The exchange is all for 500. Kwork is a new generation freelance services exchange for all (500 rubles). Why Kwork and how it differs from regular freelance exchanges

  • 05.03.2020

This is a freelance shop. The minimum cost of the service on the site is 500 rubles, while the service gives a guarantee of a refund and reduces the time spent on discussions to a minimum.

The service overview was prepared with the support of Kwork.

To bookmarks

Since the time of the novel "Ivanhoe", where Walter Scott first mentioned the term "freelancer", the word has changed its meaning. By freelancer, Scott meant a nomadic warrior who is not in full-time service. Now a freelancer is, rather, an Internet warrior who is not tied to a place of work.

The advantages of freelancing are obvious: free schedule and lack of strict control. There are also disadvantages, and most often they concern wages- it is piecework and depends not only on the professionalism of the freelancer, but also on his ability to sell himself and look for orders. Many people use freelance exchanges for this, where they either look for clients or wait for the customer to contact them.

In mid-2015, Forbes released a headline titled "How freelancers are taking over the world." It's hard to argue: in the UK and the US, the freelance services market is growing by 3% annually. Analysts predict such growth for another 5 years.

In Russia, the situation is worse. There are many freelancers - by the end of 2014 there were more than 2 million of them - but it is inconvenient to place orders on freelance exchanges. Ordering a service is accompanied by lengthy negotiations and correspondence. In addition, many sites do not provide guarantees - because of this, it is almost impossible to control payment, deal with disruptions in orders and disappearances of the performer.

Main page of the service

The founders of the Kwork service took into account these shortcomings. Basically, Kwork is a freelance services store. Service categories are familiar to those who are familiar with freelance exchanges. These are SEO, design, marketing, development, work with text, audio and video. There is a category "Interesting" - non-standard services get there. For example, the opportunity to buy your genealogical book or print a print on a T-shirt.

The site has an unusual payment model for services. A standard order is called a kwork - one kwork is equal to 500 rubles. If the order is larger or more complex, then you can buy additional options. For example, analysis and the first consultation of one of the SEO specialists costs 500 rubles. But the customer can add additional categories- internal optimization, selection keywords or order articles.

Adding additional options

This payment model allows the customer to buy small services at a fixed price. At the same time, flexibility remains - if you need more services or options, they can be purchased for additional kworks. According to a Kwork survey, more than 62% of all freelance services are small orders up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

The site has a rating system. Customers rate freelancers on a five-star scale. After completing the order, you can leave feedback - they are divided into two categories: negative and positive. On the freelancer page, you can also see how many orders are completed on average, how many orders have already been completed, and how many orders are in the queue.

The service provides guarantees for the return and accrual of funds to both parties. It works like this. When ordering a service, the customer pays for it, but the money does not go to the freelancer immediately, but only after the work is completed. The customer can return the funds if the freelancer has not yet started work. If the seller has not started placing an order, the funds are returned automatically after two days. When controversial situations both parties can apply to arbitration - service support, which will sort out the problem and help solve it.

Categories of design services

You can replenish your Kwork wallet with any bank cards, electronic payment systems(WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi), from a phone balance or in cash through Svyaznoy and Euroset stores. A freelancer can withdraw money to WebMoney or Qiwi wallets.

The service is monetized by charging a percentage of the payment for kworks. According to the founder of Kwork Mikhail Raitsin, the service will never have paid functionality. For example, access levels, promotion of services and pro-accounts. “Everything should be honest and transparent - if the seller makes money, then we are with him. If not, then he will not pay any money,” says Raitsin.

Mikhail Raitsin

Since November 2015, when Kwork was created, the number of completed orders has exceeded 4 thousand per month. The number of kworks on the site is approximately 13 thousand pieces. In plans for 2016, representatives of the service call an increase in audience coverage and expansion of functionality.

Our plan is quite simple - to create an affordable and convenient freelancing market. In Russia, it is now at a artisanal stage, pricing is absolutely chaotic, and terrible quality control is already legendary.

You can draw a simple analogy: current market is a fair where thousands of sellers and buyers try to find mutual language, bargain for each trade and often try to deceive each other.

