Initiation into disciples is a modern holiday scenario. Holiday scenario: Initiation into disciples. Scenario "initiation into disciples"

  • 17.05.2020

0 Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to the disciples"

Dedication to first graders.

The course of the holiday

Teacher.Dear Guys! Today we are gathered for a celebration. We dedicate students to students who crossed the school threshold for the first time on September 1st.

Yesterday only you were told: “Baby”!
Sometimes called: "Prankster" ...
Today you are already sitting at the desk.
Everyone calls you - first grader!

Everyone has their first school holiday in their life. Here is a holiday for you today. And it's called...

Children say in chorus: “We are now not just children, we are now students!”

1. We were preschoolers,

We went to Kindergarten,

We made clay

Both horses and rabbits.

And now, and now

The school opened the door for us!

2. Here is the end of the first quarter -

The beginning of the way,

There is still a long way to go on the ladder of knowledge

Have to go with friends.

3. I entered in the fall

Back to school in grade 1

I am considered a student

From the first number.

4. We went to kindergarten,
We had little trouble.
And now we've grown up
It's been the other way around

5. I study and eat on the call. You don't have to sleep during the day.
But just for the game
We have time.

6. We are now quite big,

We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are babies.

7. Why so cheerful
And dressed like a parade?
'Cause now I go to school
This is not kindergarten for you!

8. New uniform put on
White shirt.
Look at me -
What a first grader I am!

9. Stay home dolls
I'm going to go to school.
No time to play now
I will read books.

10. Everything is taught in school:
Account, letter, letter.
We learn a lot here.
School is just the beginning.

11. Everyone is busy in the class
From call to call
It's just a pity that the change
Very short at school.

12. We get used to the order.
We put the notebook correctly.
And we get up every time
When the teacher enters the class.

13. We will learn before the summer draw, write, count,
And then in all subjects
We will receive "five"

14. We are now not just children,

We are students now.

And now we have on the desks

Books, pens, diaries.

15.A in brand new briefcases

The pencils rattle.

They also have a lot to do:

Draw, draw, write!

Teacher.Guys, answer my question: what do they still teach at school?

Nice day, happy day
The sky is gold and blue!
White stone school
Among the trees and aspens.
Next to it is a grove, next to it is a field.
The hare and groundhog know:
If it's quiet in our school,
So there goes...

All (in chorus). Lesson.

A knock is heard at the door.

Teacher: Come in!

Enter Hare, Squirrel, Fox and Bear.

Teacher: Hello, animals!

Animals: Hello guys

Hare: Wouldn't it be possible to take us with you to the first class?

Teacher: If you want to join us...

Animals: We want! We want!

Teacher: We will test your knowledge!

Animals: Agreed! Agree!

Teacher: I'll take these letters
And from them I will make a word ...
Here it is and everything is ready!

The teacher adds the word "School".

Hey squirrel, look -
What is written? Read!

Squirrel: Although I'm a little squirrel,
Even in the morning and waking up
Read the best
The sweet word is "nut"!

Fox cub: Every brother is my fox cub
The word delicious is...
Read without error
Well, of course it's a fish!

Baby Bear: Ha ha ha! Already takes laughter!
Where is the fish? This is honey!

Teacher: Calm down! Calm down!
And please don't fight.
Guys, help
Read the word correctly.

Children (in chorus). School

Animals: We need to get to school faster. We'll go to the forest school, but we'll be back in a year.

Teacher: At school, the most important thing is to be attentive. Here we are now and check your attention with the help of the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

I will ask, and if you agree, answer “It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!”, And if not, then clap your hands.
-Who is a gang of cheerful
Walking to school every year?
- Which one of you keeps in order
Books, pens and notebooks?
- Which one of you kids
Walks dirty to the ears?
- Who flies forward so soon,
What does not see a traffic light?
- Who knows that the color red -
Does that mean there is no move?
- Who is not afraid of frost,
Skating flies like a bird?
- Which one of you comes to class
An hour late?
- Who home their lesson
Does it perform right on time?
- Which of you does not walk gloomy,
Do you love sports and exercise?
- Which one of you, I want to know
Likes to sing and dance?

Game "Collect a portfolio"

So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.

Textbooks and books... Toy mouse… Clockwork steam locomotive… Plasticine colored Brushes and paints... Christmas masks... Eraser and bookmarks… Pencil case and notebooks… Schedule, diary... Collected to school student!

Teacher: Well done guys. You have learned a lot. Everyone learned to collect a portfolio!!! Let's remember what we need to take to school.

(Children come out, read poetry, show objects.)

1 student:

I have a blue cover
On any page a line,
To help a student
Exactly output the string.

2 student:

I am a ballpoint pen.
You are familiar with me.
I can write on the run
But I can't live without you.
Who is ready to be friends with me,
He will not regret
How much is he good words
Can write!

3 student:

I am your other friend -
Nimble black pencil.
Rows of sticks in notebooks -
My hard work.
What are you friendlier with me,
The sticks are smoother.

4 student:

I am a line.
Directness -
My main feature.

5 student:

I am an eraser, I am an elastic band
Dirty back.
But my conscience is clear -
I erased the blot from the sheet.

6 student:

Why from under the sharpener
Curling shavings and sawdust?
The pencil does not want to write
Here she sharpens it.

7 student:

I am a beautiful bookmark.
You need me to keep order.
Don't turn the pages in vain
Where is the bookmark, read there!

8 student:

My wooden box
I put it in my briefcase.
This box is very small.
It is called ... (pencil case).

9 student:

She speaks silently
But clear and not boring.
You talk more often with her -
Become four times smarter
What's this? (book)

10 student:

Things don't grow on their own
Making things takes work.
Pencil, notebook, pen,
Desk, board, table, window,
Book, bag - take care,
Don't break, don't crush, don't tear.


