The stepfather looks after his daughter. Stepfather accidentally made porn with his beloved stepdaughter. The Secret Life of the Rhine

  • 28.10.2019

Based on the materials of the newspaper "AiF"

There is life after death. And there are thousands of testimonials to that. Until now, fundamental science has brushed aside such stories. However, as Natalya Bekhtereva, a famous scientist who has studied the activity of the brain all her life, said, our consciousness is such matter that it seems that the keys to the secret door have already been picked up. But ten more are revealed behind it ... What is still behind the door of life?

She sees through everything...

Galina Lagoda was returning with her husband in a Zhiguli from a country trip. Trying to disperse on a narrow highway with an oncoming truck, my husband swerved sharply to the right ... The car was crushed against a tree standing by the road.


Galina was brought to the Kaliningrad regional hospital with severe brain damage, ruptures of the kidneys, lungs, spleen and liver, and many fractures. The heart stopped, the pressure was at zero.

“Flying through the black space, I found myself in a shining, light-filled space,” Galina Semyonovna tells me twenty years later. Standing in front of me was a huge man dressed in dazzling white. I couldn't see his face because of the beam of light directed at me. "Why did you come here?" he asked sternly. "I'm very tired, let me rest a little." "Rest and come back - you still have a lot to do."

Having regained consciousness after two weeks, during which she was balancing between life and death, the patient told the head of the intensive care unit, Yevgeny Zatovka, how the operations were carried out, which of the doctors stood where and what they did, what equipment they brought, from which cabinets what they got.

After another operation on a shattered arm, Galina asked an orthopedic doctor during a morning medical round: “Well, how is your stomach?” From amazement, he did not know what to answer - indeed, the doctor was tormented by pain in his stomach.

Now Galina Semyonovna lives in harmony with herself, believes in God and is not at all afraid of death.

"Flying like a cloud"

Yuri Burkov, a reserve major, does not like to reminisce about the past. His wife Lyudmila told his story:
- Yura fell from a great height, broke his spine and received a head injury, lost consciousness. After cardiac arrest, he lay in a coma for a long time.

I was under terrible stress. During one of her visits to the hospital, she lost her keys. And the husband, finally regaining consciousness, first of all asked: “Did you find the keys?” I shook my head in fear. “They are under the stairs,” he said.

Only many years later, he confessed to me: while he was in a coma, he saw my every step and heard every word - and no matter how far I was from him. He flew in the form of a cloud, including where his dead parents and brother live. The mother persuaded her son to return, and the brother explained that they were all alive, only they no longer had bodies.

Years later, sitting at the bedside of his seriously ill son, he reassured his wife: “Lyudochka, don’t cry, I know for sure that now he will not leave. Another year will be with us." And a year later, at the commemoration of his dead son, he admonished his wife: “He did not die, but only before you and I moved to another world. Trust me, I've been there."

Savely KASHNITSKY, Kaliningrad - Moscow

Childbirth under the ceiling

“While the doctors tried to pump me out, I watched interesting thing: bright white light (there is nothing like it on Earth!) and a long corridor. And now I seem to be waiting to enter this corridor. But then the doctors revived me. During this time, I felt that THERE is very cool. I didn’t even want to leave!”

These are the memories of 19-year-old Anna R., who survived clinical death. Such stories can be found in abundance on Internet forums where the topic of "life after death" is discussed.

light in the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel, pictures of life flashing before our eyes, a feeling of love and peace, meetings with deceased relatives and a certain luminous being - patients who returned from the other world tell about this. True, not all, but only 10-15% of them. The rest did not see and did not remember anything at all. The dying brain does not have enough oxygen, so it is "buggy" - skeptics say.

Disagreements among scientists have reached the point that a new experiment was recently announced. During three years American and British doctors will be examining the testimony of patients who have experienced cardiac arrest or brain blackouts. Among other things, the researchers are going to lay out various pictures on the shelves in intensive care units. You can see them only by soaring up to the very ceiling. If patients who have experienced clinical death retell their content, then the consciousness is really able to leave the body.

One of the first who tried to explain the phenomenon of near-death experience was Academician Vladimir Negovsky. He founded the world's first Institute of General Resuscitation. Negovsky believed (and since then the scientific view has not changed) that the “light at the end of the tunnel” is explained by the so-called tubular vision. The cortex of the occipital lobes of the brain dies off gradually, the field of view narrows to a narrow band, giving the impression of a tunnel.

