Articles for advego. My review of Advego: instructions for working on the stock exchange for beginners. What types of orders can be processed

  • 26.08.2023

Advego copywriting exchange is one of the pioneers among content services that has been operating in Runet since 2008. The largest portal combines the interests of customers and performers in creating content. Thanks to the job exchange, hundreds of thousands of freelancers receive a stable income, and webmasters receive texts for filling and promoting sites. In just a few years, the exchange has gained more than a million users. In this article, I will try to objectively tell you about how to work on, about all the main nuances and pitfalls of copywriting, indispensable tools and services for work, and how to make money on Advego for a beginner and survive in a highly competitive marketplace. content. It is very important for novice rewriters to choose in order to reduce any risks to zero and not be disappointed in the chosen field of activity.

Feedback from copywriters and customers on the Advego copywriting exchange

Reviews about the Advego copywriting exchange are mostly positive, but there are also unflattering statements from disappointed users. Customers most often complain about the poor quality of content. This fact is not surprising, because the prices on the exchange are not so high and comparable to the earnings of copywriters on. Copywriters, in order to earn something, have to do more work, which affects the quality of the text. Rewriters are mostly dissatisfied with the low pay for their work. However, due to the low rates on the exchange, there are always a lot of customers and a lot of work.

Pros and cons of Advego content exchange

  1. Detailed instructions for working with the service, revealing the features of the functionality and capabilities of Advego.
  2. Feedback. Any user can ask a question, express an opinion and claim by contacting the support service. Not a single appeal will be ignored.
  3. A large number of orders. Due to the high popularity and rich experience in the copywriting market, there are always a lot of orders on the stock exchange in different price categories. High speed of execution of tasks is very profitable and convenient for customers.
  4. The lack of a rating allows novice copywriters to compete freely with experienced users. For performers, only the number of completed tasks, efficiency, the number of refusals, delays, and refusals to pay are taken into account.
  5. Useful services developed by the exchange make the work of both performers and webmasters more convenient and productive. Programs help to analyze seo-parameters, the uniqueness of the text, check articles for errors.
  6. Communication on the forum. The forum allows direct communication between performers and customers in their free time.
  7. The store of ready-made articles allows you to select content without waiting for the copywriter to complete the task, and earn for the performers. Particularly smart users manage to make money on the resale of articles by buying texts at a low cost on other exchanges and selling them at a higher cost.
  8. A simple interface with intuitive navigation makes it easy to work with and helps beginners navigate easily.
  9. The minimum payout is $5.


Despite the large list of advantages, the Advego copywriting exchange also has disadvantages, as indicated by negative user reviews.
1. Low rates - (about $ 1 per 1000 characters). This affects the quality of content for customers and lower earnings for copywriters.
2. Clumsy and not always fair support service, for which the customer is always right. This is where most of the negative reviews come from.
3. Due to the presence of the "refuse to pay" button, copywriters can be left "with a nose" and not receive money for the work performed. Although this is more the exception than the rule. Such situations happen extremely rarely and for objective reasons, if the content is really low-grade.

How much do they earn on Advego?

Tasks for Advego are paid in accordance with their complexity and time costs that will be required to complete them. Rewriting here costs from 15 rubles for 1000 characters, copyright from 25 rubles, translations - from 25 rubles.

With such rates, beginners earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles a month.

I will share my experience with you - I completed my first order as a copywriter for 10 rubles / 1K characters, then I began to raise prices. For the first month, my earnings on the Internet amounted to about 5,000 rubles (this is part-time). In the second month, the income was already about 15,000 rubles. And from the third month I began to earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to register on Advego?

If you don’t know how to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange, then first of all you should register by entering your pseudonym and email on the official website at the link.
After that, you need to follow the link that will be sent to you by e-mail to confirm registration. If you do not yet have experience in writing texts, then the article will be useful for you.

After registration, you must specify an electronic wallet for withdrawing funds and fill out a profile. To do this, go to the tab "Service" - "Personal data".

How to work for Advego for a beginner: types of tasks and their cost

In total, there are 4 types of tasks on the Advego copywriting exchange.

