Unusual business projects. Interesting, original, fresh business ideas. Compliments for money

  • 30.09.2022

What to do for those who are stuck on a mountain or those who need a performance at their own funeral. It is for the provision of such strange services that the following 10 organizations were created, which are ready to lend a helping hand even in the most unusual situations.

1. AIC-CERT - American Institute for Historic Preservation

When Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans in 2005, more than 1,800 people died and the city suffered an estimated $108 billion in damage. Many private homes and businesses were destroyed, museums and libraries were flooded, damaging books, historical documents and works of art. . Hoping to preserve these priceless artifacts, the American Institute for Historic Preservation (AIC) organized a team of volunteers to salvage as many records, paintings and encyclopedias as possible.

Subsequently, AIC, inspired by the success of the team, formed a separate group at the institute dedicated to the preservation of works of art in the world. The group, called AIC-CERT, is made up of architects, art historians and other professionals. It offers art rescue services worldwide. AIC-CERT also holds special seminars where it teaches representatives of museums from other countries how to prevent a catastrophe (for example, how to freeze water-soaked books to prevent further damage, or how to properly clean mold from canvases).

2. Selection of names, slogans, names

It is often difficult to come up with a name for a child, a title for a novel or another article. It can be even more difficult to choose a name for a new product that is introduced to the market, because the success of its sale will largely depend on this. The Auckland-based organization Catchword is engaged in the selection of the most successful name or slogan. Among their clients are such famous companies as McDonald's, Starbucks, Wells Fargo and Time Warner Cable. As a rule, the client is provided with 30 to 60 slogan options.

Where to turn for help in case of a natural disaster or some kind of incident? First of all, the Red Cross or the Ministry of Emergency Situations comes to mind. But if a person is stuck on a mountain while climbing or finds himself in a war zone, there is often no time to wait for rescuers. In this case, you need to call a professional Global Rescue team, consisting of former Navy SEALs. They are ready to help in the most extreme conditions... for a considerable amount of money.

The team has offices in the US states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as in Pakistan and Thailand. For example, during the "Arab spring" they evacuated 60 people from Egypt. Global Rescue rescued people during the tsunami in Japan in 2011, as well as during the earthquake in Nepal in 2015. In fact, these guys perform about 1,000 rescues every year and they are the best in the business.

4. Unified Weapons Master - new sports system

In modern mixed martial arts (MMA) there is one big problem - a complete ban on weapons. But many martial arts systems are just designed specifically for combat with a variety of weapons. The reasons for the ban are quite obvious - to avoid injuries and accidents. Australians David Paysden and Justin Forsell founded the Unified Weapons Master project, in which they want to start their own MMA organization, which will use weapons.

It is assumed that the athletes will fight in special armor made of carbon fiber and impact-resistant foam. Under the outer plates of smart armor are pressure sensors that allow you to count the hits missed in order to more accurately determine the winner.

5. Correcting mistakes in graffiti

Some people are Grammar Nazis and are very sensitive to mistakes. The guys from the Accion Ortografica Quito group take to the streets of the Ecuadorian capital Quito at night, armed with stencils and aerosol cans. They are engaged in the fact that they correct all the errors found in the graffiti on the streets of the city. As one member of the group stated, "We will not give up until our city is free of spelling errors on the walls."

6. Jazz Band for Chinese Funeral

Funerals in San Francisco's Chinatown are always an unusual sight. When a member of the Chinese community in America dies, it is believed that his spirit remains with the body. At the same time, there is a danger that the spirit will get lost and turn into an evil ghost.

In order to send the spirit of the deceased to rest, the inhabitants of Chinatown hold unusual parades. First, sweets are placed in the mouth of the deceased to "kill the nasty taste of death." A funeral procession is then held, led by an open-topped cabriolet on which a gigantic portrait of the deceased is displayed (so the spirit would supposedly be encouraged to stay close to the body). As the procession passes through the street, the mourners throw money into the air so that the spirit will pay for the passage of the soul to the afterlife. The most exciting part of this ritual is the music. The Green Street Mortuary Band is exclusively dedicated to playing Christian hymns at Chinese funerals in San Francisco.

7. Scotland Yard Super Recognizers

Scotland Yard has a special group of so-called super recognizers. These are people with unique abilities who only need to look at a human face once to remember it forever. According to official data, the efficiency of identifying criminals has tripled, which has had a positive impact on criminal statistics.

