Sinichkin holiday in the middle group. Cognitive project of educational activities for the middle group “Sinichkin day. Here and din, and birdsong, There is even a treat

  • 19.04.2020

Explanatory note

So the golden autumn died down, the crowns of the trees thinned out, got rid of their motley outfit. September surrounded by leaf fall, October was noisy with rains, November met us with the first frosts. And now winter is rushing to us with frost and snow.

And as soon as it got colder outside, many birds began to fuss as if someone had frightened them. No, no one was scared. That's just rain and frost, not all birds like it. It's time for some of them to fly to warmer climes. Before everyone else, swifts and swallows fly away from us, in September rooks, starlings, cuckoos depart, and by November all migratory birds leave us.

But only birds fly away from us, and other birds remain with us.

For a long time in Russia, on November 12, Sinichkin Day was celebrated, that is, the day of the meeting of wintering birds. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

Why Sinichkin Day? Yes, because the tit is a bird of God for Russia. Previously, in the old days, they guessed at her: they threw bread crumbs, pieces of bacon and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck bread crumbs, then there will be prosperity in the house. The people said "The titmouse bird is small, but it knows its holiday."


To form generalized ideas about birds, develop interest in their life, expand knowledge and ideas about features appearance, life manifestations, habits and ways of adapting to the environment, as well as for the development of the cognitive abilities of children, I developed a thematic day, dedicated to the holiday"Titmouse Day".

Thematic day for middle-aged children "Titmouse Day".

Target:clarify and expand children's understanding of migratory birds ah, about their life in the spring.


To activate children's knowledge about migratory birds, their structure, appearance, nutrition, habits;

Develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech, enrich children's vocabulary;

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives, in the preparation of complex sentences;

Consolidation of the skill of forming nouns with a diminutive suffix;

Develop the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships;

Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles;

Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Integration with other areas: Physical Culture, socialization, labor, knowledge, communications, artistic creativity.

On the front door in the group there is a sign "Sinichkin's Day".

Cheerful titmouse is not afraid of frost.

Even at minus twenty-five

loves to sing songs!

Morning:Surprise moment: Magpie flies in, cracking: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

Educator:Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, do you know who this is?

Magpie:Oh hello guys!

Educator:What happened, Magpie?

Magpie:So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

Educator:Let's go to the forest together and help Magpie figure it out. One, two, three, turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

Game-conversation "Feathers".

Educator:A flock of birds flew by. Feathers scattered here.

We will pick up the feathers and read the assignments.

Riddles feathers:

1. Guess what kind of bird. Jumping down the track

As if a cat is not afraid - it collects crumbs,

And then he jumps on a branch and chirps: “Chick-tweet!”. (Sparrow.)

2. Like a fox among animals. This bird is the smartest

Hiding in green crowns, and her name is ... (Crow.)

3. Who sat down on a thick bough and knocks: “Knock-knock, knock-knock!”? (Woodpecker.)

4. Who flies. Who chirps - wants to tell us the news? (Magpie.)

5. Guess which bird is lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

Loudly shadows: “Shadow-shadow! What a beautiful spring day! (Tit.)

6. What kind of bird is not afraid of frost,

Even though there are snows everywhere, does she have chicks in the nest? (Crossbill.)

7. The breast is brighter than the dawn, who has it? (At the bullfinch.)

Individual work on the formation of adjectives - the didactic game "Bird Family".

Target :develop the ability to correctly form possessive adjectives. (Whose family? the sparrow has a sparrow).

Examples of words: crow, titmouse, magpie, crossbill, nightingale, owl, cuckoo.

Finger exercise "Birds".

caregiver: It's time to play with your fingers.

The birds have flown Fingers apart, palms crossed. The thumbs are connected, the rest are flapping like wings.)

Wings flapped

Sat down. sat ( Hands connected in a castle)

Directly - educational activities "What different birds!"

Region IntegrationKeywords: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, security.

Program content: To form realistic ideas about birds, to expand knowledge about the features of appearance, habits of birds. Learn to analyze, draw the simplest conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Develop communication skills, emotional responsiveness. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Preliminary work:

– Observations of birds in the ecological room, on the site using comparison.

- Looking at illustrations.

- Reading children's natural history literature.

- Reviewing the album "Birds".

- Solving riddles.

