Work for pensioners at home: we earn without a penny of investment. Working at home for retirees: options What are the advantages of working at home

  • 26.08.2023

Many retirees continue to work after retirement. This happens most often not from an insane love for the profession, but from a lack of funds, since with the onset of pensions, incomes are sharply reduced, and it is difficult to live on social benefits. In this case, remote work for retirees, or simply put, working on the Internet at home is a good way to earn extra money.

Dear site visitors!

During the existence of the project, we helped many pensioners who applied to us find remote work. Basically, all our vacancies are related to writing articles on financial and social and legal topics. Therefore, if you have a good / interesting style and thoughts, you know how to convey information to a person in an original and accessible way - without even thinking, write about yourself in the comments to this article we have a lot of work for you!

According to statistics, former teachers of the Russian language and literature can easily cope with the tasks. Engineers, accountants and housewives are not far behind 🙂

We also need illustrators and people who are ready to find/create creative images for articles.

What about those who do not own a pen, but they want to earn money for ice cream for their grandchildren. Next, you will learn how to become our author and earn money using only personal experience and charisma.

Every day we receive letters from retired applicants asking us to try their hand at writing articles. We do not deny anyone this opportunity., BUT it often happens that not everyone can write according to the technical task. Therefore, we decided that we would pay for your life experience, and, as they say, you can’t drink it away and everyone can write about it!

The best way to write an article is to experience something, take a picture and tell about it.

We are talking about money and laws. We write about personal finance, travel, emigration, life in cities and countries, business, etc. Our main goal is to help the reader not to lose, multiply, save and earn money.

Our favorite topics are documents, laws and law, property and real estate, litigation, medicine, housing and communal services, taxes and deductions, investments and savings. It is especially important for us to write about the problems of ordinary people.

Here you can write about everything unusual and strange: how much it costs to own a boat, how much they pay in extras on television, how much Lenin's double earns on Red Square. Sometimes we write about smart consumption, topics like How to Choose a Lawyer.

Russia is a country in which you need to be on the alert. Therefore, we have a special tenderness for articles about how they fool, deceive, throw, breed, set up, wind up, twist, merge, dilute, mix, and in any other way try to fool honest workers. We are unlikely to get an article "How to choose kitchen furniture" but we can easily take "How do kitchen salesmen deceive you."

Not about money and laws - not us. Not our topics - everything related to food, parenting, psychology, personal life and politics. On the other hand, we might have articles like this: How to teach a child to manage money wisely, How much does a psychologist cost And “How to start talking about divorce and division of property”. We are all about money and laws.

Work calmly. You are free to organize your work the way you want. Use this to your advantage: write at a comfortable pace, do not strain yourself, do not perform labor feats out of the blue. We want you to write a bunch of articles with us and earn money, so save your energy and work for fun.

Payment procedure. Payment immediately after checking the article is carried out by payment to Yandex.Money / WebMoney electronic wallets or a Sberbank card.

If all this does not scare you and you are ready to write your first article, welcome 🙂

Now read the article below. It is not written from personal experience, but it will still be useful to many.

The crisis situation led to the fact that there was an innovation in the law on pensions - cancel. For resilient and optimistic people, there is a way out - to pay attention to home-based work via the Internet, when you can choose the type of activity you like, fortunately, technological progress allows you to earn money without leaving your own apartment.

There is remote work on the Internet, this fact has been verified by millions of users. The main thing is to look in the right place and find something that will bring not only money, but also pleasure. Further, everything will depend on the skills and the time spent.

Before you rush in search of remote work, you need to evaluate the available resources:

  1. Availability of free time.
  2. The presence of a personal computer, additional accessories - headphones, web-camera.
  3. Internet connection.

The main resource of a pensioner is his education, qualifications, life and professional experience, and responsibility. The list of professions that can be mastered on the Internet is quite large, there are plenty to choose from on the Internet:

This list is a small part of what in reality can be used as a new profession.

Payment for remote work occurs by transferring non-cash money to an electronic wallet, from which you can make purchases, pay bills or, if necessary, transfer to your bank account.

