The original scenario of the New Year's Eve for high school students. New Year's adventures (New Year's scenario for high school students) material (Grade 11) on the topic. New Year's jokes for the holiday

  • 01.04.2020

Celebrating the New Year in high school should be non-trivial and fun. After all, the guys studying in grades 9-11 hardly believe in Santa Claus, so you should approach the preparation of the script with great responsibility. Be sure to include modern jokes and outdoor games with prizes. And then all schoolchildren will be satisfied with the evening spent. Here is one example of the possible behavior of a holiday for such an audience.

Captive Santa Claus

Leaders take the stage. This is a girl and a boy, in an evening dress and a strict formal suit. Leading: Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to this fabulous hall! presenter: Today is a special day, because very soon we will all celebrate an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday. Of course, this New Year! Leading: Let's spend it so that you can still remember it whole year, and put it on YouTube is not ashamed. presenter: Yes, we are waiting for such adventures that the video of the holiday will gain a lot of views. And all of us will become real stars of the Internet! Leading: I propose to start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree. One of the high school students enters the stage with a canister and matches. high school student: What should be lit here? This is us right now. presenter: No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine with bright lights. And for this you need real magic. Leading: Well, or at least a garland and a socket of suitable power. Let's call the school electrician and the physics teacher, I think they can help us. Let's guys three or four electrician, electrician! presenter: Do not forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need fairy-tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus! The hosts with the guests present at the holiday begin to call Santa Claus. The song of the group "Disco Crash" "New Year" sounds, and Baba Yaga enters the stage in a rocker bandana and a leather jacket. A Santa Claus costume is thrown over her shoulders. In her hands she carries a large red sack and a staff. Baba Yaga: Hello my irises! I am cheerful, oh, that is, cheerful Santa Claus, I brought you gifts, we will light it together - celebrate a nasty holiday.

presenter: Something tells me that you are not a grandfather. Look at you! Where are the good wizard's business, quickly speak. And then we will find control over you in an instant. Baba Yaga: No! I am that same magician, I just met with Santa yesterday, celebrated a holiday, so I look bad. Guys, do any of you believe that I'm real? Some of the guys sitting in the hall will definitely shout in jest that they really believe in it. Baba Yaga: Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I will give you a present. You will be alone, sitting among these goofs full! Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such frightening toys can be bought at any souvenir or children's goods store. Baba Yaga: Something you, my dear, I see, are not satisfied? Ali did not like the gift. So I'll tell you how you can cook a delicious soup out of these delights. By the way, it is not a shame to serve it on the festive table to guests. You take a large cauldron, add salt to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black pepper ... Leading: So, let's stop this circus. You, grandma, better become the administrator of one of social networks and there is a culinary public lead. There will be a lot of subscribers for sure. presenter: That's it, and don't talk your teeth to us. Where is Grandpa doing? Nobody here believes you! Baba Yaga A: I have proof. Now my granddaughter will do. They call her Snow Maiden. A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a snow maiden costume, enters the hall. Leading: What's with your granddaughter's hair? And she doesn’t look like a snow maiden somehow. Baba Yaga: All this is a cursed subculture. My yacht turned into punks. It is she who is without a Mohawk now, otherwise she will come out, it used to be in an open field, and the birds, out of fear, all fly south ahead of time, and some generally fall upside down with their paws. The bear, and he did not touch her, but the hares with squirrels said that when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw. presenter: Well, if you continue to claim that you are real, let's light the Christmas tree. Santa Claus can do it. baba yaga: One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. Knocks with a staff, nothing happens. kikimora: Let me try. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Nothing comes out, probably the batteries are dead. Come on, crank it up, damn thing. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! presenter: Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! We will call the guys from the audience for help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you will tell us where your grandfather and gifts went, and if you do, you will celebrate the New Year with us. Two guys are invited from the hall, the presenters invite them to participate in a tug-of-war contest. Baba Yaga, along with Kikimora, of course, lose and fall funny on the floor. kikimora: All because of you, you old hag, I told you, tie a fly agaric stew three times a day, otherwise at such a pace Koschey will seem like a handsome prince to you. Baba Yaga: Good good. We'll tell you where your beloved wizard is. But we also have our own conditions. Leading: what, I wonder - a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads? kikimora: Not. You will need to answer all of our questions correctly. Would you like to take part in the quiz? Then we will tell you how to save the holiday. Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:

  1. We had a dog with Kikimora, and so she was tied to a rope, the length of which was as much as eight meters. Once she managed to walk as much as three hundred meters. How did it happen? (The rope was not tied to anything but the dog).
  2. What is heavier: a kilogram of coniferous needles that remain after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilogram of lead? (Both have the same weight).
  3. What is the main difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus? (The main difference is not in clothing and appearance, one is a Russian fairy-tale character, the other is American).
  4. Two birch trees grow in a snow-covered field, each of them has seventeen cones. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches).

Baba Yaga: Well, you answered the questions, now you can give the wizard to you. Both villains leave the stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. He sits on a chair, tied to it with tinsel. In the mouth fairy tale character bump sticks out. The leaders untie the old man. Father Frost: Oh, you, evil spirits of the forest. What did you think! Give me back my staff and my fur coat immediately! For the fact that you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys, I will freeze you. Ice cold, snow whirlwinds, rather here. Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff and both villains freeze in place. presenter: They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will take a promise from them that they will not behave badly anymore. Do you agree, dear guests? Father Frost: Well, well, granddaughter, be your way. It’s just that I’ve become old, I don’t have any memory at all, I bewitched them, but I don’t remember how to return everything back. Now... Melt, melt and don't freeze again. No, it doesn't work. Freeze, freeze, wolf tail. Also not that. It's like a completely different opera. presenter: How can we be now? Maybe someone knows this spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start beating, and our uninvited guests are still in a stupor.