Methods and techniques:

1. Conversation "What we know about birds."


How are birds different from other animals?

Name the birds you know.

- What color are they?

- Where do birds live?

– What do they eat?

2. Verbal description of the model of a bird.

Educator: let's take a look at the structure of birds together.

Guys, tell me what do all birds have in common?

(They have a head, neck, wings, beak, tail, 2 legs. Their body is covered with feathers).

3. Work on cards with the image of birds.

Children compare pictures and find distinctive features and common features in the structure, colors, dwellings, bird feed.

4. Guessing riddles about birds.

1) In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

2) Red-black, black-red,

He is an excellent doctor! (woodpecker)

3) In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistling,

The forest telegrapher knocks:

"Hey, buddy thrush! »

And he signs ... (woodpecker)

4) Cracked in the morning:

“P-r-ra! Po-r-ra! »

And what is the time?

Such a mess with her

When it crackles ... (magpie).

5) Flying all night -

Gets mice.

And it will be light

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

5. Drawing up stories about birds by children.

caregiver : Tell me guys, the birds that do not fly away in winter to warm lands, but stay with us for the winter, what are they called?


Educator: Look, guys, who is sitting on a branch? Tell me what he is. Children's answers(the body is rounded, the head is small, round, the wings are small, the tail is elongated, the beak is short, the eyes are black).

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that the sparrow is sad. Why do you think? Children's answers(he is cold, bored alone on the Christmas tree, he has no friends).

Educator: Guys, how can you help a little sparrow? Children's answers.

Educator: And let's help the sparrow and make friends for him.

Hold hands tightly along the paths, along the paths

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind in kindergarten, we will all go together.

We go to our seats at the table.

Sparrow mold.

Showing how to sculpt a sparrow:

Educator: First, we take pieces of brown and gray plasticine, mix them into one lump to get a color similar to the color of sparrows. Then we divide the brown-gray lump into three pieces (one large and two smaller ones). From a large piece we sculpt a torso in the shape of an egg, pull the tail from behind (flatten it with our fingers). We have two identical pieces left. From one we will make a head (roll a ball between the palms, from the second wings (flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half in a stack). We connect the details. We decorate the head (we make a beak from a seed, eyes from beads.

Educator: Look guys, what do I have? (Feeder) What is the feeder for? Children's answers.

caregiver : Let's guys put our sparrows in the feeder.

Whose sparrow did you like the most? Why?

Well done guys wonderful sparrows turned out for everyone. Now the sparrow which we brought from the forest will not be bored, you have made many new friends for him.

Birdwatching walk.

Educator: Listen for the calls of the birds (children will notice that they cannot be heard). Remember summer bird watching, how they caught flies and mosquitoes in the air. Now there are no insects, they hid: some under the bark of a tree, some in the ground, some in dried grass. The birds have nothing to eat, they fly away to the south, where there is a lot of heat and food. As a result of observations, draw a conclusion with children:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,

This time of the year, what is it called?

Observation of the habits of birds.

We continue to get acquainted with some habits, features of the appearance of birds (a crow and a dove walk importantly, slowly, and sparrows and titmouse jump, quickly flap their wings). Consider where birds like to be (crows - on thick branches of trees, sparrows - on the branches of bushes, pigeons - on the eaves of dwellings). Observe the way of eating (sparrows live in flocks, having seen a crust of bread, one sparrow flies up to it, and then the whole flock quickly rushes to it, wanting to also eat food; crows gradually approach the food, take it to a tree or to a secluded place to eat there).


Birds sang in the rain - to clear weather; sparrows in inclement weather chirp merrily - to clear weather.

Sayings and proverbs.

Every bird is proud of its feather. Every bird is fed with its beak.

Didactic game "What kind of bird?"

Children are divided into two subgroups. The children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the children of the other subgroup must guess what kind of bird it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

Russian folk game "Wintering and Migratory Birds".

Children put on hats of birds (migratory and wintering. In the middle of the site, two children in hats of the Sun and Snowflakes stand at a distance from each other). "Birds" run in all directions with the words:

Birds fly, grains are collected.

Little birds, little birds.

After these words, "migratory birds" run to the Sun, and "wintering" to the Snowflake. Whose circle gathers faster, he won.


Creative game "Titmouse".

(A titmouse flies in.)

