School physical education teacher. Physical culture teacher. What kind of education is needed

  • 04.05.2021

Plykin Yura

The work consists of a presentation and collected material on the topic " Profession - teacher physical culture through the eyes of children". The student collected the necessary information, studied all the pros and cons of the profession, talked with physical education teachers, compiled questionnaires, distributed them to teachers, tried himself as a teacher, conducted several lessons and made his own conclusions.




The once beloved lessons of our parents are not popular with today's youth. What should be the physical education of the XXI century? What are the children waiting for and what are the teachers capable of? Physical education lessons should contain entertainment and benefit at the same time. Only then is it possible to attract students to physical education lessons. This matter will have to be corrected by a new, young generation of teachers. Innovative teachers will keep up with the times, rely on innovations in the learning process, use modern technology and sports equipment.

Description of activity

The main content of the activity of a teacher of physical culture includes the performance of three functions - teaching, educating and organizing. They are perceived as one.

Employee characteristic

Among professional important qualities physical education teacher, the following can be distinguished: erudition, pedagogical thinking, intuition, the ability to improvise, observation, optimism, resourcefulness, pedagogical foresight, reflection, attentiveness, emotional stability, perseverance, communication and organizational skills, physical health and sports skills, humanism, justice, honesty, sincerity, exactingness, love and respect for children, adherence to principles, intelligence and objectivity.

Job responsibilities

The teacher of physical culture conducts lessons, organizes competitions; maintains educational documentation, puts down grades, monitors the progress and attendance of students; participates in the final certification; by order of the administration, replaces the lessons of absent teachers; takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, meetings; on duty during breaks between lessons. A school teacher is obliged to respect the rights and freedoms of students (the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child), ethical standards behavior and undergo periodic medical examinations.

Peculiarities career development

Children are happy to study in sections (for a fee), where comfortable conditions, modern equipment and the opportunity to participate in various competitions. Be a coach sports school and private sections - for representatives of this profession, the opportunity to profitably continue their careers.

How to be a physical education teacher?

Physical education is the most important element in the system of human education. In this aspect, physical education is an educational process and is characterized by the principles inherent in the pedagogical process.

In physical education, the role of a specialist teacher (teacher of physical culture), the place and functions of pupils (pupils), their Team work, which is aimed at the implementation of the tasks of an educational and upbringing nature.

A situation is brewing when society wants to measure that quality educational services, which is guaranteed educational institutions. An objective assessment of the activity is possible only on the basis of a study of objective criteria, the essential characteristics of a teacher.

These considerations prompted me to consider the topic "Physical Education Teacher".

A physical education teacher teaches how to perform physical exercises correctly, helps the child take better care of his physical health.

Responsible work with childrenpsychological stress.

Demand and wages are average.

Professional requirements for a teacher: specialized skills, physical form, knowledge of basic teaching methods, the ability to provide first aid.

Personal requirements for a teacher: responsibility, stress resistance, sociability. Preparing and conducting lessons, organizing competitions, monitoring the safety of students during the lesson.

As a rule, a secondary special or higher education is required specialized education.

Abilities of a Physical Education Teacher

The professional skill of a physical education teacher is largely determined by his abilities for pedagogical activity, which are divided into the following groups:

1) didactic abilities- is the ability to transfer educational material, making it available. The teacher must present the educational material clearly and understandably for a specific group of students, arousing their interest in the subject, stimulating their activity and independence in learning activities.

These abilities lie in the teacher's ability to reconstruct, adapt educational material, make difficult things easy, complex - simple, obscure - understandable;

2) academic ability- is the ability to the relevant field of science ( subject). A capable teacher of physical culture knows his subject not only in the scope of the course, but also much wider and deeper. He strives to learn the latest discoveries in the field of scientific knowledge in his subject, he himself conducts research work;

3) perceptual abilitiesis the ability to penetrate inner world student, this is a psychological observation associated with a subtle understanding of the personality of the student and his mental state;

4) speech abilities- these are the abilities to clearly and clearly express their thoughts and feelings through speech, facial expressions and pantomime. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to show strength, conviction and interest in what he says;

5) organizational skills- this is the ability to organize students, form their team, inspire students to solve educational problems. In addition, it is the ability to organize one's own activities;

7) communication skills- this is the ability to communicate with students, the ability to find the right approach to them, to establish close contacts, to establish relationships with them that are appropriate for the implementation of pedagogical activities;

8) pedagogical imagination- this is the ability to foresee the consequences of pedagogical activity: to predict the development of certain qualities in pupils, foreseeing what can “become” from students;

9) attraction abilitiesis the ability to distribute one's attention between several activities at the same time. The teacher needs to monitor the content and form of presentation educational material, deploying their thoughts, keep all students in the field of attention, respond to the manifestation of signs of fatigue, inattention, misunderstanding on the part of pupils, note violations of discipline, and monitor their own behavior. And this is not a complete list of objects to which the teacher should distribute his attention.