Father Frost: My granddaughter knows the spell, but she went to the beauty salon in the morning and still hasn't returned. Let's call her together. The presenters and the whole hall loudly call the Snow Maiden. A modern melody sounds and the granddaughter of Santa Claus enters the hall. For this role, you should choose a pretty girl of model appearance. Father Frost: Where have you been, granddaughter, so much has happened here? Snow Maiden: What happened to you again, grandfather? So I was late for the spa, I sat in line for three hours at the hairdresser, I almost got into a fight with Cinderella. And the nail art master wanted to rip off a double price from me in honor of the holiday. Leading: O times, o manners! Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains, we freed him with the guys, and now he froze them, but forgot how to unfreeze them. Snow Maiden A: Well, you do. Well, grandfather, you amaze me. How about calling your foreign partner, with whom you exchanged experience yesterday so that it was not fate that you barely made it home? He takes out his phone from his pocket and pokes at the buttons. Ale, hey, Santa, how do I blow doo? Oh, so you understand Russian? Great, so you walked yesterday! How can we unfreeze two villains? I got it. Thank you! smack! Listen, grandfather, Santa says that they need to be warmed three times with a staff. Father Frost: Oh, right, I keep forgetting how this spell works. Approaches the villains and hits them on the head with a staff. After that, Baba Yaga and Kikimora thaw. Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, it’s just that no one loves us, so we decided to celebrate the New Year at least once in a good company. kikimora: Yes, she lies. We are just against the backdrop of a beautiful Christmas tree in fashionable clothes They wanted to take a selfie, but they couldn’t light it. Father Frost: Well, okay, jester with you. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! He hits the floor with his staff and at this time the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights! Baba Yaga and Kikimora take out their phone and run to her to take fashion photos. They make funny faces and pose. Leading: That wonderful moment has come. Very soon, Christmas trees will light up in millions of homes across the country. People will cut salads, open champagne and celebrate this magical and most beloved holiday! presenter: We wish all of you to celebrate this holiday in the circle of truly close and beloved people. And most importantly, be happy!

High school students are also looking forward to the New Year, just like younger students. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch the childhood that has not yet gone far. We have prepared a scenario for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school students, the funny plot of which will help entertain even almost adult students.

The musical callsigns of the holiday sound. The Wizard enters the scene.

THE WIZARD: We all believe in our hearts that the New Year is still coming, and every New Year's Eve, with trepidation, we wait for the New Year's gift that the good old grandfather, Moroz Ivanovich, will bring. Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus creates this fairy tale for all children? How he manages to circle the globe in just one night, and what difficulties he has to overcome. If you don't know how to answer these questions, sit back and get ready to see the real story of Santa Claus.

A cool New Year's scenario for high school students continues with the fact that the throne of Santa Claus, the table of the Snow Maiden appears on the stage, elves and snowflakes dance near her, they cook new Year gifts, collect them in a bag.

FATHER FROST: So, we are working, there is only an hour left until the new year 2019, what are we standing for? Snow Maiden, I urgently need a report on the preparation of gifts in all provinces.

SNOW MAIDEN: I'll do it now.

FATHER FROST: (to the elves) Why are you stopping? We work, we work! I still have to deliver gifts. Snow Maiden, is everything ready there?

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, here is your report.

FATHER FROST: Okay, let's work faster. Stop. What is it? Why are almost all senior classes without gifts?

SNOW MAIDEN: So, they are all almost 18 years old. Not babies at all.

Santa Claus: Don't argue! And so this year is not sweet for them: final exams, admissions. You really try, they don’t need much, conjure up so that for the new year their parents vacate the apartment and that’s it. This will be the best gift ever.

SNOW MAIDEN: Okay, I'll do it in a few minutes.

FATHER FROST: (to everyone) So, why are we working again?

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather, just received a message that your counterparts will not be able to bring gifts to Europe and Africa, they have not been granted a visa.

Santa Claus: What? Well, what should I do now? Run around half the earth yourself? Enough, I'm not so young anymore. So, Grandfather, think think. So, Snegurochka, call Masha and the Bear, then Snow White and her dwarfs, just don’t take them all, now it’s expensive, then the Eastern Princess and the Prince and you need something else Russian, oh, give Vasilisa and Ivanushka. It's clear?

SNOW MAIDEN: Of course, grandfather, fairy-tale heroes are on their way and will be soon.

FATHER FROST: Well done Snow Maiden, now make me coffee.

SNOW MAIDEN: (Almost screams) Well, everything, I'm tired of everything. Grandpa, you are completely lazy, sit and give instructions, and I do all the work for you. I want to celebrate too!

Santa Claus: What? How are you not ashamed? I'm your age...

SNOW MAIDEN: Times are changing.

(Lights flicker and then go off.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, what happened?

Santa Claus: looks like I forgot to pay for the electricity again.

SNOW MAIDEN: Clear, what to do?

FATHER FROST: Don't be nervous, it's better to go meet fairy-tale heroes, otherwise they will wander in the darkness. In the meantime, I'll see what's going on with the light. (They leave, Grandma Ezhka sneaks onto the stage)

YAGA: So, what do we have here? Did Santa Claus quarrel with his beloved Snow Maiden? Wonderful. This is just what I need. Now I will arrange for them. Akhalay mahalai abdulay amatai New Year's Eve to the mountain with your feet, change the bodies of fairy-tale heroes.

According to the scenario for the New Year 2019 for high school students, the light turns off and then turns on, the characters dressed in women's costumes and dresses come out: the Bear (in the costume of Masha), the Prince (in the costume of the Eastern Princess in one shoe), Ivanushka (in the costume of Vasilisa), Dwarves (dressed as Snow White)

BEAR: I don't understand, but where is Santa Claus? And what am I? Headscarf, skirt, legs, oh, legs not shaved. What a shame. And, after all, where is my tail?

PRINCE: Huh, and I already thought I had one added somewhere.

Yeah, but it disappeared somewhere (looks at himself). Why are we in women's bodies?

IVANUSHKA: (runs out) Santa Claus, I'm sorry, there are traffic jams on the road. (looks at other heroes) Oh, I see my grandfather prepared a real gift for me. I don't think Vasilisa will guess anything. (walks around and looks at the heroes) Hello, beauties, how are you doing?

BEAR: You hear, boiler room in a skirt, now I'll arrange a beauty contest for you here, look in the mirror, and then we'll talk.