Three girls for the first time
Gathered in first class
Olya says to her friends:


I want to go to school:
I put everything in a satchel,
There is no only Primer.
There is a ruler, glue, notebook,
To write letters in it,
There is a box of plasticine
And the constructor must be taken:
In the classroom we are machines
Let's invent everything!
There is an elastic band - this is an eraser,
There is an orange marker
There is a set of different papers:
Yellow, blue, bright red,
Pen, pencil, pencil case,
My satchel has become heavy!

And then Tanya said,
The one in the blue sundress:


Who said that Tanya is crying?
I did not drop the ball into the river:
I don't have a ball
I turned 7 years old!
And I will go this time
In the best 1st class:
I will go to school
And I dream about
To study well
And, like a mother, become a doctor!

And silent Irina
Suddenly he says to his friends:


I sculpt from plasticine
Learned the alphabet
I'll tell you without stress
You multiplication table!
I know the North, I know the South
I'll draw a circle with chalk
I will teach you too.
And I'll tell you, not melting, -
I want to teach children
Just like my grandmother!

Three girls for the first time
Going to first class!

The game.

Say the name of a literary hero
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Grandfather ... (Frost, Mazay)
Baba ... (Yaga)
Uncle ... (Fyodor, Styopa)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Red Riding Hood)
Koschei the Deathless)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)

Now I will offer you various statements. If you agree with them, then show the green color of the “traffic light”. If you do not agree - red. (All incorrect statements should be corrected along the way).

  • It's light during the day
  • Trucks are flying in the sky
  • Leaves fall in autumn
  • snow green
  • My mom is older than me
  • A fairy tale character with a long nose is named Winnie the Pooh
  • Mammoth can be seen in the zoo
  • Two plus three equals five
  • When the snow melts, it turns into ice
  • The giraffe has a long trunk
  • Lions have tails
  • When the milk boils, you get porridge
  • All words in a conversation begin with the sound "and"
  • Snowdrops bloom in spring
  • The students of our class were on the moon
  • You're tired

Teacher.And now comes the solemn moment - the adoption of the oath. I ask all first graders to stand up. Now the guys will say the words of the oath, and you all in unison say the word “We swear!”

Teacher:Attention! And now an oath

Oath of the disciples

I swear to be diligent before everyone,
And go to our class regularly.
I swear! (All children repeat in unison.)
I swear to write and read decently,
And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."
I swear!
I swear that I will try hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!
I swear to be a child brought up,
Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.
I swear!
I swear not to be afraid of the thorny road
And I swear to cherish the title of a schoolboy.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
I swear!
I will always be a real child
And I will never forget my vow.
I swear!

Presentation of certificates of the first grader.

Teacher.Let's all read the words on the poster together.

Poster reading: “We are no longer just children, we are now students.”


The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everything in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird
The same as everything in the world.
And children read, and children dream,
And even their moms and dads don't know
Who will become, who will grow up children.

Teacher:But no matter who you become, always be healthy, smart, kind, may you have many friends. May school always be a joy to you.

The school is a glorious schoolhouse,
You will be fine in it.
Step by step every year
We will begin the journey to knowledge.

Dear first graders! You passed all the tests with honor, we dedicate you as students and accept you into our friendly school family!

Response from first graders:

1. Wake up early in the morning,
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

2. Train yourself to be in order
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.

3. Dress neatly
To be pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.

4. Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school
Do not frown in vain, be bold -
And you will find friends.

5. Tell everyone about school
Cherish the honor of the school
Learn to write, read, count,
And don't yawn in class.

6. That's all our advice
They are wiser and easier.
If you follow orders
Get ready for class two!

TEST "Do girls and boys know how to be friends?"

(Let's check if girls can be friends with boys)

Host: And we will check it now. Girls shout the word "girls" if we are talking about them, and boys shout the word "boys" if we are talking about them.

Playing with dolls and bears
Of course, only ... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket ... (boys)

Tie yourself bows
From different tapes, of course ... (girls)

With all measure strength
Of course, they only love ... (boys)

They chat for an hour without a break
In colored dresses ... (girls)

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weave, of course, only ... (girls)


On a sunny sunny holiday
The heart beats happily.
"Student elementary school» –
This sounds great!

Hall decoration: stars, planets, star bunnies on a mirror ball, various inscriptions “Planet of Mathematics”, Galaxy of Letters, Planet 1 “A”, Planet 1 “B”, in the center of the hall - the Milky Way, etc.

Instrumental music sounds, something cosmic (Jan Michel Jarre).

The lights go out in the hall. On the screen is a presentation.<Attachment 1 >

Somewhere in our galaxy on a small planet lived The little Prince (slide 1)

Every morning, the little prince put his planet in order: he cleaned the volcanoes so that they would not smoke (slide 2).

Weeded baobab sprouts (slide 3),

Until they grow up and take over the planet (slide 4).

Caring for my favorite rose (slide 5).

In the evenings, the Little Prince liked to watch the sunset and dream, but what is happening there, on other planets? (slide 6)

And one day the little prince went on a long journey (slide 7).

And landed on a new planet No. (slide 8)

Light in the hall. On the stage - the host, a schoolgirl, she is on duty.

The Little Prince comes out.

Little Prince: Hello!

Host: Hello! Hurry up, all the guys are already in the assembly hall, at the holiday ...

Little Prince: At a party? In the Assembly hall? Are there many guys here? And where am I?

Host: Don't you know? You are at school No. 1967, today the smallest children have a holiday, they receive the title of student! And who are you?