We are creating a supermarket where all goods are arranged on shelves, pricing is absolutely transparent and understandable, and the interests of the buyer and seller are protected by the very mechanism of the service.

For us, the freelance market is not a service market, it is a product market.

90% of freelance orders are routine small tasks that do not require long discussions and approvals. And especially trade. You don't haggle over a pack of sausages or ketchup at the supermarket, do you? You just go to the store and put everything you need in the basket, knowing that at the end you will get a completely edible sandwich. This does not negate haute cuisine (complex projects that require the participation of exclusively highly qualified freelancers and the maximum involvement of the client in the discussion), but how often do you go to fine restaurants and how often then disappointedly say to yourself: “It would be better if I cooked it myself - and tastier and cheaper "?

Our immediate plans include the maximum increase in the volume of available kworks and work to attract new customers. We can use standard methods for promoting online stores, which is very convenient - all KPIs are transparent and easy to calculate (ARPPU, ACPU, LTV and others), as well as implement the best practices of world leaders in online commerce - smart system individual recommendations (Amazon is one of the role models for us), e-mail marketing, referral program and more.

We are now focusing on improving the convenience of ordering and maximum user satisfaction. We are proud that we managed to raise the percentage of successfully completed kworks to 88%. It's really cool.

Mikhail Raitsin, founder of Kwork and other projects of the Mirafox holding

It is obvious that freelancing in Runet is bad. For the customer, this is a bottomless barrel: there is no clear pricing (assessments for simple job may differ many times and tens of times), there is no protection of the interests of those who pay (prepayment protects the contractor, but not the customer). I decided to order something freelancing - be prepared for lengthy discussions and negotiations, filling out briefs and test tasks. At the same time, there is always a risk that the freelancer will suddenly disappear, stop responding to email and Skype. Long, expensive, inconvenient.

But for most tasks, technical specifications or discussions are not required at all - these are routine small things like laying out a page, correcting a photo, sketching a business card or logo. That is, a bunch of small tasks where you just need to go in and choose someone who knows how to do it quickly without unnecessary discussions, and even more so without agreeing on a price. How many times have each of us either given up on a task or done it ourselves just because it's easier and faster to do it ourselves than to explain and choose a freelancer.

Freelancers have a different problem... With the exception of top performers who can put any price tag on and keep getting orders, most freelancers live from order to order. You need to constantly monitor tenders on various exchanges, place applications and hope that one of the customers will finally bite. And if we add here the often inadequate requirements and expectations of customers, then the picture, in general, becomes sad.

This situation does not suit both parties. And something had to change. That is why we launched Kwork.

Kwork idea: “Freelance services supermarket. Everything for 500 rubles "
Our initial goal was to get rid of unproductive discussions, unnecessary tenders, price negotiations and other disappointing features of freelance exchanges. All this is not available in online stores and marketplaces - you just choose a product, pay for it and wait for delivery.

On the example of the Fiverr service, we saw that services can be sold in the same way as goods in online stores. Service on Kwork as if wrapped in a product wrapper - the freelancer indicates in advance what is included in the product: for example: " Three logos for 500 rubles". And in the description of his product he gives detailed information about what and how he will do.

Tenders and tedious negotiations are no longer needed, we have a supermarket of services. Choose, pay and wait for delivery (from 1 hour to several days, depending on the type of service). Required logo, layout , links from "fat" sites? Great, add to cart, pay and wait for the result.

All services (kworks) on Kwork cost only 500 rubles. Freelance sellers decide how much they are willing to put into this cost. For example, promotional video- this is a difficult job, and the sellers immediately write that the price of a basic service for 500 rubles. includes, for example, 15 seconds of video. If you need a video 1 minute long, then we pay 4 kworks. The final price is always clear and transparent in advance. As a result, we have:

Changing the paradigm
And the most amazing thing is that Kwork completely changes the paradigm of the relationship between the client and the freelancer. There is no more freelancer, there is a seller, and instead of a customer, there is a buyer. This little thing changes everything:
  • The freelancer begins to feel like a seller, and the value of each client for him increases. He himself studies the market and offers demanded services. It seeks to increase sales by providing best service. Instead of wasting time on tenders and discussions, he makes every effort to expedite service delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • Customer, who had never experienced any pleasure from ordering services from freelancers, suddenly sees how great it is to buy all services in one place with a few mouse clicks. There is a real excitement: “wow, I’ll order this kwork, and also that and the other - they are all so cool.”
The value of service, that is, the level of customer service, is increasing dramatically. Kwork ranks higher those services for which a better service is provided. This is determined based on indicators such as:

Almost free - it's really profitable and works great for promotion. I am sure that many optimizers would like to get, say, 50 links for only 500 rubles. Moreover, these will be bold links from sites that have TIC from 150 to 1200. This is 10 rubles per link, by the way.

