VK statuses with meaning to life. Statuses in contact about life. Sick but true

  • 28.10.2019

Life is a fool's story. A lot of noise, effects, and inside - a meaningless emptiness.

Lost the meaning of life? Try to do smart things!

Only in the struggle, in the battle, you can find the meaning of life!

commit good deeds, to live for others, and not for oneself - in this real meaning life! – Aristotle

Best Status:
Seeing pictures of the distant past, looking for an echo of the past - and there is the meaning of our mortal existence!

And only when a man does not care about a woman, he will never deceive her!

Yes, I was a disgusting bitch, but faithful to you to the end!

Lazy people simply do not exist. You just need to be able to choose a motivating goal.

Yes, permanent smile good mood optimism is by no means a panacea for success. But it will spoil the mood of others so much that it’s worth living on the positive just for the sake of it!

Do not strive for money, success. It is much more important to find the meaning! - Albert Einstein

The spiritual vocation of a person does not contain any complex, pompous goals. Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find the meaning of your life!

Love cannot be measured, nor can it be bought.

I am tired of everyone and of myself, because everyone always disappoints me, and I place too much hope on them.

Everything is in our hands, never lower them!

Not better way to win someone's love than to give your own.

Even if I knew what to do, I still wouldn't know what to do.

Don't believe what the lips whisper, but believe what the eyes say

As soon as a person decides to move mountains, someone immediately appears, ready to wring his neck.

The point of the optical sight on your forehead is also someone's point of view. (Lee Harvey Oswald)

as I was brought up, so I do

The whole world is a theater, and we are actors in it. (William Shakespeare)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Love is somewhere nearby, just look around.

Not life, but a fairy tale, not a fairy tale, but paradise.

Some people claim they made it to the top, when in fact they just surfaced there.

I don't talk about life, I live.

Love, dream, suffer, fall in love, but never humiliate yourself!

After studying the Kama Sutra, she came to the conclusion that the most suitable position for her is “Come on tomorrow”.

Love forgives everything except hate.

You throw words, and then people remember them and do not sleep ..

Intuition is such an ability of our head to smell the booty.

Tell the mirror how bad you feel and you will know the value of your whining.

Life is a dream, let's get some sleep!

Speak only good things about yourself, who said - they will forget, but what was said will remain!

Once an unsaid confession, it may remain unsaid forever.

Our heart is a treasure, spend it right away - become a beggar.

I'm in love, but I'll consider options.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but almost no one has seen it.

If life has turned its back on you, do not be upset - settle down.

You have to love while you can. For who knows if tomorrow will come or not!

Love gives us the strength to wake up, always breathe and constantly smile.

The worst thing is to wait for everyone, and then catch up ...

Never believe what they say behind your back. Sometimes it's just gossip and slander.

If you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk, you can dance.

New love will never heal the wounds of the old, it will only anesthetize.

They say that it is very difficult to hold your breath for a long time, but it is even more difficult to see a loved one and not hug him.

You need to appreciate those who love you, and not chase those who are happy without you.

If you have a person to whom you can run with dirty hair pulled back in a ponytail, a madly aching heart and tears in your eyes, then appreciate it. Appreciate how life is

It hurts so much to be friends with someone you love ...

Better a terrible end than endless fear.

Seconds without loved ones last for hours, and hours with loved ones fly by in seconds ...

After the black stripe, a white one always begins, if you do not follow it along ...

Everyone has enemies, but God save us from friends...

Smart people are not those who talk a lot, but those who talk a lot.

It's better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and regret it later.

You can't change your life overnight. But in one night you can change the thoughts that will forever change your life.

My character provides me with high-quality natural selection: those who are not worthy do not stand up and are eliminated.

If you can't live the way you want, live the way you can.

Real friends are those who saw you without makeup and you were able to be yourself.

Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!

In love, even too much is not enough.

Men want to be women's first love, and women want to be their last.

They get acquainted in ICQ, communicate in contact, and love in classmates.