There are currently 152 Super Recognizers under contract and they are doing a really impressive job. In just one year, they watched over 200,000 hours of footage and spotted 600 suspects. Two-thirds of these suspects were charged with crimes, and 90 percent of them went to jail.

8. Shadow Wolves

At first glance, the service provided by the "Shadow Wolves" does not seem particularly unique. This team belongs to law enforcement agencies and is engaged in catching drug smugglers. What makes the Shadow Wolves unique is their way of working. The group is made up entirely of American Indians who use both modern technology and the ancient secrets of their ancestors. Every little thing helps them in tracking down smugglers at the border, and in reading the tracks they are second to none.

9 Extreme Abduction

People are often willing to do crazy things to get their dose of adrenaline. The New Orleans-based group provides adrenaline junkies with one of the strangest services imaginable. They kidnap their customers. Depending on how much they get paid (there are different rates), Extreme Kidnapping will kidnap their client in broad daylight, take them to an abandoned house, and keep them tied up for a certain amount of time. For an additional fee, they can also "try to drown" the client, torture him with a stun gun, or bring his worst phobias to life. Before ordering, the client must sign a special agreement that everything happens with his full consent and that he takes full responsibility.

10. Love commandos

Falling in love in India can be quite risky. In a country where parents still marry off their daughters in infancy, potential suitors must meet fairly strict criteria. First, young people are strongly discouraged from marrying someone outside of their religion or caste. It is also highly undesirable to marry against the will of the family, otherwise the parents may even try to kill the unlucky groom. So-called "honor killings" are especially common in northern India.

A group of "Love Commandos" rescue unfortunate couples in love whose parents are against their union. They secretly take young people out, supply them with groceries and food, settle them in secret apartments and do everything to unite loving hearts. This job is incredibly dangerous. Angry families often offer huge rewards to anyone who can kill such a commando.

The list of these business proposals can be adequately supplemented. But the authors sold them for mere pennies.

Sometimes the strangest and even crazy ideas bring millions of dollars. While you wonder at the games of your own mind, people without prejudice embody their wildest fantasies. It turns out that non-standard thoughts visit many heads at the same time.

Another year has passed, during which so unusual business ideas have appeared in the world that it is sometimes hard to even imagine. Most of the owners who own the ideas described below have become dollar millionaires.

If, as they say, you take a closer look, then there is nothing supernatural in these ideas, on the contrary, they are so banal that most people will not even think that they can make money on it. I will not bore you, but rather go straight to the list of the most unusual business ideas of the year according to TimesNet magazine.

Elephant Washer

African coffins

But in Africa, craftsmen do not sit idle. They quite successfully create and export to Europe and the USA wooden coffins of various, even the most unimaginable forms. From a cell phone model to a coffin in the form of a Ferrari. The cost of the latter is about a thousand dollars.

Onion Adoption Business

46-year-old Connor (What about Sarah Connor?) from Kent, England, together with her friends, opened an agency that allows everyone to adopt pickled onions. Yes, at first my head got a little cloudy, and then for a few more seconds my wild imagination painted a vivid picture of a happy family: father, mother and ... a pickled onion walking in the park ...

On the website of the agency adoptapickledonion.com, it is proposed to choose a "baby", place an order and give "Cipollino" a decent life. After adoption, you will receive a certificate confirming the fact of adoption, a photo of your baby with a happy smile on his face and an inexpressible sense of pride. By the way, adoption is not the cheapest. Everything costs about 8 euros, which is quite expensive for a pickled onion.

Crime scene cleaning

Murder Scene Mop Up is an Atlanta-based company that specializes in crime scene cleaning. According to the founder of the company, this business idea is not very bright and interesting, in some cases you have to rip your brains off the walls in the literal sense of the word, but that is why the services provided by the company are in demand and the annual turnover is more than a million dollars.

Help for suicides

This business idea confused me a little, a little later I will write why. The Last Tour agency invites everyone to purchase, so to speak, a tourist, or rather an excursion program. It seems like a normal start... although for those who understand English, the name of the agency already said a lot.

In general, the company's employees offer everyone who wants to take a ride to the places where they commit the most suicides. If you have thought about suicide, then for $ 50 you will be helped to find an interesting place for its implementation. In my opinion, this is a criminally punishable occupation ... but it brings money!