  • Copywriting - writing unique texts. Payment for work from 25 rubles per 1K sign.
  • Rewriting is the reformulation of the text for the purpose of uniqueness without changing the meaning. The cost of this type of work is about 15 rubles per 1000 sim.
  • Copy-paste - searching for information on the Internet for a given request and providing it to the customer. The minimum payment is $0.2 per 1000 sims.
  • Posting - comments, reviews, posts for blogs, forums. Payment - $ 0.6 / 1000 sim.
  • Translations - from 25 rubles. for 1000 characters
  • Completing tasks in social networks (likes, reposts, invitations)
  • Text proofreading
  • Creating new topics and comments on the forum
  • SEO services, work with behavioral factors in search engines;
  • Audio and video transcription;
  • Search for information;
  • Photo and video (for example, record a video review, take a photo of a receipt, etc.)

How much you can earn on Advego - it is with this question that beginners begin their acquaintance with the service. The minimum payment for rewriting is 20 cents per 1K characters. For likes, reposts, joining groups in social networks here you can get from 3 rubles.

To select a task, go in the left corner to the "Job" - "Job Search" tab. In the central part of the screen, you can select the type of work - copywriting, communication, social networks, miscellaneous. And on the right side there is a filter system that allows you to select the types of tasks down to the details by cost, type, time to complete.

Sale of articles on Advego: ready-made content store

On the Internet you can find a lot of laudatory reviews about the Advego article store. Its advantage lies in a large number of texts for sale, strict moderation, which guarantees the high quality of texts in terms of literacy and uniqueness. All articles are manually checked. If errors are found, the texts are sent to the author for revision.
How to sell on Advego to make good money? To solve this problem, it is important to understand which topics are most in demand. For these purposes, you can study the statistics of the Yandex. Wordstat to select the hottest queries. If you do not know how to write an article that will be bought on Advego, then it is important to remember that the content must be written in a relevant topic and have an attractive title. In order for customers to find your article faster, it is important to correctly compose a description and enter keywords.

To place a work for sale, you must write at least 10 articles on the stock exchange (or buy the same number of texts).

To place an article or buy, you need to go to the "Article Store" section and select the "Buy an article" or "Sell an article" tab.

Advego how to start working?

How to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange is the most pressing issue that worries beginners. The simple structure of the site allows novice copywriters to quickly get used to it. After you have registered and filled out your profile, in order to proceed to orders, you need to select the “Job” section in the top panel, then click on the “Job Search” link.

With the help of filters, you can filter tasks according to different criteria (type of work, amount of payment, etc.). Orders on the Advego exchange are placed on the basis of a tender and with automatic acceptance of applications. In the first case, the performers submit applications, and the customer selects the best author. In the second option, the order automatically goes to the copywriter who meets the specified criteria, who was the first to apply. It is very important for a copywriter to complete the work on time, otherwise the order will be overdue. This threatens with a lack of payment and a decrease in rating and trust in the eyes of customers. The following parameters are usually indicated in the order:

  • title or topic;
  • the cost of the entire order;
  • the required amount of text;
  • deadlines;
  • type and category of work.

How to perform work on Advego?

Before taking an order to work, read the customer's dossier, this will warn you against unscrupulous users and the adverse consequences of such cooperation. At the bottom of the order are the requirements for the article. Before submitting an application, be sure to read the terms of reference, make sure that the task is within your power. In the Order Discussion section, you can ask questions to the customer.
To get started, click on the green button “Join”, “Apply for participation”, “Suggest a topic”.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw the earned money to a dollar or ruble Webmoney, Qiwi wallet or a Visa, mastercard bank card. The minimum payout amount is 5 c.u. The dollar exchange rate corresponds to the banking one. The content exchange commission is 10 percent. Payment terms - 3 days. To select the withdrawal option, go to the "Service" - "Personal data" - "Payment data" tab. Here you need to enter the number of wallets or cards to which you plan to withdraw money. In the "Units of Account" tab, you can select the currency option - rubles (it will be much more convenient this way).

Affiliate program

If you want to increase your earnings and receive passive income, then you can participate in the affiliate program by inviting your acquaintances, friends, relatives to the system. For each attracted referral, the exchange will transfer you 2.5% of the amount of his earnings or expenses (in the event that you brought a customer).

