How to live if you know that you will die. I will die soon, a real story from the life of a woman. Bad breath

  • 28.10.2019

Incredible Facts

Death is the final stage of every living being.

Unfortunately, a person is not given to live forever, like fabulous vampires or witches.

But each of us wants to live as long and happy life. However, there are a number of factors that shorten it.

Pay attention to the following 15 signs that you are destined to die early:

Signs of early death

1. Frequent fractures

If you've broken your arm, you don't have to worry about this item. A single fracture is not a reason to panic.

But if you're constantly breaking your arms and legs after a certain age (if you're over 40), that could be a red flag that you're in danger. In particular, it may be a sign that your bone health is deteriorating and you are becoming physically weaker.

Bone fractures can signal other serious problems, such as arthritis and limited mobility, which can affect overall health and eventually lead to early death.

2. Edema and inflammation

Constant incessant swelling and inflammation in the joints and limbs should serve as another red flag.

Of course, there are many causes of inflammation. But if these inflammations are chronic, it could mean that your body's cells are dying and your health is actively deteriorating.

Therefore, if your joints, ligaments and other parts of the body are constantly exposed to swelling and inflammation, seek medical help immediately.

Timely treatment will help prevent serious problems and even premature death.

3. The place where you live

Your geographic location can greatly affect your health. In other words, life expectancy directly depends on where you live.

For example, if you live in certain parts of the country, you may be more susceptible to specific diseases or cultural influences that can lead to heart disease.

There are many things that can affect life expectancy.

First of all, it's about pollution. environment industrial activity.

Natural disasters, living conditions, as well as climate and weather conditions also directly affect life expectancy.

Factors affecting life expectancy

4. Changing appetite

Suffering from constant changes in appetite?

Do you eat little or just eat everything you see?

This may be a sign that your life will not be long. Generally, people start eating less as they approach death, according to a University of Michigan researcher.

Changing metabolism is one of the symptoms of short lifespan. In addition, it is also worth paying attention to fatigue and lethargy.

If you are facing other health problems, you cannot eat as much as a healthy person eats.

Poor appetite is the first sign that something is wrong with you. In any case, if you notice a change in your appetite, pay attention to it and contact a specialist.

5. Poor sense of smell

Our sense of smell is important for many reasons, but as we age, it can weaken or even disappear.

We have all seen older people who cannot see or hear, and similarly we can lose our sense of smell.

The bad news is that research has linked the loss of the ability to smell with fast-approaching death.

In a study described in one of scientific journals, it has been found that the loss of the ability to perceive odors is a sign of a serious problem. It indicates a decrease in viability and the approach of imminent death within five years.

In any case, if you notice a deterioration in the functioning of your olfactory receptors, visit a doctor immediately.

6. Your social circle is very small.

Oddly enough, single people tend to die at a younger age.

Why? The short answer is that they have a weaker immune system. Being around people exposes us to potential threats and, as a result, increases our immunity in order to protect ourselves.

If you spend most of your time alone, your immune system weakens as a result.

In fact, one recent study shows that loneliness can increase the risk of early death by 14 percent.

7. Numbness

Oddly enough, experts associate numbness of some parts of the body with the possible approach of death.

This problem serves as an indicator of the health of our heart. Therefore, if you suffer from numbness of the limbs, you may have serious problems and you need to urgently run to the doctor.

Contact the experts and go through the appropriate examination. It is likely that your body is signaling something important to you, and serious problems are hiding behind simple numbness.

8. Bad nails

Nails can tell a lot about the state of our health. In fact, they are an indicator of the state of a person and how strong his health is.

If the nails are brittle, or have spots, strange ridges, grooves, cracks, it is obvious that you have serious problems. Take a look at your nails and see a doctor, telling him everything that is happening with your body.

Trouble with nails can indicate much more serious health problems than you might imagine.

9. Bad breath

Bad breath can also be a signal that your health is not all right. Of course, if bad breath is the result of eating a dish with onions or garlic, then there is no need to worry.