Physical Education Teacher Skills

Skill - this is the practical possession of ways to perform individual actions or activities in general in accordance with the rules and purpose of the activity.

Physical education teacher's skills are divided into constructive, organizational, communicative (including didactic and oratory), gnostic (including perceptual) and motor (including applied).

Constructive skillshelp the teacher to plan their activities.

These include skills: select and build educational material (for example, create a set of exercises to develop students' responsiveness or attentiveness), carry out long-term and current planning, plan the purchase and repair of sports equipment and inventory. Especially valuable is the ability to adjust plans.

Organizational skillsassociated with the implementation of the plans. For example, a teacher can make a good summary of the lesson, but the lesson itself is bad, because he will not be able to organize the work in the class. On the contrary, a student, having imperfect knowledge of the methods of conducting a lesson, can conduct a good lesson due to organizational skills and skills.

The teacher must be able to organize his activities and the activities of students. It is not the same for different teachers. Teachers with inertia of nervous processes, slowly switching from one situation to another, differ high level personal organization. They are good at organizing working time, correctly choose their location in the gym during the lesson, skillfully use well-trained students as assistants. Teachers with mobility of nervous processes have a wider range of organizational skills, they are more active in organizing the activities of students, they organize well the work of sports sections at school, sports competitions and holidays, relay races and outdoor games in the lesson.

The ability of a teacher to communicate with students, work colleagues, parents, to find rational ways of interacting with others is allcommunication skills. Such skills are conditionally divided into three groups: proper communicative, didactic and oratorical.Actually communicativeexpressed in the ability to make contact with people, build relationships with them. Didactic associated with the teacher's ability to clearly and intelligibly convey to the minds of students educational material. Didactic skills include the ability to arouse interest in physical exercises, convey their passion to students, control the attention of the study group and predict the consequences of their pedagogical influences.Oratory skillsprovides, first of all, the culture of speech, which every teacher should strive to master.

Gnostic Skillsassociated with the teacher's knowledge of both individual students and the class team as a whole; with an analysis of pedagogical situations and the results of their activities. Gnostic skills are based on perceptual abilities: the ability to observe, notice. They include the ability to use educational and methodological and scientific literature, and the ability to conduct elementary research, analyzing their results.

Motor skillsreflect, first of all, the technique of performing physical exercises by the teacher. The correct display of one or another physical exercise included in the training program determines the effectiveness of the educational activity of schoolchildren. The motor skills of a physical education teacher also include the skills and abilities to perform insurance, a number of applied skills necessary for repairing sports equipment and inventory, hiking, etc.

Physical education teacher knowledge

Knowledge is one of the factors that determine the capabilities of a teacher in his pedagogical activity. A.S. Makarenko said that students would forgive their teachers both strictness, and dryness, and even captiousness, but they would not forgive poor knowledge of their business. This is especially true for high school students, who evaluate teachers not only and not so much by their communicative qualities (the ability to communicate, get in touch with people), but by their professional qualities.

The erudition of a physical culture teacher consists of general and special knowledge.

General knowledge (socio-political, as well as in literature, art, history, etc.) characterizes the worldview and general culture of the teacher. The special knowledge necessary for the physical culture teacher to carry out his physical culture and pedagogical activities can be divided into psychological and pedagogical, medical and biological and physical culture.

All knowledge is equally important, and neglecting the basics of anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy can lead to serious pedagogical errors. A survey of experienced physical education teachers showed that the most significant for them professional activity along withtheory and methodology physical education are psychology and physiology . Weak erudition in social science, art history and other issues can lead to lossauthority teacherin the gases of students. By the way, this is often used by students who do not like physical education or are in conflict with the physical education teacher.

