Technical support service for telecom operators. Organizing a Help Desk: Creation of Documentation and Structure of the Service Desk Creation of Technical Support

  • 11.11.2019

Brief description of the course

Companies of all sizes and levels of development constantly face the fact that users cannot continue their work due to IT infrastructure failures. Often, user requests are incorrectly classified, or even completely lost. The user has to remember in what specific situation and to whom he should contact. Not always the fulfillment of user requests by the IT service occurs quickly, on time and with the proper level of quality. All these problems complicate the life of any IT manager, and it is often by the presence or absence of such situations that the work of the IT service as a whole is judged.

To solve these issues, it is necessary to create an effective user support service and correctly describe all the necessary technical and organizational documentation.

In the course of training on the course, students will study in detail the processes of managing incidents and problems, get an idea of ​​the related processes: managing events, requests and access, on the basis of which a user support service is created - a single point of contact for the company, get acquainted with the methods of training and managing personnel.

A distinctive feature of the course is the creation of a package of necessary documentation that will describe the activities of the service and thereby significantly reduce the cost of consulting services.

Learning objectives

  • obtaining unique practical experience in creating a set of documentation, including the process regulations necessary for describing user support activities;
  • in-depth study of the main user support processes - incident and problem management in order to create a Single Point of Contact (SPOC);
  • studying the principles of building and organizing the work of the Service Desk service: organization, functions performed, methods of competent recruitment;
  • familiarity with the methods and approaches for planning and setting up processes in order to ensure their effectiveness, rationality and consistency, resulting in an increase in the quality of services provided by the IT department;
  • a brief introduction to related processes: event management, request management, access management.
  • managers and employees who are tasked with planning and implementing the service technical support;
  • employees and heads of user support services, such as Service Desk, Help Desk, Hot Line, Call Center;
  • employees involved in technical user support;
  • heads of departments that are consumers of IT services.

As a result of the training, students

  • will gain unique practical experience in creating a set of documentation for describing the user support process using the example of incident management;
  • will acquire necessary knowledge to build a technical support service;
  • form an understanding of the principles of IT infrastructure management in order to provide user support;
  • get practical skills in building a Service Desk user support service;
  • get the necessary knowledge on planning, setting up and implementing the process;
  • acquire the necessary knowledge to manage the Problem Management process;
  • get acquainted with such processes as: event management, request management, access control.

Required level of knowledge

  • It is recommended to take the course "ITIL ® Foundation v3. Basic course";
  • Experience in the IT department is desirable, in particular, in one of the processes considered as part of the training or in the technical support service.

Provided materials

Students are provided with materials developed by Megapolis Profi on the basis of original ITIL books, provided for by the course program. At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate.

Duration and conditions of study

Course duration - 16 academic hours (2 days). The course fee includes lunch and two coffee breaks during each day of study.


Courses are taught by teachers certified by EXIN and APMG. Teachers have extensive practical experience in implementing ITIL ® processes in companies of various sizes.

The program of the course "Organization of the user support service: creation of documentation and structure of the service".

Part 1. Theory

. Introduction to the course
o Course objectives
o Lesson plan and assignment of working groups
. Standards and methodologies applied to create a single point of contact
ISO 9001 and ISO 20000
o ITIL® and MOF
. The choice of methods for describing the process
Variety of possible options for describing processes
o Most commonly used methods and tools
. Consideration of interrelated processes in support
Roles and tasks of the event, request, and access management processes
o I/O and interaction with other processes
. Incident management - as the basis for building a single point of contact
o Basic principles and concepts of incident management.
o Portfolio of services
o Service Desk is the most important feature for working with users
o User support flow chart
o Main activities
o Possible problems implementation
o Roles and responsibilities in the process
o Process optimization
. Problem Management
o Purpose and objectives of problem management
o Key definitions
o Process scheme - reactive and proactive approach
o Difficulties in implementation
o Benefits of organizing the process

Part 2. Workshop

. case study
o Studying the company
o Identification of problem areas
o Drawing up a diagram of the interaction of processes and activities within
. Listing required documents
o Process Policy
o Process regulation
o Work instructions
o etc.
. Documentation development
o Structure of each document
o Basic elements within each document
o Creation of ready-made documents according to the conditions of the case
. Final part of the course

*ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited.