Educator: Who came to visit us? How did you guess?

Titmouse: I heard you know a lot about us winter birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm - we will survive, but if it is fierce - it will be difficult for us. It is not easy to get food under the snow, and it is not long for a hungry person to freeze. So we, birds, are drawn closer to a person’s home in winter, we hope for his help and kindness.

Educator: Guys, how can we, people, help birds in winter? (feed the birds, make feeders)

Titmouse: But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put for the birds.

Didactic exercise "Feed"

(on the table on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries).

Remove the excess that the birds will not eat. Before you are models denoting birds. Tell me, which bird is happy to eat bread crumbs? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). What bird loves fat? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). Which bird feeds on rowan berries in winter? (Select model).

Didactic exercise "Finish the drawing."

Titmouse: Well done! You are real connoisseurs! You are doing well! Guys, I want to ask you for help. One artist painted my portrait. Look what he did - in my opinion, something is missing in the picture. Finish the drawing please!

Attention game "Titmouse".

Mugs (or put cardboard hoops) is a nest. All children are tits. They fly freely around the site. On the signal “Go home”, the tits fly quickly and try to occupy one of the houses. Which of the children is left without him, he lost.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech - word game "Call it affectionately."

A bird is a bird, a sparrow is a sparrow, an owl is an owl, a tit is a titmouse, a nightingale is a nightingale, a starling is a starling, a cuckoo is a cuckoo, a bullfinch is a bullfinch, etc.

Evening : The game of low mobility "Hurry up to take a seat"

Children form a large circle and are calculated in numerical order (first, second, third, etc.). The driver becomes in the center of the circle. He loudly calls out two numbers. The children of the named numbers quickly change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The remaining child without a seat begins to drive. The numbers given to children at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Individual work on ecology - didactic game "Voices of birds"

Educator:Guess what bird makes these sounds?

  • Kar-kar! (Crow).
  • Chick - chirp, chiv - chiv! (Sparrow).
  • Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie).
  • Curls - Curls! (Crane).
  • Swiri swir! (Whistle).
  • Tsok-tsek, tsok-tsek! (Crossbill).
  • Ku-ku! (Cuckoo).
  • Rum-rum-rum! (Bullfinch).
  • Blue-blue-blue! (Tit).

An attention game with the subgroup “Which bird is gone?”.

There are four or five pictures depicting hibernating birds on the board, an ode from the pictures is removed imperceptibly for the children and the question is: - Which bird is gone?

Working with parents:

Invite parents together with their children to pour food into bird feeders, creating joint drawings “Our feathered friends”.


1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

2. Bondarenko A. K. Word games in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment, 1974.

3. Veretennikova S.A. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature. - M .: Education, 1980.

4. Childhood: Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ T.I. Babaeva (and others). - St. Petersburg: OOO "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD - PRESS ", 2011.

5. Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to guess riddles. - M .: Education, 1985.

6. Kobzeva T.G. Organization of the activities of children on a walk. - Volgograd: Publishing House "Teacher", 2012.

7. Luchich M.V. Children about nature.- M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

8. Methods of familiarizing children with nature in kindergarten / ed. P.G. Samorukova.- M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

9. Molodova A.P. Game environmental activities with children. - Minsk: Asar, 1998.

10. Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1990.


Autumn is drawing to a close. Here comes the last month of autumn. In November, November 12, celebrate "Titmouse Day". Our ancestors met him noisily and festively; hung on the branches of trees favorite delicacy - lard; hosted parties.

  • Zinka doesn’t eat much - he drinks, but he lives happily.
  • Not a big bird - a titmouse, but even that one remembers its holiday.
  • Titmouse is a sister of a sparrow.
  • The tit boasted with its tail to light the sea.
  • The tit is small, the voice is bright.

For several years in a row, this day in our country has been celebrated as the Day of the meeting of wintering birds, when you can hang out the feeders and start feeding the birds.

We have such a custom: when the snow falls,
Hang a convenient feeder on a knot.

Feeders can be made from: jars, bottles, canisters, paper bag and other simple devices.

Play a game with the kids bird riot ” .
Description of the game: The leader gives each child the name of a bird: someone migratory, someone wintering. For example: a heron, a bullfinch, a cuckoo, a crow, a swallow, a woodpecker, a crane, a nightingale, an owl, a parrot, a crossbill, etc. At the command of the host, wintering birds should gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each flock looks to see if there are strangers, and if there is, then they are expelled with a cry.

theme day
in kindergarten for seniors preschool age

On the entrance door to the group there is a sign "Sinichkin's Day".