Advego plagiarism: how to use

The Advego exchange has developed its own services for checking content, which facilitates the work of copywriters and webmasters. "Advego Plagiatus" is a service for checking the uniqueness of text as an application for Windows. To use the program, you need to download it and install it on your computer. The service provides for the possibility of a quick and deep check for uniqueness with the specified shling and the size of the search phrase.

Earnings on Advego fluctuate depending on the experience of the copywriter: only when I came to the exchange, I began to earn about $ 1 per hour. I took on any tasks that did not require competitive selection - rewriting with one source, writing posts in the forum, and so on. And only later did I begin to realize that I was missing out on a lot by not participating in tenders at all. Tender assignments can bring up to $5 per 1000 characters. But only if you have experience writing articles on similar topics.

How much can you earn in Advego?

This is a service where everyone can get a paid task. One has only to go to the section Job - Job Search, and you will see the entire list of orders. You can earn up to $5 per day(that's $150 a month) if you do all the easy tasks in a row and don't get distracted from this work.

Earn on articles

Earlier we wrote that even a beginner can start earning on Advego from $300 per month or more. There are 2 ways to earn money:

  • fulfill general orders
  • write articles for the store

As for the second method of making money for beginners, here, too, you can highlight the pros and cons. The main disadvantage is that no one gives a guarantee of a quick purchase. But you can write on any topic. And if you choose articles on construction topics that are popular among the people, then the benefit may turn out to be greater than from searching and fulfilling orders.

Growth of earnings on Advego

After the first month, there may be an increase in earnings. If you have innate literacy and a sense of style, then this is almost a 100% guarantee that your earnings on Advego will reach $400 in the first 2 months. What contributes to this:

  • increasing the place in the ranking (more expensive orders are opened for TOP-5000 and above specialists)
  • increase the chance to win a tender for a large order
  • indicators are improving (the number of failures is minimal, and the number of completed works or articles sold goes over a hundred)

How much do pros earn on Advego?

If your talents include a commercial streak and high learning ability, then nothing prevents you from starting to write expensive ones for commercial projects. This will bring you at least $500 per month, even if:

  • in three days you are trusted with one, but an expensive order
  • you are often chosen in tenders, so now you are free to choose any project for yourself
  • your place in the TOP is steadily growing, and you are already in the TOP-300 of the best stock exchange specialists

Hello, readers of the site "Step-by-step instructions - Carbon copy".

My name is Catherine Artemova , and I will tell my story of making money on texts and articles, tasks and the Advego exchange store. Maybe you can use my experience.

Faced with the need for additional income, I thought about a part-time job on the Web.

When I learned about freelance exchanges, the first thing I did was register on one of them. The most famous and popular text exchange at the moment is Advego.

Of course, I did not count on fabulous earnings from the first minutes of registration. But I knew about the real successes of people in such work. I wanted to test my strength.

Registration on Advego is instant, and after a few minutes you can start earning .

How many tasks do you need to complete to get your own store in Advego

Not all tasks are available to beginners on the exchange. In order to demonstrate that you are serious, and not accidentally entered the exchange in search of easy money, you will have to complete ten low-paying tasks (anything at all, the simplest ones).

But after ten paid works, you will have access to your own store on Advego, where you can sell your articles (copywriting and rewriting), translations and other text materials.

The advantage of your own store on Advego is that you yourself determine the price of the work for the number of characters, subject matter, writing language, genre, and more.

The main thing is not to violate the rules of the exchange:

  1. Write without errors (grammatical, syntactic, punctuation, etc.).
  2. Do not post questionable and inappropriate content (immoral, adult, 18+, offensive).
  3. Articles must be unique.

When you post your first article, don't think that a queue of buyers will immediately line up behind it, perhaps no one will buy it at all. The correct presentation of the material is 80% of success.

Simple tasks for beginners on the Advego exchange

But back to the initial stage - the implementation of the first tasks.

In the list of available work, you will see a lot of tasks, from which you need to choose those that you can complete easily and quickly in order to receive payment from the customer.

Don't take on a task if you're not sure you can handle it. For non-fulfillment and refusal, your rating decreases, which means that you are trusted as a specialist.

If you want to make good money on Advego, follow your reputation from the very beginning!

Try the simplest ones - “like on Facebook or VK”, “join a group”, “subscribe to a public”, “write a small rewriting”.

