Competitions for the new year cockfights. Merry New Year: holiday contests for adults. oh yes rooster

  • 14.04.2020


New Year 2017 has the character of the Fire Rooster. And this bird is cocky, mobile. Therefore, sadly meeting this holiday at a table with salads and aspic is not a good idea.

Allow guests to warm up, spend time not only pleasantly, but also fun. After all, games on New Year's Eve must also correspond to the owner of the year.


A creative and fun competition, suitable for any company and place. We all know that the Rooster will be the symbol of 2017 according to the Eastern calendar, so we will make him the main character of our contest. Don't worry, you won't have to look for a live rooster for this. But something will be needed: two A1 sheets, better fit board for drawing with a marker or chalk. We divide the participants into two teams, and actually set them a task: to draw a symbol of the New Year. Team members take turns approaching the board or sheet, and begin to create their masterpieces. One draws legs for the rooster, then the next team member comes up and paints on the torso, the other head, the next tail, etc. At the end, the audience decides whose cock is the best and chooses the winning team!


Since the coming year is the Red Rooster, the game with eggs is very welcome. For each participating male, three eggs are cooked on a plate. One raw and two boiled. They need to be smashed one by one. Everyone expects it to be raw. But all eggs are boiled. Although the prevailing expectation of "confusion" amuses everyone, and makes the participants nervous and laughing.


Quite an interesting New Year's competition that can bring a lot of positive emotions and make the mood truly festive. From the props, you will need several masks of various animal characters. A participant is selected, sits on a chair in front of the audience, closes his eyes, at this time the host puts a mask on his face. The participant must understand what kind of animal he was turned into? The hall periodically gives clues, hints, but only so that it would be difficult for the hero of the competition to guess. In order to diversify the competition, the task can be slightly changed. Now the player himself will ask the audience the features of his character, and the audience must categorically answer the player's questions - yes or no. All this continues until the contestant understands whose mask he is wearing.


Players say aloud the items they would like to take with them to the New Year, and you can take both animate objects and not. Well, think for yourself, maybe someone will want to take a Toothbrush with him next year, but you and I cannot forbid him to take a Wonderful mood with him as well. But back to the rules! At the beginning, the player must state his name and only then begin to list what he would take with him in 2017. The complexity of the contest is that these words must begin with the same letter as the beginning of his name. The one who can name the most words will be the winner.


For this competition, you will need to buy in advance new Year gifts! It can be a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates, etc. Now, how to conduct it: we divide the people into two, bring the first couple to the table, on which our gifts actually lie. Nearby should be beautiful wrapping paper, ribbons, flowers, bows, etc. What's the catch? - you ask! And here's what: one of the participants with the right hand takes the other by the left, and they bring both hands back, behind the back. As a result, one of them has a free left hand, the other has a right hand. These are the pens they should wrap the gift with. Whoever manages to make it more beautiful, that couple will be the winner! Appreciated naturally by the audience.


Let's try to test the cinematic knowledge of our favorite guests. The facilitator in turn asks everyone the following question: "What films do you know that in one way or another relate to the theme of the New Year?". The names of both old and new films about the New Year are accepted for answer. The winner is the one who names the most New Year's pictures.


I must say right away that you will need to buy alcoholic beverages in advance. Suitable: champagne, wine, cognac, beer, whiskey, etc. Non-alcoholic drinks are also useful for a change: lemonade, mineral water, juice, etc. We put this whole set on the floor in the form of a circle, maintaining a distance between the bottles of 15 - 20 cm. We will use a paper ring as a sports equipment. To do this: cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm from thick cardboard with scissors, and in it another one, but of a smaller diameter - about 20 cm. Hooray! Here we have a ring! Now about how to actually hold the competition. The participant takes the ring in his hand, moves away from the place where we set our bottles at a distance of 2.5 - 3 meters, and throws it! And what he manages to lasso, our cowboy takes with him as a present!


In this competition, we will try to evaluate the artistic talents of our participants! We need a piece of drawing paper or a board for a marker. In advance, on small pieces of paper you need to write certain words. As words, it is best to use adjectives: cheerful, New Year's, beautiful, kind, festive, etc. We put these notes in a box, you can take a hat or cap instead of a box. The participant takes out a piece of paper from there with his hand, reads to himself, naturally does not pronounce this word, but tries to depict it on the board with the help of a drawing. The audience is trying to guess what this "Picasso" wants to tell them with his art. Well, whoever says the word first gets the long-awaited prize.


You will need several sets of Chinese sticks, based on the number of participants in the competition. Don't worry, call and order Chinese food we won't have to. Canned corn or green peas will be enough for this. But if this is not the case, you can also use grapes, which are sure to be on the table. Participants are seated at the table, they give everyone the same ill-fated sticks. Strictly the same number of peas is superimposed on the plates, or whatever you decide to put there. The facilitator marks the time, and the participants proceed to their quick lunch. You can only eat with chopsticks! And when the time runs out, (about a minute) we begin to count the number of remaining peas. Whoever has fewer left wins. And whoever ate them before the end of time, then won already in advance!


Participants are divided into pairs. Women are “Chickens”, and their men are “Petushki”. To the cheerful music, each "Hen" should dress up his "Cockerel". For this, tinsel, plastic Christmas decorations, confetti, rain are suitable - everything should be bright and catchy. Do not forget that the symbol of the year is the Fiery, bright bird. The time for the competition is one minute. The winner is the pair in which the "Cockerel" will be the most elegant and beautiful.


For this game, you should prepare tasks and balloons in advance. We write comic tasks on pieces of paper and lower them into balls. Each participant picks up a ball. You also need to burst your balloon somehow creatively. From the balls fly tasks that must be completed.

Task examples:

1. Walk like a rooster.

2. Crow.

3. Sing a song about a Christmas tree.

4. Recall two cartoons or fairy tales that mention a rooster.

The one who will burst the balloon ingeniously and perform the task artistically will win.


For this competition, you need to prepare paper Christmas decorations in the shape of a rooster. Make them colorful and add a paper clip or thread so that they can be easily hung on the Christmas tree. Participants are divided into teams. They are given toys "cockerels". While one of the blindfolded participants is trying to reach the Christmas tree and hang a toy, the other tells him the right way and supports. The couple that hangs their “cockerels” faster will win.


We will need various fruits: bananas, apples, kiwi, etc. Lay them out on a large plate. We divide the participants of the competition into teams that come up to the table in turn, and from the fruit set we have proposed, they try to portray the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Rooster. Whoever surprises the audience with their masterpiece the most wins the prize!