Japanese friend

Have you ever thought of renting friends or relatives? Not!? But among the Japanese, this service is quite popular. They rent friends through the agency Hagemashi Tai who are invited to birthdays or funerals, rent husbands and wives, or relatives. Roles are performed by professional actors for a moderate fee.

Anti-stress business

Sarah's Smash Shack in San Diego is for those who want to relieve stress. Visitors to this club beat the dishes against the wall. Visitors can attach a photo of the "offender" as a "target" and beat the dishes to the music they brought with them. The cost of the service provided depends on the type and quantity of dishes. So, for example, 3 vases can be broken for $10, and 15 plates for $45.

Thus, for just a few dollars, you can get rid of negative emotions and not have to deal with the unpleasant process of cleaning up after yourself. But this is not the only idea for organizing an anti-stress business.

Another service for relieving emotional stress is offered by the American company Vent By Phon, giving the client the opportunity to call and let off steam over the phone. The Vent By Phon telephone operator does not give advice or provide any assistance, he just listens, inserting "Yes", "Mmm" from time to time. The cost per minute of this service is $2.99. Talking once on the phone for three dollars a minute is much more harmless than lashing out at others - the business is developing successfully.

More unusual business ideas

And a few more ideas, in one line... DoodyCalls is a dog poop cleaning company. The company's annual turnover is more than a million dollars. Brazilian company Petsmiling produces sex toys for dogs.

In Japan, there is a Kayabuki restaurant, which is known to almost all residents, and all because of the monkey waiters working there. No, not crooked waiters, but the most real animals. One of the monkeys brings bottles of alcohol to restaurant visitors, and the other brings hot hand towels. BioScientific Inc. - a company specializing in the sale of chicken manure. The company's annual turnover is more than a million dollars.

Such unusual, even crazy ideas are born in the minds of people, then they are realized and make their creators millionaires. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything, if a crazy idea comes to your mind, do not discount it, perhaps it is she who will make you rich!

According to opinion polls and studies, from 23% to 39% of Russians want to open their own business, but less than 3% of respondents are going to do it in the next 3 years. The Yandex search engine records more than 200,000 “business idea” queries from its users every month, who are looking not for simple well-known options, but for ideas of non-standard projects. It is about them that we will talk.

Many people dream of creating their own business, but before the idea "shoots", you have to try a bunch of options, some of which sometimes turn out to be not profitable, but unprofitable due to high competition, an incorrectly calculated business plan, seasonality, slow payback and other factors.

If with standard types of business, albeit in demand, such as grocery stores, shoe stores, car services of various formats, as a rule, you have to survive in the face of fierce competition, then unusual business ideas can ensure doing business in conditions of minimal or even out of competition.

The moneymaker factory has prepared a review of 7 unusual business ideas with a brief description from idea to implementation.

Animal hotel

Due to the spread of tourism, the pet care business is gaining popularity. Abroad, pet hotels are commonplace. If it is necessary to go on vacation or on a business trip, it does not even occur to the owners of four-legged friends to ask relatives to look after the pet. He is simply placed in the appropriate institution.

According to the Expert North-West publishing house, every third family in Russia has a cat, and in terms of the number of domestic dogs (more than 10 million), our country ranks first in Europe and fifth in the world. The first four belong respectively to the USA, Brazil, China and Japan.

In the UK, in the city of Lymington, a luxury hotel for cats was opened in 2014. Tailed guests are given king prawns for breakfast, they live in luxurious rooms, there are even personal drivers, and Skype conferences are organized with the owners. A week of keeping a four-legged friend in this hotel costs the owners £250.

Rosatom investment manager Andrey Pushkin, who has long dreamed of changing his occupation, came up with the idea of ​​opening a hotel for cats after he could not find a suitable place to accommodate his cat Fani during the planned departure for the New Year holidays.

So the hotel "Sir Cat" appeared. Renting an area of ​​100 sq. m., the entrepreneur placed 15 tempered glass boxes there, with an area of ​​2.3 sq. m per 2.1 sq. m. They contain all the necessary attributes for a comfortable stay of mustachioed pets: shelves, bowls, beds, scratching posts, some boxes have video surveillance systems so that the owners can see their furry friends.

