13 Kotler f basics of marketing. Kotler's three best books. Quotes from the book “Fundamentals of Marketing” by Philip Kotler

  • 20.11.2023

Philip Kotler

Marketing Basics

© Williams Publishing House, 2007

© Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984

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In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the sales methods being used. Knowing marketing allows us to act more intelligently as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, frozen pizza, a personal computer, or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as traveling salesmen, retailers, advertising executives, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price; how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is available and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, without a doubt, have a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Those wishing to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely scratch the surface of this science, because you need to know a huge amount of information about each marketing tool. Those starting to study marketing for the first time need a very general understanding of its basics so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book “Fundamentals of Marketing. Short course."

At the same time, the book “Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course should not be viewed as just a general excursion. The topic is too exciting to be limited to a schematic representation. The book provides case studies illustrating the drama of modern marketing: the failure of CBS's cable television system; the never-ending struggle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the Miller beer market from seventh to second place; the influence of female Avon salespeople on purchases made without leaving home; Columbia Records' long-term campaign to popularize the Men and Work Orchestra; price war in the consumer computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of a significant event in the field of marketing. The examples from reality given throughout each chapter fill the dry information about marketing with a pulse of life.

When working on the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both market workers and ordinary citizens need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation should be based on scientific research data, and not on rumors and speculation, and should be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotler

Tools to facilitate the assimilation of material

The book uses many special techniques to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Start screensaver. Each chapter begins with a short story from the practice of marketing, leading to the main material.

Digital data, tables. The main provisions and principles discussed in the book are illustrated.

Insets. Additional examples and other interesting information are highlighted throughout the book.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief repetition of the main provisions and principles set out in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is equipped with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are provided at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, “Marketing Arithmetic” and “Marketing Careers,” provide additional material of practical interest.

Chapter 1. Social Foundations of Marketing: Satisfying Human Needs


After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Define marketing and talk about its role in the economy.

2. Compare five approaches to marketing management.

3. Explain what exactly buyers, sellers and ordinary citizens expect from a marketing system.

4. Explain how organizations use marketing.

The Everyday Impact of Marketing on Consumers

Marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. We wake up to the Sears clock radio playing a Barbra Streisand song, followed by a United Airlines commercial about a Hawaiian vacation. In the bathroom, we brush our teeth with Colgate toothpaste, shave with a Gillette razor, freshen our mouths with Listerine antiseptic, spray our hair with Revlon hairspray, and use a variety of other toiletries and accessories made in different parts of the world. We wear Calvin Klein jeans and Bass boots. In the kitchen, we drink a glass of Minute Made orange juice, fill a plate with Kellogg's Crispy Rice, and top it with Borden's milk. After a while we drink a cup of Maxwell House coffee with two teaspoons of Domino's granulated sugar while munching on a Sara Lee bun. We buy oranges grown in California, coffee imported from Brazil, newspapers made from Canadian wood, and news reaches us by radio from as far away as Australia. As we sort through the mail, we find another Metropolitan Museum of Art catalogue, a letter from a Prudential Insurance sales representative offering various services, and coupons to save money on our favorite branded items. We leave the house and drive to the Northbrook Court shopping center with Neiman-Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Sears and hundreds of shops filled with goods from floor to ceiling. Then we work out at the Nautilus fitness and health center, get our hair cut at the Vidal Sassoon salon and, with the help of the Thomas Cook travel agency employees, plan a trip to the Caribbean.

All this became possible thanks to the marketing system, and with minimal effort on our part. It has provided us with a standard of living that our predecessors could only dream of.

What is marketing

What is behind the concept of “marketing”? Most people mistakenly equate marketing with sales and advertising.

And no wonder! After all, Americans are constantly pestered by television commercials, newspaper advertisements, direct mail advertisements, and visits from salesmen. Someone is always trying to sell something. It seems that we have no escape from death, taxes and commerce.

Therefore, many are surprised to learn that the most important element of marketing is not sales. Sales is just the tip of the marketing iceberg, one of its many functions, and often not the most significant. If a marketer has done a good job in such areas of marketing as identifying consumer needs, developing suitable products and pricing them accordingly, establishing a system for their distribution and effective promotion, such products are likely to sell easily.