On the leaves we write funny and interesting situations that can happen to our guests in the New Year. For example: someone will buy a car, underwear, shave off their beard, cut their hair bald, etc. Participants take turns pulling out our prepared wish lists and reading them aloud. But before these, they must pronounce the phrase: "In 2017, I will definitely ...". Sea of ​​laughter guaranteed!


This contest is more suitable for New Year's corporate party when people sit in small companies at separate tables. We prepare cards with letters in advance. We write letters so that words can be made from them: New Year, rooster, Snow Maiden, etc. On each table we hide our cards, under the dishes, it is possible in napkins. At the command of the host, the guests begin to look for letters and make up their own word from them. Whose table will do it faster - receives a gift.


Let's try to reveal the artistic talents of our participants. To do this, you will need: sheets of A1 format, in which you will need to cut holes for the hands. The sheet must be placed vertically, and when the participant passes his hands through it, the top of the sheet should cover his face. We give out two felt-tip pens in each hand, and ask them to draw the face of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a cockerel, or anyone. And since you have to draw on reverse side, without seeing what you are drawing, then the faces should turn out to be very funny. Well, be sure to give the prize to the most talented artist.


This competition will require a lot of different fruits, mostly round in shape: tangerines, oranges, apples, kiwi, lemons, etc. We randomly lay them out on the table, blindfold the participant, put an empty basket next to it and give the task: to collect from all the fruits only some specific ones (at your discretion). Doing this naturally takes time. Whoever does it faster and without mistakes wins.


We divide the guests into pairs: a girl + a guy. We select musical compositions in advance, and to make it more interesting, we will make a diverse repertoire, ranging from ballroom dancing to incendiary Latin music. We turn on the first composition, and ask the couples to show their choreographic abilities. When the song ends, the audience applauds the dancing skills of our couples. Whoever gets the weakest standing ovation is eliminated. We turn on the next song, and so on until we have a couple of winners left.


In advance, on sheets of A4 format, in large letters, we print the names of interesting and strange places. It can be: "Beer bar", "Strip club", "Job", "Psycho hospital", "Director's office", "Sobering-up station", "Venereologist's office", etc. We turn the participants with their backs to the audience, and hang Our pre-prepared leaflets are put on their backs. The host begins to ask questions: "How did you get there?", "Did you like it there?", "Do you often go there?" why?", "When will you go back there?". Participants must answer them in turn!


We put in a row, and tightly to each other chairs. We seat the participants on them, we say that they tightly squeeze their legs at the knees. The extreme participant needs to put a tangerine on his knees. We give the task: to pass this fruit to the participant sitting nearby, but without the help of hands. And so on the chain. It turns out very funny!


We need frozen pieces of ice. The guests, at the command of the host, take an ice floe, and try to possible ways melt it down quickly. You can blow, warm with your hands, etc. Whoever manages to do it faster will be our winner!


Let's prepare the same cards in advance. On one side of which we will write the name of a Lido fairy tale character. Do not forget, since we are celebrating the New Year, it is better to choose New Year's characters. It can be: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, wolf, hare, and of course the symbol of 2017 is the Rooster. The player draws a card for himself, reads to himself what is written on it. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, he tries to portray our mysterious character. The audience at this time trying to guess who it is!

Funny, funny contests will allow you to have a good rest and have fun on new year party. For hosts who are entrusted with organizing the entertainment part, we offer an original selection of games, contests and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting competitions and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include cool contests at the table in the program of the New Year's corporate party at work.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Before sitting at the festive table, guests receive a small piece of paper and write what gift they would like to wish themselves in the new year. This could be, for example, new flat, car, dog, travel, money, lover…

The sheets are folded into a tube and placed in a beautiful box, a hat ... At some point in the evening, the presenter asks everyone to pull out an arbitrary sheet and find out what good Santa Claus has prepared for him for the next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And the wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until the next holiday, and then tell about what has come true.

The leaves can be attached with threads to a rope / fishing line and then, as once in childhood, blindfolded with scissors, cut off your wish. Another variation is to tie notes to balloons and distribute to those present.

I want-I want-I want!

Another game about desires. But this time without attributes.

5-7 people are called. They take it in turns to name their wish for the next year. You need to speak quickly, without delaying the queue! Stopping for more than 5 seconds - the player is out. We play until victory - until the last player! (Small prize possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When guests get bored at the height of the feast, invite them not only to fill their glasses, but to say a toast or congratulations to all those present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • A — I am absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • B - Actually, I'm glad to be with you today!
  • G - Pride bursts at the sight of those gathered at this table! ..

The funniest moment is when the letters e, e, y, y, s come into play.

Game variant: each next toast begins with the last letter of the previous congratulation. For example: “I am very glad if you support me with applause! “And all the best to you…” For complication, you can prohibit starting a toast with prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

"I'll sing about Frost!" Compose a ditty

Those who wish during the evening must write, and then present to the audience a ditty, in which there are New Year's words or topics pre-set by the presenters. It could be "New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden."

You can compose clumsy ones - with an unrhymed last line, but maintaining the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

hello red santa claus
you brought us gifts!
The most important - ten days
we'll just rest.

snow news

Attributes: Cards with nouns. There are 5 completely unrelated nouns written on the cards. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant draws a card, reads out the received words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with news from one sentence. And it should fit all the words from the card.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

The news can begin with the words "Sensation!"

For example:

  • 1 card - "road, chair, roof, bicycle, snowman." Suggestion - "A huge snowman with a broken roof was discovered outside the city on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!"
  • 2 card - "fence, sound, ice floe, shop, Christmas tree." Suggestion - "Near the store under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding pieces of ice."

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you prepare a lot of cards, where one different word will be written, and the players themselves will draw out the 5 words they got.

Fun guaranteed!

I like/dislike at my neighbor's

The game does not require any improvised means! But requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relations in the team.

The host invites everyone present to name which part of the body (you can wear clothes) they like the person sitting on the left, and which one they don’t like. For example: "My neighbor on the right has a left ear that I like and I don't like a protruding pocket."

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the host asks to kiss (or stroke) what they like and bite (or slap) what they don’t like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called in a circle.

Our friend is an orange!

This game can be played on new year holiday in the office only if all colleagues are well acquainted. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The host thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants with the help of leading questions try to guess who it is.

But questions are not simple - these are associations! Whoever guesses first, wins.

Questions are like this:

  • What fruit/vegetable does it look like? - For an orange.
  • What food is associated with? - With pies.
  • - What animal? - With a mole.
  • - With what music? - With choral singing.
  • - With what flower?
  • - What plant?
  • — By car?
  • - Color?
  • - Part of the world?

