Scenario for May 9 at the technical school. Scenario for events. The course of the ceremony

  • 19.04.2020

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Development for students in grades 5-11.

Purpose of the event: create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, the preservation of the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.


  • To develop students' interest in the historical past of our country, the military history of the Fatherland.
  • Propaganda of songs of the war years and poems of military subjects.
  • Counteract attempts to falsify the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Registration: St. George ribbons, flowers, posters, presentation for poems with pictures of battles and battles, video presentation about the Great Patriotic War.

What is better: life, where the bonds of captivity,
Or death, where are the Russian banners,
To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka, from "War Song"

A soundtrack plays in the hall. The roar of aircraft is heard.

Event progress

D: This year we are celebrating a significant date - the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the peoples of our multinational Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, a victory won by the country at the cost of great deeds and incredible losses.

M: It was a long-awaited and joyful event not only for the army that defeated the enemy, but also for all people, home front workers who worked hard day and night to provide the soldiers with everything they needed.

D: Today we bow our heads before the memory of millions of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, whose feat led to victory over the enemy.
Eternal glory to them! Everlasting memory!

M: Let's get in touch with inner world man, soldier-warrior. After all, first of all, this is someone's father, son, brother, from whom the war took away the opportunity to live peacefully, study, work and be close to their loved ones.

D: Inextinguishable memory of generations

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let's honor the memory with a moment of silence.

D: The hot, June night was ending, the dawn of a new day was already rising - Sunday, June 22, 1941. And at that time, thousands of Nazi soldiers, many hundreds of aircraft, tanks crossed the border of our Motherland.


Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats above the water.
There, at the border, he stood at his post
At night, a young fighter ...
In the dark night he did not sleep, did not doze off,
He guarded his native land, -
In the thicket of the forest he heard steps
And lay down with an automatic.
Black shadows grew in the mist
A dark cloud in the sky...
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus the war began.
Peacefully the country woke up
On this June day
Just turned around
In the squares of her lilac.
Rejoicing in the sun and the world,
Moscow met the morning.
Suddenly spread through the air
Memorable words...
Voice confidently strict
The country immediately recognized.
In the morning on our doorstep
The war broke out.

M: Destroying and destroying, mercilessly burning and killing everything in their path, the Nazis moved on the territory of Russia to its heart - Moscow.

Our people rose to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called the Patriotic War. Fathers, brothers, sons went to the front. In a deadly battle with the enemy, the love for the native land and the determination to defend the Motherland to the last drop of blood were tempered and strengthened among Soviet soldiers.


Everything burned: flowers and maples,
The blade was not alive.
Dusty shrubs all around
Rustled charred leaves.
Look to the right - dear
The wheat is dying.
To the left - there is no end and edge
Space given to fire.
The earth seemed to the limit
Was on fire.
And all, withered, buzzed:
"Cursed be the war!"
We will not give up the endless, blue fields
Where we won and will win
We will not give up our beautiful Motherland
We won't give up!

D: War. Terrible, cruel time. The time of the most difficult trials, the incredible strain of all the forces of the people fighting against the merciless enemy. But war is not only heavy, bloody battles, decisive battles. War is a hard, exhausting, incessant work of people in the rear. At factories for the manufacture of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their wives and children, old people, those who could not go to the front took their places at the machines. The main thing for them was work. They lived from hand to mouth, malnourished, not resting, forgetting about themselves. "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - the main slogan of those days.

M: Let's not forget. That in the days of the war, the fighters called the guards multi-barreled mortar "Katyusha" - a formidable weapon that the enemies were terrified of. And there was a song about it.

The choir sings. Song "Katyusha" Music - Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovsky.


There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots were fired all around
The songs of "Katyusha" were heard
Near Moscow, behind Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of the Soviet soldiers,
Sang a victory march, battle
And buried the enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk salient.
On the fronts, she did not lose heart,
She sang loud songs
Only then "Katyusha" fell silent,
How victory ended the war!

D: Our people won at a high price. Almost 4 years - 1418 days and nights - there was a war. These were years of deprivation, grief, hard work. Cities and villages have been devastated, fields have been burned, dreams and hopes of people have been torn off. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

M: The Great Patriotic War ... In the battles for the fatherland, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to the death, defended every inch of the earth.

Let's remember how it was ... (video)

D: The war has left its mark on almost every family. Our country has lost more than 20 million of its sons and daughters. 1710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages were in ruins. Exploded, destroyed about 32 thousand industrial enterprises.