Thus, starting investments amounted to 1.8 million rubles. (rental of premises, equipment of boxes, advertising, installation of video surveillance, etc.), the average check is from 4 thousand rubles. (the cost of a room for a cat in 2015 averaged 550 rubles per day), the amount of monthly revenue is 300 thousand rubles, profits - 80 thousand rubles. Three people work in the staff: 2 cat nannies and Pushkin himself.

In 2015, the net profit of the hotel for cats amounted to almost 1 million rubles. with a revenue of 3.6 million rubles. For 2016, 3 Sir Kot hotels in Moscow have already been opened and two more are planned to be opened.

Production of facing tiles from glass waste

The essence of this creative business idea is as follows: facing tiles are made from glass waste, the cost of 1 sq. m, which is 30-70 rubles. Selling price 300-450 rubles. In the manufacture of individual orders, the price increases to 600 rubles. for 1 sq. m. For comparison, the price of imported European tiles is 900-1500 rubles.

Production technology: glass cuttings are crushed into small fractions, a binder (polyester resin) and dyes of the desired color are added. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and placed in a vacuum unit. A frozen tile (and it hardens within a couple of hours) is not inferior in appearance and quality to Italian and Austrian ones.

The cost of equipment (at first, you can use a mechanical crusher) is about 10 thousand rubles, and reusable forms cost an average of 200 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, you will need a vacuum unit to remove air bubbles. For the production of 300-400 sq. m of tiles per month requires a room of 18-20 square meters. m. and a small warehouse.

90% of the materials are cullet, its supply can be negotiated with glass factories and workshops for the production of glass products. The owners of such organizations will only be happy with the free disposal of waste.

Self-service laundry

The essence of the idea: the organization of the opportunity for the population to independently wash things, including large ones: blankets, blankets, down jackets in a place specially equipped for this.

We will talk about the implementation of this business idea using the example of the experience of entrepreneurs Oleg Maslennikov and Pavel Glushenkov, who founded the Express Laundry network of self-service laundries. The first point was opened by Maslennikov in Krasnodar. For 2016, a laundry network is open in Moscow.

This is how the economy of a self-service laundry in Moscow looks like, located on Vernadsky Prospekt in a 50 sq. m. (see Fig. 2)

The total initial investment amounted to 3 million 950 thousand rubles, including the largest start-up costs related to the purchase of equipment: washing machines and dryers, their purchase cost 3.5 million rubles. It took 400 thousand rubles to repair the premises, 50 thousand - the cost of advertising.

The average monthly gross profit is 350 thousand rubles, from which the following costs are deducted: rent - 45 thousand rubles, utility bills - 35 thousand rubles, purchase of household chemicals - 70 thousand rubles, administrator's salary - 35 thousand. rub., other expenses (administrative, managerial, to maintain the cleanliness of the premises) - 18 thousand rubles. Tax under the simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% of income - 21 thousand rubles.

Total net profit per month - 120 thousand rubles.

Health Capsule

The essence of the idea: the provision of wellness services with the help of a health capsule. One session of being in such a capsule for 25 minutes is equivalent to four hours of deep healthy sleep. It normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relieves fatigue, normalizes the work of all systems and organs of the human body.

To organize a business you will need:

  • purchase equipment - the capsule itself;
  • rent a small room at a spa salon, beauty salon, fitness center, gym, clinic;
  • organize an advertising campaign to attract customers.

One session in such a capsule costs an average of 300 to 600 rubles.

With an eight-hour working day, you can receive up to 25 visitors per day.

Textile design business

This original business idea can bring big profits. However, it will suit creative individuals who are interested in fashion and design. The bottom line is to create unusual unique designs, followed by printing on fabric and selling at international exhibitions.

We will tell you how such a business works using the example of a project implemented by Muscovite Alexandra Kaloshina. She owned a tailoring shop and occasionally visited European fabric design exhibitions. When she had the idea of ​​creating her own design, she applied to participate in the Paris exhibition Premiere Vision. Of the 200 samples she brought, almost all of them were sold.

A sample is brought to the exhibition - a fabric on which an image and a file with a pattern are printed. The selling price of one sample is from 120$ per drawing for India and up to 220€ for Europe.

Currently, Kaloshina's company not only sells designer images, but also scarves with these designs under the Radical Chic brand.

