What is a wolverine made of. The Enemy Within: The Origin of Wolverine. martial arts master

  • 25.04.2020

Date of birth: Between 1880 - 1890.

Real name: James Howlett

Aliases: Wolverine, Logan, Black Dragon, James Howlett, Weapon X, Captain Terror, John Logan, Jim Logan Logan), Agent 10 (Agent Ten), Experiment 10 (Experiment X), Logan Howlett, Patch, Death, Mutant # 9601 (Mutant # 9601), Weapon Chi (Weapon Chi), Peter Richards, Emilio Garra

Relatives: Father (deceased) - Thomas Logan (Thomas Logan), Stepfather (deceased) - John Howlett (John Howlett), mother (deceased) - Elizabeth Hudson (Elizabeth Howlett), grandfather (deceased) - Mr. Howlett (Mister Howlett), uncle (deceased) - Elias Hudson, uncle (deceased) - Frederick Hudson (Frederick Hudson), brother (deceased) - John Howlett, Jr., brother (deceased) - Dog (Dog), wife (deceased) - Itsu Akihiro (Itsu Akihiro), son (deceased) - Daken (Daken), son (deceased) - William Downing (William Downing), adopted daughter - Amiko Kobayashi (Amiko Kobayashi), many sons and daughters (deceased ) - Saw Fist, Cannon Foot, Shadowstalker, Fire Knives.

Gender: Male

Height: 179 cm.

Weight: 88 kg. (without adamantium), 130 kg. (with adamantium skeleton).

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brunet

Birthplace: Alberta, Canada

place of death: Nevada, USA

Position: Welcome

Universe: Earth-616 (Earth-616)

First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1, 1941

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Creators: Len Wein, John Romita, Herb Trimple

Description of Wolverine

Wolverine is a fictional superhero in the Marvel Comics series. Created by John Romita, Len Wayne, and Herb Trimple, the character first appears in The Incredible in 1974. It was originally planned to be a supporting character appearing in issues 1-2. But new hero so loved by the creators and fans of comics that it was decided to make it one of the key among the entire line of Marvel comics about mutants.

Wolverine (aka Logan) is a mutant with the ability to regenerate, allowing him to survive after fatal wounds for an ordinary person, as well as resist the effects of poisons, radiation and other types of damage. Due to his ability, Logan does not age and, in theory, can live forever. Also, due to the mutation, Wolverine has three claws on each hand that come out if necessary and heightened senses similar to animals. His abilities increase agility, strength and endurance. Logan also has heightened vision and sense of smell. In the comics, Wolverine is traditionally depicted as having an edgy personality, fearlessness, and an independent, unyielding disposition.

At a certain stage of development, Logan acquires an adamantium skeleton and becomes one of the most powerful characters among all Marvel superheroes. However, in the course of all adventures, the hero often loses his memory. This becomes one of the reasons why Logan often tries to understand his past and understand what happened to him.

Biography of Wolverine

early years

Wolverine's life began in Alberta, Canada sometime during the 1880s and 1890s. The mutant, henceforth known as "Logan", was born James Howlett, the second son of Elizabeth Howlett and John Howlett, the owner of the estate. Their first son died under unclear circumstances.

From early childhood, James was a fragile child, prone to bouts of allergies. In 1900, a red-haired Irish girl, Rose O'Hara, was brought to their estate as caretaker for James. Together they befriended another boy named Dog. The dog was the son of Thomas Logan, the guard of the estate, and had an unbalanced psyche. The reason for this was his father, Logan, who abused alcohol. He often got drunk and showed unreasonable aggression towards everyone, including his son. One day, the Dog, holding a grudge against young James, kills his puppy. The head of the Howlett family, having learned about the incident, decides to evict the Logans from the estate. However, Thomas Logan does not leave "just like that." Drunk and armed with a shotgun, he decides to take Elizabeth (as it turned out - his former mistress and, possibly, conceived James from him) with him and breaks into the Howlett house. John Howlett tries to protect his wife and stop a deranged Logan. Without hesitation, Logan unloads a shotgun at Howlett Sr.'s head, from which he dies. James was also watching this madness. Due to severe emotional stress, mutant abilities suddenly manifest in him and three bone claws grow out of his hands. With this weapon, blinded by rage, James avenges his father, kills Thomas Logan and cuts the Dog's face with his claws. After terrible events and the death of her first child, Elizabeth's psyche can not stand it, and she, taking a shotgun in her hands, takes her own life.

Orphaned James escapes with his girlfriend Rose from the estate. He again manifests the abilities of a mutant, and he forgets about the grief that happened. In this way, his brain is cured of psychological trauma. Along with this, he confesses to Rosa that he has begun to experience the heightened senses of an animal and is able to smell smells at a great distance. While on the run, the friends find themselves in the Yukon Territory in Canada, where they pose as cousins ​​and take refuge in the mines of British Columbia. Taking the name Logan, James begins work, but being a physically weak child, causes only the laughter of the miners. However, in the future, significant changes begin to occur with him. The mutant's abilities are becoming more and more powerful, and Logan grows up to be extremely strong and agile, and his heightened senses and ferocity can compete with animals. He becomes a valued figure in the mines and earns respect from the mining community. Thus, he earns the nickname Little Smitty, from Chief Smitty, who watches over him and becomes his mentor. Having received support from Smitty, Logan provokes the hatred of Cookie Malone, the former pet of Petty Officer Smitty. This hatred leads to a fight with Logan, which resulted in him being nicknamed Wolverine, for his tenacity in achieving his goals. While maintaining a fictional story about relatives, Logan secretly loves Rose, but is unable to admit it. Even discovering that Rose has started a romantic relationship with Smitty, Logan tries to come to terms with it for the sake of Rose's happiness.

Meanwhile, a surviving relative of James (his grandfather) is trying to find his grandson and bring him back. He asks the Dog, who had grown and grown stronger by that time, to find his grandson and make peace. The dog agrees to find Logan, not for the sake of returning home, but for the sake of revenge and the death of James. The dog quickly picks up the trail of the escaped couple, it seems that he has supernatural tracking abilities. Finding old enemies, Dog remembers Logan about the murder of his father that happened many years ago and starts a fight. The memories blocked up to this point give Wolverine a surge of rage and further reveal his mutant powers. As the fight progresses, Logan defeats his opponent and tries to end their confrontation. Rosa, who was watching the fight, understands that Dog's blood is about to be shed and tries to drag Wolverine away. Enraged, Logan pays little attention to his girlfriend and at one point accidentally hits her with his claws in the chest. Rose is dying.

