What is Starbucks coffee. Starbucks in Russia. Chips do their thing

  • 27.08.2023

Brand: Starbucks

Tagline: You and Starbucks. More than coffee

Industry: trade, restaurant business

Products: coffee

Year of birth of the brand: 1971

Owner: Starbucks Corporation

Starbucks is an American coffee company and chain of coffee houses of the same name. The management company is Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is the largest coffee company in the world, with over 19,000 coffee shops in 60 countries, including 12,781 in the US, 1,241 in Canada, 1,062 in Japan, 976 in the UK (as of March 2012) and 60 in Russia (as of March 2012) and 60 in Russia (as of October 2012). Starbucks sells espresso, other hot and cold drinks, coffee, hot and cold sandwiches, cakes, snacks, and items such as mugs and glasses. The company's headquarters is in Seattle, Washington.

The company was founded relatively recently, in 1971, and it began its journey as a network of coffee shops. The first store opened on March 30, 1971. The three founders Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker, an English teacher, history teacher and writer, decided to go into coffee bean sales and opened their first store in Pike Place Market, Seattle. . The shop was not only the first, but also the only one for a long time. But after ten years of shops Starbucks became five, in addition, the company had its own factory. In addition to selling coffee in its stores, the company was also a supplier of coffee beans for many coffee houses, bars and restaurants.

The name itself Starbucks comes from the name of one of the characters in the famous novel by Herman Melville "Moby Dick". Starbuck - that was the name of the first mate on the ship "Pequod", on which the pursuit of the white whale, nicknamed Moby Dick, took place. The first version of the name of the coffee shop was - "Pequod", after the name of the ship, but this word was rejected. Then the founders, according to one version, began to look for a suitable name, paying attention to the fact that the word reflected the local spirit and flavor of their native Seattle. According to legend, this word was "Starbo" ("Starbo") - that was the name of the old mine, located nearby. But the idea to take the name from the novel was still not abandoned, and a name was found that was consonant with the word "Starbo" - the name of Starbucks' chief mate became the name of the company. Contrary to popular belief, the first mate was not a coffee lover, but for a long time most people (with the exception of teachers of English literature) will associate his name with coffee, and not with navigation.

But perhaps the most memorable element of the brand Starbucks became his logo. A mermaid or siren with two tails, found in an old engraving of the sixteenth century, has migrated to the emblem Starbucks and, although slightly changed, has remained there to this day, continuing the maritime theme of the company's name. A mermaid with two tails is a common character in medieval folklore, she was called Melusina or Melisande, this image was often used in heraldry. In 1987, the logo changes, combining the logos of the two companies Starbucks and Il Giornale, it is from Il Giornale sign Starbucks and got its characteristic features - the mermaid was surrounded by a green circle with stars and the name of the company.

It should be noted that the original logo Starbucks can still be seen at the first store in Seattle.

1987 marks a turning point in history Starbucks, Howard Schultz became the owner of the company, who made Starbucks what we know it today. Schultz has worked in Starbucks several years as director of retail sales and marketing, but could not fulfill his dream - to create a chain of coffee houses based on the company. Then he leaves the business and starts his own business - soon Schultz becomes the owner of the Il Giornale coffee chain. And in 1987 he returns and, having found investors, buys the company. Having bought Starbucks, he gives this unusual name to his coffee shops and combines two related activities into one company. Such an alliance turned out to be unusually successful and the chain of coffee houses Starbucks under his leadership she managed to conquer the whole world.

One of the main merits of Howard, which contributed to the success Starbucks, is that he brought standardization to the company. In any coffee shop there is the same assortment of basic goods. In whatever country you are, but you can drink your favorite coffee. Certainly, Starbucks also represents some special products created for some nationality.

Espresso, hot chocolate, Frappuccinos, various syrups, seasonal coffees, teas and more - all this is the range Starbucks. For coffee, you can order a cake or a sandwich. However, unlike most other cafes in Starbucks The focus is on coffee. People come here to drink this drink, not to eat "coffee cake". In general, in America, coffee in Starbucks drink differently. Someone enjoys the amazing atmosphere of a coffee shop, while someone buys a drink and drinks it on the go, on the way to work, for example. Fortunately, plastic cups allow you to do this with comfort.