IVANUSHKA: Really a hairstyle? (looks in the mirror) What is it? (shouting)

BEAR: Ah, I understand, in the end. Oh, it also smells of you (steps back and grimaces)

GNOME: Misha, calm down, we need to think about how to return to our bodies.

PRINCE: Wait, if I am now in the body of the Eastern Princess, and she is most likely in my body. Miserable, she is definitely sad, crying. Let's go look for her! (leave)

(the composition sounds, the heroines come out in the corresponding men's costumes)

MASHA: Grandfather Frost, where are you?

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: (shouting) Ahh, it's a Bear! Save yourself.

All: Don't eat us!

MASHA: Wait, wait, I’m Masha, I don’t even know where I got this tail from, and my hands are so shaggy. And you, too, are such big guys, and squeal like real girls.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Hulks? I just lost 4kg in the last week.

VASILISA: Where is my morning make-up and manicure? And why am I Ivanushka at all?

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Pinch me! (pinching) Aw, that hurts, I'm the Princess, not Klitschko. No, that's it, this is the end.

MASHA: At least you have become guys, and I have become a bear. I still have to bring a batch of pies to my grandmother for the new year, otherwise she was specifically hooked on this product.

1 GNOME: Girlfriends, let's look at it practically, we have now become strong (show biceps), powerful, beautiful and smart. Well, how do the guys say about themselves.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: So, and now we can solve this problem without the help of our guys.

(Then by New Year's scenario for high school, a composition from the movie Brigade sounds, all fairy-tale characters come out)

BABA YAGA: Well, in the end, you all got together. I'll tell you honestly, Santa Claus has always been my competitor in this not easy business. My holiday is Halloween, his is New Year's. Today I didn't miss the opportunity to spoil the holiday, but if you fulfill my whims, perhaps I will change your bodies.

PRINCE: You won't succeed.

BEAR: (approaching the table and threatening) Listen, I eat grandmothers in one fell swoop, quickly change our bodies.

BABA YAGA: I don't think so . (raises his hand, four guards come out and stand near the table)

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Okay, tell us what to do.

BABA YAGA: So it would be right away. Well then. You, Prince, need to find a second shoe for your Eastern Princess, otherwise she is now barefoot on one foot. You, Vasilisa, need to teach Ivanushka how to dance the belly dance.

VASILISSA: This means that I am in this body forever.

IVANUSHKA: What is it? I dance wonderfully.

BABA YAGA: You, Masha, cook me the most delicious pies to melt in your mouth. And you, Snow White, I know that you love to eat apples, and then sleep off for years. Well, find me the apple of my dreams. You have one hour to complete the tasks, up to twelve. Everything, the time has come.

(heroes leave)

BABA YAGA: Let's get out of here.

Wizard: And so, fairy-tale heroes fled all over the world, in all fairy tales, in order to complete all the difficult and insidious tasks of Baba Yaga.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Well, it's hard to find shoes on you! We've covered the entire market!

PRINCE: That is, if I look for shoes for you every year, this is normal, but as soon as I arrange a ball, you see, only up to 12 is possible, and after that, look for it in the field.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: What about me? And I'm nothing. Expensive, maybe..

PRINCE: No, not at all, just not that winged monster - the Wizard.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: God, why don't you love him so much?

PRINCE: What? Ha, you can laugh. And remember, dear, how he mocked me. I charmed you so much that I couldn’t even kiss you, and I myself sat all day in the bushes - laughing.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: It's for my good. Well, cat, bunny, please, or do you want to leave me in this body forever? Egoist, you never loved me! (turns around crying and walks away)

PRINCE: Not women's tears, that's all, pretty dear, come on, everyone call your magician.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Excellent. Hey Wizard!

(Funny scenario for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school studentscontinues with the wizard jumping onto the stage)

PRINCE: Magician, honey, we're in such a bind, we don't know what to do.

WIZARD: Hey, what is it? Two days ago he shouted that he would pull my wings, but here you are! (pushing the prince)

PRINCE: listen, old man, there was such an opportunity here. Baba Yaga and the Eastern Princess changed bodies for us.

(WIZARD looks at the princess and smiles)

WIZARD: Wow, so you are this, and he is that... Wow!

PRINCE: (to the Princess) And you still ask why I don't like him. You and I are in grief, and he laughs, his ears are twitching. Egoist.

WIZARD: Please, no offense. Laughter is an uncontrollable reaction of the body.

PRIZE: Well, how can you help? We need to find a shoe for his foot. (raises his leg and shows it to the Wizard). There is no suitable size.

WIZARD: Well, yes, a noble bast shoe. But now nothing is impossible. Wait. (pulls out a box and starts rummaging through it). So, it's not that, it's not from that collection. And here it is. Princess, kiss me - that's it.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Thank you (hugs Wizard) Everyone, thank you, we ran. (leave the stage)

WIZARD: Run, run. Well, this is what is needed. (leaves)

An energetic musical composition sounds, Masha and the Bear come out

BEAR: how to knead it, is it dough? I have it everywhere, except for pies. Masha, help me.

MASHA: Ha, I found something to scare me, as if this is the first time. I asked you so many times before you want to play with me - brush your teeth! No, today you will be left without sweets.

BEAR: Well, Masha, well, help.

MASHA: how do I make pies for you, with your bear paws? What do you think, I make these pies for you all the time? Bear, what century do you live in? Quickly blow to the local bakery, there everything will be done to you of the highest grade.

BEAR: Oh, right, I'll be quick, wait here. (walks. Stops, returns slowly) Stop, aren't you, you say, baking?

MASHA: Mishka, it's not up to this now, you run, run.

(Snow White and 3 dwarfs come out, they laugh and point fingers at everything)

SNOW WHITE: Come on, zitz, I can’t take it anymore, line up. Dwarfs, listen to my command. Need to do something.

GNOME1: You are the dwarf, and we are Snow White.

GNOME 2: We were scattered over the bodies with your main signs. For example, I am very kind.

GNOME 3: And I'm dreamy. This one is sleeping all the time. (pushing neighbor)

SNOW WHITE: Okay, girls, what kind of apples did you find?