Cheerful titmouse is not afraid of frost.
Even at minus twenty-five
loves to sing songs!

Morning: Surprise moment: Magpie flies in, cracking: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

caregiver : Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, do you know who this is?

Magpie : Oh, hello guys!

Educator: What happened, Magpie?

Magpie : So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

Educator: Let's go to the forest together and help Magpie figure it out. One, two, three, turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

Game-talk "Feathers".

A flock of birds flew by. Feathers scattered here.

We will pick up the feathers and read the assignments. Riddles feathers:

  • Guess which bird. Jumping down the track
    As if a cat is not afraid - it collects crumbs,
    and then he jumps on a branch and chirps: “Chick-tweet!”. (Sparrow.)
  • Like a fox among animals. This bird is the smartest
    Hiding in green crowns, and her name is ... (crow.)
  • Who sat down on a thick bough and knocked: “Knock-knock, knock-knock!”? (Woodpecker.)
  • Who flies. Who chirps - wants to tell us the news? (Magpie.)
  • Guess what bird, lively, perky, agile, agile,
    loudly shadows: “Shadow-shadow! What a beautiful spring day! (Tit.)
  • What kind of bird is not afraid of frost, even though there is snow everywhere, does it have chicks in its nest? (Crossbill.)
  • The breast is brighter than the dawn, who has it? (At the bullfinch.)

Individual work on the formation of adjectives - the didactic game "Bird Family".

Purpose: to form the ability to correctly form possessive adjectives. (Whose family? the sparrow has a sparrow).

Finger exercise "Woodpecker».

Educator: It's time to play with your fingers.

I knock on wood (open palm - tree, index finger)
I want to get a worm (the other hand is the beak of a woodpecker. For each line).
Although he disappeared under the bark, four strokes of his finger on the palm.
It will still be mine.


Walk 1: file cabinet.
Creative game "Titmouse"

(A titmouse flies in.)

teacher : Who came to visit us? How did you guess?

Titmouse: I heard you know a lot about us wintering birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm - we will survive, but if it is fierce - it will be difficult for us. It is not easy to get food under the snow, and it is not long for a hungry person to freeze. So we, birds, are drawn closer to a person’s home in winter, we hope for his help and kindness.

Teacher: Guys, how can we, people, help birds in winter? (feed the birds, make feeders)

Titmouse : But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put for the birds.

Didactic exercise "FEED" (on the table on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries).

Remove the excess that the birds will not eat. Before you are models denoting birds. Tell me, which bird is happy to eat bread crumbs? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). What bird loves fat? (Choose the model of this bird and put it next to the saucer). Which bird feeds on rowan berries in winter? (Select model).

Didactic exercise "Finish the drawing."

Titmouse: Well done! You are real connoisseurs! You are doing well! Guys, I want to ask you for help. One artist painted my portrait. Look what he did - in my opinion, something is missing in the picture. Finish the drawing please!

Attention game "Tits" .
Mugs (or put cardboard hoops) is a nest. All children are tits. They fly freely around the site. On the signal “Go home”, the tits fly quickly and try to occupy one of the houses. Which of the children is left without him, he lost.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech - the word game "Call it affectionately."

Walk 2: file cabinet.

Evening: The game of low mobility "Hurry up to take a seat."
Children form a large circle and are calculated in numerical order (first, second, third, etc.). The driver becomes in the center of the circle. He loudly calls out two numbers. The children of the named numbers quickly change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The remaining child without a seat begins to drive. The numbers given to children at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Individual work on ecology - didactic game "The same, but different."
Purpose: It will be necessary to place the birds into 2 groups - wintering birds under a snowflake, and migratory birds - under the sun.

An attention game with the subgroup “Which bird is gone?”.
There are four or five pictures depicting wintering birds on the board, unnoticed by the children, an ode from the pictures is removed and the question is asked: - Which bird is gone?


"Titmouse Day".

Purpose: To introduce Sinichkin Day to the holiday of the national calendar.



1. continue to consolidate children's knowledge of nature.

