroom was invigorating and created a sense of the upcoming opportunities for a successful day. The feeling of spring was reinforced by the contentment of the pacified male, who provided his pride with plentiful food and protected him from the encroachments of competing males. I received my salary, the refrigerator is full, there is no need to worry about tomorrow. He was sitting at the table in shorts, smoking and drinking tea. His wife was away on business, and her eighteen-year-old stepdaughter was washing herself in the bathroom after sleep.

The tea party was quite tense. His heart was pounding as he waited for Pat, that was his stepdaughter's name, to emerge from her wash with swollen lips, flushed cheeks, fresh-faced with clear blue eyes. He sat drinking tea and, not seeing, watched TV. His legs were slightly apart, one button of the codpiece was accidentally (or intentionally?) Unbuttoned. The fact is that shorts were worn on a naked body, and moreover, there was nothing on Pete. Between the legs it was hot, and the shaved member was in a state of semi-readiness.

Finally, the water stopped making noise, and the bathroom door opened. Tall, blond Pat, in a dressing gown and pimples from the cold water, like a strong pickle, entered the kitchen. She walked over to the table and poured herself some tea. Pat separated the kitchen table from his stepfather. She took a cup of tea and stood quietly sipping it. The stepdaughter felt Pete's tension at once and began to glance furtively at him with interest. The whole essence of Pete was concentrated in his gradually hardening member. He felt like the head, gradually moving in shorts, was moving closer and closer to the cool exit from captivity. Here she felt the passage, and her bluish-pink skin appeared into the light of day. The member was not quite strong yet, and the skin on the head was slightly wrinkled. But with every moment the blood between Pete's legs throbbed more and more, and now - his head was poured, her skin turned even more blue and became glossy. The undone codpiece let her loose. The graceful sculptural work was exposed almost completely - a beautiful peach with a lascivious hole in its center.

Pat stopped drinking tea and, with a contemptuous smile, carefully watched the unfolding performance. Pete didn't know where to put himself. A sense of shame, lust and fear fought in him: it is not known what the stepdaughter could think. Indecision (and the impossibility of hiding the cock back in the dungeon of shame, because it would have to be troublesome to tuck it into shorts in front of Pat’s eyes, and maybe later also come from overexcitation and smear abundant sperm flowing down his leg) prompted the awkward seducer to pretend that he was not notices sloppiness in his toilet.

Pat started the conversation. She asked about something during the TV show, and he had to answer. True, not always in a hoarse and hoarse voice from tension. The girl did not let up with some mockery in her voice and mischievous sparks in her eyes continued the conversation. Pete, trying to cover up the pierced nature, reached for the teapot to pour tea into his glass. At that moment, Pat, with a shy laugh, asked him for a cigarette. It was the first time that she smoked in front of her parents, and even more so she asked her stepfather to give her a cigarette himself. Her simple request was a challenge. Pete realized this and, no longer hiding, stood up and reached for a pack of cigarettes, took out one and handed it to his daughter. At the same time, the member escaped into the open and with a proudly raised "head" stared into the intent blue eyes of the girl who was watching him.

It was the first time Pat had rushed into a sexual adventure so resolutely, as if into a pool with her head, especially in such a risky one. She had long considered herself an inferior person: all her peers were already either married, or repeatedly (at least in their words) had already done "this." Pat, on the other hand, was still a virgin and, although she was absolutely liberated in her soul, in reality, in decisive situations behaved awkwardly. It pissed her off and made her feel like a bluestocking. Maybe it was this feeling that made Pat so decisive in dealing with her stepfather. Visibility left no room for risk. It seemed that everything was under control: everything was happening at home, the unknown did not threaten, always and, practically, without danger, it was possible to move back. It was so easy to surrender to the will of feelings and lust. The chest ached, the lips were moistened, it flowed down the inside of the thighs. Breathing was interrupted, it was already impossible to take your eyes off the tense stepfather's penis, which appeared for the first time in all its glory. A storm arose in my soul.

Reaching for a cigarette, she, as if by chance, openly looked at the exposed nature of a tense man, and after that - into his eyes and laughed defiantly, realizing that her stepfather saw her look and was forced to understand that he was open. Pat watched what her counterpart would do, and when he got up and reached for the kettle to refill his tea, already clearly deliberately exposing his gleaming shaved skin topped with a sparkling drop of desire, she now smiled impudently into his eyes. Pete, noticing, lowered his gaze, and leaving the teapot, in a halting voice dutifully asked Pat for permission to kiss her feet. It was nice for the girl to feel her complete power over a strong, healthy man, who, moreover, not so long ago put her in a corner and cuffed her on the back of the head for a mess on the table or for unlearned lessons. She allowed, saying: "Well, kiss."