GNOME 2: We found some apples here but...

(Ezhka flies in)

BABA YAGA: Well, I already want to get my apple!

GNOME1: I found this. (According to the scenario for high school students, the dwarf hands the apple to Baba Yaga, she does not take it, pushes Gnome 2, who is sleeping again). Hey, wake up. What apple did you find?

GNOME 2: What an apple, I still have time to sleep . (holds Apple's iPad in her hands, Baba Yaga grabs it)

BABA YAGA: So here it is, the apple of my dreams. Wow, guys, hefty iPad!

All: So are you going to switch bodies?

BABA YAGA: I'll think about it.

(Little Red Riding Hood enters with a basket of pies and a wolf)

BABA YAGA: Well, how are my pies?

MASHA: ready. (raises a basket of pies)

BABA YAGA: (tasting pies) Mmmm delicious, as I asked, it melts in your mouth. But no, I won’t swap you, because they are high-calorie, and I will get better because of them.

MASHA: Well, well, well, you promised.

BABA YAGA: get used to new bodies.

BEAR: (approaches Baba Yaga)) Do you hear, but do you want me to show you how the bear growls?

BABA YAGA: I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was joking, I'll exchange your bodies. I swear by the broom. Go.

BEAR: Watch me. (leave)

BABA YAGA: So, they fed me, I already have an iPad, now I want some kind of spectacle. (leaves)

(Then according to the script New Year's performance for high school students, Vasilisa and Ivanushka go on stage and dance)

VASILISSA: So, let's do it again.

IVANUSHKA: And I will not dance these boogie-woogie. What am I, girl?

VASILISA: You can stay her forever, remember?

IVANUSHKA: Yeah, you'll forget that, okay, you need to find this Baba Yaga, I'll show her a master class.

(Yaga exits)

BABA YAGA: Did you call me? You are ready?

IVANUSHKA: So, turn on the music!

Sounds "Kalinka", Ivanushka and Vasilisa dance

BABA YAGA: No, neither, nor again. Yes, I will dance the best. You failed.

Ivanushka: Sorry, I thought I could handle it.

VASILISA: what can you do - we will submit to fate. But, I will still love Ivanushka, he is the best.

(Yaga cries)

VASILISA: What do you want? Haven't you mocked us enough?

BABA YAGA: you touched me, I'm not iron, kind, I'll exchange your bodies. Just don't tell anyone that you saw me like this, it doesn't suit my image.

VASILISSA: Thank you, grandma!

VASILISSA: We won't tell anyone.

BABA YAGA: (touched) Go! (leave) Well, at five minutes to twelve, good again won, and I, and I was left alone - alone.

(all heroes exit)

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Granny, what are you waiting for, New Year 2019 is about to begin.

MASHA: Let's eat pies with us.

VASILISSA: Do you hear? New Year is coming.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out)

SNOW MAIDEN: What happened, where did you go? We were worried, looking for you, the holiday did not start.

Santa Claus: Granny, confess, did you do it?

SNOW MAIDEN: Moroz Ivanovich, Granny, enough quarreling already, let's conclude a peace agreement on New Year's Eve. I have already prepared. I am reading. (Reading) The agency of Santa Claus with the agency of Baba Yaga solemnly conclude a peace treaty, undertake to do everything in a friendly and in harmony.

BABA YAGA: I agree.

Santa Claus: hands. (shake hands)

VASILISSA: You hear, the clock is ticking the last minute, the New Year 2019 is about to come.

FATHER FROST: Well, what are you waiting for, let's celebrate!

The script for the New Year 2019 at the school for high school students ends with a cheerful New Year's song, all the heroes throw snowballs into the hall, and Baba Yaga tries to throw out a bucket of New Year's sparkles.

While schoolchildren have holidays, they rest. But some students are preparing for the new year, because it is already very soon. How are you preparing to celebrate the new year at your school? Games and contests? This is great, but still not enough. We need something interesting and unusual, for example, new scenes for the new year 2018 for high school students. funny scenes will help you make your guests laugh and cheer yourself up. Watch, choose and play.

The scene is an argument with teachers.

Two students come onto the stage and start a conversation.

Student 1:
Hello, why are you so sad?

Student 2:
And how to rejoice?! We have new year holidays And the teachers gave us so many tasks! So I’m sad, I won’t have a new year, but no one will have it. All students will teach and teach what we were asked. And there to read, and decide, and ....

Student 1 (interrupts him):
Stop, stop, stop! Here you have to think. Look, the holidays are for us and for the teachers? So? So! But we will study on our own during the holidays, and the teachers will rest. So? So!

Student 2:
I will even say more: they will not only rest, they will also drink ...

Student 1 (interrupting him again):
Stop, don't continue. It will be empty on their conscience. Listen further. And so, everyone has holidays, but the students study at home, but the teacher does not. So, in order for everything to be fair, I propose to play a game with the teachers, and if they win, then we will learn everything. And if they lose, then (rubs his hands), eh, let's play.

Pupils invite teachers to the stage. Enough 2-3 teachers. Once they are on stage, the game begins.

Student 1:
And so, we will play by such rules.

Student 2:
The rules are simple - we ask a question, you discuss it for 15 seconds and give an answer. If the answer is correct, then you have one point. If you make a mistake, then we have one point.

Student 1:
Since 2017 is coming - the year of the rooster, then our questions are related to the theme of the new year and with roosters and chickens. Ready? Let's get started.

Questions to play with teachers.

1. One rooster decided to cross the border with China. And at the border he laid an egg. The border guards do not let him in and demand to leave the egg on ... on whose territory do the border guards demand to leave the egg?
(answer: no one, since roosters do not lay eggs)

2. In 15 seconds, name two proverbs about chickens and roosters.
(answer: chickens are counted in the fall and the chicken does not teach eggs - this is an example, teachers can name others).