In a similar way, doctors explain the vision of pictures of a past life flashing before the eyes of a dying person. The structures of the brain fade away, and then are restored unevenly. Therefore, a person manages to remember the most vivid events that have been deposited in memory. And the illusion of leaving the body, according to doctors, is the result of a malfunction of nerve signals. However, skeptics are at an impasse when it comes to answering more tricky questions. Why are people blind from birth at the moment clinical death see and then describe in detail what is going on in the operating room around them? And there is such evidence.

Leaving the body - a defensive reaction

It is curious, but many scientists do not see anything mystical in the fact that consciousness can leave the body. The only question is what conclusion to draw from this. Dmitry Spivak, a leading researcher at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who is a member of the International Association for the Study of Near-Death Experiences, assures that clinical death is just one of the options for an altered state of consciousness. “There are a lot of them: these are dreams, and a drug experience, and a stressful situation, and a consequence of illnesses,” he says. “According to statistics, up to 30% of people at least once in their lives felt out of the body and watched themselves from the side.”

Dmitry Spivak himself investigated the mental state of women in labor and found out that about 9% of women experience “leaving the body” during childbirth! Here is the testimony of 33-year-old S.: “During childbirth, I had a lot of blood loss. Suddenly, I began to see myself from under the ceiling. Pain disappeared. And about a minute later, she also unexpectedly returned to her place in the ward and again began to experience severe pain. It turns out that "out of the body" is a normal phenomenon during childbirth. Some kind of mechanism embedded in the psyche, a program that works in extreme situations.

Undoubtedly, childbirth is an extreme situation. But what could be more extreme than death itself?! It is possible that "flight in the tunnel" is also a protective program, which turns on at a fatal moment for a person. But what will happen to his consciousness (soul) next?

“I asked one dying woman: if there really is something THERE, try to give me a sign,” recalls Andrey Gnezdilov, MD, who works at the St. Petersburg Hospice. “And on the 40th day after her death, I saw her in a dream. The woman said, "This is not death." Long years of work in the hospice convinced me and my colleagues that death is not the end, not the destruction of everything. The soul continues to live.


Cup and polka dot dress

This story was told by Andrey Gnezdilov, MD: “During the operation, the patient's heart stopped. The doctors were able to start him, and when the woman was transferred to intensive care, I visited her. She lamented that she was not operated on by the surgeon who promised. But she could not see a doctor, being all the time in an unconscious state. The patient said that during the operation, some kind of force pushed her out of the body. She calmly looked at the doctors, but then she was seized with horror: what if I die without having time to say goodbye to my mother and daughter? And her consciousness instantly moved home. She saw that her mother was sitting, knitting, and her daughter was playing with a doll. Then a neighbor came in and brought a polka-dot dress for her daughter. The girl rushed to her, but touched the cup - it fell and broke. The neighbor said: “Well, this is good. Apparently, Yulia will be discharged soon.” And then the patient was again at the operating table and heard: "Everything is in order, she is saved." Consciousness returned to the body.

I went to visit the relatives of this woman. And it turned out that during the operation ... a neighbor with a polka-dot dress for a girl looked in on them and a cup was broken.

This is not the only mysterious case in the practice of Gnezdilov and other workers of the St. Petersburg hospice. They are not surprised when a doctor dreams about his patient and thanks him for his care, for his touching attitude. And in the morning, having arrived at work, the doctor finds out: the patient died at night ...

Church opinion

Priest Vladimir Vigilyansky, head of the press service of the Moscow Patriarchate:

Orthodox people believe in an afterlife and immortality. In the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments there are many confirmations and testimonies to this. We consider the very concept of death only in connection with the coming resurrection, and this mystery ceases to be such if we live with Christ and for the sake of Christ. “Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die,” says the Lord (John 11:26).

According to legend, the soul of the deceased in the first days walks in those places in which she worked the truth, and on the third day ascends to heaven to the throne of God, where until the ninth day she is shown the abodes of the saints and the beauty of paradise. On the ninth day, the soul again comes to God, and it is sent to hell, where ungodly sinners reside and where the soul goes through thirty-day ordeals (tests). On the fortieth day, the soul again comes to the Throne of God, where it appears naked before the court of its own conscience: did it pass these tests or not? And even in the case when some trials convict the soul of its sins, we hope for the mercy of God, in whom all deeds of sacrificial love and compassion will not remain in vain.