But chronic bad breath is a completely different matter. Experts say that bad breath can indicate cancer or other infections that can, in fact, end up killing you.

What affects life expectancy

10. High heart rate

Does your heart rate spike, even when you're resting?

Are you counting over 80 beats per minute? This may be a sign that something is wrong with your cardiovascular system.

Canadian experts link too high a heart rate with a high risk of death.

Therefore, if you are at complete rest and your heart rate is over 90 beats per minute, see your doctor immediately.

11. Your fitness

If you want to live happily ever after and feel good in your 70s and 80s, you need to take your physical condition seriously.

This means that you need to carefully monitor your weight. Excess weight is not only ugly from an aesthetic point of view, but also dangerous to human health.

Obesity can be absolutely devastating to your body. Excess weight and all the resulting diseases are among the most common causes of death (including cancer and heart disease).

Experts associate a number of serious diseases with excess weight.

Hello, my name is Anya. I am 16 years old.
I study at school (grade 9).
For the past few months, I have been tormented by the unsettling feeling that I will soon die. I often have dreams about how I die. In a dream, I feel it happening. I feel that I will die on June 9, 2017, i.e. in three months. I don’t know where I got this date from, I don’t even remember when it came to my mind. According to the stories of friends, I heard that their deceased loved ones also felt when they died. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of death. In addition, I often had thoughts of suicide. But I was stopped by the thought: "What will happen to my mother and my loved ones." And my suicidal tendencies are long gone.
There is one more thing I want to talk about. I am hurting myself. I bite my lips until it bleeds, I can hit myself, or squeeze my hand to bruises. Or pick your fingers until your hand is covered in blood. I understand that this can not be done, but I can not stop. Mom is already used to my injuries, and just makes comments. Strangers are scared, and they think that I am sick.
Well, that's basically all I wanted to say. I just needed to speak up. Thanks for reading. I would be very grateful if you give me some advice.

Good afternoon. To begin with, not all dreams are prophetic. I'll die in my sleep - this is rebirth. You develop on a physiological level and on an intellectual level.
June 9, 2017 - may just be an event that could be postponed at an unconscious level: information received from some sources of information. For example, June 9 is a zodiac sign. There have been and will be many events on this day. Regarding things - you can go with your mother to a psychotherapist, tk. your self-harm is due to internal anxiety. The main thing is to find a calm state, comfortable, I would say. And start drawing dreams, as it turns out and pronounce to your mother and even write it down. It will get easier. You will learn to understand your dreams and anxiety will go away.

Loginova Olga Iosifovna, family psychologist, art therapist, Moscow

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Good afternoon

Well, in fact, the "main advice" is to try to speak out not "into the soulless space of the Internet" - but - "to a living person." Try to find an opportunity to talk to a specialist psychologist - either by arranging a private consultation - or at least with a "free" one - for example - with a school or social service.

Addendum: Regarding dreams. Dreams are symbolic. And now you are really dying in something - a woman is gradually born from a girl, from a child / teenager - an adult - just like from an ugly duckling beautiful swan. One period of life ends - in order for another to begin. Death in a dream can mean a complete transformation, the acquisition of a new vision of life, new life values. Therefore, you shouldn't be too scared. And the date can be an ordinary day, or it can be a really important date of life changes - for example, on this day you will choose which university to enter. However, if they visit suicidal thoughts on this or another day, keep a helpline close at hand and call immediately. In addition, sometimes a dream is called " small death"- by and large, we all "die" a little and are born again - every day. Because no one knows how many days are ahead. Therefore, it is in your hands to live every day as if it were the last. This is the simplest and most difficult at the same time - take every day as a gift.Many people come to this understanding only in old age.And this understanding is called wisdom.However, no one forbade learning wisdom at the age of 16.I sincerely wish you good luck.

Chernysheva Ulyana. Skype consultations and in Moscow.

