Batik on a T-shirt. The stages of work are

  • 31.10.2019

Yesterday I held a master class in the Mega-City shopping center in Samara. It was organized management company shopping center to attract visitors to the shopping center and increase loyalty to it. Various master classes are held approximately every 2 weeks, and it so happened that I conducted one of them.
The master class was absolutely free. Paints and part of the brushes were provided by the largest store in the city of goods for artists "Art-Landiya", T-shirts - SELA store. By the way, if anyone does not know where you can buy white T-shirts without any inscriptions, just in SELA they big choice There are also men's and children's.
For the master class, I decided to take a marine theme.

If you look closely, you can read my name in the curls of the rope: Julia.

I prepared sketches on which nothing was "written" with a rope. That is, the main drawing with the steering wheel, lighthouse and other things was the same for everyone, the only thing that changed was the inscription below.

Since there were many participants, there was no time for photographing at all. In general, the master class was photographed by as many as 4 people from different companies. Two of them are known - sponsors, some other Internet portal, and one more I don't know at all :)
But the photos are only mine, because there was no time to ask the photographers for contacts, and my head was full of others.

So, the moment of preparing the sketches has been successfully passed and everyone has already put their sketches under the front of the T-shirt, pinned it so that it does not move, and carefully outline the drawing with a pencil.

Those who have already finished with the transfer of the drawing to the fabric, took out the sketch, slipped polyethylene inside the T-shirts so that the paint would not stain the back during painting, and proceeded to painting. I only had time to run between the participants and handed out paints. I felt like a bartender :), showed how to mix. At the same time, she spoke in what sequence we work, how best to handle the brush.

The most common Decola textile paints are used, they have good durability! Brushes - synthetics (mostly).

Most of the drawing is the same, but what a different approach!

The man was doing his drawing, and the boy, who is now sitting watching his sister draw, will later join her when it will be seen that she does not have time at all.

My favorite model :)

The latter are finished. Shopping center closed, the guard politely asks to quickly round off :)

The other day I decided to update my T-shirt, for this I used one of the batik technologies.

I took a white cotton T-shirt, a simple pencil (for drawing a picture), ultra-soft acrylic paints "Deko" and a brush. I put a thick cardboard inside, so that it would be convenient to apply the drawing and thus the paint would not be imprinted on the other side of the T-shirt. When the sketch of our drawing is ready (in my case it is a part of the horse), we can apply paint (I preferred pink) and this is what happened:

On the back of my T-shirt, there is such a horse. 🙂

But that's not all, after the drawing is applied to the fabric, the paint needs to dry, and if you want the drawing to please you even more for a long time, the paint must be fixed.

As a rule, batik is a generalized name for various ways of hand-painting fabric. And for each method there is a technology for fixing paint. I will not go into details of this information very much on the Internet, in turn I recommend this book:

Em A.

Let's return to our work, because. I used acrylic paints that are ready to use, I had to let the paint dry for 24 hours, then iron it with reverse side for 2-3 minutes to fix, and 72 hours after applying the paint, wash on a delicate wash. After washing, we iron our T-shirt and can wear it like new. 🙂

A large number of types of paints offers us the modern world of artistic creativity. Including now there is a great opportunity to apply all kinds of patterns on fabrics, thanks to which the thing becomes exclusive. In this article, we will consider instructions for painting T-shirts, a master class for making an individual style of clothing.

Technique of drawing on clothes

Painting clothes, regardless of its original color, can be done with special acrylic paints for fabric or for batik, which can be bought at stationery or art stores. Acrylic is applied mainly with synthetic brushes.

They are fixed by heat treatment and after that for a long time they are not afraid of the effects of water, even with powder and soap.

It is worth noting that the drawings are more firmly held exclusively on natural fabrics, such as cotton and silk.

In order to start painting the fabric with your own hands, you need to wash the thing in hot water without adding funds, since the paints on the fabric can react to chemical substances. The surface to be painted should be fixed in the frame with needles and separated from the other side of the clothing so that they do not touch, otherwise the paint will be printed.

We apply a sketch of the pattern to the fabric, this can be done with a gel pen or colored pencil, it is important that the lines can then be drawn, or they are washed off.

We apply paint on a dry surface. Acrylic paints must be worked quickly, as they dry remarkably well.

Even if the sketch is simple, with the help of paints you can depict reflections, darken somewhere, and whiten somewhere, to create a three-dimensional drawing, just play with the shades and apply them to the desired colors. If this is your first time in art, repeat someone else's finished drawing.