Special knowledge for practical disciplines do not always coincide with the knowledge acquired by students in the process of playing sports. Knowledge should be acquired not only from books and magazines, from lectures and conversations with other teachers. The knowledge acquired by a teacher of physical culture in the process of studying his students is extremely important: their character, abilities, inclinations, levelphysical development. K. D. Ushinsky said that in order to form a person in all respects, one must know him in all respects. Also important is the knowledge that a physical education teacher acquires in the course of his physical education and pedagogical activity, in the analysis of his work, in the generalization of the information received. This gives the whole activity of the teacher a creative character.

It should be emphasized such a feature of physical education teacher's knowledge as their efficiency. This is due to the fact that thanks to television, many major international competitions become the property of millions of viewers, including schoolchildren who are fond of sports. Naturally, everything new that schoolchildren see on TV screens during broadcasts of international competitions, including sports that are exotic for our country, or a new technique for performing sports exercises, new sports equipment, etc., all this immediately attracts them. Attention. A teacher who does not follow the events in the world of sports may be unarmed in front of students' questions.

Efficiency also concerns knowledge about major sporting events taking place in our country and abroad. Concerninga physical education teacher should constantly look through sports periodicals, regularly read sports newspapers.

The special knowledge possessed by a teacher of physical culture can be divided into theoretical, practical and methodical.

Theoretical knowledgerelate to the history of physical culture, the laws of the human body, the biomechanical laws of motor actions, the principles of education and training, etc. This is knowledge that is needed for explanation and is related to the question "why?"

Practical Knowledgephysical education teachers are primarily concerned with knowledge of how to do this or that exercise. For students of the Faculty of Physical Education, this is the basic knowledge that is acquired either in practical classes and during classes in sports specialization.

Methodical knowledgealso provide an opportunity to answer the question of how to do it, but they no longer concern their own performance of the exercise, but the performance of it by students. It is knowing how to teach another.

Often, students of the Faculty of Physical Education have an identification of practical and methodological knowledge: they believe that since they know how to do an exercise and know how to do it, they will be able to explain to students how this exercise should be done. In fact, teaching others is a special section of physical education pedagogy, a method of physical education that must be mastered carefully and patiently, since not everyone has the experience of their own sports activities and does not immediately transform into the experience of teaching others.

Components of the activity of a physical education teacher

In the structure of the activity of a physical education teacher in a lesson, one can single out constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic Components .

Constructive activity of the teacher- this is a mental activity for the design of knowledge, skills, as well as for the formation of personality traits of students for a remote period of time, for final result taking into account the requirements of tomorrow.

Firstly, in planning carried out before the lesson and expressed in the preparation of plans for the year, quarter and lesson. It requires:

  • selection and distribution of educational material of the program for drawing up a schedule for the year;
  • determining the sequence of mastering the educational material and concretizing the learning objectives in the lesson plan for a quarter;
  • determination of educational tasks arising from the characteristics of the class team and logically related to the educational material;
  • allocation of private tasks and development of an expedient structure of the lesson - drawing up a summary of the lesson;
  • knowledge of the patterns of formation motor skills and skills and development of motor qualities of students, planning control over their development;
  • planning the load in the lesson, taking into account gender and medical examination data of students;
  • planning the acquisition and use of equipment, inventory, technical means learning.

Secondly, in planning carried out directly in the lesson. This is operational planning, which consists in mental modeling of the upcoming actions of the teacher in the lesson. It is related to the need to change the lesson plan, for example, due to weather conditions, a change in the location of the lesson, unusual behavior of the class or individual students. In order for the lesson plan to be rational, the teacher, as a rule, has one or more options for a backup (mental) lesson plan, taking into account the most likely changes.

The success of a teacher's constructive activity depends on the ability to constantly, deeply, comprehensively analyze the nature and results of their work, students' mistakes in performing individual motor actions, identify their causes, establish patterns of motor skills formation and motor qualities development.

The constructive activity of the teacher closely interacts with the gnostic.

Gnostic activity of a physical education teacher- this is, first of all, an analysis of the content and methods of implementing the educational process, the study of its participants (their capabilities and abilities), age, gender, individual characteristics, the results of their own activities (its advantages and disadvantages), the study of the effectiveness various methods organization of the lesson and methods of teaching and education, development of motor qualities, i.е. collection of various information about the features of the process and the results of their work for the correction of activities.

