Signs that you are on the right track. Unpleasant sensations, actually indicating that you are on the right track (1 photo). No Sunday Blues

  • 06.06.2021

When something changes in you (your thoughts, words, actions, behavior, worldview), you probably think about how correct and effective these changes are. Will they do you good or make you slide down? Here are 20 signs that you have nothing to worry about. If they are inherent in you, then you are definitely on the right track.

1. Silence no longer makes you feel uncomfortable. At such moments you enjoy solitude.

2. You are looking for reciprocity and balance. In and in love there are always moments when you give more than you take; but this should not become the norm. When you're on the right track, you're willing to accept exactly the kind of love you give instead of settling for less.

3. Being understood is more important to you than being right. You have found a peaceful way for yourself to fight and come to. You acknowledge the opinion of your opponent.

4. People come to you for advice, not to dump all their problems on you. They stop using you just as a listener and start listening to what you say.

5. You no longer feel like making excuses for your choices... This is your life, your body, your soul. Those who love and care for you know this.

6. …Because you understand the consequences. There are many risks in life and sometimes we cannot make the right decision. It happens every day - you can have the best of intentions, but you still mess something up. However, you are ready to take responsibility for the consequences of your actions, whatever they may be.

7. The thought that you have "privileges" does not make you arrogant. The world we live in is unequal. Perhaps you were given more privileges at birth than others. But you don't brag about it and don't act arrogant.

8. You do not seek to discuss the lives of other people, because you have other interests. You don't know what's really going on in someone else's life. Therefore, you recognize that there are things that do not require your opinion at all.

9. Your energy is focused on what matters. You no longer feel depleted as your energy goes exactly where it needs to go and most of the things you do are for your own good.

10. You are no longer afraid to cut off contact with friends and acquaintances. Now it's okay for you to refuse to communicate with those who no longer support and motivate you.

11. Your feelings and sensations are no longer influenced by the opinions of others. Perhaps there were times in your life when you depended on. But now it no longer has power over you.

12. Sometimes a difficult period may come, but you will overcome it anyway. It's okay to feel lonely. It's okay to hate being alone. It's normal to be sad or restless. When you are on the right path, your negative feelings do not stop you from moving on with your life. You just learned to deal with them.

13. Peace and quiet is actually not that bad. Moments of joy are most appreciated in moments of peace. When you realize this, you begin to love silence a lot more.

14. You actually start to feel thrill-weary. When someone in your life is too energetic and gushes of emotion, urging you to seek adventure, over time you start to get tired of it.

15. You accept what you can't change, even if it hurts. In a hopeless situation, there are tears, pain, and a lot of anger before it is accepted. You have learned to accept it much faster for your own sake.

16. You listen to your intuition. Closer attention to your inner voice will always save you from a lot of wrong steps and actions.

17. You boldly say “no” without feeling guilty about it. The word "no" indicates your boundaries. This is the final verdict, not the start of negotiations. Those who do not see this refer to point 10.

18. You do not interfere with others to learn, grow and develop. Even if sometimes it means that they have to deal with the consequences of their own ill-conceived actions.

19. Doing the right thing is more important to you than how people perceive it. Such an act has its results, which last longer than someone's fleeting impression of you.

20. You think more about “what today will bring” than “how would you like it to be.” When you let go of your desire to control everything, the future becomes a lot less scary and the present a lot brighter.

These signs will help you realize that you are on the right track. Don't worry if you haven't mastered some of them yet. Everything has its time!

Each of us has the potential to be the best in what we do. All it takes is finding something that sparks your interest and passion, that makes the job "not really a job." Everyone deserves to wake up in a great mood in anticipation of the day ahead - but this is far from reality for some people. Think maybe it's time to move in a different direction.

But if you are among the lucky ones, then you have the following characteristics:

1. No Sunday Blues

The Sunday blues can be a real problem for some people - they can spend the whole weekend in "shivers" at the thought of going back to work on Monday. If you are experiencing this, it may be a sign that you have chosen the wrong job.