It was amazing to see the big kneeling stepfather awkwardly turning in the small kitchen, bending down and passionately kissing the fingers of the blushing Pat's small and beautiful feet. Surprisingly and exciting joyfully to her. Each finger of the girl, like a porcelain trinket, struck with the precision of forms and caused an irresistible desire to admire him, idolize him and kiss, kiss, kiss! She watched as she gracefully bowed her head and smiled softly. From these kisses, the blood began to throb in hot jolts in the lower abdomen. Goosebumps went over the naked body under the dressing gown. The back bent in a deep bow and protruding buttocks, the soft touch of the lips to the legs gave rise to a previously unknown self-awareness of omnipotence and complete power over a person, a feeling of innate power, the power of nature.

Finally, Pete raised his head and in a broken, fading voice asked if he could kiss his stepdaughter on the lips. To which he received condescending permission and hastily got up from his knees. He reached out for the full pale pink and surprisingly soft lips of a young partner and, finally, drowned in a deep and long kiss. She kissed passionately and skillfully, instinctively awakening the woman in herself. The situation was intoxicating - and Pat flew off into some unknown space: everything was as if here and, at the same time, somewhere far away, as if in a movie or in a book. The man became her property and instrument - he was in her full power, he was ready to endure her whims and antics, he became a thing. So far, this feeling has not been framed by any finished thoughts or considerations. But the feeling arose and grew.

Pete pulled away from the girl's lips and fussily unbuttoned her robe. A slender, almost transparent body was exposed, chiseled breasts, never touched by male fingers ... And the focus of femininity at the base of a flat, hard belly, veiled by a light overgrowth of blond hair. Swollen lips oozed with moisture, and slightly dispersed, released into the light of pink shiny inner lips and a tense little clitoris. It was striking - the girl in the bathroom was not in vain spending time and managed to bring herself to a sensitive degree of excitement. Pete began caressing his stepdaughter's hard, firm breasts. She breathed even more often and his hand reached down, his fingers parted the wet hot lust of the girl and began to caress the already excited vagina. The fingers penetrated deeper and deeper - the pelvis began to move towards - and now (here!) They ran into something: a light, slightly noticeable film blocked the way.

He knew, he was sure, but the extra confirmation only strengthened in him the proud feeling of a pioneer and aroused the surging paternal tenderness (“Wow!”), Sweetly pinched in his heart. I wanted to put my lips to this most tender bosom and gently gently and gently bring the girl to orgasm. Lips slid down, lips fell to the source, the tongue entered the depths and passionately earned, penetrating the vagina, licking the clitoris. Pat gasped, settled down, spreading her legs and leaning her back against the wall - opened up to unexpected caresses.

Once she read about it, but she never thought that someday she herself would experience the charm of suction. It was very nice. The magic of sensations captured the girl. The wide-open mouth and the hardness of the swollen penis and the head, bursting the larynx and persistently moving deeper, deeper! O! It was amazing and so exciting. Pat already had everything burning down below, a pleasant tension in the lower abdomen was growing. The pleasant smell of partner's pubic hair was felt more and more clearly - the head of the penis moved in the throat, giving the impression of full openness and boundless return. Suddenly, it started flowing downstairs, and the muscles contracted sweetly - the first and, probably, the sweetest (from surprise) orgasm came. The mouth became freer. How this happened, Pat did not even notice. My stepfather is as limp as an overripe banana. The sharpness of the sensations experienced shocked him. It has never erupted so long and so abundantly. The soft tender lips of the girl, hugging his penis and before that mercilessly stretched, with a soft sound released the drooping head and were sprinkled with the last portion of sperm, which slipped and stretched in a long drop onto a slender, trembling, tense chest. Eyes half-closed, lips slightly parted ("Insert into skillfully parted"). The delicate long neck contracts rhythmically, taking the sperm after oral "defloration".

All this delighted and inflated a sense of intoxicating pride. Pete was satisfied. The girl felt an upsurge, bursting joy and some fading, the languor of the unknown somewhere in the depths of herself, as if she was flying high, high and this fast, unstoppable flight took her breath away. Everything was the first time - and so great! Get an orgasm while remaining a virgin. It probably wasn't for many people. It’s a pity daddy didn’t break the hymen! I would like to! Anyway. Go wash up.