If we talk about the standardization that Schultz introduced at the company, then it stands out for one more thing - the atmosphere in the coffee shops. On the one hand, the main elements in all institutions Starbucks similar, but on the other - each coffee house has its own characteristics, its own unique atmosphere. And this is largely the merit of Howard Schultz and the company's design team.

In 1988, the company entered the mail-order business and released its first product catalog, thanks to which it supplied 33 stores in different states of the United States, and in 7 years the company will have 165 stores in America.

In 1992, during the initial public offering on the stock market, Starbucks had 165 outlets.

Japan's first coffee shop opens in 1996 Starbucks outside the USA. In the 1990s, Starbucks opened a new store every business day, maintaining that pace until the early 2000s.

Recent decades Starbucks is engaged in buying up local chains of coffee houses around the world, making them part of its brand. The expansion of the company has been going at a crazy pace lately. Even on The Simpsons, there were a few jokes about how the network Starbucks takes over America. However, now the situation has changed somewhat, and Howard Schultz even announced that Starbucks intends to close about 600 stores in the US this year.

The economic crisis is one of the reasons for the problems Starbucks. Still, in this chain of coffee houses, coffee is frankly expensive. In addition, internal problems in the company also contributed to the current situation. Not so long ago, Howard Schultz announced that he was returning to Starbucks to solve the problems his company is mired in. Just like Michael Dell. Will he get it? Probably yes. Starbucks- one of the favorite brands of Americans. And it's worth it.

IN Starbucks people drink coffee. From businessmen sipping espresso on the go to young couples enjoying themselves at a table (although it should be noted that these tables are not the best). IN Starbucks freelancers are actively working, bloggers write their new posts, and podcasters edit sound files. The atmosphere of this coffee shop attracts people with laptops. Luckily there is Wi-Fi.

Music is constantly playing in the cafe. At the same time, it is interesting that there is a central server that plays the same music throughout the network. Starbucks. This means that the song that you hear now in New York is playing in Seattle right now. This state of affairs led Howard Schultz to an agreement with another icon of American business - Apple. Any user of an iPhone communicator or an iPod Touch player can, by coming to Starbucks instantly purchase the song currently playing through the iTunes Store.

At the same time, recently in coffee houses Starbucks began to sell a lot of foreign goods. The company believed that by doing so they would make Starbucks something more than an ordinary coffee shop. Did not work out. The company recently announced that they would no longer sell music in coffee shops. On average, per day in each establishment Starbucks Sold by one CD. Naturally, this decision does not affect the contract with Apple.

In January 2011, the company announced a logo update. The green ring with the company name disappears from the round logo, and the black and white image of the siren becomes green and white and occupies the entire circle.

"We've allowed the siren to come out of the circle, and that, I think, will give us more freedom and flexibility to see a little more than coffee," said chief executive Howard Schultz.

Now Starbucks is not in the best situation, but probably soon the company will make every effort to get out of the crisis. It remains only to wait. It is unlikely that the situation will improve immediately.

The largest chain of coffee shops Starbucks is considered to be one of the symbols of America. Today, one in five cups of coffee is consumed at Starbucks in the US, but Howard Schultz, the owner and inspirer of the company, has worked hard to instill in Americans a love for this exquisite drink.

The story of three coffee lovers

In 1971, English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and author Gordon Bowker put together $1,350, borrowed another $5,000, and opened a sales store in Seattle, Washington. When choosing a name for the store, the name of the whaling ship from Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick, Pequod, was first considered, but in the end it was rejected, and the name of Ahab's first mate Starbuck was chosen. The logo was a stylized image of a siren.

The partners learned the correct selection of varieties and roasting of coffee beans from Alfred Peet, the owner of Peet’s Coffee. Starbucks bought beans from Peet's Coffee for the first 9 months of operation, and then the partners installed their own roaster and opened a second store.

By 1981, there were 5 stores, a small coffee roasting factory and a trading division that supplied coffee beans to bars, cafes, restaurants.

In 1979, the owners of Starbucks bought Peet's Coffee.

The opening of the store fell on a difficult period: in the late 60s, Americans were completely disillusioned with instant coffee, and most of them simply did not know that there was any other coffee besides instant coffee. Therefore, there really were not many buyers.