Read the terms and conditions carefully! Be sure to fulfill all the conditions of the customer, otherwise you will not be paid for the work, and the rating will go down.

Find the simplest tasks for making money on Advego at a price. The cheaper, the easier it is.

If you were sent an order for revision, modify it in accordance with the requirements; after completion, orders are usually paid.

Don't be discouraged if you have to work for pennies at first. Work every day and diligence will be rewarded.

Soon you will be able to participate in tenders, get regular customers and get a high place in the ranking.

For example, in a couple of months I managed to achieve the status of Specialist on the Advego exchange and receive additional privileges:

  • more expensive orders available
  • Customers prefer experts over beginners
  • withdrawal of funds is twice as fast

Withdrawing money from Advego

You can withdraw an amount from 500 rubles to an electronic wallet. This money can then be easily transferred to a bank card and cashed out at an ATM or bank.

Getting an online wallet is quite simple, you just need to go through the registration procedure, for example, on WebMoney.

After earning the first money on the stock exchange, and making a transfer, you will have to wait 16 days until it comes to your electronic account.

But if you continue to work on Advego and show your best professional qualities, then soon you will become a Specialist and will withdraw money within a week. Want to try - REGISTER:

What else do you need to know about Advego?

You will often see assignments only for authors “from the customer's white list”, but what does this mean?

The customer's white list is a list of authors whose work the customer liked so much that he is ready to cooperate with the author in the future. You can be whitelisted if you complete several works of one client and he likes them.

But there is also the opposite of whitelisting.

The black list of the customer is a list of blocked authors for violating the terms of the exchange or a specific task.

Try to fulfill all job requirements and you will never be blacklisted.

Authors from the white list may receive personal orders, for example, I had several such orders from the same author. These orders are valued more expensively and given more time to complete.

How to fulfill orders so that they are 100% paid

  1. Take on only the order that is completely clear to you, there are no unclear terms or requirements.
  2. Choose orders on topics that are close to you. If you do not understand repair or construction, do not think that in the specified time you will be able to write a 4 thousand-character article about the features of cinder block laying and types of concrete.
  3. Assess your strengths appropriately. If the task needs to be completed in 2 hours, and you are not sure that you will be able to print the original text for three thousand characters in this time, do not take it.
  4. Start with quantity. The more tasks you complete, the higher the rating.
  5. But don't forget about quality. Remember that customers can whitelist you if they like your work.
  6. Observe the given uniqueness of texts. Customers check the work on Advego Plagiatus, you will also have to download it and pass the work through it.

If you receive personal orders, then do not hesitate to write to these customers in response, offering cooperation. This is how you can find a more stable income.

Remember that how much you earn depends on hard work, but the Advego content exchange is a powerful springboard for every freelance copywriter.

Don't forget to complete your profile with information about yourself after registration. This instills confidence in customers. You are more willing to give orders and pay.

In general, everyone can learn how to make money on articles. You wrote essays in school, didn't you?

Learn a little about working with text on the Internet, remember the rules of the Russian language and finally start making real money on texts and articles without leaving your home. Without a strict boss and a long trip to the office.

On the Advego text exchange, you have only 1 boss - you yourself! Try it right now and share your experience in the comments.

Given the demand for such a product (articles), a large number of exchanges have been created where you can both buy articles and sell them, and which provide an opportunity to earn money. By the way, this is a completely affordable form of income even for people who do not have literary data.

To write articles, it is quite enough to competently speak Russian and to express information in an accessible way, and as experience is gained, so does skill. By the way, with it the amount of income will increase, which directly depends on the quality of the articles.

One of these exchanges, ADVEGO, has been providing an opportunity for several years. According to many freelancers, it is quite reliable.

How to make money on ADVEGO

First you need to register. Then go to the "author" tab and find "sell article". The sheet that opens will require information to be filled in.

How to make content in demand on the exchange

In order for the work to be in demand, it must meet certain criteria. Material must be unique. The exchange has a free program for checking the uniqueness of ADVEGO PLAGIATUS.

After passing the test, non-unique places in the text field will be marked in yellow. For copying the content of other sites or text with low uniqueness, you can get into the Black List of the site and spoil the rating thoroughly.

The presentation of information must be done correctly. Before submitting an order, it is necessary to carefully check for errors and shortcomings, because no one will buy an illiterate text.