Love carefully, but for real!

Never turn down an opportunity to learn something.

I put a status about love, I'm waiting for love.

Each of us has his own world, which only YOU know about!

If you want to ride on red - have a lot of green ...

Life is a dream, when we die we wake up...

You need to be able to forgive people for their mistakes, because one day, you will make a mistake yourself ...

You can't win in love, you can only leave.

Those eyes don't mind...

Justice is when the weak yield to the strong, stupidity yields to the mind, and evil yields to good.

You can't keep the rain, the girl and life by force.

The main enemy of love is not a lie, not betrayal and not treason, main enemy love - indifference!

And I'm smart, though they often beat ...

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish!

Love is not bought, but it is hard to pay for it.

Not the wise one who knows a lot, but the one who knows the right thing.

Love is like a rare flower that grows on the very top of a mountain and requires great courage to receive it.

Life is steps forward, steps back, while I'm dancing!

Never offend, and do not try to lie to a person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them ...

Something happens today, something tomorrow - such is life.

Just one step forward, and behind you are already a lot of problems and people you hate.

Before you start speaking, make sure someone is listening to you.

Get your own opinion. It is hard to maintain, demanding, but worth it.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult moment. You have made me stronger. So much stronger that it's better for us not to cross

Do not be an idiot!

it is better to leave immediately than to cling to the dead remnants of friendship later

people are not spoiled by cigarettes, not drugs, not alcohol and not a lifestyle .. these are all trifles compared to how people themselves spoil people ..

The fewer teeth a person has, the better he filters the bazaar.

1 perfect minute, just one, but you remember your whole life and your heart stops as then.

Here You call yourself free… Tell me, free from something, or free for something?

The goal in life is the pursuit of a goal.

There are no lazy people. There are useless goals - that is, goals that do not inspire.

Love is easy to lose and hard to get back.

If you're afraid, don't do it, but if you start doing it, then do it, and don't be afraid of anything!

many people are not even aware that they are a constant topic of someone's conversation

nothing decorates evening streets like the absence of people on them

What a man thinks, he becomes.

If you were able to express your love in words, then you love little.

Love can kill time, and time is love.

Sad people don't think about love, they already know about it...

Appearance is like first gear in a car...

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt

Shoot my soul!

If you don't love, don't kiss!

Time does not beat, but slowly kills.

Life is a dream. Here's to sleep!

Without love you are lost... without love I am lost...

And let fate not be fair, but life is a game, play beautifully!

“The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in Him is a sin, and it is so non-obvious that believing in Him is a merit.” Karl Jaspers

Life is cruel and unfair, but that's how we make it.

Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. Smiling is a way to solve many problems, but silence helps to avoid them.

“Having dropped your dignity, pretend that it is not yours.” Gennady Malkin

I don't have bad habits, I have a bad habit

If I meet my fate on the street, I will certainly stuff this reptile in the face. © max fry

Only a person with true feelings is capable of crazy deeds.

When a person tries to bring his virtues to their extreme limits, vices begin to surround him. © Blaise Pascal

I know perfectly well what time is until I think about it. But it's worth thinking about - and now I don't know what time is! © Avreliy Augustine

Baby, why are your eyes red? Have you been crying? - no dads, what are you doing? I just washed off my makeup

I will become a lake. I will lie and reflect the clouds. (Yu. Vizbor)

Autumn. it's so cool to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sip your favorite cocktail and watch your thoughts.

If a person really wants something, then the whole Universe will help to ensure that his desire comes true.

Everything is like. I'm going to end.

Everyone who believes in his victory, sooner or later finds it.

Go your own way and the world will open doors for you, even through stone walls.

We like each other. We play by the hand. We kiss. But he has another. But I don't care. What is it? I still don't like it.

It is not worth running away from pain, it makes us stronger.

No one will feel good next to you, as long as you feel bad alone with yourself.

I miss love.