In the field of freelance work, this is what remote work is called (English freelancer is a free worker), pensioners will not be asked about their age, everyone is able to earn the authority of a qualified and professional worker on their own.

Therefore, for specialists in search of remote work, there is a good chance to prove themselves in interesting and profitable activities.

Separately about programmers

Retirees with an education related to computer technology have the most realistic chances of finding remote work on the Internet. This profession is so in demand today that employers will look for you, and not vice versa.

Employment options can be different: part-time work on one-time orders or official employment. This profession requires deep knowledge in different types of programming, so you should really evaluate your knowledge, skills and experience:

  1. The most popular PHP programming language. Almost all sites are created using it, so if you feel that you will not be equal here, you need to boldly offer your services.
  2. Delphi and C# programmers support desktop software, and this type of activity is also always in demand. Starting with mini-projects, gradually, as the portfolio accumulates, you can take on more complex projects.
  3. A project that can become a win-win when looking for a job related to programming: maintenance of the 1C program. This program is now available at all enterprises, as it is universal for organizing all areas of the company's activities. The program requires constant updating, maintenance, troubleshooting, it is also necessary to train staff in using 1C.

A company operating with this program definitely needs a full-time programmer for its maintenance. Alternatively, you can perform one-time 1C maintenance work, which will be adequately paid.

The opportunity to work remotely is used massively by mothers on maternity leave, students, schoolchildren, but there is no competition, because the number of vacancies offered on the Internet is unlimited.

Google to help us, and all questions related to finding a remote job can be found on the net.

To do this, just enter into the search engine a query about what type of work is most interesting. For example: "Retired work remotely". The Internet will give out so many options that you just have to choose from the one that suits you.

Today, according to statistics, every 4th pensioner works in Russia.

There are no statistics about freelancers, but there is hope that after the April indexation has passed by them and after reading this article, the ranks of freelancers will significantly increase.

P.S. So I couldn't find the right video. All around a mess. For each video with a purchased review, a link to all sorts of scams is offered. DON'T BELIEVE IT! If you have any questions, it's best to ask them in the comments. Let's take them apart.

One of the main features of remote work is that it is available to literally everyone. To work on the Internet, you do not need to have a special specialized education, extensive work experience or meet other strict requirements. Remote work from home is suitable for everyone, even for retirees. How to start make money online older people?

    • What vacancies exist online and which ones are most suitable for retirees?
    • Features of networking for a pensioner
    • How can retirees find work online?

What vacancies exist online and which ones are most suitable for retirees?

Remote work at home today has many types of employment that suit people of a wide variety of professions. But it is worth noting that not all work on the Internet is suitable for pensioners. The main forms of employment on the Internet are programming, design, advertising, website promotion, copywriting, social networks, administration, graphics, multimedia, etc.

For pensioners who have skills in one of the most sought-after Internet professions, in principle, it is realistic find a specialized job one of the specialties. But it is also worth considering the modern requirements for work.

If you are a retired designer, architect or advertising specialist, you should be familiar with the specifics of working on the Internet and the peculiarities of a particular field of activity today. So, if you are a design specialist, but have not worked with special software in this area, released in recent years, then remote work at home in this category may not be available.

Another thing is if you are a specialist in administration, recruitment, translation of texts or writing articles - in this case, it will be much easier to find a job, since working conditions and basic requirements are the same both for office employment or work in an organization, and on freelance portals . However, for pensioners, such remote work at home still raises a lot of questions related to getting the task, paying for them, and organizing banal household issues.

Features of networking for a pensioner

People with the "old school" are often surprised by the possibility of working on the Internet at a computer and are often apprehensive about it. AND The first question older people have is often about getting paid.. How can I get paid for the work performed remotely?

In fact, it is quite simple - you need to use an electronic money system, such as WebMoney or YandexMoney. You can receive payment to your personal wallet in the system and there are no cases when money disappears from such wallets.

This is a really reliable form of payment. Of course, it seems strange and very unusual for older people to get paid in other than cash, but this is how modern freelancing works.

The second important point of work on the Internet is associated with the peculiarity of the formation of wages. People who have been accustomed to working on a full-time basis often find it difficult to get into hourly work.