2. You talk about work all the time.

If you're looking forward to telling your friends and family about what happened at work that day, then you either hate your job or love it. Disgruntled employees take every chance to complain about workloads and colleagues. But those who love their work also talk about it all the time, but with different emotions.

3. You always do more.

It is not a problem for you to put in even more effort if you live your career.

4. You love what you do every day.

If you work for a company where you do things that are foreign to your personality and skills, then it's time to move in a different direction. You should enjoy what you do, whether it's solving problems or creating new products.

5. It's "your"

If you enjoy working in this industry and company, then you have chosen the right career path. People who are born for a certain job, just perfectly understand their job.

6. You are excited and a little scared.

If you are on the right track, you are optimistic about the future. Work should be fun. She should encourage you. But, remember that comfort can quickly turn into boredom.

7. You have a lot of ideas

If you love what you do, your creativity is in full swing. You are full of ideas and potential projects - you are on the right track.

8. You are on horseback

Everyone wants to fall asleep with a sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that you dictate the rules of the game. If every night ends like this, then you are one of the lucky ones!, translation: Tatyana Gorban

Paradoxically, sometimes it is unpleasant sensations and negative experiences that can bring the necessary changes for the better into our lives. Of course, if we manage to take advantage of the situation and correctly interpret the signals of the body and psyche.

Feeling lost and hopeless

No matter how surprising it may sound, but the feeling of being lost opens up new horizons. Very often this feeling comes to people when they are on the verge of important changes. For example, yesterday's students, who have just received a diploma, experience devastation. They don't know where to go next. After all, it seems only yesterday that life followed its usual schedule: couples, lectures, exams, meetings with classmates. And today there is none of this - you need to look for work, move out from your parents, pay utility bills. The same thing happens to adults when a certain life stage ends. When a man leaves a job where he worked for many years, or when a woman breaks up with a partner with whom she had a lot to do. At such moments, it seems that, leaving something significant in the past, we lose a piece of ourselves. And at first it is absolutely not clear how to fill the resulting void. However, it is at this time that one should not be afraid to open up to the new. To do this, try to turn to the past less and reflect, stay in the “here and now” state. Rejoice in the world: the sea, the sun, the wind. New opportunities will open when you are ready for it. They will fill the space in your life that has been vacated. As Stephen King wrote: “A man who has felt the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill.”

The appearance of incoherent and unpleasant dreams

Do you wake up in the middle of the night, have haunting, more like hallucinatory dreams, after which you wake up feeling completely exhausted? The incoherent and frightening dreams that are born by our subconscious are directly related to the emotions and feelings that we experience during the day. If you have trouble sleeping, try to avoid strong emotional experiences and watching horror movies, especially in the afternoon. Spend less time behind the screens of gadgets. Do not overload your brain in the evening to sleep peacefully. If you don’t have obvious problems that lead to unpleasant dreams, then this indicates that some thought (or problem) haunts you to such an extent that you are not able to relax even at night. So it's time to do something about it. Analyze your dreams, find patterns in them, think about what associations you have with this or that picture in a dream - this way you will get to the bottom of the problem and understand what exactly your subconscious mind is trying to tell you, and what kind of problems it requires. Sometimes everything happens on the surface, and an unpleasant dream is a signal of the body in which something has gone wrong, and it requires closer attention to itself.

Light "shake"

Sometimes stress is helpful. Sometimes in life unpleasant things happen that unsettle us. They happen most often unexpectedly, when we are completely unprepared for it. For example, a long-awaited vacation breaks down or, while parking, we touch a high curb, and a terrible scratch appears on the varnished surface of our beloved car. Of course, this is unpleasant. The main thing at these moments is not to dive headlong into negative emotions. Try to look at these minor troubles in a philosophical way: all the events in our life are a continuous chain of links in which everything is interconnected. It is possible that it is even good that this year you will not go on vacation to a Malaysian resort. Who knows, maybe the rainy season would come earlier than expected, and you would have to spend your entire vacation in a hotel room? In any case, we will not know how events would have developed if everything had happened differently. Therefore, the sooner you accept new circumstances, having received a slight “shake”, the more chances you have to take advantage of this situation. For example, for savings from unused vacation money, you can arrange a winter European fairy tale for yourself by booking a hotel in advance for new year holidays. In fact, every trouble is an opportunity for change. Ask yourself the question: “Why do I have this situation in my life right now?”. Perhaps you have long wanted to buy new car but did not decide. And now, when you have a choice - to repair an old car or buy a new one, maybe you will finally dare to change?