Little Prince: I am the Little Prince, I came from a distant planet, I travel to different worlds. But I got to the planet “School” for the first time…

Host: Oh little prince! I heard about you. We are very glad to see you here. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything. Every year new little inhabitants arrive on our planet, they are all called first-graders. If they successfully study, learn and follow all the school rules, they will become full-fledged residents of the “School” planet, and will proudly wear the title of “Student”.

Little Prince: It seems that I have been to one planet where only small inhabitants lived ...

Host: And what did they do?

Little Prince: Listen to what I saw.

Dance number of junior schoolchildren, in the original - the dance "Gnomes"

Presenter: Yes, funny residents ... Let's go, I'll introduce you to our young first-graders. Meet: this is 1 "A" and 1 "B" class.

Little Prince: Very nice! Guys, tell us about yourself, who you are, where you are from, how you study at school. This is my first time on such a planet and I am very interested!

First-graders take the stage and read poems about the school.

Little Prince: What interesting guys! How elegant and beautiful they are! I think they deserve the title of “Apprentice”!

Host: Of course you are right. But first, let's check if our first graders know the rules of school life. Here on your planet, what are the rules?

Little Prince: First, the most important thing: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. I make sure to weed out the baobabs every day, until they grow up and tear the planet apart ... Do you guys know how to put your planet in order?

Host: Now we will check.

Competition “Clean up our planet”.

One student leaves each class or team. They blindfold him with a handkerchief, give him a bucket in his hands. The task of each student is to collect scattered things as quickly and “cleanly” as possible (pencils, rulers, various school supplies are scattered on the floor). Teams can help their members, guide his actions.

After the end of the competition, the hosts check how clean the schoolchildren cleaned their planet.

Little Prince: Well done guys! Do not forget this rule: put yourself in order, put your planet in order!

Presenter: Little Prince, what else did you see during your trip?

Little Prince: On the same planet there lived a business man, he was very busy, all the time counting, adding up, counting something. He didn't even have time to talk!

Presenter: Our guys are also familiar with numbers, they learn to count, add and subtract. You can check it out! The guys will answer any digital questions.

Competition "Digital answer".

To hold a competition on the stage or in the hall, you need to put small boards on which you can write with markers. If there are none, you can attach whatman paper. One person from the class comes to the boards and writes the answers to the questions. The little prince asks questions.

How many students are in your class?
How many days a week do you study?
What classroom is your class in?

After each question, the answer is checked. Leaders need to know the answers in advance.

Little Prince: The guys already know the numbers and answer the questions correctly. They study hard!

Host: I think sometimes they dream of becoming wizards, so that lessons are done with a wave of a magic wand.

Little Prince: But magic also needs to be learned! I knew a young wizard who didn't want to try and learn... Look what happened to him one day...

Song "Wizard-half-educated"

The Little Prince: An arrogant king lived on another planet, he considered everyone his subjects, was rude and impolite.

Host: Our first graders know polite words, I think they could teach this arrogant king politeness.

Little Prince: Let's check, we will read poems about politeness to the guys, the task is to name the last, “polite” word.

Hall game.

(Leaders read poems, the last word should be said by the guys in unison):

1. Even an ice block will melt
From the word warm (thank you)

2. The old stump will turn green,
When he hears (good afternoon)

3. If you can’t eat more,
Let's tell mom we (thank you)

4. The boy is polite and developed,
Says when meeting (hello)

5. When we are scolded for pranks,
We're talking (I'm sorry)

6. Both in France and Denmark
They say goodbye (goodbye).

Little Prince: We have a whole dictionary of polite words! For example, on one planet I had to say good afternoon and good evening every minute.

Host: Why?

Little Prince: It was a very small planet, day and night changed every minute there, and the lamplighter had to light and extinguish the lantern every minute.

Presenter: When he lights his lantern, it is as if a star is born, and when he extinguishes it, it is as if the star is falling asleep.

Little Prince: Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful.

Dance with lanterns to slow romantic music.

Little Prince: Wait, it seems we forgot the most important thing!

Presenter (thinking): We have already said about diligence, attentiveness ...

Little Prince: We forgot about friendship!

Host: But the guys have so little time, they need to learn different things ..

Little Prince: You can only learn things that you tame. People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy prepared food in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want to have a friend, you need to tame him. And remember, you are responsible for those you have tamed.

Host: And if there is no suitable friend?

Little Prince: Anyone can become a friend. I had a fox friend, I had my rose... And on one planet I saw a wonderful story about friendship.

Dance or song number about friendship.

You can stage a conversation between the Little Prince and a rose, and first graders can also read poems about friendship or sing a song.

Presenter: The guys have yet to learn friendship and be responsible for their friends.

Little Prince: And who is responsible for them?

Presenter: These are the parents of our first-graders and class teachers!

(Speech by parents or class teachers).

Little Prince: We can live in an interesting and friendly way on this small planet, we can always feel that this school needs it. And we will definitely see that our friendship and our love for this planet will make it beautiful.

Presenter: And our young first graders will help us in this, who have proved that they are ready to bear the title of “Student of School No. __”!

Little Prince: And in confirmation of this, I would like to give our first graders badges confirming this title. (You can give diplomas, postcards, medals, certificates, etc.)

Presentation of gifts.

Presenter: Thank you, Little Prince, for the stories about your journey, for the advice and help.

Little Prince: I was very interested in your planet, I would like to remember these moments.

Host: We will give you our memories.

Photo presentation “First days at school”

The Little Prince: Goodbye, remember, you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes, only the heart is vigilant.

Host: You are responsible for your friends and for your planet.

First-graders solemnly pass through the symbolic gate "Universe of Knowledge".