Yin-yang cones

Attributes: 2 cones - one painted white, the other black. If there is nothing to paint with, you can wrap them with colored woolen threads of the desired color.

The course of fun: a host is selected from the guests, who will have these two bumps. They are the signals of his answers, because he cannot speak at all. He thinks of a word, and the rest, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he has in mind.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES - this is a white bump, NO - black. If neither one nor the other, he can lift both at once.

The first one to guess wins.

Instead of cones, you can take multi-colored Christmas balls. But you have to be careful with glass ones, especially if the presenter has already drunk a couple of glasses of champagne.

associations on paper. Broken telephone associations

Attributes of the players: a piece of paper and a pen.

The first person writes any noun on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly into the neighbor's ear. He comes up with his own association to this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next one.

This is how associations are transmitted along the chain ... The latter speaks aloud the word transmitted to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

funny neighbor

Any number of guests can play.

We stand in a circle, and the leader begins: he performs an action with a neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat his shoulders, tap his nose, flick his arm, touch his knee ... Everything, standing in a circle must repeat the same movement with your roommate/neighbour.

The one who laughs is out.

Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If no one laughed, a new move. And so on until the last "Nesmeyana".

New Year's rhymer

The driver reads out little-known New Year / winter quatrains. But he only speaks the first 2 lines.

The rest are invited to participate in the competition for the best rhymer.

Guests invent and rhyme the last two lines. Then the funniest and most original poet is chosen, and then the original poem is read out to the general laughter and fun.

Drawing competition "I see, I see the New Year!"

Those who wish are given A-4 sheets with arbitrary lines and felt-tip pens. Everyone has the same image (a photocopy will help you).

The task is to complete the picture on the New Year theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best versed in painting. Here he or she will evaluate the results. Whoever has the most interest is the winner! There can be many winners - it's a holiday!


nimble bump

Attributes: pine or spruce cones.

Game progress: guests can either sit at the table or stand in a circle (if by this time they have been sitting too long). The task is to pass each other a bump. The condition is that it can be transmitted only by holding it on the back of two palms. Try it, it's quite difficult... But also fun!

You can also divide into equal teams, and which one will transfer its bump faster, that one won.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's bags ... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of Snow Maidens for a few minutes each choose a man for themselves to turn him into Santa Claus.

From items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maiden creates a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, this can be ended by choosing the most successful and funny model ...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the "decoration" of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very successful game to determine couples for subsequent New Year's competitions.

Attributes: colored ribbons in winter shades (blue, light blue, silver ...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them together, confusing the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The host holds a basket / box, to which there are multi-colored ribbons, the tips of which hang down.

Presenter: “In the New Year, the paths were covered with snow ... The blizzard mixed up the paths in the house of Santa Claus. We need to unravel them! Take the end of the tape you like in pairs, and pull the track towards you. The couple that draws their ribbon before the others will win a prize!”

The players choose a pair and color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun lies in the fact that the ribbons are sewn differently, and the pairs are formed completely unexpected.

Train of happy people

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Arrange a round dance for your guests. It is clear that it can be difficult for vacationers at a party to raise themselves to a mobile competition, so come up with something for them branded callers.

- Now those who are clinging to the train
a) wants to be rich
b) wants to be loved
c) who wants to have a lot of health,
d) who dreams of traveling to the sea, etc.

The host drives the train around the hall, it is filled and filled with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from the tables, dances-movements of the train are arranged (the host can show them) to the daring music.

New Year term deposit

Attributes: money wrappers.

Two couples are selected, each a man and a woman. It is desirable that men should be dressed in approximately the same way (if one has a jacket, then the second should be in a jacket).

— Dear women, on the eve of the New Year, and you need to have time to make a fixed deposit in the bank. Here is the money for you (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial contributions. You will put them in the bank for a super term deposit. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - each "bill" in a separate cell! And pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. You can make a deposit while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Started!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: who managed to make a full investment (not a single candy wrapper left in his hands) receives an additional point. All money in action!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super fast deposit. You will shoot each blindfolded, but you always remember what and where you put it. Music! Started!

The trick is that men are swapped, and blindfolded women "search" someone else's partner without knowing it. Everyone has fun!

We are actors anywhere!

Those who wish to participate are given task cards. None of them knows in advance what they will have to face.

The host announces that the participants need to take a walk in front of everyone, depicting what is written on the cards. Here is an example list:

  • tightrope walker over the abyss,
  • duck in the yard
  • teenager with a stalled bike,
  • shy girl,
  • a shy Japanese woman in a kimono in the rain,
  • baby who starts walking
  • heron in the swamp,
  • Iosif Kobzon at a speech,
  • city ​​man in the market,
  • hare on the path
  • catwalk model,
  • arab sheikh,
  • cat on the roof, etc.

Tasks can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny prank "Bear in the den or slow-witted spectators"

Attention: it is played only once!

The facilitator invites the one who wants to portray a pantomime, takes him to a separate room and gives him a "secret" task - portray without words bear (hare or kangaroo).

Meanwhile, the host's assistant agrees with the others NOT to understand his body movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. The guests pretend not to understand and name anything, but not the one they are shown.

- Walks, waddling? Yes, this is a platypus (a lame fox, a tired boar)!
- Licking paw? Probably the cat washes.

It happens that the person depicting is surprised at the misunderstanding of the guests, begins to get angry: “Are you so stupid? It's so easy!" And if he shows hellish patience, shows again and again - he has iron nerves! But it also amuses the employees gathered at the party. It's not worth pulling. When the player starts to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the correct animal.

3. Music competitions

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dances? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, a lot of music competition games for New Year's corporate party.

Scene "Clip song"

This is the most creative musical entertainment for the New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare musical accompaniment in advance: songs about Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden ... and simple attributes that will help the players dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves ...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree." We need an operator who will shoot the clip on camera.

The participants, accompanied by song accompaniment, begin to depict all the actions that are sung about: “a cowardly gray bunny jumped under the Christmas tree” - the hero jumps, “the beads were hung up” - the team hangs the beads on an impromptu live “Christmas tree”.

You can divide into two teams (employees and employees) and each will shoot their own clip. It is desirable to display the results on a large screen and compare. The winners will be awarded branded souvenirs or applause.

Competition "Lazy dancing"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the cheerful New Year's music-song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up!

