Scenario of the Miss Snow Maiden contest in kindergarten. Scenario of the New Year's contest "Miss Snow Maiden". "Miss Winter Mystery"

  • 14.04.2020

Scenario of the competition program"Miss Snow Maiden-2017"

for students in grades 5-10

The audience: students in grades 5-10

Letter from Santa Claus in an envelope

Numbers inserted in badges and wrapped for the draw

Candy bag
by the number of participants: boxes, wrapping paper, cut tape, hand ties;

Cards with words on the New Year theme (50 pieces on strips of paper)

Tokens and five numbered envelopes


for awarding: certificates from Santa Claus for all participants in the nominations "Miss Charm", "Miss Smile", "Miss Fantasy", "Miss Audience Choice", "Miss Snow Maiden - 2017"; the crown of the Snow Maiden and the ribbon "Super Snow Maiden - 2017" for the winner.

Fanfare to start the holiday

Leading: Finally a holiday at school

Finally carnival!

And, believe me, it's not in vain

Everyone expected him.

We invite all people

Meet with us New Year!

And so that no one here is bored,

It's time to start our competition!

In the old days in Russia, any business began with a public announcement of a royal decree or letter. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and there are no tsars left in Russia. But the decrees continue to exist.

The first paragraph of the decree states that our competition is already open!

The second point must not be forgotten: We are not bored, friends!

Point three appeals to everyone: Silence is prohibited!

In the fourth paragraph, it is announced that fun and laughter are not canceled.

Point five (and most important!): Everyone should dance and sing!

The noise of a blizzard

By the way, we have a New Year, but I don’t see Santa Claus! And I don’t watch the Snow Maiden either. Let's call them together.

Father Frost. Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Two Snow Maidens enter the stage.

Leading: Oops! Where are you from?

Snow Maiden 1: We are directly from the North Pole, to you for practice.

Snow Maiden 2: At the first call of profit.

Leading: Why are there two of you?

Snow Maiden 1: Well, you wanted a few Snow Maidens. Called twice: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! - Total 2 times - here we are!

Snow Maiden 2: By the way, Santa Claus asked me to send you a letter. (Holds out a letter)

(Gives to the host - she reads): Hello dear guys! Of course, I heard that you were calling me, but, unfortunately, I couldn’t fly - the toy factory is in a rush, deadlines are running out, and as luck would have it, the conveyor line was out of order, and the elf mechanic Businka fell ill with deer flu. I wanted to send one of my granddaughters, but they argued among themselves - they barely separated, in general, I could not choose - and decided to send both of them, let them study. Happy New Year to all of you! See you on New Year's Eve. With love, your Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandpa couldn't choose one of us and sent both of you to entertain!

Presenter: Well, in our school we have to choose only one Snow Maiden of 2017. But before we start our competition, let me introduce you to our strict but fair jury members:

Vedas: So, let's get acquainted with our contenders and draw lots:

To the music of Disco Crash draw is held

Participants sit down to the music

Leading: Snow Maiden, tell me how it happened that you have two Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden 1: When grandfather decided to make his granddaughter out of snow, he made too much snow.

Snow Maiden 2: And so that the extra snow does not remain - Santa Claus decided to make a second granddaughter. As they say - one granddaughter is good, but two are more useless!

Leading: Thank you Snow Maiden, what a colorful story, start leading the evening.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, our competition program begins!

Girls, we wish everyone victory, and the audience - a cheerful New Year's mood. All Snow Maidens love to show off their outfits. And in the first competitive test, each of you will demonstrate your costume.

Music for fashion show

Competition "Defile of Snow Maidens"

Snow Maiden 2: Each Snow Maiden has a terrible sweet tooth, and can you determine how many sweets are in this package without opening it? The first participant to give the correct answer will receive 1 point. (The correct answer is 88 pieces). I give you permission to touch the bag with your hands.

Auction "How many sweets".

Snow Maiden 1: Each Snow Maiden knows many different songs that she can easily guess from the first chords. And for the next competitive test, I ask each participant to choose one assistant from the audience.