Heartbroken and guilt-stricken over the death of his beloved, Logan flees into the nearby woods. There, leading a wild lifestyle, he joins a pack of wolves and spends several years among them. During this time, he acquires even more animal skills and habits.

World War I

In 1914, Logan joins the Canadian army, participating in the battles of the First World War. He ends up in the Devil's Brigade - a detachment of warriors specializing in suicidal missions. The Devils are commanded by the super-strong man Silas Burr (later known as Cyber). During the service, a quarrel occurs between Cyber ​​and Wolverine, after which Logan's girlfriend dies at the hands of Burr. Enraged by the death of another beloved, James attacks the commander of the Devils and loses the battle. After losing his eyes during the fight, Logan manages to escape, but was later brought back by Siber.

On April 22, 1915, while in Belgium, Wolverine encounters the creature Lazaer (an anagram for Azrael, the Angel of Death). An angel, armed with a huge broadsword, attacks Logan and defeats him. Inserting his deadly weapon into Wolverine's chest, Lazaer believes he has defeated the mighty warrior, but Logan pulls the sword from his body and stabs his master with it. After defeating the Angel of Death, James falls into depression, trying to overcome it with the help of alcohol. Once he even tries to commit suicide, but at the last moment he stops. Soon, Wolverine again encounters Lazaer, and he explains to him the reasons for his depression. At that moment, when the Angel of Death stuck his broadsword into Wolverine's chest, he should have died, but did not. The natural order of things was disrupted, resulting in Logan being punished with an ongoing depression. It also became known that if Wolverine received mortal wounds, he would fight Lazaer every time. In case of victory, he will continue to live and heal mortal wounds.

After World War I

After all these events, Logan fled to China, where he intervened in the conflict between the locals and Ogun, a Japanese samurai and sorcerer. Surprised by Logan's abilities, Ogun offered him to be his apprentice, but Wolverine refused.

In 1921, Wolverine ended up in the Mexican desert of Sondran, where he was beaten, captured by local police and charged with stealing a horse. According to local laws, he was sentenced to death. As he was blindfolded and prepared to be shot, a nearby voice asked him if he was the killer. Logan replied, "worse, I stole a horse." The person who was nearby turned out to be a mutant - Mystic. She also stood nearby, ready to be shot. The locals considered her a witch for the blue color of her skin. And although she explained that she was like that from birth, she was sentenced to death. Before the sentence was carried out, Mystique managed to untie his hands, and Logan, who survived thanks to his healing abilities, dealt with the guards and executioners. After being released, Mystique invites Logan to join her group planning to rob a bank in Kansas City.

Arriving in Kansas City, Mystique informs Logan about his rogue friends and reveals the details of his plan to rob a bank. Wolverine refuses the offer to participate in the raid. However, Mystique tries to convince him to follow her and plays on his feelings. Soon her plan works, and Logan gives his consent to complicity. However, he secretly informs the police about the impending crime. In the course of a bank robbery, the knowledgeable police start a shootout and kill all members of the Mystique team. The blue-skinned leader of the gang himself is hiding. Logan is alone again.

Over the next few years, he continued to engage in crime. In the mid-1920s, during Prohibition, Logan was involved in the underground production of alcohol.

Around the mid-1930s, Wolverine strikes up a good relationship with Raven Darkholme and Irene Adler, two mutant lovers. Perhaps due to his impaired memory function, Logan didn't realize that the male-looking Raven turned out to be none other than Mystique.

The Second World War

During World War II, Logan worked in Madripoor with Captain America and Bucky Barnes. They were not aware of Wolverine's mutation and thought he was very lucky. So they nicknamed him "Lucky James". One of their first notable assignments was to rescue Natasha Romanova, who the Hand organization wanted to recruit and turn into a murderer. Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker intervened and advised Bucky to switch their attention to the fascist organization HYDRA. During this time, Seraph, the guardian of Madripoor, and Wolverine's former lover were killed, presumably on the orders of the Romulus community. But what kind of community this is will not be known for several years. Logan decided to officially enter the war and enlisted in the armed forces of the first Canadian parachute battalion. It was while in this battalion that he first met Bloodscream, an immortal being with the powers and powers of a vampire. Wolverine fought in various missions and soon began to call him one of the best among the soldiers of the division. When his contract expired, he decided to go to Japan.

After World War II

After World War II, Logan remembers Ogan's offer and travels to Japan to train in mind control. There, under the patronage of Ogan, he spends several years, after which his mentor becomes like a father to him. Wolverine soon develops a deep sense of affection for Japan, especially the samurai culture and the Bushido code. After finishing training, he travels around the country until he meets the beautiful Itsu, with whom he later starts a family. But fate did not destined him for a peaceful life. One day, Logan returned home to find that his wife had been murdered and his child had been kidnapped. The Romulus Organization was behind this. He had nothing more to lose in Japan, and he returned to his homeland. In Canada, he "joined" the Weapon X project.

Project "Weapon X"

After the events in Japan, Logan decides to join the X-Team (a secret division of the CIA), where he performs a number of especially important missions. In order for the command to control Wolverine, his memories were again changed. So, in the course of missions, he periodically encounters old acquaintances from early comic book issues, but does not remember them. The desire of the command to control Logan was so strong that when he unexpectedly showed sympathy for Janice (a secret agent), he immediately paid for it. With Sabretooth's help, Janice was killed and Wolverine was taught a lesson in loyalty.

Subsequently, Wolverine leaves the X-Squad, but immediately becomes interesting to many unknown persons. One secret organization decides that Logan should take part in their experiments on mutants. The fact that Logan is able to heal almost any wound leads them to attack James and kidnap him. In the future, Logan is subjected to a series of experiments, in particular, his skeleton is combined with the rarest metal adamantium. This metal is able to withstand enormous loads and various external influences. The goal of the experiment was to create the perfect soldier to kill. And this plan was carried out. Traditionally, James' memory has been altered and his personality altered through suggestion and hypnosis. The new Wolverine became an obedient weapon and carried out any orders. One day, as a test of his loyalty, he was ordered to slaughter an entire settlement. The order was carried out, and the memories were erased again. Subsequently, the personality of James begins to awaken, and in the end, the power of suggestion wins. Logan finds himself, but loses control. Intoxicated with rage, he judges the participants in the experiment and leaves almost no one alive.