M: How many graves of the Unknown Soldier are there in our country? Lot. The soldiers died for our peaceful life, for the peaceful life of future generations. And our duty is to remember this, to prevent war and the grief it brings.

D: The last war was also terrible because the Nazis did not spare anyone: they killed children and women, burned entire villages, tried to destroy the entire population of the country.

The floor is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (full name) (flowers)


It was in May, at dawn.
There was a battle at the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

At the pillar, trembling, she stood,
There was fear in his blue eyes.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment sowed around.

Then he remembered how saying goodbye in the summer
He kissed his daughter.
Maybe the girl's father
He shot his own daughter.

But then, in Berlin, under fire
A fighter crawled, and shielding his body
Girl in a short white dress
Carefully removed from the fire.

And, stroking with a gentle hand,
He dropped her to the ground.
They say that in the morning Marshal Konev
Stalin reported this.

How many children have their childhood returned
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army
The people who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a festive date,
Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument to the Soviet soldier
With a rescued girl in her arms.

It stands as a symbol of our glory,
Like a beacon glowing in the dark.
It is he, the soldier of my state,
Protects peace throughout the earth.

M: May day forty-fifth ... Familiar and unfamiliar people hugged, gave each other flowers, sang and danced right on the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time enjoyed the colors, sounds, smells of life.
It was a common holiday of all our people, of all mankind and a holiday of every person.

Dance "A soldier is walking through the city."

D: Yes, that May morning was filled with jubilation. But sorrow seeped through him. People acutely felt the loss of loved ones, acquaintances and strangers; those who died under fascist bullets and shells, torture in concentration camps, in blockade hunger, in burned villages. The war killed them...

M: This jubilation and this sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And we must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that touched every family from generation to generation.

D: Victory Day was, is and must remain the most holy holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now, and we must remember this. Our memory must not be blind.


The war ended with victory
Those years are behind us.
Burning medals, orders
Many on the chest.
Who wears the military order
For heroic deeds in battle
And who - for the feat of labor
In your native land.
The people won
I did not give the country to the Nazis,
Rebuilt the state
Led her to great glory.
Bow to you, soldiers,
For blooming May
For the dawn over the hut,
For native land.
Bow down, soldiers
You for silence
For winged expanse -
Free country.


Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From the whole earth, from the whole earth!
Thank you soldiers.

1st reader. For a life!

2nd reader. For childhood!

3rd reader. For spring!

4th reader. For silence!

5th reader. For a peaceful home!

6th reader. For the world we live in!

All. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our event dedicated to the Victory Day has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention!

All participants of the event congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day! (The song "Victory Day" plays the words of V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov)

(Victory Day fanfares sound; the song “Cranes” sounds, the dance “At the mass grave”; at the end, two presenters go on stage - a young man and a girl)

Young man: A lot of time has passed since the significant date of 1945, but we remember and know the name of the winner.

Girl: Many sons and daughters of our land gave their lives for the freedom of their country, for the happy future of their descendants.

Let history flip back

The pages are legendary

And memory, flying through the years,

Leads again to campaigns and battles.

Young man: We dedicate today's meeting to the glorious victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Girl: The river of time flows. More than half a century has passed since that terrible day when the huge doors of war were flung open.

Young man: A lot of water has been carried away by the river of time since then. The scars of the trenches have grown, the ashes of the burnt cities have disappeared, new generations have grown up. But in human memory, June 22, 1941 remained not just as a fatal date ...

Girl: but also as a milestone, the beginning of the long 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War.

(the melody “Tired Sun” sounds, the presenters sit down at the table)

June. The sunset was fading into the evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in the 45th, in May.

(the melody of the pre-war years sounds; waltz dance; the phonogram is abruptly interrupted; the dancers freeze;)

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war

Only five minutes left!

(the soundtrack of the song "Holy War" sounds; words sound against the background of the music)

It seemed that the flowers were cold,

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

Forty-first! June.

Year and month of nationwide struggle.

Even the dust of time

This date cannot be delayed.

The country was rising

And went to the front as a porter,

red stars

Carrying away on the canvases of the banners.

(against the background of these words, everyone diverges; two guys and a girl remain; their dialogue is recorded against the background of a soft melody)

When will I see again

Your trembling eyelashes

When will I see again

Your sad eyes

Why are you silent, say at least a word,

War tells us to part.

Why are you silent, say a word.

Trains are on fire.

Why did you call me darling

That long-awaited bright night?

Why did you call me darling?

Now my path cannot be changed!

Love must be indivisible.