Sounds like the best music background

Participants choose assistants.

Snow Maiden 2: Assistants will play the role of a signal button, which, when pressed, will emit a sound signal. First, let's determine what sound signal each button has.

Snow Maiden 1: finds out what signals the assistants will give.

Snow Maiden 2: Dear girls, now you have to guess the well-known melodies that will sound. When you realize that you know this song, you must press your button. The right to answer is given to the Snow Maiden, who will be the first to give a sound signal. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Musical competition"Guess the melody". 10 New Year melodies

At the end of the competition, tokens are distributed to fans

Snow Maiden 1: The Snow Maiden is known to everyone for her undertakings. She loves not only to sing, but also to play different games with the guys. And now we will play. Contestants, you need to find a person in the hall who has the color I set in clothes or shoes. You run up to this person, take his hand and return to the same place together. The Snow Maiden who comes running last or does not find the color is eliminated from this competition. Attention! Black color! (The contestants complete the task). It was a rehearsal... And now our test begins!

The game "Color Mania".

Host: Attention! The color is blue!

Attention! White color!

Attention! The color is red!

Attention! Yellow color!

Attention! Orange color!

Attention! The color is purple!

Tokens for assistants. After the game, the winner is determined.

Snow Maiden 2: The Russian Snow Maiden is famous for her imagination, originality and ability to needlework. On New Year's Eve, she diligently helps Grandfather Frost pack presents. In the next test, we will test the dexterity and skill of our participants. Girls, in front of you is everything you need for needlework: gift boxes, wrapping paper and adhesive tape. Only the task is complicated by the fact that your hands will be tied. Whoever completes the task faster, she gets the coveted score.

The music for the rhythmic competition sounds

Competition "Gift Wrapping"

After the competition, the winner is determined.

Snow Maiden 1: We all know perfectly well that every Snow Maiden must help Santa Claus without fail. And Santa Claus is already old and sometimes forgets the most elementary things. That's when his granddaughter, the highly intelligent Snegurochka, comes to his aid. The next competition is called "Blitztournament". You, dear participants, will have to explain to the audience the words that I will show you in 1 minute. When explaining, you can not call these words and use the same root. The more words the audience guesses, the more points you earn. Each correct answer is worth one token.

Intellectual competition "Blitztournament".

Snow Maiden 2: As we can see, the talent of our Snow Maidens is inexhaustible. And in the next dance competition they will show us their ability to work with the audience. I ask the fans to stand around the Snow Maiden, whom they came to support (no more than 6 people).

It sounds like a musical beat. Fans stand around the Snow Maidens.

Snow Maiden 1: Now the Snow Maiden will show you the movements to the music, and you must repeat them. When the music changes, the Snow Maidens must switch places to continue dancing with the opposing fans, clockwise. The Snow Maidens will change places until they dance with all the fan teams.

Dance competition "Dance while you're young!" (6 melodies for 40 seconds).

After the competition, the presenter distributes tokens to the participants.

Snow Maiden 2: As you know, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leading a New Year's ball. They meet guests, congratulate them on the holiday, wishing everyone a happy New Year, present gifts and prizes. And what do you wish us, dear participants?

There is a competition for the best New Year's wish.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, the main program of the competition is over. It remains only to find out the results. And I ask the contestants and their fans to hand over their tokens to the counting commission, which will help determine the Miss Audience Choice Award.

It sounds like a musical beat. Participants hand over tokens.

Snow Maiden 1: While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we will play the game "What happens on the Christmas tree."

Game "Snowballs"

Sing songs about the New Year

Music sounds. Break

Snow Maiden 2: We invite all participants to the stage to announce the results of the Miss Snow Maiden 2017 contest. And the word is given to the main character new year holiday Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden 1: We wish you happy New Year holidays

Snow Maiden 2: Goodbye. See you next year.

Miss Snow Maiden December 2015

The song is "Beauty Queen". The presenter appears on the stage - the cat scientist.