Romantic Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz has become one of Starbucks' truest followers. After trying Starbucks coffee, he immediately fell in love with it, because this coffee had nothing to do with what he had tried before.

Schultz later recalled: “I went out into the street, whispering to myself: “My God, what a wonderful company, what a wonderful city. I want to be a part of them."

Leaving his post as CEO of the New York division of Perstorp AB, a tableware manufacturer, Howard Schultz joined Starbucks.

He directed all his efforts to the development of a new company, but the business did not go as well as he wanted. In total, Starbucks only had a few thousand repeat customers.

1984 was a turning point in the history of the company. Once in Italy, Schultz discovered a whole new culture of coffee consumption. Unlike the Americans, the Italians did not drink coffee at home, but in cozy coffee houses.

The idea of ​​drinking coffee outside the home literally inspired Schultz.

He suggested that the owners of Starbucks open a coffee shop, but the proposal did not find support. Management was of the opinion that real coffee should be made at home.

But nothing could stop Schulz, and in 1985 he founded his own coffee shop II Gionale. Things went so well that after 2 years he bought Starbucks from its founders for $4 million.

Bar counters appeared in all the company's stores, where professional baristas (coffee brewers) ground coffee beans, brewed and served aromatic coffee.

The baristas knew all the regular customers by name and remembered their tastes and preferences. But even such impeccable service could not overcome the conservatism of the Americans: they were still not ready to drink real bitter coffee.

Then Howard Schultz decided to make light roasted coffee, which is lighter and more familiar to the average American. And this brought success to his business: America was filled with love for this coffee.

Starbucks coffee houses received more and more visitors, and coffee sales in stores remained at the same level. So the main business of the company turned into an accompanying one.

Meeting point

The popularity of Starbucks inspired not only consumers, but also competitors. Similar coffee shops began to open everywhere, but with lower prices. Even fast food restaurants and gas stations have advertised "Espresso" to entice customers.

Starbucks is redefining the coffee shop format in line with its stated benefits, making it the best place to socialize.

The area of ​​establishments has increased tenfold, and high bar stools at the counter have been replaced by cozy tables. With the ability to sit apart from other patrons, Americans began making appointments at Starbucks.

Howard Schultz wanted his chain of coffee shops not only to sell coffee, but to have a special atmosphere, becoming the third place between work and home.

In America, Starbucks has become the epitome of democratic coffee shops for a new generation of educated and tasteful patrons.

Howard Schultz emphasized that his business was not to fill stomachs, but to fill souls. This is the secret to Starbucks success.

Uncompromising quality

The popularity of Starbucks continued to grow, but the company found it increasingly difficult to combine a wide range and high quality products.

The fact is that grains were delivered to Starbucks in special packaging - two-kilogram bags. As long as such a package was closed, the coffee retained its original freshness, while an open package had to be used within 7 days. For rare and expensive coffees, this was unacceptable.

Starbucks found a way out here too. The company created its own technology for obtaining powdered coffee and as a result developed instant coffee that is as close to natural as possible. The quality of the coffee was not affected, and the issue of costs was successfully resolved.

In the 90s, America was already overwhelmed by real coffee mania and obsession with Starbucks. The company grew at a frantic pace - up to 5 new coffee houses were opened daily. By the end of the 1990s, Starbucks had over 2,000 locations and was gaining recognition in Japan and Europe.

At the same time, in California, the richest and most populous state in the United States, the idea of ​​​​healthy eating is gaining momentum. Californians began to count every calorie and decided that drinks made with full-fat whole milk were unhealthy.

At first, Starbucks resisted the trend, fearing that skimmed milk would not retain the same taste of coffee.

Diet coffee wasn't marketed until the company began to lose customers. This is how drinks appeared on the menu, devoid of the taste of real coffee, but satisfying the tastes of consumers who care about their health.

The Starbucks business was running like clockwork, and in 2000 Howard Schultz decided to move away from the direct management of the company to pursue new business projects.

By 2005, Starbucks had grown into a global chain with over 8,300 coffee shops. In 2007, 15,700 Starbucks coffee shops were opened in 43 countries around the world. The company's revenues for 2007 amounted to $9.4 billion.

Such was Starbucks' notoriety that The Economist introduced the Starbucks Index, similar to the popular BigMack Index.