After the tragic events in the Weapon X project, Wolverine escapes to an unknown destination and spends the following months in the forests of Canada. Once he was noticed by James and Heather Hudson. Two people decided to help James, sheltered him and started treatment. Logan's health improved, his psychological trauma subsided, and some of his memory was erased. He successfully forgot most of the events in "Weapon X" and his previous life. As soon as Wolverine got stronger, the truth about the Hudsons was revealed to him. They turned out to be connected to the Canadian government and the Department of H. Logan decides to participate in missions from this organization. During one of them, he encounters the Hulk himself. That clash turned into a battle that lasted a very long time and ended in a draw. It was then that Wolverine was spotted by Professor Charles Xavier.

Wolverine in X-men

Relations between H and Wolverine were not smooth. Logan did not want to continue to participate in their missions, as he again became a puppet in the hands of the leadership. At that moment, the professor appears and makes a tempting offer to Logan to join his squad and mutant school. Logan accepts Xavier's offer, but "H" comes into play. After influencing Wolverine's mind, the Department of H orders the death of Charles Xavier. Wolverine, no longer in control of his actions, proceeds to complete the task. Unfortunately for H, Xavier was in control of the progress of this mission and intervened just in time. He returned Logan to his identity and made a new proposal. James was supposed to take part in the X-men, and Xavier was supposed to help him regain his memory. The agreement was accepted.

Joining the X-men, Logan takes on many missions to protect mutants and humans around the world. In the team, he meets and begins to have romantic feelings for her. Jean also has an attraction to Logan, but is already in a relationship with the leader of the X-Men, Cyclops. At that moment, a long fight between Logan and Cyclops for Jean's heart begins.

Dark Phoenix

It is in the team of X-Men in the life of Wolverine that the main adventures take place. So, one of them is the Dark Phoenix series. It tells about the cosmic entity - the Phoenix, who moved into Jean Gray after her self-sacrifice to save the team in one of the adventures in space. Phoenix rewarded Jean with incredible telekinetic power, capable of destroying even stars. But at the same time, the personality of Logan and Cyclops' love began to change. As a result of metamorphosis, the Dark Phoenix is ​​born - a creature ready to destroy the entire universe. As the adventure progresses, Wolverine and all the X-Men are faced with a difficult choice - save Jean or destroy the world. As a result, the choice was made by Jin herself. She briefly regained control of her body and committed suicide, ending the Dark Phoenix. Jean's death shocked Cyclops so much that he leaves the team and Logan becomes its commander.

Having led the team, Logan had many other events and lovers. So, in one of the series of adventures, Wolverine began a romantic relationship with Mariko Yashido - the head of the Yashida clan. Their feelings were very strong and they even announced their engagement. But just before the wedding, Mariko's mind was attacked and altered, and she refused Logan. In the future, the fate of Mariko developed in the same way as the fate of other beloved Wolverine. One day, her enemies poisoned her, and Marika asked Logan to end her. Logan hardly complied with her request and left the torment of his beloved.

In one of his encounters with Magneto on his space station Avalon, Logan managed to slash his enemy with his claws. Magneto's revenge was terrible. Using his magnetic field manipulation abilities, he began ripping the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton. As a result, Logan received many severe injuries and lost all the metal in his body. It was then that he discovered that his claws were not the result of "Weapon X" experiments, but were given to him from a mutation. At the same time, Charles Xavier and his team are experimenting on him. It turns out that Logan's mutations, unlike most mutants, occur throughout his life. They slowed down, thanks to the adamantium. But, since there is no more adamantium, the mutation will begin its development with renewed vigor. As a result, Wolverine can lose his human essence and become a real beast.

After these adventures, Wolverine decides to lie low and wait for a while. But his plans are violated by Genesis (aka Tyler Dayspring). The villain decides that Wolverine could be the perfect horseman for the Apocalypse. He also had some adamantium, which he acquired after the destruction of Cyber. Genesis implants the metal into Logan's body, but this time Wolverine's mutation does not accept it, and Logan goes berserk. He is in pretty good shape. for a long time, and only with the help of his comrades-in-arms slowly regains his true identity. After a full recovery, Logan decides to return to the X-Men and continue to fight for Xavier.

Wolverine and the New Avengers

After an adventure in Wildlands Logan meets a revamped Avengers team and joins their ranks. Tony Stark thinks that Wolverine can be a useful part of the team in the fight against various enemies. In the course of joint adventures, in one of the episodes, memories return to Wolverine. He begins to separate the real events from the memory forced upon him by the implants in Weapon X. Thus, he learns that he was married to a girl named Itsu. She was pregnant with her son Logan and was killed by Bucky. Later it will become known that Wolverine's son Daken survived and was raised with hatred for Logan. Wolverine swore to himself that he would find his son, no matter what it cost him.

Later, Wolverine took part in the Avengers in adventures related to the supervillain Nitro. In the course of chasing his enemy, Logan is mortally wounded and sent to the astral plane to fight Lazaer. Wolverine loses to an angel for the first time and seemingly dies. But with the help of Doctor Strange, he comes back to life once again. Later, Lazaer warns Logan that in the event of another mortal wound, he will die forever.

Return of Daken

Daken is the son of Wolverine and Itsu, who died at the hands of the Winter Soldier. Everyone was sure that the pregnant Itsu died along with the child, but Romulus, who arrived in time, cut the child out of the mother's womb and disappeared. Thanks to the powers of regeneration inherited from Logan, Daken managed to survive.

After many years, Akihiro (Daken) grew up and matured. All this time he was under the influence of Romulus and thought that his father killed his mother. This news caused Daken to hate Logan fiercely and wish him dead. Daken and Wolverine meet several times. On almost every occasion, Daken tries to kill his father, or at least injure him. But in the end, their feud ends with Daken's death. Wolverine drowned his own son, ending his hard life, full of malice and suffering.