Gnostic activity includes:

  • studying textbooks, latest works on the theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, medical control, teaching aids, programs (with critical processing and implementation) for the purpose of using them in their own work;
  • studying the experience of other teachers;
  • identification of difficulties in mastering educational material by schoolchildren and ways to overcome them;
  • planning the mutual development of motor qualities and skills, taking into account the age and anatomical and physiological characteristics of children;
  • selection of inventory and equipment necessary for the assimilation of certain motor skills and abilities (non-standard projectiles, visual aids, technical teaching aids);
  • determination of the level of knowledge, skills and development of motor qualities for planning the learning process;
  • analysis of individual errors in the assimilation of skills and abilities by students and ways to eliminate them;
  • differentiated assessment of knowledge, abilities, skills of students and subsequent correction of their activities;
  • the study living conditions students for objective evaluation family influence on physical development student;
  • establishment of interdisciplinary connections;
  • analysis of the applied methods of training and education;
  • analysis of methods for organizing students' activities in the classroom;
  • analysis of the relationship between the teacher and students;
  • correction of their activities depending on the results of mastering certain sections by students curriculum. It is associated with the need for rationalization of mental activity, knowledge general rules on which you need to act, practical verification of their self-control. Gnostic activity often causes great difficulties for the teacher, and at the same time, it is precisely this activity that gives him positive emotions and satisfaction. The Gnostic component provides the basis for the development of all other components.

Organizational activity of a physical education teacher in a lesson- one of the leading ones, it consists of the implementation in practice of projects (plans) of the teacher. This is "the activity of one person who mobilizes, coordinates, interacts and interconnects with an acting group of people."

Organizational activity manifests itself in various ways. Firstly, in the speech of the teacher (explaining the tasks of the lesson and exercises, giving commands and orders, summing up the lesson, etc.). Secondly, in the behavior of the teacher:

  • in choosing a place for conducting a lesson;
  • in expedient movements around the hall for the purpose of leading the class, monitoring the implementation of exercises, providing assistance and insurance;
  • in the originality of disciplinary influences on students;
  • in the preparation of places for classes and the necessary equipment;
  • in organizing the arrangement and cleaning of shells, the distribution of equipment;
  • in the regulation of the optimal motor density of the lesson, depending on its type;
  • in the regulation of physical activity for each student.

Thirdly, in the management of student activities:

  • in building and rebuilding on the spot and on the move;
  • in the choice of ways to perform exercises;
  • in revitalization cognitive activity students;
  • in the organization of assimilation and memorization of educational material;
  • in testing and assessing the knowledge and skills of students.

Organizational activity different people can be carried out in different ways, differing both in the features of the influence of the organizer on those organized, and in the dynamics of the organizational activity itself. For example, L.I. Umansky, who studied the abilities of 342 organizers, identified 18 typical organizational qualities of a person.

Communicative activity of the teacher of physical education in the lessonIt is expressed in communicating with students, organizing relationships between them, establishing and maintaining contacts, exchanging information, organizing relationships between members of the same department of the team.

The communicative activity of a physical education teacher is manifested:

  • in the forms of the teacher's address to the students;
  • in the tone of address;
  • in the intensity of communication (the number of contacts per unit of time);
  • in communication motives.

In the lesson, the teacher uses both verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means of communication: expressive movements (gesture, facial expressions, pantomime) as stimulating information. The ratio of them depends on the objective conditions, specific situations of activity in which the process of communication takes place. Communicative activity, as an organizational one, is a practical activity. Contacts between the teacher and students during the educational process suggest that on the basis of the information transmitted by the teacher, students form knowledge, skills and abilities.

All components of the activity (constructive, gnostic, organizational, communicative) are inextricably linked, depend on each other, have mutual influence and form an integral organization. The structure of the teacher's activity in the lesson is a dynamic structure in which some components, being pivotal, play a leading role, others play a secondary, subordinate role. The insufficient development of one of them can be compensated for by the predominant development of the other. The low level of development of all components cannot ensure pedagogical excellence.

It has been established that in the activity of a teacher-master, all its components are harmoniously combined, with the leading role of any one or several. In all likelihood, the main component in the structure of each teacher's activity is his own or a group of them.

The structure of the teacher's activity can change as professional skills grow: some components, less pronounced, begin to increase, while others, previously predominant, lose their leading role, i.e. activity is being restructured.