She's immortal like starlight

Love must be indivisible

War does not divide love!

I'm leaving to return

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised over our happiness.

I believe the meeting will happen again.

I'll be with you, wherever you are

I believe the meeting will happen again

Like thousands of happy meetings!

(the song “The boys are drawing war” sounds)

Young man: The war has become the most difficult, tragic test for our Motherland. Fascist Germany posed a mortal threat not only to all the peoples of our country, but to all mankind.

Girl: The Nazis planned to enslave and physically exterminate millions of people. The first step was to eliminate Slavic peoples- Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. And together with the people of the city of the village of our vast republics.

(a Ukrainian melody sounds in the background, a poem by A. Tvardovsky “To You, Ukraine” is performed; at the end of the song “Where the Motherland Begins”)

Girl: Those who fought at the front gave all their strength to achieve victory over the enemy.

Young man: “I saw how recruits and experienced warriors go on the attack,” says the military general, “One way or another, but everyone thinks about one thing: win and survive! They went on the attack as if they had been waiting for this very moment all their previous lives. Let there be few of them, but it was a storm, a hurricane that could sweep everything out of its path.

(the front-line melody sounds in the background, the poem “We went under the bullets ...” is performed; at the end, the song with the guitar “On the victories of bygone times”)

Youth: During the course of the war, there were several battles that determined its outcome. Kursk,

Girl: Stalingradskaya, Siege of Leningrad

Young man: and of course the battle near Moscow.

Moscow, Moscow, sacred power,

Blessing, believing and loving,

We are for you - by duty, and by right,

And for love - we fight for you!

(the song "Muscovites" sounds)

Young man: During the battles, many heroes appeared Soviet Union who, sparing neither their lives nor their strength, gained victory.

Girl: But during the war, not only people received this high title, entire cities were awarded this title.

Young man: Our Odessa is among them!

(a song about Odessa sounds in the background, the poem “Odessa, my city” is performed)

Girl: The war was on land, in the air, the war was on at sea. As in the Crimean War, Sevastopol became famous for its heroism, later also a hero city.

Youth: warships they left the port only when the front line went hundreds, thousands of kilometers to the east.

(the melody sounds in the background, the poem “The Treasured Stone” is performed; at the end, the song “Poppies” sounds; at the end, the poem “Blue Sea” sounds)

Girl: In moments of respite between battles, when units retreated to reorganize, the front-line accordion often sounded, the pouch with front-line shag walked in a circle, and the soldiers remembered their loved ones, relatives, and loved ones.

(The song "Dark Night" sounds)

Spring has also come to us.

The soldiers were not up to sleep -

Not because the guns hit

And because they sing again.

(the song "Black-eyed Cossack" sounds)

Girl: How much enthusiasm, joy, light. Where does all this come from? After all, there was a war. Millions at the front ... And someone will not return from the battle ...

Youth: Well, they were young. They lived, fell in love and sang. And they were not going to give themselves into slavery ... They were ready to endure all the hardships, because they believed in a brighter future.

Girl: And the songs were just as optimistic, bright, looking to the future.

(The song "Katyusha" sounds)

Girl: But the minutes of rest were not long. Suddenly, here and there a glow rose in the night sky. It burned cities and villages.

Young man: And again the battle and again the losses and again the battle to the last drop of blood, to the last breath, for every inch of our native land.

Girl: Every fighter knew that the fascist horde was advancing.

(A potpourri of songs of the war years sounds: prologue, “Here the soldiers are coming”, “Roads”, “In the dugout”, Song of war correspondents”, “We need one victory”, at the end the poem “To become a man ...”)

From the boundless Ukrainian steppes

To the Siberian forests and swamps

The heroic people rose

Our great, brave people.

He came out, free and right,

Answering war with war

Stand up for your native state

For our mighty country!

(The song "Ballad of a Soldier" sounds)

The whole globe is under your feet.

I live. I breathe. I sing.

But always in my memory

Killed in battle.

Let me not name all the names

There is no blood relatives.

Isn't that why I live

What did they die?

What I owe them, I know.

And let not only a verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.

(A musical composition sounds: "Fellow Soldiers", "Cranes" / "Requiem", "Victory Day" performed by the VIA pedagogical team)

Girl: Glory to the home front workers!

Young man: Glory to the mothers and wives of Heroes!

Girl: To fallen and living Heroes -

Together: Glory, glory, glory!!!

Scenario of a literary and musical composition for the "Victory Day" for students of the Aktobe cooperative college.