Everyone knows about the so-called hot-selling products that consumers hunt for in droves. When Eastman Kodak created the Instamatic camera, Atari created the first video games, and Mazda created the PX-7 sports car, they were inundated with orders because they offered exactly the same products that were in stock. that time is needed. Not copycat products, but products that are clearly different from existing ones and offer consumers new benefits.

One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: “The purpose of marketing is to make sales effort unnecessary. His goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly suit the latter and sell itself.”

This last name and first name - Kotler Philip - say little to the general public. This is not a popular film actor, not a TV presenter, the details of whose personal life are known to any gossip at the entrance. Philip Kotler is “just” an American scientist, one of thousands, or even millions, working in the scientific field. And yet he is worth it so that not only his colleagues know about him.

From the biography

So what is he famous for, Philip Kotler? The biography of this person, as set out in official sources, is very laconic. The son of emigrants from Russia, born in the USA in 1931, married, father of three daughters. Well, and also various details of a career, position - in a word, information that is interesting only to a small circle of people. But here's something that should interest others: Philip Kotler is rightfully considered the founding father of modern marketing theory.

and why is this important?

The concept of “marketing” is borrowed from the English lexicon (marketing - market trade). Today there are many definitions and interpretations of this word. This is how Philip Kotler interprets the term “marketing”. He calls it a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange. That is, two grandmothers at the market, one of whom sells dill, and the second buys it, are also, in fact, engaged in marketing. Grandmothers don’t need to explain how important it is to buy and sell wisely. But, unfortunately, this obvious fact is not always realized by leaders and managers, businessmen and government officials.

Often, the activities of these individuals, instead of benefits, bring their structures complete losses. And the merit of Philip Kotler lies precisely in the fact that he is trying to teach humanity how to trade correctly. However, not only trade. If we summarize everything that Kotler has done, the following conclusion will seem logical: he is trying to teach people how to live.

Marketing in Russia and the world

Due to historical circumstances, marketing was not considered a science for a long time. Only in the 70s was the chamber sector created in the USSR). In Russia, the Marketing Association appeared in 1990.

But this concept became known in the world much earlier. In the USA, the first courses on marketing were taught back in 1902 at the Universities of Michigan and Illinois, as well as at the University of Berkeley. True, all kinds of organizations related to marketing began to appear in the USA, Western European countries and Japan, Canada and Australia much later - also in the 70s. This subject was dealt with, it was studied, and yet the knowledge was rather loose and scattered, the terminology was vague. It was he, Philip Kotler, who was able to systematize and summarize the available information and create a single whole from scraps. "Fundamentals of Marketing", the most famous work of this author, has become a kind of Bible for many marketers.

Kotler and science

Many experts are sure that without the work of this man there would be no marketing as a science in its modern sense. From 1962 to the present day, Philip Kotler has been a professor of marketing, his permanent place of employment is the Graduate School of Management at the University of Illinois. But Kotler began to study science long before that, intensively increasing his potential in various fields. He was interested in economics and mathematics, studied management, psychology, and behaviorism (personal behavior). All this later helped him in his main work. Kotler managed to collect important knowledge gleaned from other sciences, develop it, and link it into the independent concept of “marketing.” Philip Kotler is still the most recognized authority, a real “guru” in this matter.

Philip Kotler, Fundamentals of Marketing

Kotler's book “Fundamentals of Marketing” is a kind of scientific bestseller. First published in Russia in 1990, it became a real revelation for many citizens of the former Union. The publication is especially valuable because it talks about complex socio-economic phenomena in an extremely accessible way. The scientific work was published with the expectation of an inexperienced reader who was faced with the need to study this problem for the first time. To appreciate the significance of this book, it is necessary to recall the political and economic situation in Russia in those years. The collapse of socialism, “wild” capitalism, a complete lack of understanding of how to live and what to do. It was necessary to quickly fill the gaping gaps in economic knowledge, try to understand the mechanism of commodity-money relations, and understand the peculiarities of the market. Essentially, it was with Kotler’s book that former Soviet citizens began to become acquainted with a completely new concept for them - the theory of marketing. What is also noteworthy is that Philip Kotler wrote his “Fundamentals...” after he had published many works that explored the particular aspects of this issue. That is, the author’s goal was generalization; it was important for him to systematize and bring into one logical whole everything that has even the slightest relation to marketing.