2. summarize the knowledge of children about wintering birds, their habits, lifestyle;

3. to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of feathered friends.

5. to teach to understand the figurative meaning of riddles.


  • cultivate a sense of love for the native nature;
  • cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends.
  • cultivate curiosity, empathy;
  • using folklore, cultivate a love for songs, ditties.


  • develop interest in the life of birds;
  • develop auditory and visual attention, thinking;
  • develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary;
  • develop coherent speech;
  • learn to give full answers to the questions of the educator.

Preliminary work:

  • conversations on the topics: “Wintering birds”, “Our feathered friends”, “What would happen if there were no birds”, etc.
  • viewing illustrations.
  • guessing riddles about animals, birds, seasons.
  • listening to audio cassettes "Voices of Nature", "Sounds of the World".
  • didactic and outdoor games: “Owl Owl”, “Cat and Birds”, “Show without words”, “chirp sparrow”.
  • Reading poems: “Tits”, “My friend is a sparrow”, “Doves”, “Bullfinches”.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: Someone threw it to me through the window, look at the letter. Do you guys want to know who the letter is from? You have to solve the riddle:

You are familiar with this fashionista, of course:
The turntable does not sit still -
Everything boasts, with its blue frock coat
And he's proud of his blue hat.

There is a letter in the envelope.

Presenter: Let's read what is in the letter: “Hello dear guys. You guessed correctly, the titmouse writes to you. I want to invite you to a holiday called Sinichkin Day. It is celebrated on November 12th. I look forward to meeting you.”

Do you want to go to the holiday? For a long time in Russia, according to the folk calendar, November 12 is celebrated Titmouse day, the day of the meeting of wintering birds on this day Bird-Titmouse is a birthday girl. The name of this bird is associated with the blue tint of its plumage. She is also called Zinka, after her song, in which the sounds of zin-sin are heard. People prepared feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds.

Why Sinichkin Day? What do you think? Yes, because the titmouse - the bird of God is considered in Russia. Previously, in the old days, they guessed at her: they threw crumbs of bread, pieces of bacon and observed: if the titmouse first pecks at bacon, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it starts pecking at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house.

Guys, what is a holiday without a titmouse? Let's call her.

Children: Si-nich-ka, Si-nich-ka: (includes a titmouse in a suit: yellow T-shirt, blue skirt)

I am a nimble tit, I can't sit still,

I'm not afraid of frost, I'll wake up with the sun.

I'll look into your window, Give me a little grain.

I need your help, I would like fat and grain.

Thank you for the good: I give you a song.

Hello guys! I am very pleased that you remember me, celebrate my holiday. Or maybe one of you can tell about me?

Presenter: Dear Titmouse, listen to what we know about you.

5 kids come out.

1 child: I want to describe to you a portrait of a titmouse. This bird has a yellow chest, a wide black line, green back. The cap on the head is bluish-green, with a metallic sheen, the cheeks are white, the eyes are black. She does not sit still for a minute, always in motion - from morning to night.

2 child: In summer, titmouse live in forests. And by winter, they move from the forest to the dwelling of a person, they are not at all afraid of him. They like to eat bacon, meat, look through the window, check what is on the balcony.

3 child: Tits build nests in hollows of trees, in holes, and among snags.

4 child: The female lays 10-15 white eggs with red-brown spots in this nest. Hatch 2 weeks. The male brings food to the female at this time. The offspring are fed by both parents. During the summer, tits lay eggs and hatch chicks 2 times.

5 child: Tits are very useful birds. All year round they clean forests and gardens from harmful insects. In a day, it eats as much food as it weighs itself. They live in flocks of 10-15.

Presenter: You see, titmouse, how much we know about you.

Song about the titmouse

In the "gift" to the birthday girl, we have prepared sayings:

4 kids come out.

A small bird-titmouse, and even that one remembers its holiday.
Tit - Blue bird happiness.
Feed the tit in the winter, it will remember you in the spring.
Titmouse is a sister of a sparrow.

A song about a sparrow.

Behind the scenes, a cat meows, birds fly away. The cat meows on the stage.

Cat: Who's chirping here? Who won't let me sleep?

Presenter: Ah, that's who scared our birds away! You can't hunt our birds. They are our friends!

Cat: I'm so bored, there's nothing to do, so I'm hunting.