The classic scenario of a modern young person's education program includes three stages: kindergarten, school and university or college. Having passed all this “educational road”, young people admit that the most interesting time, filled with amazing events, jokes and jokes, fell precisely on the students. The most memorable event that happened to them immediately after entering the university was initiation into students. Yes, they most often remember not the most difficult sessions, not trips to potato fields, and not even entrance exams to the most prestigious institutions. After graduating from the chosen educational institution, having received the desired profession, they gather at the home of one of their former classmates to have fun again and look into the album with photographs depicting skits, competitions and tests of the initiation holiday.

Are you student. We will say out loud:

"That's right for you."

May you even be lucky

Smiling in his sleep.

At the university you are now in the capital.

Keep it up! And so hold on!

We wish you "excellent"

Pass the exams for life.

A cool scenario of initiation into students at the university

There is an opinion that freshmen begin to feel like real students only after the first session. At the same time, it does not matter whether the student passes it successfully or “flunks” - the first test is always very emotional. However, for many young people, initiation into students becomes a real test of strength. This ritual, which appeared in medieval France, at the Sorbonne, is held annually in most universities in Russia. According to the scenario of the holiday, young people, having completed a number of difficult, sometimes unpleasant tasks for them, take an oath. They give their word to always remain faithful to the student fraternity, support each other, not “give up” their comrades to formidable teachers, and help lagging students. The funniest moment of initiation is when freshmen complete cool tasks given to them by senior students.

Having traveled all the seas and continents,

Let the ethnographer put it in the book

Cheerful and special people!

It is very difficult to understand and study them.

Well, for example, you say when

All that is impossible for other people

How long can a person stay awake?

Well, a day, well, two ... and it's over! Breaks down!

A student can take a session,

Don't sleep for a week, don't quit chess

Yes, plus still manages to fall in love.

How much sleep is a person capable of?

Well, let him sleep for a day on his side,

Then, looking from under swollen eyelids,

He will sigh and say: - I can't do it anymore!

But the student, if there is no test,

Saturday put on the bed

And he'll sleep until next Saturday

And getting up, he will also reproach someone:

Well, what the hell! They didn't let me sleep!

How much can a person not eat?

Well, a day, well, two ... and the body weakened ...

And now he can neither stand nor sit down,

And he won't remember what six six is,

But a student is a completely different matter.

If it happened "aground" to stay,

The student does not bow his head.

He will bravely eat air

Plus tap water!

What was a tailed man in the past -

Scientific fact, not belief.

But, leaving the tail on the trees for a long time,

He lives on earth for century after century.

And, proudly shaving the skin on the cheeks,

He doesn't repeat his ancestor in anything.

But a student, he happens to have a tail,

And even eat with two and three tails!

What does solid, male friendship mean?

We can easily answer this:

Students have friendship and such,

And there is another sometimes.

All the guys are perfectly divided,

And a friend will never let a friend down.

While one meets his beloved,

Another goes to take his test...

Dreaming of the nebulae of galaxies

And looking at the sea through the sights of prisms,

The student is always a desperate romantic!

Although it can pass on a deuce romanticism.

Yes, he lives cocky and difficult,

Almost never discouraged.

And what is impossible for other people

Student - do not care and nonsense!

And, arguing about poetry, about beauty,

He lives by his special destiny.

Here in grief only suffers, like everyone else,

Or maybe even a little sharper...

So let, bypassing all the continents,

The cracker ethnographer will bring his work.

What is such a nation - students,

Lively and wonderful people!

Asadov Eduard

Initiation into university students ―Examples of cool scenarios

Most often, the university hosts several celebrations of initiation into students at once. Each faculty has its own script. For example, "chemists" arrange for first-year students to test their knowledge of all the elements of the periodic table. They do this in a peculiar way, offering the children from the 1st year to smell, touch and even ... try the substances in the test tubes provided to them! Mathematicians solve long equations at speed, philologists compete in knowledge of rare Russian sayings and proverbs. Each test necessarily includes cool tasks - go for a run with a "Newton's apple" on your head, quickly pronounce a complex patter, enter into a marriage with English-Russian dictionary. In a word, incredible things always happen at initiation!

An interesting scenario for the celebration of initiation into students at the institute

The scenario of initiation into students at the institute always depends on the profile of the university. The holiday itself, which begins as an official celebration with congratulations from the rector and deans, gradually turns into a series of trials that freshmen go through in order to obtain the proud title of “student”. It is interesting that every year the fun celebration takes place in different ways. At the same time, doctors always show the greatest, sometimes even sophisticated fantasy. They can easily force first-year students to carry the heaviest student on a stretcher, make a diagnosis with the most contradictory symptoms, translate from Latin sayings that are incomprehensible to many. The holiday always ends with the Hippocratic Oath given by 1st year students.

Examples of interesting student initiation scenarios - A fun holiday at the institute

In each university, undergraduates are happy to take on writing a script for initiation at the institute. They perfectly remember all the trials they had to go through in their first year. For example, journalists were “fed” with small pieces of newspaper, and biologists, trying different liquids from cups, determined by taste what was in each container. Lawyers were asked to "work" with Themis - to walk smoothly around the stage and descend from it with a bandage over their eyes and weights in their hands. In general, every year the dedication of freshmen turns into a fun holiday for the entire university.

University students for five years

That within the framework of a long life -

Just a short moment

Difficult, but not only.

Yes, studying is a heavy burden,

But you can definitely

Finish high school on time

Get on your feet firmly.

As a student

Don't lie sideways

Take advantage of the moment.

You are free from problems

And the worries of life

You are open to everyone

Have fun, laugh!

So that wild five years

Remember in retirement.

Not everyone is ready to become a student

You have to be a student at heart.

At the lecture, having come one day,

You know, it's already over.