Cat: Hello everybody! I am a cat scientist - a connoisseur of girlish beauty. I have a refined taste, and the sense of smell is a mustache! The jury is ready to present to you. It, alas, not from cats!
Represents the jury by name
Cat: So let's start the competition! Snow Maidens, come out soon! Girls standing we meet! And whoever didn't get up is a fool!

The contestants take the stage to the music. Among them are Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Water - the wife of Water.

Cat: How are you here, unclean?

Baba Yaga: We are here just like everyone else. And then they got used to the fact that we are all in the forests and in the swamps ...

Kikimora: By the way, we are not worse than the rest ...

Water: Let's see who wins the grand prize! (Laughing?)

Cat: Well, once you decide to participate - it's up to you. We will not answer. Only, chur, without witchcraft!

Baba Yaga: Of course. We are equal with everyone!

Cat: Then introduce yourself!
evil spirits represent themselves in verse.
Baba Yaga:
I am Yaga, the forest diva.
I am young and beautiful!
Vote for me!
"Miss" today will be me!

I am Swamp Kikimora!
Tired of wet life!
"Mini-Miss" will be me!
Vote for me!

I'll dance for you for the fun!
Water me from the sea!
And the dancer anywhere,
"Miss" I will be forever!

Sing along:

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play - play.
Sing about life, dear evil spirits,
Sing, don't talk!
The path is overgrown with weeds,
Swan in the garden.
No way for uninvited guests
Neither here nor there.

Thistles in the yard
In the underground of the goat
Cat Vasily catches fleas
All day on the bench.

Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Eh, play pretend
Sing about life, Grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk!

It's sickening to live in the forest for an old woman -
No girlfriends, no movies.
Chicken legs from a hut
Vaska and I ate a long time ago.

It hurts here and it hurts there
They say it's sciatica.
The dream is gone and the light is not sweet,
If only Leshy called.

MOORE! Great start!

You made the floor laugh!

Evil spirits: We tried our best!

We have fallen in love with you!

The prize is almost yours!

But first, sit down.

And please your eyes.

Evil spirits: Oh wow, we won!

Cat: Well, quickly in places!

Evil sits in the hall

Cat: And now I beg your attention! To your friendly applause, I invite the participants of the MISS SNOW MAIDEN contest to the hall

music sounds, the girls go into the hall

LEADING Look at our Snow Maidens . They are adorable , attractive, charming.

Now each girl in turn will come up and choose a snowflake, on which with reverse side there is a number, this will be the number under which she will perform.

Draw in progress

LEADING The numbers are determined, the participants can take their places in the hall and get ready for the first task.

Music sounds, the girls sit in the hall.


Well, we see no reason not to start our competitive program. And the first contest will not be original. I wonder what the Snow Maiden is like? I propose to ask the spectators present in the hall (a survey is underway).

Leading Dear members of the jury, I now turn to you. Do not forget that today there are no longer those strict standards that used to be. And our Snow Maidens can be very creative.

Cat: The hall is full of anticipation, smiles and applause! And it is with great pleasure that I announce the 1st competition, which gives us all the opportunity to get to know the participants. The name of the competition is very simple. "Did you call the Snow Maiden?"

Leading: The task of each participant is to present her image of the Snow Maiden exactly as she imagines it. And your and our task, dear viewers and members of the jury, is to enjoy the spectacle.

Yes, you are beautifully dressed -
Contestants - virgins are red!
Dresses are all like a queen!
Cheer up, our girls!
And show me the clothes.
Well, you, the jury, judge!
Leading: So, meet the Snow Maiden at number 1.

Competition "Did you call the Snow Maiden?"

In turn, the girls reveal their image of the Snow Maiden

Cat. How I liked it! I'm just delighted! Haven't felt this good in a long time. 1 contest has ended, and I ask the jury to rate,

and we invite all participants of the competition to the stage.

The contestants come out to the music.

Cat: Santa Claus is known to everyone for his New Year's festive affairs, but he also has everyday, everyday affairs.

Leading: Frost is a great inventor and craftsman. As a skilled jeweler, he can create graceful, almost weightless snowflakes, various in size and shape, and without taking off his mittens.