3. Rooster was born on January 1, 2014. What will happen to him on January 1, 2017?
(answer: he will be 3 years old)

4. In which month in 2017 will women gossip the least?
(answer: in February, since it has the fewest days - 28)

5. How many snowballs with a diameter of 10 centimeters can fit into a container with a volume of 100 cubic centimeters?
(answer: none, snowballs can’t walk)

6. There is a comb, but you can’t comb your hair with it. Why?
(Answer: it's a cockscomb)

7. You came to the new year to your friends. There are salads on the table. You were served red plates for salads. Which hand is best for putting salads on red plates?
(answer: the one in which the spoon)

After the game, count the number of points for teachers and students. And then on the situation. For example, if the students won, then you can say:
- of course it was joke game. We will still learn lessons, but we will not forget to welcome the new year and have fun.
And if the teachers win, then you can say this:
Well, you proved that you need to study. And we will study, but only in the new year!

Scene - Santa Claus's magic boots.

Two students come out onto the stage again. In the hands of one felt boots.

Student 1:
Hello. What are those funny shoes you have on?

Student 2:
These are not funny shoes, these are Santa Claus boots.

Student 1:
Who, who? Santa Claus? Okay, we're not in kindergarten. Everyone here is an adult and everyone knows that there is no Santa Claus. Or do not everyone know yet?

Student 2:
How not? Whose boots are these then?

Student 1:
Probably your grandfather or one of the teachers. Who comes from far away?

Student 2:
No, I'm telling you - these are Santa Claus boots, and they are magical!

Student 1:
Then show their magic.

Student 2:
Show? I will show.
(Turns to the audience)
Who wants to try magic boots?

Hands are raised in the hall, and the student calls one student. He goes out and puts on boots.

Student 1:
And where is the magic? I don't see something.

The music turns on and the student in felt boots begins to dance the dance. After some time, two more students enter the stage, and the three of them are already dancing. Then more and more come out and a real flash mob forms on the stage!

After the dance (flash moba)

Student 1:
Yes, and boots are really magical.

Student 2:
Yes, magical, magical. Let's just go faster. Now my grandfather wakes up, but there are no boots. Here you will see real magic, how one hundred and forty words can be said in a minute!

The students leave the stage.

In order for this scene to work out, as you understand, you need to prepare for it in advance. That is, to learn dance with the students, and these students should sit in the hall in different places, so that it would seem as if they did not go out intentionally and did not agree.
Learn a beautiful dance to show off the flash mob and surprise the whole school!

Several options for celebrating the New Year 2019 for high school students. Mini-scenes and competitions are offered, as well as a New Year's fairy tale.

New Year is an extraordinary holiday, which is awaited not only by children, but also by adults. It is necessary to pay special attention to the celebration of the New Year among teenagers. It is worth noting that the script of the holiday should be humorous and make the audience laugh.

Competitions for the New Year for high school students

It is not necessary to link the scenario of the New Year holiday to the symbol of 2019 - Svsinje. But at the same time, you should not use boring fairy tales and well-known contests. Teenagers love musical cuts that make up a humorous scene.

Competition - Mummy or New Year's gift

Pairs of guys and girls take part in this competition. Girls need to wear a snow maiden hat. At the same time, a roll of toilet paper must be placed in the hands of each participant. The girl must wrap her "gift" in the role of which the guy acts in 2 minutes. Whoever does the best job wins.

Competition "Let's dance"?

Very popular among young people music competitions. It is necessary to divide the whole class or company into two teams. In random order, turn on the music tracks on the disc. Each of the participants must take turns showing their dance move. In this case, the opposite team must reproduce the dance element. The team whose participant could not come up with a new movement lost.

Competition "Napkin"

2 napkins are placed on the floor, they need to be laid out. Now each participant must walk through them. Gradually, the number of napkins increases, respectively, the one with the best stretch will win.

Crocodile in a new way

A fun competition for high school students. Two teams take part in the competition. The host must provide a music video for each team. Participants have 5 minutes to prepare a presentation. It is necessary to show and reproduce what is sung in the song.

New Year's lottery

For the competition, you need to prepare a hat with pieces of paper in advance. Write a riddle on a piece of paper. Do not use children's riddles. It is best to think of youth something fun.

For example What can a bald person do without? The answer is a comb. This item will be a gift for the participant.

fruit lottery

You can use another version of the 2019 win-win lottery. To do this, you need to prepare a dish with pieces of various products in advance. It can be fruits, cheese, lemons and even spices. Participants are divided into pairs. I blindfold one of the team members. The second participant must feed his partner something from the plate. A blindfolded high school student must guess what he is eating. Whoever has the most matches will win the main prize - a package of onions. All losers receive bananas and tangerines.

Lottery "Gifts in the ball"

For this lottery, you need to take a few opaque balls and put some small change inside. It can be a whistle, a keychain or chewing gum. Balloons are inflated and tied to the legs of the participants. To the music, high school students should try to crush and burst the ball of their opponent. The one who survived the ball, receives the main prize - a needle.

Games and entertainment for the celebration of the New Year 2019

Games for high school students should be exciting and fun. Students should not be allowed to get bored, so it is best to come up with games that allow the whole class to participate.

Fun Alphabet Game

The host announces the yoke and offers to test the knowledge of the alphabet. It is necessary to start a phrase with each letter in the alphabet in order, which concerns the New Year. For example: Shark wishes everyone a Happy New Year, or Bom-bom, the clock is knocking, they are in a hurry to congratulate everyone on the New Year. And so on until the end of the alphabet, the most interesting will begin when the participants reach the letters X, Y and B.

Game "Santa Claus"

This game is played by multiple players. it is necessary to seat each guy at the table and put on him a Santa Claus hat. A paper snowflake is placed at the edge of the table. It must be blown off in such a way that it flies off the other end of the table. But not the one who blows the snowflake first will win, but the very last of the participants. The facilitator explains that real grandfather Frost is the one who froze the snowflake and it stuck to the table.

New Year's jokes for the holiday

Prank "Money Egg"

It is necessary to put any banknote on the table. In this case, two participants sit opposite each other. Whoever puts his hand on the banknote faster wins. The banknote is given to the winner. Participants are now blindfolded. After that, instead of a bill, the host puts an egg on the table, whoever breaks it wins.

fun tournament

For this fun competition, you need to attach a few balls to the fishing line. Should be a skirt. Such skirts are tied around the hips of girls. The music turns on, the dance partners must dance and snuggle up to the participants in such a way that all the balls burst.