Yes, students life is not sugar,

But not salt, but sweet honey.

At the session, shaking with fear,

He expects good luck in life.

Initiation into college students - competitions and tests

Do not lag behind students of higher educational institutions and undergraduates of colleges. Preparing for the celebration of initiation into students, they are happy to come up with sophisticated tests and the most incredible competitions for freshmen. For example, young people studying to be cooks make their new comrades eat sticky pasta or hot peppers at speed, try spices, peel potatoes for a while. Nurses offer the girls to resuscitate the "hopeless patient" by any means, and hairdressers build a tower of artificial hair on the client's head.

Examples of competitions and tests of initiation into college students

In autumn, in all educational institutions of Russia, a holiday of initiation into students is held. By participating in the most difficult competitions and tests, college freshmen are fighting for the right to become members of the student fraternity. At the end of the celebration, the children are given comic certificates and certificates.

Scenario and scenes of the holiday initiation into students

The annual celebration of initiation into students becomes the most anticipated event of the fall. According to a tradition that originated in Europe, first-year students perform the most difficult tasks given to them by senior students. In some universities, teachers also work on the initiation scenario. Together with the guys they cook funny scenes about life at an institute or university, compose texts of altered songs about their beloved Alma Mater, come up with sophisticated tests for young people who have just entered the first year.

Holiday of initiation into students - Scenario and skits

An unusual scenario of initiation into students can always be found on the Internet or thematic literature - undergraduates need to spend only a little time. A few more days will be required in order to thoroughly rehearse the scenes for the holiday. The video posted on this page shows how fun and cool the celebration is.

Initiation into students, the most interesting and cool holiday, held in universities and colleges, is always perceived by freshmen with a bang. Despite the complexity of many competitions and tests, young people are looking forward to them with particular impatience. The scenario of the event and skits are written taking into account the specifics of the university or secondary educational institution.

The course of the holiday

First-graders stand in pairs in front of the door to the assembly hall. In the assembly hall in front of the stage, near the opposite walls, there are chairs in two rows so that the students can freely go to their place. The rest of the chairs are in the usual position for teachers and guests. The stage is covered with a curtain. The assembly hall is decorated with balloons.


Old paintings gilded frames

At this moment we were reminded:

The boys are knights. Girls are ladies.

The assembly hall is both a theater and a temple.

The students enter to the music and, having passed along the aisle between the chairs, they disperse in pairs to the right and left to their places. The last two couples go to the center, read poetry.

Student 1.

There are various holidays throughout the year.

We had such a holiday,

The first time the first graders walked

To your friendly school class.

Student 2.

And the parents were on the sidelines.

And looked at them with excitement,

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Their matured children.

Student 3.

Every schoolboy smoothed his hair,

Everyone is wearing a new suit.

And in their hands are gladioli

Golden like the sun.

Student 4.

As the bell rang, flooding,

In September we started

Life is a new streak.

All first graders line up in front of the stage to perform a song (each student must clearly know his place in the choir).

On the Russian side

On the side of the Soviet

We have to learn

At school on Donetsk.

What do I miss -

Do not say in words.

My grandmother is crying with bitter tears.

Here we stand, in the soul is light,

We'll leave in a moment.

We'll bring you all together

If this school

We won't accidentally die in this difficult role

If they don't go crazy

smart programs,

If mothers help us at night.

Here we stand, in the soul is light,

We'll leave in a moment.

The poor heart was filled with grief and sadness.

Van, Irin, Seryozha, Dian, Igorkov, Natashek...

Remember sometimes your first-graders.

The students take their seats, 7 people remain.

Student 1.

To our very first class

Strictly received us:

We read and counted

We spoke with a speech pathologist.

Student 2.

And now our first class

"Gnaws the granite of science" -

Our program is complex.

We need an eye for an eye.

Student 3.

Mathematics and Russian

Studying our friendly class.

And computers will be familiar to us,

And English is held in high regard with us.

Student 4.

We love to write well.

Examples are difficult to solve

Learn beautiful poems

And different at the board.

Student 5.

Learn the basics of science

We are preparing a solid foundation

For the knowledge that awaits

All of us are already in high school.

Student 6.

We are ordinary children, not geniuses.

We will only take knowledge with difficulty.

And knowledge cannot be without patience,

Patience, with you we live together!

Student 7.

We are school boys! We study science!

We go to bed with a book.

We will overcome all the difficulties of study

And we will grow up faster.

The children go to their seats.

Leading. Today is your solemn day, you have come to the threshold of the school kingdom to become students.

The path of initiation into schoolchildren is long,

It is difficult sometimes to become one.

Well, let's throw back the mysterious canopy

And let's see the show again.

The curtain opens on the scenery of the castle. The queen sits on the throne.

Queen. Hello! Why did you come to my kingdom?

Leading. Dear Queen Science, these children came to us in the 1st grade this year. They have already studied for a whole quarter and want to be ordained as students. We learn to read and write letters, count and solve problems. And we have already learned a lot. According to all signs and observations, the guys and I think that we can already be initiated into students.


Signs of difficult and old legends.

What do legends tell us?

I'll try to remember things

What to study whole year you in a row!

These items are the tests.

Students(in chorus). We will pass them, swearing in nobility!


First of all, a date awaits

All of us with mathematics difficult.

Trumpets sound. The queen offers to pass the first test.

Three big ones, three small ones -

Small, remote -

Whole family.

How many of them are sitting on the stump?

Children. 6.

On a bush in front of a fence

6 bright red tomatoes

Then 4 came off

And how much is left on the bush?

Children. 4.

6 funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one of them is tired

I lagged behind my comrades,

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead?

Children. 5.

Which word has 40 A?