(Phonogram Moonlight Sonata)
Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
And day and night in a thicket of granite
The holy flame burns tremulously.
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Nor does our memory fade
About those who were killed by the war!
Tens of years lay between us
The war has gone down in history
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.
Inextinguishable memory of generations
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent
Leading. To the millions of the fallen who did not return from the bloody fields of the war, to the glorious veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who survived, won, who gave life and happiness to the world, is dedicated to the generation entering into life!
At all times of the immortal Earth, remember!
Leading ships to the twinkling stars, remember the dead!
Meet the quivering spring, people of the Earth.
Kill the war, curse the war, people of Earth!
Carry the dream through the years and fill it with life!
But, about those who will never come again - I conjure - Remember!
Grandson: Grandma, why were you crying there at the monument? What were you thinking?
Grandmother: I stood and thought about those who did not return from the war, who died on the battlefields defending our Motherland. After all, today is Victory Day.
Grandson: Grandma, you also fought, tell me about the war.
Grandmother: It hurts to remember those years. But you should know this, because your grandfather died in that war too ... I will show you photographs and letters from the front.
(Pulls out an album and starts looking at the photos)
Grandmother: Then I was still very young, just graduated from high school. On this day, June 22, we had a graduation party at school ... ( WALTZ)
First youth. Here we are in the last class of our school!

Second youth. As they say, the last time in the tenth grade, and in a year we will be graduates.

First girl. I can't even believe that we are almost like adults.

Second girl. Guys! Did our director deliver a good speech today?

First youth. Yes... “Dear friends! Today is a wonderful day for you! Today we escort you on your last journey ... ". Oh what am I saying?
Everyone laughs.
First girl. Be quiet!.. Not all at once! Better let's arrange an evening of fun memories! June 21, 1941!
Second youth. It's not the twenty-first, but the twenty-second of June! It's already five to four!
Second girl. How much?!
Second youth. Five minutes to four!
Second girl. Oh, and it will come to me from my mother! I've never been home so late before!
First youth. You probably wanted to say - so early!
Everyone laughs.
First girl. Be quiet! In the yard is the night of memories, June 22, 1941!
The music is cut off.
(Levitan's voice The beginning of the war)
Phonogram of the song “Holy War
The boys put on caps, take machine guns, line up in the foreground.
1st girl:
Ah, the war, what have you done vile,
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads
They grew up for the time being.
2nd girl:
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
Goodbye sweet boys
3rd girl:
Don't bend, stay tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades.
And you do not spare yourself, but still
Try to go back.
Grandmother: All the guys in our class almost immediately went to the front. I, like many of our girls, became a nurse in a field hospital. Our medical sanitary battalion traveled many kilometers along the front lines.
Phonogram of the song “Oh, roads”.(Scene goes soldiers are seated near the tent)
Offstage voice:
The soldiers went to the west, along the roads of war,
Dropped out among the volleys, maybe an hour of silence.
And then at a halt, sinking into a trench,
People wrote letters to those who were so far away.
Grandmother: In rare respite between battles, we wrote letters to our relatives and friends who remained in the rear. After all, sometimes it was even worse than us.
(The boys squat down in their uniforms, the postman appears with letters.)
Fighter(joyfully): I have a letter from my mother from Leningrad.
All: Read aloud.
Fighter(reads): Hello, our son Vanechka! With great greetings, your father and mother, sister Tanya, write to you. Everything is the same with us, dad works at the factory, often spends the night there, because trolleybuses and trams do not run. There was no bread at all last week. Tanya was completely weakened, she didn’t even have the strength to speak. Dad went to look for bread in the evening. He was gone for a very long time. Tanya lay and cried, then fell asleep. Father came at 2 am, brought bread. I didn’t want to wake Tanyusha, but she woke up herself, threw herself on her father’s neck and said: she was so afraid that you were bombed! I wish the war would end soon, and Vanyushka would come home!”
Son! Be strong, be honest, be brave. Beat the Nazis harder, and know that we love you and are waiting for you! Your dad, mom, sister.
A light smokes in a tin,
Smoke shag pillar ...
Five fighters are sitting in a dugout
And who dream about what.
In silence and at rest
Dreaming is not a sin.
Here is one fighter with longing,
Squinting his eyes, he said: "Eh!"
And fell silent, the second swung,
Suppressed a long sigh
Tasty smoke dragged on
And with a smile he said: "Oh!"
"Yes," replied the third, taking
For mending a shoe
And the fourth, dreaming,
Bassed in response: "Aha!"
"I can't sleep, no urine! -
The fifth said the soldier. -
Well, what are you, brothers, by the night
Spread the word about the girls!" (behind the scenes)
Grandmother: It was very difficult for our people. And to make it easier for us to endure the hardships of the war, artists often came to our front line. They performed right under the open sky, in combat positions. How we appreciated these moments of relaxation.
Song, dance
Grandmother: The path to victory was difficult. The Nazis did not want to leave our land. They dug trenches and hid in them. Roofs were made of thick logs, roads were blocked with heavy stones, and everything around was wrapped in barbed wire. Cannons were brought in, machine guns were pointed. They wanted to break our people, to conquer them, so that our people could not live and work freely... But our people, like an indestructible wall, stood in the way of the enemy. The war went on for four long years. Many of our people died in the battles for the Motherland. ( scene battle phonogram sounds of shooting and bombing)
Song "Aliya"
Leading.1418 days lasted the Great Patriotic War. Fascist barbarians destroyed and burned over 70 thousand cities, towns and villages of our Motherland.
Kazakhstanis have shown themselves to be brave defenders of the Motherland! With their courage and perseverance, they brought Victory Day closer! The exploits of the fearless sons of Kazakhstan on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War have become the national pride of the Kazakh people! 512 Kazakhstanis became Heroes of the Soviet Union!
The Kazakhs fought in the rear: they made shells and weapons, others mined coal, collected warm clothes for soldiers, raised livestock and bread. And all for the sake of defeating the enemy.
Song (Officers)
Grandmother: And we won! The war ended in the warm spring of 1945. Our army drove the Nazis all the way to Berlin. The soldiers returned home...
Music sounds. Video frames. (Girls and boys meeting)
Grandmother: But many never returned ... They gave their lives so that their children and grandchildren could live happily and freely, so that they could study and work freely, and so that you and I could sit and talk like that freely ...
All participants leave. Dance to the song Cranes
And measure us by whatever measure,
No matter how you rate us
We've looked death in the eyes
And we didn't look away.
What is death to us? We are even higher than death.
And let the graves line up
Dance "Victory" Everyone sings a song in chorus.
Don't think the dead can't hear
When their descendants talk about them.