This index is an indicator of the economic situation in the country and is determined by the price of a standard cup of coffee in a Starbucks coffee shop.

Return of the leader

In 2007, the situation at Starbucks began to seriously worry Howard Schultz: coffee shop patrons complained of "the loss of the spirit of romance." Schultz knew perfectly well what was the matter, and repeatedly drew the attention of top managers of the company to the fact that:

  • new coffee brewing machines were higher than the old ones, and this did not allow customers to follow the process of preparing a drink;
  • the new packages kept the beans well, but deprived the coffee shops of the delicate aroma that is so attractive to coffee connoisseurs.

In early 2008, Howard Schultz returned to management to restore the company's image. The economic crisis also made additional adjustments: optimizing costs, the company closed 600 coffee houses in 2008 and another 300 in 2009.

Now all the efforts of the company are aimed at overcoming the consequences of the crisis and improving service. Starbucks is also actively helping its customers in this by posting their reviews and suggestions on the website.

The logo of the company was the image of a siren with bare chest and navel. The image of a siren symbolizes that Starbucks coffee is delivered from far corners of the world. The original Starbucks logo (pictured below) can still be seen on the first store in Seattle.

It was Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the company's first investors, who advised Schultz to merge coffee shops and stores under the same Starbucks name.

Starbucks coffee shop locations always meet the following requirement: the front door faces east or south, never north. Visitors should enjoy daylight, but it should not interfere with them.

The music that plays in Starbucks coffee shops covers its entire network: the composition that you hear in New York is playing in Seattle at the same minute. At the same time, each coffee shop has a unique interior design and atmosphere.

A year ago, Starbucks joined the AIDS Foundation's (PRODUCT) RED™ program and is donating a percentage of its profits to research and cure the virus in Africa.

During the year, the company collected donations, which will be enough for 7 million days of medical support for HIV-infected people in Africa.

Quotes by Howard Schultz

“We just didn't know it couldn't be done, so we did it.”

“We believe that business should mean something. It must be based on some original product that exceeds the client's expectations.”

“Coffee without people is a theoretical concept. People without coffee are also neither.”

“If we consider a butterfly, based on the laws of aerodynamics, it should not be able to fly. But the butterfly does not know this, and therefore it flies.”

“Dreaming is one thing, but when the moment is right, you have to be ready to leave your life and start searching for your own sound.”

“If you say you never had a chance, maybe you just didn't take it.”

Starbucks(pronounced "Starbucks") is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain of the same name. The management company is Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is the largest coffee company in the world, with over 19,000 coffee shops in 60 countries, including 12,781 in the US, 1,241 in Canada, 1,062 in Japan, 976 in the UK (March 2012) and 60 in Russia ( as of October 2012). Starbucks sells espresso and espresso-based drinks, other hot and cold drinks, coffee beans, teas, hot and cold sandwiches, cakes, snacks, and items such as coffee makers, mugs, and glasses. The company's headquarters is in Seattle, Washington, USA.


About Starbucks

In 1971, English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker put together $1,350, borrowed another $5,000, and opened a coffee bean shop in Seattle, Washington. When choosing a name for the store, the name of the whaling ship from Herman Melville's novel "" - "Pequod" was first considered, but in the end it was rejected, and the name of Ahab's first mate, Starbuck, was chosen. The logo was a stylized image of a siren.

The partners learned the correct selection of varieties and roasting of coffee beans from Alfred Peet, the owner of Peet’s Coffee. Starbucks bought beans from Peet's Coffee for the first 9 months of operation, and then the partners installed their own roaster and opened a second store. By 1981, there were 5 stores, a small coffee roasting factory and a trading division that supplied coffee beans to bars, cafes, restaurants. In 1979, the owners of Starbucks bought Peet's Coffee.

In 1987, Starbucks stores were sold for $4 million to Howard Schultz, owner of the Il Giornale coffee chain (formerly a Starbucks employee). He renamed his coffee shops Starbucks and the company the Starbucks Corporation.

In 1988, the company entered the mail order business and released its first product catalog, which helped it ship to 33 stores across the US.

In 1992, during its initial public offering on the stock market, Starbucks had 165 outlets.