If performed for a specific customer, it is necessary to adhere to the terms of reference that he issued, in particular, the conditions and requirements for the content and design of the work. Compliance with the terms of the order. Otherwise, a failure will be set.

What types of orders can be processed

There are different types of income on the stock exchange. Consider their options. The most in demand is writing articles. Their rewriting, copywriting, translation, etc.

On the forums - the creation of new topics and communication on them. Writing reviews about any goods, services, service, etc. Making comments about something. Various advertising orders. Work for a permanent customer, if he could be found. Pressing social media buttons.

How much income can you get on the stock exchange

The cost of different tasks can be very different from each other. When selling articles, for example, the price is set by the author himself. And here the main thing is to be an adequate person.

It is not necessary to set an inflated price when starting your activity on the site, well, unless the content creator is a gifted writer. The average price is between $4 and $6 per article, although interesting texts can cost more than $15.

With the necessary literacy and the ability to rewrite articles, you can have a good income, because in order to write two thousand characters it does not take much time. I would like to remind you of restraint and self-criticism when evaluating your creations. A greatly inflated cost can play a disservice and labor will not be appreciated.

The ADVEGO exchange has a forum. Once in this environment, it becomes possible to quickly implement your material, as well as search for relevant topics for writing. It all depends on the acquired skills and perseverance of the author..

Advertisements that can convince interested parties to purchase them can also be a good help for selling articles. It should be noted that everyone has opportunities for implementation on this exchange.

And in order to cope with the volumes and not wanting to lose the employer, the author is already looking for executors of such orders, but at a lower price, for the subsequent resale of the material. Thus, business schemes are created that bring a rather big, stable income.

Pros and cons of working on the stock exchange

Advantages of working with the ADVEGO exchange

  • a wide variety of types of orders from writing articles and translations to leaving reviews and clicking icons;
  • the opportunity to earn decent money;
  • gaining experience and with it the growth of the rating;
  • simple withdrawal of funds;
  • convenient functionality of the site.

Cons of working with ADVEGO

  1. the first withdrawal of funds after 16 days;
  2. funds can be obtained through Webmoney.

Successful and good, working mood!

How much can you earn on Advego and in what ways? We give a definitive answer.

Many beginners who are just interested in making money on the Internet get acquainted with the Advego exchange.

It provides a variety of income generation options, both for those who do not yet have any knowledge and skills, and for more experienced performers.

Therefore, beginners are always worried about the answer to the question, how much can you earn on Advego?

Is it worth spending your time and energy on this resource at all, or is it worth looking for something else?

This article will give you a definitive answer.

What is a site for earning Advego?

Advego is one of the leading exchanges of the Russian-speaking Internet.

First of all, it is intended for .

But as many options for additional income generation as offered here, no other similar resource has.

This is what makes Advego such an attractive place to make money among beginners.

Advantages and disadvantages of earning on Advego

Despite its leading position, Advego has not only advantages, but also its shortcomings.

Before you ask yourself how much you can earn here, you should study them in more detail.

Perhaps the negative points will be more significant for you than the pluses, and you will need to look for alternative options.

Advantages of the Advego exchange

  • At first glance, Advego seems like a rather complex resource.
    But it’s worth taking a closer look, and you will notice that the interface is intuitive, and any difficulties will be solved by a responsive administration or by contacting your “colleagues” on the forum.
  • If you decide to switch to writing, then be sure to appreciate how many different free proofing tools there are!
    Not only the standard one, which helps to find spelling errors.
    But also an assessment of the uniqueness of the text and SEO analysis, the verification of which is an integral part of the implementation of most well-paid orders.
  • Also, the “green” light for beginners is given by the absence of such a common indicator as rating.
    Anyone can start working immediately after registration.
    However, malicious violators should not relax either.
    Profile statistics will show the customer how many orders you did not deliver on time, and how many were returned due to their poor quality.
  • Although there is a minimum withdrawal amount, it is quite insignificant - only $5.
    Given the rather high prices compared to similar resources, you can dial it pretty quickly.

Disadvantages of the Advego exchange

  • Favorable and comfortable working conditions attract many performers.

    Therefore, beginners should prepare for a really large number of competitors.

    There is enough work for everyone here, but when over and over again your candidacy is rejected in favor of another, many give up.