Five minutes later, Pete and that "sly girl" were fine. And half an hour later, her stepfather was already dropping her out of the car near the university where she studied. She opened the door and, looking from the back seat in the rear-view mirror at her stepfather, hesitantly asked: "What are we going to do next?" - "Well, it's not the last time, is it?" Pete answered a question with a question. The girl smiled, got out of the car and ran to study, waving her bag lightly and cheerfully. Birds sang all around.

This story has three main characters: 39-year-old Rein, his wife Liina, who is a couple of years younger than him, and 15-year-old Piret, Liina's daughter from another man, writes Eesti Ekspress. The family seemed completely normal, living in a big house in Harju County. The head of the family worked as a programmer, his wife worked as an official. In total, the couple had six children for two: one common child and five from previous relationships.

The story began in 2005. By that time, the man and woman had been together for several years. Relatives describe Rain as "a perfectly normal man." But he had one peculiarity - he went to bed very early, and at night he got up and sat down at the computer. “It works,” the relatives thought.

secret life Reina

In fact, Rain lived a secret nightlife - downloading porn. He was especially interested in child pornography: underage girls, as well as children under ten and even four.

But the matter was not limited to this - the man laid eyes on his 15-year-old stepdaughter.

Applying his knowledge in the field of information technology, Rein quietly installed a tracking system in the house, all the information from which came directly to his computer. The cameras were located, for example, in the bathroom and Piret's room.

The man also installed a special program on the girl's computer that monitored her actions on the computer and filmed her.

At night, Rain would sneak into his stepdaughter's room and secretly take photos and videos. Young people sleep soundly, and Piret, especially after some party, did not wake up even when her stepfather touched her.

Andra Sild, the prosecutor who dealt with the case, does not want to describe what exactly Rein did in the interests of the girl.

At the age of 17, Piret left her father's house and went to Tallinn to study. So this story would have ended if the police had not noticed last spring that children's porn was often watched at one IP address in Harjumaa.

“Always attracted to girls”

In June last year, a search was carried out in the house of Reina and Liina. From the office of the head of the family, several computers and a bunch of external hard drives and memory cards were taken for examination.

“This was one of the largest collections of child porn ever found in Estonia!” the prosecutor said. In total, there were 229,463 photos and 1,844 videos on the media.

It took months to review the materials. At the end of last year, police discovered that some of the files depicted the suspect along with an unfamiliar underage girl. There were about 700 such photos and videos.

“We realized that there was a real victim in the case, and it was necessary to identify him,” Sild said.

By January, the picture became clearer: we are talking about Reina's stepdaughter Piret. The girl was called to the police, where, when she saw the materials of the case, she experienced a real shock, because neither she, nor her mother, nor other family members even suspected what the man could be doing.

Rhine was taken into custody. He admitted that he liked Piret “as a woman” and that he was always attracted to young girls, but his interest in child porn began at the age of 30 after he once downloaded videos of teenagers online. Over time, the age of the children he was interested in was decreasing.

“In most cases, pedophilia develops during adolescence,” says sex counselor Lemme Haldre. - On the other hand, there are pedophiles who are interested in both children and adults. In people with such inclinations, interest in children can be deliberately suppressed, but it can be expressed in viewing photos, sites of appropriate content.

Severe punishment?

In July, Harju County Court sentenced Rein to four years in prison for possession of child pornography and rape of a minor. Despite the fact that the man with his stepdaughter never had sexual intercourse as such, the court classified his actions as rape.

According to the prosecutor, in the past eight years she has encountered 49 pedophiles, of which 19 cases were related to mistreatment within the family.

Sild says that from this point of view, the greatest risk is observed in children who grow up with a stepfather.

For example, in 2014, 12 biological and 25 step-fathers committed sexual crimes against children in Estonia.

Usually such criminals receive severe punishments. Last December, the Harju County Court sentenced a 30-year-old man to 13 years in prison for sexually exploiting his 10-year-old stepdaughter. In January of this year, a 60-year-old man received 8 years in prison for the sexual use of his step-granddaughter, who was under 10 years old. In April of this year, a court sentenced a 30-year-old man to 7.5 years in prison for the improper sexual use of his young adopted daughter.

“In the case of a biological child, especially if the parent has been involved in its upbringing since birth, there are certain defense mechanisms says Haldre. “A secure father-child attachment is likely to form, which works as a defense against the use of the child.”

“A child who is securely attached to his mother is also less likely to be sexually exploited within the family. Such mothers are able to recognize the signs, which acts preventively and prevents mistreatment.”

According to scientific studies, 4.1-9.5% of men have fantasized about sexual contact with minors at least once in their lives.