Each of us at least once thought about death. How scary is it for a person to die? What awaits us after life? Will we meet our dead relatives and acquaintances beyond the limits of being? There are many questions, but it is not easy to find the answer to them. We found people who could touch the mystery. For some time, the boundaries between life and eternal rest were erased for them - they survived clinical death.

"I began to climb higher and higher, and the silhouettes of my saviors turned into tiny dots"

... Valeria woke up from a strong push and screamed in horror. The car in which they were traveling began to roll over in the air. A few circles in space - and the iron colossus, by some miracle, was again on wheels. Almost delirious, the girl crawled out of the car. She did not feel how the rain hit her face with force, and fresh drops mixed with salty ones. Nerves were on edge. She saw Christina, sprawled on the side of the road, and walked over her body electricity.

This terrible event in an instant split Valeria's life into "before" and "after".

“In my situation, there is no standard beginning of almost any terrible story -“ but nothing foreshadowed trouble, ”the girl notes sadly. - On the contrary, before the fateful trip, fate persistently warned us of the danger. We were going to the wedding of a relative with the whole friendly company. Joking with Christina (wife of Valeria's cousin. - Auth.) that "Let's take a walk like never before!" (Valeria pauses, it is clear that it is hard for her to speak. - Auth.). But literally in a day, our car broke down, which even the service station refused to repair. Kristinka promptly found a friend who agreed to give us a lift in his car. I remember another fact. A month before the tragedy, Christina had a wild desire to visit her father's grave. And the day before, in a conversation with her husband, the unexpected escaped her: "If I die first, bury me in a beautiful dress." Her beloved laughed it off, they say, what else she invented, we need you here! By the way, when I was supposed to get into that ill-fated car, I was seized with insane fear. The kind where you want to drop everything, run away, hide. But I got into the car."

Rain is coming. Drops began to hit the glass with force, even the "wipers" could not cope with the water flow. But in the cabin it was good, the music played softly. Christina and Lera dozed off. Stepan, Christina's husband, took his wife's hand and squeezed it gently, for some reason he remembered their wedding. How worried they were before an important event, how they were preparing ... Suddenly there was a piercing screech of brakes, the car skidded sharply to the side, another second - and the car spun in space.

“I was able to get out of the car on my own,” recalls Valeria. “The first thing I saw was Christina lying on the side of the road, our company stood around her. I rushed to her. She was alive, looking at me. I will never forget that look ... (Pause.) I reached out to her hand, I wanted to take a pulse, but I didn’t have time ... A car rushing along the highway crashed into us. Someone found himself under the wheels, someone skidded onto the hood, I was thrown a few meters. My friend died seven days later... She was only 21 years old. Her 6-month-old daughter had not even learned to say "mother" yet, but the baby felt trouble - for several days the girl was crying almost non-stop."

At first, Valeria did not talk about the death of her friend. Lera was in the hospital and in rare moments of improvement, the first thing she asked about was Christina. Each new day for Lera turned out to be more difficult than the previous one. The girl was losing strength. Once Valeria's parents got a call from the intensive care unit: "Your daughter is very heavy. Come!"

“I was dying in the morning,” Valeria says, “My heart could not stand it - it stopped. The doctors fought for my life, and I seemed to rise above them. I saw how the doctors bent over my body in concern, how they were trying to bring me back ... But then I began to rise higher and higher. The silhouettes of my saviors turned into tiny dots. It was good. The pain went away, there was lightness. I heard wondrous music, as if thousands of birds were singing a divine trill. Suddenly, a bright flash of light blinded me. At the same second, the doctors "started" my heart .I have risen."

Since then, Valeria has been trying not to talk about difficult times. Of her friends, almost no one knows that she survived the worst thing - death, and with it numerous operations, pain, and difficult rehabilitation.

"I became a surgeon, as I wanted. In those moments when my leg starts to hurt, I remember the whole story. Fear still sits inside. I'm afraid that I might become disabled (after those events, I have been fighting for my joint for seven years). I'm afraid make plans for the future, I live more in one day.Now I know: the greatest happiness is LIFE.When you see dying people and observe their desire to live even if only a day, even with pain, even if they are bedridden, you begin to realize the significance of our existence.After the tragedy, while still in intensive care, I had a dream: my good friend begged me to hold on, to fight for life. When I woke up, I said to myself: I will not give up! By the way, a friend got married, he has five children, and soon there will be another baby."