Return to Weapon X

One of Wolverine's subsequent adventures involved the return of the Weapon X project. So, one of the former members of Team X - Maverick - contacted Logan to report a certain Black Guard who got his hands on the files of the Weapon X project. The Blackguard also knew the secret of creating adamantium. As a result, he created a squad of elite assassins of twelve mercenaries. Their skeletons were made of adamantium, they had laser claws and the ability to regenerate. After several atrocities of the Black Guard, Logan managed to cope with the special. detachment, kill most of the mercenaries and expose the Black Guard to the whole world. Unfortunately, the main performer managed to survive. Also, Logan had no idea that Maverick had a direct bearing on everything that happened. He was the one who stole the Weapon X files and sold them on the black market. Maverick later killed the customer he sold the files to.

Wolverine Goes to Hell

In one of the subsequent adventures, through the fault of the Red Right Hand organization, Wolverine ends up in hell. His dead body, left in the real world, receives the soul of a demon and begins to kill all the people and mutants close to him. Wolverine's soul roams Hell and fights demons. There he meets Thomas Logan, who tells him that he is his own father. James also faces old adversaries. In one of the battles, he is forced to fight Sabretooth again. Meanwhile, his friends in the real world are trying to perform a ritual and return Logan's soul to his body. This plan is working. The returned Wolverine wants revenge and goes hunting for the "Red Right Hand".
After learning about the location of the Hand, Logan invades their base and kills everyone involved in this company. After exterminating all the members, he discovers a message stating that the members were Logan's illegitimate children. This news shocks Logan and he falls into deep despair. He collects the murdered children and buries them next to their mothers (Logan's ex-girlfriends). Logan gets out of depression not so quickly, and only after he saved children in one of the adventures, given to be torn to pieces by wolves.

Jean Gray Mutant School

After killing his own children and a long depression, Wolverine returned to the X-Men, where he faced Cyclops' controversial decisions. During his adventures on Utopia, Cyclops decides to gather mutant children for battle. Logan is categorically against this idea and believes that mutant children should not participate in battles. However, Cyclops does not intend to listen to Logan's arguments. After the children take part in the battle on Utopia, Logan finally goes berserk and tries to stop Cyclops. Between them, a verbal skirmish begins, which turns into a fight. After these events, Wolverine finally decides to end all relations with Cyclops and invites the children who share his position to go with him. Thus, Wolverine founds a new school of mutants named Jean Grey. Here, along with, he teaches children in the spirit of Charles Xavier.

New Avengers in Xavier's Death

Having founded his school, Wolverine decides to join the Avengers team. This decision was facilitated by the imminent coming of the Phoenix. As expected, the Phoenix was supposed to move into a certain Hope, which the Avengers were trying to track down. Cyclops' team didn't sit on the sidelines either. They had their own plans for Hope, and the Avengers got in their way. A real war broke out for her. As a result, the Avengers converge in battle with the X-Men. During the battle, the Phoenix descends on them and inhabits several mutants (including Cyclops) from the X-men squad. After this battle, the Avengers and many mutants understand the destructive nature of the Phoenix and decide to strike at everyone he possesses. As the Phoenix attacks, only one Cyclops remains. Then Phoenix completely inhabits him and Cyclops loses control over his mind. The battle begins with the new incarnation of the Dark Phoenix. As a result of the fight, Cyclops kills Professor Xavier, but he himself loses the battle. Phoenix leaves Cyclops and he gains control over his body. After these adventures, Cyclops ends up in prison, where he sees Wolverine again. Logan wants to kill his old enemy and get even for everything that happened to them. The Cyclops also wants this, realizing what he has done. At the right moment, Wolverine gains control over himself and leaves Cyclops alive.

Mortal Wolverine

During one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. operations. Wolverine was infected with a virus from the Microverse and lost his healing abilities. Since that time, a black streak begins in Logan's life. He loses a series of fights with his enemies and is captured. The enemies of Wolverine, who learned about the deprivation of regeneration, torture and humiliate him, but leave him alive. Then the virus turns to Logan and offers a deal. He is willing to return James' regeneration ability in exchange for being able to exist in Logan's body and survive. Wolverine refuses the offer and finally loses his healing power.

After these events, the broken hero leaves the post of head of the Jean Gray mutant school and breaks off relations with almost all of his friends. Wolverine is afraid of death, and as a result, he can no longer fight and defend his principles. However, he wants revenge on his enemies, and especially Sabretooth. Logan's remaining friends decide to help and arrange for Logan to meet with Death itself. Death talks to James and gives his kiss. Also, Logan is presented with Rosie (a girl whom he accidentally killed in his youth during a fight with his brother). Rosie forgives Wolverine for this act. Encouraged, Logan puts aside his fear of death and prepares to take on Sabretooth.
Logan enters the duel with his old enemy without any armor. His self-confidence is so great that Sabretooth quickly loses a fight with him. Logan is able to finally end the defeated enemy, but leaves him alive.

Death of Wolverine

After the fight with Sabretooth, Logan takes a long time to recover his health and heal his wounds. One day, he becomes aware that somewhere in the Nevada desert, Abraham Cornelius (one of those who pumped adamantium into Wolverine's body) continues his terrible experiments. Logan decides to put an end to this and goes to the base, where the sinister scientist has already recruited new test subjects. Cornelius is driven by a lust for profit, and he does his best to create new universal soldiers. However, they are not endowed with the ability to regenerate, and Abraham decided to use Logan to solve this problem. Logan laughs at Cornelius and shows him by cutting his hand that he no longer has regeneration.

Cornelius realizes that the experiment is failing and decides to kill Logan. He sends Sharpe to him. A battle ensues, resulting in Logan defeating Sharpe. During the battle, Cornelius is seriously injured by broken glass and decides to run away. But first, he activates his adamantium machines. The process of implanting metal into the skeleton of the test subjects has begun. Logan decides he can stop this and rushes to the adamantium tank. He furiously hacks at the sinister machine with his claws and breaks the containment of the tank. The metal intended for the experiment is poured all over Logan, covering him from head to toe. Logan is in terrible pain. With the last of his strength, he helps the test subjects and goes after Cornelius. Leaving the base, Logan spots an injured Cornelius, who has been abandoned by soldiers. He sticks his claws into it and puts an end to the experiments with adamantium.

The metal on Logan's body begins to solidify and James, engulfed in agony, realizes that he will soon die. In pain, he kneels down and is given memories of his difficult life. Not only murders and grief flash before him, but also happy moments. He remembers his lovers, friends, students of the mutant school and slowly dies of suffocation. On the platform in front of the Cornelius base, the sun appears and illuminates a lone adamantium statue of a man on his knees.