In 1996, the first Starbucks coffee shop outside the United States opened in Japan. In the 1990s, Starbucks opened a new store every business day, maintaining that pace until the early 2000s.

Starbucks logo

Changed 3 logos. The current one is the 4th in a row.

In 1971-1987, the logo was the image of a two-tailed mermaid Siren, shaped like a cigarette tape. The main color of the logo was brown.

In 1987-1992, the main color of the logo was changed from brown to green, the fish tail was slightly cut off, and the siren's chest was covered with flowing hair. Stars appeared between the words in the logo.

In 1992-2011, the logo focused on the face of the Siren - the lower part of the mermaid was removed.
From 2011 to the present, the green rim with the company name and stars has disappeared from the logo, the color of the logo has become lighter.


At the end of 2007, 15,700 Starbucks coffee shops were opened in 43 countries of the world, of which approximately 7,500 belong to Starbucks Corporation, and the rest are open under license. Starbucks sells organic coffee, espresso-based drinks, various other hot and cold drinks, snacks, coffee beans, and coffee preparation and serving accessories. Through Starbucks Entertainment and the Hear Music brand, the company also distributes books, music collections, and videos. Most of these items are seasonal or designed to be sold in a specific area.

Starbucks branded ice cream and coffee are also sold at grocery stores. Many of the company's products are seasonal or local.

The company is also developing a network of music stores Hear Music (English) Russian.
The total number of network personnel is 140 thousand people. The company's revenue for 2010 amounted to $10.7 billion, net profit - $945.6 million.

As of March 1, 2012, the Starbucks network included 19,435 coffee shops and was present in 58 countries around the world.

Performance indicators

Turnover $13.29 billion (2012)
Operating income $1.99 billion (2012)
Net profit $1.38 billion (2012)
Number of employees 149 thousand (2011)

Owners and management

The largest shareholders of the company for the spring of 2011: Fidelity Investments funds (English) Russian. (11.1%), BlackRock (5.7%), Capital World Investors (English) Russian (5.4%), company management (4.8%).

owner of the Starbucks coffee chain.

Starbucks has always been and remains the company where you will always find the best coffee brands in the world.

is the largest chain of coffee shops in the world. It is believed that for Americans, the brainchild of Howard Schultz is the "third place", between home and work. Over the past few decades, Starbucks has become one of the symbols of America, not inferior in its popularity to McDonald's. In addition, the company began overseas expansion. With varied success. Where the Starbucks chain has become popular, as in the USA, but somewhere it has not taken root at all (for example, only a few company coffee shops are open in Austria, and expansion is not planned). And the history of Starbucks began back in 1971 in Seattle ...


In 1971, English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and author Gordon Bowker put together $1,350, borrowed another $5,000, and opened a coffee bean store in Seattle, Washington. The store was named after a character in Herman Melville's Moby Dick; the logo has a stylized image of a siren.

During the first year of operation, Starbucks' main supplier was Alfred Pitou, a man whom the founders knew personally. However, such cooperation came at a price, and therefore the owners of Starbucks decided to partner with coffee suppliers directly in order to reduce their costs.

The name "Starbucks" itself comes from the name of one of the characters in the famous novel by Herman Melville "Moby Dick" (in the Russian edition of the character's name was Starbuck). The first logo of the company was the image of a bare-chested siren. It was done in brown, and the siren was used to emphasize that fact.

that the coffee at Starbucks comes from a distant land. I must say that the logo was quite controversial. Through the siren's bare chest.

Later, it was covered with hair, and the logo itself was slightly cut off. In addition, it changed its color from brown to green (however, a new brown company logo is currently being tested. If it is successful, the coffee chain will soon return to its roots in a sense). It is worth noting that the original Starbucks logo can still be seen on the first store in Seattle.

When Howard Schultz joined Starbucks in the early 1980s, she already had a reputation as a well-known roaster and respected local seller of coffee (ground and beans). During a business trip to Italy, Howard was introduced to the rich tradition of espresso making. It was espresso that formed the basis of Schulz's new concept. In 1987, with the support of local investors, he purchased Starbucks. Currently, the company sells coffee, tea and treats not only in its own stores, but also supplies them to other retail chains.