The technical support staff probably has the most high level turnover throughout the IT industry. Find a good specialist technical support is difficult, and a newbie, after working for several months, tends to move to less hectic positions. Technical support often takes on the negative emotions of users. Enduring a flood of negativity day after day is hard, but not necessary. Much in communication with users depends on the behavior of the employee himself. What should a technical support employee do so that his work is not so hard?

Give the user hope that you will help them.

For you, a user's call is a new appeal. The user has already spent enough time on his problem - attempts to figure it out on his own, waiting for telephone line, and perhaps he has already been kicked off a couple of times with phone calls to various IT services. Should we be surprised at the initially negative attitude? Finally, listen to what his problem is, and only then proceed to the formal filling out of the application - finding out the identity of the user, department / company / contract number, etc. Notably, support scripts often offer the opposite.

Before solving a problem, make sure you are tackling the right problem.

You can spend half an hour trying to figure out a problem that doesn't exist. The first thing to do is to make sure that the situation that the user sees is not part of a larger incident that he has not yet noticed.

For example, the user calls with an appeal "My mouse is stuck."

One scenario is to find out: optical or mechanical, wired or wireless, whether the diode glows and whether it glowed before, etc. Talk for 20 minutes, and you may never get to the problem.

Let's try to go from the other end: “So, your mouse is not working, but everything else on the computer is working fine? For example, try switching to another program using the "alt» + « Tab” or start the program from the start menu with “ctrl»+« Esc"and shooter".

If everything works, then you can try to find out what happened to the mouse. If not, then the mouse has nothing to do with it and you need to deal with the computer already.

It is not necessary to find out what the user has already done.

A typical stereotype that technical support employees are subject to is that 80% of user problems are corrected by the phrase “Have you tried turning it off and on?”. Well, yes, it often works. At the same time, most users are familiar enough with the computer to take these steps on their own.

They answer “Yes” without even thinking about your every “Have you already tried…”

Have you tried turning it off and on?
- Yes

Did you hold down and when you pressed ?”
- Yes

Did you hold the computer over your head while performing the ritual dance?
- Yes

Instead of asking what the user has already done, it is much more efficient to give the user a task that he needs to do right now and talk to him about what he saw. Effective Method- go through the steps all the way the user to his mistakes, for example, by running the same programs. If the error appears on your computer, then this is a good reason to escalate the incident to other specialists.

Technical support should use the same working environment as most users.

You can't land tech support on Linux if the users are on Windows. You shouldn't migrate your IT department to Windows 8 if your company is still actively using Windows XP. It is very important for a technical support employee to have an environment close to the one that the user has on the computer. So he can predict the normal behavior of the computer and tell the user the right steps. The working environment of a computer is the best clue in any situation, if you at least roughly know what to do.

Don't pretend you know more than you really do

Many users believe that technical support should know absolutely everything about computers and software. You and I know that there are no such people among those who work on the first line, but many are trying to pretend to be them. Often tech support tries to guess the right solution. As a result, a couple of unsuccessful guesses and you completely lose the trust of users. What to do? Parity is the best policy. If you don't know the solution and can't hand the user over to someone who does, then try to figure out the situation with the user. Search the Internet, ask if the user found a solution there, try to go through this solution together with the user. Many feel stupid and insecure when dealing with tech support. Engaging the user in finding a solution can give them confidence and increase their satisfaction with technical support.


Empathy is a very intangible concept. However, for example, the advice to smile when answering a phone does work. Users feel your attitude. Unfortunately, empathy for user problems is not a quality that most technical support services are characterized by. Indeed, what kind of sympathy can a person who cannot even turn on a computer without outside help arouse. On the other hand, it is enough for most users to explain the correct procedure once in an accessible way in order to avoid their requests in the future. Technical support employees should more often remember that they also do not know much and do not know how, which is generally a completely normal situation.

Your goal is to make the user happy.

IT professionals in most cases do not consider themselves educators kindergarten for users. Even jokes when communicating with users are most often specific and little understood by “mere mortals”. There is such a good, but gradually out of circulation word Help Desk - help desk, however, the option with the support service is also not bad. The task of technical support is to help and support users. If users end the conversation happy, then you will most likely feel satisfied with the good work, which means that it will be much easier to work.