Children. Magpie.

What will happen to the crow when it turns 7 years old?

Children. Will live 8.

Children. Nothing.

5 students come to the center of the hall.


In labor we use addition.

Addition is both honor and honor:

Let's add patience to skill,

And the amount will bring success!

Don't forget to subtract.

So that the day is not wasted,

From the sum of effort and knowledge

We will subtract idleness and laziness!

In labor, multiplication will help.

So that the work was efficient,

Let's multiply diligence a hundredfold -

Our deeds will multiply.

Division serves us in practice,

It will always help us:

Who equally divides the difficulties,

Share the success of labor!

Any of the steps will help.

They bring us luck

And in life, therefore, together

Science and labor march!

Queen. Well done! You did an excellent job with the 1st challenge. Minister 1 (running into the center of the hall). Wait, wait. I protest...

Queen. This is the first minister - the master and keeper of the knowledge of the kingdom, a very picky and grouchy minister.

Minister 1. You offered the guys too simple tasks. But let's see if they will cope with my tasks.

4 birches grew, each birch had 4 large branches, each branch had 4 small branches. Each small branch has 4 apples. How many apples grew on a birch?

Children. Apples do not grow on a birch.

A rooster weighs 2 kg on 1 leg. How many kg does he weigh on two legs?

Children. 2 kg.

I pull the net, I catch fish.

Got a lot:

2 perch, 3 crucian.

One brush - and that in a pot.

I’ll cook the ear, I’ll treat everyone.

How many fish will I cook?

Children. 6.

Queen. Well done! Well answered. But after all, in our school kingdom you need not only to be able to count, but also to be able to do many other things. For example, be able to behave well during recess at school.

Leading. In vain you grumble at us. These guys know this and behave well at recess. Yes, we will prove it to you.

Children perform the dance "Change".

The dance has 4 parts. The first part - the children dance a calm, smooth minuet, disperse to 2 sides. 2nd part - other guys run out to the music of "Mad Frog" and dance merrily and fervently, then they also quickly run away. 3rd movement - minuet. Part 4 is the same as part 2. At the same time, the children who danced the minuet shake their heads (as in the 2nd part), and then they begin to dance a perky dance with everyone.

Minister 1. Here! What did I say! Children do not know how to behave, they have not learned yet. It's too early for you to come to our kingdom.

Leading. Well, how can we explain such pranks to you, I don’t even know.

Pupil. And we know.

The song "In every little child" sounds.

The students who danced the dance perform simple movements to the music and scatter to their places.

Queen. Well, what are you grumbling about, they are really still small children, but I have also prepared a test for them (trumpets sound). I want to check how many children have read books and whether they know fairy tale characters.

1) Who killed Kolobok in the tale about him? (Fox)

2) What was the name of the boy who was raised by the wolves? (Mowgli)

3) Which of the heroes of the fairy tale sold his Primer and bought a ticket to the theater? (Pinocchio)

4) Treats young children,

Heals birds and animals

Looks at everyone through glasses

Kind doctor... (Aibolit)

5) For a long time unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He is called ... (Cipollino)

Children answer questions from the Queen.

minister 1. No no! I disagree! You again give them simple tasks.

Let them answer my questions.

1) He is with a bell in his hand,

In a blue and red hat.

theatrical toy,

And his name is ... (Petrushka)

2) Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me, what was her name? (Red Riding Hood)

3) He is cheerful and not evil

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, walking is a holiday.

And honey has a special scent.

It's a plush prankster

Bear cub... (Winnie the Pooh)

Children answer questions from the Minister.

Leading. And we will explain to you now. We just love to read books. Books are our true friends.

Students come to the center of the room.

Student 1.

White sheets of books

Lots of black letters on them.

They are important to people

Guys should know them.

Student 2.

If you know the letters

And you will hear at the same time

Fascinating story.

Student 3.

Do you know how old

The sun gives us its light

Why spring flowers

And in winter the fields are empty.

Student 4.

You will recognize your native land,

The edge is mighty and big...

The book is a good friend to us,

Read it - find out for yourself.

Minister 1. Well, I don't know, I don't know. Doubts gnaw at me.

Leading. We will try to convince you for the last time, because we know other rules too.

Will we always rescue a friend?

Children. Yes.

Will we never lie?

Children. Yes.

Write down the answer in class?

Children. No.

Throw a stone at a cat?

Children. No.

Take a ticket on the bus?

Children. No.

Ah ah ah! How is it not?

Do you always need to take a ticket?

Children. Yes.

Do not be shy when trouble?

Children. Yes.

Not to spare for the affairs of labor?

Children. Yes.

Don't wash your hands when it's lunch?

Children. No.

How can you not wash it? Be sure to wash.

We wash off the dirt without a trace?

Children. Yes.

Sun, air and water?

Children. Yes.

We lazy people send greetings?

Children. No.

What about those who always work?

Children. Yes.

Leading. Do you now believe that we are worthy to be ordained as disciples?

Queen. Our big kingdom has its own constitution, which contains all the laws by which all its inhabitants live. To accept you into our ranks, I must be sure that you are familiar with them.

Leading. And the guys know these laws well. And now they will prove it to you.

Students come to the center of the room.

Student 1.

Our class is on a long journey

Day after day of the teacher.

Their words are an order for us

Ship commander.

Student 2.

You thought: school is not a station,

Don't be afraid to be late

But those who are late for school.

She won't wait.

Although the class is arranged without wheels,

He'll be gone in an hour.

Student 3.

The hunter will not go

Shoot geese without a gun.

The carpenter won't leave home

Hammer or nails.

And you must not leave

Book and notebook at home.

Student 4.

Our school has a law:

No sluts allowed!