At the end of the work, the paint requires treatment with a hot iron or hair dryer, about 5 minutes. Follow the washing instructions on the painted item, although it is advisable to wash on a delicate cycle.

free hand-painted

For people who do not have artistic experience and no ideas, it will be useful to know that there are several ways to paint clothes, each of which will differ in the set of material and drawing style.

To apply a pattern to a T-shirt, you can prepare special paper stencils. The paint can be applied by brush, roller or spray. As shown in the photo below, the pattern in the form of a teddy bear is applied with a roller in different colors, a smooth transition of paint is obtained.

Pictures can be printed on paper and translated using carbon paper. The outlines of the pattern can be fixed under a white or thin light fabric.

The contours can be drawn directly with a colored pencil, then apply contour paints to the resulting sketch, or with ordinary paints with a thin brush. After the contour has dried, the main details can be applied.

T-shirts can be painted with special markers, this is a handy tool for drawing thin lines. They do not give saturated colors, but apply a characteristic shading reminiscent of a pencil drawing. This effect is often appropriate.

Drawing on T-shirts this way can be trusted as fun for kids, but remember that the marker ink won't rub off the fabric. It is necessary to ensure that creativity does not go beyond the boundaries of the "canvas".

Children's option

Children's things quickly get dirty and covered with non-washable stains than wear out their life. In this case, painting on fabric saves. Cut out the stencil of the main drawing and sketch with a regular gel pen.

You can start painting with paints. In general, it is not recommended to apply many layers of paint, otherwise it will not be able to stick well. One layer is well absorbed into the fabric, dries, forming a film, and is no longer able to dissolve.

In the end, we apply contours and correct small details. You can do this with a thin brush or markers.

Currently, T-shirts and T-shirts with various patterns and prints are very popular. Among all this variety, you can choose something to your taste. However, not many people think that the original T-shirt can be made independently with minimal effort and financial costs.
What will it take to create this new wardrobe item?

1. T-shirt. It is best to take a cotton product, since it is on such a fabric that the pattern is clearer and brighter and it lasts longer than on other matter.

2. Permanent marker. These markers are easy to draw on the fabric (however, as well as on any other surface). They are not washed off with water and dry very quickly. Moreover, one marker can be used for a very long time. One downside is the strong smell. Therefore, when using a marker, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
Permanent marker can be purchased at any office or hardware store. The choice of flowers there is great, and the price is low (within 130 rubles).
To draw on a T-shirt, you need to choose a color that contrasts with it. In this case, we have a gold-colored marker for a black t-shirt.

3. Drawing template. With the help of it, paint will be applied to the T-shirt. There are a large number of templates on the Internet, so everyone can choose a pattern to their liking. In this version, we have a drawing of a palm with a heart.

4. Scissors and stationery knife. These tools are needed for cutting parts.

5. Cardboard. A small sheet of cardboard or an unnecessary cardboard box lid is useful so that when you apply the design, it will not be printed on the other side of the T-shirt.

6. Scotch. With it, we will fix the pattern pattern on the fabric.

The process of creating a pattern on a T-shirt.

First we need a drawing template. With the help of scissors, we begin to cut out the white details.

When cutting small parts, it is better to use a clerical knife.

After we cut out all the details according to the template, we should get the following picture:

After the cardboard is in the right place, we put the template on it and fix it with tape. It is necessary to ensure that the fabric under the template does not bulge, otherwise the pattern may be distorted. In addition, it will be very inconvenient to constantly correct the fabric during the dyeing process. It is necessary to glue the adhesive tape as firmly as possible so that the template does not move out of place.

After all the actions done, we begin to paint over empty spaces in the template with a marker. It is more convenient to start painting from the left side (the opposite side of the working hand), so as not to get your hand dirty and not to smear the drawing.

Learn how to hot-cold-knot batik to make a beautiful scarf or turn an old t-shirt into a designer piece.

Types of batik

Batik is a hand-painted fabric (on synthetics, silk, wool, cotton) for which reserve compositions are used.

Briefly about the technology of this needlework: paints are applied to the canvas in order to get clear boundaries at the junction of shades, a fixer called a reserve is used. It is made on a water basis or using gasoline, paraffin, its composition depends on the chosen fabric, technique, paints.