I write the text in real time, i.e. behind this word, I don’t even know what the next one will be. :)

In this case, you need to start with the foundation and with an understanding of the problem ... and also identify target audience: these are internal IT services and organizations providing professional IT services ... giants like Megafon or Yota most likely need full-fledged contact center solutions, which goes beyond the boundaries of my picture of the world and therefore is not included in this article ...

C1.1. Problems and deviations in typical situations

  1. There is no understanding between the IT service and the management of the organization. Which leads to conflicts, which are then expressed in the form of anecdotes ala "I am a dartagnan, and the leadership is ...". Although in most situations the reality is the opposite.
  2. Users in shock
    1. forced to spend their time to ensure that everything works for them
    2. often get rudeness instead of help
    3. there is no trust in the IT service, because the same, elementary questions need to be repeated, reminded, because they are forgotten or clogged;
    4. you can generally forget about wishes for development ... only what IT specialists want is done, and not what users or organizations need;
  3. The service is a mess
    1. Few or practically none of the specialists understand what is the result of their work;
    2. The concept of leading specialists and managers is confused, more precisely, leading specialists are appointed leaders
    3. The loading of specialists is a big question, and its fairness is even more so.
    4. The energy of people is dispersed into different sides, as a result, there is fatigue, but there are no noticeable results.
  4. High organization costs
    1. The same failures in processes are repeated many times, but few people care
    2. Downtime in processes also takes place, but it is also quickly forgotten and repeated with enviable regularity.
  5. And last but most important... without process control, specialists think that IT is somehow tied to computers, and instead of developing IT, they are engaged in computer technology.

C1.2. Desired Situation

  1. The client is always right. The organization, the management of the organization and its employees are the clients of the IT service.
    1. The key to the client's heart is facts and figures that show the dynamics and allow you to make predictions to make decisions.
    2. All people, white and black, make decisions in the same way (with the exception of clinical deviations in the development of the mind and closing in a madhouse). The difference is only in the original information. The ability to find the right information is the basis of success and understanding.
    3. Collection necessary information this is one of the results of proper organization of support.
  2. Need to gain user trust
    1. They must be sure that once they communicate their thought, it will be written down, considered, there will be an answer or a decision. And not ignoring or "but I forgot."
    2. The first phrase of a person who has reached the state of Buddha: I am you. If you see a stupid person in front of you... think about it. It's not a joke.
    3. It all starts with a record of calls, but then the lists (databases, registers, directories) expand with the development of the entire system.
  3. Order is a delicate matter
    1. The result of the IT service is the availability of the necessary information for employees and the absence of downtime in their activities. But these are just words. Understanding this is difficult and understanding of this comes only after some time using the IT management system.
    2. Justice is a tricky thing. For her understanding, there is a separate article and she
    3. Who is in charge of IT? Manager or specialist? There is a very simple test: do you register user requests? If - yes, then either a leader or a promising person is at the helm, if - no, you need to drive this leader in the neck, or demote to a specialist, even a leader.
    4. Any action should have a priority... and those actions that have the greatest impact in terms of the goals of the organization should be carried out first. It is not easy to achieve this, but it is real.
  4. We cut costs
    1. We minimize downtime at any cost, blood from the nose, because any downtime is not just "we'll fix it now", these are consequences that can not always be tracked, a decrease in reputation, loss of customers, etc.
    2. Failures need to be recorded, rooted out, causes fixed - repeated failure is a disgrace to the jungle.
  5. Well, after completing these 4 points, the understanding comes that IT is IT, and they are hundreds of thousands of years old ... and computers are computers that are only 50 years old and now they are used more often than cave walls just because a little - a little more efficient and not more than that :)