"I felt like an incorporeal ball..."

Alexander Tsegelny survived clinical death at… four years. He does not like to talk about his sad "experience".

"I was a small child. I played with peers at a construction site. You probably know how boys are attracted by unfinished buildings. I saw a transformer box that, due to an oversight of the builders, remained open. That's where I unknowingly put my children's hands ... The current entered in the palms of both hands, and, passing through the body, broke through three large holes in the right leg. It is difficult to describe what I felt then. It was as if I was immersed in absolute emptiness, where there are no sounds, no smells, no pictures. And the feeling of flying.. And I was flying with gradually increasing acceleration... But the most interesting thing is that I felt like an incorporeal ball, unable to completely resist the force that was pulling me somewhere.This feeling appeared several times during my sleep in the following years after the injury. Based on the considerations that a child at four years old has no understanding of what death is, and does not feel fear of it, I believe that my experience cannot be attributed to a banal game of the imagination. What do you have no idea?.. "

The most surprising thing is that after clinical death, Alexander discovered extrasensory abilities. But the man prefers not to advertise them.

“After that event, I have a rather peculiar attitude to both Life and Death,” he notes, “trying not to complicate these concepts with some kind of philosophical or mystical veil. And life values mine are not much different from the values ​​of any rational being (laughs). And such situations that I encountered are fate. And perhaps this is pleasing to God ... "


Evgenia Sergeeva

Administrator , Moscow

Vika0703, good afternoon. Please write how old are you. Is there an option to rent a separate apartment or room?

I am 23 and I work and study. We live together. It will be very difficult to withdraw something because I pay for tuition and I don’t earn much. And if I say that I'm moving out there will be questions.


Hello! I can imagine how unpleasant it was for you, just disgusting to find out that your stepfather is spying on you. Insanely embarrassing for yourself... You felt scared... You felt unprotected... And now you are at a loss, you don't know what to do. What an unpleasant disappointment you had to endure ...

Of course, it’s embarrassing to talk to one of your friends ... I’m ashamed of my stepfather ... And it’s unpleasant to talk about it myself. But you are great for sharing your problem here.

Tell me, maybe you should talk about this with your stepfather himself? To express that this incident was unpleasant for you and that he did not dare to do this again? Or are you afraid of his reaction?

I don't even want to talk to him. I believe that a person who considers me a daughter and has been living with us for more than 15 years should not be in his thoughts. In the morning, even with hysteria, I took the phone from my mother, she did not understand what could have happened in the morning. I said I can't say anything and left.


What other solution do you see? After all, he will think that you are not aware, and continue to engage in these abominations.

I understand that it hurts you, that you are angry... But people will not be able to understand what is happening, only by your actions... They will simply think that you woke up in a bad mood. Do you want to talk to your mom about this? She can support and protect you...

I'm ashamed to say this. And we always thought it was perfect. It’s scary to ruin my mother’s life because I think she will be shocked when she finds out. I don’t want to talk to him, but I would tell my mother, but I don’t know how and what she would understand. She often feels bad and I don't want her to feel bad. I want to write to her now, but I don’t know how to start and how to say what then? We always meet him from work at the door and how will she meet him and what will happen next?!
I have no idea how to solve this, I am always silent about problems and I can only continue to be silent, but this will continue and I will continue to freak out. I don’t understand why and for what he does this, I always said that he is a father, a real father and treats like a daughter if my friends and acquaintances find out what happened ... No words
Sometimes I want to believe that this is not really everything but an illusion and close my eyes to live on, but as before now I can’t even come up, I don’t want disappointment ...

This story has three main characters: 39-year-old Rein, his wife Liina, who is a couple of years younger than him, and 15-year-old Piret, Liina's daughter from another man, writes Eesti Ekspress. The family seemed completely normal, living in a big house in Harju County. The head of the family worked as a programmer, his wife worked as an official. In total, the couple had six children for two: one common child and five from previous relationships.