The word "batik" is translated from Indonesian as "a drop of wax". There are several ways to get a pattern on fabric using this technology:

  • cold;
  • hot;
  • dyeing twisted and bound fabric;
  • free painting.
Let's take a closer look at their differences:
  1. AT hot batik wax is used as a reserve. It is applied with a special tool called chanting. Wax limits the spread of paint, as it does not absorb it. It is melted, so this type is called hot batik. The paint is applied in several layers. At the end of the work, the wax is removed. In this way, cotton fabric is most often painted.
  2. Cold batik perfect for decorating silk, artificial fabrics. This technology uses aniline-based paints. The reserve can be liquid when it is based on gasoline and thick if it has a rubber component. There are colorless and colored reserves. Rubber is applied from tubes, and gasoline is applied through glass tubes with reservoirs. In cold batik, a single layer of paint is applied, so the work requires more accuracy compared to the hot method.
  3. free painting used on fabrics made of synthetic fibers and natural silk. For it, aniline dyes and oil paints are most often used.
  4. At nodular batik on the surface to be painted, many small knots are first tied, tying them with a thread. After staining, they are removed.
  5. folding batik or "shibori" is the binding of fabric in a certain way, followed by dyeing.

How to decorate a scarf with your own hands?

Let's move from theory to practice. Try to make such an adorable scarf by cold-casting batik fabric. To do this, take:

  • a rectangle of white silk measuring 0.5x1 m;
  • buttons;
  • frame for fabric tension;
  • a transparent reserve and a tube for it;
  • special paints for batik blue and blue;
  • gasoline, which is used for lighters;
  • containers for diluting paints;
  • 2 brushes;
  • coarse salt.
Moisten the cloth with water using a brush. Pull the canvas over the frame, attach to it with buttons. To make batik fabric, paint blue paint onto the canvas with a brush.

If you have a frame smaller than the canvas, paint it in sectors. To do this, pin one part, decorate it, then the second and subsequent ones.

In this case, painting on fabric started from the middle sector. Here, according to the plan, there should be clouds. Dilute the paint with a little water, apply to the canvas, and sprinkle coarse salt on top. Such a manipulation is necessary so that the salt absorbs water, while spectacular stains remain on the fabric.

Dry this area with a stream of warm air, holding the hair dryer not close to the canvas, then shake off the salt. After decorating the middle, go to the edge, on which we will depict the sea.

Also wet this area of ​​fabric with water, pull it over the frame. Carefully, so as not to swallow the reserve, pull it into the tube. Blowing onto the canvas, depict the waves or other pattern of the sea. You may get algae or scales of outlandish fish.

Dry the reserve, moisten the fabric again with water, paint this area with blue and blue paint.

Pull on the other end of the scarf, which will show the earth and the plants on it. Draw flowers in reserve, for example, daisies, grass, dry. Moisten the fabric, paint these flowers.

Dry the scarf with a hair dryer, remove from the frame. To fix the paint, iron the decorated canvas several times from the front and back sides with an iron. After that, you need to rinse the product in cold water to remove the salt. In conclusion - iron again several times. Everything, you can beautifully tie a scarf around your neck and admire how wonderful it turned out.

Painting on fabric: cold way

See what other amazing canvases are obtained thanks to this technology.

This can be enclosed in a beautiful frame and hung on the wall. Used for work:
  • natural silk - crepe de chine;
  • black reserve, glass tube for him;
  • buttons;
  • stretcher;
  • aniline paints;
  • simple pencil;
  • kalanok brushes.
Let's start by choosing a sketch. Flowers look very impressive. The end of the article shows you how to draw some of them that you can include in your composition.

When applying elements to the canvas, draw them so that everyone has closed loop. Apply the reserve to the contours without delay, but also slowly so that it has time to go inside the fabric, but does not leave blots.

  1. Wash the fabric, stretch it well on the stretcher, securing it with buttons.
  2. Fill a glass tube with a reserve, apply this composition to the contours of the elements of the picture.
  3. To have more shades, dilute the same paint with different amounts of water. To do this, it is convenient to use disposable cups or jars of yogurt.
  4. First, paint the flowers - from light to dark, then the background.
  5. Sprinkle the canvas with salt, let it dry, then shake off the salt.
  6. When the batik fabric is dry, remove it from the stretcher. After a day, boil for 3 hours, wash in soapy warm water. Rinse by adding a little vinegar to the water.
  7. Gently wring out, iron the fabric damp.

Batik technique - hot way

This is suitable for those who do not want to painstakingly paint over each fragment of the canvas, showing perseverance. Even if you don’t try too hard, you will still get exclusive suits, skirts, scarves made using the batik technique, if you then sew these products from the resulting fabric. Let's get acquainted with this method of decorating fabric closer.

Traditionally, craftswomen first apply any of these substances in molten form to the canvas:

  • paraffin;
  • wax;
  • stearin;
  • or a mixture of these substances.
To apply the solution to the fabric, a special tool is used - chanting, it is a watering can with a thin tip.

Now brushes are widely used, with the help of which point drops, strokes are applied to the fabric. After that, the top is covered with paint.