On the Internet, you should be prepared for the fact that you will receive payment only for specific work performed.

If in a regular service in an organization the salary is received day by day, regardless of the activity of the employee, then everything is different on the network, and if you spent two hours on work, then get paid on the day those two active hours of employment.

How can retirees find work online?

Remote work at home for a retiree may seem difficult for the reason that it is difficult to find it on the Internet. In general, in truth, online work can be found even faster than a real job.

Remote work at home for retirees can be different and if you have the right skills, you can get a stable income. For example, if you know how to write articles well, then all you need to get assignments is to register on a large freelance exchange and contact an employer.

Work from home for retirees appears on the big remote employment sites quite often, for the performer it is important to fill out a profile, write about yourself, your experience and upload examples of work to the site. An employer can even contact you if they find your profile in the directory.

Watch the video - What opportunities does remote work offer for pensioners?

One of the features of job search sites on the Internet is paid registration. Exchanges require payment for finding tasks, such as buying a VIP account or universal applications. For a retiree who is looking for work from home, asking for an account fee may seem outrageous and suspicious, but this is normal practice for freelance exchanges.

You pay for an account and thereby confirm your serious intentions regarding the work, and usually an account costs no more than 5-10 dollars. Well, online work for pensioners exists - this is not a myth, not a fairy tale, but a very real way to earn money at home.

Working on the Internet is not available to all pensioners, but only to those who have special skills and responsibilities that can be performed remotely. Also, remote work will require basic knowledge of a PC and special software. You can find work on the Internet for pensioners on special freelance sites.

According to statistics, every fourth pensioner works in Russia. Among the total employed population of the country, more than 17% are people of retirement age. Before many of them, after retirement, the question arises of how to live on social benefits. Not everyone has a pension that allows them to live with dignity, but everyone wants to afford a good rest and a pleasant pastime, which is now in abundance.

That is why many retirees are trying to find an opportunity to earn extra money. At the same time, some choose a job that does not require special skills (couriers, subscription agents), while others are looking for an opportunity to apply their own knowledge (tutoring, consultations). Is it worth mentioning that such work for pensioners requires good health and some effort?

Technological progress today allows you to go much further and earn money without leaving your home. Students, mothers on maternity leave, and pensioners have this opportunity equally. Moreover, most houses have had a computer for a long time and it is not so difficult to master the minimum skills of working with the device. There is a whole list of vacancies for which people of retirement age are ready to take. The only thing that is required of them is the desire to earn.

Ways to make money on the Internet

There are many options on how to make money on the Internet, you just need to prioritize correctly, since not every option can bring good profits.

Posting on websites

One of the options for earning money on the Internet for pensioners is posting on sites (active advertising services), for which a certain amount of money is paid to an electronic wallet. The advantage of such work is the ability to make a profit without using any special knowledge or skills.

The disadvantage of this option of earning is considered to be a rather low income, with a significant investment of time, since it takes from 15 to 60 seconds to visit each site, and the payment for this time will be within 0.05 dollars at best.

Online currency exchange

Pensioners can engage in currency exchange on the Internet, earning on the difference in rates. At the same time, the higher the starting capital, the more profit you can earn, but this capital should not be 5 or even 50 dollars, but 150 or 1000, so that you can somehow exist on the income from exchange transactions. The disadvantage of this type of work for pensioners is a high proportion of risk. Not every exchanger will faithfully return the requested amount to you, and searching for reliable currency exchange offices on the Internet can take a lot of time and personal funds are lost.

Earnings on file hosting

Another way to earn income is to earn money on file exchangers. This type of work for pensioners is especially good if a person has his own published works, which he will distribute on the network. By posting links to the downloaded file on different thematic forums, you can get from $ 10 per month. The amount is small, if you really try it can be increased several times. The downside of this work is the need to distribute materials for which you (in most cases) do not have copyright, as well as a relatively low income with a significant investment of time.