We dreamed of such a victory,
Looking beyond the edge of war
But smoke clouded the distance
And only added gray hair.

And in the eyes of the sparkle of fireworks,
And we can hardly hold back the tears.
Involved in glory every minute
And we stand and think about

Let the river of time flow
Let others be born People!
They will see this gleam of guns,
And this thunder will be heard through the ages!

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Lead 1.

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The script of the festive concert for the Victory Day

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Scenario of the event "Day of memory and sorrow"

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Adult: On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our Motherland. The Great Patriotic War began. (Slide 1)

The soundtrack of the song "Holy War" sounds loudly, then make it quieter.

Scenario of the solemn event "Victory Day"

29.04.2019 | We looked at the script 246 Human

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Scenario of the literary and musical composition "Joy with tears in the eyes", dedicated to May 9

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 487 Human

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Scenario of the historic evening dedicated to the Victory Day

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 247 Human

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Scenario of the event dedicated to the Victory Day: "Echo of Victory"

24.04.2019 | We looked at the script 327 Human

War again...
Or should we forget about it?
I hear sometimes:
“No need, no need to open up wounds!”
And maybe...

May 9 holiday script. script by May 9th. scenario for May 9th. script Scenario - February 23 - Victory Day. May 9 celebration scenario May 9 scene

"A lesson in courage."

musical and literary composition

The wall is covered with red cloth. Part of the fabric is painted in the form of an old brick wall destroyed by explosions, entangled with barbed wire. On the bricks, the numbers of the dead, missing, and other data are written in black. In the center of the wall there is an image of the monument to Mamaev-Kurgan - a hand with a torch pulling from the ground. At the top of the wall is a school of cranes. It is desirable to make them voluminous. On the stage, three large sleeves are installed in a row, where flowers are placed at the end of each thematic part as a tribute to the memory of the fallen.
All over the stage different levels candles are installed.

On the side is a slide show screen.

Phonogram by A. Rosenbaum "Red Wall" Verse I.

Host: Stop! Stop! Freeze time! Freeze and look back. Look back at them, who are not there now, who are now looking at us from the height of their monuments from a stone (word "Soldier in stone"). Stop! Stop! Never pass by a granite wall on which the names of the fallen on the battlefield, tortured in fascist dungeons, burned, hanged, destroyed, but still unconquered, are inscribed in gilded letters. Stop at the red wall, stained with the blood of the dead, the red wall - the bloody wall.