According to N.V. Kuzmina, young teachers in most cases are dominated by organizational and communicative components. The insufficient development of the constructive and gnostic components is compensated by activity, dynamism, and mobility in work. Over time, there is a cost-effectiveness in activities. Teachers begin to pay more attention to thinking through activities, selecting and composing educational material and its diversity, comparing the goals of this lesson with ultimate goals training, etc., i.e. constructive and gnostic components become the main ones.

Pedagogical focusIt is a steady desire of a person to engage in pedagogical activity.

The pedagogical orientation of the teacher of physical culture is formed on the basis of two motivational formations - the so-called "love for children" and interest in physical culture. (Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the presence of a third - the prestige of the teaching profession - now.).

Love for children L.N. Tolstoy considered as the dominant personality trait of the teacher.

V.A. attached great importance to it. Sukhomlinsky, who emphasized that it is impossible to learn to love children in any educational institution, or from any books. Of course, the expression "love for children" should not be taken literally. When they talk about it, most likely they mean a sensitive and attentive attitude towards each child, including those who, with their behavior and academic performance, bring grief to the teacher. This is the presence of a sense of satisfaction, joy from communicating with children, from penetrating into a kind of children's World, child psychology. Love for children is not sentimentality, not kindness, not forgiveness. Love for children is transformed into an interest in working with children, into a desire to make them educated, developed physically and spiritually.

Interest in physical cultureis the second main motive that forms the pedagogical orientation of the teacher of physical culture. The sports orientation of young men and women involved in sports should arouse interest in physical education and pedagogical activities, the desire to make other people strong, vigorous, healthy, in particular children.

The orientation of the teacher of physical culture to his work is expressed in his enthusiasm for it. It becomes the meaning of his life. This leads to two consequences. On the one hand, love for one's work makes teachers constantly improve their skills, take an interest in the work of their colleagues, provide them with assistance, and choose what is useful for their work, that is, be an active creative worker. On the other hand, if students feel that classes with them are not a heavy duty for the teacher, but a pleasure, they reciprocate. A.S. Makarenko said that it is easy to educate if you give it your whole life.

Therefore, teachers who are masters of their craft show great satisfaction with their profession, which, however, does not prevent them from experiencing dissatisfaction with the lesson, the applied educational influence on the student, the results achieved, etc. in a number of situations. However, for a master teacher, this dissatisfaction serves as an incentive for constant self-improvement, while for a teacher who does not possess skills, who does not have a pronounced pedagogical orientation, dissatisfaction with particulars is a source of disappointment in the teaching profession.


This year you will have to make a choice future profession to decide on a profile in the 10th grade. I am attracted to the profession of a physical education teacher, so I decided to study it and understand whether it suits me or not.


Learn to be a physical education teacher.


1) Collect as much information about the profession as possible.

2) Study and analyze collected information.

3) Consult with a professional in this field.

4) Interview physical education teachers

5) Try yourself in this profession (conduct part of the lesson)

6) Process the information and prepare an abstract on the topic.

7) Prepare a presentation and present the project.

Higher education institutions:

1) Volga State University of Service (PVGUS) on the basis of 11 classes, according to the following qualifications: physical culture and sports.

2) Togliatti Socio-Pedagogical College (TSPK) on the basis of 9 classes, according to the following qualifications: teacher of physical culture, teacher of physical culture and sports, teacher of adaptive physical culture.

3) Togliatti State University (TSU) on the basis of 11 classes, according to the following qualifications: physical culture and sports.

Questions for interviews with physical education teachers:

1) Full name ________________________________________________________

2) Your age__________________________________________________

3) Your position______________________________________________

4) What institute did you study at?________________________________

5) What faculty did you study at? ________________________________


6) What specialty did you get after graduation?_________


7) How many years have you been working in your specialty?____________________


8) Why did you choose this profession? _____________________________


9) Advantages of your profession in your opinion?____________________


10) Disadvantages and risks of the profession?__________________________________


11) Do you get tired at work? _______________________________________________


12) Until what age do you plan to work? _________________________


13) Are there career prospects? _____________________________


14) Have you ever wanted to change your profession? ______________________

15) Are you satisfied with your salary? ___________________________

16) Is it easy to find mutual language with kids?_____________________________


17) Do you like your working conditions?______________________________


18) Your wishes to those who wish to choose your profession.___________



I've spent great job aimed at studying the profession of a physical education teacher. While working on the project, I used various sources of information (Internet, books, manuals) to learn more about this profession. I also talked with physical education teachers of MBU Secondary School No. 93 and MBU Secondary School No. 82, conducted a survey and took feedback on this profession. And he also tried himself as a teacher, held a warm-up in his class. After the work done, I realized that the profession of a physical education teacher is difficult, but interesting. I liked it and I think that this profession suits me.