The book “Fundamentals of Marketing” has already gone through dozens of editions. This is an excellent textbook for future economists, a true classic of the genre. In addition, it was appreciated not only by students, but also by a wide range of readers due to the fact that the theoretical principles presented in it are illustrated with examples of their practical application.

Books by Philip Kotler

Of course, “Fundamentals of Marketing” is far from Kotler’s only work. The author has many books, more than a hundred articles written for the most famous scientific journals and covering all the intricacies of management and marketing. The titles of the works speak volumes: “Attracting investors: a marketing approach to finding sources of financing,” “Marketing from A to Z: 80 concepts that every manager should know.” The author has many similar works. Just listing them testifies to the outstanding contribution that this scientist made to world science.

300 questions

Unfortunately, not all of Kotler’s works were translated and published in Russia. And yet there are many of them on the shelves of Russian bookstores. In addition to the already familiar “Fundamentals...”, the following books are present here: Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management” (this is the author); “300 Key Marketing Questions: Philip Kotler Answers.” The last book deserves special mention. “300 Key Questions...” is a kind of quintessence of Kotler’s vast experience, an excellent guide for students of specialized universities. But this thing is also addressed to managers and marketers, theorists and practitioners, teachers and managers. The material is presented in the form of questions and answers, and gives a complete understanding of everything that will help achieve the highest efficiency and success in your chosen business.


The activities of Professor Philip Kotler are far from limited to his teaching and literary activities. At various times he held the most responsible positions in American scientific and business structures. The most famous giants of the American industry, such as IBM, resorted to Kotler's services in matters of marketing consulting, and a number of other companies well known outside the country used the scientist's advice. Kotler advised and directed the power structures of many states in order to competently manage the resources of their country. Philip Kotler has traveled halfway around the world, giving lectures and conducting consultations. By the way, he estimates an hour of his work at $50,000.

However, Kotler is not only concerned about business. The scientist travels a lot and is interested in art. He teaches others, but he also learns himself. This man called such business geniuses as his ideological inspirers:

Kotler Philip is still full of energy and has no plans to retire. I would like to wish him health and new creative achievements.

The first acquaintance with the theory of marketing for most citizens of the former USSR began with Philip Kotler’s book “Fundamentals of Marketing,” published by the Progress publishing house in 1990. The textbook turned out to be so timely and in demand that hundreds of thousands of pirated copies immediately appeared, published by enterprising businessmen from the publishing business. The book you are holding in your hands is the only legal edition of your favorite bestseller today. This edition includes a new chapter on interactive marketing and new examples of the practical application of certain theoretical principles.
The book is intended for students of economic specialties, but will also be of interest to a wide range of readers.

If exchange is the basic concept of marketing as a scientific discipline, then the basic unit of measurement in the field of marketing is the transaction.
A transaction is a commercial exchange of value between two parties.

To do this, it is necessary that party A transfers object X to party B and receives object Y from it in return. Let's say Jones gives Smith $400 and gets a TV. This is a classic monetary transaction, although the presence of money as a commercially exchanged value is not necessary. In a barter deal, Jones will give Smith a refrigerator in exchange for the TV. Instead of goods, services may be exchanged in a barter transaction, as when lawyer Jones writes a will for Doctor Smith in exchange for a medical examination (see Box 1).

A transaction presupposes the presence of several conditions: 1) at least two valuable objects, 2) agreed upon conditions for its implementation, 3) agreed upon time of completion, and 4) agreed upon location. As a rule, the terms of the transaction are supported and protected by law.