At the command of the leader, they dance with different parts of the body:

  • Let's dance with our elbows first!
  • Then the shoulders
  • feet,
  • fingers,
  • lips,
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Changeling song

This is a comic game that you can play at any time of the holiday. The presenter pronounces the lines from the New Year / winter song, but with the words vice versa. The task of all is who is faster guess the original and sing it. The one who guesses is given a chip (wrapper, candy, cone ...), so that later it would be easier to calculate the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

— The birch has died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
“The old moon lingers, nothing will happen for a long time. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon.
- White-white steam rose on the ground. - Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
— One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white horses, three white horses.
— The brave white wolf sat on the baobab tree. - A cowardly gray bunny jumped under the Christmas tree.
— Shut up, Santa Claus, where are you going? “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”
- You read a book to me about 1 hour. I'll sing you a song about five minutes.
— The huge palm tree is hot in summer. The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
- The weights were removed, they left the chain. - They hung the beads, stood in a round dance.
- She ran away from you, Snegurochka, wiped off a little sweet smiles. - I ran after you, Santa Claus. I shed many bitter tears.
- Oh, heat-heat, warm you up! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost-frost, do not freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
“Your worst acquisition is me. “My best gift is you.

Song contest "Musical hat of Santa Claus"

Attributes: we put words from New Year's songs in the cap.

The players pass it in a circle to the musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the one who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember / sing a piece of the song where it occurs.

You can play in teams. Then the hat is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time to complete the task and reward the team for each guess.

Not sure if your guests are so fast-thinking - write not one word, but a small phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Candlelight dance

Dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Put on slow music and invite the couples to light sparklers and dance. The couple whose fire burns longer wins and wins the prize.

If you want to spice up the dance - choose tango!

Old song in a new way

Print the texts of famous (not necessarily even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (music for karaoke).

It can be Karabas Barabas, Snegurochka, an evil policeman, a kind Baba Yaga and even your boss.


A well-known song is chosen, which all the guests begin to sing in unison.

On the command "Quiet!" sing a song to themselves. On command "Loud!" out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud choir begins with different words. And so it is repeated several times, all the fun.

4. Command

Team games for the New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen the team spirit and solidarity, acting as an unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay "Boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of very large boots (or one).

This game is played around the Christmas tree or around the chairs in teams.

Those who play at the signal of the driver or the sound of music put on large felt boots and run a race around the Christmas tree (chairs). If you have only one pair of these winter boots, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots, you can still come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them in a team to each other; carry on outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (in large ones it is difficult to do this), etc. Fantasize!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: "snow" clods made from crumpled paper; large spoons (can be wooden).

The course of the relay competition: two equal teams gather. At the command of the driver (or at the sound of the music), the first participants must quickly run back and forth across the room, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Do not choose too long routes - just make a circle around the Christmas tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and strives to fly off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last comer in the team. Who is the first, he won!

Office wishes Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of drawing paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper editions offered to them, stick them on a sheet and make an original congratulation to those present on the New Year.

It should be a fun little text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the proposed magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Christmas tree beads

Offer the teams paper clips in large quantities (it is advisable to choose multi-colored plastic ones). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to pleasant music.

Whoever ends up with “beads” longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or "Friendly mosaic"

The competition requires a little preparation. It is necessary to take a picture of the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The task of the teams is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

Preferably make sure the photos are large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white can be used). Each is marked with large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K. The snowman "melts" and turns ... into other words.

The driver makes simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

  • Grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Banned at work. - Dream.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Prepared for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred to tangerine. - Juice.
  • Difficult to get up in the morning. — Eyelids.
  • Where did the office romance happen? - Movie.
  • Colleague of the snow woman. - Snowman.

The fastest ones get points, and the ones with the most points win.

5. Bonus - competitions for a purely female team!

These games are suitable for the New Year corporate party of doctors, teachers, or for kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This competition is exclusively for an adult company. Guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the signal of the driver and to the fervent music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to tie a long, long rope out of them.

When the “Stop!” sounds, the visibly underdressed participants begin to measure the length of their chains of clothes.

Longest one wins!

Dress up for the New Year! or "Outfit in the dark"

Two participants are standing near their chest/box/basket containing different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed ​​and correctness are valued. Although everyone is more fun and from the fact that things are mixed up on the players.

Snow queen in reverse

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders for the crown of the Snow Queen are selected. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, you can have several ice cubes, folding them into bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is given the title of "Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

Mixed beans, peppers, rosehips, peas lie on plates in front of two participants (you can take any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not pour for too long (you can test it experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to disassemble the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever gets it right first will go to the ball!

Having fun in the New Year 2017 is a top priority for everyone. And good fun, as you know, depends not only on a wonderful company, but also on a well-thought-out holiday scenario. Often New Year's scenarios quite similar in terms of plot. The whole holiday is built on the expectation of a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, amateur performances and presentation of gifts. Almost the only item that can add variety to the celebration is the contests for the New Year 2017. It is on how varied, original and interesting they will be that the mood of all those present largely depends. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use a lot of fun and cool contests to entertain your guests. And our today's article will certainly help you with this. Below you will find ideas for New Year's contests and games in kindergarten, school, an adult group of friends and family members. We are sure that they will help you celebrate the unforgettable New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster even at home!

The best contests and games for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster in kindergarten

New Year's party, without exaggeration, can be called one of the most favorite holidays for kids in kindergarten. And this is not surprising, considering how many interesting and funny things are waiting for the kids on this holiday. Just one meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is worth something! And that's not to mention gifts and sweets. But the children love the New Year in kindergarten also for numerous games and fun contests, the best of which we have prepared for you later. For convenience, all options for the best games and competitions for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten were divided into age groups, which will greatly facilitate writing a script for a matinee.

Options for competitions for the younger group of kindergarten for the New Year 2017

For the youngest kindergarten students, the first New Year's party is stressful in many ways. Therefore, the main task of educators is to think over the scenario to the smallest detail and prepare the kids in advance for the meeting of Santa Claus and the action plan. Simple but exciting contests can help a lot with this. The only one important point, which is certainly worth considering, incentive prizes for the losers. Let it be trinkets or sweets, but they will help to avoid children's tears of annoyance.

Find Santa Claus

Kids are shown different pictures on a winter theme. Their task is to find the image of Santa Claus on them and shout his name. The most attentive wins.

Winter Riddles 2017

The leader divides the children into two teams and reads them riddles about winter, New Year, Santa Claus. Which of the teams will quickly and correctly name the correct answers wins.

Dance with chairs

The well-known and very fun competition with music and chairs is perfect for kids. The number of chairs, one less than the number of participants, is put in a circle. A cheerful New Year's melody is included. While she is playing, the kids should dance in a circle. As soon as the melody stops, each child should take a free chair. Who did not have time to do this, he leaves the competition with a consolation prize.