Presenter: So you better play with the birds! Game "Cat and Tits"

Children form a circle, children - "birds" fly, "cat" sleeps in the center of the circle, crouching. With the end of the music, the "cat" wakes up, catches the birds that escape from him behind the backs of the children. One bird can hide behind one child.

Somewhere a cat is sitting here,
Doesn't tell you to mess around.
A rustle is heard in the corners,
Birds, birds, go home!

The game is played 2-3 times. The cat says goodbye to the guys and leaves.

Presenter: Who remembers what song the titmouse sings? Listen to an audio recording of a titmouse singing. The game "Sing, titmouse."

One child sits on a chair, with his back to the children. The presenter chooses a “titmouse”, which comes up behind the sitting one, puts his hands on his shoulders, He says: “sing, titmouse”; "titmouse" sings: "zin-sin" - the person sitting guesses who it is.

Presenter: Guys, listen to the riddle:

Here and din, and birdsong, There is even a treat:

Bread crumbs and millet. Guess what is this?(feeder)

Presenter: In addition to tits, other birds winter with us. I will guess riddles, whoever guesses correctly, he will find a picture of a bird and put it on the feeder.

  • Grey-backed, red-breasted lives in winter groves, he is not afraid of a cold, he arrives with the first snow. (Bullfinch)
  • A faithful companion of the bullfinch, a bird with a crest on its head, loves rowan berries very much. (Sviriristel).
  • Far away my knock is heard around, I am an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees. (Woodpecker)
  • Vereshchunya, white-sided, and her name is ... .. (Magpie)

A bird was dozing on the window: “Jackdaw, jackdaw, what are you dreaming of?”

The bird answered sleepily: “I am not a jackdaw, I .... (Crow)

  • Chick-chirp to the grain - jump, peck, don't be shy, who is it? (Sparrow)

Host: Listen to the poem.

We have such a custom, A little snow will fall, We'll hang a wooden bird's house on a twig.

We will fill you with food - Peck more cheerfully Above the wooden house In the morning, the unceasing din,

How fun for the feathered, fluttering guests!

Presenter: Although other birds can drop into bird canteens, tits are their main visitors. Let's remember what the titmouse loves? (children's answers). Show bird food.

Presenter: listen to the poem." Feed the birds": Feed the birds in winter! Let from all over
They will flock to you, like flocks on the porch home.
Their food is not rich: a handful of grain is needed A handful is one - and not terrible
They will have winter. How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see, But in our heart there is And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget to fly away could And remained to winter at the same time with people.
Train the birds in the frost to your window, so that you don’t have to without songs
We welcome spring.

Guys, let's remember that in winter time our feathered

friends are cold and hungry. Out of 10 tits, only 1 survives until spring.

And our task with you is not to let our people die of hunger in winter.

wintering birds. It's time for us to say goodbye, we'll go outside and

hang the feeders, fill the feed. (when we pour food,

then you need to say a sentence: Birdie, birdie, here are some crumbs for you

from my palm).

To the sound of birds singing, the children leave the hall.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Notes of classes, GCD, ecology, Preparatory for school DOW group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "CRR-Kindergarten No. 96"
Location: Ryazan region Ryazan

Scenario of entertainment "Titmouse Day" for children of the older group

Target: Tasks:

Continue to introduce children with wintering and migratory birds.


Contribute to the education of love for the animal world.

To consolidate the ability to recognize birds by the sounds they make, methods of movement.

develop in children cognitive interest, attention.

Encourage children to understand the importance of feeding birds in the winter.

Develop the ability to correlate changes in nature with the life of wintering and migratory birds.


Hostess, Magpie, Sparrow, Crow, Woodpecker, Bullfinch, Tit.

Holiday progress:

Children enter the hall, which is decorated as a Russian room. The hostess meets them.

hostess: Hello, dear guests, go to my room, make yourself comfortable. I want to tell you today about the Russian folk tradition. Isstari in Russia in mid-November was celebrated Day winter bird encounters. Our ancestors met him noisily and festively. People made feeders, read poems about birds, made riddles, played and just admired the winter birds. For this holiday, the peasants prepared food, hung feeders, called the birds to their house, and then regularly fed them during the winter. Later this holiday became known as Titmouse day. It is now celebrated on November 12th. By the way, the title « tit» was not at all due to the blue plumage of these birds, as many might think. They got their name for sonorous songs resembling a chime. bell: "Blue - blue!" Our ancestors believed bird of God. AT they guessed old times at her: threw bread crumbs, pieces of bacon and observed: if titmouse at first it will peck at fat, then living creatures will be kept in the house; if he starts pecking at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house ...