Making $5,000 - $10,000 a month selling cotton candy is quite possible, provided you work hard and hard. Balloons made from airy sugar fibers were first presented at the World Exhibition in 1904. There are many machines available for making cotton candy, but you need a quality machine for commercial use that […]

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  • Have you decided to open your own business, but don't know what business idea to start with? Which occupation or craft is right for you?

    If you are looking for interesting business ideas that will help you make a choice, then this article is just what you need.
    Presented here 123 business ideas in a wide variety of areas: personal services, retail sales, cleaning services, animal handling, technology and more.

    In this list, you will surely find the best business ideas that perfectly meet your goals and requirements.

    But before you dive headlong into this extensive list, we want to draw your attention to one question - if you don't have a logo or other corporate style elements yet, we recommend you an online logo generator called Logaster.

    You don't need any technical skills to create a logo with this tool. See for yourself by going to.

    business ideas at home

    Makeup at home

    If you know how to emphasize the dignity of a person's appearance and work wonders with the help of shadows and lipstick, then why not monetize your talent? For less than $250-500 you can start your own makeup business from scratch. With a skillful approach, such an undertaking can turn into a fairly profitable part-time job.

    home care

    This, of course, is not the most profitable occupation, but it is a great opportunity to live in different parts of the world (including exotic ones) without paying a penny for rent.

    babysitting job

    Do not think that only teenagers and students look after other people's children. Even vice versa. This work can bring a decent income, especially for those who work at night and on weekends.

    window washing

    When you look at the world around you from the window, you want to see everything clearly and clearly. This generates a great demand for window cleaners, especially in office buildings.

    Property management

    Do you know people who rent out property? Then they may need a person who will manage their affairs. This is a great source of additional income that does not require much effort on your part. However, this position requires agility and a willingness to work flexible hours. Your responsibilities will include collecting rent, arranging repairs and other works, as well as handling any unforeseen situations. Most real estate investors need a manager like air.

    Renting out your property through Airbnb

    Airbnb offers a great way to make money by renting out a spare bed or sofa. But that's not all. This is also a great opportunity to make a lot of interesting acquaintances (of course, provided that you are a sociable person). You can even rent out an entire apartment. But do not think that this is a passive source of income that will not require any effort from you. You must keep the apartment clean, always be ready to receive guests and do everything possible for their comfortable stay with you.

    Carpet cleaning

    Carpets can instantly transform any home, making it more cozy and comfortable. But over time, dust, dirt, grease, allergens and germs accumulate in carpets. Carpet cleaning services will always be in demand, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of the opportunity that lies right in the palm of your hand. However, for this you will need to invest in the purchase of appropriate equipment and supplies (vacuum cleaners, carpet brushes, detergents, etc.). An alternative option is to rent equipment for the weekend to serve 5-10 customers at once and cover the rental costs. If you get off to a good start, over time you will be able to purchase your own equipment and increase your prices. So a small part-time job can turn into a serious business.

    Real estate valuation

    Real estate appraisal can be done from home, devoting several hours a day to it. This is a great idea to earn money in addition to your main income. Although it is not necessary to graduate from a university with a degree, you will need documents confirming your professionalism (licenses, certificates of completion of training, etc.), deep knowledge in the field of real estate, as well as a large base of potential clients (brokers, real estate agents, banks, other appraisers, etc.).

    House cleaning

    If you want to expand the range of your services and earn more, you can do complex house cleaning. During such cleaning, you should pay attention to carpets, floors, lawns, garages, windows, walls, roofs, etc. Naturally, such a scale of work requires a whole arsenal of detergents and cleaners. Or you can form your own staff of cleaners, and deal with administrative issues and interaction with clients yourself. If you have not yet decided on, then you can get a job as a cleaner in a cleaning company to first get to know the business from the inside.

    Selling goods from China

    Trading with China for beginners can be in two variations:

    • Online store
    • One-pagers

    The bottom line is that all agreements with suppliers should be established via the Internet.

    On the landing page, the conversion is higher, so separate one-page sites are created for trending products. So you can make a decent income from scratch in China in 1-2 months.

    Trading with China for beginners is a good way to raise money without any sole proprietorship or LLC registration.

    But the downside is that for such a start, a mere mortal needs to have information: either the Chinese can substitute, or the Russian partners will break the price. Or you mess up something.
    However, do not rush to abandon the business. Still, 400% of the transaction can not be earned anywhere.