C2. Peculiarities

  1. The key success factor is the registration of all user requests. Keyword in this sentence: all. You start hacking and skipping appeals - get out, you are not a leader.
  2. When you achieve the registration of all requests, the system will begin to develop ... bottlenecks immediately become noticeable:
    1. no process instructions or instructions curves - many questions
    2. no employee training - many questions
    3. hardware or programs are poorly configured or poorly matched - many failures
    4. specialists do anything, but not what is needed for the organization, and therefore for management.
    5. if you do a project poorly, then the circulation dynamics jumps up ... you need to plan projects better ...
    6. well, in general, the picture becomes clear and a lot of ideas immediately appear in my head on how to improve the situation...
  3. A very important element of the system is CMDB or CBD - configuration database or service objects:
    1. All objects that fall under the sphere of influence of IT are indicated here in order to track the actions that are performed on them.
    2. The frequency of failures by program ... what causes failures more often 1C BP 8 or 1C BP 7.7? As a result, which of them causes more costs?
    3. What changes and who carried out in the programs? In which? It's time to switch to new version? Which changes are worth repeating and which are not? How much is it in finance? Here the answers are in years.
    4. Someone is trying to shove mice and network cards here ... this is a personal matter for everyone and everyone goes crazy in their own way ... but my experience shows that such detailing gives a lot of costs and little use, and in fact it is a monkey's work.
    5. Basically, if you are responsible for IT, then it is enough to keep records in the context of programs, databases, system modules, and computers can finally be written as Computers, even without detailing by cabinets, not to mention detailing by components)
    6. And if you are also responsible for quality (this is already ISO 9000), then here you can also enter a list of all instructions and regulations governing and standardizing the procedures for employees. In this case, the leadership will already begin to pray for you, put candles in churches for your health. This is not counting other bonuses and social packages))

C3. Solution options

  1. Consider first the characteristics that ensure the quality of IT
    1. Basic, obligatory, which must be completed first
      1. Recording calls, acceptance dates, completion dates, you can still record the result
      2. Regular (daily, weekly, monthly) monitoring of indicators, load, performance, dynamics...
    2. Additional, convenient, improving, can be performed secondarily
      1. Record changes, projects, service objects for additional analysis sections
      2. Keeping a history of communication on requests, automatic mailings notifications by e-mail to those who applied.
  2. Tools
    1. 1C ITILION
      1. pros
        1. The basic requirements are met here.
        2. You can change the software
        3. You can find a pirate
        4. There is a setting for automatic notifications about the creation
        5. Strong reporting
      2. Minuses
        1. Chat history is difficult to keep, there are no notifications about comments by e-mail or the ability to reply with a letter
        2. Web muzzle heavy
      3. Recommendations
        1. For moneyless pirates
        2. For those whose policy is tied to 1C
        3. For those who like to pick programs and love 1C
      4. The price is something around 50 tr. for software, services are added to taste.
      5. Notes
        1. I like it because it was my first system on which I built IT management
    2. eStreamDesk is one of the most efficient solutions
      1. pros
        1. web-based and SaS model, i.e. access from anywhere and no need to hover your head with the right installation and technical support
        2. integrated with Google Apps
        3. there is Russian
        4. there is an auto-message constructor both when adding and closing cases, and about correspondence in the course of decisions;
        5. really use even the free option
      2. Minuses
        1. crooked code, glitches and plush interface
        2. missing CMDB
        3. poor reporting
      3. Recommendations
        1. for small projects where there are financial problems
        2. and if there is no legal relationship, because applicants cannot specify the organization
      4. Price from 0 to see website. Services here, if needed, are at a minimum. basic functionality.
      5. Notes
        1. they would bring the code to mind, reporting is more flexible and the ability to maintain a user base for organizations - it would be cool.
    3. Mojo HD
      1. pros
        1. the same as in paragraph 2, but a more pleasant, streamlined interface and Russification is a little more complicated
        2. reporting is good
        3. flexible constructor of notifications about changes, comments...
        4. the ability to respond to e-mail
        5. maintaining user base by organizations
      2. Minuses
        1. there is no Russian language, but the entire interface can be rewritten even for a rough mat
        2. the prices are relatively biting, the free option is not realistic to use
      3. Recommendations
        1. for sustainable projects, with stable finances
        2. those who need to maintain clientele by organization
      4. Notes
        1. prices are a little quieter and can be considered an ideal system for internal services and professional businesses
      1. pros
        1. There is a dedicated IT.Now module but with sharpening under the arms. Violation of principle C1.1. item 5. Something like 1C ITILION, but less flexible and worse.
      2. Minuses
        1. Same as 1C ITILUM
        2. There is no dedicated and thoughtful module in terms of ISO 20000. 1C ITILIUM covers the possibilities in years.
      3. Recommendations
        1. You can write your own module ... which is justified in difficult situations... for example, in public administration and public services, where the practice has not yet been developed, but integration with a large paper workflow is needed.
      4. Notes
        1. DIRECTUM is a good EDI system, and the construction of ITSM on its basis is justified only if everything else is built on this system. as already mentioned, for example, in the state administration.
    5. 1С ITIL something from Rarus
      1. pros
        1. this is 1C
      2. Minuses
        1. the program itself is written by those who are completely subject to the stereotype from C1.1. item 5. focused on accounting for mice and microcircuits, instead of controlling characteristics by processes.
      3. Recommendations
        1. For those who do not have the strength to break their stereotypes and instead of IT, they want to continue to deal with computers and programs.
      4. Notes
        1. Rarus needs to fix the technical support by himself. then offer solutions to others.
        2. subjectively, I almost threw up while studying this program.
    6. HP, IBM and others like them
      1. large and complex, most likely focused on large volumes of calls.
      2. may be of interest to such monsters as Megafon or Beeline, where there are crowds of users.
      3. I heard that Gazpromovtsy buy such solutions. Probably there kickbacks are delicious.
    7. Naumen ServiceDesk box
      1. I haven't seen it, but I think it's interesting.
    8. Naumen ServiceDesk SaS
      1. They promise to release soon.
      2. Given the experience of Naumen, the solution should turn out to be interesting.
      3. If they choose a pricing policy like that of Megaplan, then I will probably even try to love them.
      4. I really hope that this will turn out to be an analogue of Mozho XD (p. 3), but with pricing policy like Megaplan.