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

Student 5.

Don't talk in class

Like a foreign parrot.

Get up together every time

When the teacher enters the class.

Student 6.

The teacher will ask - you have to get up,

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer - do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

Student 7.

On the street, at home,

In a public place

Be polite to elders.

Remember honor.

Student 8.

In the theater, in the tram,

In the reading room, in the cinema

Be humble.

Fine, smart!

Student 9.

If you want to build a bridge,

Watch the movement of the stars

Drive the machine in the field

Or drive the car up -

Do a good job at school

Study well!

Queen. You passed all my tests, proved that you know all the laws of our kingdom, you showed yourself smart, resourceful, cheerful, noble knights and ladies worthy of becoming citizens of our kingdom. The time has come to perform the ritual of initiation into schoolchildren. And I bless you on a long journey through the school sciences, go for it, conquer all the heights of knowledge and do not back down in the face of difficulties.

Magical fairytale music sounds. The queen passes and touches the shoulder of each of the students with a beautiful pointer. The boys at the same time stand on one knee, the girls sat down in a curtsy.


The main thing is that we do not break on the way.

Don't be afraid when trouble strikes.

The time has come for everyone to swear together

That we will never step aside.

The students, standing, pronounce the words of the oath in unison.

We swear to be students!

Always say thank you

Good day, goodbye -

There is no higher rank in the world!

We swear to be students!

Forget laziness and rudeness

On the road of knowledge, open the way,

To serve the Motherland.

We swear to be students!

In the fight against evil, get good,

I'm ignorant to smash with a magic sword,

And a strict word, and healing.

We swear to be students!


A terrible oath

With a beautiful oath

We are all connected from now on, friends.

There is no turning back to our knowledge.

This means that we cannot be without knowledge.

Student 1.

Wisdom says that knowledge is power.

The strong do not know about cowardice and trembling,

Honor dedicated us to first graders.

Honour! Can you find a better word?

Queen. In memory of the first holiday, I want to give you letters that will always remind you that you are no longer just children, you are now students.

The Queen and the Minister hand out to the students the letters prepared by the parents about the first holiday "Initiation into Students".

Leading. Any kingdom is ruled not only by a king or queen, it also has its own political and administrative structure, the ruling elites of which are present today at our initiation festival. The word is given to the director of the school ...

Noble knights and ladies, today your parents are present at the celebration, who came to see how you became real students from ordinary boys and girls before their eyes. They also want to congratulate you and give you gifts in memory of your first and most important holiday.

The students line up for the final song. The song is "Good luck".

The doors opened, the heart began to beat.

Take your first step across the threshold.

And even if it's not so hard,

Time will tell

What will it be, your first lesson.

He is the first, therefore he is important.


Good luck! On a long journey!

Don't forget your first holiday!

Good luck! On a happy journey!

Someday you're to the ends of the earth

You will drive ships.

Your path is long, full of difficulties.

But still you have to go through it.

Take with you reliable friends,

The light of the sun, fair winds.

Be brave and honest, look more fun

Then kilometers are not terrible.



Boys are knights, girls are ladies...

Old paintings gilded frames...

New ones will be better and more beautiful.

This is where our action ended.

Holiday "Dedication to first graders"

Leading. Dear Guys! Dear our guests! Today we have the first school holiday - "Dedication to first graders." Two months ago you came to our school without knowing its rules and laws. And now you have learned the school rules, plunged into the sea of ​​knowledge, experienced the first difficulties and the first successes. You can be called real students. And from today you are full members of our large school family.

Today, former elementary school students, current fifth-graders, come to us for a holiday. They want to congratulate you.

Order of 5-fifth graders:

1. Here, my friend, is the desired hour,

You are enrolled in first grade.

You. friend, listen to us

We give you orders.

2. Wake up early in the morning,

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

3. Train yourself to order,

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Dress neatly

To be pleasant to look at

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

5. Don't tease, don't gape,

Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold -

And you will find your friends.

6. Tell everyone about the school,

Cherish the honor of the school

To get a five.

7. You sit in class

Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

Your back is right next to you

Do it like me.

8. We put our hands like this

If you want to say

Either get out or get up

You have to hold your hand.

9. If you want to build a bridge,

Watch the movement of the stars

Drive the machine in the field

Or drive the car up -

Do a good job at school

Study well!

10. That's all our advice,

They are wiser and easier.

You, my friend, do not forget them,

Goodbye. Good luck!

Leading. Do our first graders know what they teach at school?

The song "What they teach at school"

Leading. And now the guys from 1-a will share their impressions about the school.

    Look at me:

That's how happy I am!

I'm already in first grade.

And I'm friends with the guys.

    We want to learn faster

Make friends with the alphabet

Page to page

We will read it in the spring.

    We will learn before the summer

And always in all subjects

We will receive five.

    Wonderful days have come

We go to first class

And a lot of interesting

Let's find out for the first time.

    We have important concerns

We are students now.

And we each have

Notebooks and briefcases.

    We wake up early

You can't be late!

They are waiting for us at school

Good friends.

    I'm in hurry,

I rush to school.


I'm a student! I'm studying!

And here is my class,

My first class

I will study in it!

I give you my word

Out of me

The scientist can do it.

    I really like to study

I'm not afraid to answer.

I can handle the task

Because I'm not lazy.

    I'm not up to toys now:

I'm learning alphabet

I'll pick up my toys

And I will give the kindergarten.

Leading. At school, the most important thing is to be attentive.

Here we are now checking your attention with the help of the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." I will ask, and if you agree, answer “It's me ...”, and if not, clap your hands.

Who walks to school like a merry gang every year?

Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

How many of you come to class an hour late?

Who completes their homework exactly on time?