Discovery of Marketing (Introductory Article)
Chapter 1
Social Foundations of Marketing: Meeting Human Needs
What is marketing? Marketing management. Marketing management concepts. Goals of the marketing system. The rapid spread of the marketing system. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 2
Marketing Management Process
Analysis of market opportunities. Selection of target markets. Development of a marketing mix. Implementation of marketing activities. Brief repetition of the topic. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 3
Marketing research and marketing information systems
Marketing information system concept. Marketing research scheme. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 4
Marketing environment
The main factors of the microenvironment of the company's functioning. The main factors of the macroenvironment of the company's functioning. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 5
Consumer markets I consumer purchasing behavior
Model of purchasing behavior. Buyer characteristics. Purchase decision process. Various options for deciding to purchase a new product. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 6
The enterprise market and the behavior of buyers on behalf of enterprises
Industrial goods market. Market of intermediate sellers. Market of government institutions. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 7
Market segmentation, selection of target segments and product positioning
Market segmentation. Selection of target market segments. Positioning of the product on the market. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 8
Product development: products, brands, packaging, services
What is a product? Main types of classification of goods. Decisions about the use of brands. Product packaging decisions. Labeling decisions. Decisions regarding customer services. Product mix decisions. Decisions regarding product nomenclature. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 9
Product Development: An Approach to New Product Development and Product Life Cycle Issues
New product development strategy. Approach to the stages of the product life cycle. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 10
Setting prices for goods: objectives and pricing policy
Pricing in different types of markets. Setting pricing objectives. Definition of demand. Cost estimation. Analysis of prices and products of competitors. Selecting a pricing method. Setting the final price. Summary. Key Concepts Found in the Chapter
Chapter 11
Setting prices for goods: approaches to the problem of pricing
Approaches to the problem of pricing. Initiative price changes. The firm's response to competitors' price changes. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 12
Methods of distribution of goods: distribution channels and product distribution
The nature of distribution channels. Channel structure decisions. Channel management decisions. Solutions for product distribution problems. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 13
Methods of distribution of goods: retail and wholesale trade
Retail. Wholesale. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 14
Product promotion: communication and stimulation strategy"
Stages of developing effective communication. Development of a comprehensive incentive budget and selection of elements of the incentive package. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 15
Product promotion: advertising, sales promotion and propaganda
Advertising. Sales promotion. Propaganda. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 16
Product Promotion: Personal Selling and Sales Management
Setting tasks for the company's sales staff. Choosing the organizational structure of the sales apparatus. Attracting and selecting sales agents. Training of sales agents. Monitoring the work of sales agents. Assessing the performance of sales agents. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 17
Strategy, planning, control
Strategic planning. Marketing planning. Marketing control. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 18
International Marketing
Exploring the international marketing environment. Deciding on the feasibility of entering a foreign market. Deciding which markets to enter. Deciding on methods to enter the market. Deciding on the structure of the marketing mix. Decision on the structure of the marketing service. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 19
Marketing of services and marketing in the field of non-profit activities
Services marketing. Marketing of organizations. Marketing individuals. Place marketing. Marketing ideas. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Chapter 20
Marketing and Society
Criticism of marketing from the public. Actions of citizens to regulate marketing. Measures of state regulation of marketing. Actions of entrepreneurs towards the development of socially responsible marketing. Summary. Basic concepts found in the chapter.
Appendix A
Marketing Arithmetic
Appendix B
Career in Marketing
Bibliography and comments
Name index
Subject index.

There is hardly a person today who has done more for the development of marketing as a science than ( Philip Kotler). Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that without F. Kotler there was no marketing. It was he who first spoke about marketing as a separate science. It was he who systematized and generalized disparate marketing knowledge, techniques and principles developed within the framework of other sciences. At the moment, there is no greater authority in the field of marketing theory than Kotler. And his “Fundamentals of Marketing” went through a dozen reprints and has long become a reference book for any marketer.

The main scientific achievements of F. Kotler

As already mentioned, Kotler’s main merit is that he was the first to collect disparate knowledge about marketing from many other sciences (management, psychology, etc.) into a single system. Today he is rightfully considered the “father” of marketing; person who singled out marketing as a separate independent science.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. Attribution: Jack11 Poland, on commons.wikimedia.org

Philip Kotel is the founder of scientific marketing.