C4. Summary

  1. Who owns the information owns the world. It's not a joke. Netocracy is already here.
  2. But to own information, you need to manage IT. And not just twist computers with a screwdriver and program solitaire games in 1C.
  3. You can ask questions in the comments... I'll try to answer them.
  4. Everything that is written here is an empirical reflection of subjective thoughts ... who will benefit from it - please, whoever thinks otherwise is your right.

C5. Request

  1. Who knows what other IT management tools? Particularly interested in the SaS category and the possibility of automatically sending notifications to users by e-mail...
  2. Well, in general, I will be grateful for additions, comments, criticism ... maybe I'm wrong somewhere or my information is already outdated?

C6. Copyrights

  1. Our groups at Infostart (although they are abandoned, because I have now slightly moved away from 1C, I am engaged in a little other projects)
    1. Instructions and regulations for 1C Enterprise
    2. Implementation technology 1C Enterprise
  2. The Promised Link to Project Management
  • advice and assistance to customers on technical issues around the clock
  • processing of technical requests from e-mail
  • registration of applications for specialists of technical departments
  • quality control of work performance (for example, installers) - calling customers
  • call transfer to your specialist (if necessary)
  • processing requests on relevant topics on the company's forum in social networks

The organization of technical support services is our “horse”, as the specialists “ open line» have an appropriate specialized education and extensive experience in organizing such services.

The service is a service of incoming calls from subscribers with technical issues.

For your project, we will select operators with the necessary qualifications and with the appropriate education. They will greet subscribers on behalf of your company and will do everything to resolve the issue.

The company's specialists are trained and tested their knowledge and skills in the field of communications with different types of subscribers, resolution technologies conflict situations, stress tolerance skills. From time to time, call center trainers together with the Quality Service will conduct attestation of project employees and qualifying exams.

In the case of "particularly difficult" subscribers, it is possible to transfer the call to the senior shift or supervisor, who will work out the appeal efficiently and professionally.

Our contact center will provide you personal manager a project that will monitor the appropriate quality of call processing from customers and generate monthly reports on the activities of operators.

Our equipment allows you to measure the peaks and drops in loads - thanks to this data, the project manager will select the optimal schedule and the amount of work of operators on your project. This will increase the availability of dialing, reduce the waiting time on the line, increase the loyalty of your subscribers.

After analyzing your business processes, the project manager will offer you the optimal call distribution scheme. In some cases, it is effective to divide calls into 2 types: general questions, which will be worked out by cheaper specialists (first line), and narrow-profile technical questions, which will be the responsibility of Technical Support engineers. This leads to optimization of costs for processing subscribers' calls and improves the situation with dialing, as it unloads the line of highly qualified specialists from calls with simple questions (for example, “where is your office located”, “its working hours”, etc.).