Fountain of emotions

For the competition you need to purchase raincoats. Balloons filled with confetti, feathers and water are hung above the ceiling. The participant is given sticks with attached needles. They must pop the balloons. Viewers will enjoy watching the suffering of the participants.

New Year's Eve Quizzes

Fun quiz about the New Year

This quiz is conducted in the form of questions and answers. The facilitator asks a question, and the participants answer

  • Who entertained the Christmas tree in the forest and sang songs to her (blizzard)
  • New Year's drink of cheerful guests (champagne)
  • Frozen water sculpture (snowman)
  • A phenomenon that causes tremors in the legs and "falling" (ice)
  • Ball for the New Year. Designed for guests who love stealth (Masquerade)

Geography quiz

  • In which country is New Year's "Water Festival"? In this country, all passers-by are poured with water from the balcony (Myanmar. New Year is the hottest time in this corner of the planet)
  • In which country do they feed animals and birds on New Year's Eve (in Norway. Children outside the window hang out feeders and put bowls of dog food)
  • In what corner of the planet do they rejoice at the fragments of dishes at the door (in Sweden it is customary to beat a jug in front of the door, this is a sign of well-being. Usually the owners of the house treat such guests with sweets. This is something similar to our Sowing)
  • In which country do dolls appear on the streets on December 30, and on New Year's Eve they are blown up (in Mexico, the doll is a symbol of the old year, which they get rid of)

New Year's wall newspaper

New Year's posters and wall newspapers will cheer up children and make the approach of the New Year desirable. It is desirable that the wall newspaper be boring and banal, but thematic. Teenagers love computer games Minecraft and Tanks. You can use these drawings when compiling a wall newspaper. The next part will be released this year. star wars”, You can make a Snow Maiden out of Princess Leia.

Mini-sketch for the New Year's holiday

Usually skits are rehearsed in advance, but we suggest adding an element of surprise.

Scene "Teremok"

The scene was created based on the fairy tale of the same name. For the performance, the host selects 10 participants. Now distributes roles. Someone will be the Tower, the Fox, the Mouse, the Hare and the Wolf. Other participants Trees.

“A teremok grew up in the middle of the forest, beautiful and big.” The participant must imitate what the leader says. "A mouse ran and said that she would live here." The mouse pronounces these words and touches the Tower. "Running grey Wolf, angry and hungry. Drooling, shivering from the cold. Participant Wolf shows what the director says. “I will live here,” says the wolf and touches Teremka. “A clumsy bear is walking, hobbled about. He also sees the house and settled in it. This participant also concerns Teremok. “Here the light turns on and all the inhabitants scatter when they see each other.” All participants disperse to the sides. The trees are waving their hands all the time, imitating the wind.

Scenes for the celebration of the New Year


This is a scene based on Chukovsky's "Fly-Sokotuha". It is written for young children, but all the participants, whom the host chooses from the audience, are given Spiderman costumes made from garbage bags and a sexy fly. It is advisable to choose the most beautiful girl. This tale has a new interpretation:

A fly was walking along the country road
And I found a nickel in the dust.
The fly went to the zucchini,
Take a walk on the patch.

Musicians approach her
suburban talents,
Their guitarist is a cricket,
And the drummer is like a bug:

Bald, gloomy
And a drunk guy.

“Let's drink brandy, fly?
Shall we dispel sadness-longing?

“For me, a tavern is a joy,
I'm always happy to hang out in it!
Open Yegor window
Bring Foma an accordion, -

I will sing and dance
Burn five kopecks!
And the mosquito is a drunkard
I haven't looked for a long time."

New Year's fairy tale for youth

It's best to take an old fairy tale and remake it into new way. For example, a fairy tale about Grandfather and Baba.

An example scenario of a fairy tale

  • Grandfather and Baba lived, but they are not poor, but modern. Everything in the house they had and a Samsung vacuum cleaner and a Redmond slow cooker.
  • Grandfather says to Baba: “Bake me pies and clean up the house, otherwise dirt. Why did you buy a vacuum cleaner?
  • Baba replies: “so you repaired him for the last time so that he stopped vacuuming, but began to talk.”
  • Grandfather: "Well, I'll go make a housekeeper."
  • The grandfather brings the Snow Maiden, takes out a microcircuit and attaches it to her head. He speaks: " latest model housekeepers. She bakes everything, cleans the house and dances.
  • Snow Maiden: "My head hurts, Panadol from pain."
  • Baba is shocked and says: “Go on, dear, bring me some juice.”
  • Snow Maiden: “Won’t you burst, baby?”.
  • Grandma opened her mouth.
  • He says to Grandfather: “What have you done to the old bastard, will she generally do homework?”
  • Grandfather rummaged around and scratched his head: “I put an advertising block for her from the TV, so now she talks like in advertising.”
  • The Snow Maiden went to take out the garbage and returned with a woman: “My name is Maria, I am an agent of a modeling studio, I invite your Snow Maiden to a beauty contest.”
  • The Snow Maiden left and took first place, met a cool oligarch and married him.
  • But after a while I got tired of my advertising.
  • The oligarch decided to imitate her kidnapping, but without a ransom, so that she would be lost forever.

  • But Grandfather found out about the kidnapping and hired Vanya, a young man.
  • He came to the bandits, and they told him: “save us from the Snow Maiden, otherwise she got sick of her advertising. We'll give you money."
  • Vanya picked her up and brought her home.
  • Grandfather sits and thinks what to do with her. The girl is prominent, beautiful, but a complete fool.
  • Vanya says: "Give her to school."
  • Snegurka studied for a year, and the teachers' council gathered to decide what to do with her. After all, they could not teach her mind to reason.
  • The head teacher says: “maybe we will show it to our school psychologist, let him figure it out.”
  • A man in a white coat comes out, looks, talks to the beauty and says: “It’s a difficult case, I need to treat it, now I’ll put on my work suit.”
  • He leaves and returns dressed as Santa Claus. He puts the Snow Maiden on the table, covers it with a sheet and pretends to delve into his head. He throws out the part and says: "That's it, I repaired your beauty."
  • Everyone is clapping, Vanya is happy, Grandfather and Baba too.
  • Santa Claus and says: “There is nothing for you to do nonsense with Grandfather and Baba, to make technique.
  • Grow a turnip and don't get sick. That's the end of the story." Santa Claus distributes gifts to everyone.