The story began in 2005. By that time, the man and woman had been together for several years. Relatives describe Rain as "a perfectly normal man." But he had one peculiarity - he went to bed very early, and at night he got up and sat down at the computer. “It works,” the relatives thought.

secret life Reina

In fact, Rain lived a secret nightlife - downloading porn. He was especially interested in child pornography: underage girls, as well as children under ten and even four.

But the matter was not limited to this - the man laid eyes on his 15-year-old stepdaughter.

Applying his knowledge in the field of information technology, Rein quietly installed a tracking system in the house, all the information from which came directly to his computer. The cameras were located, for example, in the bathroom and Piret's room.

The man also installed a special program on the girl's computer that monitored her actions on the computer and filmed her.

At night, Rain would sneak into his stepdaughter's room and secretly take photos and videos. Young people sleep soundly, and Piret, especially after some party, did not wake up even when her stepfather touched her.

Andra Sild, the prosecutor who dealt with the case, does not want to describe what exactly Rein did in the interests of the girl.

At the age of 17, Piret left her father's house and went to Tallinn to study. So this story would have ended if the police had not noticed last spring that children's porn was often watched at one IP address in Harjumaa.

“Always attracted to girls”

In June last year, a search was carried out in the house of Reina and Liina. From the office of the head of the family, several computers and a bunch of external hard drives and memory cards were taken for examination.

“This was one of the largest collections of child porn ever found in Estonia!” the prosecutor said. In total, there were 229,463 photos and 1,844 videos on the media.

It took months to review the materials. At the end of last year, police discovered that some of the files depicted the suspect along with an unfamiliar underage girl. There were about 700 such photos and videos.

“We realized that there was a real victim in the case, and it was necessary to identify him,” Sild said.

By January, the picture became clearer: we are talking about Reina's stepdaughter Piret. The girl was called to the police, where, when she saw the materials of the case, she experienced a real shock, because neither she, nor her mother, nor other family members even suspected what the man could be doing.

Rhine was taken into custody. He admitted that he liked Piret “as a woman” and that he was always attracted to young girls, but his interest in child porn began at the age of 30 after he once downloaded videos of teenagers online. Over time, the age of the children he was interested in was decreasing.

“In most cases, pedophilia develops during adolescence,” says sex counselor Lemme Haldre. - On the other hand, there are pedophiles who are interested in both children and adults. In people with such inclinations, interest in children can be deliberately suppressed, but it can be expressed in viewing photos, sites of appropriate content.

Severe punishment?

In July, Harju County Court sentenced Rein to four years in prison for possession of child pornography and rape of a minor. Despite the fact that the man with his stepdaughter never had sexual intercourse as such, the court classified his actions as rape.

According to the prosecutor, in the past eight years she has encountered 49 pedophiles, of which 19 cases were related to mistreatment within the family.

Sild says that from this point of view, the greatest risk is observed in children who grow up with a stepfather.

For example, in 2014, 12 biological and 25 step-fathers committed sexual crimes against children in Estonia.

Usually such criminals receive severe punishments. Last December, the Harju County Court sentenced a 30-year-old man to 13 years in prison for sexually exploiting his 10-year-old stepdaughter. In January of this year, a 60-year-old man received 8 years in prison for the sexual use of his step-granddaughter, who was under 10 years old. In April of this year, a court sentenced a 30-year-old man to 7.5 years in prison for the improper sexual use of his young adopted daughter.

“In the case of a biological child, especially if the parent has been involved in its upbringing since birth, there are certain defense mechanisms says Haldre. “A secure father-child attachment is likely to form, which works as a defense against the use of the child.”

“A child who is securely attached to his mother is also less likely to be sexually exploited within the family. Such mothers are able to recognize the signs, which acts preventively and prevents mistreatment.”

According to scientific studies, 4.1-9.5% of men have fantasized about sexual contact with minors at least once in their lives.

An Australian Coast Guard officer decided to check if his 15-year-old stepdaughter was drinking alcohol and installed a video camera in her room. The records got to a colleague of the officer, and he contacted the police. Still would! In the video, the girl was undressing, etc. A fighter against teenage alcoholism was charged with the production and possession of child pornography.

In recent times, almost everyone has access to such "spy" technologies as hidden cameras and other tracking devices. Manufacturers and sellers vying to praise their product. There are devices for every taste and budget: black and white and color, just small and very tiny, wired and wireless ... The main motive that makes people buy and install hidden cameras is the desire to ensure their own safety. But sometimes it turns out that out of good intentions, "spies" harm themselves.