Exchange freelance services for 500 rubles is the same exchange where you can order all the services of freelancers for 500 rubles. In this case, services are called Kworks. So, freelancers prepare kworks and put them on the stock exchange. There are many categories of services on the exchange - I will only talk about the most popular ones.

Why is better than others?

Indeed, why is Quark better? - The benefits don't seem obvious. However, let's look at it from a different angle. It is important to understand that this is not a typical freelance exchange where you have to write complex technical specifications, select contractors and work with finances directly, which is very dangerous. Kwork is a service with a new approach. To be more precise, this is a service store that will greatly simplify your life and work.

Need specifics? - Please. Here are three simple benefits:

  • secure payment. You yourself already know how dangerous it is to work on a freelance exchange, when every second person takes an advance payment and simply “throws”. On Kwork, the system is set differently - all orders are made exclusively on a secure transaction. You are protected from fraud.
  • there are no complicated TK and a choice from a bunch of performers. Instead of spending a lot of time choosing a contractor who can’t really tell how well he will perform a service, Quark suggests choosing services like a product in a store. Each kwork on the exchange has a clear description and volume. And how do you write these TK when you are not a specialist? - Yes, who knows. On you can forget about TK forever.
  • fixed price and strict deadline control. Usually orders are processed within 2-3 days. I myself have already used the services of many times, and the deadlines have never been missed. I must admit that on the standard freelance exchange, my experience was deplorable, in general, like most.

Interesting learn more about Kwork from the founder of the project? - I found his article on VC, look here

Features of work

It's time to forget about the incomprehensible pricing for freelance services, when the cost of the same work can differ by an order of magnitude. No outrageous prices! No advance payment to the contractor - payment only upon the fact of the work performed.

Kwork is a headache pill for many webmasters who work with freelancers. Deadlines will no longer be missed. Why? - Because the performer is directly responsible for this. If the deadline for completing the order has ended, then you do not pay for this work, and the rating of the performer decreases. Thus, it is unprofitable for freelancers to delay the deadlines and collect a bunch of orders "for reserve".

What do I usually order on Kwork when developing websites

I know that this blog is read by a lot of developers who are creating websites for their clients. How do I know? - Look at the survey in the right column of the site)) Why, our team is also engaged in development / promotion, so I know this "kitchen" from the inside.

So, when developing and promoting a site, there are a lot of moments when you need the help of specialists of a different profile, for example, a designer or a copywriter. It is for this help that I most often turn to Quark, because in this way I save time and budget. I can spend the freed time on working with more expensive orders, but everything is clear with the budget, I suppose ...

Need a simple logo for your website? - OK. 500 rubles and in a couple of days a quite decent logo. Yes, typical, nothing special, etc. But to start a website with a budget of 15-50 kilo rubles is enough, right? If the client decides to develop the logo separately, then we will hire a good designer.

Hello, dear friends and guests of the blog! Today we will talk about another freelance exchange Quark where everything online services 500 rubles are provided for you. This is a service that is offered to us by the developers of such well-known, highly visited and highly in great demand users of Internet resources of services, such as GoGetLinks, Miralinks. With which you are already familiar from my articles, and other materials, of which there are a great many on the Internet.

So, let's take a closer look at this amazing freelance exchange. Quark ...

Quark is a new generation freelance exchange. Freelance services at a fixed price (500 rubles)

When your kwork is chosen by the customer, you will know about it and will be able to complete the task and receive your reward.

To work on the freelance services exchange, both as a customer and as a performer, you first need to register there.

How to do it? There is nothing complicated in registration! You just need to follow this link to the freelance services exchange and fill in all the proposed fields and that's it, you are a registered user of the freelance services exchange.