    For those curious and purposeful, there is a webinar in which we talk about the key points. All from personal experience. For participation, . And you will have a stable business with China!

    Business ideas in the field of design

    Graphic design

    Knowledge and experience in graphic design is a plus. But if you are a beginner, do not despair: with the handy Adobe Illustrator program or the more affordable Stencil and Visme, anyone can learn the basics of graphic design. A couple of working hands, a pinch of imagination and motivation, and - voila! - you are already ready to pay for the creation and editing of images.

    Alternatively, you can create logos and other graphic products using the service, and then resell them to customers.

    Web design

    Web designers are needed in every company that works with modern technologies. Web design is one of the most popular side job ideas today. The goal of web design is to make the process of using a website or application simple and convenient.

    Websites have long been an integral part of various types of businesses. Therefore, entrepreneurs are trying to create bright and memorable online projects in order to promote their company and attract a huge number of customers. And in order to do this in the minimum amount of time, you may need WordPress templates for business. They are designed for a variety of areas and everyone can find something to their liking. In addition, ready-made solutions delight with their adaptive design, many options for personalization and additional tools. Last but not least, you can familiarize yourself with HTML templates in Russian. Their packages also include all the necessary features that make it possible to build a website with almost no effort.

    By the way, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, we recommend that you download our free book. Tips, practical examples, useful services - in a word, everything you need to create your own style!

    Presentation design

    Yes, even when working on a familiar PowerPoint presentation, a person may need help or advice, especially if he is not strong in this area.

    Interior design

    Imagine that a person is thinking about renovating the interior of the kitchen, and cannot decide which shade of granite will best harmonize with the mahogany floor. If you visit the Contemporist portal more often than the site with a weather forecast, then in this situation your knowledge will come in handy.

    Art collecting

    Do not confuse collecting with the senseless buying of items that represent at least some artistic value. Collecting requires patience, love for your craft and, of course, a huge investment of time. If you are well versed in worthy pieces of art, you can start by visiting the art department at your local university. But don't expect quick money, there is none in this business. Many students of art academies are ready to sell their painting or sculpture for a penny, but it is quite possible that in a few years its value will be in the thousands of dollars.


    Valentine's Day, birthdays, weddings... Every year, people celebrate dozens of holidays and events that cannot do without flowers. By entering into profitable agreements with reliable suppliers, you will be able to keep your costs relatively low. Profit in the flower business reaches 300% (on cut flowers), and this is not the limit. As you can see, selling flowers is a profitable business, provided you choose the right geographic region.

    Ideas for online business

    Web development

    The knowledge and skills of web developers are traditionally in high demand. To learn the craft of website development in just a few months, take advantage of one of the budget online educational programs (Treehouse, Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy or Codecademy).

    After learning all the ins and outs of HTML, Ruby, Python, Javascript or CSS, start freelancing to build a decent portfolio. And when you gain experience and expand your client base, you can safely engage in web development on a full-time basis.

    Application Development

    It seems like there's an app for everything these days. Yet new apps continue to appear every day and are in demand. If you find a relatively free niche, then by learning how to write code (or knowing an experienced developer), you have every chance to gain a foothold in the market. Moreover, to create an application, coding skills are not required. The most important thing is to make sure that your idea will sell. Even if your application does not make a splash in the market, you will gain valuable experience or even decide to try your hand at new software release management.

    Online news correspondent

    Today, to work as a correspondent, you do not need to spend several years at the university. News websites are constantly looking for help in covering regional news. On some portals (The Examiner and HuffPost), a correspondent's earnings are determined by the income from showing ads per article.


    If you think that you can't make money blogging, then you are deeply mistaken. Tens of thousands of bloggers create interesting content on a wide variety of topics, from cooking to travel and cinema. They generate income through their subscribers, sponsors, affiliate marketing programs, and other channels. You should start by honing your writing skills. You also need to understand what kind of content your audience is waiting for, and how to write texts that will provide you with a constant influx of new readers. Just think: you can make good money talking about gadgets, for example, or any other thing that you like.

    Once you've built your audience, you can begin to learn more about their expectations by tailoring your content to your readers' preferences.