Wolverine's abilities

heightened senses

Wolverine possesses superhuman heightened senses comparable to those of animals. He can see much greater distances than an ordinary person. Also, his vision remains clear even in total darkness. Heightened sense of smell and hearing help Wolverine recognize hidden objects. Even a lie of a person Logan immediately recognizes, thanks to his abilities. After all, when a person lies, certain chemical elements are released from him, which immediately become noticeable to Wolverine's scent.

Superhuman strength

Due to his innate mutant abilities and adamantium in his skeleton, Logan has enhanced strength, allowing him to break steel chains, lift 500 kg over his head, and deliver 2-tonne punches. The adamantium skeleton also provides additional flexibility and the ability to support heavy weights.

superhuman speed

Wolverine has an increased speed of reaction and mobility, which sometimes allows him to move faster than people have time to notice. So, in one of the adventures, Wolverine was faster and was able to disable enemies before they pulled the weapon's triggers.

Increased stability

Wolverine's body has enhanced resilience, allowing him to survive in adverse conditions. For example, once he was completely naked in subarctic conditions and received no visible injuries.

Understanding Animals

Wolverine can understand animals. It captures the mood and emotional state of various creatures at a basic level. He feels their fear, pain, happiness and anger. Sometimes Wolverine influences animals, forcing him to perform the actions he needs.

tactical master

On first impression, Wolverine doesn't seem like a brilliant tactician. But this is an erroneous opinion. Logan was trained in the Art of War by Ogun, and also has an innate ability to make quick, thoughtful decisions. When comparing Wolverine's mind to a world chess champion, Logan is four times smarter.

martial arts master

For my long life Logan has learned many types of martial arts. He was a soldier, a CIA agent, a samurai, a member of the X-Men. According to some reports, he is a master of more than 15 forms of martial arts. The extraordinary fighting ability of his hands makes Wolverine one of the greatest fighters in the world.

Expert shooter

James is proficient with most firearms and is an accomplished sniper and knife thrower. But he works more effectively with his own melee weapons - claws.

Expert Swordsman

Wolverine knows the art of handling swords. This he learned in Japan under the guidance of the teacher Ogun.


Logan has enhanced acrobatic skills compared to a normal human. But in acrobatics, he loses to other dexterous superheroes (Captain America, etc.).


Wolverine is fluent in many languages ​​(more than 15). Perhaps this is due to his longevity and many travels to different parts of the world. Such a rich life experience endowed Logan with great knowledge of literature, history and philosophy.

Weaknesses of Wolverine

heightened senses

Wolverine's heightened senses can not only help him, but also harm him. So, increased hearing in one of Logan's adventures played a cruel joke with the mutant. During the battle with the Hulk, Bruce used strong claps as weapons. As a result of them, Logan began to take damage from high-pitched sound and nearly died.


One day, Professor Xavier stated that perhaps Logan should be wary of decapitation. When the body is separated from the brain, the latter cannot send signals for healing and death can occur. Based on the fact that Wolverine has an adamantium skeleton, the option of decapitating him looks unlikely.

Disadvantages due to adamantium

Adamantium endows Logan's skeleton with incredible strength, but also has disadvantages. So, it is subject to a magnetic field, like other metals (which Magneto constantly uses). Also, when near other types of adamantium, Wolverine may experience dizziness and weakness.


Once Wolverine said that he was afraid of being drowned, because. it might kill him. In this case, oxygen stops flowing to the brain and the body slowly dies. The slow is due to Logan's regeneration abilities, but still results in death. Plus, the extra weight from the metal skeleton increases the chance that Logan won't be able to make it to the surface.

Wolverine Equipment

Adamantium Skeleton

The adamantium skeleton is not part of Wolverine's abilities, but he got it during the experiment to create "Weapon X" (see bio). Adamantium is a rare, indestructible metal alloy. As a result of the experiment, the adamantium was distributed throughout Logan's skeleton and made his bones incredibly strong. The presence of adamantium also increased the strength and sharpness of his claws. It is known that with its claws it can cut almost any material. Only other adamantium and vibranium (the material from which Captain America's shield is made) withstood the blow of Wolverine's claws.

Let's say you live in a dugout in the middle of the taiga and don't know each other at all. the plot of the new film about "Logan". We tell: the once vigorous grew old. He had already taken a turn at the clinic, issued all the subsidies, learned to distinguish drug addicts from prostitutes and began to enjoy all the delights of life in retirement, when the situation changed dramatically and required active body movements from him. Well, moviemakers can't let a superhero die in peace.

1. What happened?

A girl distracts Wolverine from cultivating a garden somewhere on the Canadian border. She is all so cute, a poor orphan and generally hug-cry, but there is one "but": Laura Kinney - mutant and clone of Logan with all the features like the original manicure, superhuman strength, scaling greyhound.


2. Why is she so daring?

Because she wasn't dressed up in ruffled dresses or called a little princess. But not only for this reason. Laura was raised as a killing machine and was called the discordant codename "X-23". Claws like Wolverine, only in smaller numbers, as if hinting that studying at the school of noble maidens never shone for her.

3. Where has it already been?

I would like to say that in The Simpsons, but no. The situation is partially copied from the comics "Old Man Logan" and "Death of Wolverine", but directly minimal, barely noticeable.

4. Will Deadpool appear?

The festival of panic and hysteria around the possible appearance of a superhero in red tights ended after a tweet by Ryan Reynolds himself. The gist of the message is: "Guys, close the disco and disperse, nothing will happen". The delicate pink world of hopes has broken, we are waiting for "Deadpool 2".

5. What's wrong with Professor X?

Ltd! Xavier enjoys all the pleasures of life, which can only be if you are ninety years old: Alzheimer's disease, grouchiness, incontinence. But she remains the same gentle darling, therefore she persuades Wolverine to almost adopt Laura. Indeed, just like family.


6. What about regeneration?

Yes, not everything is very good with regeneration, just like with nerves, after all, age. Wounds do not heal so quickly and painlessly, scars dissolve reluctantly, and hands are shaking. I would like to sit at home, lick my wounds and not make new ones, but the situation obliges us to actively dump the gang of bad guys. All in all, "Logan" is not so much a celebration of special effects as a road movie, although it will not do without an action, you need to close the story beautifully.