  • Although this point is contrary to what is indicated in the merits of the exchange, they pay little here.

    This can be challenged by numerous performers who earn tens and hundreds of dollars on Advego.

    But there are few of them and they are rather a happy exception.

    For a regular beginner, the level of earnings is not bad, but when you want to earn more, the question of how much they pay for working on Advego can become a sore point for you.

  • Although the developers have tried to protect customers and performers as much as possible, there is a chance not to receive money for the work performed.

    The employer can simply click on the “deny payment” button, citing a minor mistake or with the spatial wording “inappropriate style”.

    At the same time, he can appropriate the text, which he has already seen in its entirety.

    But this rarely happens and in case of problems you can always contact the support service.

What can you do and how much can you earn on Advego?

As already mentioned, the Advego exchange attracts beginners by how many options for making money it offers:
  • sale of ready-made texts,
  • writing articles to order,
  • forum activity,
  • actions in social networks,
  • writing slogans, names, slogans.

And these are only the main types of profit, there are much more of them on the exchange.

Difficulty varies greatly and so do prices.

You can withdraw what you can earn on Advego after you collect the minimum required amount - $ 5.

The withdrawal is made to the wallet in the popular payment system WebMoney.

The first time the transfer of funds will take 16 days, but later the process will be faster - during the working day.

The fact that the settlements are made in dollars is especially pleasing to the performers in view of the current currency fluctuations.

How much can you earn on Advego on social networks?

To make money on Advego using social networks, you need to open the appropriate section in the "job search" tab.

There are quite a lot of tasks, therefore, even with the existing high competition, there will be enough work for everyone. In addition, most of it is available for execution immediately, without the approval of the application by the customer.

Rates are pretty low.

How much can you earn on Advego on comments and posts?

Comments and posts are the next step in earning.

Writing them takes more time and even requires some effort and thought.

Pay is also slightly higher.

But even with an active pace of work, it is very difficult to get more than $ 1-3 per day.

It turns out that you can’t call it normal earnings - for a month, income will not exceed $ 30.

Therefore, having tried your hand at writing comments, you should move on to creating full-fledged texts - and copywriting.

How much can you earn on Advego writing texts?

This is the highest paying job type.

The average cost for 1000 characters without a space on Advego is $0.8-1.5, if you do copywriting, rewriting costs a little cheaper - $0.4-1.

According to reviews and statistics, even beginners can write several texts of medium length (2000-2500 characters) every day.

Simple calculations help to conclude that with "Adveg" rates and a steady pace of implementation, you can earn $ 100-150 in the first month.

To maintain such earnings, you need to increase the speed of execution, while not forgetting about quality.

Then customers will contact you again.

Detailed instructions on how to make money on Advego

on writing articles:

What affects how much you can earn on Advego?

  1. First of all, your earnings on advego will depend on how much and how much you want to earn.
    If you just want to get hold of funds without doing anything, then give up work in a couple of days.
    Nobody will pay you just like that.
    And the Advego exchange is no exception.
    To make money here, you need to want it and make an effort.
  2. The main source of income is regular customers.
    This truth will be confirmed by everyone who receives normal amounts of earnings on Advego.
    Therefore, newcomers need to strive to spend less time looking for work, and more time fulfilling orders.
    Do your work with the highest quality and invite customers to further cooperation.
    This is how you gradually build up your base.
  3. It is necessary not only to spend time on completing tasks, but also to be able to adequately evaluate it.
    At first, without experience and reviews, you will have to work "in the name."
    Then learn to select those orders that are paid decently and are worthy of your attention and effort.
    The best advice is to quickly switch from low-paying jobs, clicks and small tasks to something more serious, such as writing texts.
    Translations and SEO copywriting are especially highly valued, but you need special skills and abilities to perform such work.
    If you have the necessary inclinations, develop them.

    It is better to spend time on raising qualifications than on penny comments and posts.

  4. Learn how to properly organize your working time.
    If you do not schedule work, you will constantly postpone it, which means potential earnings.
    Or, conversely, take too many orders that you will not have time to fulfill.
    This will negatively affect your ranking.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: how much you can earn on Advego completely depends on the artist himself.

The exchange gives a huge scope for work.

And the more desire and effort you show, the higher the amount of earnings will be.