    Buying and Selling Domain Names

    It is not the first year that people have been earning on the domain name trade. And although the most winning options have long found their owners (for example, in 2009, the Insure.com domain went for $16 million), there are still enough names on the market that can be bought for little money and then sold at a profit. But some experts believe that the golden days of this business are behind us. Therefore, leaving your main job for the sake of trading domain names is still not worth it (unless you already have several profitable deals under your belt). Get started with helpful tips from GoDaddy, the world's largest domain name repository. Just imagine that you can have domain names in your hands, for which companies will be ready to pay fabulous money for the next ten years.

    Maintaining a YouTube channel

    If you create useful and interesting video content and grow your subscriber base to several thousand people, you will be able to place ads in your videos. And this is a stable source of income. There are many YouTubers who earn millions. The success of your channel depends on a number of factors, including content, audience, skills, relationships, and timing. By paying close attention to each of these factors and skillfully combining them, you can transform your YouTube channel from a small side job into a multi-million dollar business.

    Online courses

    At the heart of the best part-time ideas is the opportunity to capitalize on your skills and talents. If you consider yourself an expert in a certain subject, then there will certainly be people who are willing to pay you to share your knowledge and experience with them.

    Online coaching

    If you are not only well versed in a certain area, but also treat your business with great enthusiasm, you may well turn your passion into income by providing personal coaching services. But try to sensibly evaluate your capabilities so as not to reassure clients whom you are unable to help for any reason.

    Involvement of subcontractors

    If you have already established your freelance business in several areas, you can outsource some of the work to other freelancers. This is a great opportunity to expand your customer base and, accordingly, increase income.

    Online Assistant

    If you consider yourself an organized and diversified person, then why not try on the role of an online assistant? Check out the Elance , Indeed or Upwork platforms for offers you might be interested in. This is a great opportunity to make useful contacts, communicate with reputable people and improve your skills. Another huge plus of such a part-time job is that at first you can work from home. This is especially convenient if you have to change your place of residence frequently (for example, if your life partner (or your partner) is a professional athlete or coach, and you do not stay in one place for a long time).

    Remote teaching of English

    Teaching English as a foreign language is a stable source of additional income, not to mention the opportunity to see the world. Ideally, you should be an accredited ESL teacher, but this is not required. If you are a native English speaker, in some countries (Hong Kong, UAE) people will be willing to pay you $25 per hour for Skype lessons.

    Selling goods from Amazon under your own brand

    Amazon is not only one of the largest IT companies, but also a bottomless global marketplace where almost anyone can capitalize on the growing online commerce. However, just like everywhere else, you will have to sweat a little for this. Get ready to explore the markets for popular non-branded products (eg watches, key chains, mugs, etc.) and select products that you could successfully sell under your own brand. Moreover, in order for coins to fall into your pocket, you need to thoroughly think over your sales strategy.

    Filling out online questionnaires

    Yes, this is not the most exciting and interesting activity. Nevertheless, for filling out the questionnaires they pay, albeit small, but money. Since you can’t make capital here, it’s better to do this in your free time from your main job.

    Buying sites

    Websites are a bit like stock exchanges. Some are considered garbage, while others can bring significant profit. Therefore, sites are constantly buying and selling. When trading sites, factors such as traffic volume, profitability, domain name and some others are taken into account. With the proper approach, you have every chance of finding a real pearl, the true value of which no one but you has yet seen.

    Mobile laundry

    We all wear clothes (at least most of the time), so washing dirty clothes has been, and still is, a lucrative business. The US laundromat market is valued at more than $3 billion. And every year, the industry is replenished with new services - a mobile application for finding laundries, mobile laundries, laundry services with pick-up and delivery, etc. As you can see, there is no shortage of earning opportunities.

    Freelancing Small Business Ideas

    Writing an e-book

    Have you ever thought about presenting your skills and knowledge in the form of an e-book? Such a book will be useful to people who want to learn something, develop professionally or open their own business. This is a truly valuable product (assuming you choose the right audience). Spare no time and effort on your book, interest your target audience, and then you have a chance to publish your work in a real publishing house and create your own brand.

    Proofreading and editing texts

    While texts are being written, there will always be work for editors. Proofreading and editing texts not only provide decent hourly pay, but also provide an opportunity to get acquainted with interesting content. Moreover, such work allows you to travel and work from anywhere in the world.

    Are we missing something?

    Here are some more ideas for inspiration:

    Tell us in the comments about other interesting ideas for additional income. And if you are already working on one of these ideas, be sure to share!