F. Kotler has written many books on management and marketing, as well as more than 100 scientific articles for the world's leading journals.

His most famous work in Russia is the book “ Marketing Basics ” (“Principles of Marketing”) went through about a dozen reprints and became a marketing classic.

Among other important works of Professor Kotler, it is worth noting the textbook “ Marketing Manager t" (“Marketing Management”), also very popular all over the world.

Philip's contribution to the development of marketing is indeed very great. In addition to the fact that he is the founder of modern marketing, he developed such concepts in the field of marketing as megamarketing, demarketing, synchromarketing, turbomarketing and others.

Biography of Philip Kotler

(Philip Kotler) was born on May 27, 1931 in the USA, in the city of Chicago. Philip's parents lived in the Russian Empire until 1917, and after the Bolshevik Revolution they emigrated to America.

Having entered the University of Chicago, in 1953 F. Kotler graduated with a master's degree in economics. And in 1956 he received a doctorate from the famous MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Kotler then continued his scientific research, studying mathematics at Harvard and the theory of personality behavior (in the field of behaviorism) at the University of Chicago.

From 1962 to the present day, Kotler has been a professor of international marketing.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) license. Attribution: Marcio Okabe, on Flickr.com

Philip Kotler autographs his book "Marketing 3.0" at the HSM Expo 2010 event.

In 1967, his first book “Marketing Management” was published.

Having become famous in the world of economics, F. Kotler begins to consult many successful and large companies, such as General Electric, Samsung, IBM, Coca-Cola and others.

Kotler travels a lot. He visited countries in Europe, Asia and South America. In 1998, Kotler visited Russia.

Currently, F. Kotler, along with his teaching and writing activities, works for the company " Kotler Marketing Group » (KMG) - an international marketing consulting company.

  • book " Marketing Basics» F. Kotler is often called the “Bible” of marketing;
  • Kotler considers the head of Virgin to be his inspiration Richard Branson and led Apple for many years Steve Jobs;
  • Kotler estimates his hour of work at $50 000 .

useful links

  • Official website of Philip Kotler - http://www.pkotler.org/
  • Official website of the Kotler Marketing Group company - http://www.kotlermarketing.com/

Galyautdinov R.R.

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ha, but also the emergence of numerous courses, schools, seminars,

offering to teach those interested in the basics of branding in a short period of time

ting activities.

Presumably, there is a growing interest in marketing

and abroad, despite the fact that this theory has more than one

decade that there is a rich literature on this problem,

special periodicals are published, there are many

professional associations. This conclusion is prompted by

the fact of the appearance of a book, with the translation of which

the publishing house introduces to the Soviet reader.
Its author is Philip Kotler, professor of marketing at Northwestern

University of the USA, one of the active figures in the American

marketing associations. He is the author of numerous

articles in leading American magazines covering issues

this activity, a number of monographs." New work by F. Cote-
1 One of these books is

control> - was released in our country in 1980 by the publishing house, to

unfortunately, in a very truncated form.
Lera is an attempt to talk about the complex socio-economic

the phenomenon is extremely simple for the reader, I’m just getting started.

systematize, arrange in a logical sequence

all basic information relating to all parties without exception

marketing activities.

F. Kotler's appeal to write such a book is not before, but

after he published many works devoted to carefully

to a comprehensive study of individual aspects of marketing, one can consider

thread only as a response to certain requests of business life, like

response to the lack of a holistic pred-

statements about the phenomenon. And if marketing principles need

detailed explanation where they are widely used on

practice, is it necessary to talk about how important the publication of a book is?

marketing> in our country when we try in a short time

fill the gaps in understanding the mechanism of commodity-money

relations, features of a market economy.
Not much time has passed since April 1985, however

perestroika thinking is perhaps the most noticeable change in

our social life. Our ideas, our opinions,

our requirements not only year by year, but also day by day

become more realistic, wider, more liberated. Changes, pro-

Xia. The formation of new thinking is not easy, and numerous

discussions sometimes resemble heated battles, where it cannot be done without

habitual intolerance to different opinions. And yet how different they are

We are today's beings who were yesterday's.