Then you can again apply wax and other paint to certain areas. If you want patterns to be organized, you can dip stamps into melted wax and apply it in this way.

You can use 2-3 tones or more - 4-5, then you get a canvas of this type.

When the paint dries, you need to get rid of the wax. To do this, put a newspaper on the canvas, iron it. It will absorb the melted paraffin. Then put another one, iron it. Use other newspapers if there is wax residue.

Check out the master class, which tells how impressive clothes made according to the batik principle will look. In this case, you will decorate the shawl.

For work you will need:
  • natural fabric (silk, cotton, wool);
  • cardboard stencil;
  • paints for painting on fabric;
  • glass of water;
  • brushes;
  • wax;
  • cellophane, newspapers;
  • rubber gloves;

When working, wear clothes that you don’t mind ruining, as the fabric paint does not wash off. It is better to wear a waterproof apron that will protect things.

  1. Cover the work surface with newspapers, cellophane, so that it does not get dirty.
  2. Dilute yellow paint in water in a container. Drop the fabric here.
  3. When it is colored, wring it out with gloved hands, dry it with a hair dryer to dry faster.
  4. Place the stencil on the canvas. It can be not only autumn leaves, but also butterflies, flowers, hearts, etc.
  5. Place the pieces of wax in a small saucepan or ladle, melt in a water bath. You can use candles.
  6. Attach the stencil to the selected area on the fabric, apply melted wax here with a brush.
  7. If you want, shake off the wax from the brush so that beautiful drops and streaks appear on the handkerchief. To do this, you can rub them with a brush.
  8. Add a little green to the aqueous solution of yellow paint, cover the fabric with this light green paint.
  9. Blot the drops of paint from the leaves with a sponge (they will not turn light green, as they are covered with wax). Dry the fabric with a hair dryer.
  10. Iron the fabric through a cloth. To make the scarf softer, rinse it in water to which you add conditioner.
  11. It remains to dry the stole and you can try on a new thing, admiring how batik paints and your diligence helped create a designer item.

T-shirt coloring page

Batik technique will also help us to create it. You can draw flowers, animals, using a cold, hot method, or make an abstract drawing like this.

It will help to make the nodular method. For it you will need:
  • paint for batik;
  • white threads;
  • technical bowl;
  • water;
  • brush;
  • cotton or silk fabric.

Tie knots like this:

The step-by-step master class shows you how to proceed.

Using this technique, you can make patterns not only on T-shirts, but also color leggings.

Look at several ways to fold the fabric to make batik fabric.

The first picture shows that you first need to flash with a basting, then tighten this thread and wind it around given place. In the second picture there are already 3 basting seams - two of them are made on the right, and the third on the left. It remains to tighten the thread, wind it, and you can dye the fabric to make batik.

To fold the canvas, as fig. 3, you will need:
  • the cloth;
  • wooden board;
  • a thread;
  • scissors.
First, the fabric is folded "accordion". Now you need to attach a plank to the front side, tie it in two places with threads. The fabric in fig. 4 is also first folded "accordion". Then it needs to be rewound with a thread and give the workpiece the shape of a Christmas tree, also with the help of threads. Thus it is possible to make children's batik decorating a t-shirt for a child.

The next sample is obtained by folding the fabric several times and tying it with a rope crosswise.

How to draw flowers?

You can use the following ideas when you create children's or adult clothes using the batik technique, a canvas for decorating a room. Flower arrangements look great on such things.

  1. To draw a violet, first draw a circle, slightly extended to the left and right edges.
  2. In its center, mark the core, from which a small oval comes up, which will later be a pedicel. Don't forget to draw the stem.
  3. Here's how to draw the flowers next. We depict 3 symmetrical petals, and behind the top two - one more.
  4. Draw 2 toothed leaves on one stem.
  5. Erase the oval. This is how you can color batik fabric by drawing violets on it.
If you want a whole bouquet to show off on the canvas, the following master class will help you.

  1. Draw 3 ovals of different sizes. In the center of each, depict the wavy core of the flower, and at the bottom - the stem.
  2. Now you need to draw a flower around each core, and a bud at the top right.
  3. Draw the stems more voluminous. Draw leaves for each, draw them around the flowers as well.
  4. Erase the guide circles.

You need to immediately draw a bouquet of flowers on the canvas, without auxiliary lines, so it’s better to practice this on paper first, and then you can already create a children’s batik or an adult one on the fabric.

And here is how to draw roses.

First, draw a few circles on paper, then convert each one into a multi-layered blossoming bud. Step by step photos help with this. Having practiced on paper, you will draw a reserve of roses on the fabric from the first time and create a colorful canvas using the batik technique.