Competitions for the middle group of kindergarten for the New Year 2017

Older children are already looking forward to the New Year's party in kindergarten. In particular, they take part in games and New Year's competitions with great pleasure. Next, you will find some fun options for children 3-4 years old.


In the middle of the table, a mark is made with tape. Children from different teams sit at the edges of the table, opposite each other. Their task is to blow the cotton ball beyond the mark on the table as quickly as possible. The team that blows away all of their "snowballs" the fastest wins.

Garland for New Year 2017

Children are divided into two teams. Each participant is given a sticker or leaf with a certain color. Then the presenter shows a picture with a large image of a New Year's garland. The task of each team is to line up in the correct color order as quickly as possible. The score is kept up to 3 rounds.

Assemble the snowman

Another version of the team competition for speed. Team members are given a set of paper parts to create a snowman. At the signal of the facilitator, each participant in turn runs to the paper and attaches his part. The first team to make a snowman wins.

Ideas for competitions for the senior group for the New Year 2017

The oldest kindergarten students love New Year's contests no less than gifts from Santa Claus. For them, you can prepare not only team, but also individual versions of games. Musical and dance competitions are also perfect for the New Year's party.

Treats for the Snow Maiden

Each participant is given a small set of drawn food products: vegetables, fruits, sweets and others. Among them should be inedible items, such as toys, furniture, dishes. Then each child is given a recipe for the Snow Maiden. He must choose from his set of suitable products. The winners are those children who correctly collect all the products for the dish.

tangerine relay

Children are divided into 2 teams. At the end of the room, tangerines are laid out on the table according to the number of participants. The task of each participant is to run to the end of the room, take a tangerine and put it in a tablespoon. Then you need to get to your team as quickly as possible and pass the baton on. The fastest team wins.


Each contestant must hold a brush in his mouth and, without the help of his hands, draw on a large Whatman paper the symbol of the coming year - the Red Rooster. Who is the best and fastest to cope with the task and wins.

Fun contests for schoolchildren for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

Children school age they just love fun competitions for the New Year 2017. They are happy to take part in both individual and team competitions. If we talk about what fun competitions for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren to choose, then you need to start from their age. For example, younger students will be happy to take part in sports and active games and competitions. While high school students are more willing to participate in intellectual quizzes and erudition games. Next, you will find examples of fun, original and interesting New Year's competitions for schoolchildren of different ages, which can be safely used when writing a script for a festive concert.


Four participants are chosen for the competition - two boys and two girls. Boys wear large mittens on their hands. Girls wear shirts or robes with lots of buttons. The task of the boys is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible, which is very difficult to do in large mittens. The winner is the one who first copes with all the buttons.

Inside out

The facilitator asks the participants simple questions, the answers to which are obvious. For example, what color is milk or how many eyes a person has. Participants must respond very quickly incorrectly and funny. Each participant who gave the correct answer is eliminated from the game and so on until one winner remains.

Pass it on

A very cool and fun competition in which several large teams can participate at once. Each team lines up in a long line. The task of the participants is to transfer, without the help of hands, for example, by holding their feet, various thematic objects to the next in line. Suitable as items Balloons, new Year decoration, cotton snowballs. The fastest team to pass all the items without damage wins.

snow basketball

For this competition, you will need two buckets and a lot of cotton snowballs. Participants must temporarily throw as many snowballs as possible into their bucket, which is located at a distance of 5-7 meters. The most accurate wins.

Contests, games, entertainment for the New Year 2017 for families and children

If you are planning to spend the New Year 2017 with your family and children, then by all means take care of fun contests, games and entertainment. Try to choose such options for entertainment, contests and games in which both adults and children will participate with the same interest and enthusiasm. As a rule, these are team competitions where children compete against adults or boys against girls. It is also important to think about thematic prizes for competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year 2017 for families and children. It can be both homemade crafts and comic souvenirs. Sweets can be used as incentive prizes. Next, you will find examples of very fun and entertaining contests, games and entertainment for all family members.

Who am i?

One of the participants is attached to the head of a piece of paper with the name of some New Year's character. His task is to ask leading questions to other participants in the game to find out what kind of character he is. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. After the character has guessed correctly, the next participant receives the inscription.

snow champagne

Participants of the competition are given empty bottles of champagne. A large number of paper snowflakes are thrown into the room, which the participants must collect and fill their bottle with them. Whoever completes this task first wins the competition.

funny snowman

Each contestant is given props in the form of a bag, a plastic bucket and a carrot with an elastic band. The task of the participants is to quickly put on their costumes as a snowman, make a few circles around the chair, then climb on top of it and dance an incendiary dance. The most charming and cheerful snowman wins.

Confetti for meeting 2017

Several people are required to participate in the competition. Each participant is given a balloon filled with confetti. His task is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible so that it bursts and the confetti falls apart.

Cool contests for a fun company for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

Celebrate New Year 2017 in cheerful company- one of the best options for this holiday. No wonder they say that as you meet the New Year 2017, so you will spend it. Therefore, the more fun the company is, the better. And for the holiday to be really cool, you need to prepare a lot of cool contests for a fun company for the New Year 2017. Their number and content will depend on the number of guests and their emancipation. But there are also many universal contests and games that are perfect for almost any company. Next, you will find a selection of the best cool contests for the company for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster.

Magic wand

An excellent competition for a large company, which can be included at the beginning of the holiday. The facilitator invites guests to the center of the room and irritates them in a circle. Then the participants are given a "magic wand" - a long wooden pole. While the music is playing, the participants must pass the stick in a circle. The one who has the stick in his hands, when the music stops, must go to the middle of the room and fulfill the task of the leader. For example, play a stick like a guitar or use it as a mop. The most artistic one wins.

New Year's champagne

This competition is perfect for a fun and slightly drunk company adults. It will take 3-4 volunteers, each of whom is given a glass of champagne. The task of the contestants without the help of hands is to carry their glass to the next table. Whoever has the fullest glass at the end wins.

Bottoms Up!

Another option fun competition for drunk company. Each contestant will have to drink a large beer glass of a certain drink. The choice of drink is determined by a hat with notes on which various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are written. After the participant has taken out his drink, he is blindfolded and served a glass with contents that may differ from his choice.


Couples must participate in this competition - a model and a stylist. For more fun, it is better to choose guys as models, and girls as stylists. Each pair is given a certain set of accessories, each of which the stylist must adapt to the image of his model. Among the traditional handbags and hairpins, there should be completely original items, for example, a teapot or a flower pot.