And how quickly our everyday vocabulary changes! Total not-

how many years ago many concepts with which we are now fluent

operate, had a not entirely clear meaning for us, but

meaningful labels. The situation is transformed into

zakh. Let's take economics for example. To the formal and timid,

they are added to half-hearted self-financing and make their way

in the public consciousness and in its reality

essential components - self-sufficiency, self-financing,

economic independence. Return to our dictionary and

terms that for a long time eked out a semi-legal existence

(it seems like they were, but it seems like they weren’t ^, -remok, goods, goods-

monetary relations, the law of value... Citizenship rights

regained interest, without which, according to K. Marx, it would be disgraceful

any idea 1.

True, the social rehabilitation of the market as an integral part

socialist economy is accompanied by unabated developments

See: K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch., vol. 2, p. 89.
frames in which some, in a polemic frenzy, are ready to consider the market

the only panacea for all chronic economic ailments, and

others, with a tenacity worthy of better use, frighten us

spontaneity, uncontrollability and uncontrollability of the market

nal processes. It seems that both disputing parties do not have a

today's economic practice has sufficient arguments as

So it is. And what could be more fruitless than speculative

Command-administrative style of economic management (and

not only economics) today no one will dare to defend the open

That. No, we are all already fed up with orders, instructions,

unreasoning performance. We are all for economic

levers. These are just our ideas about these very economic levers, about market processes, about the real operation of the law

the costs are still very vague and non-specific. (By the way, not this one

whether vagueness still allows us to replace economic

tic stimuli lightly made up to look like them by strong-willed decisions

We face considerable difficulties in connection with the introduction of new

economic mechanism, a sharp expansion of the boundaries of independence

economy was relegated to the background for many decades as

allegedly inconsistent with the nature of socialism. But much more important

realize that without overcoming the negative consequences of this situation

it is difficult to solve the problems of accelerated socio-economic

development of the country, it is impossible to successfully enter the external

market or partner on equal terms with foreign enterprises

mothers in joint ventures.

The time during which our economic science was freely

or unwittingly ignored the development of market problems by Western

economists did not lose it in vain. It was formulated

a new management concept has been tested and spread

management of production and sales, called marketing. Is our

acquaintance with this concept took place with a considerable delay

"Gorbachev M.S. On the tasks of the party to radically restructure management

Ch" 10", p. thirty.
in relation to the foreign market, in essence, came down to a formal and

partial transfer of certain techniques to

our completely unprepared soil. This is probably where it comes from

the beginning of a rather paradoxical situation - marketing today

everyone seems to be familiar with it, everyone seems to have heard about its prospects,

shany, but this feeling goes well with very

an approximate idea of ​​the phenomenon as a whole.
The current concept of marketing, when-

understood the outlines of the universal thirst for knowledge that they are trying to

quench with the help of short-term study, one could only

welcome, if not for one circumstance. Just like in the past

years, those organizations are primarily interested in marketing

and enterprises that are concerned about the problems of entering international

people's market. In our public consciousness it is still

Since then, the concept has been firmly connected with foreign trade activities

bodiness. Moreover, the emerging consulting sections

leniya offer assistance in developing marketing programs

for enterprises that have received the right to independently

research on foreign economic transactions. Thus already at the level

enterprises, as it were, there is a division of a single production

mi. In general, there are many more questions than answers.

It seems that the best way to eliminate individual problems is

knowledge and get rid of misconceptions - for a while

forget about what you already know and get acquainted with marketing from the beginning

But. Rediscover it for yourself. Book by F. Kotler

marketing> provides us with this opportunity.
What is the concept of marketing? At its core

based on the ideas of meeting the needs and requirements of potential

new consumers. It appeared as a response to complication and

difficulty in sales activities in the context of increasing volumes

mov of product release. The crisis demanded

serious analysis of the market situation, and the result of this analysis is

This led to the identification of the principles of operation of market mechanisms.