Stupidity has a light tread, without touching the ground, it walks over human heads and traps us in its nets when it pleases. © Homer

You know, when there are a lot of problems and everyone piles up in a heap, it's unbearable. But when you also sit in a depression and post a status here, and then they delete it for nothing. You understand that even on some site they don’t want to hear you.

I would fall asleep to your quiet gentle whisper in my ear and wake up in the playful gentle rays of the sun, with your taste on my lips, with your wonderful aroma. Strong coffee. And just forget about everything to be happy. © =)

Damn agreed to meet with the guy hoping that I will forget him. The guy is handsome, tall, and he liked me, and when I came home, I burst into tears like a sick man, well, damn it, I can’t forget him. Apparently he is not replaceable, but he has not needed me for a long time.

The most pleasant thing in life is to fall asleep with the thought that you mean something to him.)

You shouldn't belong to the majority, you shouldn't be a minority, you should be unique.

You need to love yourself, in no case scold or criticize. And without that, there will always be a thousand "well-wishers" who want to condemn.

Sometimes you just want to know what other people think.

The meaning of life is not easy to find. Now I create it myself.

Life changes and you don't stand still. Every minute that passes is another chance to change everything.

Better hit me with the truth, but never pity me with a lie.

Selfishness is not the worst quality of a person, but the ability to achieve something in life and survive in this world.

A nation that ignores the past will lose the present and destroy the future.

Time and tide never wait. © Walter Scott

It's so easy to close your eyes to things you don't want to see. If only you could close your eyes to people you don't want to feel.

It is better to be an object of envy than compassion.

The one who is worthy of your tears will never make you cry.

No matter how much time passes, only mother's love will never go out.

There are no irreplaceable people, but there are those who do not want to be replaced.

Tomorrow I will not put off anything for tomorrow!

Who is cruel is not a hero. © Peter I

In Moscow there were 50,000 of them (people with sexual pathologies, probable maniacs). It was 1977. © Alexandra Marinina

You can put on designer clothes, splash yourself with elite perfumes, but all this still will not fix the evil face and dull eyes.

When you ask people questions they don't know the answers to. They start laughing hysterically

Oh my God. Today I was walking home from school and met him. Long time no see. I thought I only liked him as a friend. But when you look at him, something squeezed very strongly the place where the stomach is. Damn it.

You can’t order your heart, the most idiotic phrase. If you can't order, then you're just a bad host. ©

This is how I study for my biology exam: overheated computer, red eyes, empty stomach, lots of traffic)

Roads that lead nowhere lead farthest. Georges Wolfrom

I have a dream, stupid and banal, just *I want to be able to read other people's minds*

Let's play mother and daughter, shall we? -No. Let's better in a bitch - love.

So many bazaars about the time machine and not a single damn thing invented it! How grateful I would be. *

In a relationship, the hardest thing for us is to trust you and forgive me.

Do you know why I like you? -No. - You smell good.

When you say yes to others, make sure you don't say no to yourself.

Eeeee. Let's break everything with our mind power!

Each personality is a unique combination of character traits, habits and much more, which, intertwined in a bizarre form, creates a unique and inimitable image. Here it is just that they are called upon to express the statuses in contact about life. Sometimes even a few words have quite a capacious meaning. Statuses about life are most often personal reflections, aphorisms, quotes famous people, excerpts of poems or songs, words heard somewhere, and much more. Some write statuses in contact on foreign languages. Maybe in order to better convey your idea, or maybe to seem more mysterious and educated. Anyway, final goal such actions - to find the most interesting statuses in a contact about life and attract attention.

According to the site, the statuses in contact about life can be divided into: positive, negative, humorous and simply “thinking on the topic ...”. Positive statuses include positive, optimistic statements about life that cause a desire to believe, love, act, etc. To the negative - words that show and reveal the sad sides of our existence. Such statements include pessimistic statements of facts and sad statistics, gloomy rhetorical questions, etc. In turn, humorous statuses in contact about life are a kind positive statuses, but - with a somewhat informal and frivolous tinge. They demonstrate an easy and carefree attitude to life and a desire to cheer up others. And finally, reflections are philosophical questions that concern people at all times. These can be unresolved questions about love, the value and meaning of life, relationships between people, and so on.