Funny contests for a small company for the New Year 2017

Meeting the New Year in a small company can be very fun if you pick up funny contests. Like New Year's Eve 2017 contests for large companies, ideas for a small number of people should be fun and funny. You can even adapt some of the options for children's competitions, which are often used on New Year's parties in kindergartens and schools. After all, the New Year 2017 is a great occasion for adults to feel like schoolchildren again and have fun from the heart. Moreover, for funny contests for the New Year 2017 for a small company, which we have collected for you below, do not require large investments and preparation time. Complete the contests with fun games, entertainment and dancing and get an unforgettable New Year 2017!

guess the movie

Participants in a circle guess the name of their favorite New Year's film or cartoon. Other participants must, by asking leading questions, guess the name of this film. Whoever guesses the most names is the winner.

Drawing for the New Year 2017

Each participant is given a set for drawing and hands are tied. Holding a pencil or brush in their teeth, the participant must draw a winter landscape or a portrait of a famous character. The most creative and fun drawing for the New Year 2017 wins.

Unusual travel

The host prepares in advance tricky questions about New Year's traditions from around the world. Participants are divided into teams, and quickly guess which country they are talking about. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. The team with the most points wins.

Pop the balloon

Highly fun game for young couples. Partners stand with their backs to each other and between them the host of the competition pinches a balloon. The task of the couple is to burst the balloon as quickly as possible. To complicate the task, instead of one balloon, the participants can ask the contestants to burst 3-5 balloons of different sizes.

Speed ​​game

The facilitator distributes different tasks for speed to all participants. For example, in 1 minute, sit down the maximum number of times, eat as many crackers as possible, or peel a mountain of tangerines. After the time runs out, the participants must exchange "props" with their neighbor on the right and complete the speed task again. And so on in a circle, until everyone gets back to their first task. Wins the game the fastest on the results of several tasks.

How to entertain the children at the New Year's holiday in the family circle, kindergarten or school team - parents and organizers are puzzled by this question every year. I want something new and unhackneyed, not boring and interesting, intended for children of the same age or for a universal children's company. An active mother hurries to the rescue and offers TOP-5 contests for children for 2017 New Year in four categories.

The content of the article:

New Year's competitions for the youngest children (preschool age)

Children preschool age they love competitions for solidarity - it doesn’t matter to them that there must be a winner, it’s enough and just to say that friendship won. However, the game must be flexible enough so that the kids do not lose interest.


Divide the guys into two teams. For those who stand first, give large spoons, preferably wooden ones. In each of these spoons, put a small unbreakable ball - this is important, because it is too dangerous to play with glass.

To the cheerful music, the children must run to the indicated goal (for example, to the chair on the opposite side), and then return to their team and pass the spoon, and so on until the last participant.

Prizes can be awarded as follows:

  • a team whose members completed the task earlier;
  • a team whose members dropped the ball less often;
  • separately to the child who has never dropped the ball.

"Bad Memory"

Children really like music competitions, especially when you also need to prove yourself. Prepare in advance a stanza of some famous children's song:

A friend in trouble will not leave

Will not say offensive

That's what a real, true friend means!

Usually, kids know these songs well, so it will not be difficult for them to name mistakes in the verse. Give some sweet prize to the one who named them first, and also turn on a song with original words for a couple of moments - you get a good musical pause, during which children can dance for thirty to forty seconds.


To begin with, present to the kids a sketch that the Snow Maiden went home in a strong snowstorm for a long, long time and was very cold. Because of this, her hands became icy (it is advisable at this moment to demonstrate some blue gloves worn on the hands of an adult playing the Snow Maiden). In order to help the granddaughter of Santa Claus recover, you need to play an outdoor game.

Gather the children around the leader. The rules are simple: energetic music plays, the guys walk in a circle. Suddenly, the song is turned off, and the adult says that he will freeze - "I will freeze my nose!". Participants in the round dance should quickly cover their nose with their hands. The one who didn't make it is out. The remaining two or three children at the end solemnly remove blue mittens from the Snow Maiden, and also receive prizes from her (toys, sweets, etc.).

"Wish Time"

At home, the New Year is usually celebrated with a large number of relatives. Children usually have an idea of ​​the character and habits of their grandparents and so on. The task is as follows: the child must guess what their loved ones will guess for the New Year.

The prize is awarded to:

  • for each guessed desire (if the child is alone, keep in mind that you can play along);
  • for the number of guessed desires (if there are two or more children).


Don't little kids love sweets? Decorate the Christmas tree with candy and blindfold the child. For a certain time, he must collect and eat a delicacy by touch.

Competitions for 2017 New Year for children 6-10 years old

At this age, children love to show their knowledge, as they already go to school and for them this is an achievement. Therefore, this moment should be used in competitions.

"Dress up the tree"

At first glance, the competition is familiar enough, but it's not so simple. We divide the children into small groups of three or four people, hand over a small artificial Christmas tree and a small bag with toys to each team. Things from the bag need to be fastened to the Christmas tree so that it turns out beautifully and elegantly.

Only ordinary jewelry cannot be put in the bag. Show your imagination and put something there that an ordinary person would never think of hanging on a Christmas tree - a cup, a protractor, and so on. The more unusual the item, the better.

You can complicate the task and blindfold the participants - let them decorate the Christmas trees by touch.


For the competition, you need to collect information in advance about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries peace. Then there are two options:

  • hold a game in the form of a quiz so that the participants themselves guess the country;
  • provide the participants with information on the sheets and tell them to try to depict what is written there, so that others can guess the country. The one who guesses gets the right to show the next.

For example, in Italy there is a tradition of eating twelve grapes for the New Year, and this can be shown by a child.

"Going to the Library"

The competition is great for a room that has a bookcase with books, and they do not lie too high. Or you can put a few adults next to a small library to help the guys.

Santa Claus has a bag of gifts, but he won't give them away just like that! He prepared riddle tasks for the children, the answers to which have already been prepared and are in certain books. The host simply gives the contestant a piece of paper on which is written: the number of the shelf, the number of the account book (on the right or on the left), as well as the numbers of the two pages between which the piece of paper is inserted.

The child must say the code word from the piece of paper in order to receive a gift.

The competition is only for small company(two or three children), because with more children, chaos will begin on the bookshelves.


Prepare some bright, noticeable props. For example:

  • pencils of the same color;
  • colored ribbons (red, yellow or orange);
  • small soft toys of the same type (bears, bunnies, etc.).

These things need to be hidden around the house. Participants compete with each other in who will quickly find the necessary things.