Well, since our Santa Claus was late somewhere, we will ask our contestants to do this elegant work for him. The next competition is called "Snowflake".

The competition "Snowflake" is held to the music

Cat: The 2nd contest is over, and I ask the jury to rate.

Leading: The next contest is called "Make a Snowman".

Our Snow Maidens are not only smart and beautiful, but also dexterous and fast. Now, as soon as the music starts, each Snow Maiden makes a Snowman . (Snow Maidens choose a couple from the hall, put on a hat, scarf, mittens and nose alternately).

Competition "Make a snowman"

Cat: Well done guys, they did a great job. And how the jury will evaluate it, we will now find out.

Leading: Well, you did an excellent job with this task, but can you do the job together? This is what we will check now.

And we can check it very easily. We have a Christmas tree, but no Christmas toys. You need to decorate the Christmas tree together, using the things of the audience instead of toys (scarves, hats, beads, etc.)

The competition "Yolochka" is held to the music

Cat: But how active our Snow Maidens were during this competition, we will find out from the jury.

Leading: and in order to participate in the next competition, we offer each Snow Maiden to choose a couple from the audience.

Cat: The contest is called "Guess the melody"

The host announces the rules of the competition and conducts it.

Leading: The time has come for the last contest, following which we will find out how talented our Snow Maidens are! We announce a competition "New Year's Talent"

Cat: Snow Maidens should be able to do everything: dance, sing songs, recite poems, organize contests ...

Leading: The list is endless.

Cat: And we will give our Snow Maidens the opportunity to demonstrate their unique talent. Their task is to hold a game on the New Year theme with the audience.

Carrying out the competition "New Year's Talent".

Leading: That's all. And we once again applaud our participants.

Behind all the competitions, it remains only to sum up the results. While the jury is deliberating, we bring to your attention a short musical break.

(viewing a congratulatory film)

Cat: Well, here comes the most pleasant moment - the rewarding!

Leading: To the friendly applause of the hall, we invite the girls - contestants to go to the center of the hall. We give the floor to our jury.

award ceremony

Presentation of gifts

Polosukhina Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MBU DO CDT of the city of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region.

Target. Attraction of children and teenagers to the traditions of Russian culture, development of their creative activity.
1. To reveal the image of the Snow Maiden as a person with a rich spiritual and moral world, as the main character of the New Year's holiday.
2. Develop Creative skills schoolchildren, communication skills.
3. Contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards Russian holidays among the younger generation.
The audience: 5th-6th grade students
- boxes with New Year's decoration for sweets with numbers according to the number of participants, 2 packs of "Caramel" sweets;
- make-up pencils of different colors according to the number of participants;
- a throne (chair), an opaque scarf, a package of “raisin in chocolate glaze” dragees;
- cards with sounds made by animals and birds: moo-u-u, meow, woof-woof, qua-qua, oink, me-e-e, quack, kar, r-r-r, etc .;
- by the number of participants: boxes, wrapping paper, cut tape, hand ties;
- cards with words for the intellectual competition (at least 12 words for each participant);
- for the award: certificates from Santa Claus for all participants in the nominations "Miss Winter Extravaganza", "Miss Fantasy", "Miss Inspiration", "Miss Mysteriousness", "Miss Tale", "Miss Positive", "Miss Golden Voice", "Miss Charm", "Miss Audience Choice" "Super Snow Maiden 2016"; the crown of the Snow Maiden and the ribbon "Super Snow Maiden 2016" for the winner.