4 steps to your earnings on Quark :

  • You need to create your own kwork and pass moderation. Then your offered online services will appear in the feed.
  • Now we receive an order and possibly clarify all the nuances of the service online with the customer
  • The next moment: we fulfill our order, create our own report and hand over the completed work to the customer
  • And the best part: we get money

That's all I wanted to tell you about the new generation freelance exchange, where everything is 500 rubles.

Yes, yes, this is the same company that owns the Miratext and Miralinks you know.

It's time to get to know the resource better.

General information

As mentioned above, the opening of the exchange was announced six months ago - in mid-January 2016. But for now, the resource is still in beta.

The chip of the exchange is that all freelance services cost 500 rubles. That is, the performer writes an ad that he is ready to do for this amount - the customer only needs to order this service.

Sellers place their services or service packages in the form of so-called "kworks", worth 500 rubles. Each kwork contains a description and scope of services, a portfolio and examples of work, a deadline, as well as information about the seller.

At the time of this writing, there were 19,501 active "quarks" on the exchange, 853 of them were created in a week. The average performance of one job is 2 days 7 hours.

What can I say - the indicators are not bad, and the exchange is steadily gaining popularity among freelancers. Judging by the counter, which shows the time of the last order - among customers too.

So this format, which is a little new for Runet, has found its users.

  • SEO and traffic;
  • Design;
  • Development and IT;
  • Marketing and advertising;
  • Texts and translations;
  • Business;
  • Life style;
  • Audio and video;
  • Original. forfreelancers

The exchange is suitable for both novice freelancers and experienced freelancers to start - so as not to bargain for a "trifle", and always have small orders.

After registering, you can immediately start creating a kwork. Need to compose detailed description suggestions, attach photos and examples, indicate the execution time and other important options.

If your service is ordered, you will be notified about this on email. That is, you do not need to sit on the stock exchange for days waiting for orders.

Placement of kworks is free. You can withdraw earned funds to WebMoney or Qiwi wallets. You can send a request for withdrawal of funds at any time after they are credited to the account.

When buying 1 kwork from you, the buyer can only count on the services described in the package. If improvements are needed, you have the right to offer another kwork, or service, for a fee.

All payments go only through the system , so fraud and underpricing are excluded. Each buyer can communicate with you directly before placing an order and clarify their questions.

Other benefits include:

  • you can receive orders without a monthly fee and purchase paid accounts;
  • responsive and polite support service, fast moderation of ads;
  • great opportunities for personalizing ads and personal profile;
  • the fixed price of services avoids dumping (except that for 500 rubles different contractors offer a different scope of services).

But there is still a catch in the wonderful system. From each kwork that costs 500 rubles, you get 400 rubles to your account. The system takes 100 rubles - that is, 20% of your earnings. The commission bites a little, to be honest - there is no such commission on any exchange. for customers

Of course, the exchange model is very convenient for customers. First of all, by the fact that when you come here, you know exactly how much you will pay for the service. Each kwork contains a portfolio, examples of work, information about the seller, and a detailed description. Those. you don't have to buy a pig in a poke.

The exchange also saves time. No need to create a project and look at the portfolio of a dozen candidates. Ordering a service is as easy as buying a product in an online store.

To order a service, just find the one you need and click the "Order for 500 rubles." (or add to cart if you need more than one service). Of course, you need to replenish your account on the exchange before that.

The contractor immediately receives a notification of the order and gets to work. When you receive the finished result, you confirm receipt, and the money is automatically sent to the freelancer.

The exchange provides a money back guarantee in case of poor quality service.

A very detailed overview of the exchange for the buyer - on the video:


It really is an online service store. Even the interface is a bit reminiscent of a "store" one - shelves with goods, a basket, a "Buy Now" button...

But I got the impression that I had been in stores a la Kopeechka or All for 20, where you very rarely manage to dig out something worthwhile among Chinese consumer goods.

Pleased with a large number of "goods" and the exact fixed price. The creators claim that a freelancer using their service can put small orders on stream - and this is true.

But large projects and serious customers will have to be looked for somewhere else. And the commission is very upsetting.