Some work for retirees still requires certain knowledge and skills, but compared to the previous options, it can bring more significant income, as well as additional experience, and provide an interesting pastime for what you love. Its essence is to write texts for numerous article exchanges. If a person is well versed in certain issues, whether it be jurisprudence, medicine, philology or technical sciences, he can easily earn money by writing quality articles that people who need to fill their sites will buy. This type of earnings is called copywriting. From the person who decided to do this, no special education or specific work experience is required (although their presence can be a significant help). The main thing in this business is the desire to earn money, put in your efforts and constantly learn something new.

Copywriting can be done either by posting your own texts on the article exchanges, and then waiting for them to be bought, or for a specified fee, performing specific tasks provided by sites. Finding a good resource that will not only offer a job (specific tasks to complete), but also help you learn the rules for creating quality texts is not so easy, but they still exist.

For example, real pleasure, as well as a decent regular income, can bring work on There are more than enough tasks that are systematized by sections and topics, and experienced administrators are always ready to suggest how to fulfill the customer's requirement correctly. Working on such a resource, you can be sure that your efforts will be appreciated, and the work will be paid on time.

You can work any amount of time, calculating your strengths and desires. In principle, the income from writing articles is unlimited - a little experience and you will succeed. Working at the SDFF "Freelance Factory" is an income that does not require any investment, but gives instant profit. From the outside it sounds fantastic: there are no investments, but the money is paid, but hundreds of authors have already seen this, who write texts for sites on various topics.

You can become one of them. Unless, of course, you really need money.

Other projects for making money on texts:

Every pensioner needs a computer

Working from home is a very attractive occupation. And everyone wants to do it: both adults and young people. But is there work for retirees at home? Very often, age leaves its mark on a person's health, and he cannot fully fulfill his duties in the old place. That's when you have to look for a new job, and at home. Let's try to figure out if there is work for pensioners (disabled people) at home.


Before proceeding with the study of our today's topic, you need to prepare a little for the process. After all, this is very important. Especially if it is work on a computer for pensioners at home. Not every elderly person knows how to "communicate" with this machine, which can greatly interfere with the process of finding a job and employment.

The first thing we need is to study the computer. You can attend special courses that will teach you how to work on the World Wide Web. You can also do this on your own. When you learn, feel free to move on.

The second point is the receipt of an electronic box and a virtual wallet. It would be best to use "WebMoney". It would be nice to get yourself a plastic card for withdrawing funds. For example, from Sberbank - there the commission is less.

And the last thing you need is the desire to work. Remote work for retirees at home, as a rule, requires perseverance and the desire to develop. If you're sure you want to get started, let's take a look at the job opportunities you might encounter.


Very often the offered vacancy for work is the call center operator at home. Here you will have to install Skype for yourself and register in it. What are the responsibilities? You will have to make "hot" or "cold" calls (depending on the activities of your parent company), and then offer products and services. Sometimes operators simply inform potential customers about new products without selling them anything.

It is rather a work at home for retired women. The main point here is clear and intelligible speech. You can get from 10,000 rubles to 50,000 for such work. Usually, to be honest, the bar stops at 15,000. How much to work? It depends on how much you want to receive. Usually 4-6 hours. In rare cases - 8. You will take a short course of training, and then get to work.

Sales Manager

Next on the list we have a sales manager. To be honest, this vacancy is more suitable for young people. Although quite often the elderly are interested in it. Of course, you will be required to sell the product and advise potential customers. Often the emphasis is on things for expectant mothers and clothes.

As a rule, the whole process takes place on the website of your employer. Except for finding clients: you have to find them yourself. It can be friends, acquaintances, just strangers from social networks, and so on. You send them to the website of the online store, and then place an order in their name. From each sale you will receive a fixed percentage.

By the way, the salary of sales managers depends on the number of orders they have placed. Usually the salary is 6000-7000 rubles, and the rest is a percentage of your sales. This position is also suitable for energetic people. If you have already worked as a sales manager and you liked it, you can count on success on the World Wide Web. Such work at home for pensioners without investment is just what will suit very many. In any case, in practice, older people are engaged in this activity more and more.

cosmetics seller

To be honest, you should not confuse sales managers with cosmetics sellers, these are different vacancies. And they differ a lot. However, they are about the same in terms of popularity. Such work for pensioners at home, especially for the female half, is a real pleasure.