The music is playing and the presenter is on stage.
Host: Hello dear friends! We wish you Happy New Year 2016! New Year is a special holiday, because on this day a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the elegant Christmas trees, rattles fireworks, shines with colorful lanterns. And today, as in a fairy tale, 10 cute girls will briefly turn into fairy-tale heroines, try to perform miracles and get the opportunity to become real Snow Maidens for a while. We welcome everyone to the contest of youth, talent and beauty - the contest "Super Snow Maiden"! And to your thunderous applause, we invite charming contestants to our impromptu stage.
It sounds like a musical beat. The host introduces the contestants. The girls go on stage and become a semicircle.
Presenter: Dear friends, in front of you are the most cheerful, beautiful and sweet girls who will have to pass an unusual exam for the title of "Super Snow Maiden 2016"! (Addresses the participants) For winning each competitive test, you will receive sweets, and your fans will help me determine the best Snow Maiden. Girls, we wish everyone victory, and the audience - a cheerful New Year's mood. Well, our competition program begins!
All Snow Maidens love to travel and show off their outfits. And in the first competitive test, each of you will visit one of the countries of the world. To the traditional music of this country, you need to demonstrate your outfit.
Competition "Defile of Snow Maidens in the countries of the world" (China, Spain, Russia, ...).

After the contest, the presenter will determine the winner of the Defile contest by the applause of the audience.
Presenter: Well done, Snow Maiden! Each one is especially good! But being a Snow Maiden is a calling, it is the adoration of you by forest animals - squirrels, bunnies, hedgehogs. The Snow Maiden is a test: fans, flowers, sweets, autographs. And in the next competitive challenge, you need to leave as many autographs as possible on the bodies of your admirers. Take markers, please.
The host distributes makeup pencils of different colors to the participants.
Presenter: You will have only 40 seconds to complete the task. You must return to the stage when the music stops.
Competition "Autographs".
After completing the task, the presenter counts the autographs left by the participants on the audience by color. Determines the winner.
Presenter: You passed the test of glory wonderfully, but that's not all. Every Snow Maiden has a terrible sweet tooth. She can feel the candies with any part of her body and quickly identify their name. There are sweets on our throne under the covers. The participants, taking turns sitting on the throne, will have to determine what sweets are there. The first contestant to give the correct answer earns 3 points.
Competition "Candy to the touch."
After the competition, the presenter demonstrates to the participants and the audience a package of “raisins in chocolate glaze” dragees.
Host: This task was very difficult. And only one participant coped with it! Girls, can you tell how many sweets are in this package without opening it? The first participant to give the correct answer will receive 1 point. (The correct answer is 88 pieces). I give you permission to touch the bag with your hands.
Auction "How many sweets".
Presenter: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are not only welcome guests in every home, in every family, but also the patrons of forest animals and birds, who, like people, rejoice at the first fluffy snow and a meeting with Santa Claus. And which of the animals came to us for the holiday, we will find out after a while.
Now the participants will have to sing the well-known song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, but some words in it must be replaced with sounds made by animals and birds. These sounds will be on the cards that I will show you. Only one word can be replaced by a sound, which the participant herself will choose.
The phonogram of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds. The competition "Voices of animals and birds" is held.
After the competition, the presenter determines the winner of the competition with the help of applause from the audience.

Presenter: But the Snow Maiden knows not only the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, but also many others that she can easily guess from the first chords. And for the next competitive test, I ask each participant to choose one assistant from the audience.
It sounds like a musical beat. Participants choose assistants.
Presenter: The assistants will play the role of a signal button, which, when pressed, will emit a sound signal. First, let's determine what sound signal each button has.
The leader finds out what signals the assistants will give.
Presenter: Dear girls, now you have to guess the well-known melodies that will sound in an accelerated or slow version. When you realize that you know this song, you must press your button. The right to answer is given to the Snow Maiden, who will be the first to give a sound signal. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
Musical contest "Guess the melody".
Presenter: The Snow Maiden is known to everyone for her undertakings. She loves to only dance around the Christmas tree, but also to play different games with the guys. And now we will play. Contestants, you need to find a person in the hall who has the color I set in clothes or shoes. You run up to this person, take his hand and return to the same place together. The Snow Maiden who comes running last or does not find the color is eliminated from this competition. Attention! Black color! (The contestants complete the task). It was a rehearsal... And now our test begins!
The game "Color Mania".
Host: Attention! The color is blue!
Attention! White color!
Attention! The color is red!
Attention! Yellow color!
Attention! Orange color!
Attention! The color is purple!
After the game, the winner is determined.
Presenter: The Russian Snow Maiden is famous for her imagination, originality and ability to needlework. On New Year's Eve, she diligently helps Grandfather Frost pack presents. In the next test, we will test the dexterity and skill of our participants. Girls, in front of you is everything you need for needlework: gift boxes, wrapping paper and adhesive tape. Only the task is complicated by the fact that your hands will be tied. Whoever completes the task faster, she gets the coveted score.
Competition "Gift Wrapping"
After the competition, the winner is determined.