7. That's it, there will be no more Wolverine?

If it does, it will definitely not be performed by Hugh Jackman: a couple of days ago, the actor popularly explained that "too old for this shit" enough. You can understand him, because this is his ninth film in the superhero-claw role. "Pot, do not boil," in general. But on Twitter, Axel Alonso, editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics, recently appeared a mysterious piccha, which depicts something resembling Hulk-Wolverine hybrid. Intrigue!

If the Marvel people do crossbreed Hulk and Wolverine, it will be very ironic, because Logan first appeared in the Incredible Hulk comic.

8. How does Logan pick his nose?

In fact, the issue is very serious. When the idea for the character was under development, artist John Romita realized that the claws needed to be hidden somewhere, "Otherwise, how can a hero pick his nose or tie his shoelaces". Thanks to the ingenuity of the creator, Logan can do all of the above, and even embroider with satin stitch!

(Wolverine) his real name James Howlett is a fictional character and superhero from the universe. He is usually referred to by his pseudonym Logan. He is a member of many teams, the main ones being the X-Men and the New Avengers. The character debuted in issue 180 of the comic. Incredible Hulk, released in October 1974, created by writer Len Wayne and artist John Romita Sr. in collaboration with Herb Trimple.

Publication history

Wolverine's first appearance was in the final panel of the comic. The Incredible Hulk#180 (October 1974) by Wayne with artist Herb Trimple. The character then made several appearances in promotional material for Marvel publications before making a full-fledged comic book debut. The Incredible Hulk#181 (November 1974), which, like the previous one, was produced by Wayne and Trimple. In a 2009 interview, Trimple said that he "remembers vividly" Romita's sketches, and that, according to him, Wayne and Romita "sewed a monster together and it shocked [him]". Trimple goes on to say that it was originally going to be a supporting or third character that appeared in a particular issue with no future prospects. At the same time, Trimple denies any involvement in the creation of the image of Wolverine.

The character's introduction was initially ambiguous, as it revealed very little information about him outside of his work for the Canadian government. In the footage, Wolverine does not retract his claws, although Wayne originally viewed them as retractable. He later appears briefly at the end of the comic. The Incredible Hulk #182.

The next appearance of Wolverine took place in 1975 in the comic Giant-Size X-Men#1 produced by Wayne with artist Dave Cockrum, in which Wolverine was recruited into the new X-Men team among others. Cover artist Jill Kane incorrectly drew Wolverine's mask, giving it noticeably larger characteristic "ears" attachments, which, however, pleased Cockrum, who believed that it was similar to Batman's mask and introduced this image into his work. Cockrum, for the first time, portrayed Wolverine without a mask, and as a result, his characteristic hairstyle became an attribute of the character.

A reboot of the X-Men series followed, starting with issue 94, written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by Cockrum. At first, Wolverine's figure is overshadowed by the other members of the team, although he creates some tension due to his feelings for Jean Gray and the resulting skirmishes with her lover Scott Summers. As the series continued, Claremont and Cockrum (who preferred Nightcrawler to Wolverine) considered dropping the character from the series, but John Byrne, who replaced Cockrum, defended the character, explaining, being a Canadian himself, that he did not want the Canadian character to be removed from the team. The basis for the image of Wolverine by Burn was the image of the hero Paul D "Amato from the film "Kick on Goal" in 1977. Burn also created the Alpha Squad, a group of Canadian superheroes sent to capture Wolverine because of the costs invested by the Canadian government on his training. In subsequent stories gradually became aware of Wolverine's dark past and his unstable nature, which he tries to keep in. Byrne also designed a brown and gold costume for Wolverine, but retained the distinctive hood introduced by Cockrum.


Wolverine is a mutant with superhuman abilities. He possesses regeneration, which allows him to survive after severe injuries, fatal to an ordinary person. Most poisons and diseases also fail to kill and seriously harm Wolverine's health. His ability also increases stamina and agility, sharpens his senses, slows down the aging of the body. Wolverine's skeleton differs from the human one by the presence of six claws (that is, three per hand), similar to daggers and razor-sharp. After participating in the Weapon X experiment, Wolverine's skeleton was coated with an indestructible adamantium alloy. Wolverine is an expert in many types of hand-to-hand combat, has combat training, worked as a scout, mercenary and CIA agent. Participated in the First and Second World Wars, fought in Spain and Vietnam, a great tactician and strategist.

Most often depicted with a very sharp character, fearless and indomitable, with great willpower.

Since 1982 he has had his own comic book.

Much of the plot with Wolverine consisted of his search for his own forgotten past, until his memory was fully restored in 2005 (real time), due to a massive event in Marvel Comics called "M-Day".

In series Wolverine Origins, Wolverine learns the whole truth about his past. In one of the main events of Marvel comics - " civil war"- at first he maintained neutrality during the pursuit of Nitro, but then sided with the "underground" along with " Secret Avengers».


Wolverine is a mutant with some both natural and artificially created changes in his physiology. His innate ability is an accelerated "healing factor" (regeneration), allowing him to repair damaged areas of the body much faster than an ordinary person. This ability facilitated the changes he underwent as part of the Weapon X program, during which his skeleton was reinforced with an indestructible adamantium alloy.

In the comics, it was long believed that Wolverine got his claws along with his adamantium skeleton, but during the "Deadly Attractions" storyline, Magneto stripped Wolverine of his adamantium, revealing a truth, even to Logan himself, about the skeletal nature of his claws.

Descriptions of Wolverine's ability to regenerate vary. At first it was shown as an accelerated healing of minor wounds, but over time, the strength of this ability was increased by the authors. Wolverine's regeneration has been shown by some writers to be able to heal severe wounds in a matter of days or even hours. Other writers continued to increase the power of this ability to the point where he could completely restore his entire body from almost nothing. One of the more extreme examples of this ability of Wolverine shows the complete regeneration of the soft tissues of the body in a matter of minutes after being completely burned (only a skeleton remained). In The Xavier Protocols, a series of profiles created by Professor Charles Xavier, strong and weak sides The X-Men noted that Wolverine's healing factor had risen to "incredible heights" and that the only way to stop him was to be beheaded.