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Profession physical education teacher

Problem: This year you will have to make a choice of your future profession in order to decide on a profile in the 10th grade. I am attracted to the profession of a physical education teacher, but I need to understand whether it suits me or not.

Purpose: To study the profession of a physical education teacher.

Tasks: 1) Collect as much information about the profession as possible. 2) Study and analyze the collected information. 3) Interview the senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education. 4) Survey physical education teachers 5) Try yourself in this profession (conduct part of the lesson) 6) Visit physical education classes in other classes.

I found a professiogram. Teacher. I collected and studied information on this profession: the characteristics of the employee, what to be a physical education teacher, the teacher's abilities, his skills and knowledge.

Description of activities: The main content of the activities of a physical education teacher includes the performance of three functions - teaching, educating and organizing. They are perceived as one.

Interview with the teacher:

Questioning I compiled questions for a survey and conducted it with physical education teachers of MBU secondary school No. 93 and No. 82

Conducting the lesson:

Attended physical education classes

Higher educational institutions: 1) Volga State University of Service (PVGUS) on the basis of 11 classes, according to the following qualifications: physical culture and sports. 2) Togliatti Socio-Pedagogical College (TSPK) on the basis of 9 classes, according to the following qualifications: teacher of physical culture, teacher of physical culture and sports, teacher of adaptive physical culture. 3) Togliatti State University (TSU) on the basis of 11 classes, according to the following qualifications: physical culture and sports.

Conclusion: I have done a lot of work aimed at studying the profession of a physical education teacher. While working on the project, I used various sources of information (Internet, books, manuals) to learn more about this profession. I also talked with physical education teachers of MBU Secondary School No. 93 and MBU Secondary School No. 82, conducted a survey and took feedback on this profession. And he also tried himself as a teacher, held a warm-up in his class. After the work done, I realized that the profession of a physical education teacher is difficult, but interesting. I liked it and I think that this profession suits me.

Thank you for your attention.

A physical education teacher and his lessons are different from other school subjects. After all, physical education should contain both benefit and entertainment at the same time.

The teaching profession in Russia is not rare. It is chosen by both women and men. Despite this, in the labor market, the demand for specialists in this industry does not fall, physical education teachers, according to surveys, are quite in demand.

To work as a physical education teacher, a school graduate who has completed grades 9 or 11 should enter a pedagogical college or pedagogical university for the relevant specialty, for example, “pedagogical education in the profile “Physical culture”, “pedagogical education in the profile “Safety of life and physical culture, etc. Although, if you graduate from a pedagogical college, get a secondary vocational education and decide to connect your life with school, then only students will trust you primary school and the maximum is the middle link. Therefore, most likely, you still have to graduate from an additional university to receive higher education in the same specialty.

Who will be taken to physical education

The profession of a teacher of physical culture should be chosen by physically healthy and strong young men or women, since the physical training of a teacher should be at the highest level. Often, physical education teachers are young men and women who have been interested in and involved in sports since childhood.

The duties of a physical education teacher include conducting lessons, maintaining documentation (filling out a class journal, paper and electronic), participating in the final certification, advanced training in the relevant courses at least once every 5 years, replacing temporarily absent physical education teachers, etc.

This profession has career opportunities. A physical education teacher can always conduct classes in paid circles and sections. There is an opportunity to go to work in a children's and youth sports school.

A physical education teacher must have team building skills, because his class must turn into a team or two. In addition, an increased sense of responsibility, because its subject has a high level of injuries, so compliance with safety precautions in physical education is a paramount task.

Traditionally physical culture in high school does not rank first among subjects. But it is important for children of all ages. It develops physical skills - endurance, strength, dexterity, eye. Therefore, the profession of a physical education teacher is important for educating a person, it forms the basic skills of patience and perseverance.