presenter: We all know perfectly well that every Snow Maiden must help Santa Claus without fail. And Santa Claus is already old and sometimes forgets the most elementary things. That's when his granddaughter, the highly intelligent Snegurochka, comes to his aid. The next competition is called "Blitztournament". You, dear participants, will have to explain to the audience the words that I will show you in 1 minute. When explaining, you can not call these words and use the same root. The more words the audience guesses, the more points you earn. Each correct answer is worth one candy.
Intellectual competition "Blitztournament".
Presenter: As we can see, the talent of our Snow Maidens is inexhaustible. And in the next dance competition they will show us their ability to work with the audience. I ask the fans to stand around the Snow Maiden, whom they came to support.
It sounds like a musical beat. Fans stand around the Snow Maidens.
presenter: Now the Snow Maiden will show you the movements to the music, and you must repeat them. When the music stops, the Snow Maidens must change places to continue dancing with the opponent's fans. The Snow Maidens will change places until they dance with all the fan teams.
Dance competition "Dance while you're young!" (10 melodies for 40 seconds).

Presenter: As you know, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leading a New Year's ball. They meet guests, congratulate them on the holiday, wishing everyone a happy New Year, present gifts and prizes. And what do you wish us, dear participants?
There is a competition for the best New Year's wish.
After the competition, the presenter, with the help of applause from the audience, determines the winner.

Host: Well, the main program of the competition is over. It remains only to find out the results. And I ask the contestants to hand over their sweets to the counting commission.
It sounds like a musical beat. Participants donate candy.
presenter: Until then counting commission works, we ask all fans to help us determine the winner in the nomination "Miss Audience Choice". Each of you will now receive two candies, which you must give to the contestant or contestants you like the most.
Audience voting.
Summing up the results of the competition, rewarding participants.

presenter: The New Year has come - I wonder what it will be like? But you know, whatever this year, I want to wish one thing: may it bring you many joyful days, happiness and good luck! Goodbye!

1. Goals and objectives

The purpose of the competition is the revival and preservation of the traditions of Russian festive culture, the development of folk art, and the increase in the significance of the values ​​of national culture.

Competition objectives:

Popularization of the image of the Snow Maiden as a key image of the New Year holiday, the focus of folk ideas about kindness, tenderness and beauty;

Introducing the population to the traditions of Russian culture, raising the level of professional skills of workers in the socio-cultural and tourism sectors involved in organizing and holding New Year and Christmas holidays;

Development of creative New Year's programs, support for innovative ideas and projects in the field of creating a cultural and tourism product;

Identification and support of the most talented and gifted youth;

Education of purposefulness, self-confidence;

Development of the ability to move beautifully, keep yourself on stage, it is interesting to think and communicate;

Organization of meaningful leisure for young people.

2. General provisions

2.1. The competition is held on January 13, 2017 in the hall of the regional Palace of Culture (Lenin Street, 105)

2.2. The competition is open to persons aged 16 to 30 years.

2.3. The age of participants is calculated on the day of the end of submission of applications for participation in the competition (inclusive).

2.4. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until 01/11/2017.

2.5. The date of the rehearsals will be announced later.

3. Nomination

- "Miss Snow Maiden - 2017";

- "Vice-Miss Snow Maiden";

- "The most talented Snow Maiden";

- "The Snow Queen";

- "Miss Audience Choice";

- "Miss Winter Charm";

- "Miss Snowy Grace".

4. The procedure and conditions for the competition

4.1. To participate in the competition, you must send an application in the prescribed form (attached) before January 11, 2016 to email address – ; This adress Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view., at the address - r.p. Buturlino, st. Lenina, d. 105.