In addition to speeding up the healing of physical injuries, Wolverine's healing factor makes him exceptionally resistant to disease, drugs, and poisons. However, despite this, he still experiences immediate effects of these substances; his liquor poisoning was shown, he was also incapacitated more than once with drugs and poisons. Although his body is healing, the healing factor does not quell the pain he feels when he is injured.

Wolverine's healing factor also affects some of his physical attributes, enhancing them to superhuman levels. He is able to keep his body in full tension even after being injected with strong tranquilizers. Wolverine's mobility and reflexes are also enhanced to levels beyond the limits of the finest human athletes. Thanks to the constant work of the healing factor, he can overstrain the muscles without harm to himself. This, plus the strength of his bones, gives him some level of superhuman strength. Because the presence of adamantium enhances the natural strength of its bone structure, it can move or lift weights that would otherwise damage the human skeleton. He was shown breaking steel chains, lifting several people with one hand and throwing them over the wall, breaking through it, and lifting Big Bear (a huge bear-like creature) over his head, after which he threw him across the room.

Wolverine's mutation also consists of animal-like additions, which include prominent fangs and three extendable/retractable claws inside each forearm. While initially described as bionic implants created by the Weapon X program, these claws were soon labeled as a natural part of his body. The claws, which are not made of keratin, as are the usual claws of most animals, but of extra dense bone, can cut most metals, wood, and some types of stones. Wolverine's hands do not have holes for advancing the claws - they break through his flesh with each use.

Wolverine's senses of sight, hearing, and smell are superhumanly acute. He sees a perfectly clear picture at greater distances than an ordinary person is capable of, even in almost complete darkness. In a similar manner, his sense of hearing is also enhanced, allowing him to hear sounds that ordinary people cannot hear even at great distances. Wolverine is able to use his sense of smell to track down a target by scent, even if that scent has naturally weakened slightly. This sense also allows him to distinguish werewolf mutants despite their different appearances.

Thanks to the high-level psionic shields installed by Professor Charles Xavier, Wolverine's mind is extremely resistant to telepathic attacks and penetration. Wolverine's mind also possesses what he calls "psychic scar tissue" due to so many traumatic events in his life. This serves as a kind of natural defense even against strong telepaths like Emma Frost. Wolverine turned out to be one of two mutants whose memory Scarlet Witch on M-Day could not change.

Wolverine's entire skeleton, including the claws, was filled with adamantium at the molecular level. Thanks to him, his claws can cut almost any hard material. The only known exceptions are adamantium itself, Muramasa's magical blade that can pierce through any material, as well as temporarily suppress Wolverine's healing factor (his location is known only to Logan) and Captain America's shield, made of vibranium, which is slightly less durable, but has the ability to absorb vibration waves . Wolverine's ability to pierce through a substance depends on both the strength with which he can push and the density of the substance. Adamantium also makes his punches heavier, which increases his offensive abilities. But, since adamantium is a metal alloy, this makes Wolverine exceptionally vulnerable to electrical and magnetic attacks.

In the media
Animated series

Wolverine appears with the other members of the X-Men in " Spiderman and his Amazing Friends", in the episode "A Star of Fire Is Born". He is portrayed with an Australian accent.

He also appears, in 1989, in the animated series " Brave X-Men He was voiced by Pat Pinney and this version also has an Australian accent.

Wolverine in the 1990s appears in the animated series " X-Men

Spiderman voiced by Cathal J. Dodd.

In 2000 - 2003, he appears in the animated series " X-Men: Evolution voiced by actor Scott McNeil.

Steven Bloom voices Wolverine in the animated series " Wolverine and the X-Men".

Wolverine appears in the animated series " superhero squad", voiced by Steve Bloom. Logan appears as a member of the team.

Wolverine appears in animated comics" Black Panther, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.

Wolverine appears in " Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes He appears in the episode "The New Avengers" as part of the New Avengers, a team created by Tony Stark in case the main Avengers were defeated. Wolverine joins Spider-Man and other characters to fight Kang the Conqueror. He and the rest of the New The Avengers appear again in the latest series, "Avengers Assemble".

He appears in the anime animated series " Marvel Anime: Wolverine", Wolverine starred in a twelve-episode animated series that premiered in Japan.

Wolverine appears in the Spider-Woman animated comics, voiced by Geoffrey Headquist.

Wolverine appears in the animated series " Marvel Anime: X-Men" voiced by Stephen Bloom in the English version.

Wolverine appears in the animated series " Ultimate Spiderman, voiced by Steven Bloom.

Wolverine appears in " Hulk and SMES agents", in the episode "The Collector" as one of the heroes captured by the villain. He also appears in the episode "Apocalypse from the Wendigo", where he teams up with the Hulk to fight the Wendigo.

Wolverine makes a cameo appearance in " Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Super Heroes, voiced by Steve Bloom.

X-Men: The Last Stand

Wolverine appears in the movie " X-Men: The Beginning. Wolverine", the role of the character was played by Hugh Jackman.

Wolverine appears in the movie " X-Men: First Class", the role of the character was played by Hugh Jackman. In this film, he only appears with a cameo.

Wolverine appears in the movie " Wolverine: Immortal", the role of the character was played by Hugh Jackman.

Wolverine appears in the 2014 film " X-Men: Days of Future Past", the role of the character was played by Hugh Jackman.

Wolverine appears in the movie Logan, portrayed by Hugh Jackman.

In the more than 40 years that Wolverine and his legacy have traveled, the hero has had many adventures and misadventures. He was in many teams, received various incarnations on film or television screens. As the hero changed, so did his costumes. So sit back and read the story about all the Wolverine costumes.

The first version of the black and yellow suit

First appearance:Incredible Hulk #181 (1974)

Appearance: Already during its first appearance, the Wolverine costume resembled the one that many will love in the future. It had all the basic elements: yellow spandex, black tiger stripes marked on it, a pointed mask, gloves, and seemingly useless coat hangers.

The main difference of this version of the costume was a mask with a mustache. Apparently, wolverines look like cats. But still it was a good suit, in need of a little refinement.

Black skin

First appearance: New X-Men #114 (2001)

Appearance: As is the case with most movie comics, monthly X-Men episodes have begun to take their toll from the movie. So the mutants have finally swapped out flashy spandex for slightly less ostentatious black leather.