Features of the specialty

A physical education teacher at a school or college is an example of the development and growth of the body, overcoming difficulties. He must draw up a training program depending on the condition of the students, for some an individual schedule of visits and exercises is made. It is necessary not to harm health, to help strengthen and form physical skills in the child.

The profession of a physical education teacher in an educational institution is:

Analysis of the physical condition of students, development of a curriculum based on these factors.

Application modern methods physical education, even distribution of the load.

Doing extracurricular activities- circles, sections.

Control over the equipment of the gym, compiling lists of required equipment and inventory.

The last point is important for the organization of the educational process. The profession of a physical education teacher is the ability to combine physical activity with exercises with equipment and sports equipment. Children develop a desire to play sports, independent development begins.

Job Responsibilities

Before entering a school or college, a new teacher is instructed. He studies the work contract, the Charter of the school, official duties, educational legislative acts. Then he undergoes a medical examination. According to the results of this teacher, they are appointed as a physical education teacher for certain classes. It depends on the level of education of the candidate.

Job responsibilities:

Know the teaching methods, the requirements of the ministry and school management.

Teaching aids, rules for their use and didactic properties.

Promising areas of study, current methods.

Compose thematic plan work, submit it to management for approval.

Conducting pre-training briefings, compliance with safety rules.

Evaluation of the health of students, their physical capabilities.

Maintaining educational documentation.

If you have the appropriate education, replace absent teachers at the request of the administration. The profession of a physical education teacher is acceptance in ongoing meetings, planned and unscheduled events of an educational institution.

Obtaining specialized education

Physical education teachers receive education in a college or a special educational pedagogical institution. But this level will be enough for teaching in elementary or middle grades. To obtain a complete list of opportunities, a teacher must graduate from a university with a degree in physical education or labor protection. There you can apply after school or take part in advanced training programs.

Exams for admission:

Submit your exam results.

Pass the Physical Education Exam.

Conduct an interview with teachers of a university or college.

The term of training for a specialist is 2-5 years. During this time, he will gain knowledge about the organization of the educational process, information about the rules for conducting classes. Every five years you need to renew your qualifications.

Vacancies and salaries

The number of vacancies in the profession of physical education teacher amounted to 27,857. The average size wages- 29,000 rubles. The maximum figure was recorded in Moscow - 78,000 rubles, the minimum - 13,000 rubles. requirements for candidates for the position - specialized education, work experience of five years or more.

Ways of additional income - the organization of sports sections, individual lessons with students and workers. The amount of salary is affected by the presence of a second specialized pedagogical education.

Title: Profession physical education teacher, salary

Description: The profession of a physical education teacher: features of the specialty, duties and rights of a teacher. Where to get an education, salary and labor market.

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Work as a physical education teacher on the site in Moscow, vacancies for a physical education teacher from direct employers Moscow. Vacancies in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Vacancies teacher of physical education for women.


The once beloved lessons of our parents are not popular with today's youth. What should be the physical education of the XXI century? What are the children waiting for and what are the teachers capable of? Physical education lessons should contain entertainment and benefit at the same time. Only then is it possible to attract students to physical education lessons. This matter will have to be corrected by a new, young generation of teachers. Innovative teachers will keep up with the times, rely on innovations in the learning process, use modern technology and sports equipment.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Physical education teachers are in high demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Physical education teachers.

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Description of activity

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Physical education teachers can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession Physical education teachers despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work in the profession Physical education teachers you must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work physical culture teacher(adjacent or similar specialty). Medium vocational education not enough to be physical culture teacher.

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Job responsibilities

The teacher of physical culture conducts lessons, organizes competitions; maintains educational documentation, puts down grades, monitors the progress and attendance of students; participates in the final certification; by order of the administration, replaces the lessons of absent teachers; takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, meetings; on duty during breaks between lessons. A school teacher is obliged to observe the rights and freedoms of students (the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child), ethical standards of behavior and periodically undergo medical examinations.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

According to the results of the survey, the profession Physical education teachers involves mostly physical labor. Physical education teacher must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

Children are happy to study in sections (for a fee), where there are comfortable conditions, modern equipment and the opportunity to participate in various competitions. Being a coach of a sports school and private sections is an opportunity for representatives of this profession to continue their career profitably.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Physical education teachers have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend on the person at all, just a profession Physical education teachers does not have a career path.

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