The situation really changed after Howard Schultz visited Milan. There he saw the famous Italian coffee houses. However, the idea of ​​selling ready-made coffee in cups did not find support among the founders of the company. They believed that with this approach, their store would lose its essence and distract consumers from the main thing. They were people with traditions. And they believed that real coffee should be prepared at home.

However, Schultz was so confident in his idea that he left Starbucks and founded his own coffee shop II Gionale. The coffee shop opened its doors in 1985. And two years later, Schultz buys Starbucks from the founders for $ 4 million and renames his company (it is interesting that Schultz was advised to make such a move by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who was one of the first investors in Starbucks). Like the McDonald brothers once upon a time, the three coffee drinkers from Seattle left their own business for a hefty payoff. And businessman Schultz got free rein.

That same year, the first Starbucks opened outside of Seattle. Coffee houses were opened in Vancouver, British Columbia and Chicago. In 7 years, the year the company goes public, it will have 165 coffee shops across America. And three years later, the first Starbucks coffee shop outside the United States was opened - in Tokyo. At the same time, about 30% of all coffee houses of the company today are its property. The rest are distributed by franchising.

Contribution by Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz grew up in a poor family. True, his childhood cannot be called completely poor. No, his parents worked hard, but they never could afford frills. Schultz's dream at the beginning of the Starbucks journey was to have a coffee shop in every state. So that Starbucks is on every corner. In addition, Howard Schultz wanted his chain of coffee shops not only to sell coffee, but also to have a magical atmosphere. The businessman wanted Starbucks to be the third place for people. A place between home and work. And I must say that he realized his dream.

Most people who have worked with Howard Schultz note his ability to quickly respond to circumstances. Schultz always follows the latest trends, knows in advance what the buyer will want in the near future.

One of Howard's main contributions to Starbucks' success is that he brought standardization to the company. In any coffee shop there is the same assortment of basic goods. In whatever country you are, but you can drink your favorite coffee. Of course, Starbucks also presents some special products created for a certain nationality. However, like the same mcdonald's.

Espresso, hot chocolate, Frappuccinos, various syrups, seasonal coffees, teas and more - all this is the Starbucks assortment. For coffee, you can order a cake or a sandwich. However, unlike most other cafes at Starbucks, the emphasis is on coffee. People come here to drink this drink, and not to eat "coffee cake". In general, in America, Starbucks coffee is drunk in different ways. Someone enjoys the amazing atmosphere of a coffee shop, while someone buys a drink and drinks it on the go, on the way to work, for example. Fortunately, plastic cups allow you to do this with comfort.

If we talk about the standardization that Schultz introduced in the company, then it stands out for one more thing - the atmosphere in the cafe. On the one hand, the main elements in all Starbucks establishments are similar, but on the other hand, each coffee shop has its own characteristics, its own unique atmosphere. And this is largely the merit of Howard Schultz and the company's design team.

Over the past decades, Starbucks has been buying up local chains of coffee shops around the world, making them part of its brand. The expansion of the company has been going at a crazy pace lately. Even on The Simpsons, there were a few jokes about Starbucks taking over America. However, now the situation has changed somewhat, and Howard Schultz even announced that Starbucks intends to close about 600 stores in the US this year.

The economic crisis is one of the causes of Starbucks' problems. Still, in this chain of coffee houses, coffee is frankly expensive. In addition, internal problems in the company also contributed to the current situation. Not so long ago, Howard Schultz announced that he was returning to Starbucks to solve the problems that his company was mired in. Just like Michael Dell. Will he get it? Most likely so. Starbucks is one of America's most beloved brands. And it's worth it.

Starbucks as a place of pilgrimage

Starbucks coffee drinkers are completely different people. Starting from businessmen who drink coffee on the go, and ending with young couples having fun at the table (although it should be noted that these tables are not the best). Freelancers are active at Starbucks, bloggers write their new posts, and podcasters edit sound files. The atmosphere of this coffee shop attracts people with laptops. Luckily there is Wi-Fi.

Music is constantly playing in the cafe. It is interesting that there is a central server that plays the same music throughout the Starbucks chain. This means that the song that you hear now in New York is playing in Seattle right now. This state of affairs led Howard Schultz to an agreement with another icon of American business - Apple. Any user of the iPhone communicator or iPod Touch player can, having come to Starbucks, instantly buy that the song is currently playing through the iTunes Store.