The thing is that the duties will include the sale of cosmetics of a certain company. Usually social networks are used for this - there you can quickly demonstrate the product, as well as find customers. You will receive a higher salary than in the previous case - about 10,000, and the rest of the amount is a percentage of your orders. As a rule, the seller takes 10% of the total order value.

This is a very good remote job for retirees at home. Only, to be honest, women are usually hired for this vacancy. Payments occur once a month, usually to a plastic card or electronic wallet, from which you will then have to make a transfer to your plastic. How you will receive wages should be agreed in advance.


There is also some work on the Internet for a pensioner at home. This is nothing more than text editing. Today the editor - a very popular vacancy. And regardless of age. Working here is a real pleasure for many.

All that is required of you is a good knowledge of the Russian language. You are given the text, and you edit it. Wages are formed, as a rule, based on the number of tested characters. And the average cost of 1000 verified signs is 40 rubles. That is, if you edited 100,000 characters per month, then you will receive 4,000. In truth, this way you can safely receive 40,000 rubles a month. Indeed, sometimes texts do not require editing at all: you just read, make sure that they are correct and send them where necessary. In some cases, wages are based on salary. Usually it is from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. Most often, the vacancy of an editor is free in different publishing houses. And this is a good job for retirees at home.


Do you know foreign languages ​​at the highest level? Want to channel this knowledge in the right direction? Then try to work as a translator. This job is also available online. And lately it has become more and more popular. And they take on it any person who knows how to translate the text, regardless of age (of course, if you are over 16 years old). They don't work with children.

The work of a translator, as a rule, takes users from 4 hours of work. They translate the test and, by sending it, they also receive money. The situation here is exactly the same as with editing: either payment for 1000 characters, or a fixed salary. For a thousand, the price varies from 60 to 100 rubles. Depending on the complexity of the language and text. Sometimes you can even find options for 150-200 rubles per 1000 characters. This is a very rare phenomenon that extends to rare and difficult languages ​​(say, Japanese). The fixed salary is usually from 30,000 rubles.

The main advantage of this vacancy is the ability to independently plan your working day. You can work 4 hours in the morning and then be free (and still know that you have a good income), or you can sit at the computer all day. That's all. Just remember: your knowledge must be at the highest level. Only in this case, you can hope for success.


You can find work for a pensioner at home, as you can see. Another idea for a vacancy is a teacher.

Private teachers are a more subtle point than working at a university or school. Your income will depend on the number of students, as well as the cost of one lesson. Nevertheless, private traders often receive about 25,000 rubles a month. And they teach not only school and university subjects, but also provide services for various circles: cooking, needlework, carpentry, and so on. Any person is suitable for this job. Especially if he has interesting and useful information.

Sale of handmade

Working from home for retirees can be even more interesting. For example, you can try to sell what you create with your own hands. It's called handmade. Now you can look for customers not on the streets (usually such goods were sold in the markets), but on the World Wide Web. And everything is done online. This saves a lot of time, effort and money.

Can you knit? Weave? Embroider? Making furniture or toys? Then feel free to independently sell your products via the Internet. For example, with the help of social networks: post a product (photo) there, and under it - a description and cost. You can also make handmade to order.

In truth, this work for pensioners at home is very profitable. Often in this way, many earn about 30,000, or even more. And with all this, they are doing what they love. But there is another vacancy that requires attention. Which? Now we'll find out.

Typing at home

Recently, a vacancy for a typist at home has appeared more and more often on the Internet. Honestly, you should not pay attention to it: it's a scam. Also, do not "get fooled" by offers from the series "PC operator" - also a scam.

But attention should be given to such a vacancy (more precisely, work) as copywriting. And rewriting. What it is? In the first case, you will need to write your own original articles to order, and in the second, you will need to rewrite the finished text in the original version. Payment here, as a rule, is made on the basis of 1000 printed characters. And the average cost is 40 rubles. So you can earn about the same as when editing a text.