This is exactly what happened to an Australian Coast Guard officer who used a hidden camera to monitor his stepdaughter. Two years ago, he set up a small device in his 15-year-old adopted daughter's room to keep abreast of everything that was going on there. As the man now claims, he pursued only one goal, an exclusively good one - he wanted to make sure that the teenage girl did not secretly use alcohol and drugs.

“I had strong suspicions about her, primarily due to her strange behavior,” says the 39-year-old officer. “I thought that she brings alcohol home, hides in her bedroom and drinks alone. Everyone understands where this can turn on. And I decided to stop it. But first I had to catch my daughter red-handed. "

And they caught him red-handed. The officer's home computer was part of a special departmental network that allowed each user to store files on a remote server. And somehow it so happened that the recordings made by a hidden camera fell into the field of view of an employee technical service, who was engaged in the removal of obsolete data. This vigilant system administrator carefully reviewed the video, although it was voluminous. As a result, he decided to go to the police.

The fact is that the camera recorded what was happening in the girl's room continuously. The video inevitably captured some moments of the life of the young hostess, which, from an outsider's point of view, can only be interpreted as intimate. The officer's stepdaughter walked around in her underwear, undressed before going to the shower and returned wrapped in a towel barely hanging on her hips. In a word, pornography, and even with a minor.

The fact that each "intimate" episode took several seconds, and it was simply impossible to consider some juicy details in all the nuances due to the low quality of the shooting, did not bother the investigators. And a fighter against teenage alcoholism was charged with two articles - the production and possession of child pornography.

At the trial, the man admitted that he had indeed placed a 1×4 cm video camera at his stepdaughter's dressing table. And he even said that he had previously shared this plan with his own sister, and she tried to dissuade him, calling such a step an invasion of privacy. “I understood all this, but it was much more important for me to save my daughter from the bottle. And I didn’t think of other ways, except to follow her with the help of a camera,” the defendant claims.

He also stated that he immediately deleted the filmed video, but some part of it was preserved due to an oversight. “And I was going to remove the camera, but I forgot,” the officer finished. In court, they believed him and considered that the shooting was really not carried out for the purpose of sexual satisfaction. But the case has sparked a flurry of debate in the Australian press about whether surveillance of children is acceptable at all, even if it is done for security reasons.

In reality, there are many more situations when the offender is on the other side of the hidden camera - that is, captured on film. For example, 41-year-old Gabriel Paul Cabral Edgewater was recently convicted in the same Australia, found guilty of sexual harassment of a practically paralyzed elderly patient at the Brighton Gardens Nursing Home.

The woman's daughter feared that the staff would treat her mother rudely, so she installed a tiny secret filming device in her room. And I saw how one of the orderlies, dressing the old woman, committed sexual acts with her. Now this man will spend a year in prison, and then he will be included in a special list of criminals convicted of sexual crimes.

But in most cases, hidden cameras are used to monitor women hired to care for a child. It is no coincidence that these devices are called "nannies". And the video they make is often used as evidence in child abuse trials. Just one such process ended the other day in the Australian city of Joliet.

Local resident Paul Carlos, like many other parents, was worried about how the babysitter was treating his two-year-old son. He bought a used one on eBay. hidden camera and installed in the nursery. The very first viewing of the filmed video plunged the father into shock. “It was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life,” he says. “I experienced real horror.”

Now the 52-year-old woman who worked as a baby-sitter for the Carlos is behind bars. When Paul went to the police to bring her to justice, it turned out that this woman should not have been allowed close to a small child at all. It turns out that she had previously been convicted several times for prostitution, in 1998 she was brought to trial for ill-treatment with own child, served time for theft and attempted robbery, and in 2008 went to prison for the manufacture and distribution of drugs.

With the son of Paul Carlos, she behaved like a small criminal. She tied the boy by the leg to the radiator, constantly weighed cuffs on the back of the head ... And once she could not find the TV remote control in the room and, accusing her ward of hiding it, she began to pull his hands as if she wanted to tear him to pieces. “I didn’t even think she was such a fury,” says the shocked father who found this miracle babysitter in the newspaper free ads. “A very respectable woman in appearance.”