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Death comes to someone unexpectedly, and someone is forced to be in the agonizing expectation of an inevitable tragic denouement, for example, due to an incurable disease. Unfortunately or fortunately, no one knows the exact time and place. Only people who are very sensitive to subtle energies can foresee their death in every detail. Not everyone is given such abilities, but the "universal" signs of an imminent meeting with Kostlyava work with great accuracy.

Harbingers of imminent death

  1. Sudden and unreasonable change in behavior. A person with a developed sixth sense feels anxiety and anxiety, which provoke him to do strange things for others. For example, he begins to be terrified of everything, although he did not suffer from phobias before. It also happens that the lifestyle changes from passive to active. A person is in a hurry to live and do everything, as if he understands that he has little time left.
  2. The constant mention of death in conversations, surrounding it with symbols and images. A person who feels an inevitable end subconsciously prepares to leave this world and even tunes in to it. It should be noted that esotericists have a negative attitude towards the modern hobby for subcultures associated with the afterlife. In some cases, such games are one of the indirect causes of death, and not its harbinger.
  3. The face becomes symmetrical. This sign has received scientific confirmation. Indeed, a few days before death, asymmetry completely disappears.
  4. Cold breath. According to popular belief, in seriously ill patients before death, when exhaling, it is felt not warm, but cold.
  5. Loss of appetite. Fading vitality does not contribute to the desire to replenish the body with useful substances. First of all, there is a rejection of products with a high energy value.
  6. Change in skin color. The hands take on a bluish tint, and strange spots may appear on the face.
  7. Marks on the body. Sometimes moles and birthmarks act as indicators of approaching death. An imminent death is signaled by:
  • red-blue or red formation on the neck from the back of the head (foreshadows violent deprivation of life);
  • a stain on the inside of the heel (indicates an accident);
  • two black moles in the middle of the back 7-10 cm below the shoulder blades (tragic death, possibly a fire);
  • a pale birthmark 3-5 cm above the elbow (death will be associated with the underworld);
  • a large mole in the groin at the hairline (violence or fatal surgery).

5 Signs You're Cursed

The strength of the curse directly depends on the emotional state of the one who sends it. The peculiarity of this attack is the instant activation of a negative program. For comparison: “custom-made” witchcraft takes effect in 30-40 days, and sometimes longer, when it comes to damage to death or exhaustion. The sooner the victim detects the energy strike, the easier it will be to neutralize it. How do you know when it's time to sound the alarm?

Why do I feel like I'm about to die?

    Maybe this is a departure from the problems of the material world. My friend's husband claims he won't make it to retirement. Although he is still a young guy. And he does not tell where he got such a solid confidence. Either the fortune-teller somehow guessed this, or he himself feels this way.

    But know that if you change a little, then your future will change. So everything can be overcome. All you need is outside support.

    And by the way, the master advises you to watch the film Konstantin - I agree, the film is interesting on a mystical theme. There, my favorite actor, Keanu Reeves, plays the main role of the exorcist. Already wanted to review) Do not lose heart. Not all people are afraid of death, many consider it a deliverance. That is, they think exactly like you.

    It happens if it is a reassessment of values, as in adolescence, or after a failure in love, a career. At twenty, we are still maximalists and we want everything at once. And the colors of life are either white or black. Death is seen as a way out of this situation. This okay, maybe you need a specialist to overcome problems if they are related to the psyche. If the problem is finance or career growth, then socionics specialists are needed in order to adapt in society. Those born in 93 will live a long time, especially summer and winter .If it seems that life is over, and there is nothing more to strive for, then this is just a respite before the long race called life. reassessment of life values. Death must be earned, meaning natural, and suicide is not enough, it’s a sin, it may not take place, but it will bring problems. his condition.

    And I'm terribly afraid of death! I always think - where will I be then and what will I feel, I can’t accept that I won’t be ANYWHERE and I won’t feel ANYTHING. I even began to hate sleep quietly - after all, this is almost the same thing - my consciousness is absent.

    But when I was 20 years old (not so long ago it was that) my attitude towards death was like yours! Apparently, then there was nothing to lose ...