The team was dressed in leather suits with a bright yellow "X" logo. Was the goal to make the logo just as recognizable? how .

For several years, Wolverine wore a T-shirt and a leather jacket. And this costume even appeared in the game X2: Wolverine's Revenge.

Source: New X-Men (2001) #114, released July 1, 2001.

Ultimate Wolverine

First appearance: Ultimate X-Men #1 (2001)

Appearance: At the dawn of the new millennium, Marvel realized they needed to try something different to attract new readers. Which does not require them to understand the long and intricate history of the characters. Thus, the Ultimate universe was born. The plots in this universe were modern and accessible to a reader unfamiliar with the universe.

Naturally, the X-Men were one of the first comics in the revamped universe. And, of course, Wolverine was among them. This version of Wolverine was meaner and bloodthirsty than before.

The costume visually resembled the cinematic version. He was taller, less hairy and generally more attractive. He even wore a goatee for a while. His suit was also a bit like a classic red-brown, but in a muted color scheme and without the pointed mask.

Source: Ultimate X-Men (2001) #1, released February 10, 2001.

Amazing Wolverine

First appearance: Astonishing X-Men #1 (2004)

Appearance: In 2004, black skin fell out of favor with the editors of the X-Men. So with the debut of The Amazing X-Men, the popular mutants got another visual makeover. Spandex is back.

The basis of the new form of Wolverine was taken from his striped clothes, but with a change in flashy aspects. So Wolverine became one of the last heroes who stopped wearing panties over his pants. This suit immediately became very popular due to its mix of old and new. The costume was present in the main X-lines for many years until the death of Wolverine. He has also appeared as an alternate costume in several games and as Wolverine's main costume in the animated series The Wolverine and the X-Men.

Source: Astonishing X-Men (2004) #1, released May 26, 2004.


First appearance: House of M #2 (2005)

Appearance: After the Scarlet Witch changed reality, House Magneto began to rule the world. The Red Guard squad was created on the orders of Magneto, and in order to quietly penetrate his palace, Wolverine and other heroes dressed in the uniform of this special unit. Dark military uniform with epaulettes and the emblem of the House of M, made in the red signature color of Magneto.

Source: House of M (2006) #2, published June 22, 2005.

Zombie Wolverine

First appearance: Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 (2005)

Appearance: In 2005, zombie-related comics began to gain incredible popularity in the comics industry. And Marvel, following the trend, decided to combine zombies and their characters.

In the Marvel Zombie universe, all heroes and villains have been infected with the zombie virus. And when they ate all the people on the planet, they had to resort to desperate measures to eat.

Despite the healing factor, Wolverine was vulnerable to the zombie virus like everyone else. And worst of all, his healing factor had ceased to function completely.

Wolverine (Wolverine), probably the most famous member of the X-Men team, appeared in the pages of Marvel comics in 1974. Wolverine was supposed to become just an episodic character - a short and bestial mutant, who, on the orders of the Canadian authorities, was supposed to stop the battle between and Wendigo (and, in which case, get rid of the winner). However, he quickly fell in love with readers and the story of the character continued.

Wolverine's real name is James Howlett. He was born in the late 1880s to John and Elizabeth Howlett, but Wolverine's father was Thomas Logan, a gardener who worked for the family. The gardener lost his job and was expelled because his other son, a boy named "Dog" (Dog) tried to rape Elizabeth. The gardener and his second son left the Howlett family, but not for long - Wolverine's biological father soon returned and killed John Howlett, after which the future Wolverine killed his father, and was already expelled by his mother, who soon committed suicide.

After that, the fate of Wolverine did not become more favorable to him. Taking the name "Logan" for himself, he eloped with a childhood friend whom he later accidentally killed with his claws. In order to protect others from himself, Logan decided to live with the wolves, but this did not last long, as hunters exterminated his pack. Then he got into the circus, from where he was freed by Sol Creed, Sabretooth's brother, after which he handed over to Sinister for experiments. Logan had to kill Saul, which Sabretooth didn't like much and started their feud.

Wolverine managed to live with the Blackfoot tribe, move to Japan (where he had a son, Daken, from a Japanese woman), take part in the battles of World War II shoulder to shoulder with Steve Rogers and join Team X (Team X), a secret group of super-fighters. There, he was notably brainwashed, after which he was kidnapped for the Weapon X program, during which his bones and claws were coated with adamantium. The operation to introduce adamantium into the body cannot be called safe and painless, and Wolverine survived it only due to his regeneration, which also saved him from the toxicity of this metal.

By the way, Logan joined the X-Men not of his own free will. Initially, it was said that he was interested in the offer, but as it was later revealed, Professor X forced Logan to join the team with the power of thought. However, Logan liked the team, even though he had some misunderstandings with Cyclops because of Jean Grey.

When, in another skirmish with the X-Men, Magneto removed all the adamantium from Logan's body, Wolverine began to regenerate much better, since he no longer had to spend energy on fighting the toxic metal. In addition, it turned out that he was constantly in a state of mutation, and adamantium slowed down this process. As a result, after some time, Wolverine mutated into this creature. About this period of the history of Wolverine in comics they try to remember as little as possible.

Apocalypse saved Wolverine from complete savagery by turning Logan into one of his Horsemen - Death. Wolverine was again brainwashed, but his inner strength was stronger than the apocalyptic hypnosis and Logan came to his senses. However, after some time, funny company demons, and teammates decided to kill Logan so that he would not suffer. They didn’t kill him, but Wolverine once again decided to live far from civilization, joined a new wolf pack, killed poachers, and then returned to the X-Men team.

Over time, Wolverine founded his own school for the X-Men, not supporting the ideals of Cyclops, whose mind, according to many, began to fail the owner. AT new school others acted as teachers. Wolverine himself teamed up with the Avengers during the storyline, when the fate of Hope Summers was decided, although he did not like to stand up to his friends.

When a sentient virus from the microverse disabled Wolverine's regeneration, Logan clashed in battle with his main enemy, Dr. Cornelius, the initiator of the Weapon X project. Wolverine broke a tank of liquid adamantium, doused himself with it and killed Cornelius, after which the adamantium hardened and Wolverine died dramatically. However, as you know, in the Marvel Universe, the death of a character is not the end of his life.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the role of Wolverine is excellently handled by Hugh Jackman, for whom Logan will be the ninth film in the image of Wolverine.