Scenario for the New Year 2019 for the presenter

It is desirable to create a themed evening, while it does not have to relate to the New Year. You can remember that the symbol of 2019 is the Pig, so it’s worth beating everything like in a village. For this, a fence made of branches or reeds is placed in the center of the hall. They hang pitchers on the fence. The host can also wear a pig costume.

An example host scenario:

“Hello, my puppies, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about grandfather and Baba, who loved to play with technology and made a Snow Maiden.”

  • Actors from the previous fairy tale are invited to the stage.
  • Next, the presenter invites ducklings to the stage to dance their signature dance.
  • The host from the audience must choose several applicants.
  • Participants dance to the music "On Dancing Ducklings".
  • The leader invites the next group of young people and says: “we are in the village, and these are your favorite cats who will dance a cat dance for you.”
  • All cats must be girls. The well-known music from the movie "Moonlight" is turned on.
  • Under it, the heroine of the film danced a striptease. The girls are confused and dance to the music.

The host distributes gifts and invites all the animals from the yard. It can be goats, cows and pigs. Everyone is dancing and having fun. After that, you can take a quiz.

As you can see, in order to New Year's holiday You don't have to buy expensive gifts. Use These New Year's Eve Tips When Composing entertainment program for high school students. It is worth forgetting about the banal and tedious contests. Young people will appreciate the non-standard approach and humor. The evening can be completed with a disco with a DJ.

Video: New Year's Scenario for High School Students

/ the curtain is closed, music sounds, 3 girls appear, sing the song “Three white horses” /

Leading: Winter. Peasant triumphant
On firewood updates the path
And the horse, smelling the New Year
Trotting somehow
/ a harnessed horse and a man appear, walk across the stage /
Man: The old grandmother is crazy
I ordered to bring the Christmas tree
Already a hundred years, and all to no avail
In the new year, lay out a Christmas tree for her
It's time for her to die
And not jumping by the Christmas tree
/curtain closes/
Presenter: Yes, people are in a hurry
Celebrate New Year's Eve
And prepare seriously
Meet Santa Claus.
Leading: Once ready, so what's the question?
Presenter: We have one problem
After all, our people have grown up.
Therein lies the whole dilemma.
Leading: Well, now how can we be:
How can we surprise our guests?
Presenter: I've been scratching my head for a long time
And I decided it was time
We can't wait for frost
And look for him now
among the assembled guests.
Leading: Something in the sense I will not take
I understand nothing
Don't be patient
Explain your decision.

Presenter: Our dear guests, it's time for us to ask you, do you believe that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden really exist? (guests answer) You see, everyone is already quite old and no longer believes in fairy tales.

Leading: And you don't believe in miracles? No, well, that doesn't work. Today, we (gives the name of the presenter) are simply obliged to make you believe that miracles do happen on New Year's Eve. So let's get started! I offer everyone a New Year's quiz.

Place in advance different places your guest room three digital signs (from 1 to 3) on green herringbone patterns, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, hung far from each other (as far as the dimensions of the apartment allow). Then the host of the evening asks questions about Santa Claus, while naming three possible answers. Cheerful music sounds. During its sounding, the participants must make a choice and take a place under the picture indicating the number of the answer, “correct” from the point of view of the participant.

All those who made the wrong choice are eliminated from the "races", and those who answered correctly guess the answer to the next question and also receive one of the sweet toys that decorate a small artificial Christmas tree - the keeper of the prize fund.

I. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Lana Pasquale?
1. Mexico. 2. Colombia. 3. Uruguay.

II. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Ded Zhara?
1. Panama. 2. Cambodia. 3. Sudan.

III. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Tash Noel?
1.Spain. 2. Czech Republic. 3. Finland.

IV. In what country is the grandfather's name Santa Claus?
1. Scotland. 2. Ireland. 3. England

V. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mikulash?
1. Poland. 2. Czech. 3. Hungary.

VI. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mosh Jarile?
1. India. 2. Pakistan. 3. Romania.

VII. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Weinakhteman?
I. Austria. 2. Israel. 3. Turkey.

VIII. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called St. Basil?
1.Greece. 2. Bulgaria. 3. The Netherlands.

IX. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Bobbo Natale?
1. France. 2. Spain. 3. Italy.

After the quiz, the hosts select the most distinguished young men (5-6 people) and invite them to take part in the competition

1. Entertainment begins with the Snowflake competition. The host gives each participant several napkins and scissors. With their help, they should get beautiful snowflakes. Whoever's "products" will be more plausible like a snowflake, he will receive bonus points. (after the first competition it will be better if there are 5 participants left)

2. Then they move on to the next competition - "Breath of Frost". All received snowflakes are laid out on the tables. Each applicant gets one. Competitors stand on the opposite side of the snowflake, and the host gives them the command to try to blow it off. Everyone, of course, immediately rushes to blow across the table on a snowflake, but the prize is given to the one whose last one flies off the surface of the table. After all, winter is all around, and there should be snow in the yard! And the breath of Frost only strengthens it. Points are counted. (after the second competition there are already four participants)
3. Competition "The strongest Santa Claus." The host explains that Santa Claus always walks with gifts, and therefore, with a heavy bag. Therefore, he must be resilient. You don’t have to take out anyone, but you have to test your strength in this competition. 4 participants are divided into pairs and each of them needs to lift the other like a bag from behind on his shoulders, whoever does it the easiest, he won.

The winner is given the attributes of Santa Claus (suit, beard, staff). The hosts ask him to wish something to all those gathered before leaving, and he leaves to get ready.