Phonogram by A. Rosenbaum "Red Wall" - chorus.

Reader: Memory... It has a beginning, but it has no end. For 55 years, everyone has been waiting and waiting for belated letters from the war, and mothers do not believe funerals, and brides are waiting, and sons have become older than their fathers. And there is no rest for those who return, for each of them repeats: "I survived because someone died for me." And their bodies, laid in the ground, have long become the ground, and thanks to one heart that has stopped beating, thousands of hearts are beating on our land!

Host: It is reliably estimated that 10 people died in every minute of the war. Of every hundred young men born in 1923, 18 years old, only 1 returned from the war.

Host: 16,747 people were killed, 33,782 were injured, 641,803 people died of starvation, 716,000 civilians were left homeless.

Instead of soup
Wood glue burda,
Instead of tea
Welding pine needles,
It would be nothing
Only hands go numb
Only legs
They suddenly become not their own.
Only the heart
Suddenly shrink like a hedgehog
And deaf blows will go out of place ...
A heart!
Gotta knock if you can't even
After all, in our hearts -
Beat the heart!
Knock despite the fatigue
Do you hear:
The city swears that the enemy will not pass!
... The hundredth day is burning out
As it turned out later.
800 more to go!

Host: The Ladoga Road of Life has entered the minds of every Leningrader forever. On November 22, 1941, the ice thickness on Lake Ladoga reached 13 cm, and the first cars went along the ice track. This route in the report was modestly called "Military Highway" 101 ". But the people of Leningrad gave her a name in which they put all their hope and gratitude - the Road of Life. The Nazis continuously bombed and shelled the road. People died. Cars fell into holes. 1004 vehicles died on the highway - many with people and cargo. But the legendary road of life operated smoothly.

They lay in the snow
Not far from the city.
They brought flour here
And they were dying of hunger.

Leading: Time - the best doctor. When people came up with this saying, they did not know about the existence of Tanya Savicheva's diary.

This thick notebook is worth many thick books.
Tanya Savicheva. Tanya, you are alive in our hearts,
With bated breath, hears the world
Your words.
Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 am 1941.
Grandmother died on December 25 at 3 p.m. 1942
Lenya died on March 17 at 8 am 1942
Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 pm, 1942
Uncle Lyosha died on May 10 at 4 p.m. 1942
Mom - May 13 at 7:30 a.m. morning 1942
The Savichevs all died. Only Tanya remained.

Breaking the ominous rumble of guns
The storm of war has passed.
But still the memory of people
Looks intently into the eyes.
Birch trees reach for the sun
Grass breaks through
But on the mournful Piskarevsky
Burn the hearts of the words:
Here lie the Leningraders:
Here the townspeople - men, women, children
Next to them are soldiers - Red Army soldiers.
We cannot list their noble names here.
So there are many of them under the eternal protection of granite.
But know, listening to these stones.
Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

It's always quiet here.
History speaks here.
Here speaks feat.
Here speaks the imperishable memory of the people
About the heroes of the great battle
... In a slow, stern line, people walk and walk along the Piskaryovskoye cemetery. Day after day, year after year. As if they carry, replacing each other, a guard of honor at other graves.
Time is a healer.
And this role
It repeats with everyone.
But it happens
human pain,
over which
Time has no power.
Here again
After few years!
This woman
On Victory Day
Not a wreath, not a flower, but bread
Brought to the grave of my grandfather ...

(A piece of bread in 125 is highlighted.)
Scenario for May 9 for students. A. Rosenbaum's song "Maybe there was no war"

You will not forget all those torments,
through which they passed.
But after many generations
Even kids know you.

And through the centuries your glory
We know for sure it will fly by.
With people like you then
Russia will always win.

Host: I think about those who did not return. And today I will again get the old cards of my 20-year-old friends and comrades. And when the sunset is completely burnt out, I will not turn on the light. I will light white candles and the memory of them: and Mishka the tanker, Katya the nurse, Ivan will sit next to me ...

Host: We will not talk about the war, maybe just a little. I will tell them when and how it ended. And I will sit until the white candles burn out.

Host: Our sorrow for those who died in the war is boundless. But it gives birth to strength, not weakness. Strength, admiring the feat of people. Gratitude to the people who gave their lives in the name of our country:
* striving to be worthy of them
* our debt to the departed without time is unpaid
* our duty is to love the Motherland as they
* do for the people everything that they did not have time to do.
Heroes don't die. They call ahead today. Thank you, living in our memory, in our deeds!


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