    Don't worry - it will pass with age! The main thing is to think less! Do something so that there is no time to think about it!

    Everyone thinks about death once in a lifetime. There is both good and bad in life, it is unnecessary to drive yourself into a corner. Live and enjoy every second. Everyone has problems, I have always admired people with disabilities who, for some reason, have become inferior and live to achieve their goals. And we complain with arms and legs how bad it is for us.

    It's normal, all people think about death.

    Some people have a premonition of their death, and some only think that they will die soon.

    I had a friend who said: I know, I will die in three years. So six years have passed, and he is cheerful and cheerful.

    It is definitely worth contacting a specialist, because such thoughts are very dangerous. If you constantly think about death and think with joy, then sooner or later you will want to die. As soon as these thoughts come to your mind, try to switch to something else, at least on TV or on the Internet, but it's best to remember something pleasant or dream (but not about death), you can go in for sports (or have sex), you can run a kilometer, there are a lot of options, the main thing is to switch.

    Everyone has such thoughts that they will soon die, moreover, people who do not suffer from a fatal disease. For some, thoughts of death cause fear, for some, on the contrary, it seems to them that this is the best way out. For those who fear death, it means that they have something to lose, and for the second, like you, it is most likely just an escape from problems, as they say, there is no person - no problems. Try to think and imagine the future that you would like. And try to strive for it, if it does not help, then to a specialist.

    This is, let's say, a transitional age, you entered a new decade of life and began to think about the frailty of life, adult problems covered you, you have to enter a new unknown and sometimes scary, responsible life, take on the burden of new problems. All this cannot but affect the psyche, and a person may want to get away from it. in a simple way- to die, believing that in the next world it will be better and calmer.

    You shouldn't be afraid of this. thoughts about death sometimes visit people, just do not dwell on it and continue to live real life communicate more with peers.

    Perhaps you are just tired, you just have such a period in your life when fatigue piles up. You need to rest. Even if there is no way to go somewhere, rest at home. Try to get rid of the problems (they will not go anywhere), do something pleasant. It doesn't hurt to talk to an expert either.

The sudden thought that you are about to die can turn the world black. Impose on all actions the seal of doom and meaninglessness. It’s good if she came and, without delay, disappeared from her head, giving way to everyday worries and aspirations. If this does not happen and a person lives under the yoke of waiting for death for a long time, you need to seek help from specialists, without delaying time and without poisoning the life of either yourself or your loved ones.

Why does a person think that he will die soon

It is said that a person has a premonition of his death. A very controversial statement. No one has yet deduced the exact formula of sensations by which it can be foreseen.

Troubles, parting with a loved one, bereavement and illnesses that are difficult to treat can give rise to a false premonition of an imminent death. Lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, thoughts about your imminent death - all these are signs of a depressive state. Since depression can turn into a formidable disease, it is also required from a specialist.

An obsessive premonition of an imminent death, not confirmed by either a medical diagnosis or circumstances (shells and bullets are not exploding around) is a sign of mental illness. Like all diseases, this disease is best treated at an early stage and passes without a trace.

First of all, it is important to increase your self-esteem. Praise and encourage yourself for everything, even the smallest, victories and very tiny successes. Accept compliments and praise from others with gratitude, without hesitation or embarrassment.

Smile even if you don't feel like it. Through strength and unwillingness to see anyone. Together with clothes, put a smile on your face in the morning. Very soon it will become sincere and natural.

Under no circumstances should you be alone. Look for a company of like-minded people, visit relatives and friends. Spend a lot of time with people.

Recall a forgotten hobby and pull out unfinished work from the bins. The easiest way to drive away the blues, causing thoughts of death, if you do not give yourself time for empty, joyless thoughts.

No wonder death is defined as a sacrament. This is the most, most strictly kept secret of nature. If the birth of a person is easy to predict in advance, then the death of the date of his arrival will never be revealed to anyone. Neither the poor nor the oligarch can know their hour of death.

Even if the doctors made a terrible diagnosis and determined a little time left for life. Miracles are not as rare as we think. Hopeless patients recover and live, enjoying every day, for many years.