Body signals in the form of diseases

You suddenly collapsed with a cold before a new one. working week or twisted your leg in front of solemn event? It is no secret that all processes in our body are interconnected. There is even a direction in medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors on physical health - psychosomatics. Often behind our illnesses lie unexpressed fears, secret desires, or unmet needs. For example, you got the flu on a Sunday night because you had an unpleasant conversation with your director on Monday. Or you fell on the ice before your cousin's wedding. Ask yourself why? Perhaps, subconsciously, you did not want to go there, so as not to intersect once again with your ex-husband. And along with your twisted leg, all the cards are stacked so that you can politely refuse to visit this event. There was a weighty reason, which is not ashamed to voice. Sometimes our children get sick often. If your child is constantly catching new infections, pay attention to your relationship with him. Perhaps he lacks your care and participation. A sick child always needs supervision. Of course, children do not get sick on purpose, this is an expression of a subconscious desire to attract the attention of their parents. Listen to your body, do not remain indifferent to the diseases of your relatives - they can tell a lot about what worries you or the people around you.

The need for privacy

Just a few days ago, you wanted to spend as much time as possible with friends, communicate with colleagues and attend public events, but now you prefer to spend your free time in a calm atmosphere, alone with yourself? Don't worry, there are many benefits to being alone. AT Everyday life we are surrounded by a large number of people. Society dictates its own rules of the game and attitudes that strongly influence us. Under their influence, our own definitions of "success" and "happiness" are also transformed. So, for example, in most cases in our time, indicators that a person is successful are considered to be a high social status and financial wealth (sometimes the obligatory presence of a worthy partner is added to this). This is what society imposes on us. Moreover, it imposes so persistently that we accept this desire for “success” as a subconscious attitude. However, internally we do not always agree with this. This creates a state of anxiety and discomfort. It would seem that, by the standards of society, we are on the right track: we are climbing career ladder, we meet with a promising man - that's just there is no feeling of satisfaction. Like something is going wrong for no apparent reason. And we lose interest in the usual life, there is a desire to be alone. If you recognize yourself in this situation, then it's time to rethink your life. Only in solitude do we have the opportunity to do a “spring cleaning” in our head and realize what we really want to strive for.

Discomfort around a loved one

When romantic feelings flare up, we are in seventh heaven with happiness. The world plays with new colors, and all thanks to the fact that next to us is a person with whom we feel good. However, things are not always so simple in a relationship. Sometimes women have mixed feelings for their partner that they can't figure out. For example, when he is not around, it seems that there is love between you, and you are looking forward to meeting. But when this meeting happens, you do not feel sincere joy. There is some awkwardness and discomfort. You yourself are afraid to admit that love seems to evaporate when you see a partner. In fact, this can happen for several reasons. First, if you met online and for a long time exchanged quiet warm messages and romantic conversations on the phone, then in a real meeting, in most cases, partners feel awkward. The image created in the imagination (that you love) collides with reality. At the first communication “live”, this is normal, but if the discomfort does not disappear later, this is a reason to think. Secondly, these unpleasant experiences can appear quite unexpectedly. For example, when awkwardness occurs some time after everything was smooth and fine in a relationship. You do not understand the reasons for this change. Often there is irritation (to the habits of the partner, his appearance and so on) that you try not to show openly at first. But then everything accumulated inside spills out in the form of reproaches, irony and criticism. If you just started living together, then perhaps this is the stage of "grinding" to each other. But if the discomfort in his presence only worsens over time, there is a high probability that this is simply not your man. Listen to your feelings if you feel bad in the presence of a partner - do not expect a miracle and do not waste your life on a person with whom you are unhappy. Freed from these destructive relationships and self-flagellation, you will feel how you have untied the anchor that prevents you from sailing further.