At the same time, in recent years, Starbucks coffee shops have begun to sell a lot of third-party products. The company believed that by doing so they would make Starbucks something more than an ordinary coffee shop. Did not work out. The company recently announced that they would no longer sell music in cafes. On average, each Starbucks sold one CD per day. Naturally, this decision does not affect the contract with Apple.

How does it work at Starbucks?

I must say that Starbucks is perhaps the only institution of this kind where it is not a shame to work for a young man. This is not mcdonald's. Being a barista is somewhat prestigious. Although this is a rather difficult job that takes a lot of effort. But, according to the company, it is worth a try to experience the amazing atmosphere of Starbucks.

In 2007, 15,700 Starbucks coffee shops were opened in 43 countries, of which approximately 7,500 belong to Starbucks Corporation, and the rest are franchised or licensed. The company is also developing a network of music stores Hear Music.

Starbucks sells organic coffee, espresso-based drinks, various other hot and cold drinks, snacks, coffee beans, and coffee preparation and serving accessories. Through Starbucks Entertainment and the Hear Music brand, the company also distributes books, music collections, and videos. Most of these items are seasonal or designed to be sold in a specific area. Starbucks branded ice cream and coffee are also sold at grocery stores.

The total number of network personnel is 140 thousand people. According to Hoovers, in 2006 the company's revenue amounted to $ 7.8 billion (in 2005 - $ 6370000000), net profit - $ 564 million ($ 494.5 million).

Starbucks in Russia

Starbucks has repeatedly stated its desire to enter the fast-growing Russian market. However, in 2004, the Starbucks trademark was registered by the Russian Starbucks LLC, which is not related to the American corporation. Later, the Chamber of Patent Disputes deprived Starbucks LLC of the rights to the brand on the complaint of the American network.

In September 2007, the first coffee shop of the network was opened in Russia - in the Mega-Khimki shopping center. After that, a number of coffee houses were opened in Moscow: on the Old Arbat, in the Naberezhnaya Tower office complex and at Sheremetyevo-2 Airport, recently opened at the metro station. Tulskaya in a new shopping center.

Interesting Facts

One of the main requirements when choosing premises for Starbucks coffee shops is that the front door should face east or south, never north. According to Scott Bedbury, one of the founders of the Starbucks brand, this is because visitors should enjoy daylight, but at the same time the sun should not shine on their faces.


Starbucks is an American coffee company and operates a chain of coffee shops of the same name. As of early 2017, Starbucks Corporation operated over 24,000 outlets worldwide. At the end of April 2017, the company's capitalization exceeded $86 billion. In the ranking of the most expensive brands in the world 2017 (Global 500 - 2017), Starbucks is valued at $25.6 billion and ranks 39th.

The founders of Starbucks are three friends from Seattle - Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker and Zev Ziegal. All three friends were from simple families and had not been in business before. They were united by a common love for coffee and the desire to sell the city's residents the best examples of this drink. The niche of high-quality coffee, which was empty in the city at that time, also contributed to the implementation of the idea.

In 1971, J. Baldwin, Z. Ziegal and G. Bowker decided to open their own coffee bean store. They invested $1,350 each in the common business and borrowed an additional $5,000 from the bank.

Interesting fact! The name of the store was given in honor of the character of the book "Moby Dick" Starbuck, who was very fond of coffee. In continuation of the marine theme, the interior of the store was designed in the same style.

The logo for the store was designed by artist Terry Heckler. It featured a mythical siren surrounded by the name of the company. The seductiveness of the siren symbolized that the coffee in this store will not leave anyone indifferent. Over time, the logo has changed several times, but in Seattle, at the first Starbucks store, you can still see the initial version.

Until the early 80s, Starbucks already operated five stores and a small factory, but the owners had no global expansion plans.

Stages of company development

In the early 1980s, regular coffee sales began to decline in the US, and demand for the company's Specialty coffee grew. In the face of rapid growth, the owners of Starbucks were not able to effectively manage their business. In addition, Zev Zigal left the company in 1980. So in 1982, businessman Howard Schultz joined Starbucks to get the business up and running and grow.