The high qualification of our specialists will help reduce the number of applications for your service engineers, as we will be able to resolve the issue of the subscriber remotely, without calling a specialist to your home. Thus, you will not need to keep an additional number of engineers on staff, they will work with fewer applications and process them faster. Such a scheme of work will reduce your costs, increase subscribers' loyalty to you, keeping customers from the temptation to switch to competitors with the quality of the service provided, even during the period of launching special offers and promotions.

During periods of a significant increase in the flow of calls, we are ready to expand the number of operators on the line to increase the comfort of subscribers when dialing into the company.

Detailed reports generated by us on the activities of the Technical Support Service allow the Customer to increase the transparency of this process and to have up-to-date data on the project.

All dialogues are recorded and archived, and in case of controversial situation You will always have the opportunity to listen to the recording of the conversation to form your objective assessment.

The advantages of using our resources compared to your specialists:

  • optimization of costs for the customer service process while improving the quality of service (employee salaries, office space rental, maintenance of professional equipment)
  • the possibility of withdrawing additional specialists in the event of an increase in subscriber requests
  • Possibility to provide 24/7 service
  • training, certification, going on vacation or illness of a specialist - the solution of all these issues lies in our area of ​​​​responsibility
  • Your specialists will be unloaded to solve specific profile issues

By using the service, you will receive

  • reduce churn and increase customer loyalty
  • statistics on incoming and received calls
  • rhythms of customer requests by months, days, hours
  • other types of reports upon your request

Video help

This video contains the following information:
— General information about the project;
– Registration procedure in the network of Orthodox sites;
— Authorization in the network of Orthodox sites;
— How to create your first website on the web;
— Filling out the site registration form;
— Basic information about site templates.

If you have already created a site, then hover over "My Sites" in the lower left corner and select "Add Site" from the drop-down menu.

To create a site, you need to fill out a special form. It is in this form that data is collected for the catalog of churches and the global map of Orthodox churches, the position of the organization in the church hierarchy is established.

You can edit the entered data in the site console in the "Registration" section.

Site registration form

When filling in the fields on the left in the black window, a hint appears on how to fill in this field. If you entered erroneous data, a notification will also be displayed in red font.

Help tab. On the "Help" tab, you are offered a link to a video that explains how to fill in the fields during registration. If you do not have the opportunity to view it, you can use this instruction.

Also on the "Help" tab, you will be asked to select the main language of the site.

To proceed to registration, click the "Next" button.

First step. The first step of registration is to provide general information about the site.

First, select a country, it depends on which domain your site will be located on. Each site on is given a third-level domain name. For Ukraine, this domain is, for all other countries - or for Orthodox organizations In the future, you can.

Please note that our project creates only official websites of churches, monasteries, deaneries, dioceses and their organizations. Sites created on the independent initiative of users without the blessing of the rector are not published in the network of Orthodox sites

Site name (domain) - specify the name that your site will have. Click the "Check" button to see if this domain is available for registration.

If you do not plan to use it as the main one and you have your own domain that you will bind, or you are creating a trial site, do not take good domains (for example, pokrov), leave them to those users who will use these names as the main ones.

Note! Sites related to Ukrainian Orthodox Church , must have domain name on example,

So, you will get a domain name like, or

We do not recommend giving the full name of the temple (Local Orthodox religious organization‘The arrival of the temple of such and such’), because it turns out a very long name, it confuses unenlightened laymen. It is better to indicate this: ‘The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, the village of Dobroe’.

Second step. On the second step

A site template is a stub site that has a specific set of sections and settings. The use of templates does not in any way limit the possibilities for creating sites, but it makes it easier to start working on a project, saves time, offers well-developed information structures of sites, contains recommendations and examples for content that can be changed and supplemented at your discretion. If you want to create everything yourself from scratch, you can choose the first template - it contains only one page.

Below each template is short description its features. The template is set by default. .

It is impossible to change the template already in the process of working on the site, but you can simply delete unnecessary pages, categories and posts or add new ones. The most cardinal option is to completely delete the site and create it again.

How to customize themes, work with site content, configure side columns and menus is described in detail in the section, there select the desired section in the right column.

Third step. In the third step, you need to fill in information about the temple or organization whose website you are creating.