Another game option is to hide the letters around the house so that the children can find them and make up some word related to the New Year.

"From what was at hand"

During the celebration, a lot of tangerines and oranges are eaten. Why not keep the kids busy? Invite them to make the most beautiful and unusual Christmas tree toy from fruit or its peelings.

Adult help is required for this competition. And it is also better to carry it out when the child is already tired after active games.

New Year's contests for teenagers

Teenagers are hard to please, but it’s quite possible to come up with an interesting New Year’s contest for them too. It should be based on a mixture of children's and adult games. Active games should be alternated with calm ones.

"Modern Processing"

For this contest, you need to prepare popular songs in advance, but not in their usual form, but in a slightly modified one. To do this, run the text through a translator in advance (for example, insert a Russian couplet, translate into English, then into Hebrew, and then back into Russian). It is advisable to take just small choruses to make it interesting.

"How much can you say?"

It is necessary to prepare artificial snowballs (from cotton wool, for example). Divide the teenagers into small teams of three or four people, choose two scorers, whose task is to take turns throwing snowballs at the teams. The task of the group members is to catch the balls, trying to do it in such a way that as little as possible falls on the floor.

More difficult version: team members are forbidden to move.

"Christmas Mafia"

This New Year's contest for children aged 14-15 is based on the principle of the famous card game "Mafia". You need to prepare character cards in advance, choose a leader (he has no role).

The plot of the game: some Wolves led by the Old Wolf (gift thieves) robbed Santa Claus. Now he is looking for criminals, and the Snow Maiden and peaceful celebrants, who really want to receive their gifts, help him in this. The problem is that peaceful celebrants sleep at night, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are left face to face with the Wolves, and during the day gift thieves pretend to be peaceful celebrants...

Positive characters:

  • Santa Claus (1 pc.) - plays the role of the Commissioner, his task is to find out the role of one of the players every night in order to help peaceful celebrants to figure out the gift thieves;
  • Snow Maiden (1-2 pcs.) - performs the role of the Doctor, her task is to heal one of the characters every night, thereby saving him from leaving the game;
  • peaceful celebrants (from 2-3 pcs.) - civilians whose only weapon is their voice, since they sleep at night.

Negative characters (gift thieves):

  • Wolves (from 2 pcs., depending on the number of players) - play the role of Mafiosi, have the right every night, after consulting, to remove one character from the number of peaceful celebrants from the game;
  • Old Wolf (1 pc.) - performs the role of the Don of the mafia, main enemy Santa Claus (Commissioner), whom he is looking for at night, learning about it from the host (the Old Wolf can check only one player in one night, the host will tell him whether it is Santa Claus or not).

Additional roles (if there are many players):

  • Fox (1 pc.) - plays the role of a Thief, at night can rob any character, depriving him of his move and the right to vote for a day, but plays for peaceful celebrants;
  • Bear (1 pc.) - plays the role of a Maniac, plays for himself, his main goal is to take everyone out of the game, pretends to be a peaceful party during the day.

The basic principles on which the New Year's Mafia is built are the ability to deceive and convince. It is forbidden to disclose their roles. During the daytime voting, each of the players expresses his opinion, says whom he suspects and whom he puts up for a vote. For example, players A and B were put up for a vote. If seven people vote for A and eight people vote for B, then player B is eliminated from the game.

The host must have experience of the game, because you need to carefully monitor the process and not miss anything. During the day, he announces the results of the night (whether Father Frost correctly pointed to the Wolves, who was cured by the Snow Maiden, who was taken out of the game by the Wolves, who was deprived of the move and the voice of the Fox, who was taken out of the game by the Bear).

The winning team (peaceful celebrants or gift thieves) receive a prize at the discretion of the facilitator.

"Stay Alive"

The host announces to the participants that they are on a desert island. In advance, you need to prepare a "test" - an excuse for the player to drop out of the game, "float away" from the island. The players need to argue why they should stay, based on their personal qualities, hobbies, and skills. With the help of voting, the teenager who spoke less convincingly is selected, and he is eliminated from the game. The host must also prepare a punishment for the loser in advance.

Examples of "trials" (one player must leave the island because...):

  • there is not enough food for everyone;
  • the huts were built in such a way that there is no room for one person.

"Choose Right"

The competition is structured as follows: the host puts on the table a box containing either some New Year's souvenir or counterfeit banknotes. The spectators are divided into two flanks: some persuade them to choose a prize, others - to take the money (no one except the presenter knows that they are fake). The host, in turn, praises both gifts. The player's task is to make a choice. He takes what he prefers.

Competitions for 2017 New Year for a company of children of different ages

If there are children of different ages at the holiday, then it is necessary to lure them into a game that will be based on support and help. The elders can be at one with the younger ones, who are not yet capable of being independent competitors, but, nevertheless, are already showing character.

"Wrong" New Year's crocodile

Divide the children into teams of two. It is desirable that there is an older and younger child in the same team, it will be easier. Prepare in advance cards with words to show, as well as various New Year's decorations, toys, sweets ...

It is quite easy to show the word without extra props in hand. But how, for example, to show a teapot if you have a New Year's garland in your hands? The competition must prove the cohesion of the team. One participant shows the word, and the second answers "yes" or "no" to the attempts of other players to guess the word.

You can time it. If the word is guessed, then the team has the right to take the props that they had.

"Put on your hat!"

For this children's New Year's competition, you will need a bag with Santa Claus or Snow Maiden's New Year's hats. Children are divided into small groups (three to four people each). At the command of the leader, to cheerful music, the participants compete with each other in who will put on the most hats on their heads. The winner goes to the final, where the winners of all groups will compete.

The winner of the final receives one of the hats, which he chooses for himself.


Inflate balloons in advance, inside of which you need to put notes with simple tasks. It is better to divide children into pairs (there should be an older and a younger player in one pair, so that it is easier for small children). The ball needs to burst without the help of hands, take the task and complete it.

Task examples:

  • depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year;
  • sing your favorite Christmas song.

"New Year's Mummy"

Children again need to be divided into pairs and provide each with New Year's garlands. For a certain time, a person must wrap his partner with a garland from head to toe and accompany him to the New Year's table, where he feeds him tangerines. The sooner the team completes this task, the better. Prize at the discretion of the presenter.

"Holiday Carnival"

Put in a basket a variety of clothes, both funny and not so funny. Everything should be there, starting with masks and ending with national clothes and scarves. While the music is playing, the players dance and pass the basket to each other. When the music stops, the person who has the basket in his hands is obliged to take out one thing from there, without looking, and put it on himself.