Magpie flies in, crackling: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

hostess: Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, do you know who this is?

Magpie: Oh, hello guys! I am Magpie!

hostess: What happened, Magpie?

Magpie: So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

hostess: Let's go to the forest together and help Magpie figure it out. One, two, three, turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!


A flock of birds flew by. Feathers scattered here.

We will pick up the feathers and read the assignments. Feathers with riddles:

Guess which bird.

As if the cat is not afraid

Jumping down the track

Collects crumbs, and then jumps on a branch

And tweets: “Chick-chirp!”. (Sparrow)

Sparrow: Hello guys. Glad to meet you. You guessed the riddle, but can you tell a poem about me?

Child: Why do I love a sparrow?

Because he is like me.

When the cold comes

Doesn't fly anywhere.

Sparrow: Thank you, you correctly noticed, we always live next to people. And we are sparrows, funny, noisy, we love to play. Let's play a game with you!


Target: To form the ability to form possessive adjectives correctly.


hostess: Like a fox among beasts. This bird is the smartest

Hiding in green crowns, and her name is ... (Crow)

The Crow Appears: Hello, kar - kar! I am a Crow! Smart, cunning bird, and I also like to have fun. Get into a round dance, let's start a fun dance.


hostess: Next mystery: Far away his knock is heard around, he is an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees .... (Woodpecker)

Woodpecker arrives: Greetings to all the participants. I am glad that guests have come to our forest.

hostess: Hello, Woodpecker. We came to a forest clearing to help Soroka figure out what kind of birds live in Russia.

Woodpecker: Can you recognize birds by their voices?

hostess: Let's try.

hostess: Next mystery:

Grey-backed, red-breasted,

It lives in winter groves.

He is not afraid of colds

Arrives with the first snow. (Bullfinch)

Bullfinch: Kind day. I see you like listening to birds, but do you sing yourself? Can you sing bird songs?

THE GAME "BIRD CONCERT". Each subgroup of children the name of the bird is given. The guys sing a song to the motive "In the grass Grasshopper sat". Each bird on a line.

Sparrows - chirp - chirp

Tits - blue - blue

Crows - kar - kar

Bullfinches - du-du-du

Bullfinch: Well done! An excellent concert! I really liked your songs!

hostess: Who flies. Who chirps - wants to tell us the news? (Magpie)

Magpie: Oh, really, this riddle is about me: I know all the news, I tell them to everyone I meet. But I still don’t understand why some birds stayed with us for the winter, while others flew away?

hostess: You still haven't figured it out? Now the guys will answer you. (Children answer). Now I understand?

Magpie: Understood, understood, only I got confused, which birds are migratory, and which ones winter with us?

hostess: Our guys will help you figure it out.

THE GAME "SAME, BUT DIFFERENT". Cards with wintering birds need to be moved to the snowflake, and with migratory birds - to the sun.

hostess: Guess what kind of bird, lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

loudly shadows: "Shadow-shadow! How good is autumn day. (Tit)

Titmouse: Kind day, guys! I heard you know a lot about us winter birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm - we will survive, but if it is fierce - it will be difficult for us. It is not easy to get food under the snow, and it is not easy for a hungry person to freeze for long. So we, birds, are drawn closer to a person’s home in winter, we hope for his help and kindness.

hostess: Guys, how can we, people, help birds in winter? (feed the birds, make feeders).

Titmouse: But, making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put for birds.

THE GAME "FEED THE BIRDS" (on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries). It is necessary to remove the excess, leave the useful for the birds.

hostess: Dear birds, our guys not only know a lot about birds, they sing, dance, they also want to tell you poems.

1 child: Feed the birds in winter,

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

2 child: Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

3 child: How many of them die -

Do not count

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

4 child: Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

5 child: Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

hostess: Our holiday has come to an end, let's go outside now and let's hang feeders for wintering birds.

The children are handed out flyers. appeals:

"Take care of the birds!", Birds are our friends!, “Each birdie is our feeder!”, "Let's help our little brothers!".