It was found that the main feature of existing markets is

kov - the priority position of the manufacturer in relation to the pot-

child. This type of market is called

If we characterize it extremely briefly and schematically, then

first the product is developed and produced, and then they go

active search for its consumers and intensive sales methods.

In a saturated market, fierce competition comes into play,

Under certain conditions, the dictates of the manufacturer and the accompanying narrowing

range of choice for the consumer or a general shortage. Because the

the volume of effective demand is a value relative to the determined

line, manufacturers have to resort to a variety of

tricks to win his share, keep him and maximize

strengthen your position in the market.

At some point it becomes the main thing

a brake on the path of scientific and technological progress, on the path of renewal

production and the emergence of new, higher quality

goods. The monopolist producer simply has no incentives

ly to improve products, and for others to reach

the market with a new product becomes a matter of sharply

increasing risk and huge advertising costs. However

cancel objective laws of social development

impossible. So, it was necessary to look for a way out. This way out

became one of the practical finds, one of the methods of competitive

in practice, take decisive steps towards

buyer>? And will the concept of marketing help when

Are we faced with hidden or obvious deficits everywhere?
It seems that the answer should be unambiguous - we should use

call a ready-made tool, existing experience of market economics

ki, in order to avoid costly trial and error, do not

two-stage movement (first completely eliminate distribution

tion and establish everywhere, and then gradually

go to). Let's not forget that we stand before

the most irreparable deficit is the lack of time.
If you look closely at the realities of today,

then it becomes obvious: our notorious deficit is nothing more than

as a result of mismanagement. There are shortages everywhere, but at the same time

The country produces many products that do not satisfy

meeting consumer needs. Materials are spent on it

nal, energy, labor resources, but the needs are still

remain unsatisfied. Examples? Billions

plans for further development, to include the market in the economic system

ski regulators. Even in conditions of shortage (and perhaps precisely

under these conditions) it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility

produce products that do not meet the needs and requirements

potential consumers, be it an individual, a producer

agricultural enterprise or agricultural cooperative.

The transition from increasing volumes (shaft!) to producing what

really necessary, even in smaller quantities, is associated with

the need to have sufficiently complete information about the needs

market conditions. And here the next question awaits us: is it possible to

can we establish the information support without which

Is the concept of marketing obviously devoid of all meaning?

In our country for many years there have been functioning

fairly extensive systems for studying market conditions and

population demand for consumer goods, organizational

but assigned to the USSR Ministry of Trade and the Central Union. IN

over the past ten years, similar units have appeared in

industries - sectoral and within individual enterprises

tii - usually combined with advertising services. However

the study of demand has a very specific focus - it

concerns goods already put on the market (without prior

studying requests), and is required to solve sales problems.

As for the study of the needs and requirements of the population, then

similar tasks were not assigned to the existing services, and

it is difficult to hope for interest in organizing this kind of research,

when there is a shortage in the market.

Product manufacturers have even less information

ditch for industrial purposes. This market is not even a market

be called seriously, since instead of a purchase and sale relationship here

distribution relations are preserved. When dictated, with

lmu. 11^, ts11rii i is Jude! vsgulag in contact (buy raw materials, ma-

rials, equipment or sell your products), then the consumption

The information gap is reduced to zero. Some interest in

possible partners, and therefore to data about their needs and

requests appears when the volume of government orders decreases. Him to

at first they try to satisfy with the help of advertising, studying

other people's proposals and publishing your own. But here, as we see,

the situation typical for product manufacturers is repeated

manufactured products. In addition, such opportunities for collecting and

ways to improve the mechanism of commodity-money relations.

Using foreign experience, we get the opportunity not only

take from it individual elements, aspects of certain processes

owls, in order to transfer them to our soil, and to learn the lessons of the systemic,

comprehensive problem solving.

F. Kotler is not a collection of recipes for

business person. The book is intended as a textbook for beginners.

It can rather be perceived as an introduction to the complex world of economics.

cultural practice, subject to a fairly harmonious complex

readers along the entire chain of interconnected actions, building