In the end, everything looks very funny.

It is desirable to play the game in the family circle, because when there are a lot of people, there are simply not enough clothes for everyone, there is no comic effect in this regard.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 should be fun, cheerful and interesting. The symbol of the coming year - - loves fun and games. Try to lure all the guests into the game, even the most shy ones. Think over such New Year's competitions in which both adults and small guests will be involved.

First of all, play with the children. To play with them, you can change into a costume of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Also, do not forget to prepare gifts and prizes for winning games and contests. They do not have to be valuable, they can just be souvenirs:

  • keyrings;
  • Candies;
  • Kinders;
  • figurines;
  • Candles;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • magnets;
  • Movie tickets;
  • Fruit.

The youngest guests are most looking forward to the games for the New Year 2017. They will be happy to play all the proposed games, laugh, have fun and have fun. It is worth starting competitions for the New Year 2017 with children because the enthusiasm of children will push adults to have fun.

"Egg Relay"

The first competition should be the competition that everyone is fed up with enough, but it will please the patron next year- Fire Rooster. In the original plot, the children should be divided into two teams, stand next to each other, and on the contrary, put two trays. At the command of the host, the first player from the team takes a spoon, puts a tangerine in it and carries it to the tray. As soon as he does this, the next player on the team takes the spoon and repeats the procedure. The first team to transfer all the tangerines to the tray wins.

In order to make this game themed, tangerines should be exchanged for eggs. Don't forget to boil them so that they don't break if dropped. If you want to make the game even more interesting for children, paint all the eggs in the New Year theme.


A great children's competition for the New Year 2017 - "Colpak". To do this, all the children must stand in a circle, the leader gives one player a New Year's cap and turns on the music. While she is playing, the players pass the cap around the circle until the music stops. The participant, who had a cap in his hands when the music stopped, puts it on and performs the task of the presenter.

In order for this competition to please the Fire Rooster, the cap should be changed to a hat with a crest. You can make it yourself from cardboard, sew it or just buy it in the store.


This competition for children for the New Year 2017 will again divide the company into two teams. It is also necessary to prepare two easels, whatman paper, markers and eye patches in advance. The first player of the team stands in front of the easel with a clean paper on it. He is blindfolded, given a marker, and he begins to draw a New Year's picture: it can be anything - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a snowman, a Snow Maiden. The patron saint of 2017 according to the eastern calendar, the Fire Rooster, must be present in the picture.

When the first player draws one element of the picture, he removes the blindfold, passes it to the second player, who will have to continue the drawing blindfolded. The team with the prettiest drawing wins.


A classic game that both adults and children enjoy playing. Two people begin to play, the first guesses to the second New Year's fairy tale or a song. The second player, without the help of words, but only showing with facial expressions and body, tries to convey to other participants what they have guessed for him. The guessing player leaves, and the one who just showed the hidden fairy tale or song comes up with a new winning child.

The game can continue as long as the children are interested in playing it. Since the coming year will be the Year of the Fire Rooster, in addition to New Year's songs and fairy tales, you can expand the list of phrases and words you think of to the point that is associated with the Rooster and the eastern horoscope.

Adults love games and contests for the New Year no less than children. In 2017, try to come up with as many entertainments as possible for all guests to appease the Fire Rooster with fun and laughter.

Contests for adults should be selected depending on the company. If you've invited the whole family, including grandparents, think of some quiet contests where they don't have to run and jump. If there are only young people among those invited, then the contests can be a little “spicy”.

"Snow Sniper"

This competition for the New Year-2017 provides for the presence of 2 buckets and many lumps of cotton wool. Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on their number. Each team is given the same number of cotton balls that will replace the snowballs. A bucket is placed at a distance of 5-7 meters, and each team begins to throw snowballs into it. The smaller the bucket, the more difficult it will be to hit, so if you want to make the competition more difficult, take children's buckets or even glasses. The team that manages to throw the most snowballs into the container wins.

To make this New Year's contest even more like the Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017, you can change snowballs for grains, and buckets for small glasses. So the competition will become unusual and more difficult.


A fun competition for the New Year 2017 for adults - "Fees". Of the props for it, you only need mittens. To participate in the competition, the host selects all the guests whose clothes are buttoned. Anyone who is given mittens becomes a pair of them. The task of the player in mittens is to gather his partner for the holiday. To do this, he needs to put on a shirt on him and fasten all the buttons (even on the sleeves). The team that completes their task the fastest wins.

The competition can become even funnier if a festive cap is put on a person in mittens. But you need to put it on not your head, but on your face so that it looks like a bird's beak. This detail will not only prevent the participants from taking a closer look at the buttons to make them easier to fasten, but will also please the patron saint of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

"Princess on the Pea"

"Princess and the Pea" is an excellent competition for the New Year 2017 for a cheerful youth company. Only girls participate in it. The facilitator arranges chairs behind each girl. They stand with their backs to the chair, and at this time small objects are placed on it (grains, caramels, designer parts, etc.). Sitting on a chair behind her, the participant must guess what is on the chair and how many pieces. The participant who is closest to the correct answer wins.

If all the guests understand the jokes, then you can put nothing on one chair or place a drawing depicting the Fire Rooster - the symbol of 2017. Then the girl will try for a very long time to understand what she sat down on, especially if several girls in front of her already give the correct answers.

"Who am I"

Another cool contest for the New Year 2017 - "Who am I." To organize it, you only need sticky stickers, a marker and a stopwatch. All guests are divided into teams so that each has an equal number of participants. One player from the team comes out in turn, the leader sticks a sticker on his forehead, where the noun is already written. The word must have something to do with the holiday.

The participant with the sticker on their forehead begins to ask the questions “Am I alive?”, “Am I an actor?”, “I have magical powers?”, and the players on his team can only answer yes or no. Do not guess the most simple words otherwise the contest will be too easy. As soon as the player guesses who he is, the next team enters the game. At the same time, the presenter records the exact time during which the player from each team was able to guess who he is. Then the second team members go out, etc. The team that completes its task the fastest wins.

This competition is good because it can last as long as you like, and absolutely all guests can participate in it - from children to grandparents. Such a competition for the New Year-2017 for the whole family will delight the Fire Rooster, and he will definitely bring good luck to your home.

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it” - remember this saying when you plan a festive night. The more fun, laughter and smiles, the happier the coming 2017 will be for you.

Try to think together with the whole family in advance how to celebrate the New Year 2017. Dream about what it will be like for you, make a list of desires and goals. And, of course, do not forget to think in advance, on the festive table, to choose for yourself and the children, and for all relatives and friends.