This is the greatest gift from above - until the last moment not to know that the end is near. Live, hoping and believing in the best, until your last second. Do not wonder about the fact that you will soon die, because he has no answer.


  • I can't tell my mom, but I'm going to die soon!

A deep coma or fainting may be mistaken for death. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs that will help determine the onset. The presence of reliable signs of loss of life indicates the development of biochemical and biological changes that are not characteristic of a living organism.


Death can be clinical, social or biological. clinical death reversible, you can get out of it with the help of specialists. Social death occurs when mental functions fade and the brain partially dies. Such patients are often called vegetables, the state of social death is irreversible. And biological death has certain signs by which it can be determined whether it is required or not.

The first step is to determine the presence or absence of a heartbeat. Check the pulse on the neck or put your ear to the heart area, listen. If even rare or dull tones are heard, then you should immediately provide first aid and call ambulance. Make sure the victim is breathing. Take a mirror and hold it up to your nose, if it fogs up, the victim is alive. You can bring a piece of cotton wool to your nose, by the movement of the villi you can determine the presence of breathing.

Raise the person's eyelids and shine a flashlight in their eyes. The pupils of a living person will narrow, while a dead person does not change their appearance. Please note that with a deep loss of consciousness, the reaction of the pupils to light may not be. Among the signs of biological death, it is also worth noting: dilated pupils (but only if death did not occur); when the eyeball is squeezed, a cat's pupil is formed, and the eye loses its original shape; drying and turbidity occurs in open areas.

The body temperature of a dead person drops. Rigor mortis begins and gradually moves to the extremities. After some time, cadaveric relaxation occurs, in exactly the same sequence. You can also determine death by the presence of cadaveric spots, which can be pink or blue, most often occur in the lower parts of the body. Under the influence of gravitational forces, blood and body fluids flow there.

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After the onset of death, special processes take place in the corpse. These changes are divided into early, which appear almost immediately, and late, which occur over time after death.

Early changes

The cooling of the corpse occurs due to the cessation of metabolism within the body. The corpse gradually cools down to room temperature. The cooling rate depends on air, water and other environmental factors such as wind, humidity and so on. The clothes worn, the fatness of the body and play a role. Given all these factors, experienced investigators can roughly determine how long the corpse lay after death.

The second early change is cadaveric spots, which occur as a result of the redistribution of blood after death. After death, the blood stops moving through the vessels and slowly sinks to the lower parts of the body under its own weight. In addition, the blood ceases to be saturated with oxygen, which leads to its blackening, but since it is in the vessels located under the skin, the corpse turns blue, although it should actually turn black.

Rigor mortis is also an early stage after death. After death, special biological processes take place in the muscles of the body. At first, the muscles relax, and after a few hours they contract and harden again. Complete stiffness occurs in about a day, and after 3-4 days, complete relaxation occurs. Rigor mortis can also determine the time of death, because it begins 3-4 hours after death.

After death, the body begins to lose water and become dehydrated. After a few hours, the skin becomes dry. Moistened or horny areas of the skin dry out first.

At the same time, the process of self-digestion starts. Under the influence of enzymes of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, autolysis of organs occurs. They become flabby, grow dull and are painted in the color of blood plasma.

Late cadaveric changes

These include rotting, mummification, fat wax, tanning, destruction of the corpse by animals and insects. First, there is always decay, but it can be suspended under the influence of the environment. If the corpse dries out, it mummifies, not.

If the corpse falls into a humid, clayey and swampy environment, it goes into a state of fat wax, that is, saponification. The increased content of fat in the tissues of the corpse contributes to this process.

Peat tanning occurs in marshy or peaty soil. At the same time, the skin is tanned, the bones become soft and are easily cut with a knife.

And also the corpse can become an object of food for insects or animals. In the warm season, after a couple of hours, you can see the eggs of flies in the nasal openings and other secluded places, which will become larvae already on the second day and begin to eat the tissues of the corpse.