This work is suitable for those pensioners who have a good store of knowledge, and also know how to present the material in an interesting way. It is best to look for this type of employment on special article exchanges. For example, Etxt or "Advego". There you can quickly receive an order and make it, after which you will receive a payment for the article.

Many people who have reached retirement age have problems finding a field of activity to earn additional income. But there is an area where age is not decisive, and for everyone there is a suitable type of activity.

Work for pensioners at home can be remote. In today's world, there are many employers who, through the Internet, are trying to find employees to perform simple tasks.

To do this, the pensioner must have the necessary level of literacy and knowledge of computer basics. The order can be paid through electronic systems, and then transferred to a bank card account.

In order to start making money online, you will need:

Choose a suitable profession that is in demand on the Internet and is interesting for you. Professions suitable for people of retirement age: copywriter, content manager or rewriter.

It would be better for teachers and educators to test their skills as proofreaders. You can learn design specialties. Here, an additional advantage will be the presence of extensive experience, responsibility and attentiveness.

  • Register an account in one of the electronic money systems. They are like bank accounts. They can be managed via the Internet;
  • Register on one of the exchanges for freelancers. They place customer orders;
  • After completing the registration procedure, apply for one of them;
  • Complete a certain task and get the money earned;
  • Carry out an independent search for orders using the Internet. In this case, you yourself will have to agree on a settlement system with the client.

How much income can you earn by writing texts

Consider how much you can earn doing work for pensioners at home. As an example, let's calculate the profit that can be received for one day of work of a copywriter. The average cost of one small article can reach up to 300 rubles.

Within one day, having a good print speed, you can complete 4 such jobs. If you have regular customers, monthly earnings can be 25 thousand rubles.

In addition to fulfilling regular orders, you can sell your own or other people's articles using special sites. Text topics may vary. In order for you to be able to make a sale, you will need to list these articles in the directories of specific Internet resources.

After viewing, customers will choose the material they need and buy texts, and you will accordingly receive your money for the goods sold.

To sell articles, you can use the text exchange. This resource is quite popular. Many people make good money with the help of this exchange.

When working on the site, you can view the search queries section and, using this information, find the most popular topics. With this type of activity, you no longer need to leave your home to complete the order. To work, you only need a good computer.


Considering the question of what work can be for retirees at home, you should pay attention to manual work. This option may be suitable for people who like manual labor.

Maybe they once wanted to do a certain type of activity, but they did not have enough time for this. Similar vacancies can be found on the Internet.

At home, you can assemble pens or beads. Getting a stable income and your hobby are quite compatible things.

Manufacture of ornaments or toys

Most often, such activities can be chosen by women. Today, handicrafts are in great demand.

If there is desire and interest, other areas can be mastered. It is quite easy to sell handmade jewelry, soap with an unusual shape, exclusive ones.

It is necessary to analyze your predispositions. Then you can combine your favorite business and good earnings. You can use the Internet or craft fairs to sell your products.

Telephone services

In the modern world, the sphere of various services is developing at a rapid pace. There is a constant need for taxi operators. Also, such specialists are constantly needed for services that deliver various goods.

With this type of home-based activity, the pensioner will need to be near the phone. But at the same time he will be able to do household chores and other work.

How to organize a workplace

Although many people of retirement age have sufficient vigor and activity, one should remember to maintain their health and be able to properly organize a good rest. You don't have to work around the clock.

While surfing the Internet, or embroidering a new product, it is imperative to remember that there is good lighting and other amenities.

Every hour you should give yourself a rest and be distracted from the chosen type of activity.

What are the benefits of working from home

The following advantages of home-based activities can be noted:

  • The ability to manage your schedule;
  • The pace of work can be the one that is most convenient for you;
  • When doing freelancing, retirees get an exciting pastime. When writing articles, a lot of life experience is used;
  • If you get regular customers, there is a possibility of making a good profit;
  • Customers are not interested in your age range. They care about the quality of the job.

And more practical tips:

When looking for work at home for people of retirement age, freelancing can be a good help to generate additional income. Perhaps this will be associated with the development of a new specialty. In any case, you will have the opportunity to engage in activities you like.