Presenter: Well, Santa Claus has left us for the time being, there is no Snow Maiden yet, well, in order to continue miracles, we need to create a special atmosphere. Let's imagine that we are all now in a fairy forest. Something was noisy. It looks like the wind is blowing. (addressing one of the guests) So, you will have a wind with us, blow harder. Our wind is angry, prickly, it shook all the trees (you will be Christmas trees with us, wave twigs, it doesn’t look like the wind was blowing on you. Come on, wind, blow harder. Okay, we wave twigs). A frightened bunny jumped out from under the Christmas tree and galloped on (you will be a bunny with us. You are somehow not frightened, here, jump faster). From above, 2 magpies began to buzz (that's exactly the same as you - that's it, you'll be magpies. Come on, say something else quickly, quickly: Sasha was walking along the highway ... Okay, that's enough). Well, it is impossible that in our fairy forest it was not festive. And then the sun came out (just about, you look out well, the sun) and smiled. No, not a smile on duty, but such, from the bottom of my heart, from ear to ear. Oh beauty! The forest came to life: the Christmas trees affably waved their branches beautifully, the magpies jumped around them, the bunny jumped for joy, the breeze easily blew the snowflakes. It became bright, beautiful and really fabulous. Shall we call Santa Claus? All in unison: Santa Claus! Father Frost!

(the song of Santa Claus of the Disco Crash group is connected, Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost:(reads congratulations)
Lots of laughter and fun
I want to wish you
Well, be patient with them.
Progress in business!
Let the starry tree shine
Let the swarm of snowflakes circle
To make the year bright, sonorous,
Kind, brave, punchy!
Let everyone be fine
May success await everyone at the end!
Let it be beautiful, peaceful, folding
You live - the best!
From myself I wish you
A sea of ​​happiness, a mountain of strength
And so that everyone, I beg you,
So always hanging out everywhere!

And now it's time for me to meet my Snow Maiden. Can you help me find her?

Choosing the best Snow Maiden 1. All the girls go into a circle and turn their hands palms up, Santa Claus and the presenters select those girls who have the coldest hands.

2. All Snow Maidens are blindfolded. A young man stands in front of each, in whose clothes a small Christmas tree toy. The Snow Maiden wins, the first to discover this toy.

3. Snow Maidens say in a circle the names of films where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Whoever says it last wins the contest.

4. The winner is the Snow Maiden who collects the most autographs from the guests.

While the results are being summed up, again a quiz for the guests:

Quiz "Winter Holiday"

1. Where is it colder - in the North or in south pole? (At the South Pole.)

2. What kind of tree is dressed up in Russia for the New Year? (Christmas tree.)

3. Ancient but timeless Christmas tree dance. (Round dance.)

4. What song do they sing at the Christmas tree? ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)

5. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

6. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

7. Undersized blizzard. (Drift.)

8. Carnival "platband". (Mask.)

9. Ice casting. (Rink.)

10. The life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

11. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

12. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six.)

13. Seasonal "sculpture" made from truly natural material. (Snowman.)

14. Who came up with the lines: “Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant, / Renews the way on the firewood ...”? (Pushkin.)

Congratulations to the Snow Maiden, she is leaving to change.


New Year's competition "Mummy" Four volunteers are called, two teams are made up of them, and more can be called. One of the players in each team is a “mummy”, and the second is a “mummy”. Game: the "mummy" must wrap the "mummy" with "bandages" as quickly as possible. Toilet paper is usually used as bandages. Audience fun guaranteed! After wrapping, you can reverse the operation by winding the paper back into a roll.

Competition for the new year "Hold the snowflake" What you need: Cotton. Preparation: lumps are made from cotton wool, resembling a snowflake. The host is Santa Claus. Game: at the signal of the leader, the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall. The winner is the participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air the longest.

Contest "Tomato" Two volunteers are called. Become facing each other different sides one stool. The host puts a banknote on a stool and announces that at the expense of “one, two, three ..” “who will be the first to put his hand on the bill ...

"Christmas trees exist" We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin. The host - Santa Claus explains the rules: Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up "low" - squat and lower your hands "wide" - make the circle wider "thin" - make the circle narrower. And now let's play! (Santa Claus plays, trying to confuse the children)

"Telegram to Santa Claus" The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts the missing adjectives from the list into it. Text of the telegram: “... Grandfather Frost! All ... the children are looking forward to your ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances! Finally, the New Year will come! How do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will only receive ... grades. So, open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls! ”...

The presenters come out, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a competition is held:

Christmas decorations
Presenter: We will play an interesting game with the guys:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.
Leading: Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response.
Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!” (then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ask in turn)
- Multi-colored crackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalade, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands bright?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Backpacks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
Are the tigers real?
- Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?

Father Frost: Thanks to everyone who helped me meet my granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: And from me, Snow Maiden,
I wish everyone happiness,
Good luck and luck!

Let winter and summer
Love lives in the hearts!
And sincere feelings
And laughter, and sparkle in the eyes!


Bow. This is a simple New Year's competition for schoolchildren, in which three people can participate. Two participants are blindfolded and one of them is given a bunch of ribbons in their hands, and the third is placed in the middle of the room. One of the players must tie as many ribbons around the body as possible on the "free" participant. And the second blindfolded player is to collect these ribbons by touch. Prizes in this competition can be received by all participants.

Slow motion. In this competition, participants must take turns depicting different everyday situations. But you need to show them in slow motion. And the rest of the class has to guess what is shown. For example, look hilarious: - frying pancakes; - coal mining; - dressing the wound on the finger; - Catching and plucking chicken. Prizes can be received by the most ingenious and the most artistic.

Visiting a fairy tale. For new year's competition"Visiting a fairy tale" you will have to stock up different things, "belonging" to the heroes of famous fairy tales. For example, a shoe from Cinderella, striped socks from Pippi- long stocking, a lamp from Hottabych, a golden feather from the Firebird. During the competition, you must pull fabulous things out of the bag, and the guests must guess their owner. The guesser must make a New Year's toast or recite a poem in the voice of this character. The best imitator is awarded the best prize, and the rest receive nice gifts. It is better to hold such a competition among elementary school students.

Feed me. Two players are blindfolded, placed opposite each other and given an apple in their hand. The task of the players is to feed the partner. The winner is the pair that will eat the apples the fastest, and at the same time the fingers will remain intact.