Which of you, say out loud, catches flies in class?

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

Which of you, I want to know, likes to sing and dance?

Leading. Everyone loves to have fun. And the guys from 1-in will perform school ditties for everyone.


Together. Put your ears on top

Listen carefully.

We will sing ditties to you

Just wonderful.

1. So I grew up guys

A happy moment has come

Envy to all preschoolers:

After all, brothers, I am a student!

2. I go to school with flowers,

I'm holding my mother's hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find the door.

3. Mom braided a braid,

Straightened the bows

Gave a brand new satchel -

Sent to first class!

4. Knapsack is a miracle! Just now,

Dear girlfriends,

Do not fit into that satchel

All my toys!

5. We are now students,

We are not up to the party.

Hooks are set on the house -

Difficult task!

6. Early in the morning I went

I so want to learn!

Even though I'm not seven years old.

They will be proud of me.

7. The school bell rang,

We all rush to class.

And Maxim was attracted to the class

An hour late.

8. First-graders have learned

Write different numbers:

Either 7 or 5

Disassemble nothing!

9. We will overcome all sciences,

Everything will work out for us

Because our mothers

They also study with us.

10. I will study well

And get fives

Well, if they put a deuce,

About that I will be silent.

11. Nikita and I love to fight,

Kindergarten cried from us.

Dear teacher, hello!

We see you are very happy with us!

12. At dinner, I spun-

Right, left and around!

I chatted with Olya, Katya,

I doused them with milk.

13. "2" will put so you know

It means you are lazy!

We just don't know yet

Who will be lazy.

14. Engineers and weavers,

Astronauts and doctors

Everyone went to first grade

Just like we are now.

Together. We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you

For you to clap.

Leading. Let's hear what the guys from the 1st grade have to say about the school.

Scene "About school"

The guys sat on a log in a row

And the three of them quietly talk about the school:

I like school, - Natasha said.

All my life, guys, I dreamed about school.

I like the teacher, - Petya said.

I have never seen such beautiful and smart people.

And me, - after a little thought, Lena said,

I like change the most!

Leading. Why is change so attractive to all students? The guys from the 1st grade will tell about it.

B. Zakhoder's poem "Change".

    "Change, change!" -

The call is pouring.

Vova will certainly be the first

Flies over the threshold.

(Vova runs out)

2. Flies over the threshold -

Seven are knocked down.

Is it Vova

Dozing the whole lesson?

3. Is this Vova

Five minutes ago not a word

Couldn't tell at the blackboard?

If he is, then surely

It's a big change with him!

4. Do not keep up with Vova!

He looks so bad!

He made it in five minutes

Do a bunch of stuff:

5. He put three steps

(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),

rolled somersault,

I sat on the railing,

6. Famously plopped down from the railing,

The slap received

On the move gave someone change,

Asked to write off tasks, -

7. In a word,

Did everything I could!

Well, here comes the call again...

Vova trudges into class again.

Poor! There is no face on it!

8. - Nothing, - Vova sighs,

On the lessonrest! (together)

Leading. And now we will find out how the guys feel in the lesson. Will tell us about it....

A. Barto's poem "The First Lesson"

I am in class for the first time.

Now I am a student.

The teacher entered the classroom

Get up or sit down?

They tell me - go to the blackboard -

I raise my hand.

And how to hold a pen in your hand,

I don't understand at all.

How many students we have!

We have four Asi,

Four Vasya, five Marus

And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time

Now I am a student.

I'm sitting right on the desk

Although I can't sit.

Leading. And now let's rest.

Physical education "A deer has a big house" (musical)

Every real student knows what to take to school and what things to leave at home! Do you know how to build your portfolio? Now let's check.

Game "Collect a portfolio".

So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands.

If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary,

Collected to school student!

Leading. Now guess what school subjects are mentioned in the riddles prepared by the students of the 1st grade.


New house I carry in my hand

The doors of the house are locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (Briefcase.)

If you sharpen it

Draw whatever you want,

Sun, sea, mountains, beach...

What is this? (Pencil.)

If the pencil is broken -

I am your faithful assistant.

I, as a doctor, treat him -

Quickly, sharply sharpen. (Sharpener.)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write on them!

You can also draw.

What is me? (Notebook.)

She speaks silently

But clear and not boring

You talk more often with her -

You will become four times smarter. (Book.)

The one that writes, the one that rubs,

Lives in this house.

Well, the house all week

We carry it with us in a briefcase. (Pencil case.)

I carry it with me

Anything you need, I'll write.

Wonderful little thing

Self-writing ... (pen).

I love directness

And the straight one

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler.)

If you give him a job -

The pencil worked in vain. (Eraser.)

Huddled in a narrow house

Multicolored kids.

Just let loose

Where was the void

Look, there is beauty.

(Colour pencils.)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have...

Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in paint.

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page. (Tassel)

Leading. Well done! Real first graders!

The song "Now we are first-graders"

Leading. The solemn moment of our holiday has come.

Oath of first graders.

We, the students of school number ... swear:

Be diligent and diligent; (We swear!)

Always do your homework carefully; (We swear!)

Be attentive in class (We swear!)

Do not offend classmates; (We swear!)

Respect parents and teachers; (We swear!)

Behave well in the school cafeteria, in the locker room, at recess; (We swear!)

Do not snitch and do not tease; (We swear!)

Always be in a good mood.

We swear, we swear, we swear!

Wishes to parents.

It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,

We need to toughen up more children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt

I wish you patience!

Leading. May everything be fine in your school life, guys!

You are not just children now - you are nowSTUDENTS (in chorus)

Good luck, dear first graders! Good luck with your studies! Be always

strong and healthy!

To the music, the children leave the hall.