After a trip to Milan and getting acquainted with the European culture of coffee consumption, G. Schulz proposed changing the concept of the company, which had previously sold only grains, and opening several coffee bars. The Starbucks coffee shop, which became the company's 6th outlet, quickly became one of the most popular establishments in the city. Soon, G. Schultz opened another coffee house, Il Giornale, which served over 700 visitors after 2 months.

Despite this success, the owners of Starbucks were not ready to move into the restaurant business. In 1987, G. Schultz gathered a group of investors who bought the company from the owners for $3.7 million. All coffee shops have moved under the name Starbucks, and coffee bean shops have become cozy coffee shops. The company itself was named Starbucks Corporation. By the end of the year, the company already had 17 points of sale under its management.

You can watch the biography of Howard Schultz in the video.

In 1988, the company was one of the first in the industry to produce its own catalog, which helped it establish cooperation with more than 30 stores, and implemented the delivery of goods by mail. In the same year, the expansion of neighboring states began - Starbucks coffee shops appeared in Chicago, Portland and Vancouver.

For 4 years, the company opened about 150 more outlets, and in 1992, 165 Starbucks stores and coffee houses were already operating in the United States. The company's revenue exceeded $73 million. In the same year, a public offering of the company's shares was held, as a result of which the market valued Starbucks at $271 million. 12% of the shares sold brought $25 million in profits, which were invested in expanding the network. Just 3 months after the placement of shares, their price increased by 70%.

1996 - the beginning of the international expansion of the brand. The first country was Japan. A little later, the company's coffee shops appeared in Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

In 1998, Starbucks appeared in England. It was decided to enter the British market through the purchase of a large local company, the Seattle Coffee Company, which operated 56 points of sale. The deal is valued at $83 million.

During this period, the company's management initiates the creation of new products and signs several deals aimed at increasing the popularity of the brand:

  • the company's products began to be offered on United Airlines aircraft;
  • sale of coffee via the Internet;
  • sale of coffee through large retail chains.

In 2002, Starbucks entered the Latin American market. The first store was opened in Mexico City. Today, over 250 points of the company operate throughout Mexico.

By the beginning of 2007, there were about 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops in more than 40 countries around the world. The company began to sell snacks, accessories and devices for serving and preparing coffee.

Interesting fact! Despite the large number of establishments it operates, the company makes sure that the front doors of coffee shops do not face north. This is done so that visitors to the establishments do not interfere with sunlight to enjoy coffee.

In 2008, the company entered the markets of Europe and South America, which became the main directions of brand development. At the same time, the company closed 70% of stores in Australia (due to the difficulty of learning about the local coffee culture) and experienced difficulties in operating in China.

The global financial crisis significantly worsened the company's performance, and at the end of 2008 Starbucks shares were trading at $4–5/share. But the successful development of business in Europe and Latin America in 2009-2012. caused a good growth in the value of the company's shares, which by the beginning of 2013 were already being sold at $27/share.

You can see the Starbucks success story in the video.

Starbucks competitors

The specifics of Starbucks is such that the company has no competitors in the global market in its niche. The brand has to compete for customers with McCafe from McDonald's, but still these are different market niches.

The main competition for Starbucks is made up of regional players operating in certain regions. So, in Germany, the company competes with Tchibo (a total of 800 points of sale, of which 500 are in Germany), in England - Costa Coffee (a total of about 1,000 points of sale, of which 700 are in the UK), in France - Nespresso (more than 110 points of sale) .

Starbucks in Russia

Starbucks had been planning to enter the Russian market for a long time, but due to various difficulties, it only happened in 2007. The first coffee shop was launched in Khimki in the Mega shopping center, after which several more stores were launched in Moscow. In December 2012, Starbucks launched the first cafe in St. Petersburg. In 2017, over 100 brand establishments operate in Russia. In addition to Moscow in St. Petersburg (more than 80 coffee shops in total), Starbucks is represented in most major Russian cities.

Company in 2017

Starbucks in 2017 is one of the most recognizable and expensive brands in the world. The value of the company's shares exceeds $60/share, and the capitalization is $86.82 billion. Management plans to reach Starbucks' value of $100 billion.

The Starbucks network has about 24,000 outlets with about 200,000 employees.

An important focus of Starbucks is environmental protection. Every year it spends heavily on projects to save energy and protect nature.

You can learn about Starbucks charity in numbers for 2017 from the video.