As the site notes, today there are various sites that offer contact statuses about life for any occasion. If you want to express your feeling or experience, or just your attitude to life at the moment, you can always go to the site and choose a status close to your heart. And you see, other people will become interested, understand, believe, and, finally, that cherished attention for which people are fighting so hard will be found.

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If after two cold and rainy days it gets warmer and the bright sun shines, most likely Monday has come.


Give a man a purpose worth living for, and he can survive in any situation.

Why is everyone hiding their VKontakte friends? Are you ashamed that you know them?

Life can knock us down, but only we ourselves choose to rise or not.

Nothing makes me laugh like the phrase "everything, be quiet, don't laugh"

98.7% of people keep their faces stone-faced while writing "hahahahaha" or "))))))))))))"

It's good when you have darts hanging on the door, no one enters the room without knocking

Why are the upstairs neighbors always such idiots? - Ask the neighbor downstairs about it.

We are moving to live on a rainbow ... Tired of living on a zebra. 144

If you want to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him, listen to what he says about others. 130

Take everything you can from life! Then you want, but you can't... 147

Perhaps fate tests us not in order to show our weakness, but in order to discover our strengths in us ... 75 - statuses with meaning

And empty talk is useless
Like books, we've been read to cover:
When you're in love, you move mountains
When it's cold, you find excuses. 114

There are people - like snakes, there are people - like birds ... I ask fate: give me the strength not to break, to be brave in flight and not to be afraid of snakes! 61

You can sleep in the same bed and be completely strangers, or you can live in different parts of the country and be the closest. 120

When some doors of our happiness close, others open... But we look at the closed ones for so long that we don't see the open ones. 97

Problems should force you to act, and not drive you into depression. 69

Love can only be mutual. If feelings are only on one side, it is a disease. 69

When fate is wrong, when resentment rises to the throat, do not remember unnecessary words, wave your hand - it happens! 68

It is very easy to break down in life... It will be hard to get up... Well, if there is a support nearby, consider that everything is allowed... And if not, it is very slippery, and you are stuck in the mud... Let it be painful, very painful. .. Don't give up! You crawl! 90

Remember: regular practice of not giving a fuck significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. 97

There are people who every now and then bring something wonderful to the piggy bank of the day. I wish everyone to meet such people as often as possible! 25

Life is motion. Someone moves convolutions, someone flaps his ears. 52

Kill the hamster, cockroach and rat in you - become a man! 36

How nice it is when someone is waiting for us somewhere... Well, let them not wait, but just glad to see... Or maybe we are just loved and called, for this all without demanding a reward. 74 (1)

Appreciate those people who make you smile even in the worst of times. They have access to the most important strings of your soul... 111

The larger the goal in life, the harder it is to hit it. 41

When it comes to other people's sins, we are judges ... When it comes to our own, we are lawyers! 82

You meet a lot of people in life… But only a few of them are worthy… So there are a lot of stones in the mountains. Precious of them - units. 31 (1)

Erase unnecessary files from life, format the disk! Do not suffer for the past, start a new life! 37

Every guy in life has his own fifth element… Earth… Water… Fire… Air… And the one without which all this doesn't work. 67

The one who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light himself. 71

There must be someone in the world who needs only one thing from you: that you are alive and that everything is fine with you. 59

People do not change much, they only temporarily play the right role for the sake of their interests. 36

A hopeless situation is usually called a situation from which we do not like the way out. 33

When life gives a person hundreds of reasons to cry, he forgets that he has thousands of reasons to smile. 45

If a person does not have time for you, feel free to turn around and run, run away from him, otherwise you will just stand idle all your life - waiting for your turn. 99