Natalya Mishukova
Cognitive project of educational activities for middle group"Titmouse Day"

Cognitive project of educational activities in a preschool educational institution for the middle group No. 2.

« Titmouse day»

Duration: short term

Members: children middle group №2 educators, music director, parents.

Directions of development and education of the middle group No. 2

Social and communicative development

-cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development.

Relevance of the topic.

Problem: pupils do not have enough knowledge about the all-Russian holiday « Titmouse day» ; to awaken a kind attitude towards birds, to help see the difficulties that birds experience in winter, to instill love for their native nature.

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about all-Russian holidays. To arouse interest in nature, to form a careful attitude towards it. Develop emotional sphere, tolerance, intensify cognitive and speech activity.


introduce children with holiday history « Titmouse Day»

Expand children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds;

Cultivate a caring attitude and interest in wintering birds,

the desire to help them in difficult winter conditions, to conduct regular feeding;

Develop cognitive activity independence, ability to reason, draw conclusions;

Expand and activate vocabulary, the grammatical side of speech on the topic;

Interaction with parents

Final event: holiday.

Expected result: Knowledge of children about the All-Russian holiday « Titmouse day» . To expand children's understanding of migratory, nomadic and wintering birds, their similarities, differences, and their practical use in nature. The benefit of a person, the need for care in winter. Show empathy, compassion, mercy to the environment.

Who is without notes and without flute

What a miracle? - On a birch

Paws get cold in the cold.

At the pine and spruce.

The apples are ripe.

Walks in a red skullcap,

And he is not sitting on a bench,

And on a tree in the forest

And almost I will.

Knock, grab a bug

The famous "doctor"

Main directions of implementation project

Socio-communicative development. Holding didactic games holding a finger game "Birds", hanging feeders.

Speech development. Description of wintering birds, story about birds;

reading fiction, guessing riddles about birds.

cognitive development. Conversations: "Wintering Birds" « Titmouse day» , observing birds on a walk, looking at photographs, illustrations, pictures, thematic albums on a given topic; view presentation "Wintering Birds"

Artistic and aesthetic development. Construction paper titmouse, drawing birds, making newspaper walls.

Physical development. Outdoor games

Stages project.

Stage 1. Preparatory

1. Selection and study of materials on this topic.

2. Development of a passport project.

3. Drawing up a comprehensive - thematic planning of educational - educational work.

4. Selection of didactic games.

5. Discussions with parents on implementation issues project.

Stage 2. Development project:

Create a developing Wednesday in a group: pick up materials necessary for conversations, guessing riddles, attributes for role-playing, outdoor, didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on this topic project.

Stage 3. Practical part, implementation project:

Reading and talking about the content of the story “There appeared titmouse» (author G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplin)

Guessing riddles on the topic;

Writing a story about titmouse based on a series of plot paintings Didactic exercise "Feed";

Conversations: "Wintering Birds", The history of the holiday « Titmouse day» . Looking at photographs, illustrations, pictures,

Attention game "What bird is gone?";

finger exercise "Woodpecker". Movable games: “Bird flight”, “Sparrows and car”. Role-playing games: “Forest School”, “Bird Hospital”. Hanging feeders on the site. Behavior monitoring titmouse during a walk. Bird feeding. Construction paper titmouse; Bird drawing.

Parent participation.

Memorizing a poem with children on the instructions of the teacher. Production of paraphernalia for a mobile game "Bird Flight" and feeders. Behavior monitoring titmouse during a walk. Bird feeding. Making the walls of the newspaper. Participation in the holiday.

Participation of educators.

Joint competition with parents for the best reading of a poem « Tit»

Inventing words-actions, words-signs about titmouse;

Riddle-description about titmouse.

Didactic games: “Broken words”, “What kind of bird? ”

Holding a holiday. « Tit Day»

Children's participation.

Participation in the competition for the best reading of the poem « Tit»

Retelling the story of titmouse compiled collectively together with a speech therapist;

Answer questions about the content of the story “There appeared titmouse» (G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplin)

Retell the content of the story.

Participate in all games

Behavior monitoring titmouse during a walk;

Bird feeding

Construction paper titmouse drawing birds. Taking part in the celebration.

Stage 4 Final

Show presentation for parents and children. Holiday "Our bird friends"