Doubt towards friends

Great if you have Good friends. However, it happens that at some point in life we ​​have an unconscious desire to step back a little or reduce communication. We have not quarreled, there have been no serious disagreements, but internally we feel that we want to let some air into friendly communication. Why is this happening? When changes are coming in life, we re-evaluate everything that surrounds us, including relationships with friends. Perhaps you have questions about how compatible you are with your comrades, what are the prospects for further communication with them at a new stage in your life. This is fine. You may need time to get used to your new self, and then think about what role old friends play for you. As sad as it may sound, change rarely comes without cost. All people appear in our lives not by chance. Each of them carries some kind of mission, a lesson to us. When we learn a lesson, we get the necessary experience - the need to communicate with a certain person disappears. Although the prospect of leaving a fading relationship with a friend in the past is so sad, it shows that you are on the right track.

Unexplained irritation in response to the behavior of others

Have you ever met a person who, for no apparent reason, evoked negative emotions in you? Most often we are irritated in others by what we refuse to recognize in ourselves. Many emotions suppressed in childhood go “into the shadows”. Everything that our parents once forbade us, in adulthood we begin to forbid ourselves. If the people who raised us did not welcome the open expression of emotions and needs, then when we grow up we ourselves condemn people who behave uninhibitedly, demonstrate their sexuality and openly express their desires. Rich people irritate those who themselves would like to have a good income, but once they inspired him, for example, that all businessmen are bad because they steal their millions. Thus, between well-being and a negative model of behavior, an equal sign subconsciously arises. When we meet a person who allows himself to do what we forbid ourselves, of course, we experience irritation: “I don’t allow myself this, why can he?”. Therefore, think about what qualities in others cause you negative emotions. Realizing this, you will be able to acknowledge your unexpressed desires. That is to acknowledge a part of yourself.

Sometimes in life there comes a moment when you don’t know which way to turn and what decision to make. There are so many options in today's world that it's not always easy to find the right path for yourself. In addition, we have more distractions than ever that take us away from what really matters.

If you are on the wrong path in life, you feel miserable, lonely, lost, and gloomy. Finding the right path is like a flying carpet that knocks you off your feet and lifts you to heights never seen before. Exciting and interesting!

We'll cover some warning signs to help you know if you're on the right track.

you feel miserable

One of the main indicators that you are going the wrong way is your dissatisfaction. You feel disconnected from your goals and deep down you know that something is missing.

Although happiness is subjective, your decisions should ultimately lead to joy. After all, we all want more happiness, right? That's why we spend money on healthy food and a gym membership. That is why we are drawn to cheerful and pleasant people. We all want happiness and comfort.

All your decisions must ensure that you feel happy, in the short or long term. So if you feel uncomfortable, just stop and make another choice. After all, what do you have to lose?

Life does not challenge

Even if we say what we want easy life It is in our nature to want to overcome difficulties. They help us grow and learn, and if we lived in the desert, we would face challenges on a daily basis.

Despite living in the modern world, the need for difficult tasks and their solution is still embedded in our DNA. It is hardwired within us for survival and development.

Obstacles and difficulties make us stronger, so the lack of checks from fate is a sure sign that you are going the wrong way.

You don't reach your goals

Often we write down goals and even make a plan of action to achieve them. But if you're constantly rewriting or postponing your goals, ask yourself honestly, is this really what you want with all your heart? If you don't really know what you want from life, it's time to look deep into your soul to understand it.

You keep hanging out with the "wrong" people

Another sign that you are on the wrong path is the wrong friends. They do not have ambitions and big goals, they have a lot of bad habits, they constantly drag you down and do not bring any positive contribution to your life. Why are you still in contact with them? You cannot understand, rather out of habit. But you need to decide and change the environment.

you lost yourself

It's very bad when you lose touch with yourself, but it happened. You do not know what you want from life, you feel tired, overwhelmed and even afraid. You do not understand who you are, where you are going, and most importantly, why.

Regardless of the reason, we all lose ourselves at some point. But you need to recover, because only inside there are answers to all questions. The main thing is to try to listen.