Submission of an application for participation means acceptance by the applicant of all clauses of these Regulations.

4.2. During the contest "Miss Snow Maiden - 2017" applicants participate in the following contests:

1. Business card.

2. Talent competition. The participants prepare a creative act lasting up to 4 minutes, where they demonstrate their talents. The number should be in the New Year theme.

3. Exit in the outfits of the Snow Maidens. Demonstration of Snow Maiden costumes in a podium gait. The costume must be original with elements of your own craftsmanship.

The order of performance of the participants is determined by the director and production team at the dress rehearsals of the concert events of the competition.

Costumes for performances in competitions are provided by the participants of the competition.

Everyone (looking at each other). Idea! (They go forward together, in chorus.) We are starting the Miss Snow Maiden contest in our school!
Fanfares, a phonogram of cheerful music, the design of the stage is rapidly changing, the light is changing.
Snow Maiden (running up to Santa Claus). Wait! (Tries to bring Santa Claus to his senses.) Grandpa, wake up!
Ilyinichna (addressing the audience). Help Santa Claus to carry away!

Assistants take the stage. Kuzminichna and Ilyinichna bring a stretcher. Assistants put Santa Claus on a stretcher and take him off the stage.

Assistant. And where to take Santa Claus?
Snow Maiden. On the jury!

Santa Claus is lowered into the auditorium on a stretcher. At this time, he comes to his senses. He sits down in the auditorium together with the members of the jury of the competition.

Ilyinichna. Meet the future fairy-tale heroines of the New Year holidays!

Submission and exit of the participants new year's competition- school students.

Snow Maiden (introducing the members of the jury). Our fabulous competition program will be evaluated by members of a representative and strict jury (Announcement of the jury members.) ... And finally, the chairman of this wonderful team of judges is our dear and beloved Santa Claus!
Father Frost. Never! Only through my corpse, more precisely, a snowdrift!
Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't be angry, behave decently, after all. What mark would you give for the beauty of all our participants?

Santa Claus shows an inverted number "5".

No, that doesn't fit at all! Today we will see only the scores "5" and "4". And we will start the competitive program immediately with homework. The Snow Maidens will tell a little about themselves, congratulate Santa Claus and everyone they wish on the upcoming holiday!

Competition "Congratulations".

Father Frost. Well, thank you, thank you, pleased the old man. Snow Maiden, do they know New Year's songs?
Snow Maiden. Of course! Our next competition is called "New Year's Song"

Competition "New Year's song".

Father Frost. What is a holiday without children and poems about the Christmas tree? What will please me, the old one?
Ilyinichna. You, Santa Claus, you will not please! We also have a competition!

Competition "New Year's poem" The contestants explain to the children (who already know New Year's poems in advance) how beautiful it is to go on stage and read the poem.

Father Frost. And the round dance? What's a party without dancing?
Kuzminichna. Himself, old, you will dance with the kids near the Christmas tree! And our Snow Maidens know how to dance! Dance Contest!
Snow Maiden. Competition program completed, and while the jury is summing up, we invite you to the stage ...

Showing small concert program. Phonogram of cheerful music. Summing up and awarding the contestants. Performance of the final New Year's song performed by the contestants and all actors representation.

Kuzminichna. Good!
Ilyinichna (gloomily). What's good?
Kuzminichna. Santa Claus is happy. We have a Snow Maiden, the holiday will begin soon ...
Ilyinichna. Three hundred years of solitude again...
Kuzminichna. Come to your senses, Linda! You're melting! Where is my mop? It's time to put things in order here.
Ilyinichna. Yes, what is the order? What is the order? There is already a complete order!
Ilyinichna and Kuzminichna, closing the curtain, turn to the audience.
Ilyinichna. Why are you sitting here?
Kuzminichna. New Year is on the doorstep, run to the store for gifts!
Ilyinichna. For champagne!
Kuzminichna. Stop it, don't you see - there are children at school!
Ilyinichna. Well, for soda.
Kuzminichna. See you at the Christmas tree!
Together. Happy New Year!
The curtain closes.
Based on the screenplay by H. Babicheva